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Tribute to Last of the Summer Wine - The Early Years
Simon Hardy
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[ INTRODUCTION ] [ Tribute to Last of the Last of the Summer Wine - The Early Years ] [ email snakewine72@yahoo.com – any comments/suggestions or discussions ] [ Hints at the bottom of the code ] [Last of the Summer Wine was a British sitcom that was shown on the BBC from 1973 until 2010. It was set and filmed in and around Holmfirth, West Yorkshire and centered on a trio of old men and their youthful misadventures. The trio changed several times over the years, and during its run more characters were introduced with their own storylines until in the end it became more of an assemble of many characters. This game will keep the focus on the trio, starting with Compo, Clegg and Blamire, before replacing Blamire with Foggy. Seymour will make an appearance, but keeping to the program he will not meet Foggy in game. Over the years locations changed, and I have tried to place most locations as they were later in the show, exceptions being the pigeon loft which only features in the Christmas special ‘getting Sam home’, and the bus station which changed to several locations, but I have used the first location near to the café as used in the first series. Arguably, Compo was the main character and after the actor who played him Bill Owen died in 2010, other characters came in including the actors real son, playing a long lost son who never met his Dad Compo. Clegg played by the actor Peter Sallis was the only original member of the trio to remain until the end of the show.] [ GENERAL ALL GAME CODE SETUP ] Use brief room descriptions. Use fast route-finding. Use no scoring. Storeroom is a room. [ 1 Extensions included ] [Include Transit System by Emily Short.] [not needed for this game] Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. Include Postures by Emily Short. Include Exit Lister by Gavin Lambert. [Include Version 5 of Glulx Text Effects by Emily Short.] [Include Threaded Conversation by Chris Conley] [the 2 above extensions are for working on the full inform 7 which uses glulx not z machine as this website does] [ 2 Extension Setups ] [ 2.1 Postures ] A chair is a kind of supporter. A chair is always enterable. Every chair allows seated. The posture of a chair is usually seated. A chair is usually fixed in place. A bed is a kind of supporter. A bed is always enterable. Every bed allows seated and reclining. The posture of a bed is usually reclining. A bed is usually fixed in place. A cloakroom is a kind of supporter. A cloakroom is always enterable. Every cloakroom allows seated. A cloakroom is usually fixed in place. Instead of searching a cloakroom: Say "there is nothing in the toilet you would want!". Instead of using a cloakroom: Say "you don’t feel the need to go yet!”. Instead of hiding cloakroom: Say "How big is the toilet? You wouldn't fit!". Instead of flushing a cloakroom: Say “You flush the toilet, watching the water swirl away.”. A room can be posture-friendly or posture-unfriendly. A room is usually posture-unfriendly. Every thing has a posture. [ 2.2 Exit Lister ] Rule for listing exits when the player is in a road: do nothing instead. [use this to stop the exit lister] Rule for listing exits when the player is in a river: do nothing instead. [use this to stop the exit lister] Rule for listing exits when the player is in a park: do nothing instead. [use this to stop the exit lister] [ 3 States and Kinds ] A person has a room called destination. A Road is a kind of room. [use this to place backdrop and scenery items in all roads] A Street is a kind of room. [use this to place backdrop and scenery items in all roads] A River is a kind of room. [use this to move animals or people randomly only in the river] A Park is a kind of room. [use this to move animals or people randomly only in the park] [ 4 New Commands ] Understand "use [something]" as using. Using is an action applying to one thing. Understand “flush [something]” as flushing. Flushing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "hide in [something]" as hiding. Understand "hide under [something]" as hiding. Hiding is an action applying to one thing. Understand "activate [something]" as switching on. Activating is an action applying to one thing. Understand "catch [something]" as catching. Catching is an action applying to one thing. Understand "stroke [something]" as stroking. Stroking is an action applying to one thing. Instead of stroking something which is not an animal: Say "be sensible.". Understand "ride [something]" as riding. Riding is an action applying to one thing. [ 5 Time ] [ Split the day into 7, Dawn, Morning, Midday, Afternoon, Dusk, Evening & Night ] Dawn is a recurring scene. Dawn begins when play begins. Dawn begins when Night ends. Dawn ends when MorningBegins is open. When Dawn begins: say "The sun appears on the horizon.". Morning is a recurring scene. Morning begins when Dawn ends. Morning ends when MiddayBegins is open. When Morning begins: say "The sun is now properly up.". Midday is a recurring scene. Midday begins when Morning ends. Midday ends when AfternoonBegins is open. When Midday begins: say "The sun is high in the sky.". Afternoon is a recurring scene. Afternoon begins when Midday ends. Afternoon ends when DuskBegins is open. When Afternoon begins: say "The sun is continues its passage accross the sky.". Dusk is a recurring scene. Dusk begins when Afternoon ends. Dusk ends when EveningBegins is open. When Dusk begins: say "The sun has passed across the sky and is on the verge of setting.". Evening is a recurring scene. Evening begins when Dusk ends. Evening ends when NightBegins is open. When Evening begins: say "The sun is slowly sinking over the horizon.". Night is a recurring scene. Night begins when Evening ends. Night ends when DawnBegins is open. When Night begins: say "Now it is night.". DawnBegins is a closed openable container. DawnBegins is in Storeroom. MorningBegins is a closed openable container. MorningBegins is in Storeroom. MiddayBegins is a closed openable container. MiddayBegins is in Storeroom. AfternoonBegins is a closed openable container. AfternoonBegins is in Storeroom. DuskBegins is a closed openable container. DuskBegins is in Storeroom. EveningBegins is a closed openable container. EveningBegins is in Storeroom. NightBegins is a closed openable container. NightBegins is in Storeroom. Every turn when DawnBegins is open: Now DawnBegins is closed; Now TD is 1. Every turn when MorningBegins is open: Now MorningBegins is closed; Now TD is 2. Every turn when MiddayBegins is open: Now MiddayBegins is closed; Now TD is 3. Every turn when AfternoonBegins is open: Now AfternoonBegins is closed; Now TD is 4. Every turn when DuskBegins is open: Now DuskBegins is closed; Now TD is 5. Every turn when EveningBegins is open: Now EveningBegins is closed; Now TD is 6. Every turn when NightBegins is open: Now NightBegins is closed; Now TD is 7. [ 6 Variable ] TD is a number that varies. TD is usually 1. [ used for time of day ] A1 is a number that varies. A1 is usually 1. [ used for feeding the shaggy dog, A2 dog is hungry, A3 after the dog has been fed ] B1 is a number that varies. B1 is usually 1. [ used for starting the conversation in Library b=2 when player sits down and starts ‘transport’] C1 is a number that varies. C1 is usually 1. [ used for asking clegg about bike in the right place 1=blank, 2 = ] D1 is a number that varies. D1 is usually 1. [ used for starting the crash scene] Tray1 is a number that varies. Tray1 is usually 1. [ used for ivy hitting the player in the café with tray ] [7 General Scenery ] [ 7.1 SLGeneral (Streetlights)] SLGeneral is a backdrop.It is not scenery.The printed name is "the streetlights [if TD is 1]begining to flicker and go out[end if][if TD is 2 or TD is 3 or TD is 4]standing like bare trees lining the road[ end if][if TD is 5]beginning to light up[end if][if TD is 6]giving of a warming yellow light, lighting the road[end if][if TD is 7]light up the night[end if]". The description is “Streetlights line the road on either side”. Understand “light” and “streetlight” and “street light” as SLGeneral. [ 7.2 BusStopGeneral (Bus Stops)] BusStopGeneral is a backdrop. It is not scenery. The printed name is “a bus stop”. The description is "This is the local Holmfirth bus stop.[if the player is in Holm11] The Huddersfield Bus also stops here.[end if]". Understand "stop" and "bus stop" as BusStopGeneral. BusStopGeneral is in Holm11 and Holm4. [ 9 When Play Begins ] When play begins: Say “Welcome to Holmfirth, where the BBC sitcom Last of the Summer Wine was set and filmed.[line break]The show ran from 1973 until 2010, most of the actors have now passed away, but they like the characters they played will be fondly remembered.[line break]This is my small tribute, starting with the original trio. Enjoy.....[line break][line break]You were driving home to Huddersfield after working the night shift at the bakery when your car broke down. You locked your car up and are now looking for the bus stop.”; now the player is in Holm9; now right hand status line is "Exits: [exit list]"; move the SLGeneral backdrop to all roads. To say exit list: let place be location; repeat with way running through directions: let place be the room way from the location; if place is a room, say " [way]"; [ Game Code ] [ Map Locations ] [ 1 Holm9 Towngate Road ] Holm9 is a Road. The printed name is “Towngate Road”. The description is “The road heads out of the town northeast. A street is to the southeast.”. Instead of the player going nowhere when the player is in Holm9: Say “the road is too busy to walk on foot”. [ 2 Holm 10 Market Street ] Holm10 is a Street. The printed name is "Market Street". The description is “The narrow street leads northeast. The library door is southwest, and a window looks into the library.”. OldBench is a chair. OldBench allows reclining. OldBench is in Holm10. The printed name is "an old covered bench". The description is "it's just an old bench with a cover, giving some protection from the elements.". Understand "bench" and "old bench" as OldBench. Street2 is scenery. Street2 is in Holm10. The description is "The street continues northeast to where there was once a market held twice a week.". Understand "street" as Street2. Library1 is scenery. Library1 is in Holm10. The description is “The Holmefirth Library is a small haven of cultural learning for the residents of the town. The window looks into the library.”. Understand "library" as Library1. Window1 is scenery. Window1 is in Holm10. The description is “You peek through the library window.[if Compo is in Library] You can see 3 old men seated at a table.[end if][if Compo is not in Library] You see nothing of interest.[end if]”. Understand "window" as Window1. Men1 is scenery. Men1 is in Holm10. The description is “[if Compo is in Library]You cannot see them clearly through the window, maybe you would see them better inside the library.[end if][if Compo is not in Library]You cannot see anyone through the window.[end if]”. Understand “men” and "old men" and "3 old men" and "three old men" and "compo" and " symonite" and "compo symonite" and "clegg" and "norman" and "norman clegg" and "blamire" and "cyril" and "cyril blamire" and "trio" and "trio of men" and "trio of old men" as Men1. Table1 is scenery. Table1 is in Holm10. The printed name is "the table". The description is "You can just make out the wooden table through the window, it's just an ordinary table.". Understand “table” as Table1. [ 3 Holm 11 Market Street ] Holm11 is a Street. The printed name is “Market Street". The description is “This is a narrow street, a building site is northeast but is inaccessible. The street heads southwest.”. Buildingsite is scenery. Buildingsite is in Holm11. The description is “The building site is inaccessible.”. Understand “building site” and "site" as Buildingsite Street1 is scenery. Street1 is in Holm11. The description is "There used to be a market held here twice a week, now the spot the market was held is a building site.". Understand "street" as Street1. Instead of the player going northeast when the player is in Holm11: say "The building site is locked up, there is no way to enter.". [ 4 Library Entrance ] LibraryEntrance is a room. The printed name is “Library Entrance”. The description is “This small wood panelled room serves as the entrance to the library. The only feature you can see is a long wooden counter behind which the library staff can serve the members of the library.”. Instead of the player going west when the player is in LibraryEntrance: Say “you’ve no right to enter the Store Room, it’s for staff only!”. LibCounter is an object in LibraryEntrance. LibCounter is fixed in place. LibCounter is a supporter. The printed name is “Library Counter”. The description is “The library counter serves to separate the library staff from the local residents.”. Understand “counter” and “library counter” and "wooden counter" as LibCounter. Instead of the player going northeast when the player is in LibraryEntrance and Introduce is happening: say "You are about to leave the library when you get a feeling that the solution to your transport problems may be near at hand.". [ 5 Library ] Library is a posture-unfriendly room. The description is "Mr Wainwright wants the library to be a beacon of intellectual learning, unfortunately the locals just like to shelter out of the rain and pass an idle morning reading the local papers.The only features are a wooden table, and of course shelves full of books.". Table2 is scenery. Table2 is in Library. The printed name is "the Table". The description is "it's just an old wooden table.". Understand "table" and "wooden table" as Table2. LibraryChair is a Chair. LibraryChair is in Library. The printed name is "a chair". the description is "just an old wooden chair, it matches the table.". Understand "chair" as LibraryChair. Shelves are scenery. Shelves are in Library. The description is "The shelves are crammed full of books of all types. It's a pity you don't have time to read!". Understand "shelf" and "shelve" as Shelves. Books are scenery. books are in Library. The description is "You haven't the time to stop and read, you need to get home!". Understand "book" as Books. Instead of the player taking the Books: Say "You haven't time to read". Men2 are scenery. Men2 are in Library. The printed name is "the 3 men". Instead of examining men: Say "you could see better if you were sat down". Understand "men" and "old men" and "trio" and "trio of men" and "man" as Men2. [ 6 Library Door ] LibDoor is a closed door. The printed name is "Library Door". The description is "[if the player is in Holm10]The door has a sign on it.[end if][if the player is in LibraryEntrance]Its just an ordinary wooden door.[end if]". Understand “door” and “library door” and “lib door” as LibDoor. Sign1 is scenery. Sign1 is part of LibDoor. The description is "The sign reads 'Holmfirth Library'.". Understand "sign" as Sign1. Every turn when TD is 1: Now LibDoor is closed; Now LibDoor is locked. Every turn when TD is 2: Now LibDoor is open; Now LibDoor is unlocked. [ 7 Library Store ] LibraryStore is a room. The printed name is “Store Room”. [ 8 Holm4 (Towngate Road) ] Holm4 is a Street. The printed name is "Towngate Road". The description is "The road continues out of Holmfirth. You can see a paved square to the southeast.". Street3 is scenery. Street3 is in Holm4. The description is "There is nothing interesting about this road". Understand "road" as Street3. [ 9 PavedSq (Paved Square) ] PavedSq is a room. The printed name is “Paved Square”. The description is “The paved square is in front of a cafe. The cafe is open.The Holmfirth Holy Trinity Church is to the east.”. Instead of going east when the player is in PavedSq: say "the church is closed.". Cafe1 is scenery. Cafe1 is in PavedSq. The description is "Sids Cafe is open for customers.". Understand "cafe" and "sids cafe" as Cafe1. Church1 is scenery. Church1 is in PavedSq. The description is "The church is closed.". Understand "church" and "Holmfirth Holy Trinity Church" and "Trinity Church" and "Holy Trinity Church" as Church1. [ 10 HHTChurch (Holmfirth Holy Trinity Church) ] HHTChurch is a room. The printed name is "Holmfirth Holy Trinity Church". [ 11 SidsCafe (Sids Café) ] SidsCafe is a room. The printed name is “Sids Café”. The description is “Welcome to the infamous Café of Holmfirth. Ivy rules the patrons with an iron rod and a harder stare. Sid survives with a bemused expression and unfaltering cowardice.[line break]It doesn’t have the look of an expensive upmarket restaurant, it’s more what you’d call basic.[line break]The customers don’t complain, is if they would dare with Ivy standing there looking like an angry sergeant major!”. Counter is a supporter in SidsCafe. The description is “Sid and Ivy serve from behind the counter, and any attempt to get past them into the kitchen is dealt with by Ivy using a swift blow to the head of the offender with a tea tray (usually Compo).”. CafeTable is a supporter in SidsCafe. The printed name is "Table". The description is “A typical table, found in every SidsCafe.”. Understand "table" as CafeTable. CafeChair is a chair. The printed name is "Chair". CafeChair is in SidsCafe. Understand "chair" as CafeChair. Instead of taking CafeChair: Say “You’re not brave enough to steal the chair, Ivy would kill you!”. CafeDoor is a door. The printed name is "Cafe Door". CafeDoor is west of PavedSq and east of SidsCafe. [ 12 WC1 (Café WC) ] WC1 is a room. The printed name is "Cafe Toilet". Toilet1 is a cloakroom. The printed name is " a Toilet". Toilet1 is in WC1. Understand "toilet" as Toilet1. [ 13 CaféKitchen (Café Kitchen) ] CafeKitchen is a room. The printed name is "Cafe Kitchen". [ Map Connections ] Library is north of LibraryEntrance. LibraryEntrance is south of Library and southwest of LibDoor and east of LibraryStore. LibDoor is southwest of Holm10 and northeast of LibraryEntrance. LibraryStore is west of LibraryEntrance. Holm10 is northeast of LibDoor and southwest of Holm11 and southeast of Holm9. Holm11 is northeast of Holm10. Holm4 is northwest of PavedSq. WC1 is west of SidsCafe. CafeKitchen is south of SidsCafe. SidsCafe is east of WC1 and north of CafeKitchen and west of CafeDoor. PavedSq is east of CafeDoor and west of HHTChurch and southeast of Holm4. CafeDoor is west of PavedSq and east of SidsCafe. Understand "door" as CafeDoor. HHTChurch is east of PavedSq. [ Scope ] [Not using in this game] [ Region ] OldLibrary is a region. Holm11 and Holm10 and Holm9 and LibraryEntrance and Library and Holm4 and PavedSq are in OldLibrary. [ Atmosphere ] [ 1 BadWeather ] BadWeather is a scene. BadWeather begins when the player is in Holm11 for the first time or the player is on OldBench for the first time. When BadWeather begins: Say “it's starting to rain![line break]”. BadWeather ends when the player is in Library for the first time. Every turn when the player is in a street and BadWeather is happening: say "you are getting wet, better find somewhere to shelter.[one of] Just another typical British summer.[or] Lovely weather for frogs![or] Where’s your umbrella when you need it.[purely at random]”. Rain1 is a backdrop. The printed name is "the rain". The description is "[if BadWeather is happening]The rain is falling from a darkned sky, the clouds are hiding the sun.[end if][if BadWeather is not happening]The rain has stopped.[end if]". Rain1 is in OldLibrary. Understand "rain" as Rain1. Sky1 is a backdrop. The printed name is "the sky". The description is "[if BadWeather is happening]The sky looks bleak, all you can see are rain clouds.[end if][if BadWeather is not happening]The sky looks bright and the sun is shining.[end if]". Sky1 is in OldLibrary. Understand "sky" as Sky1. Sun1 is a backdrop. The printed name is "the sun". The description is "[if BadWeather is happening]The clouds are hiding the sun.[end if][if BadWeather is not happening]The sun is shining, best not look at it to long.[end if]". Sun1 is in OldLibrary. Understand "sun" as Sun1. Cloud1 is a backdrop. . The printed name is "the clouds". The description is "[if BadWeather is happening]The dark rain clouds are covering the sky .[end if][if BadWeather is not happening]The clouds have thinned, allowing the sun to shine through.[end if]". Cloud1 is in OldLibrary. Understand "cloud" and "clouds"as Cloud1. [ Objects ] [ 1 Players Holdall ] The battered rucksack is a player's holdall. The player is wearing the rucksack. The rucksack is closed. Instead of opening the battered rucksack for the first time: Now the player is carrying the StaleBun; Now the battered rucksack is open; Say "you take a stale bun out of the rucksack.". [ 2 Stale Bun ] StaleBun is an object. The printed name is "stale bun". The description is "you were going to have this for your breakfast once you got home.". The StaleBun is in Storeroom. Understand "stale bun" and "bun" as StaleBun. Instead of eating StaleBun: say "you might need this later.". Instead of dropping StaleBun: say "you might need this later.". [ 3 Library Card ] A Library Card is an object. Library Card is in LibraryStore. The description is “This card entitles the holder to membership of the Holmfirth Library.”. Instead of the player dropping Library Card: say "You may need that.". [ 4 Newspaper ] Newspaper is an object. Newspaper is in Storeroom. The printed name is "a Newspaper". The description is "HEADLINE[line break]Bus to Huddersfield brakes down![line break]Bus to Huddersfield not expected to be fixed any time soon![line break]Any one needing to travel to Huddersfield need to seek alternative transport.". Understand "paper" as Newspaper. Instead of the player examining the Newspaper when the player does not carry the Newspaper: Say "you could see it better if you were carrying it.". [Instead of the player reading the Newspaper when the player does not carry the Newspaper: Say "you are not carrying the Newspaper.".] [ 5 Cake ] Cake is an object. Cake is edible. Cake is on Counter. Instead of the player taking the Cake when Ivy is in Sidscafe: Say "Ivy stops you[line break][line break]Ivy[magenta letters] How about paying for the cake first, lets see your money![black letters]". [ 6 Bike] BrokenBike is an object. The printed name is "broken bike". The description is "Cleggs bike, looks the chain is broke.". BrokenBike is in Storeroom. Understand "bike" and "cleggs bike" and "clegg bike" and "chain" and "broken chain" as BrokenBike. Bike is an object. Bike is in Storeroom. The printed name is "Cleggs bike". The description is "Cleggs bike, old but at least you can ride it home now Ivy has fixed it.". Understand "cleggs bike" and "broken bike" and "bike chain" and "chain" and "broken chain" as Bike. Instead of asking clegg about "bike" when C1 is 1: Say “Clegg doesn’t hear you, maybe you should sit down.”. Instead of asking clegg about "bike" when C1 is 2: Say “I’ve got a bike, Sid’s fixing it for me.”; Instead of asking clegg about "bike" when C1 is 3: Now D1 is 2. Instead of asking clegg about "bike" when C1 is 4: Say "[line break]Clegg[green letters] Maybe it needs a woman's touch.[black letters]". Instead of asking compo about "bike": Say "[line break]Compo[red letters] I Can’t afford a bike.[black letters]". Instead of asking Blamire about "bike": Say "[line break]Blamire[blue letters] It's not my bike, ask Clegg.[black letters]". Instead of asking Sid about "bike" when C1 is 3: Say "[line break]Sid[cyan letters] I'm fixing it for Clegg.[black letters]". Instead of asking Sid about "bike" when C1 is 4: Say "[line break]Sid[cyan letters] I give up, it was working fine until I fell off![black letters]". Instead of asking Ivy about "bike" when C1 is 4: Say "[line break]Ivy[magenta letters] Give it to me if you want me to look at it.[black letters]". [ 7 Bus ] Bus1 is an object in LibraryStore. The printed name is "the Local Holmfirth Bus". The description is "The local bus stops at various locations around the town.". Understand "bus" as Bus1. instead of entering or catching Bus1: say " You get on the bus and the bus takes you to Towngate Road. You get off the bus and the bus drives away."; Center “Press Any Key”; Wait for any key; Clear screen; Now the player is in Holm4. Instead of the player taking Bus1: say "try 'you can enter or catch a bus.'". [ People ] [ 1 OldShagnasty ] OldShagnasty is a man in Storeroom. The printed name is “Mr Wainwright”. Understand "mr wainwright" and "wainwright" and “shagnasty” and “old shagnasty” as OldShagnasty. [ 2 Mrs Partridge ] MrsPartridge is a woman in Storeroom. The printed name is “Mrs Partridge”. Understand "partridge" and "woman" and “mrs partridge” as MrsPartridge. [ 3 Compo ] Compo is a man in Storeroom. The destination of Compo is Storeroom. The printed name is “Compo Symonite”. Understand "compo symonite" and "symonite" as Compo. Every turn when the destination of Compo is not the location of Compo: let the right direction be the best route from the location of Compo to the destination of Compo, using even locked doors; try Compo going the right direction. [ 4 Blamire ] Blamire is a man in Storeroom. The destination of Blamire is Storeroom. The printed name is “Cyril Blamire”. Understand "cyril" and "cyril blamire" as Blamire. Every turn when the destination of Blamire is not the location of Blamire: let the right direction be the best route from the location of Blamire to the destination of Blamire, using even locked doors; try Blamire going the right direction. [ 5 Clegg ] Clegg is a man in Storeroom. The destination of Clegg is Storeroom. The printed name is “Norman Clegg”. Understand "norman" and "norman clegg" as Clegg. Every turn when the destination of Clegg is not the location of Clegg: let the right direction be the best route from the location of Clegg to the destination of Clegg, using even locked doors; try Clegg going the right direction. [ 6 Ivy ] Ivy is a woman in Storeroom. The destination of Ivy is Storeroom. Every turn when the destination of Ivy is not the location of Ivy: let the right direction be the best route from the location of Ivy to the destination of Ivy, using even locked doors; try Ivy going the right direction. [ 7 Sid ] Sid is a man in Storeroom. The destination of Sid is Storeroom. Every turn when the destination of Sid is not the location of Sid: let the right direction be the best route from the location of Sid to the destination of Sid, using even locked doors; try Sid going the right direction. [ Animals ] [ 1 Shaggy Dog ] ShaggyDog is an animal. Shaggydog is in Storeroom. The printed name is "Shaggy Dog". The description is "[if A1 is 2]it looks hungry![end if][if A1 is 3]the Shaggy Dog is resting.[end if]". Understand "dog" and "shaggy dog" as ShaggyDog. Instead of stroking the ShaggyDog when A1 is 2: Say "you daren't stroke the dog in case he eats your fingers!". Instead of stroking the ShaggyDog when A1 is 3: Say "you stroke the Shaggy Dog, it's tail gives a slight wag, and a large snore escapes it's mouth!". [ Scenes ] [ 1 Library Opening ] LibOpen is a scene. LibOpen begins when TD is 2. When LibOpen begins: Say “You sit down on the bench which offers some protection from the rain.[line break]Time passes, The head librarian Mr Wainwright arrives and opens up the library, the library assistant Mrs Partridge arrives almost immediately and hurries into the library. You have just decided to continue sheltering in the library when you notice 3 old men approaching the library.[line break] [line break]Compo[red letters] Come on Blamire, tie up that hairy beast and let’s get in the library.[line break][black letters]Clegg[green letters] I don’t know why you have to walk your landladies dog anyway Blamire.[line break] [black letters]Blamire[blue letters] It’s no trouble, I’ll take it back before we go to the café.[line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] Well stop blathering and lets get in the library, I’m getting wet stood here.[line break][black letters]Blamire[blue letters] And we know how allergic to water you are..[line break][line break][black letters]The 3 men continue to bicker as they disappear into the library.”; Now OldShagnasty is in LibraryEntrance; Now MrsPartridge is in LibraryEntrance; Now Compo is in Library; Now the destination of Compo is Library; Now Clegg is in Library; Now the destination of Clegg is Library; Now Blamire is in Library; Now the destination of Blamire is Library; Now ShaggyDog is in Holm10; Now A1 is 2. [ 2 Library Entrance ] Shagnasty is a scene. Shagnasty begins when the player is in Libraryentrance for the first time. When Shagnasty begins: Clear the screen; Say “ You walk into the entrance, at first glance it seems to be empty but then you notice movement from behind the library counter as an elderly intellectual looking man and a middle aged woman stand up.[line break]They are deep in conversation and fail to notice you.[line break]”; Say “[line break][line break]Mrs Partridge [magenta letters] No! Oh Mr Wainwright[line break][line break][black letters]The woman adjusts her blouse and begins to smooth her skirt[line break][line break]Mr Wainwright[cyan letters] Oh! I have to touch you, it’s a need. Now there’s no reason we can’t be adult about this thing, Mrs Partridge[line break]Did you read the DH Lawrence book I gave you?[line break][black letters]Mrs Partridge[magenta letters] Well, I started but then his mother came, and afterwards my husband likes us to watch High Chapparal[line break][black letters]Mr Wainwright[cyan letters] You poor depraved child[line break]But you read enough to get the feel of the passionate intensity? The honesty of the flesh?[line break][black letters]Mrs Partridge[magenta letters] well, more or less. But he doesn’t like me reading in bed[line break][black letters]Mr Wainwright[cyan letters] Filthy Tory swine, but at least we found each other Mrs Partridge[line break]I feel uplifted,[line break] alive![line break]I feel …. new tights?[line break][line break][black letters]Mr Wainwright runs his hand down Mrs Partridges leg[line break][line break]Mrs Partridge[magenta letters] Well, there a bit more expensive, but worth it I think[line break][black letters]Mr Wainwright[cyan letters] every penny[line break][line break][black letters]Mr Wainwright runs his hand down Mrs Partridges leg again, then turns his head and sees you standing there.[line break][line break]Mr Wainwright[cyan letters] if you need me Mrs Partridge I will be in the store room.[line break][line break][black letters] Mr Wainwright disappears quickly into the store room, and Mrs Partridge starts checking the desk with her eyes down looking embarrassed.[line break]"; Now Oldshagnasty is in LibraryStore; Center “Press Any Key”; Wait for any key; Clear screen; Move the player to LibraryEntrance. [.2 Introducing Compo, Clegg & Blamire ] Introduce is a scene. Introduce begins when the player is in the Library for the first time. When Introduce begins: say " The library is empty, except for 3 old men seated around the table.. A scruffy looking man in a green woolly hat (Compo) seems to be studying the racing form on the back of a newspaper while smoking a cigarette. A military looking man with pencil moustache (Blamire) is looking at him disapprovingly. The third man of the trio in an old suit (Clegg) is minding his own business, reading a book.". Instead of the player entering LibraryChair: now the player is on LibraryChair; now B1 is 2. Instead of examining Compo when B1 is 1: say "maybe if you were 'sitting down you could see better.". Instead of examining Blamire when B1 is 1: say "maybe if you were 'sitting down you could see better.". Instead of examining Clegg when B1 is 1: say "maybe if you were sitting down you could see better.". Introduce ends when Transport begins. [ 3 Trio ] Trio is a scene. Trio begins when B1 is 2. When Trio begins: Clear screen; Say "You sit down on the empty chair and before you can talk Compo finishes studying the racing form on the back of his newspaper and puts it down on the table:[line break][line break]"; Say “Blamire:[blue letters] Here, how can you afford fags and backing horses?[line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] Oh, it’s not easy.[line break][black letters]Blamire[blue letters] The bookies got a car, and you’ve got a pair of wellies.[line break]Doesn’t that teach you something?[line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] Aye, he don’t get enough exercise.[line break][black letters]Blamire[blue letters] He never reads the front page.[line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] Oh, give me diarrhoea.[line break][black letters][line break]The third man puts down his book and joins in the conversation.[line break][line break]Clegg[green letters] He does right. I reckon the world’s basically sound as long as there’s racing at Chepstow.[line break][black letters]Blamire[blue letters] He’s been useless to society all his life.[line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] You’re only saying that because it’s true.[line break][black letters]Blamire[blue letters] When we were kids, the rest of us would go for a swim and he’d go for a quick dip through his mam’s handbag.[line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] There weren’t nowt in it, though.[line break]We was poor![line break][black letters]Blamire[blue letters] We can all see how far you’ve come since.[line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] Well, it’s our family tradition.[line break][black letters]Clegg[green letters] It used to be a tradition around here if you were hungry, you could knock on any door and without a moment’s hesitation, they’d slam it straight in your face![line break][black letters]Blamire[blue letters] What’s that got to do with owt?[line break][black letters]Clegg[green letters] Just shows they had character.[line break]Now we’re in an age of compassion. The worlds full of folk hating folk for hating folk.[line break][black letters]”; Center “Press Any Key”; Wait for any key; Clear screen; Now Newspaper is in Library; Now OldShagnasty is in Library; Move the player to Library; Now C1 is 2. [ 4 Transport ] Transport is a scene. Transport begins when the player carries the Newspaper for the first time. When Transport begins: Say "As you pick up the Newspaper your eyes glance to the headline: [line break] Bus to Huddersfield Brakes Down [line break] If the bus isn't working, how are you going to get home?[line break][line break] The 3 old men see you starting to look worried. [line break][line break] Clegg[green letters] Whats up with you, you looked alright until you saw the headline? [line break][line break][black letters]You explain you need to get home, but have no way too now the bus has broken down.[line break][line break] Clegg[green letters] Don't fret, I tell you what you can do, meet me in Sids cafe and you can borrow my bike, he's been mending it for me.[line break][black letters]Blamire[blue letters] Mending it, he's nothing but a big hammer merchant, I don't know why you let him look at it![line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] Sid's allright, he must be to have married Ivy.[line break][black letters]Clegg[green letters] Come on now, lets not put our new friend off, he needs to get home so he'll need to borrow my bike.[line break][line break][black letters]Compo takes a package wrapped in newspaper out of his pocket, after unwrapping it turns out to be an enormous sandwich. A slab of cheese falls out of the sandwich and lands on the book Clegg had been reading.[line break][line break]Blamire[blue letters] Here, you'll have Wainwright down on us again.[line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] Oh, he always knows we come in here for a bite.[line break][line break][black letters]Mr Wainwright enters the library, his eyes immediately spot the mess on the book .[line break][line break]Mr Wainwright[cyan letters] Do you realise that in China they'll pedal 50 miles just to look at a book? They'd know how to treat this place in Peking.[line break]You're out.[line break]You're finished.[line break]I wanted my reading room to be a little light, a beacon, shining in the darkness, keeping the flame of culture alight! Get out. [line break]Go On.[line break]Get out of here! Get over, don't come back! Go on, get out, you're barred! Barred![line break][line break][black letters]Clegg turns to you [green letters] meet me in the cafe, you can get the local bus, it should be at the stop by now.[line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] remember, get to the cafe and 'ask Clegg about bike'.[black letters][line break]Compo, Clegg and Blamire hurriedly leave the library. As Mr Wainwright follows them to the door to make sure they leave."; Now Bus1 is in Holm11; Now Compo is in SidsCafe; Now the destination of Compo is SidsCafe; Now Clegg is in SidsCafe.; Now the destination of Clegg is SidsCafe; Now Blamire is in SidsCafe; Now the destination of Blamire is SidsCafe; Now OldShagnasty is in LibraryEntrance; Now Ivy is in SidsCafe; Now the destination of ivy is SidsCafe; Now Sid is in SidsCafe; Now the destination of Sid is SidsCafe; Now C1 is 3. [ 5 Tray ] Tray is a recurring scene. [Tray begins when the player is in CafeKitchen and Ivy is in SidsCafe.] When Tray begins: Say “[one of]You try to enter the café kitchen, just to have a look around.[or]The kitchen of Sids Café is the domain of Ivy.[or]You wonder why the kitchen is off limits.[or]Health and Safety inspectors wouldn't dare to check the kitchen, you wonder why you do. [purely at random][line break]Suddenly you feel a hand on your shoulder with a grip of iron. Lights flash before your eyes as a tea tray hits you hard over the head and you are thrown back into the café.[line break]Ivy, with a voice that could sink a battle ship shouts: [line break][line break][magenta letters]GET OUT! [line break][line break]CUSTOMERS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN THE KITCHEN![black letters]”; Center “Press any key”; Wait for any key; Now Tray1 is 1. Tray ends when the player is in sidsCafe. Instead of the player going south when the player is in SidsCafe and Ivy is in SidsCafe: Now Tray1 is 2. Tray begins when Tray1 is 2. [ 6 BikeTest ] BikeTest is a scene. BikeTest begins when D1 is 2. When BikeTest begins: say "[line break]Clegg[green letters] Ah, here's our new friend. I was telling him Sid that you've been mending my bike.[line break][black letters]Blamire[blue letters] I told you Sid couldn't mend it.[line break][black letters]Sid[cyan letters] I've fixed it, ye of little faith![line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] I never doubted you Sid.[line break][black letters]Sid[cyan letters] It's outside, I'll give you a demonstration.[line break][black letters]Blamire[blue letters] This should be good for a laugh, I could do with cheering up.[line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] Come on then, what we waiting for lets go.[line break][line break][black letters]Compo, Clegg and Blamire follow Sid outside[line break][line break]Ivy[magenta letters] About time, what do you think this is, a bloody service station![line break][black letters]"; Now Sid is in PavedSq; Now Compo is in PavedSq; Now Clegg is in PavedSq; Now Blamire is in PavedSq; Now the destination of Sid is PavedSq; Now the destination of Compo is PavedSq; Now the destination of Clegg is PavedSq; Now the destination of Blamire is PavedSq; Now BrokenBike is in PavedSq; Now C1 is 3. [ 7 SidsCrash ] SidCrash is a scene. SidCrash begins when the player is in PavedSq and Sid is in PavedSq. When SidCrash begins: say "You Join the others outside to watch Sid ride Cleggs bike, at first everything seems ok as Sid rides the bike round the paved square.[line break]Filled with confidence Sid starts to show off and after circling the square several times there’s a snapping sound and Sid ends up on the floor.[line break][line break]Blamire[blue letters] What did I tell you, he’s nothing but a big hammer merchant.[line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] At least he’ s good for entertainment value.[line break][black letters]Clegg[green letters] Oh well, at least he tried.[line break][black letters]Sid[cyan letters] I'm non plussed, I had fixed it. I give up, maybe you can find someone else to fix it.[line break][line break][black letters]Compo, Clegg and Blamire help Sid back into the café, seeming to forget about the bike."; Now Sid is in SidsCafe; Now Compo is in SidsCafe; Now Clegg is in SidsCafe; Now Blamire is in SidsCafe; Now the destination of Sid is SidsCafe; Now the destination of Compo is SidsCafe; Now the destination of Clegg is SidsCafe; Now the destination of Blamire is SidsCafe; Now C1 is 4. [ 6 Fixed ] Instead of giving BrokenBike to Ivy: Say "[line break]Ivy[magenta letters] Typical, if you want something doing round here let a woman do it.[line break][line break][black letters]Ivy takes takes a look at the bike, then casually mends it and hands it back to you.[line break][line break]Clegg[green letters] You're a marvel Ivy, not only married to Sid but now a bike mechanic.[line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] If I wasn't spoken for by Nora, I could go for you Ivy.[line break][black letters]Blamire[blue letters] You frequently do, as the flatness of your head testifies, the times you've tried to enter her kitchen.[line break][black letters]Clegg[green letters] In a hundred years time archaeologists are going to be digging up our corpses and assuming there was a breed of men with very flat heads, for which of course the flat cap was invented.[line break][black letters]Blamire[blue letters] What drivel are you spouting, flat heads...[line break][black letters]Compo[red letters] Ivy's handy with a tray, just you try entering her kitchen.[line break][line break][black letters]You take the bike of Ivy and thank her, you now have the means of transport to get home. "; Now BrokenBike is in Storeroom; Now the player carries Bike. Instead of riding bike when the player is in SidsCafe: Say "you cannot ride a bike indoors.". Instead of riding the bike when the player is in PavedSq or the player is in Holm4: Say "You start to ride home, longing for your bed.[line break][line break]Congratulations, youv'e completed this mini game, I hope you enjoyed it."; end the story. [ Puzzles ] [ 1 Waiting for the library to open] Instead of the player entering OldBench: Now MorningBegins is open; Now the player is in OldBench. [ 2 Entering the Library Entrance ] Instead of the player going southwest when the player is in Holm10 and A1 is 2: Say "the dog growls at you as you near the door, you decide to stay where you are.". Instead of the player going southwest when the player is on OldBench and A1 is 2: Say "the dog growls at you as you near the door, you decide to stay where you are.". Instead of entering Library1 when the A1 is 2: Say "the dog growls at you as you near the door, you decide to stay where you are.". Instead of entering Library1 when A1 is 3: Now the player is in LibraryEntrance. Instead of giving StaleBun to ShaggyDog: say "the shaggy dog eats the stale bun and then lies down to sleep."; Now the StaleBun is in Storeroom; Now A1 is 3. [ 3 Entering the Library ] Instead of examining or searching LibCounter for the first time: Say “there is a library card on the counter”; Now Library Card is on LibCounter. Instead of the player going north when the player is in LibraryEntrance and the player does not have Library Card: Say “Mrs Partridge blocks your way.[line break][magenta letters]Library Members only![black letters][line break]”. [ Conversation ] [ 1 Mrs Partridge ] After asking MrsPartridge about a topic listed in the Table of MrsPartridge Replies, say “[line break][magenta letters][replies entry].[line break][black letters]”. Table of MrsPartridge Replies Topic Replies “membership” “You need a membership card, there’s one around here somewhere.” “OldShagnasty” “why, what hafe you heard? Were just friends, and I’ll thank you to strop spreading rumours.” “bus” “This is a library, not a bus station.” “compo” “That lot spend too much time in here.” “clegg” “That lot spend too much time in here.” “blamire” “That lot spend too much time in here.” “dog” “No animals allowed in the library.” “cyril” “That lot spend too much time in here.” After asking OldShagnasty about a topic listed in the Table of MrWainwright Replies, say “[line break][cyan letters][replies entry].[line break][black letters]”. Table of MrWainwright Replies Topic Replies “membership” “Ask Mrs Partridge, Management doesn’t deal with that..” “MrsPartridge” “to think I found her in this little back water..” “bus” “This is a library, not a bus station.” “compo” “They would be barred if I had my way.” “clegg” “They would be barred if I had my way.” “blamire” “They would be barred if I had my way.” “dog” “No animals allowed in the library.” “cyril” “They would be barred if I had my way.” After asking Clegg about a topic listed in the Table of Clegg Replies, say “[line break][green letters][replies entry].[line break][black letters]”. Table of Clegg Replies Topic Replies “bus” “That bus is always breaking down.” “compo” “He’s ok, a bit scruffy but his heart is in the right place. ” “blamire” “He’s a bit pompus but ok in his way..” “cyril” “He’s a bit pompus but ok in his way..” After asking Compo about a topic listed in the Table of Compo Replies, say “[line break][red letters][replies entry].[line break][black letters]”. Table of Compo Replies Topic Replies “bus” “I can’t afford to take the bus.” “clegg” “We’ve been friends since school ” “blamire” “Pompous twit..” “cyril” “Pompous twit..” After asking Blamire about a topic listed in the Table of blamire Replies, say “[line break][blue letters][replies entry].[line break][black letters]”. Table of Blamire Replies Topic Replies “bus” “Transport for the lower classes.” “clegg” “We’ve been friends since school ” “compo” “He’s a useless cretin.” [ HINTS ] [shelter from the rain on the bench 'sit' ] [the dog needs feeding, look in your rucksack ] [membership card on counter in library ] [sit in library] [read paper] [take the bus] [ask clegg about bike] [give bike to a woman?]