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Supernatural: Saving Sam and Dean
Pashlee Stimbaugh
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"Upon returning to your motel room after investigating this case, you receive a phone call. Sam and Dean have been taken hostage by vampires. You know this is a trap, but you have to rescue them. The only problem is that you're not quite sure where the nest is. TIP: Examine everything." [bedroom information] The Bedroom is a room. "This motel smells like body odor and moldy carpet. You wouldn't be surprised if room service hasn't been doing their job. To the West is the Bathroom. To the North is the Kitchen. To the East is the Parking Lot." The Bed is in the Bedroom. "You can see your Bed." The Duffel Bag is a thing in the Bedroom. "A Duffel Bag sits on the Bed." The Gun is in the Duffel Bag. Instead of examining the Bed: say "You hadn't bothered to make it this morning. Why make it if you're just going to sleep in it tonight anyway?" Instead of examining the Duffel Bag: say "A Gun is in here." After taking Gun: say "This won't do much good against vampires, but it might come in handy anyway."; continue the action. Instead of examining Gun: say "An .45 ACP pistol. Dean gave it to you after you used it to save his life from a werewolf." Instead of going to the Parking Lot when the Player is not carrying the Machete: say "Why leave without the right weapons? Do you [italic type]want[roman type] to get yourself killed?". Instead of going to the Bedroom when Player is on the Car: say "You can't go in with a car, silly."; stop the action. Instead of going to the Parking Lot when Player is not carrying Gun: say "Are you sure you have all the weapons? You never know what you might need."; stop the action. [bathroom information] The Bathroom is west of the Bedroom. "It's relatively clean in here. Neither you nor the boys ever really leave a mess in the Bathroom. The only mess is somebody's shaving razor and a used towel. To the East is the Bedroom." A Razor is a thing in the Bathroom. Instead of examining the Razor: say "Little hairs are stuck in the dull blades. Ew." Instead of taking the Razor: say "Why would you want to carry this around?" A Towel is a thing in the Bathroom. Instead of examining the Towel: say "This might be the one you used last night. Or maybe Sam used it. You can't be sure. Either way, it smells like gross bathroom floor." After taking the Towel: say "It probably won't help with anything - like, [italic type] at all [roman type] - but okay . . ." [kitchen information] The Kitchen is north of the Bedroom. "The messiest part of this joint. There are paper plates and foam cups just about everywhere, and several beer bottles rest in the sink. A wet spot beneath the fridge tells you that the device is malfunctioning. To the South is the Bedroom." The Counter is a thing in the Kitchen. "You can see a Counter." The Machete is in the Counter. Instead of examining the Counter: say "There is a Machete on the Counter." After dropping Machete: say "Seriously, you might want this."; stop the action. [parking lot information] The Parking Lot is east of the Bedroom. "Towering above the cars are a few yellow lamps that do their best to illuminate the bad asphalt. To the West is the Bedroom. To the North is the Town. To the South is the Forest." Include Rideable Vehicles by Graham Nelson. The Car is a rideable vehicle in the Parking Lot. Instead of examining the Car: say "An old junker that has seen better years." Instead of going to the Town when the player is not on the car: say "Walking will take too long, and there's no time to waste." After going to the Town: say "The Car coughs to life (God, you miss the Impala), and in two minutes you find yourself in the Town."; continue the action. After mounting the Car: say "You get in the car." [town information] The Town is north of the Parking Lot. "You pass one or two bars, a few resale shops, a strip club, and numerous other small businesses. To the North is Murphy's Bar. To the West is the Police Station. To the East is the Forest." [bar information] Understand "exit [thing]" as getting off. Understand "get out of [thing]" as getting off. Instead of going to the Murphy's Bar-Inside when the Player is on the Car: say "You can't go in with a Car, silly."; stop the action. Murphy's Bar-Outside is north of the Town. "This is where you stopped yesterday to investigate the case. Any clues you got came from here." The Murphy's Bar-Inside is north of Murphy's Bar-Outside. "Patrons of varying appearances are seated at tables around the room. To the North is the Restroom." The Bar Door is a door. The Bar Door is above Murphy's Bar-Outside and below the Murphy's Bar-Inside. The Restroom is north of Murphy's Bar-Inside. Katie is a woman in the Murphy's Bar-Inside. "Katie (the bartender) is serving drinks at the bar." Table of Katie Responses Topic Response "Job" or "Work" "[paragraph break]'Same as ever. Boring. At least it pays the bills.'" "Case" "[paragraph break]'Heard you and your partners went out to that old glue factory. Find anything?' [paragraph break] You shake your head. All you found in that factory was a puke-inducing smell." "News" or "Clues" or "Information" "'Come to think of it, I heard a couple of hikers went missing last night out in the Forest. I meant to call you, but by the time I got home, I was so tired I could barely walk in a straight line.'[paragraph break]" "Hikers" "'Yeah. A young couple went out sometime in the afternoon, but they never came back. I don't know why [italic type]anyone[roman type] would want to go into the Forest, what with all the disappearances.'[paragraph break]" "Woods" or "Forest" "'You haven't been out to the Forest? Eerie, I'll tell you that much. Used to be a campground out there in the sixties, but it got closed down after somebody's campfire set fire to one of the cabins. Rumor has it that the ghosts of the people in that cabin are responsible for the disappearances.'[paragraph break]" After asking Katie about a topic listed in the Table of Katie Responses: say "[response entry]" Approaching is an action applying to one thing. Understand "approach [someone]" as approaching. Understand "go to [someone]" as approaching. Understand "talk to [someone]" as approaching. After approaching Katie: say "Beer pitcher in hand, Katie gives you a friendly smile as you approach. 'Hi. What can I help you with, Agent?'[paragraph break]You can ask Katie about her Job, the Case, or News." [station information] Police Station-Outside is west of the Town. "Nothing of interest out here. To the East is the Forest." Police Station-Inside is west of the Police Station-Outside. "No one pays you any mind." Officer McMann is a man in the Police Station-Inside. "Officer McMann stands off to the side." Table of Officer McMann Responses Topic Response "Case" "'Well, we still don't know who could be behind these disappearances.'" "Partners" "'The other agents? I haven't seen them around, but a few of my other officers found your car out by the Forest about an hour ago. They towed it back to the Car Lot which is just through the Metal Door over there.'" "News" "'Yes, a pair of hikers went missing last night. They were supposed to return this morning, but they never showed. There's this old campground out there, closed down after a fire killed some people. Now I guess everyone's blaming ghosts for these disappearances.'" After approaching Officer McMann: say "'Agent! Just the person I've been wanting to see. I just got some bad news about your case.' [paragraph break]You can ask Officer McMann about the Case, your Partners, or the News." After asking Officer McMann about a topic listed in the Table of Officer McMann Responses: say "[response entry]" The Metal Door is a door. It is above the Police Station-Inside and below the Car Lot. Car Lot is north of the Police Station-Inside. The Glass Door is a door. The Glass Door is above the Police Station-Outside and below the Police Station-Inside. Instead of going to Police Station-Inside when Player is on the Car: say "You can't go in with a car, silly."; stop the action. [car lot information] Car Lot is north of the Police Station Inside. "The Car Lot is filled with unclaimed vehicles of all shapes and sizes. To the East is the Forest." Impala is a rideable vehicle in the Car Lot. "The Impala is in front of you." After mounting Impala: say "You get in the Impala." [forest information] The Forest Entrance is south of the Parking Lot. The Forest Entrance is east of the Town and east of Murphy's Bar-Outside and east of the Police Station-Outside and east of the Car Lot. "In the dark, the trees loom ominously above you. To the West is the Town. To the North is the Deep Forest." The Compass is a thing in the Forest Entrance. Instead of examining Compass: say "On the back are the initials D.W. Dean must have dropped this when the vampires brought him here.". Instead of going to the Forest Entrance: if Player is on Car: say "This car is falling apart and won't be able to make the long drive out to the Forest."; if Player is not on the Impala: say "Walking will take too long."; if Player is on Impala: move Player to Forest Entrance. [deep forest] Deep Forest is north of Forest Entrance. "In here it's even darker, and you wish you'd thought to brought a flashlight. Then again, a flashlight would make it easier for the vampires to find you. To the North is the Abandoned Campground." Instead of going to Deep Forest when Player does not carry Compass: say "You need something to keep from getting lost."; stop the action. Small Pouch is a thing in the Deep Forest. "There is a Small Pouch on the ground." Instead of examining Small Pouch: say "Sam and Dean were each carrying one of these earlier. Sam said it contained the ashes of herbs that would help hide their scent from vampires." Instead of taking Small Pouch: say "There is some Herb Dust inside."; continue the action. Herb Dust is in the Small Pouch. Herb Dust is wearable. Before wearing Herb Dust: say "This should help conceal your scent."; continue the action. Instead of going to Abandoned Campground when Player is not wearing Herb Dust: say "If you go in like this, the vampires will find you in an instant."; stop the action. [campground information] Abandoned Campground is north of Deep Forest. "A few log cabins sit in a clearing. Signs of an old fire are visible on the outside walls, and beyond the clearing is a row of markers where people used to pitch tents and park campers. To the North is a Lighted Cabin." Young Vampire is a man in Abandoned Campground. "You can see a Young Vampire here." Griping is an action applying to one thing. Understand "fire [something]" and "shoot [something]" as griping. Instead of griping: if Player is in Abandoned Campground: say "Shooting a vampire only makes it mad. The Young Vampire hisses at you and attacks.[paragraph break]You have died. Return to Forest Entrance."; move Player to Forest Entrance; if Player is not in Abandoned Campground: say "There's nothing to shoot here."; stop the action. Lowing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "attack with [something]" and "swing [something]" as lowing. Instead of lowing: if Player is in Abandoned Campground: say "Dashing forward, you swing your machete and decapitate the Young Vampire before he even notices you're there.[paragraph break]'Sweet dreams, bitch.'[paragraph break]As the monster's head rolls away, you notice something on the ground. It's the Samulet. You should Pick Up the Samulet. Dean will want that back."; if Player is not in Abandoned Campground: say "Please don't maul innocent people."; stop the action. The Samulet is an object in Abandoned Campground. " " Before going to Lighted Cabin-Living Room: if Player is not carrying Samulet: say "You have to take care of that vampire first. You may Fire Gun or Attack With Machete."; stop the action. [living room information] Lighted Cabin-Living Room is north of Abandoned Campground. "Obviously, the lights are working in this cabin. This must be where the vampires have made their nest. To the East is the Hall. To the North is the Dining Room." Old Door is a door. Old door is above Lighted Cabin-Living Room and below Lighted Cabin-Dining Room. "You can see an Old Door." [dining room] Lighted Cabin-Dining Room is north of Lighted Cabin-Living Room. Wooden Table is a thing in the Lighted Cabin-Dining Room. "There is a Wooden Table here." Small Key is in the Wooden Table. Instead of examining Wooden Table: say "There is a Small Key on the Table." [hall information] Lighted Cabin-Hall is east of Lighted Cabin-Living Room. Bedroom Door is a door. Bedroom Door is above Lighted Cabin-Hall and below Lighted Cabin-Bedroom. Bedroom Door is locked and lockable. The matching key of Bedroom Door is Small Key. "There is a Bedroom Door here." Instead of opening Bedroom Door: if Player is not carrying Small Key: say "The door is locked.[paragraph break]Knocking, you call out. 'Sam? Dean?'[paragraph break]From inside the Bedroom you can hear muffled shouts."; if Player is carrying Small Key: move Player to Lighted Cabin-Bedroom; say "The moment you open the Bedroom Door, your eyes land on Sam and Dean. The brothers are tied to chairs, and duct tape covers their mouths. When they see you, the immediately look relieved.[paragraph break]'Well, it looks like you owe me one.' Quickly and firmly, you remove the duct tape covering Dean's mouth.[paragraph break]He flinches. 'Shut up."; end the story saying "You Win".