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1 hour, 52 minutes, 15 seconds
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[~~~Game Opening~~~] When play begins: say "Your name is Rosie Lyre. You have a mission to stop the world from ending, which will be deemed a failure in 1 hour, 52 minutes, and 15 seconds. Your mission is simple: Get to the shrine where the spirit that cursed you lives and stop him. You aren't the nicest person, but do have soft spots for certain people. You might even call those people your friends.". [~~~Synonyms for Dialogue~~~] Understand "The mission" or "time" or "The end" or "The world ending" or "Mission" as "[The mission]". Understand "Spirits" or "The Spirit" or "spirit" or "That Spirit" or "the spirit from before" as "[spirit]". Understand "Freedom" or "freedom to choose" as "[FREEDOM]". Understand "plan" or "the plan" as "[PLAN]". Understand "Shrine" or "The shrine" as "[SHRINE]". Understand "Remain" or "remaining" as "[REMAIN]". Understand "Return" or "returning" as "[RETURN]". using is an action applying to two things. Understand "Use [something] on [something]" as using. [~~~THE VOID~~~] [Where inaccessible objects go when they are out of play] The void is a room. The description of the void is "You shouldn't be here!" The shrine key is an object. The shrine key is here. The description of the shrine key is "A small, old, stone key that has a pattern on it. The pattern is a diamond touching the edges of the bow of the key, and another diamond is in that diamond. This pattern goes on until the diamonds are so small you cannot tell the difference between the diamonds anymore." [~~~Emma's House~~~] Emma's House is a room. "You are in the house of the most tolerable person you've met: Emma. Her house is very small and cozy, which reminds you of her, somehow. You're not here because you like her, or anything... You just need her car. You figure you need to 'ask Emma about car' or something like that. You make a pretty solid guess it would work with any other topic she would know about, too." East of Emma's House is the road. The player is in Emma's house. Emma is a woman in Emma's house. The description of Emma is "A girl who you've known for, maybe, four years? She is way nicer than you, but that is mostly due to how rude and unpleasant you are. You're actually surprised she is still your friend despite that, now that you think about it.". Instead of asking Emma about "[The mission]", say "Emma sighs, and says 'I'm worried about that. A mission to save the world is no small task. That spirit we saw earlier... Are you really cursed? I guess the sinister look of the world now proves you really are...'" Instead of asking Emma about "[spirit]", say "Emma says 'It was very strange. If I didn't see it, I wouldn't have believed you. Now that I think about it... It kinda looks like a jester from like, the medieval times.'" Instead of asking Emma about "Curse", say "Emma gives you a worried look and says 'I had no idea you were cursed until then, I'm so sorry. I won't pester you about how you got the curse because you've already made it clear you don't want to tell me. But... Please deal with it, Rosie. I know neither of us want the world to end.'" Instead of asking Emma about "Car", say "'Of course you can take my car. But I wont be going on this journey with you. Just go east.' Emma says to you. You suspect that if you just go east, you will just cut the crap and start driving, and you aren't planning on heading back, so you might as well ask Emma about everything else you might need a reminder of, like the mission, or something." Instead of asking Emma about "Yourself", say "Emma smiles a little, despite the dire circumstances, and says 'Well, you're a little cold hearted sometimes but I like you... Be careful on this mission, though. I don't want to lose you.'" Instead of asking Emma about "Emma", say "'M-me? Who cares! You have things to do, okay? Don't waste your time on small talk!.. But I have been fine.' Emma says." Instead of asking Emma about "The world", say "Emma says 'It's scary! The sky is red, and I heard there were even small quakes happening! Please be safe, okay, Rosie?'" Pants is an object. Player is wearing pants. Pants is wearable. The description of the pants is "Pants are for wearing. Usually.". Shirt is an object. Player is wearing shirt. Shirt is wearable. The description of the shirt is "A black, thin shirt. Wearing anything heavier in this hot climate would be far too much, and you would likely overheat." [~~~The Road~~~] The Road is a room. "You sit in a car, driving very, very fast. You're pretty sure 'very, very fast' is above the speed limit, but your time is very important to you right now. You also don't care for the law, anyways. The road is made of dusty gravel. Off the road is desert. The sky is a crimson red, it might be due to the world ending, but that's just what you guess. You hear a loud crack, and the ground shakes. You manage to stay on the road, but your car gets a little damaged. You realize if the gas starts leaking, you're screwed. You look ahead. The road stretches north for a long time. It's almost depressing how empty the land is here.". West of the Road is nowhere. North of the Road is the Chasm. The desert is scenery. The desert is here. The description of the desert is "The desert stretches out as far as you can see. It looks very hot and dry, and you are thankful you don't have to walk this journey.". Instead of taking the desert, say "What, like, every grain of sand?" The sky is scenery. The sky is here. The description of the sky is "The sky, somehow, is red. The sky started being red a few hours ago. You're curious about whether or not the sky will stay red during night time, and get a little sad about how the world is probably going to end before that." Instead of taking the sky, say "It's a bit too big for that, don't you think?" The car is scenery. The car is here. The description of the car is "Emma's car. It's a little damaged from that quake". Instead of taking the car, say "You're in the car already. It's not like you can put it in your pocket, anyways." [~~~The Chasm~~~] The Chasm is a room. "You arrive at a large chasm that runs from west to east. You can't see a way to drive across. There is, however, a thin path that you might be able to walk across, and continue north. You wonder why this chasm hasn't appeared on any map you've seen, as you have spent a long time planning this journey. However, you aren't stupid, and you remember that quake from earlier. You connect the dots." South of the Chasm is nowhere. Gasoline is here. The description of the gasoline is "It's gasoline. It seems kind of pointless taking this now that you have to abandon your car. It sits in an orange plastic container. The container is extremely dirty from the desert sand.". before smelling the gasoline: say "You have a mission, and it does not involve sniffing gas.". [~~~Outpost~~~] The Outpost is a room. "You walk up to an outpost. It seems like it was abandoned a long time ago, but despite this, there is someone here. There is a truck here as well. In front of the person, who calls themself the trader, sits an assortment of various items." The Outpost is north of the Chasm. The truck is scenery. The truck is here. The truck is an open container. The description of the truck is "It's a truck with a lot of junk in it. It's very cluttered, you can't imagine how someone would drive it like that.". The shrine door is a closed locked door. The shrine key unlocks shrine door. The shrine door is west of the Shrine's exterior. The trader is a person in the Outpost. The description of the trader is "The trader is sitting on top of a barrel, making them look taller then they really are. They are holding a long stick that reaches to the ground. Next to them sits another barrel, with various items you can't quite make out.". The trader's stick is here. The description of the trader's stick is "A stick the trader let you borrow. They weren't using it much, and to be honest, you don't think you're going to put it to good use either. It's a slightly sturdy stick, covered in the desert dirt. You can't see a good use for it." Instead of asking trader about "Shrine", say "The trader laughs a little. 'Yeah, I know how to get into that shrine... Kind of. I have the key, but it seems I have to wait for a while to use it. I've been here for a while, waiting... But if you have something useful to me I'll give it to you. I'm kinda worried about that red sky. That quake, too. Did you feel that quake earlier?' You tell the trader that's very interesting, but you don't know where it is. They laugh and say 'Oh! It's east of here.'". Instead of asking trader about "Truck", say "The trader puts their hand on their head and says 'I didn't bring enough gas to get back home, so that truck is gonna be sitting there for a while. I was considering walking, but it looks like the shrine is gonna be accessible real soon.'" Instead of asking trader about "Sky", say "The trader takes a glance upwards. Then they say 'I've never seen the sky like this. How long do you think it's gonna last?'" Instead of asking trader about "Outpost", say "The trader says 'I've been here for a few hours. I've gotta find out a way to get back, though. I'm out of gas, and walking is gonna be trouble.'" Instead of asking trader about "Trader", say "Me? I've been here a while trying to figure out what to do. I wanna get into that shrine, so I'm waiting for it to open. But on the other hand, I'm gonna have to figure out a way to get home with a truck that's out of gas." Instead of asking trader about "Curse", say "You tell the trader about your curse. They say 'I'm sorry to hear that! But um, I don't believe you, sorry. You need to get into the shrine, but so do I. So unless you can help me in some way, I'm keeping the key.'" Instead of asking trader about "[The mission]", say "You tell the trader that your mission is to stop the world from ending, and that is the cause of the red sky and the quakes. 'Well, that's interesting and I wish you good luck, regardless of whether or not that's true. If the world really is gonna end, I guess I'll just sit tight right here until the time is up. Not like going anywhere would save me. But if you do save the world, can you help me get back home?'" Instead of asking trader about "Crystal", say "You show the trader the crystal you found in the shrine. 'Woah! Pretty cool!.. But I don't really have a use for that.'" Instead of asking trader about "Kaleidoscope", say "You show the trader the kaleidoscope. They look into it, and say that it is broken.". Before inserting the gasoline into the truck, move the shrine key to the player. Instead of inserting gasoline into the truck, say "You fill up the trader's truck with gasoline. The trader's eyes light up. 'Thank you for that. I guess I better help you back.' The trader says, as they throw the key in your general direction. You catch it, and put it in your inventory. You are now carrying a shrine key." Instead of inserting something into the truck, say "That's a stupid idea. It's not your truck, so don't put your stuff in there!" [~~~Shrine (OUT)~~~] The Shrine's exterior is a room. "Just as you arrive, you see a very large hourglass run out of sand. The shrine itself is not very tall or wide, but it does look long. The shrine is old, and covered with sand and dust.". The Shrine's exterior is west of the Outpost. The Hourglass is in the Shrine's exterior The Hourglass is scenery. The description of the Hourglass is "A huge hourglass, about twice your height. You rule out the possibility that this hourglass has to do with the time limit of your mission judging by how the world hasn't ended. Inside the hourglass, you see desert sand." The sculpture is in the Shrine's exterior. The description of the sculpture is "A very small sculpture you found at the entrance of the shrine. It looks like an hourglass, but it is made of stone, making it practically useless." [~~~Shrine (IN)~~~] The Shrine's interior is a room. "You finally enter the shrine. The walls are made of a very old and untouched stone. The shrine consists of one long hallway with indecipherable writings on the wall in an alphabet and language you don't recognize." The Shrine's interior is west of the shrine door. The crystal is an object in the shrine. The description of the crystal is "A glowing, teal crystal, that seems to radiate some sort of energy you aren't quite familiar with. You found it in the shrine. It looks valuable. Maybe that trader would want it?" The kaleidoscope is an object in the shrine. The description of the kaleidoscope is "A kaleidoscope, however, when you look inside it, it does not give you a pretty arrangement of colours and patterns. Instead, it seems to be broken. Rotating it in any way seems to have no effect, all you can see is red." The Spirit is a man in the Shrine's interior. The description of the Spirit is "A floating spirit. It is dressed in jester's attire. Despite its foolish appearance, it seems to laugh at you, as opposed to you laughing at it. He seems very eager to tell you about something. Maybe you should ASK him about some of the things in here.". Instead of asking the spirit about "Curse", say "You ask the spirit why he cursed you. 'It was needed. I needed you to come here. I set up your curse so that the hourglass would finish one hour before your doom. So, you only have an hour left. Better hurry up!'" Instead of asking the spirit about "Crystal", say "You ask the spirit about the crystal you found here. He says it gives him 24 hours worth of power every day. He also says it will be destroyed along with this earth." Instead of asking the spirit about "kaleidoscope", say "You show the spirit the kaleidoscope. The spirit claims it is working just fine. You ask him to elaborate, and he says 'The kaleidoscope offers a vision. Instead of being colourful nonsense, the kaleidoscope will show you the state of how FATE is going. I look at it to see how the progress of my PLANS are.'" Instead of asking the spirit about "Hourglass", say "You ask the spirit why the hourglass has run out but your time on earth has not. The spirit laughs. 'It's not about you. It was about when I would be free. I was to be trapped here until the hourglass ran out.' You accuse the spirit of being untruthful. The spirit laughs again. 'I may have been trapped in here, but my power reaches far. My power was able to reach you, and the land around you. As long as I was able to do that, my PLAN was perfect. I also needed to unlock the door, But you solved that for me.'" Instead of asking the spirit about "Fate", say "You ask the spirit why he cares about the state of fate. He hands you the kaleidoscope. 'The closer this colour is to black, the less control fate has over us. The closer the colour is to white, the more control fate has over us. But there are some other exceptions. For example, right now looking inside that kaleidoscope will show you red. This is because fate feels threatened, and will act irrationally.' You ask how something abstract like fate can show behavior like fear. 'You are very simple minded. Whatever. You might not understand, but fate is trying a great deal to control us. It can't help it! But my PLAN is to stop fate. I believe we should all have the FREEDOM TO CHOOSE.'" Instead of asking the spirit about "[FREEDOM]", say "You ask the spirit what he meant by the freedom to choose. He feels kind of sad for a moment. 'You are all such simple beings. To you, my mission doesn't have much effect on you. But to more complex beings, specifically me, my mission will be very, very, important! Humans act all the same regardless if they have the freedom to choose or not. This is simply a result of how your brains work. But more complex beings, who have their cognitive systems so complex they are using multiple, complex systems that aren't necessarily limited by the laws of physics and having to exist in this incredibly limiting realm, fate is very important to them!.. Me. I'm doing it for myself. That is why my PLAN is to stop fate from controlling us all.'" Instead of asking the spirit about "[PLAN]", say "You ask the spirit about his plan. He tells you he has already done the first, few, very important steps. They involved luring you here, so that he would be able to bring you to THE END. You don't know what he means by that, but you fear if you ask him he might just send you there. 'Getting you here was no simple task. I couldn't just kill you anywhere, because then I wouldn't be able to send you to the end. I had to bring you here, by making you believe the world was going to end. My magic isn't powerful enough to end the world yet, as I've been trapped in this SHRINE for a long, long time! My magic is powerful enough to cause destruction to a pretty big area, though. Thankfully, you weren't too far away from this shrine. Now that you've finally arrived, and unlocked the shrine, I'm basically free. But I still have to send you to THE END. You will know why I had to when I send you there.' You get a feeling asking about the end will be the only way to find out more about his plans." Instead of asking the spirit about "[SHRINE]", say "You ask the spirit about this shrine. He says it was built by fate. One day, all of a sudden, the shrine happened into existence, trapping him inside. The spirit speculates that FATE was scared of his PLANS." Before asking the spirit about "The End", say "The spirit laughs, for a long time. It raises it's arms, and the world around you starts to tremor. Your vision gets dark. It may have been because the entrance was the only source of light, and now it's getting blocked off by the spirits magic. Or maybe you are becoming unconscious." Instead of asking the spirit about "End", move the player to the end. [~~~END~~~] The End is a room. "You come to your senses again, and the world around you has changed. The sky is a strong blue. Instead of being in a lifeless desert, you are in a large, open field. It seems to go on forever in every direction, without anything but grass. You can hear birds chirping, but you can't see any life, other than the grass... Except for her." Rosie is a woman in the End. The description of Rosie is "It's... You? She gives you a look of familiarity. She seems to want to talk to you about 'What happens now'. In that exact wording. Maybe she would know something about the mission, too?" Instead of asking Rosie about "[The mission]", say "'The curse was that as long as you are alive, the world will march towards its end. Your mission was to stop the world from ending. You are no longer alive, so the world is no longer going to end. Your mission was a success.'" Instead of asking Rosie about "What happens now", say "'As you might have gathered already, you aren't in the living realm anymore. You are in the end realm. The end realm is not one realm, but rather a new instance of it is created every time someone enters. This is your instance of the end realm. This will be our new home, for you and I. But there is still one last choice you need to make. The choice will not effect anything on the universe, the outcome and process will be the exact same. Rather, this choice will be about how you perceive what happens. You are probably curious about US, THE SPIRIT, and THE CHOICE, and I will explain all of those to you. But I will let you choose what information I give you. Just ask me.'" Instead of asking Rosie about "Us", say "'You are Rosie Lyre. You knew that already. However, I am a creation of this realm. The realm of the End, by some impossible chance, has created me, along with all the knowledge needed. My role is to tell you about the choice, and then act accordingly.'" Instead of asking Rosie about "[Spirit]", say "'The spirit is very clever. With my knowledge, it is impossible to make a certain statement on if he controls fate or not. I wouldn't be surprised to either outcome. As soon as he set his own mission into play, there wasn't anything you could do, he had planned and played out everything perfectly. I'm sorry.'" Instead of asking Rosie about "The choice", say "'The choice is one given to you by the spirit. That is why you were brought into the realm of the end. As I said earlier, it ultimately does not matter to the universe which one you pick. This choice only matter to you, as it is deciding your perspective.' 'The choice boils down to a simple act of staying here, or returning to the living realm. However, each of those has important implications that you must know before you make your choice. You must also know that whichever choice you make, I will make the other, ultimately making the choice useless to anyone but you. It is irrelevant to me because I am just a creation of the end realm. Anyways, let me explain the meaning of each choice more thoroughly.' 'Returning back to the living realm does not mean you will keep living your life as normal. You will become another spirit. You will aid the spirit that sent you here in whatever plan he has. Not much of a pawn, because you will still have all the powers of a spirit. However, your will is going to be too weak to challenge his. You will help him fulfill his plans of stopping fate.' 'Staying here means that I will be going to aid the spirit instead. You will not experience whatever the spirit has to offer you. You won't have to deal with him, but you will have nothing to deal with. It will not be lonely, as I will return frequently. Neither choice will last forever, too. We will both cease to exist when the spirit is finished with his plans.' 'These choices probably sound very important. However, in the end, the only thing that is effected by it is your own perception. The same outcome and process will happen for both choices. Which would you like to choose? I will let you wait as long as you like. When you are ready, ASK me about one of the options and I will set it into play.' REMAIN or RETURN?". Instead of asking Rosie about "[REMAIN]", end the game in victory. Instead of asking Rosie about "[RETURN]", end the game in victory. [https://www.homestuck.com/story]