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Taking back the Can (BETA)
Cooper Long
Played 958 times
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New House is a room Description of new house is "You just moved into your new house in San Francisco. There is a door that leads to the beach." Screen door is a door. The Screen door is west of the new house and east of the beach. Beach is a room. Description of Beach is "Its a semi overcast day with light wind. The salt hits your face as the waves come in and out from the great blue sea. But as you look around the beautiful beach you start to hear a crying noise from the distance. There is a Southern Beach to the south." Tiny Octopus is an object in beach Southern Beach is a room Southern Beach is south of beach Description of Southern Beach is " !!!!!!! READ THIS!!!!!!! As you continue walking down the beach the Tiny Octopus stops crying and it starts talking to you. Hello...Hello... Hello can you help me with something? I'm going to tell you a little story. One peaceful day under the great blue sea, was just sleeping in my cozy little can. Yet something felt fishy, I took a peak outside and there he sat. The evil panda known as King Gao Gao. He shakes my can vigorously until I fall out, then he swims away with my can back to the San Diego. And then I became passed out out the beach and you found me. COULD YOU PLEASE HELP ME DEFEAT KING GAO GAO AND HIS ARMY OF WARTHOGS! ALSO GET MY CAN BACK ALONG WITH IT!!!!! You are exiting San Francisco and to the south you see the great city of Santa Cruz." Santa Cruz is a room Wart Hog is in Santa Cruz Santa Cruz is south of Southern Beach Description of Santa Cruz is "As you turn towards the Monterey Bay city of Santa Cruz you see a wart hog charging your way. To the south you see city of Monterey. " Tree branch is a object in room A person has a number called maximum hit points. A person has a number called current hit points. The maximum hit points of the player is 30. The current hit points of the player is 30.