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Kerry Blanton
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"Kellandria" by Kerry Bee The story genre is "Fiction". The release number is 1. The story description is "Find out what cataclysm has silenced the Kellandria Castle as you search through its many rooms." The story creation year is 2012. The Entrance is a room. The description of the Entrance is "Tall black, wrought iron gates block your path." There is a silver key in the Entrance. The description of the silver key is "Marked with an ornate letter K." Your leather satchel is a player's holdall. The player is wearing your leather satchel. The carrying capacity of the player is 2. The iron gate is a lockable and locked door. The silver key unlocks the iron gate. The iron gate is north of the Entrance and south of the Hall of Mirrors. After opening unvisited gate, award ten points. The Hall of Mirrors is north of the iron gate. The description of the Hall of Mirrors is "Your reflection splinters a hundred times as you stand before the mirror-lined walls. You notice a door to the east and an archway to the west." The Solar is east of the Hall of Mirrors. The description of the Solar is "Sun pours into the room from the glass ceiling and large windows. There is plenty of seating, all in blue, and one table. The row of windows is interrupted by a yellow door on the north wall." The black book is a portable object in the Solar. The description of the black book is "A black leather book with a title in small white letters that read 'A Lament or a Lullaby.' You turn to the inside cover. The inscription within reads 'Property of the Queen'. [paragraph break]You skip ahead to one of the last pages. It reads, 'I have heard the same melody in my mind every time I close my eyes. It started when we visited the Green for the... ceremony. Let me leave it at that. I do not wish to discuss that now. What matters is what I believe will happen. This haunting harmony acts only as the herald for some greater visitation. I can feel the tension of it building in the very air. I can sense it in the deadly pull of slumber. Each time I rest it is for a little longer. I fear one day I might never wake up.'" After examining black book for the first time, award five points. The gold key is a portable object in the Solar. The description of the gold key is "So small you almost overlooked it- it's smaller than your thumb." The yellow door is a lockable and locked door. The gold key unlocks the yellow door. The yellow door is north of the Solar and south of the Library. After opening unvisited yellow door, award five points. The Library is north of the yellow door. The description of the Library is "Thousands of books fill the room from floor to ceiling, in piles taller than you are. The black book must have come from here. In a room so large, there must be other exits, so where are they?" The huge tome is in the Library. The huge tome is fixed in place. The description of the huge tome is "The title reads, 'Ye Historie of Castellum Kellandrin'. [paragraph break]You open at a random point in the beginning and start reading. ''Ye Castellum stoode proudlie before ye forrest. Theye built it rocke by rocke, in the days of ye moste noble Familie's fyrste coming, and, juste as ye greate House was once smalle, nowe ye familie hast Dominion o'er alle the landes touchinge on their homesteade.' You flip ahead, towards the end of the tome, 'whilst ye famiilie now art ye much belov'd monarchs, still wouldst their rivales besiege themme, with Armes and Calummnies in greate number. theye woulde playe spectatores to ye Falle of owr soverign familie if theye couldt but conjure it so. no peace shalt visite these landes 'til suche treasonous hearts bee silenc'd fore'ermore, or so do I, ye Royal chronicler proclaimt it.' " Instead of taking huge tome, say "It's far too big to fit in your satchel and too heavy for you to lift anyway." After examining huge tome for the first time, award five points. The Long Black Corridor is west of the Library and north of the Hall of Mirrors. The Long Black Corridor is a dark room. The description of the Long Black Corridor is "With your candle, you notice the portratis and shields lining the stone walls. The corridor is much longer than you thought, you can't see the end clearly from where you're standing. You however notice a door on the far end and one right across from you. Maybe one of the mirrors in the Hall is actually a door?" The broken shield is in the Long Black Corridor. The broken shield is fixed in place. Understand "shields" as the broken shield. The broken shield is fixed in place. The description of the broken shield is "Slashed in half by a strong blow, the coat of arms on this shield can just barely be recognized as a black jackal." After examining the broken shield for the first time, award three points. Before listing nondescript items while in Long Black Corridor: if the broken shield is marked for listing: now the broken shield is not marked for listing. The Kitchen is west of the Long Black Corridor and east of the reinforced door. The description of the Kitchen is "You have found the castle kitchen, a bigger one than any you've ever seen. A cabinet sits in the corner between the oven and a fireplace. Shriveled up herbs hang from the ceiling. A pervasive mustiness fills the room, probably from food that has long since rotted away to nothing.[paragraph break]A narrow stairway leads into the darkness from the south wall." The Kitchen contains a cabinet, a lace tablecloth, an oven, a fireplace, and shriveled up herbs. The cabinet is closed and openable. The oven, fireplace, and shriveled up herbs are scenery. The description of the shriveled up herbs is "Pungent." The cabinet is a container. The cabinet is fixed in place. Some manna, a knife, a small vial, and a dented metal cup are in the cabinet. The description of some manna is "The bread blessed by the Holy City and given to the most dedicated of pilgrims. No one has evere recorded a case of spoiled manna. You are sure its previous owner will no longer need it." The manna is edible. After taking manna for the first time, award three points. The description of the knife is "Still sharp." The dented metal cup is a container. The description of the lace tablecloth is "Great craftmanship and an excellent blanket in a pinch." The Wild Courtyard is west of the Hall of Mirrors. The description of the Wild Courtyard is "It looks like no one has tended the courtyard for ages. The plants overflow from their plots and vines cover the walls completely." The blue gray flower is in the Wild Courtyard. The blue gray flower is fixed in place. The description of the blue gray flower is "The blue gray flower stands alone in the corner. It looks like something you saw once in a book of poisonous flowers... " After examining flower for the first time, award three points. Instead of examining the blue gray flower for the second time: say "Hey! This flower smells familiar! It must be the source of the residue!" ; award three points. The Narrow Stairway is south of the Kitchen and above the Cellar. The description of the Narrow Stairway is "Cold and close. Good thing you're not claustrophobic." The Cellar is a dark room. The description of the Cellar is "At the bottom of the narrow stone steps, you discover a desk covered in papers, a well-stocked wine rack, shelves full of various preserves, and a frayed tapestry." The desk covered in papers is in the Cellar. Understand "desk" as desk covered in papers. The desk is fixed in place. The description of the desk is "The papers sit in neat rows on the desk. You pick up one of the top documents and read it.[paragraph break]I continue to perform my duties as Steward, but it grows harder every month her Majesty slumbers. As it stands, I am the only member of the staff left in the castle. It is too much work for one man and I still have not been able to bring myself to go beyond the top of the Crystal Stair. I fear I too will have to leave soon. The stores of food are running low." After examining the desk, award five points. The well-stocked wine rack is in the Cellar. The well-stocked wine rack is fixed in place. Understand "wine" as the well-stocked wine rack. The description of the wine rack is "There are a lot of fine vintages here, but you don't feel comfortable making off with such valuable goods." The frayed tapestry is in the Cellar. Understand "tapestry" as the frayed tapestry. The description of the frayed tapestry is "It seems to be... a map of the castle! It's very damaged, but you can recognize part of it from what you have already explored. Maybe if you could separate that part from the whole?" The frayed tapestry is a supporter. The intact map is on the frayed tapestry. The intact map is a portable object. Understand "map" as the intact map. Before listing nondescript items while in Cellar: if the desk covered in papers is marked for listing: now the desk covered in papers is not marked for listing; if the well-stocked wine rack is marked for listing: now the well-stocked wine rack is not marked for listing; if the frayed tapestry is marked for listing: now the frayed tapestry is not marked for listing; if the intact map is marked for listing: now the intact map is not marked for listing. The description of the intact map is "There are fifteen rooms, including the stairs. Have you visited all of them?" After examining the intact map, award three points. After taking intact map, say "You delicately cut the useful part out and tuck it into your satchel." The reinforced door is a door. The reinforced door is lockable and locked. The knife unlocks the reinforced door. The reinforced door is west of the Kitchen and east of the Adjunct's Armory. The description of the reinforced door is "Seems to be locked, what could get it open? There's no key around here." After opening unvisited reinforced door, award five points. The Adjunct's Armory is north of the Wild Courtyard. The description of the Adjunct's Armory is "Racks of weapons fill the room. They lack the shine of well-used arms, but they look impressive enough." The rack of axes, rack of spears, broken suit of armor, morning star, and sword up on display are in the Adjunct's Armory. The rack of axes, rack of spears, broken suit of armor, morning star, and sword up on display are fixed in place. The description of the broken suit of armor is "The helm has a crown design on it. The joints on the left arm are bent out of shape. It stands slumped in the corner, like a wounded warrior unable to stand on their own." Understand "armor" as the broken suit of armor. After examining broken suit of armor, award three points. The description of the rack of axes is "None of the axes budge, a pity since they look like proper battle axes, left behind by some long gone soldiers." Understand "axe" as the rack of axes. The description of the rack of spears is "The spears are all stuck fast in their rack. They belong on the front line of some great war, not dusty and forgotten, but you suppose someone else will have to free them." Understand "spear" as the rack of spears. The description of the morning star is "A formidable weapon!" Instead of taking morning star, say "Accursed heavy! You nearly drop it on your foot when you attempt to lift it. So much for that." The description of the sword on display is "Is that dried blood? [paragraph break]You prod at the sword gingerly. A grating shriek of metal on metal and what looked like solid steel splits to reveal a groove like the marrow of bones. There's some sort of residue in it." The residue is in the Adjunct's Armory. The description of the residue is "Blue gray and gelatinous. Where could it have come from?" After examining residue, award five points. Instead of taking residue: say "Do you really want to touch it? Really?" Before listing nondescript items while in Adjunct's Armory: if the residue is marked for listing: now the residue is not marked for listing. The portico is a door. The portico is north of the Adjunct's Armory and south of the Green. The description of the portico is "A covered walkway leads to the outside." The Green is a room. The description of the Green is "You go through the covered walkway to find a vast lawn surrounded by forest. There is a chill in the air." The King's grave marker is in the Green. The description of the King's grave marker is "The marker reads: Owr Kinge, Fall'n in Defynse of his Kingdome. Justice shalle Sett Free his Realm." After examining King's grave marker for the first time, award five points. The Crystal Stair is west of the Wild Courtyard. The description of the Crystal Stair is "Dust hides the strange shine of the crystal. A set of footprints ascend the steps." The candle is in the Crystal Stair. The candle is lit. The description of the candle is "Why is this lit? You pass your hand through the flame, on a very silly whim, but you feel no pain. It must be enchanted." After taking candle when candle is not handled, award three points. The Old Ballroom is above the Crystal Stair. The Old Ballroom is a dark room. The description of the Old Ballroom is "The floor-to-ceiling windows are covered with heavy curtains and you are glad of your candle. It shows you a room frozen in a moment of upheaval.[paragraph break]There are serving platters, crystal wine glasses, cloth napkins, and even shoes abandoned all around the room. It seems like they were dropped hastily as there are wide, faded stains spreading from many of the glasses and platters. Two thrones sit before the north window, one draped in black and the other overturned. [paragraph break]An archway stands opposite the Crystal Stair." The Lunar is west of the Old Ballroom. The description of the Lunar is "This room seems to be an observatory. It has a domed glass ceiling and dark walls. A lone telescope stands in the middle of the room." The blue door is a locked and lockable door. The blue door is north of the Lunar and south of the Royal Suite. The gold key unlocks the blue door. The description of the blue door is "This little lock seems familiar." After opening blue door for the first time, award three points. The telescope is in the Lunar. The telescope is fixed in place. The description of the telescope is "A note attached to the telescope reads: Cepheus left the sky and now Cassiopeia is going out. What does this portend?" Before listing nondescript items while in Lunar: if the telescope is marked for listing: now the telescope is not marked for listing. After examining telescope for the first time, award three points. The Royal Suite is north of the blue door. The Queen is in the Royal Suite. The Queen is a person. A person can be asleep. The Queen is asleep. The description of the Queen is "A small silver diadem perches on her forehead and she lies uncovered atop her bed." The description of the Royal Suite is "Translucent curtains cover the circular windows set into each outward facing wall. The positioning of the windows and the sun conspire, however, to leave the room suspended in a twilight state. It matches the silence of the room -- so complete that you almost don't notice the woman fast asleep on the canopy bed. [paragraph break]She breathes so shallowly that you first mistake her for dead. " After examining the Queen for the first time, award five points. The canopy bed is in the Royal Suite. The canopy bed is a supporter. The canopy bed is scenery. Every turn: if the score is 77: say "[paragraph break]Suddenly, you find yourself drawn to the Royal Suite. On a whim, you press a small piece of manna to the Queen's lips.[paragraph break]You are standing back in the doorway musing when you hear a sound. The Queen is waking up! [paragraph break]She opens her eyes and smiles at you. It's all the reward you could ever want.[paragraph break]FIN."; end the game saying "VICTORY!" The maximum score is 77.