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Julianna Ricardo
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"Azel is my fave" by Anita Charis Use American dialect and the serial comma. Volume 1 - Boring Section 1 - Descri The description of the player is "Scruffier than you recall. You bear a few superfical scrapes and bruises that imply you got yourself into a fight earlier, but you don't recall anything of the sort." The player is wearing pants and a sweater. The description of the pants is "They're pants. There's nothing especially interesting about them except[unicode 8212][paragraph break]Wait, is that a tear? Dammit." The description of the sweater is "Baggy, comfortable, and your favorite color, you only stop wearing this sweater on the hottest of days. Thankfully, it is currently far from hot." Instead of taking off something in the presence of someone who is not the player: say "You are [italic type]not[roman type] about to take your clothes off in front of [the mysterious person]." Section 2 - Everything else? Instead of taking inventory: say "[if the player carries something]You[']re carrying [a list of things carried by the player]. You[']re also wearing [a list of things worn by the player].[otherwise]You[']re not carrying anything right now, and You[']re wearing [a list of things worn by the player]." Volume 2 - Rooms and Furniture Section 1 - Bedroom The Bedroom is a room. "[if unvisited]All of a sudden, you wake up.[otherwise]This is clearly a bedroom, but whose bedroom exactly is unclear.[paragraph break]Whoever it belonged to before hasn't been in here for a long time anyway: everything is covered in dust, except for the bed you woke up in and the chair [the mysterious person] was just sitting in." The chair is in the bedroom. The description of the chair is "An ordinary wooden chair, pulled away from the desk. [The mysterious person] appears to have been sitting there for some time, thoroughly removing the dust." The chair is undescribed. The desk is in the bedroom. The description of the desk is "A simple desk, stained a pinkish red. It and all of the things on it are covered in a thick layer of dust. The only thing worth paying attention to is the ornate pen." The desk is undescribed. The ornate pen is in the bedroom. Understand "pen" as the ornate pen. The description of the ornate pen is "An extremely fancy writing implement." The ornate pen is undescribed. Section 2 - Living Room The Living Room is a room. The Living Room is south of the bedroom. "[if unvisited]You step into the living room and find it thoroughly covered in dust. Gross. There really isn't anything worth looking at, except maybe the bookshelves.[otherwise]A dust-covered room. There really isn't anything worth looking at, except maybe the bookshelves." The bookshelf is in the living room. Understand "bookshelves" as the bookshelf. The description of the bookshelf is "Most of these books are either covered in dust you don't want to disturb or [italic type]incredibly[roman type] boring. The only book worth looking at is an ancient maggyk tome." The bookshelf is undescribed. The magic tome is in the living room. Understand "tome", "book", and "maggyk tome" as the magic tome. The description of the magic tome is "A big book filled with stuff about magic. Too bad you have absolutely no magical skill whatsoever." The magic tome is undescribed. Volume 3 - Azel The mysterious person is a person. The mysterious person is in the bedroom. The description of the mysterious person is "It's not that they're tall, it's just that Azel has the confidence to [italic type]feel[roman type] tall. They're dressed in a practical turtleneck and comfortable slacks, both in dark colors. Their dark hair is tied back, causing their striking green eyes to peer at you unhindered." Instead of examining the mysterious person for the first time: now the printed name of the mysterious person is "Azel"; now the mysterious person is proper-named; say "You aren't sure what to make of this person. Upon first glance, they seem feminine [unicode 8212] but you find yourself second-guessing that conclusion almost immediately. Their shoulders are a touch too broad, their jaw seems a bit too square [unicode 8212][paragraph break]They smile as though they know exactly what you're wondering. It's disconcerting. 'Call me Azel.' They purr." Understand "Azel" as the mysterious person when the mysterious person is proper-named. Every turn: if the location of the mysterious person is not the location of the player: now the mysterious person is in the location of the player; say "[one of][The mysterious person] trails behind you.[or][The mysterious person] follows you.[at random]"; After asking the mysterious person about a topic listed in the Table of Azel's Answers, say "[answer entry][paragraph break]". Table of Azel's Answers topic answer "bedroom" "[The mysterious person] grins. 'Nice place, isn[']t it?' Their grin has too many teeth." "Azel" "'That[']s my name.' [The mysterious person] agrees. 'Picked it out myself.'" "name" "'I told you, it[']s Azel. Really, that[']s my legal name now and everything.'" "gender" "[The mysterious person] laughs. 'That[']s for me to know, and for you to needlessly obsess over. If you're going to be weird like that.'" "self" "'Azel Highchurch, chronomancer, at your service.' [The mysterious person] takes a small bow. 'I found you unconcious in an alley and figured you wouldn[']t like waking up there.'" "chronomancer" "'Ah! Chronomancy is the magical discipline of manipulating time and space.' [The mysterious person] smiles. 'I[']m one of only a few.'"