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Skinny Timmy
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When play begins, say "[bold type]The year is 3022. You were on a mission in a spaceship but were struck by a large piece of debris mid-flight. The debris exposed the ship’s external fuel tank, making the fuel slowly leak out into outer space. Luckily, you discovered a nearby space station on the radar. With your remaining fuel, you managed to connect to it. Now you’re in the spaceship, docked on the space station." The Ship Cockpit is a room. "You stare out the window into the dark expanse, the space station looming all over you. The cockpit has panels filled with controls. [if unvisited] The low fuel indicator beside the helm flickers bright red. You seal the exposed gash caused by the debris up using leftover metal sheets. The gravitational modulating unit is working fine, but the power subsystem seems to be malfunctioning. South to you is the main area of the ship." The Main Area is a room. "A maze of entangled wires, with compartments containing spacecraft instruments lining the walls. In the corner is the ship’s fuel tank, with a meter above it indicating the fuel level. Above you is a hatch connected to the space station." The Main Hub is a room. "In the centre of the Main Hub is a circular display table with buttons along the sides and an empty keycard slot with a red border. On the right side of the wall are barren cupboards, a pool table nailed to the floor and an astronaut suit hanging from the wall. A sofa faces the direction of a television. Under the television stand, you spot board games. Beside the pool table is a small refrigerator with a microwave on it. There are 4 doors: to the North, a door labelled ‘CONTROL PANEL’. South, a door labelled ‘AIRLOCK’. East, a door labelled ‘LABORATORY’ and West a door labelled ‘LIVING QUARTERS’.” The cupboard is in the Main Hub. The cupboard is a closed openable container. The cupboard is fixed in place. The can opener is in the cupboard. The can opener unlocks the Fardichet beans. The description of the can opener is “A sturdy aluminum can opener.” Turning on with is an action applying to one thing and one thing. Understand "turn on [something] with [something]" as turning on with. Instead of unlocking the Fardichet beans with the can opener: now the Fardichet beans are unlocked; now the Fardichet beans are open; say "You use the can opener to carefully open the beans. Inside, you find a red keycard." The astronaut suit is in the Main Hub. The description of the astronaut suit is "A heavy, white suit labelled with the initials 'F.N.' Seems like nobody used it for a while…" The pool table is in the Main Hub. It is fixed in place. The description of the pool table is “A standard wooden pool table nailed to the floor. Scattered pool balls lie on top of the smooth, dark green surface.” The microwave is in the Main Hub. The microwave is fixed in place. The microwave is a closed openable container. The moldy burger is in the microwave. The description of the moldy burger is "A musty burger with mold on it. Putrid, almost unrecognizable vegetables sandwiched between a slice of green cheese and stale, grey wheat buns. It seems to have been there for a while". The description of the microwave is “A really outdated microwave.” Instead of eating the moldy burger: say "This is the moldiest burger in the history of moldy burgers. You try to eat the burger with all your might, but as your tongue hits the face of the moldy buns, putrid patty, and spoiled vegetables, you realize it is impossible for any sane person to eat the moldy burger." Instead of doing something to the object when the player's command includes "incorrect action": say "You mustered up the intelligence to do that. It did not work." The refrigerator is in the Main Hub. The refrigerator is fixed in place. The refrigerator is a closed openable container. The Fardichet beans are inside the refrigerator. The description of the Fardichet beans is "A standard can of beans, with the iconic yellow Fardichet shrink sleeve label wrapped around an aluminum casing. There seems to be something hidden inside the goop." The Fardichet beans is a locked container. The red keycard is in the Fardichet beans. Understand "beans" as Fardichet beans. The sofa is in the Main Hub. It is fixed in place. The description of the sofa is “A tattered leather sofa with food and drink stains all over it.” The Television is in the Main Hub. It is fixed in place. The description of the Television is “A black rectangular monitor with cracks dividing the screen. The wires connecting it to the power port have been cut.” The description of the refrigerator is “A tiny refrigerator.” The TV stand is in the Main Hub. It is fixed in place. The TV stand is a closed openable container. The set of board games are inside the TV stand. The description of the set of board games is “A variety of different board games, including two copies of the ‘Star Wars Imperial Assault’.” The display table is a locked container. The display table is fixed in place. The display table is in the Main Hub. The red keycard unlocks the display table. The description of the display table is “A light-blue metallic display table. Buttons and knobs line the side of the table. Next to one button is a keycard slot with an outline of RED. It seems like this keycard is used to unlock the display table.” Instead of unlocking the display table with the red keycard: now the display table is unlocked; now the display table is open; say "[If unvisited]You use the red keycard to activate the table. The table lights up, emitting a holographic model of the station’s inner rooms and outer surroundings. Data such as the station’s life systems and issue reports are illustrated on a screen. Two flashing dots indicate multiple unknown lifeforms outside of the station; human or not. The room to your right is labelled ‘Laboratory,’ and the room to your left is labelled ‘Living Quarters.’ There are two buttons to unlock their respective doors, labelled 'LAB button’ and 'LQ button.’ The station’s fuel is at 100%. However, the issue report indicates a problem with the solar panels; it requires you to fix the broken one outside the space station. Before the problem is fixed, all integral space station mechanics will remain locked; including the station’s fuel tank. The display table tells you that the Airlock Backdoor can only be unlocked through the Control Panel Room, which requires a higher security blue keycard to unlock. The holographic model advises you to explore the LAB first as it holds important information to repair the station. You see an LQ button and an LAB button." The LQ button is inside the display table. It is fixed in place. Instead of pushing the LQ button when the Left Door is closed: say “The Left Door slides open.”; now the Left Door is open. Instead of pushing the LQ button when the Left Door is open: say "The Left Door shuts closed."; now the Left Door is closed The LAB button is inside the display table. It is fixed in place. Instead of pushing the LAB button when the Right Door is closed: say “The Right Door slides open.”; now the Right Door is open. Instead of pushing the LAB button when the Right Door is open: say "The Right Door shuts closed."; now the Right Door is closed The LQ button is inside the display table. It is fixed in place. Understand "push [something]" as pushing. Understand "press [something]" as pushing. Understand "type [something]" as pushing. The Airlock is a room. "You enter into the Space Station's airlock. You see a Hatch door to the South; it presumably leads to outer space. You see another door to the North labelled as the 'Main Hub Door,’ which acts as a central point to the inner chambers of the space station." The Living Quarters is a room. "The room stinks of a stale odour and wet socks. There is a cluster of bins to the side of the room filled with mismatched socks and underwear. The most potent of the smells coming from the counter. You look around the room; it is desolate on the whole. You see beds lined up against the back wall. The beds are labelled by their respective orders from left to right, from bed#1 to bed#6. All are of the colour blue, except for one which is red." The cluster of bins is an object. It is fixed in place. The cluster of bins is in the Living Quarters. The description of the cluster of bins is "Filled to the top with piles of socks and undergarments that look unwashed." The counter is a object. It is in the living quarters. It is fixed in place. The description of the counter is "A moldy piece of bread with yeast growing on it is stuck to the counter and seems to be inedible for decades, emitting its foul scent throughout the room." The moldy piece of bread is on the counter. The description of the moldy piece of bread is "Yeast is growing on the bread. Just the sight of it makes you vomit." The moldy piece of bread is edible. Instead of eating the moldy piece of bread: say "What is wrong with you? Trying to eat a decades-old disgusting piece of trash? Don't you have anything better to eat? Some self-respect? Dignity?" The bed#1 is in the Living Quarters. It is fixed in place. The description is "An old bed that creaks when you shake it.” The bed#2 is in the Living Quarters. It is fixed in place. The description is “A cluttered bed with pillows and blankets everywhere.” The bed#3 is in the Living Quarters. It is fixed in place. The description is "An empty blue bed.” The bed#4 is in the Living Quarters. The bed#4 is a container. Instead of examining bed#4: say "Red moldy bed. Has a small hinge at the bottom revealing a safe." The bed#4 is fixed in place. The safe is inside the bed#4. The safe is fixed in place. The safe is a locked container. Instead of examining safe: say "Has a number pad on it. Engraved is text that reads: [line break][line break] Ask the creaking golem about the 'way out'. The end to the puzzle, the end to a route. To leave a place, bad or good, behind. The word that makes any journey go blind." The bed#5 is in the Living Quarters. It is fixed in place. The description is "A surprisingly clean and tidy bed in good condition, ready to be slept on.” The bed#6 is in the Living Quarters. It is fixed in place. The description is "A dirty bed with stained sheets.” The blue keycard is inside the safe. The nine-four-seven is inside the bed#4. It is fixed in place. Instead of pushing the nine-four-seven when the safe is closed: say “Correct! The safe is now open, revealing a blue keycard.”; now the safe is unlocked; now the safe is open. Rule for printing the name of the bed#4: say "[printed name of bed#4]"; omit contents in listing. The Laboratory is a room. "Mystical green covers the walls, made up of vines and moss. Only glimpses of the pristine white wall can be seen through the obstruction of all lush greenery. A large tree is erected in the middle, its roots scouring the floor. You see rows of glass capsules lining the sides of the room. In them are dormant species of all sorts, from extraterrestrial creatures with 50 limbs to plants that glow a bright, neon orange. [if the player does not carry a toolbox] One of the glass capsules is broken, with no creature, only a toolbox, inside of it. The end of the room meets a desk, cluttered with papers that are scattered everywhere surrounding a what-looks-to-be-old notebook titled ‘The Galactic Handbook and Alien Encyclopedia’. [line break] [line break] Out of the corner of your eye you spot a robot covered in rust and vines, sporadically producing weird sounds." The robot is a person in the Laboratory. The description of the robot is "Half of its face is slowly peeling off. Seems to sporadically spout strange noises with its burn-out electrical circuit and eerie voice box." Every turn when player can see the robot: say "[one of]The robot creaks and screeches[or]The robot shouts 'BEWARE THE LURKERS'[or]The robot asks 'maasssterr is that youuu?'[at random]". Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" or “converse with [someone]” as talking to. Check talking to: say "[The noun] doesn't reply." Instead of talking to robot: say "[one of]'Hi, there,' you say confidently.[paragraph break]'BLEEPP' it replies.[or]'What do you know about this place?' you ask.[paragraph break]'CREAKK' it replies[or]'Hello' you say again.[paragraph break]'LURKERS!!!' it replies[stopping]". Instead of asking robot about "EXIT": say "'Type nine-four-seven' he replies. 'You are worthy.'" Instead of asking robot about "exit": say "'Type nine-four-seven' he replies. 'You are worthy.'" Instead of asking robot about "the EXIT": say "'Type nine-four-seven' he replies. 'You are worthy.'" Instead of asking robot about "the exit": say "'Type nine-four-seven' he replies, 'you are worthy.'" The desk is in the Laboratory. It is fixed in place. There are papers on the desk. The notebook is on the desk. The notebook is a closed openable container. The description of the notebook is "The Galactic Handbook and Alien Encyclopedia". The drawer is on the desk. It is fixed in place. The drawer is a closed openable container. The worn-down paper is inside the drawer. The rusted key is in the drawer. The description of the rusted key is “A brown metallic key that has been consumed by rust. Presumably fragile.” The description of the worn-down paper is "ALIEN A-1514 A.K.A 'THE LURKER' HAS WOKEN FROM ITS DORMANT STATE AND BROKE FREE [line break] HELP ME [line break] SAVE ME" Understand "look inside [something]" as opening. The capsule labelled 1 is in the Laboratory. It is fixed in place. The description is "contains an unknown species". The capsule labelled 2 is in the Laboratory. It is fixed in place. The description is "contains an unknown species". The capsule labelled 3 is in the Laboratory. It is fixed in place. The description is "contains an unknown species". The capsule labelled 4 is in the Laboratory. It is fixed in place. The description is "contains an unknown species". The capsule labelled 5 is in the Laboratory. It is fixed in place. The description is "contains an unknown species". The broken capsule is an openable container. It is fixed in place. The broken capsule is in the Laboratory. The toolbox is in the broken capsule. The description of the broken capsule is “A shattered, glass container. Shards of glass can be seen scattered on the floor.” The toolbox is a locked container. The rusted key unlocks the toolbox. The Hammer is in the toolbox. The Screwdriver is in the toolbox. The set of bolts is in the toolbox. The Wrench is in the toolbox. The Knife is in the toolbox. The set of pliers is in the toolbox. The roll of tape is in the toolbox. Instead of examining the locked toolbox: say "The toolbox is locked. It makes lots of noise when you shake it. It requires a key to open it." Instead of examining the unlocked toolbox: say "A sturdy red toolbox. Contains a variety of tools: A screwdriver, set of bolts, knife, wrench, set of pliers, hammer, and a roll of tape." Instead of unlocking the toolbox with the rusted key: now the toolbox is unlocked; now the toolbox is open; remove the rusted key from play; say "Successfully unlocked the toolbox. It contains a variety of tools: A screwdriver, set of bolts, knife, wrench, set of pliers, hammer, and a roll of tape." Instead of opening the notebook: say “Reading through the notebook, you encounter drawings of aliens as well as their names and short descriptions. You skim over the horrifying pages of unearthly creatures that crawl on the line of fiction and reality. You reach the last page, showcasing the history of the space station and how it was founded by a covert organization you’ve never heard of before known as the ‘Stella Nexus’. You wonder where all the scientists and crew members had gone. You learn from the notebook that the red keycard controls the display table, whilst the blue keycard opens the control panel room and subsequently the airlock door. In order to locate the blue keycard, you must find and open the hidden safe it resides in." The Control Panel is a room. “The Control Panel buzzes with the dim sound of electricity. A bulky trapezoidal control desk sits in the middle of the room. On it is a panel with various switches, buttons, meters, dials, circuit breakers, and maintenance apparatus. Among these is a particularly large button encased in a glass cover labelled ‘Hatch Unlock Button.’ Monitors display the videos of the many cameras placed across the station. However, the camera that views the outside of the station reads in error. Three sizeable monitor screens are perched on the walls. [if the player does not carry the piece of paper] Taped on the front of one of them is a crumpled piece of paper with dark green ooze staining it. In the far right corner of the room is a clutter of items, including the station’s fuel tank.” The monitor is an object. It is in the Control Panel. It is fixed in place. The piece of paper is an object. It is on the monitor. The description of the piece of paper is “Instrctins to Rpar a Brkn Pnl: [line break] 1. opn th panl w the Wrnc [line break] 2. loosn the bolts with th Scrdrivr [line break] 3. turn to bcksid and op to us Hmr on wirs [line break] 4. use Wnch again to plc covr back n plae” The Hatch Unlock Button is an object. The Hatch Unlock is in the Control Panel. It is fixed in place. Instead of pushing the Hatch Unlock Button when the Hatch Door is closed: say “The Hatch Door is now unlocked and accessible.”; now the Hatch Door is unlocked. Instead of pushing the Hatch Unlock Button when the Hatch Door is open: say "The Hatch Door is now locked and shut."; now the Hatch Door is locked The Outer Space is a room. "You put on your space suit and step out into the vast abyss of Outer Space. The cold emptiness hits your suit. Dotted stars light up the vacant darkness of the vacuum of space. Whichever direction you look towards, the concept of space remains the same. [line break][line break]There are two panels to the east and west of you." The Right Panel is a room. "[if unvisited]You see a faulty solar panel. It cannot function. You need to fix it using a toolbox. As you are about to get to work, you see a black figure in the far distance of outer space. As it gets closer to you, you realize the daunting truth; if you don't finish fixing the panel quick enough, it may end up catching you. If you head back now however, you may never be able to fix the panel. To begin fixing the faulty panel, you must open it up first." The Faulty Panel is a closed openable container. It is fixed in place. The Faulty Panel is in the Right Panel. The description of the Faulty Panel is "It is a faulty panel, with electric jolts irregularly combusting." After opening the Faulty Panel, say "Four interconnected components are afflicted with malfunctions, each component within each other, starting with the first. The components need to be meticulously fixed using the correct tools. (Hint: To fix the broken panel, you need to fix the four 'components' starting from the 'first component' with the correct tools. Fix # component with 'tool')" The First Component is a locked container. It is fixed in place. The First Component is in the Faulty Panel. The Second Component is a locked container. It is fixed in place. The Second Component is in the First Component. The Third Component is a locked container. It is fixed in place. The Third Component is in the Second Component. The Fourth Component is a locked container. It is fixed in place. The Fourth Component is in the Third Component. The Wrench unlocks the First Component. The Screwdriver unlocks the Second Component. The Hammer unlocks the Third Component. The Wrench unlocks the Fourth Component. Instead of fixing the First Component with the wrench: now the First Component is open; say "You've successfully fixed the First Component." Instead of fixing the Second Component with the Screwdriver: now the Second Component is open; say "You've successfully fixed the Second Component." Instead of fixing the Third Component with the Hammer: now the Third Component Is open; say "You've successfully fixed the Third Component." Instead of fixing the Fourth Component with the wrench: now the Fourth Component is open; now the fuel tank is open; say "The Panel has now been fixed. You may return to the Main Hub." After opening the Broken Panel, say "Four interconnected parts are afflicted with malfunctions, each part within each other, starting with the first. The parts need to be meticulously fixed using the correct tools. (Hint: To fix the broken panel, you need to fix the four ‘parts’ starting from the 'first part' with the correct tools. Fix # part with 'tool')" The Left Panel is a room. "[if unvisited] Solar panels that jot through the left side of the space station. You see a faulty solar panel. It cannot function. You need to fix it using a toolbox. As you cautiously approach towards the faulty panel, your oxygen tank receives a major hit from a sharp edge, creating a painfully small hole that makes a high pitched squeaking noise, slowly leaking out the oxygen. This is your only space suit; you can’t afford going back." Instead of opening the fuel tank when the fourth component is closed and the fourth part is closed: say "You can't open the fuel tank while the space station is damaged." Instead of opening the fuel tank when the fourth component is open: say "The fuel tank has already been opened." Instead of opening the fuel tank when the fourth part is open: say "The fuel tank has already been opened." Instead of going from the Left Panel to Outer Space when the Fourth Part is closed: say "You can't leave yet! You must fix the solar panel.". Instead of going from the Left Panel to Outer Space when the Fourth Part is closed: say "You can't leave yet! You must fix the solar panel.". Instead of going from the Right Panel to Outer Space when the Fourth Component is closed: say "You can't leave yet! You must fix the solar panel.". After going from Main Hub to Control Panel when the Fourth Part is open: say "[bold type]Control Panel [roman type]You can see a Control Panel Door, a monitor, a Hatch Unlock Button and a fuel tank (containing fuel tank#1,2,3,4,5) here. [bold type]The fuel tank has now been opened." After going from Main Hub to Control Panel when the Fourth Component is open: say "[bold type]Control Panel [roman type]You can see a Control Panel Door, a monitor, a Hatch Unlock Button and a fuel tank (containing fuel tank#1,2,3,4,5) here. [bold type]The fuel tank has now been opened." Instead of going from Outer Space to Left Panel when the Fourth Part is open: say "You almost have no more oxygen left! It's too risky to adventure deeper into the Left Panel!". Instead of going from Outer Space to Right Panel when the Fourth Component is open: say "The monster is guarding the Right Panel! It's too risky to adventure deeper into the Right Panel!". Instead of going from Outer Space to the Right Panel when the Fourth Part is open: say "You have dangerously low oxygen left! It's too risky to adventure deeper into the Right Panel!". Instead of going from Outer Space to the Left Panel when the Fourth Component is open: say "Vigorous aliens surround the Left Panel too! It's too risky to adventure deeper into the Left Panel!". Instead of going from Airlock to Outer Space when the Fourth Part is open: say "You ran out of oxygen. You can't go to the Outer Space anymore." Instead of going from Airlock to Outer Space when the Fourth Component is open: say "The monsters are just outside of the airlock hatch! It's too dangerous to go to the Outer Space." The Broken Panel is a closed openable container. It is fixed in place. The Broken Panel is in the Left Panel. The description of the Broken Panel is "It is a broken panel." The First Part is a locked container. It is fixed in place. The First Part is in the Broken Panel. The Second Part is a locked container. It is fixed in place. The Second Part is in the First Part. The Third Part is a locked container. It is fixed in place. The Third Part is in the Second Part. The Fourth Part is a locked container. It is fixed in place. The Fourth Part is in the Third Part. The Fifth Part is a locked container. It is fixed in place. The Fifth Part is in the Fourth Part. The Wrench unlocks the First Part. The Screwdriver unlocks the Second Part. The Hammer unlocks the Third Part. The Wrench unlocks the Fourth Part. Fixing it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "fix [something] with [something]" as fixing it with. Instead of fixing the First Part with the wrench: now the First Part is open; say "You've successfully fixed the First Part." Instead of fixing the Second Part with the Screwdriver: now the Second Part is open; say "You've successfully fixed the Second Part." Instead of fixing the Third Part With the Hammer: now the Third Part is open; say "You've successfully fixed the Third Part." Instead of fixing the Fourth Part with the wrench: now the Fourth Part is open; now the fuel tank is open; say "The Panel has been fixed now. You may return to the Main Hub." The Hatch door is a lockable locked door. The Hatch door is south of the Airlock and north of the Outer Space. The Right Door is a lockable locked door. The Right door is west of the Laboratory and east of the Main Hub. The Left Door is a lockable locked door. The Left door is west of the Main Hub and east of the Living Quarters. The Control Panel Door is a lockable locked door. The Control Panel Door is north of the Main Hub and south of the Control Panel. The blue keycard unlocks the Control Panel Door. The Main Hub Door is a closed openable door. The Main Hub Door is south of the Main Hub and north of the Airlock. The Main Area is south of the Ship Cockpit. The Main Area is below the Airlock. The Right Panel is east of the Outer Space. The Left Panel is west of the Outer Space. Instead of entering the Right Panel: if player has been in the Left Panel, now the Faulty Panel is off-stage; Instead of entering the Left Panel: if player has been in the Right Panel, now the Broken Panel is off-stage. Every turn: if player has been in the Left Panel for exactly 2 turns: say "Oxygen level is at 90%." Every turn: if player has been in the Left Panel for exactly 4 turns: say "Oxygen level is at 60%." Every turn: if player has been in the Left Panel for exactly 6 turns: say "Oxygen level is at 30%. Be careful." Every turn: if player has been in the Left Panel for exactly 7 turns: say "Oxygen level is at 10%. You're dangerously close to losing oxygen!" Every turn: if player has been in the Left Panel for exactly 9 turns, say "You ran out of oxygen and suffocated." Every turn: if player has been in the Left Panel for exactly 9 turns, end the game in death. Every turn: if player has been in the Right Panel for exactly 2 turns, say "The figure 'lurks' closer"; if player has been in the Right Panel for exactly 3 turns, say "You continue to work, hands trembling. Don't look behind no matter what". Every turn: if player has been in the Right Panel for exactly 4 turns, say "A large shadow looms over you. You take a glance backwards to see a black slender creature. You thought the stories couldn’t be true, but you were mistaken. It’s the Lurker." Every turn: if player has been in the Right Panel for exactly 6 turns, say "You remember reading, 'The Lurker is known for its severe hostility towards humans. It uses its long tentacles to drag you into the abyss'.". Every turn: if player has been in the Right Panel for exactly 8 turns, say "You hear something breathing down on your neck.". Every turn: if player has been in the Right Panel for exactly 9 turns, say "The Lurker launches itself at you. A tentacle grabs your waist and legs, dragging you back into the unknown. There is no point in fighting anymore, you are forever lost as you are consumed by the abyss." Every turn: if player has been in the Right Panel for exactly 9 turns, end the game in death. The fuel tank is in the control panel. The fuel tank is a locked openable container. The fuel tank is fixed in place. The fuel tank#1 is an object. The fuel tank#1 is in the fuel tank. The fuel tank#2 is an object. The fuel tank#2 is in the fuel tank. The fuel tank#3 is an object. The fuel tank#3 is in the fuel tank. The fuel tank#4 is an object. The fuel tank#4 is in the fuel tank. The fuel tank#5 is an object. The fuel tank#5 is in the fuel tank. The ship fuel tank is a closed openable container. The ship fuel tank is in the main area. It is fixed in place. After opening the ship fuel tank: say "The ship fuel tank. To put in fuel, fill ship fuel tank with 'external fuel source'" Filling it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "fill [something] with [something]" as filling it with. After filling the ship fuel tank with fuel tank#1: award 10 points; say "The fuel is successfully filled up into the fuel tank."; remove fuel tank#1 from play. After filling the ship fuel tank with fuel tank#2: award 10 points; say "The fuel is successfully filled up into the fuel tank."; remove fuel tank#2 from play. After filling the ship fuel tank with fuel tank#3: award 10 points; say "The fuel is successfully filled up into the fuel tank."; remove fuel tank#3 from play. After filling the ship fuel tank with fuel tank#4: award 10 points; say "The fuel is successfully filled up into the fuel tank."; remove fuel tank#4 from play. After filling the ship fuel tank with fuel tank#5: award 10 points; say "The fuel is successfully filled up into the fuel tank."; remove fuel tank#5 from play. Every turn: if score is 50 begin; say "[bold type]Congratulations. You successfully filled the fuel of your spaceship, ready to embark on your future ventures ahead. You eagerly undock from the mysterious space station, excitingly preparing yourself for launch. Yet through the feelings of anticipation lies a hole of unknown -- the eerie experience you will carry on. As you take off, the space station recedes into darkness into the expanse of outer space. Good luck on your future journeys."; end the game in victory; end if.