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The wallet
therizinosaurus Cheloniformis
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"The wallet" by "Therizinosaurus.Cheloniformis" chapter 1 when play begins: say "[italic type]You are walking down the street, looking idly at the shopfronts and the litter on the road. A person in a black coat rushes past you, bumping into you, knocking you over and turning the corner. He doesn't even apologise! how rude.[roman type]" The mainstreet is a room. "the street you have fallen in is wide and has been newly rebuilt. At least the council is doing something. You can go west." A wallet is here. The description is "The wallet is a dark-brown leather and looks very expensive. " A gum is here. It is edible. "There is some gum on the street. You feel a strange urge to eat it." The description is "it is shrivelled and looks freshly chewn. The urge compells you again." A plate is here."There is a plate here. The plate is small and says that it can 'avoid adventures' It also says that you can do this by eating a pill inside. (eat if you do not want to have an adventure)." inside the plate is a pill. It is edible. The description is "it is small and purple. You contemplate eating it." After eating the pill: say "you walk back home, ignoring the strange things around you for once, you settle down and read a book."; end the story saying "You have avoided an adventure but at least you are back home." understand "bubblegum" as the gum understand "chewing gum" as the gum After taking the wallet: say "You bend down and pick the thing up. It is heavy and its skin is thick and strong. It is buttoned shut." After taking the gum: say " You pluck the gum off the ground, peeling it from the concrete.I t is sticky and sticks to your hands. Should you eat it?" After dropping the wallet: say "It sits there on the ground, yearning for you to take it." After dropping the gum: say "It lies there on the ground, like it once did, picking up the dust off the pavement." After eating the gum: say "you place the gum inside of your mouth and feel a numbing affect. As it spreads down to the other parts of your body, you wretch and feel the sickening properties of dirt and grime kick in. you close your eyes and everything is black."; end the story saying "you have died, shouldn't have eaten that gum. Well, natural selection does weed the bad traits out..." West street is a room. "it is thinner than mainstreet but it has a carnival inside of it with many vendors with shops around it. There is a shoe seller (south), a cupcake seller with a shop called 'nice cupcake shop' (west), and a shady-looking person in a shop called 'free food. eat at your own risk' (north). go these directions to see them. You can talk to the sellers if you want to by typing 'ask' followed by the name of their profession or 'shady man' and then 'about info'. e.g 'ask the cupcake seller info' To look at them closer, you can examine them. There is an exit east and north." West street is west of mainstreet. the cupcake shop is a room. the description is "it is nice and colourful and makes you feel happy." it is west of west street. A cupcake seller is in cupcake shop. The cupcake seller is a person. "the cupcake seller looks happy and is giving out free samples! ooh. You love free samples. Might want to 'ask cupcake seller about info'" shoe shop is a room. the description is "it smells of leather" it is south of west street. A shoe seller is in shoe shop. The shoe seller is a person. "She is organising a box of shoes into a pyramid. You have just bought new shoes so you do not need any new shoes today. might want to 'ask shoe seller about info'." After asking the cupcake seller about "info": say " well, hello there! would you like free cupcakes? (the cupcake seller says, with a smile on his face, there are a range of cupcakes in his stall's cupcake holders (called 'trays' for some reason) These trays are SOUTH of the cupcake shop." the tray is a room. it is south of cupcake shop some cupcakes are in the tray. They are edible. "There are lots of cupcakes here. All look great but one of them looks especially scrumptious. Should you eat one? (you will have to say 'eat [bold type]cupcakes[roman type])'" After eating the cupcakes: say "it is delicious and makes you feel warm inside."; end the story saying "[if we have taken the wallet] you feel complete and decide to ignore the wallet, tossing it aside and go back home.[otherwise] you go back home, feeling happy and relaxed." after asking the shoe seller about "info": say " Hello, i sell shoes, some of them are leather and some are not. why not buy one (he looks at you in an evil manner) just walk into the sizing room, and we will take care of you... (the shoe seller is beconing you EAST)" the death room is a room. the death room is east of the shoe shop. "it smells a bit and there are red smears on the wall, how strange?" a box is here. it is a container. "the box is purple and on the floor, you see something inside." The description is "there is a gun in the box." a gun is in the box. the description is "it looks heavy ,black and scary, it calls you for some reason" after taking the gun: say "you are overcome by a frenzy and you shoot around you randomly, also shooting the shoe seller who was standing behind you with a huge saber. you scream. you faint and everything goes black. type in 'w' to continue" the shady shop is a room. the description is "it is shabby and the windows have a few holes and cracks in them here and there. The owner is here and he has a sign saying 'free food. Eat at your own risk'. He is staring at you in a strange way." the shady shop is north of west street. the shady man is in the shady shop. The shady man is a person. "the shady man is broody and does not look happy. He does have free food though." there is a tub in the shady shop. the tub is a container. "there is also a tub here, which contains all of the free food. not very appetising. There is some food in this tub. Should you eat it?" there is food in the tub. It is edible. the description is "the food is a strange tint of purple and looks like a sludge, eat it or not? it is free." understand "man" as the man after asking shady man about "info": say " 'hello mate, how are you doin', would you like to have a taste of my free food?' he looks grim as he says this. " after eating the food: say " you feel a strange feeling in your stomach as you slurp down the sludge and your eyes almost pop from the pain, you fall to your knees and black out, the shady man walks up to you with a knife and you are killed, butchered, sold and then eaten as low-fat pork slices"; end the story saying "you idiot, eating sketchy free food, you practically deserve it, at least your body fed a family in tuvalu for a week." chapter 2 The cage is a room. "you look around you and there are bars shutting you in, your claustrophobia starts creeping in: you are in a cage." the cage is west of the death room. Freddy is in the cage. Freddy is a person. " there is a man here, he looks big and tough, he has his hands crossed and is looking at you intently. He is smiling strangely at you" the dining room is west of the cage."it is large and open, there is a chandelier above you. There is an exit back towards the cage SOUTH" Metal door is east of the cage and west of the dining room. The metal door is a closed door. " There is a door here. It is thick and has a doorknob with a key-hole in it" understand "door" as metal door. the metal door is lockable and locked. The matching key of the metal door is the brass key. after going through the door : say "the door opens with a clink and you sneak past the guard man, type W to go into the room outside the one that the cage is in."