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The House
Roolando Pee
Played 729 times
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"The House" [INTRODUCTION] When play begins: say "You wake up in the middle of the night and you are not in your bedroom. The paint on the walls is peeling and the nightstand to your right has a familiar wallet and lamp. As you draw in the cold air coming from a screen window to your far left you go and look at it. as you get up you feel lightheaded and dizzy when you slowly lay your feet on the creaking floor." [Bedroom] The bedroom is a room. The description of the Bedroom is "This is a bedroom where you wake. A desk and chair are in the room. The desk has a lamp, pens in a cup, and keys on the desk. The chair has a pair of pants and a coat on it. " A desk is in Bedroom. The stand is fixed in place. The key are on the desk. The description of the key is "These key will unlock unexplored places." [Hallway] The Hallway is a room. The Hallway is east of the Bedroom. The description of the Hallway is "This is a hallway you walk through. Paintings and mirrors are in the hallway. One of the paintings has a picture of a tree with writing. The writing says --And she was behind the tree." A painting is in the Hallway. The Note is in the painting. The description of the Note is "The Note says--And its behind the shelf." [Stairs] The Stairs is a room. The Stairs are west of the Hallway. The description of the Stairs is "These are the stairs that lead to the first floor. There are paintings of old men holding fishes and gators over a boat dock. As you look over you see muddy footsteps." [First floor] The First floor is a room. The First floor is down of the Stairs. The description of the First floor is "As you get closer the muddy footsteps lead to the back door. You also see a smeared hand print on the floor near the footsteps, walls, and table." [Kitchen] The Kitchen is a room. The Kitchen is north of the First floor. The description of the Kitchen is "You walk into the moldy, old looking kitchen. You can see knives scattered around the counter and floor. One of the knives has writing on it that says--And your next. You look around then open a cabinet. In which there is a flashlight." The flashlight is in the Kitchen. The description of the flashlight is "You try to turn on the flashlight. But it looks like its missing batteries." [Living room] The Living room is a room. It is west of the Kitchen. The description of the Living room is "The living room has cobwebs and dust ever area you can see. Then you notice a walkie-talkie to on the old leather couch." The walkie-talkie is in the Living room. The description of the walkie-talkie is "You notice the walkie-talkie has all its buttons pulled and picked off. You pop off the back cover to find a pair of batteries." The batteries are in the walkie-talkie. The description of the batteries is "Their triple A. Just like the flashlight." [Trapdoor] The Trapdoor is a room. It is south of the Living room. The description of the Trapdoor is "You walk around the house. As you look down you see a string attached to a door. As you reach down you can reach it and then you pull. A ladder pops out from the door and lands on the cement floor of a basement." [Ladder] The Ladder is a room. It is down of the Trapdoor. The description of the Ladder is "You climb up the ladder to find yourself in an office. There are animal heads on the walls. The one skylight and the only source of light in the room. And a desk with a shelf behind a big office chair." There is a lever north of the of the Ladder. The description of the lever is "You recall the letter you found behind the painting. You pull the lever and the shelf moves to uncover a home prison. You freeze in your tracks. The bodies of your school friends hanging on the walls with chains around their necks. Lucy H has a knife up her nose. You see Gunnar with a rod going from ear to ear through his head. And then you see Eli. Just skin and bones. He struggled to crawl to you and tell you--Run."