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Restroom Rush
Dominique Giles
Played 1,218 times
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"Restroom Rush" by TiredMimi Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to. Ignoring is an action applying to one thing. Understand "Ignore [something]" as Ignoring. The Dinosaur Exhibit is a room. "It's full of dead old animals. There's plenty of living people there too though. They all seem super excited about the bones of these poor critters. Your two year old niece is one of those people." Your niece is a person in the Dinosaur Exhibit. The description of the niece is " Your niece is a small little girl with blue overalls and a pink t-shirt." Report talking to niece: say "She looks at you with big eyes and says she has to pee. She has to pee really bad". West of The Dinosaur Exhibit is the Bug Exhibit. The Bug Exhibit is a room. "You are now in the Bug exhibit is full of bugs. Like you probably expected. The bugs, like the dinosaurs, are dead." A sign is here. "There is a sign next to the spiders." The description is "After looking more closely at the sign you see it simply states that the spiders are dead. Nothing about a potty. The restroom is not here." East of The Dinosaur Exhibit is the Paintings Exhibit. The Paintings Exhibit is a room. "You are now in the Painting Exhibit. It's a bit larger than the Dinosaur Exhibit but also full of dead people. Paintings of dead people at least." A gold key is here. "Theres a gold key laying on the ground." After ignoring key: say "Someone is careless. You ignore the key, sure somebody else will take it to the lost and found." After taking the key: say "You pick up the key." South of The Paintings Exhibit is the Caveman Exhibit. The Caveman Exhibit is a room. "You are now in the Caveman Exhibit. Dead people. But fake dead people." A map is here. "There is a map of the museum on the ground." The description is "After looking more closely at the map you see its not a map of this museum, but instead one states away. Wat." The basic door is south of the Caveman Exhibit. The basic door is a locked lockable door. The basic door is north of the Restroom. The description is "It says Restroom here! But it's locked for some reason." The gold key unlocks the basic door. After opening the basic door: say "You have made it to the restroom with your niece! There will be no puddles on the floor today."; end the story saying "Congrats! You Win!"