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Boss Fight
Shax Shaxarok
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"STRIFE!" by Sean Sooter Section 1 - Define Universal Constants? A large portion of this comes from Ratliff's Armed Section 1a - Hearts, Weapons, Death, Victory A person has a number called max hearts. A person has a number called present hearts. Link is a person. The player is Link. The max hearts of a person is usually 3. Definition: a person is dead if his present hearts is less than 1. Definition: a person is armed if he carries a weapon. A weapon is a kind of thing. A projectile is a kind of weapon. A blade is a kind of weapon. A fire arm is a kind of projectile. A bow is a kind of projectile. A knife is a kind of blade. A sword is a kind of blade. A thrown is a kind of weapon. When play begins: repeat with victim running through people: now the present hearts of the victim is the max hearts of the victim. A weapon has a number called maximum damage. The maximum damage of a projectile is usually 0. The maximum damage of a blade is usually 1. Before anyone trying doing anything (this is the dead men tell no tales rule): if the actor is dead, the rule fails. Unsuccessful attempt by anyone trying doing anything (this is the report dead men tell no tales rule): if the person asked is dead, say "Dead men tell no tales. And they usually can't do anything else, either!" instead. Before doing anything except searching or examining to a person (called the corpse) (this is the respect the dead rule): if the corpse is dead, say "Must you do that to [the corpse]? Have a little respect, please." instead. Check searching a person (called corpse) (this is the search a corpse rule): if the corpse is dead, say "You search [corpse][if the number of things carried by corpse is 0] but find nothing[otherwise] and find [the list of things carried by corpse][end if]." instead. Instead of taking inventory (this is the new inventory listing rule): if the number of things enclosed by the player is 0, say "You don[apostrophe]t seem to have anything at the moment.[line break](Hearts: [present hearts of the player])[line break]" instead; say "You are carrying: [line break]"; list the contents of the player, with newlines, indented; say "(Hearts: [present hearts of the player])[line break]". Report examining a person (called victim) (this is the check NPC health rule): if the person is not dead, say "(Hearts: [present hearts of victim])[line break]". Check examining a dead person (called corpse) (this is the examining a corpse rule): say "[Corpse] is a gruesome sight, indeed. Maybe you should search the corpse?" instead. Check examining the player (this is the report health rule): say "You [status of the player]. (Hearts: [the present hearts of the player])[line break]" instead. To say status of the player: let x be the present hearts of the player; if x is 3: say "are in perfect health"; otherwise if x is 2: say "have been pretty roughed up"; otherwise if x is at most 1: say "are in critical condition. An annoying heartbeat-paced beeping pervades everything."; Check taking something (this is the can't take it with you rule): if the noun is a thing and the holder of a noun is a person (called corpse) begin; if corpse is dead then ignore the can't take people's possessions rule; end if. Section 1b - Shooting Shooting it with is an action applying to two visible things. Understand "shoot [something] with [something]" as shooting it with. The shooting it with action has a number called the damage taken. Setting action variables for an actor shooting something (called target) with something (called the boomstick): if the target is a person begin; if the boomstick is a projectile begin; change the damage taken to 0; end if; end if. Check shooting something (called the target) with something (called the boomstick) (this is the you must have a projectile to shoot rule): if the player does not carry a projectile begin; say "You need a projectile weapon to shoot anything."; stop the action; end if; Check shooting something (called the target) with something (called the boomstick) (this is the you can only shoot with a projectile rule): if the second noun is not a projectile begin; say "I don't think that will work. Perhaps you should try some kind of projectile weapon?"; stop the action; end if. Check shooting something (called the target) with something (called the boomstick) (this is the you can't shoot something with itself rule): if the target is the boomstick begin; say "You try to riccochet the shot so that. . . Wait, you can't shoot [the boomstick] with itself!"; stop the action; end if. Check shooting something (called the target) with something (called the boomstick) (this is the suicide rule): if the target is the player, say "You take on a task of monumental stupidity and importance: Shooting yourself with a slingshot. You eventually give up. The programmer really wanted this to kill you but a hilarious bug would cause shooting anything to kill you for some reason. So you're off the hook."; Report shooting something (called the target) with something(called the boomstick) (this is the report shooting non-people rule): if the target is not a person, say "You shoot [the target] with your [boomstick]. Well, I hope that made you feel better. ". Report someone shooting something (called the target) with something(called the boomstick) (this is the report another shooting a non-person rule): if the target is not a person, say "In a seemingly random act of violence, [the person asked] shoots [the target].". Section 1c - Hurling Hurling it at is an action applying to two visible things. Understand "throw [something] at [something]" as hurling it at. Understand "chuck [something] at [something]" as hurling it at. Understand "hurl [something] at [something]" as hurling it at. The hurling it at action has a number called the damage dealt. Setting action variables for an actor hurling something (called nuts) at something (called target): if the target is a person begin; if the nuts is a thrown begin; change the damage dealt to 0; end if; end if; Check hurling something (called nuts) at something (called target): if nuts is not a thrown begin; say "That would be so amazingly pointless you can't believe you thought of it. In fact, not only could it be pointless, but actually detrimental to your well being! And that's why I don't let you do these things, Link."; stop the action; end if; Check hurling something (called nuts) at something (called target): if the target is nuts begin; say "You throw a deku nut back into the bag. The resulting explosion separates your upper torso and lower torso. Sometimes people have such terrible ideas."; end the game in death; stop the action; end if; Check hurling something (called nuts) at something (called target): if target is the player begin; say "That hurt."; decrease the present hearts of the player by one; end if; Report hurling something (called nuts) at something (called target) (this is the report throwing at non-people rule): if the target is not a person, say "You hit [the target] with your [nuts]. Well, I hope that made you feel better.". Section 1d - Stabbing Stabbing it with is an action applying to two visible things. Understand "stab [something] with [something]" as stabbing it with. Understand "attack [something] with [something]" as stabbing it with. Understand "slash [something] with [something]" as stabbing it with. Understand "cut [something] with [something]" as stabbing it with. Check stabbing something (called the target) with something (called the pigsticker) (this is the you can only stab with a blade rule): if the second noun is not a blade begin; say "And I suppose you cut your meat with a spoon? Why not try something with a blade?"; stop the action; end if. Check stabbing something (called the target) with something (called the pigsticker) (this is the you can't stab something with itself rule): if the target is the pigsticker begin; say "You try to break the blade so that. . . Wait, you can't cut [the pigsticker] with itself!"; stop the action; end if. Check stabbing something (called the target) with something (called the pigsticker) (this is the harikari rule): if the target is the player, end the game saying "You have commited suicide!". Report stabbing something (called the target) with something(called the pigsticker) (this is the report stabbing non-people rule): if the target is not a person, say "You cut [the target] with your [the pigsticker]. Well, I hope that made you feel better. Hopefully stabbing [the target] won[apostrophe]t attract any unwanted attention.". Part 2 - Link the slingshot is a projectile. the description of the slingshot is "It's a Legendary Piece of Crap you found in this dungeon. Seeds make decent ammo, and you're tripping seeds in this tree, so you don't need to worry about ammo. A word of advice: slingshots are shot.". The slingshot is carried. the deku nuts is a thrown. deku nuts is carried. deku nuts are plural-named. the description of the deku nuts is "You have a weird feeling that nuts ostensibly from a tree really shouldn't make effective flashbang grenades. You also find yourself wondering what the hell a flashbang grenade is. After a brief zen moment, the feeling passes. A word of advice: Deku nuts are thrown. They look pretty tasty, too.". the deku nuts are edible. After eating the deku nuts: say "You bite into a deku nut like a champion. Your teeth are blasted out through the back of your head, presumably also like a champion. You brought this on yourself, really."; end the game in death. the shield is an object. the description of the shield is "Made of wood. Classy and dangerous! Come to think of it, ". the shield is worn. the scabbard is an object. the description of the scabbard is "Holds swords. Nothing to see here.". the scabbard is worn. the scabbard is an open container. the kokiri sword is a sword. the description of the kokiri sword is "It's more like a rusty dagger, but it can certainly stick it to some insects.". the kokiri sword is in the scabbard. Part 3 - Surroundings The Chamber is a room. "You are standing near the center of a vast chamber, about which are scattered a few columns holding up the ceiling. The only exit has barred you in like a chump, and you hear an incessant rustling. Debugging note: Due to a disparity between how I handled throwing and how the game handled throwing, 'throw' as an action will not work, please use 'hurl' or 'chuck'. If you like, appropriate music can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFAaxkc03T8". Link is in The Chamber. Upper Recess is a room. "Thanks for breaking physics, jackass." Upper recess is above the webbing. some webbing is an unopenable door. some webbing is above the chamber and below the upper recess. The description of some webbing is "High above you, a thick webbing covers the entire upper recess of the chamber. You don't really see anything you can do about it." the columns are an object. the columns are plural-named. the columns are in the chamber. the description of the columns is "Massive stone columns standing, now that you think about it, at the four corners of a square. A square of you getting murdered, you estimate with your intense logical prowess." Part 4 - Gohma Gohma is a person in the upper recess. the description of Gohma is "Parasitic Armored Arachnid: Gohma. You're not sure where that came from, but it sounds right. A massive spider-like monster with one glowing red eye that, while it stares at you with burning menace, also looks like a sweet weak spot." Gohma is neuter. Gohma can be natural, nut, shot, postnut, or postshot. the heart container is an object. the description of the heart container is "You expected a cutesy representation of Gohma's heart. Instead you ripped her primitive vascular structure out of her chest. Awesome. Well, there's only one way you're going to get that heart bonus isn't there? I'm suggesting you eat it.". the heart container is edible. the heart container is carried by Gohma. After eating the heart container: say "Feeling sick to your stomach, you begin a process the author chooses not to describe in much detail. As you wipe excess blood off of your face, the portal out of the dungeon begins glowing. You know this part pretty well, and don't need any player to tell you what to do next. You step into the portal. . ."; end the game in victory. When play begins: now Gohma is natural; Table of Gohma's movement destination upper recess the chamber Every turn: If Gohma is natural: repeat through Table of Gohma's movement: let last space be the location of Gohma; if Gohma can be seen by the player, say "The freakish arachnid scurries up the wall and into the upper recesses."; move Gohma to the destination entry; if Gohma can be seen by the player, say "A freaking huge armored arachnid descends through the webbing and lands in front of you. . . Its name is Gohma. You immediately trade blows with it, but just as you can't get through its armored plating, it can't get around your shield. Seems you're at an impasse, chief. Maybe you should check what you've got on hand? It's not like Gohma's going anywhere."; blank out the whole row; break. Carry out an actor hurling deku nuts at something (called the target): if the target is Gohma: if Gohma is postnut: say "Like any seriously challenging boss would fall for the same thing twice in a row!"; if Gohma is nut: say "That was kind of stupid. You've missed your chance."; now Gohma is postnut; if Gohma is natural: say "That blasted insect will never see this coming! You shut your eyes tight as you slam the deku nuts into the ground in front of Gohma. After the bang, you open your eyes to see it is stunned! Now's your chance to get your sword on, Link."; now Gohma is nut; if Gohma is postshot: say "Gohma was so busy expecting you to use that slingshot she was totally unprepared for your deku nuts! The Deku nut explodes like the absurd flashbang grenade it is and stuns Gohma! Now's your chance, Link."; now Gohma is nut; if Gohma is shot: say "Gohma is remarkably tough. The reason you should have had in mind for using your peashooter was to stun that thing. Using the deku nuts now is kind of pointless, since that's also what they do. Way to go, I guess."; now Gohma is postshot; Carry out an actor shooting something (called the target) with the Slingshot: if the target is Gohma: if Gohma is postshot: say "Like any real challenge would fall for the same attack twice in a row! Wait a minute. . ."; if Gohma is shot: say "You just shot her! Shooting her again was pointless! WHY DO YOU MAKE ME HURT YOU LINK!?"; now Gohma is postshot; if Gohma is postnut: say "Gohma was so busy expecting a deku nut in her grill she didn't expect that little peashooter. Well played."; now Gohma is shot; if Gohma is natural: say "That cunning arachnid's huge eyeball makes for an excellent and obvious target. Not being once to waste time, you fling a random seed right into her eye! The huge arachnid collapses and begins convulsing in pain. Knowing how this sort of thing works, you figure you have maybe a turn to get your sword up in her business. Hop to it, Link."; now Gohma is shot; if Gohma is nut: say "You've already blinded her with the slingshot. . . using the deku nut now was pointless, really."; now Gohma is postnut; Carry out an actor stabbing something (called the target) with the kokiri sword: if the target is Gohma: if Gohma is natural: say "Gohma is a smarter and tougher and most importantly more armored arachnid than you seem to have been expecting. Your 'sword' bounces off Gohma ineffectually. Gohma takes this opportunity to impale you with one of her huge forelimbs. It hurts less than expected."; decrease the present hearts of the player by one; if Gohma is postnut: say "Gohma is a smarter and tougher and most importantly more armored arachnid than you seem to have been expecting. Your 'sword' bounces off Gohma ineffectually. Gohma takes this opportunity to impale you with one of her huge forelimbs. It hurts less than expected."; decrease the present hearts of the player by one; if Gohma is postshot: say "Gohma is a smarter and tougher and most importantly more armored arachnid than you seem to have been expecting. Your 'sword' bounces off Gohma ineffectually. Gohma takes this opportunity to impale you with one of her huge forelimbs. It hurts less than expected."; decrease the present hearts of the player by one; if Gohma is nut: say "Now this is what it's all about. Slicing up Gohma's eyeball with your sword. You feel like this game is pretty unusually dark for a moment."; decrease the present hearts of the target by one; now Gohma is postnut; if Gohma is shot: say "Now this is what it's all about. Slicing up Gohma's eyeball with your sword. You feel like this game is unusually dark for a moment."; decrease the present hearts of the target by one; now Gohma is postshot;