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Dead Man's Grave
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The story title is "Dead Man's Grave". The story author is "Jon and Joe". The story headline is "A Tell Don't Show Mystery". The story genre is "Spooky". Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. A person can be alive or dead. A person is usually alive. A thing can be plot-sensitive. A thing is usually not plot-sensitive. A thing can be puzzling. A thing is usually not puzzling. Instead of dropping something that is plot-sensitive, say "You feel like you shouldn't get rid of [the noun]." Instead of putting plot-sensitive objects on something, say "You feel like you shouldn't get rid of [the noun]." After printing a parser error: say "[line break]If you need assistance, type HELP for a useful list of commands." After reading a command: clear only the main screen. A thing can be examined or unexamined. A thing is usually unexamined. Carry out examining something: now the noun is examined. Carlocked is a number that varies. Carlocked is 1. TrunkPopped is a number that varies. TrunkPopped is 0. Coolwithcops is a number that varies. Coolwithcops is 0. Croach is a number that varies. Croach is 0. Understand "use [thing] on [something]" as putting it on. Instead of putting the skeleton key on the skeleton lock: try unlocking the skeleton lock with the skeleton key. Instead of putting the skeleton key on the gate: try unlocking the skeleton lock with the gate. Understand "press [something]" as pushing. Helping is an action applying to nothing. Understand "help" as helping. Carry out helping: say "Since this is a text adventure, you need to type simple verb-object phrases in order to do things in the game. Stuff like LOOK AT, TAKE, TALK TO, TOUCH, PRESS (object/person) is what will get you through. For really sophisticated problem solving, you can try USE (something) ON (something else) or PUT(something) on (something else).[paragraph break]In some cases, you can ASK (someone) ABOUT (something) to try to drum up conversation. LOOK will reprint the description of the room you're in now. If you want to look at the stuff you're carrying, say INVENTORY, INV, or I.[paragraph break]If you want to know more about the people who made this game, type ABOUT."; pause the game; say "Play is resumed." Crediting is an action applying to nothing. Understand "about" as crediting. Carry out crediting: say "[italic type]Tell Don't Show[roman type] by Jon and Joe is a creativity and storytelling podcast. To listen to full episodes, you can subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher, and Blubrry, or play each episode at telldontshow.com.[paragraph break]Jon and Joe are writers interested in video games, so a tie-in piece of interactive fiction seemed like an easy fit for the podcast."; pause the game; say "Play is resumed." When play begins: clear only the main screen. Albert Friend is a man with the printed name "the strange man". Albert Friend is alive. Understand "man" and "strange man" and "body" as Albert Friend. The indefinite article of Albert Friend is "the". The description of Albert Friend is "[if Albert Friend is alive]He's an odd looking man. You notice he doesn't like having his back turned to face you, no matter where you stand in the room[end if][if Albert Friend is dead]He's dead, with a knife sticking out of his back[end if ]." Instead of examining dead Albert Friend for the first time: now Albert Friend is examined; now the player has the wallet; now the player has the skeleton key; now the player has the manuscript; say "Looking over the body, you shake your head. 'What a waste. If you outlaw murders, only criminals will commit murders.'[paragraph break]'Yeah,' says Joe. 'What?'[paragraph break]You confirm that the strange man is most definitely dead, due to the large knife sticking out of his back. You then start looking through the man's pockets. On his person, you find a wallet, a manuscript, and a key that looks like bones (nice find, bro). You take all of the items, except the knife, and put them in your inventory." Instead of searching dead Albert Friend, try examining Albert Friend. The knife is scenery. "It's an old butcher's knife, stuck into the back of [Albert Friend]." Instead of taking the knife, say "This isn't one of those tacky adventures where you'd use a murder weapon after the fact. That would just be rude." The wallet is an object. The wallet is plot-sensitive. Understand "ID card" and "ID" and "A Friend's wallet" as the wallet. The wallet is unexamined. The description of the wallet is "It is a worn-out wallet made from pleather. It contains the ID card of Albert Friend for an organization known as 'The Secret Society.'" Instead of examining the wallet for the first time: now the printed name of Albert Friend is "the body of Albert Friend"; now the printed name of the wallet is "A Friend's wallet"; now the wallet is examined; now the wallet is proper-named; say "You take a look at the wallet. It looks like a normal wallet to all appearances, but part of the inside is a large ID card for an organization called 'The Secret Society' showing the face of the dead man. His name is listed as 'Friend, Albert.'[paragraph break][paragraph break][paragraph break]OOOOOOH. 'A Friend.' Got it." The skeleton key is an object. The skeleton key is plot-sensitive. The printed name of the skeleton key is "key". The red button, the green button, and the blue button are part of the skeleton key. The description of the skeleton key is "It is a key that looks like it is made of bones. It has three buttons in the base, one is green, another red, and the other is blue." After examining the skeleton key for the first time: say "You motion over to Joe and say 'What do you think this is?'[paragraph break]'What you got there is a skeleton key,' he says. He is chewing a piece of straw that you don't remember seeing before, and holding his thumbs against his chest as if he were pulling on the straps of overalls. 'Bet it can open any lock it can find, sho nuff.'[paragraph break]Huh. Wonder if that will come in handy."; now the printed name of the skeleton key is "skeleton key". Instead of pushing the green button: say "You hear a familiar honking sound in the distance, but you're not sure what it is."; now Carlocked is 1. Instead of pushing the red button: say "Nothing obvious happens."; now Carlocked is 0. Instead of pushing the blue button: say "Nothing obvious happens."; now TrunkPopped is 1. The manuscript is an object. The manuscript is plot-sensitive. Understand "BloodDead manuscript" and "BloodDead" as manuscript. The description of the manuscript is "It is [if the player is Jon]your[otherwise]Jon's[end if] short story '[bold type]BloodDead[roman type]' typed on the front and back of a page that is torn on one side. It tells the story of Chip, who got dared to spend the night in the Tomb on Dead Man's Grave and found a monster that (shudder) [italic type]makes people's blood DEAD[roman type]! After the end of the story is an address written in red ink." Instead of examining the manuscript for the first time: now the indefinite article of the manuscript is "the"; now the printed name of the manuscript is "BloodDead manuscript"; say "You start looking over the piece of paper, with you notice is torn on the left-hand side. Printed on it is a short story, and you recognize it immediately.[paragraph break]'Joe?' You say. 'Remember that super spooky story I wrote for the podcast last Halloween, as featured on episode #10 [italic type] Dad, There's an Elephant on the Ceiling[roman type]? The one that was called [bold type]BloodDead[roman type]?'[paragraph break]'Of course! I [italic type]still[roman type] scream when I'm all alone. Why do you ask?'[paragraph break]'Because this guy was carrying a copy of it on him!' You motion Joe over, and start reading the story together...[paragraph break](PRESS ANY KEY)"; wait for any key; clear only the main screen; say "[italic type]Chip had always heard of the monster up at Dead Man’s Grave, but he didn’t believe in it. While everyone else was afraid of it, he wasn’t cause he never thought it was real. But he never went there, even when double-dog dared. Until... that last Halloween.[paragraph break]It all started when Chip’s super-rich Uncle was in the hospital and was dying. He called Chip in one day and said 'Chip, I bet you can’t stay the full night at Dead Man’s Grave on Halloween.'[paragraph break]'If I do, will I get your stuff?' Chip said.[paragraph break]'Nah, I bet you’re too much of a pansy to do it,' his Uncle said. Then, his Uncle laughed.[paragraph break]Chip, not needing any of his dying Uncle’s attitude, said 'Pfft, whatever,' and left, determined to spend all Halloween night at Dead Man’s Grave.[paragraph break][roman type](PRESS ANY KEY)[italic type]"; wait for any key; clear only the main screen; say "He packed his backpack with everything he needed and waited for the day to come. He wasn’t worried, except when he checked the news app on his tablet the morning before. Two teenagers had been making out by Dead Man’s Grave had been found dead under 'mysterious circumstances.' All of their blood was dead, which had caused them to die. Chip was worried, but only a little bit. They were probably doing drugs.[paragraph break]The night finally came. Chip took all his stuff to the Tomb on Dead Man’s Grave, and was ready to spend the night inside. It was a mausoleum, which held the gross old bones of Arthur Deadman, a former sea captain who had found all sorts of stuff around the world.[paragraph break]Inside the mausoleum was super dirty and gross and dark. It was super spooky in there, and Chip wasn’t sure how he would stay the night. He didn’t have to worry for long.[paragraph break][roman type](PRESS ANY KEY)[italic type]"; wait for any key; clear only the main screen; say "A lurching creature came out of the shadows and reached out to Chip. It was super weird and gross. Think of the weirdest, grossest thing you’ve ever seen and this monster was ten times that. It had a ton of eyes and one leg, which was really weird. [paragraph break]'So this is how I die?' Chip said. 'With all my blood dead?'[paragraph break]'Oh Chip,' the monster said, 'your blood was never alive.'[paragraph break]Chip then went instasane. Which is like going insane, but instantly.[roman type][paragraph break](PRESS ANY KEY)"; wait for any key; clear only the main screen; say "There is nothing else written, because that was the end of the story. Under the printed text, written in red ink (or is it blood?**) is '123 Deadman's Copse.'"; now the manuscript is examined; say "[line break]'Huh,' you say. 'I wonder why this dead guy had a copy of my story?'[paragraph break]Joe, looking down on his phone, says 'I don't know, but I bet it has to do with the fact that your story is real.'[paragraph break]'What??'[paragraph break]'When I typed 123 Deadman's Copse into my smartphone's map app,' Joe says, 'it comes up as the real-life Tomb on Dead Man's Grave outside of town where this stuff actually happened.' Joe shows you the app, which currently shows the Tomb on Dead Man's Grave and several user reviews of the location. They talk about how it's too spooky to go to anymore after what happened to the real-life Chip![paragraph break][italic type]**nope[roman type][paragraph break]". The Arcane Diet Handbook is an object. Understand "book" as Arcane Diet Handbook. The printed name of the Arcane Diet Handbook is "puzzling book". The Arcane Diet Handbook is plot-sensitive. The Arcane Diet Handbook is puzzling. The Arcane Diet Handbook is a supporter. The description of the Arcane Diet Handbook is "It reads like someone was trying to learn multiple languages all at once[if the detective hat is on the arcane diet handbook], but you are able to tell that it is a gluten-free diet book from before the dawn of human civilzation[otherwise if the detective hat is not on the arcane diet handbook] and it is real puzzling[end if]." Instead of examining the Arcane Diet Handbook when the detective hat is on the Arcane Diet Handbook for the first time: say "With the detective hat affixed to the front cover of the strange book, you crack open the book and start reading with ease.[paragraph break]'What does it say?' Joe asks.[paragraph break]'[italic type]Instead of using gluten-rich ingredients in your meals[roman type],' you say, '[italic type]try recipes that call for quinoa or other smart foods for substitutes[roman type].'[paragraph break]You look at each other as you realize you both hold a gluten-free diet handbook from before the start of civilization." Instead of putting the detective hat on the Arcane Diet Handbook for the first time: now the detective hat is on the Arcane Diet Handbook; now the printed name of the Arcane Diet Handbook is "Arcane Diet Handbook"; say "You put the detective hat on top of the old book. You should be able to read it now." Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to. Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Carry out talking to Joe: if the player is Jon, say "Joe shrugs at you. 'I dunno.'"; if the player is Joe, say "Hush, hush. Would you want to reveal us?" Instead of talking to Joe while Call to Adventure 1 is happening: if the player is Jon, say "Joe looks over to the door. 'You gonna get that?'" Carry out talking to Jon: if the player is Joe, say "Jon is still upset that he isn't in control of the adventure, so he's not saying anything."; if the player is Jon, say "Hush, hush. Would you want to reveal us?" Carry out talking to Albert Friend: if Albert Friend is dead: say "You try making small talk, but he's not having it."; if Albert Friend is alive: now Albert Friend is dead; now the printed name of Albert Friend is "the body of the strange man"; now the knife is part of Albert Friend; say "You steel up your courage and say 'Who are you?'[paragraph break]'A friend,' says the strange man. 'I hunt monsters for a Secret Society. I have come here to ask you boys to do something for me.'[paragraph break]'What's that?'[paragraph break]'Solve my murder.'[paragraph break]At that, the strange man falls on his face and lays dead with a knife sticking out of his back.[paragraph break]'Weird,' says Joe. 'But not without precedent.'"; Carry out talking to Police Chief: if Coolwithcops is 0: say "You look at the Chief and say 'Am I under arrest, sir?'[paragraph break]'Depends on what you tell me, son,' the Police Chief says. 'You touched a dead body, right?'[paragraph break]'Yeah.'[paragraph break]'Gross,' the Police Chief says. 'Why did you do that?'[paragraph break]'Well,' you say, 'since the guy died in our studio after asking us to solve his murder, I was trying to solve his murder.'[paragraph break]The Police Chief's eyes widen and his features soften. 'Oooooh,' he says. 'That's different. Let us know if you need anything, okay?'[paragraph break]'How about unlocking the gate to Dead Man's Tomb?'[paragraph break]'Done,' he says. 'Anything else?'[paragraph break]Nothing immediately comes to mind, but you'll think about it."; now the skeleton lock is unlocked; now the gate is unlocked; now the gate is open; if Coolwithcops is 1: say "The Chief looks up at you and says 'Anything else?'" After talking to the Police Chief for the first time, now Coolwithcops is 1. Instead of talking to Librarian for the first time: say "You walk up to the Librarian. You look her in the eye, waving and smiling. 'Hello. I'm Joe, a full time podcaster and part time adventurer.'[paragraph break]She smiles at you and says 'That's nice. I'm a librarian! If you need to know something about anything, anything at all, just ask me about it!'" Carry out talking to Librarian: say "She says 'Need to know something? Ask me about it. I'll tell you. Seriously.'" Instead of talking to the monster for the first time: now croach is 1; say "You walk towards the monster, and it stops playing on the pipe organ. Somehow, from the pits of its weird and gross body, it produces the sound of a slow clap. 'Well done, gentlemen,' he says. 'You have done something only two others have ever tried to accomplish. Meet me face to face.'[paragraph break]Joe stands forward and says 'Actually, we were just looking into the mu-'[paragraph break]The monster focuses all of its eyes on Joe. '[bold type]Meet me face to face[roman type]. It was very nice of you to stop by, and very brave. Many have just died from the throat infections contracted by screaming at the sight of me for so long.'[paragraph break]'Stop by?' you say. 'Weren't you the one who-'[paragraph break]'ENOUGH!' the monster says. 'You've come to my evil spooky lair, and it is time for you to have all your blood [bold type]DEAD[roman type]!'" Carry out talking to the monster: say "The monster doesn't seem that interested in conversation right now." Understand "ask [someone] about [something]" as asking. Asking is an action applying to two things. Instead of asking Albert Friend: try talking to Albert Friend instead. Carry out asking Joe: if the second noun is Albert Friend and Albert Friend is in the Recording Studio and Joe is in the Recording Studio: say "[if Albert Friend is alive]Joe says 'Shouldn't you ask him yourself? I'm not exactly an expert.'[paragraph break]He has a point[end if][if Albert Friend is dead]Joe looks over the body and says 'I wonder how he made it this far?'[paragraph break]Pretty convenient, you have to admit[end if]."; otherwise: try talking to Joe instead. Carry out asking the Police Chief: if Coolwithcops is 0, say "He doesn't respond. I think he has other things he'd like to discuss instead."; if Coolwithcops is 1: if the second noun is the detective hat and the player does not have the detective hat: now the player has the detective hat; say "'Hey, can I have that detective hat?'[paragraph break]'Sure. Just use it when something is hard to figure out and you'll understand what's going on. But by taking it, you agree to become an officially sworn in officer of this fair city.'[paragraph break]'That easy, huh?'[paragraph break]The police chief nods. You take the hat."; otherwise: say "The Police Chief doesn't have much to say right now. He must be busy!" Carry out asking Librarian: if the second noun is the manuscript: say "You show the Librarian [the manuscript]. She looks down her nose at it and says 'We typically deal with fiction that's professionally published, sir.'[paragraph break]Ouch."; otherwise if the second noun is the skeleton key: say "You show the librarian [the skeleton key]. Her eyes brighten up. 'Well, would you look at that. A skeleton key! I've never seen one of these outside of a museum. Unlock any door you could find, I bet.'[paragraph break]'Yeah...' you say.[paragraph break]'Did you know,' the Librarian continues, 'that skeleton keys got their names due to the fact that skeletons ran the very first lock-popping services? True story.'"; otherwise if the second noun is the wallet: say "You show the Librarian the wallet. She looks over it confused. 'This is the wallet and Secret Society ID badge of one of our regulars who died recently. How did you get it?'[paragraph break]'Oh,' you say. You want to answer, but you don't want to bring up murder in casual conversation. 'I'm, uh, I'm a friend.'[paragraph break]'No, you're not,' she replies. 'I know Mr. Friend very well, and you look nothing like him.'[paragraph break]'I mean, uh, I'm another person who knows him.'[paragraph break]'Really?' she says, levellling her eyes at you. 'What a coincidence. [italic type]My[roman type] name is also Anne Other-Person, and I don't exactly see a family resemblance.'[paragraph break]You can't dodge her questions any more, so you tell her the particulars of Albert Friend's death, the connection to Dead Man's Grave, and how he asked you and Jon to solve the case. She listens carefully, but can't hide her sadness at the telling. When you're finished, she walks away for a moment, and comes back with a strange-looking book. You look it over, but its written in a puzzling language you can't understand.[paragraph break]'That was the last book that Mr. Friend had reserved,' she said. 'I hope that it can help your investigation. Best of luck.'[paragraph break]You thank her, and head on back to meet Jon back at [Deadman's Copse].[paragraph break](PRESS ANY KEY)"; wait for any key; clear only the main screen; say "At that moment, you become Jon again, and you see your good friend and cohost Joe walking back towards the Tomb on Dead Man's Grave. The two of you meet in a chummy embrace. You notice that he slips all of your old inventory items into your pants pockets as you hug.[paragraph break]'Jon!' Joe says. 'I though I'd never see you again!'[paragraph break]'Sorry to disappoint, my old chum,' you say, 'but the Federales couldn't hold me down for long! What did you learn at the liberry?'[paragraph break]Joe hands you a weird looking book. 'Nothing, except that Albert Friend put this book on reserve before he died. I don't know if its important. I just took it to be polite.'[paragraph break]Joe hands you the book, which you put with the rest of your inventory. You both press on, reaching..."; now the player is Jon; now Jon has the manuscript; now Jon has the wallet; now Jon has Arcane Diet Handbook; now Jon has the skeleton key; now Joe is in Deadman's Copse; now Jon is in Deadman's Copse; otherwise: say "The Librarian says 'I cannot find that in our records, sir. Is there anything else you would like to look up?'" Instead of asking Librarian about "band book week": say "You look at the librarian and say 'Surely, you misspelled the word banned for this, right?'[paragraph break]'No sir,' she says. 'We're promoting books about all sorts of bands. Musical, mostly, but we do have some extensive catalogs on the rubber variety.'[paragraph break]'Good to know,' you say. 'Any that you'd recommend for a crime-solving adventurer duo?'[paragraph break]'Plenty,' she says with a smile, 'but the drive has been so successful that we have no more books left on hand.'[paragraph break]You say 'Is there usually a big demand for, uh, [italic type]band[roman type] books?'[paragraph break]'Like you wouldn't believe,' she says. 'The community loves it. Really keeps everyone together. But in the meantime, I'll be happy to assist you with any other inquiry, don't be afraid to ask!'" Instead of asking the librarian about anything: say "The Librarian says 'I cannot find that in our records, sir. Is there anything else you would like to look up?'" Call to Adventure 1 is a scene. Call to Adventure 1 begins when play begins. Call to Adventure 1 ends when Albert Friend is in the Recording Studio. Every turn during Call to Adventure 1, say "A loud and continuous knock comes from the door." Can't Leave Yet is a scene. Can't Leave Yet begins when Call to Adventure 1 ends. Can't Leave Yet ends when the manuscript is examined and the skeleton key is examined and the wallet is examined. When Can't Leave Yet ends: say "You now feel like you have all the information you need to start this adventure." Encroach is a Scene. Encroach begins when Croach is 1. Every turn during Encroach, say "The monster inches towards you slowly. I mean, you'll probably die, but if you have any ideas on how to defeat this thing, now is the time." Encroach ends when the monster is dead. The Recording Studio is a room. "[if unvisited]You are Jon, writer and podcaster and friend to writer and podcaster Joe. [end if]This is the finely appointed recording studio where episodes of the [italic type]Tell Don't Show[roman type] Podcast are produced with some primo recording equipment sitting on a table next to the wall. Behind you is the door out of the studio[if unvisited]. You have just wrapped the recording of the latest episode and are looking for something to do. Answering the loud and continuous knocking at the door might just do the trick[end if]." A man called Jon is here.The player is Jon. The description of Jon is "[if the player is Jon]You can't really get a good look[otherwise]He's wearing a blue shirt with brown pants. What a fox paws[end if]." A man called Joe is here. The description of Joe is "[if the player is Jon]He's wearing a Hawaiian shirt. It's not his best one[otherwise]You can't really get a good look[end if]." The table is scenery in the recording studio. The table is a supporter. "It's just a table. It has [list of things on the table]." The recording equipment is Scenery on the table. "It's your recording setup that is currently mastering the files of this week's podcast. Man, all this stuff is amazing. It's got like five red lights that work sometimes!" The studio door is east of the Recording Studio. The studio door is a door. The studio door is scenery. The studio door is openable and closed. The printed name of the studio door is "door". Instead of opening the studio door when Call to Adventure 1 is happening: now Albert Friend is in the Recording Studio; say "You walk over to the door of the studio. Joe says 'I hope this isn't an adventure calling us. I had so much I wanted to do today!'[paragraph break]'Don't worry, the best writer and friend to me,' you say back. 'If it is an adventure, we'll just tell it we're not interested.'[paragraph break]You open the door. A strange man walks inside without asking permission. Rude." Instead of going through the studio door when Call to Adventure 1 is happening: now Albert Friend is in the Recording Studio; say "You walk over to the door of the studio. Joe says 'I hope this isn't an adventure calling us. I had so much I wanted to do today!'[paragraph break]'Don't worry, the best writer and friend to me,' you say back. 'If it is an adventure, we'll just tell it we're not interested.'[paragraph break]You open the door. A strange man walks inside without asking permission. Rude." Instead of opening the studio door when Can't Leave Yet is happening: say "Not yet. Your instincts tell you that there is still work to be done before leaving." Instead of going through the studio door when Can't Leave Yet is happening: say "Not yet. Your instincts tell you that there is still work to be done before leaving." Instead of opening the studio door when Can't Leave Yet has ended: say "You walk up to the door and open it. Before crossing over the threshold, you turn back to Joe and say 'Well, old friend, despite both of our explicit refusal to undertake such a task, it looks like we are about to go on an adventure.'[paragraph break]Joe shrugs and says 'I hate it and you for letting it happen.'[paragraph break]'Me too, old friend. Me too. But now, to Deadman's Copse!'[paragraph break]The two of you leave the studio and walk to the Tell Don't Show Mobile, the podcast car. [if Carlocked is 0 and TrunkPopped is 0]You are both shocked to find that the car's doors are unlocked, but relieved to see nothing has been taken. [end if][if Carlocked is 1 and TrunkPopped is 1]You are both shocked to find that the car's trunk is open, but relieved to see nothing has been taken. [end if][if Carlocked is 0 and TrunkPopped is 1]You are both shocked to find that the car's doors are unlocked and the trunk is open, but relieved to see nothing has been taken. [end if]You both get in and drive to...[paragraph break]"; now Joe is in Deadman's Copse; now Jon is in Deadman's Copse. Instead of going through the studio door when Can't Leave Yet has ended: say "You walk up to the door and open it. Before crossing over the threshold, you turn back to Joe and say 'Well, old friend, despite both of our explicit refusal to undertake such a task, it looks like we are about to go on an adventure.'[paragraph break]Joe shrugs and says 'I hate it and you for letting it happen.'[paragraph break]'Me too, old friend. Me too. But now, to Deadman's Copse!'[paragraph break]The two of you leave the studio and walk to the Tell Don't Show Mobile, the podcast car. [if Carlocked is 0 and TrunkPopped is 0]You are both shocked to find that the car's doors are unlocked, but relieved to see nothing has been taken. [end if][if Carlocked is 1 and TrunkPopped is 1]You are both shocked to find that the car's trunk is open, but relieved to see nothing has been taken. [end if][if Carlocked is 0 and TrunkPopped is 1]You are both shocked to find that the car's doors are unlocked and the trunk is open, but relieved to see nothing has been taken. [end if]You both get in and drive to...[paragraph break]"; now Joe is in Deadman's Copse; now Jon is in Deadman's Copse. Deadman's Copse is a room. "[if unvisited]You and Joe get out of the Tell Don't Show mobile at the Tomb's parking lot and walk the way up to the Copse. [end if]This is the spooky area where the real-life Tomb on Dead Man's Grave is kept. [if unvisited]It looks just the way you imagined it, except maybe a little more weird. [end if]From here, you can see the [Corpse] that gives the area its name, as well as the Tomb on Dead Man's Grave. The Tomb sits behind a wrought iron fence that has a gate to the north." The Corpse is here. The Corpse is scenery. Understand "copse" as the Corpse. The printed name of the Corpse is "Copse". "It's a corpse just kinda hanging out over there." Instead of examining the Corpse for the first time: now the printed name of the Corpse is "Corpse"; now the printed name of Deadman's Copse is "Deadman's Corpse"; say "You take a look at the Copse and realize that it's actually not a Copse but a Corpse. Spooky." The Tomb on Dead Man's Grave is here. Understand "angel" and "angels" and "inscription" and "Tomb" as The Tomb on Dead Man's Grave. The Tomb on Dead Man's Grave is scenery. "The Tomb on Dead Man's Grave is an ancient mausoleum constructed in the neoclassical stlye so typical of the excesses of the Gilded Age. Above the arched entrance of the tomb reads the inscription [bold type]A. DEADMAN[roman type]. The inscription, while still clearly legible, retains little of the now faded red paint that had once made the letters distinctive. On either side of the archway are the statues of two female angels, depicted as being blindfolded and playing instruments used in Ancient Roman funerary processions." After examining the tomb on dead man's grave the first time, say "'Is this what you imagined?' Joe says. 'Is this what you thought it looked like when you wrote the story?'[paragraph break]'No,' you say. 'This is much more eloquent, by far.'" The wrought iron fence is here. The wrought iron fence is scenery. Understand "fence" as wrought iron fence. "It is a huge wrought iron fence that surrounds the Tomb on Dead Man's Grave. There's no way you could get over it or go between the bars. Trust me. [bold type]Really[roman type]. In the middle of the fence is a gate that leads to the Tomb[if the gate is open]. The gate is now open, so you wouldn't even have to worry about getting over the fence any other way[end if]." The gate is north of Deadman's Copse and south of Tomb Interior. The gate is scenery. The gate is a door. "A gate sits in the middle of the fence. In the gate is a large lock. Beyond the gate lays the Tomb on Dead Man's Grave[if the gate is open]. The gate has been opened for you[end if]." The skeleton lock is part of the gate. The skeleton lock is a container. Understand "lock" as skeleton lock. The skeleton lock is lockable and locked. The description of the skeleton lock is "A lock the shape of a skull is affixed to the gate." After examining the skeleton lock for the first time: if the skeleton lock is locked, say "Joe, still chewing that piece of straw, says 'What you got there is a skeleton lock, I reckon!'" Instead of going through the gate when the skeleton lock is locked, say "The gate appears to be locked." Instead of opening the gate when the skeleton lock is locked, say "The gate appears to be locked." Instead of unlocking the gate with the skeleton key, try unlocking the skeleton lock with the skeleton key instead. Instead of unlocking the skeleton lock with the skeleton key for the first time: say "You try putting the skeleton key into the lock, but it doesn't work.[paragraph break]'Huh,' you say.[paragraph break]'Really?' says Joe. He spits out his straw. 'Darn. Thought we had something there. Any ideas?'[paragraph break]'No,' you say, 'but I have the feeling that giving you all of the inventory items will help somehow.'[paragraph break]Joe nods as you hand over your items. At that moment, a police officer walks up to you and says 'Excuse me, Jon, but did you touch a dead body?'[paragraph break]'Yeah,' you say.[paragraph break]'Gross,' says Joe.[paragraph break]The policeman puts cuffs on your wrists and says 'You're coming with me, then.'[paragraph break]As you're being taken away, you turn back to Joe and say 'Don't worry about me, bro. I'll figure out a way from this. What are you gonna do?'[paragraph break]'Well,' Joe said, 'since this is a supernatural horror adventure, in true Lovecraftian style I'll find answers at the best place possible: The Local Library!'[paragraph break][italic type]That good old Joe[roman type], you think as you're taken away to...[paragraph break]"; now Joe has the skeleton key; now Joe has the wallet; now Joe has the manuscript; now the player is in the Police Chief's Office; Instead of unlocking the skeleton lock with the skeleton key: say "It still doesn't work. You're just making it more embarassing." The Police Chief's Office is a room. The printed name of The Police Chief's Office is "The Police Chief's Office". "[if unvisited]You don't spend much time sightseeing as the police officer takes you to the office of the Chief of Police. The officer pushes you in after taking off the cuffs. You barely land on your feet as you enter the room. Dusting yourself off, you look around. [end if]It is clearly the spartan office of a senior ranking police officer. The majority of space in this small is taken up by a massive wooden desk that denotes a man of authority. On the desk sits [a list of things on the desk]." A man called Police Chief is here. The printed name of the police Chief is "the Police Chief". "The Police Chief sits behind his desk[if Coolwithcops is 0] looking rather sternly at you[end if]." The description of the Police Chief is "He's a gruff looking man with a flat-top haircut and one of those police uniforms that looks like a normal beat cop's until you look at all the badges and medals. This dude is serious." The desk is here. The desk is scenery. The desk is a supporter. The description of the desk is "It's a really nice desk." On the desk is a police report. The police report is a supporter. The police report is improper-named. The police report is puzzling. The description of the police report is "You find it really puzzling." After examining the police report: if the detective hat is on the police report: now the player has the detective hat; say "Gleaning what you could, you take back the detective hat." Instead of taking the police report: if Coolwithcops is 0, say "You're already in trouble with the cops. Don't start taking their stuff."; if Coolwithcops is 1: say "The Chief puts his hand over the files. 'Sorry man. Just because we're brothers (in arms) now doesn't mean you can take that report off my desk. You can look, but not touch.'" On the desk is a detective hat. The detective hat is plot-sensitive. The detective hat is improper-named. The detective hat is an object. Understand "hat" as detective hat. The description of the detective hat is "Deerstalker cap, natch." Instead of taking the detective hat when the player is in the Police Chief's Office: if Coolwithcops is 0, say "You're already in trouble with the cops. Don't start taking their stuff."; if Coolwithcops is 1 and the player does not have the detective hat: now the player has the detective hat; say "'Hey, can I have that detective hat?'[paragraph break]'Sure. Just use it when something is hard to figure out and you'll understand what's going on. But by taking it, you agree to become an officially sworn in officer of this fair city.'[paragraph break]'That easy, huh?'[paragraph break]The police chief nods. You take the hat."; Instead of wearing the detective hat: say "You try forcing it on, but it doesn't seem to fit."; if the player is in the Police Chief's Office, say "[line break]The Chief looks at you like you're a dummy and says 'Don't you know anything? You just have to put that on something that's puzzling. Then you'll understand it.'" Instead of putting the detective hat on the police report for the first time: say "You put the detective hat on the police report. Reading it now, it all makes sense. You can tell that if is the Coroner's Report on Albert Friend. Apparently, he was killed from behind by a knife that might have been under the control of another person.[paragraph break]Learning this vital clue, you take back the hat. You turn to the Chief and say 'Well, that should get me to the next step. I've got some solvin to do, Chief!'[paragraph break]You salute the Chief. He waves at you and says 'Uh-huh.'[paragraph break]You go back to [Deadman's Copse], but you wonder what Joe is up to at..."; now the player has the detective hat; now the player is Joe; now the player is in the Local Library; After putting the detective hat on the police report: say "You put the detective hat on the police report. It is the Coroner's Report on Albert Friend. He was killed from behind by a knife that might have been under the control of another person.[paragraph break]You take back the hat."; now the player has the detective hat. Instead of putting the detective hat on an object that is not puzzling: say "You think you understand [the second noun] pretty well." The Local Library is a room. The printed name of The Local Library is "The Local Library". "[if unvisited]So, you're Joe now. Your Hawaiian shirt billows in the breeze as you enter the library. You imagine a soundtrack of western guitars, and you feel cool. This is a small library that is largely confined to a lobby area. Well, not confined. There are many stacks of books beyond, but you're feeling tired and don't want to go looking through [italic type]every single one[roman type]. You chill out here, in the front lobby area by the main counter, upon which is a sign[otherwise]This is the lobby and reception area of the Local Library. You stand by the main counter, on which stands a sign[end if]." A counter is here. The counter is scenery. The counter is a supporter. The description of the counter is "Formica, [italic type]noice[roman type]. On the counter is a sign." A sign is on the counter. The sign is scenery. The description of the sign is "The sign says:'ASK me about BAND BOOK WEEK ! Or ANYTHING ELSE!' A large arrow points to the librarian behind the counter." A woman called Librarian is here. The librarian is improper-named. The indefinite article of Librarian is "the". "A librarian stands behind the counter[if the Local Library is unvisited]. She looks up at you and says 'Good afternoon, sir' as you enter. Her voice sounds the way that roses would if they greeted you as you walked into a library. You're in love[end if]." The description of the librarian is "Wow. If only you had your library card...[paragraph break]Then you could show it to her, and maybe she would think you read!" Instead of going from Deadman's Copse to Tomb Interior the first time: say "You look over to Joe and say 'Well, old chum. Our adventures have taken us to many new places...'[paragraph break]'About three,' he says.[paragraph break]'...but it all leads to this fourth new place. Let's see what we can find in the [bold type]Tomb on Dead Man's Grave[roman type].'[paragraph break]Joe acts out the sound of thunderclaps badly. You shake your head and lead him inside to..."; now Joe is in Tomb Interior; now Jon is in Tomb Interior. Instead of going from Deadman's Copse to Tomb Interior: now Joe is in Tomb Interior; now Jon is in Tomb Interior. Instead of going from Tomb Interior to Deadman's Copse : now Joe is in Deadman's Copse ; now Jon is in Deadman's Copse . Tomb Interior is a room. The printed name of Tomb Interior is "The Tomb Interior". "This is the interior of the Tomb on Dead Man's Grave. It's really old and spooky. There's slime on the walls that looks weird and gross, but warrants further investigation. In the middle of the room is a raised stone coffin. Sitting next to the coffin is an old open backpack." A backpack is here. The backpack is scenery. The backpack is a container. The description of the backpack is "It's an old backpack the color of rust, but you're not sure if that is its original color." A spiral notebook is in the backpack. Understand The spiral notebook is plot-sensitive. The description of the spiral notebook is "This spiral notebook is the diary of Chip, the person who died and somehow inspired the story [bold type]BloodDead[roman type]." Instead of taking the spiral notebook, try examining the spiral notebook. Instead of examining the spiral notebook for the first time: say "You take a look at the spiral notebook. It reminds you of the days when you first met Joe in college, and how often you both would spiral notebooks inside of graves. You open up the notebook and find a short passage hand-written in black ink:[paragraph break][italic type]'10/31 - I can't believe my stupid dying uncle thought I was too scared to spend the night here. It isn't even all that scary! I mean, it's weird, and a little gross, and really scary, but I'm not afraid of anything. Besides, there's no such thing as making blood dead.'[roman type][paragraph break]There is nothing else legible, as the rest of the pages are covered in [bold type]dead blood[roman type]!!![paragraph break]'Hey Joe,' you say over your shoulder, 'I think this is the journal of Chip, the guy in my story. It looks like he really died here.'[paragraph break]You hear no reply. You're about to turn your head when something blunt hits the back of your head and you pass out. Eventually, you come to in..."; now Joe is in Trunk; now Jon is in Trunk. Slime is here. Slime is scenery. The description of the slime is "Up close, the slime is even [italic type]weirder[roman type] and [bold type]grosser[roman type] than before. EWW." Coffin is here. Coffin is scenery. The description of coffin is "It is a large coffin made out of stone slabs, with bas reliefs carved into the sides. On the lid of the tomb is a portrait of an old man with the name 'A. DEADMAN' carved underneath. The reliefs on the sides display a turbulent sea, upon which sails a steamship named the [italic type]St. Eamer[roman type]. The ship, loaded with bags that have dollar signs on them, is sailing away from an island that has a weird-looking temple. The temple has the inscription 'MONSTRVOSVS*TÆTERQVE' above the doorway." After examining the coffin the first time, say "You turn back to Joe and say 'So, the stories are true after all.'[paragraph break]Joe looks at you with puppy dog eyes and says 'W-What stories?'[paragraph break]'There is an actual dead man in the Tomb on Dead Man's Grave and he's buried [italic type]right in there[roman type].'[paragraph break]Joe holds himself and shivers. 'Oooh, chills. Right there. Spooky.'[paragraph break]You each lose 300 sanity points." Trunk is a room. Trunk is a dark room. Rule for printing the description of a dark room: say "You see nothing. You can only tell that you are laying on your right side. You cannot move as the space is too restricting. You seem to be in one piece." Instead of examining an object in trunk: say "hey." Instead of examining an object carried by the player while the player is in a dark room: say "You cannot look at [the noun], but you are able to touch it." Instead of touching the skeleton key in a dark room: say "The key still feels like bones. You feel the green, red, and blue buttons in the key's base." Instead of pushing the green button in trunk the first time: say "You press the button, which causes such a loud sound that nearly bursts your eardrums. Whoops." Instead of pushing the green button in trunk: say "Probably not a good idea." Instead of putting the detective hat on something in trunk: say "You can't see well enough to put the detective hat on [the second noun] with any accuracy." Instead of pushing the blue button in Trunk: say "As soon as you touch the blue button, you hear a hollow THUNK and get blinded with light. After your eyes adjust, and you realize that you must have been trapped in the trunk of a car and that you were able to pop it open. You get out of the trunk and see that Joe is laying in the trunk unconscious. You bring him to and take him out of the trunk. When you get out, you find that you guys were actually being held in the trunk of a hearse!!![paragraph break]'Wait,' Joe says, 'How does a hearse have a trunk? Wouldn't that-'[paragraph break]You put your fingers to Joe's lips and shush him. After he calms down, you both look around and see that you're on..."; now Joe is in the Front Lawn; now Jon is in the Front Lawn. Front Lawn is a room. The printed name of Front Lawn is "The Front Lawn of a Spooky Mansion". "[if unvisited]You must have been knocked out for some time, as it is night now. [end if][if the monster is alive]The hearse you were trapped in is parked right in front of an old spooky mansion, and that can't be a coincidence. The front door of the mansion lies to the north, and you see a path that leads to the east that leads away[otherwise if the monster is dead]Both the hearse you arrived in and the mansion are on fire in a huge blaze. The path to the east still looks safe, and is pointed in the general direction of your Recording Studio[end if]." A hearse is in Front Lawn. Hearse is scenery. The description of the hearse is "A hearse is a hearse, a curse a curse[if the monster is dead], especially when it's on fire[end if]." The front door is north of front lawn and south of foyer. The front door is a door. The door is scenery. The front door is openable and lockable. The front door is open and unlocked. A mansion is here. The mansion is scenery. "It's a really spooky old house that's really starting to come apart at the seams. Windows are broken, siding is peeling off, and it's got this weird and gross yellow kinda hue to it[if the monster is dead]. It's also on fire[end if]." Instead of examining the mansion for the first time: say "You look up at the creakly and craggly old mansion you've been abducted to, and you realize something. 'Bro,' you say, 'do you know what this place is? This is Dead Man's Manor!'" Instead of pushing the blue button in Front Lawn: say "The hearse's trunk is already open." Instead of pushing the green button in Front Lawn: say "The hearse beeps, indicating that it is locked." Foyer is a room. Foyer is north of front door. The printed name of Foyer is "The Foyer". "This is the suprisingly small front room of the mansion. There is not much to the room, besides a marble floor that reminds you of a chessboard, and a flight of stairs that sits crumbling in the corner that leads to nowhere. There is a door to the west, and from behind it you hear music." Stairs are here. Stairs are scenery. "All of the steps of the stairs are broken. It is practically impossible for you to get up them safely." Side door is west of Foyer and east of Drawing Room. Side door is a door. Side door is openable and closed. Side door is lockable and unlocked. The printed name of side door is "side door". Instead of going to Foyer from Front Lawn for the first time: say "You look up at the front door of the mansion and say 'Gulp!'[paragraph break]'Who actually just says the word Gulp?' Joe asks.[paragraph break]'I do, I can't make the sound.'[paragraph break]'But,' Joe stammers as he gesticulated with his arms, 'you [italic type]make the sound[roman type] when [italic type]you say the word[roman type]! I think there's a term for that!'[paragraph break]You decide to not listen to any of his guff, and push on to...[paragraph break][bold type]The Foyer[roman type][paragraph break]This is the suprisingly small front room of the mansion. There is not much to the room, besides a marble floor that reminds you of a chessboard, and a flight of stairs that sits crumbling in the corner that leads to nowhere. There is a door to the west, and from behind it you hear music. You think it might be a Queen medley.[paragraph break]You can see Joe here.[paragraph break]> "; wait for any key; clear the screen; say "[bold type]JUMPSCARE!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!![roman type]"; wait for any key; wait for any key; wait for any key; clear the screen; say "Your screams die out after a few moments that feel like hours. You look around to see if whatever made that happen is still around. You appear to be alone for now.[paragraph break]'What was that???' you say. 'It wasn't there at first, then it suddenly was and it was frightening!'[paragraph break]'I don't know what it was, but what it was was the [italic type]scariest[roman type] and most [bold type]jumpiest[roman type] moment of my life!' Joe says.[paragraph break]'Hopefully,' you say, 'it won't be the last dot dot dot.'[paragraph break]'Ugh, again, you don't actually say th...'[paragraph break]Joe keeps whining at you, but you take another look around...[line break]"; now Jon is in the Foyer; now Joe is in the Foyer; now the front door is closed; now the front door is locked. Instead of opening the front door when the front door is locked and the monster is alive: say "It seems to be locked. [italic type]Spooky[roman type]." Instead of opening the front door when the front door is locked and the monster is dead: say "Might not be the best idea to rush back into the burning building." Instead of going from foyer to drawing room: now Jon is in Drawing Room; now Joe is in Drawing Room; now the side door is closed; now the side door is locked; say "'So you made it past my pet jumpscare?' says the monster. 'Impressive. Make yourselves at home. It's a nice place to live, this. Not that you'll have to worry about that much longer.'" Drawing Room is a room. "The drawing room is an old room designed for entertaining. Now it's made for spookertaining. All of the wallpaper is peeling off the walls, and it's all really spooky and weird. In the corner of the room is an old pipe organ." An organ is here. The organ is scenery. The description of the organ is "It's a spooky old pipe organ THAT IS MADE OUT OF HUMAN PIPES!!! I MEAN ORGANS!!!" The monster is here. The monster is a person. The indefinite article of monster is "the". The monster is improper-named. "[if the monster is alive and encroach is not happening]In the corner you see a weird and gross monster looking at you with it's too many eyes. It is playing a Queen medley on the pipe organ[otherwise if the monster is alive and encroach is happening]You miss hearing the Queen medley on the pipe organ, but its been years since you've played and you can see that the monster has no interest in picking it back up right now[end if]." The description of the monster is "Man, if you had to describe this monster to somebody later, I'm not sure that you could. It's just that scary. You could only say that it was weird and gross, and it has that weird leg. Otherwise, forget it. Too spooky." The weird leg is part of the monster. Understand "gross leg" as weird leg. The description of the weird leg is "Oohhh, [bold type]GROSS[roman type]." Instead of putting the Arcane Diet Handbook on the monster: now the monster is dead; say "You open the book and turn it to face the monster. You're about to speak when the monster starts letting out a foul wailing sound.[paragraph break]'[bold type]WaaaAAAUUUUUgggghhhhhAAAAAUUUUUUUGHHHHH!!![roman type] Books, my true weakness, because they symbolize knowledge, my [bold type]true[roman type] weakness! And as creative writers and best friends, you would've known that!'[paragraph break]'Huh,' you say, 'I actually thought it wa-'[paragraph break]'Knowledge is power, and knowing was all the battle!' the monster says as it starts to deflate like a weird and gross balloon, collapsing into a weird and gross pile on the floor. The gross old monster of Dead Man's Tomb is dead.[paragraph break](PRESS ANY KEY)"; wait for any key; clear only the main screen; say "You and Joe look down at the burbling remains of the monster. You work up the courage to say an amazing one-liner, but before you can say it the monster's remains catch on fire. It is not long before the entire house is engulfed in flames. You and Joe run out of the drawing room and out of the foyer, breaking down the doors. You make it outside in the knick of time, and find yourself again out on..."; now Joe is in the Front Lawn; now Jon is in the Front Lawn. Game Exit is a room. Game exit is east of Front Lawn. Instead of going to game exit from front lawn when the monster is alive: say "It's too late to run away now. What are you, [bold type]spooked[roman type]?" Instead of going to game exit from front lawn when the monster is dead: say "You look over to Joe and say 'Well, that was really messed up. But, another adventure solved, right old chum? Now, let's go home!'[paragraph break]You start to walk away, taking Joe by the shoulder, but he shakes you off.[paragraph break]'That's not the adventure!' Joe says. 'I mean, killing a monster is pretty adventurous, I guess, but that isn't the adventure we set out on! Who killed Albert Friend?'[paragraph break]'Oh yeah,' you say, 'I forgot to tell you. The police report I found says that he was killed by a knife under the control of another person.'[paragraph break]'Another person?' Joe says. 'But that could only mean...'[paragraph break]'Well well well' a voice calls from behind. A voice that sounds the way roses would if they could call from behind.[paragraph break](PRESS ANY KEY)"; wait for any key; clear only the main screen; say "You turn around to find the librarian, [italic type]Anne Other-Person[roman type], standing behind you! What a plot twist![paragraph break]'It was about time you boys showed up,' she says.[paragraph break]'Anne!' Joe says as he steps forward. 'I can't believe it! You killed Albert Friend? Why?'[paragraph break]She looks away from Joe and starts doing a monologue pose. 'It was all part of my revenge. My revenge on the monster at the Tomb on Dead Man's Grave for killing the one man I ever truly loved: Chip.'[paragraph break](PRESS ANY KEY)"; wait for any key; clear only the main screen; say "'Chip and I were dating for three years when he died, all because of that dumb uncle who wouldn't give him his stuff. That's not why we were dating, that's why he died. Well, it was the monster making his- you know what I mean, right?'[paragraph break]'But why kill Albert Friend?' you ask. 'He hunted monsters like the monster for breakfast.'[paragraph break]'I knew that,' she says, 'that's why I reached out to him once the police found Chip's body in the Tomb. I assumed Albert would jump at the chance to kill it, but I think he wanted to study it instead. He had killed many Draculas, who drink blood, and wolfsmen, who turn your blood to dogs, but he had never met a monster that could just [italic type]kill[roman type] blood before. Since he wouldn't kill the monster, I killed him instead.'[paragraph break](PRESS ANY KEY)"; wait for any key; clear only the main screen; say "Joe, who looks like his heart is getting more and more broken with each passing word, says 'But why give me the book? Why link yourself to the murder? We wouldn't have suspected a thing!'[paragraph break]'When you first came to the library and you showed me the wallet,' she says, 'I thought I could pin the crime on you. However, once I saw you were one half of an adventuring duo, I decided to give you the book I got for Albert on an ILL and have you fend off the monster for me instead. I even knocked you out and brought you here in the trunk of the tomb's hearse to make sure you didn't mess it up.'[paragraph break]'But why not kill the monster yourself, if you had the book the whole time?' Joe asks.[paragraph break]'Pffft, no,' she says. 'I wasn't going in there. Did you see its leg?'[paragraph break](PRESS ANY KEY)"; wait for any key; clear only the main screen; say "'Anne,' you say, allowing Joe to turn away and hide his feelings, 'by the powers invested in this detective hat, I'm making you arrested for killing a guy.'[paragraph break]'A. Friend,' she says.[paragraph break]You whistle, and out of a nearby bush walks out a police officer who cuffs Anne's hands and starts to take her away. She stops the officer when they pass Joe.[paragraph break]'You know,' she says 'you could always come to the county jail when you need to cite some sources.'[paragraph break]Joe inhales deeply. 'Yeah. Maybe. Don't count on it.'[paragraph break]Anne looks into his eyes as the police officer escorts her down the path to the East.[paragraph break](PRESS ANY KEY)"; wait for any key; clear only the main screen; say "Once Anne is out of sight, Joe falls to his knees. A tear wells up in his eye, but he keeps them in real man-like. You walk over to him and listen, as you feel the monologue coming on. 'You know what?' he says. 'I didn't want to do any of this today. None of it. I wanted to refuse it SO MUCH. But we did it. We did all of it.'[paragraph break]You lay your hand on his shoulder. 'I know, bud, I know. But we did do all of this, and both us and other things are different now becauseof it. You know what that makes us?'[paragraph break]'Yeah,' says Joe. He looks up to you and smiles weakly. 'I guess it makes us heroes.'[paragraph break]You help him up and walk down the path, back to the studio."; end the story saying "The End??? (yes)".