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A secret door is a kind of door. A secret door can be revealed or unrevealed. A secret door is unrevealed. A secret door is scenery. A secret door is closed. A secret door can be locked or unlocked. To print the you can't go message: (- L__M(##Go, 2, 0); -). To print the you can't see message: (- L__M(##Miscellany, 30, 0); -). Before going through a secret door which is unrevealed: print the you can't go message instead. Before doing something to a secret door which is unrevealed: print the you can't see message instead. When play begins: say "You’re sent into a mad panic as the thunderous knocks on the door grow louder. You know you can’t hide, so you must escape. Somehow." House-Front Door is a room. House-West Wing is a room. House-West Wing is west of House-Front Door. House-East Wing is a room. House-East Wing is east of House-Front Door. House-South Wing is a room. House-South Wing is south of House-Front door. Depths is a room. Depths is below the Hidden Path. Depths-West is a room. Depths-West is west of Depths. Depths-East is a room. Depths-East is east of Depths. Depths-South is a room. Depths-South is south of Depths. Depths-North is a room. Depths-North is north of Depths. Top of Ladder is a room. Top of Ladder is above Depths-North. Canned food is a thing. Canned food is edible. The match is a thing. The player is carrying the match. The description of the match is "You've always wanted to play with fire." The description of the wedding ring is "You can’t bear to look at it. Brings back all the memories…" The description of the slip of paper is "'12 - 43 - 70'. It’s the code to a safe. Never had good memory." The description of the crowbar is "It’s a crowbar. Unlock new paths in life!" The description of the cupboard is "It's just a wooden cupboard, not that exciting. If you were a druggie, however..." The description of the metal box is "It’s a box. Made of metal. You vaguely remember it being important." The description of the cipher is “This thing looks complex. Wonder what it deciphers?" The description of the safe is "Good old safe. Your only friend…" The description of the note z is "It reads 'I told you that one day they’ll come knocking on your door. Be it the mob or the feds. If you’re reading this, then you must be in trouble. In the middle of the mudroom is a hidden path, leading to the secret tunnels I built way back in the day. This is all I can do for you, good luck amigo.' There is a map on it that reveals where the secret passage is." The description of the lantern is "It lights up the room." The description of the mossy wall is "It’s rather damp, and covered in moss as a result. Kinda gross." The description of the rock wall is "These walls don’t look sturdy, better avoid a cave-in.†The description of the dirt wall is "It looks as if it’s man made, as opposed to the other walls. Slightly weaker but still not breakable by hand." The description of the canned food is "Love me some non-perishables! Just kidding, might make you sick..." The description of the pickaxe is "Hold the stick end." The description of the dirty note is " It suspiciously begins with a string of numbers: 2435 604856 3827463 3844 635. Wonder if it’s some sort of code? It reads 'Those savages! Do they not know who I am? Throwing me down here, reducing me to a troglodyte! I’ll show them what’s what. But first, I must locate a new light source, as it turns out candles don’t last forever. But when I do, I’ll be out of here, and with their precious treasure too.' The rest is illegible." Instead of dropping dirty note: say "Seems important.. Better hold on to this.†Instead of examining the dirty note while the player is carrying cipher, say "It’s an address with coordinates! How intriguing..." The description of the work bench is "More of just a bench in this situation." The description of the skeletal remains is "It appears to be the bones of a human, surprisingly intact with it’s finger raised. It’s clutching a pen in one hand." The description of the penless skeletal remains is "It appears to be the bones of a human, surprisingly intact with it’s finger raised. Now desecrated by you, as it doesn’t hold it’s pen." The description of the pen is "It reads: 'Floor 2 DO NOT REMOVE'. Little late for that. It appears to be out of ink..." The description of the gemstone is "It’s large, it’s beautiful, and can probably feed me for fifty lifetimes." The description of the House-Front Door is "It’s the mudroom. The knocking is loud and persistent." The description of the House-East Wing is "It’s the patio. The yard is fenced off." The description of the House-West Wing is "It’s the kitchen. There seem to be no windows or other exits." The description of the House-South Wing is "It’s the bedroom. The windows won’t seem to budge." The description of the Depths is "It’s a dark cave, branching into four paths. The only exit above is out of reach." The description of the Depths-North is "Dead end, but there appears to be a way out above you." The description of the Depths-South is "Dead end. It feels rather dank in here, more so than the other rooms. A faint sound of water can be heard." The description of Depths-East is "You immediately get freaked out, as you see a skeleton pointing at you. The walls seem more weak and brittle here. Regardless, dead end." The description of Depths-West is "There appears to be a possible exit, as the path here looks as if it’s been walled off rather than being a dead end." The description of the Top of Ladder is "You’re at the top of the rusty ladder. The manhole cover seems locked shut. Maybe you could use something to unlock it." The player is wearing a wedding ring. Instead of dropping the wedding ring: say "You wouldn't want to drop this jewel." Instead of taking off the wedding ring: say "You wouldn't want to take off this jewel." Every turn while in the House-Front Door, in the House-West Wing, House-East Wing, or in the House-South wing: if the wedding ring has been worn for 20 turns and the player is carrying a crowbar begin; say "You hear your door hinges give out and men burst in shouting. Everything's a blur. In great fervor you panic and wield the crowbar in defense. One of the men opens fire and a sharp pain is felt on your forehead. [Line Break] Your journey ended in DEATH. This is a bad ending."; end the game in death; end if. Every turn while in the House-Front Door, in the House-West Wing, House-East Wing, or in the House-South Wing: if the wedding ring has been worn for 20 turns begin; say "You hear your door hinges give out and men burst in shouting. Everything's a blur. You are quickly apprehended. In the coming months, you are sentenced to a lifetime of prison for criminal activity. [Line Break] Your journey ends in PRISON. This is the worst ending."; end the story; end if. The gemstone is a thing. Digging it with is an action applying to two things. Check digging something with something: if the player is not carrying the pickaxe, say "You can't dig into the wall with your bare hands." instead; if the second noun is not the pickaxe, say "[The second noun] is not digging material." instead; if the noun is the pickaxe, say "That doesn't seem to be physically possible." instead; if the noun is the mossy wall, say "You swing the pickaxe once, twice, three times. All of a sudden water gushes from the tunnel wall. You must have hit a water pipeline! The tunnel starts filling up with water surprisingly quickly. In your panic you slip on the wet ground and hit your head on a rock. Everything goes black and your life flashes before your eyes. We all make mistakes. [Line Break] Your journey ended in DEATH. This is a bad ending."; if the noun is the mossy wall, end the game in death instead; if the noun is the rock wall and the player is not carrying the dirty note, say "These walls don't seem sturdy. Better avoid a cave-in." instead; if the noun is the rock wall and the player is carrying the dirty note, remove rock wall from play; if the noun is the rock wall and the player is carrying the dirty note, move gemstone to Depths-East; if the noun is the rock wall and the player is carrying the dirty note, say "With a few delicate swings of your pickaxe, a gemstone is revealed, the biggest you've ever seen!"; if the noun is the rock wall and the player is carrying the dirty note, now the description of Depths-East is "The rock wall is still dug into next to the skeleton. It seems that it is a dead end." instead; if the noun is the player, say "Self harm won't help in this situation." instead; if the noun is a dirt wall, now the description of Depths-West is "Dead end."; if the noun is a dirt wall, remove dirt wall from play; if the noun is a dirt wall, say "You find some canned food behind it."; move canned food to Depths-West instead. Understand "dig [something] with [something]" as digging it with. The Hidden Path is a secret door. The Hidden Path is unrevealed. The Hidden Path is closed and openable. The Hidden Path is below House-Front Door. The crowbar is a thing in House-East Wing. The slip of paper is a thing. The player is carrying the slip of paper. The note z is a thing. The note z is in the safe. Understand "code" as slip of paper. Instead of taking the note z: now the Hidden Path is revealed; now the description of House-Front Door is "It's the mudroom. The knocking is loud and persistent. You notice a hidden path below you."; move note z to player; say "Taken." The hidden path is locked. The crowbar unlocks the hidden path. Instead of going up from Depths, say "The hidden path is out of reach." Safe is in House-South Wing. The safe is fixed in place. The safe is a locked, openable container. The slip of paper unlocks the safe. The cupboard is an openable container in House-West Wing. The cupboard is closed. The cupboard is fixed in place. The metal box is an openable container. The metal box is closed. The metal box is in the cupboard. The cipher is a thing. The cipher is in the metal box. Every turn while in the Depths, in the Depths-North, Depths-West, Top of Ladder, or in the Depths-East, Depths-South: if the wedding ring has been worn for 37 turns begin; say "You notice how hungry you are. Maybe you should eat something."; end if. Every turn while in the Depths, in the Depths-North, Depths-West, Top of Ladder, or in the Depths-East, Depths-South: if the wedding ring has been worn for 40 turns begin; say "You collapse against the wall, clutching your stomach. Lacking the strength to carry on, you pass out from hunger and exhaustion, doomed to rot beneath a house. [Line Break] Your journey ends in DEATH. This is a bad ending."; end the game in death; end if. Instead of eating the canned food: remove the canned food from play; remove the wedding ring from play; say "You use your ring to open the can. Unfortunately, the ring breaks. What a piece of garbage. You eat the canned food, not the best meal you've ever had." The jacket is a thing. Every turn: if the Depths is visited and the Depths was not visited, say "You fall while making a tumultuous noise, and hit the ground hard. Despite expecting dirt, you land on a piece of wood that appears to be linked to some rope contraption. The entrance above you closes by itself, although you can’t see how. Stranded in the pitch black darkness, you stumble over a lantern in a stroke of luck." Instead of taking the dirty note: now the description of Depths-East is "You immediately get freaked out, as you see a skeleton pointing at you. Could he be the author of the note? Upon closer inspection, he’s actually pointing at a glimmer in the wall..."; move dirty note to player; say "Taken." Instead of dropping the dirty note: now the description of Depths-East is "You immediately get freaked out, as you see a skeleton pointing at you. The walls seem more weak and brittle here. Regardless, dead end."; now dirty note carried by the player is in the location. Instead of going north in Depths when player is not carrying lantern: say "It's too dark over there." Instead of going east in Depths when player is not carrying lantern: say "It's too dark over there." Instead of going south in Depths when player is not carrying lantern: say "It's too dark over there." Instead of going west in Depths when player is not carrying lantern: say "It's too dark over there." Instead of going south in Depths-North when player is not carrying lantern: say "It's too dark over there." Instead of going west in Depths-East when player is not carrying lantern: say "It's too dark over there." Instead of going north in Depths-South when player is not carrying lantern: say "It's too dark over there." Instead of going east in Depths-West when player is not carrying lantern: say "It's too dark over there." The lantern is a thing. The lantern is in Depths. Instead of taking lantern: move the lantern to the player; say "You light the lantern with a match you have in your pocket."; remove match from play. The pickaxe is a thing. The pickaxe is in Depths-South. The mossy wall is a thing. The mossy wall is in Depths-South. The mossy wall is fixed in place. The rock wall is a thing. The rock wall is fixed in place. The rock wall is in Depths-East. The skeletal remains is a thing. The skeletal remains is fixed in place. The skeletal remains is in Depths-East. The gemstone is a thing. The penless skeletal remains is a thing. The penless skeletal remains is fixed in place. The pen is a thing in the room. Instead of taking the pen: remove the skeletal remains from play; move the penless skeletal remains to Depths-East; move pen to player; say "Taken." The dirt wall is a thing. The dirt wall is fixed in place. The dirt wall is in Depths-West. The canned food is a thing. The work bench is a thing. The work bench is fixed in place. The work bench is in Depths-North. The dirty note is a thing. The dirty note is in Depths-North. The rusty rung ladder is a thing. The rusty rung ladder is fixed in place. The rusty rung ladder is in Depths-North. Instead of climbing rusty rung ladder: move player to Top of Ladder. Instead of climbing rusty rung ladder: move player to Top of Ladder. Instead of climbing ladder: move player to Top of Ladder. The manhole cover is a door above the Top of Ladder. The manhole cover is closed and locked. The crowbar unlocks the manhole cover. Instead of unlocking manhole cover with crowbar: end the story; if the player has the gemstone and the player has the cipher and the player has the note z, say "After a hefty heave, the cover gives in with a loud groan. You crawl into the street, blinded by bright sunlight. Quickly realizing you’re in the front street of your house, you make a run for it. However, you are sniffed out by dogs and get cornered by the authorities. Fortunately, you are able to stash your suspicious wares, however you forget about the note from the safe. You are frisked and sentenced to prison with evidence. You remember the giant gemstone you placed inside a bush and having been eluded by such great wealth, you fall into a deep depression and commit suicide in prison. [Line Break] Your journey ended in DEATH. This is a bad ending." instead; end the story; if the player has the gemstone and the player has the note z, say "After a hefty heave, the cover gives in with a loud groan. You crawl into the street, blinded by bright sunlight. Quickly realizing you’re in the front street of your house, you make a run for it. However, you are sniffed out by dogs and get cornered by the authorities. Fortunately, you are able to stash your suspicious wares, however you forget about the note from the safe. You are frisked and sentenced to prison with evidence. You remember the giant gemstone you placed inside a bush and having been eluded by such great wealth, you fall into a deep depression and commit suicide in prison. [Line Break] Your journey ended in DEATH. This is a bad ending." instead; end the story; if the player has the gemstone and the player has the cipher, say "After a hefty heave, the cover gives in with a loud groan. You crawl into the street, blinded by bright sunlight. Quickly realizing you’re in the front street of your house, you make a run for it. However, you are sniffed out by dogs and get cornered by the authorities. Fortunately, you are able to stash your suspicious wares and avoid arrest. After pawning the gemstone, you are able to pay off your past debts. [Line Break] You discover that the cipher actually decrypts coordinates on the dirty note you found. With great exhilaration, you purchase a plane ticket with your newfound wealth. In a certain country, you close in on a certain square meter and discover a box hidden beneath the earth. Within is a note, reading 'Adler family fortune.' On the back is a photo of your dead parents, captioned 'We always believed in you son, even though we couldn’t risk telling you directly where this was.' Beneath are jewels, all as large and lavish as the first. [Line Break] CONGRATULATIONS! You have discovered the best ending! Good for you!" instead; end the story; if the player has the gemstone and the player has the note z, say "After a hefty heave, the cover gives in with a loud groan. You crawl into the street, blinded by bright sunlight. Quickly realizing you’re in the front street of your house, you make a run for it. However, you are sniffed out by dogs and get cornered by the authorities. Fortunately, you are able to stash your suspicious wares, however you forget about the note from the safe. You are frisked and sentenced to prison with evidence. You remember the giant gemstone you placed inside a bush and having been eluded by such great wealth, you fall into a deep depression and commit suicide in prison. [Line Break] Your journey ended in DEATH. This is a bad ending." instead; end the story; if the player has the gemstone, say "After a hefty heave, the cover gives in with a loud groan. You crawl into the street, blinded by bright sunlight. Quickly realizing you’re in the front street of your house, you make a run for it. However, you are sniffed out by dogs and get cornered by the authorities. Fortunately, you are able to stash your suspicious wares and avoid arrest. After pawning the gemstone, you are able to pay off your past debts and live a long and prosperous life. [Line Break] Your journey ended in FORTUNE. This is a good ending. Try again? (Hint: This is not the best ending…)" instead; end the story; if the player has the note z, say "After a hefty heave, the cover gives in with a loud groan. You crawl into the street, blinded by bright sunlight. Quickly realizing you’re in the front street of your house, you make a run for it. However, you are sniffed out by dogs and get cornered by the authorities. Fortunately, you are able to stash your suspicious wares, however you forget about the note from the safe. You are frisked and sentenced to prison with evidence. [Line Break] Your journey ended in PRISON. This is the worst ending." instead; end the story; say "After a hefty heave, the cover gives in with a loud groan. You crawl into the street, blinded by bright sunlight. Quickly realizing you’re in the front street of your house, you make a run for it. However, you are sniffed out by dogs and get cornered by the authorities. Fortunately, you are able to stash your suspicious wares and avoid arrest. However, you remember your large unpaid debts and are killed by the mob as a result.Your journey ended in DEATH. This is a bad ending." [Instead]