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Coins is a number variable. Coins is 0. Things have a number called worth. The worth of a thing is usually 0. Money is an action applying to nothing. Understand "coins" as money. The crops is a thing. The player is carrying the crops. The description is "A box of corn". Carry out money: say "You have [coins] coins." Rule for printing the banner text: do nothing. Selling is an action applying to one thing. Understand "sell [something preferably held]" as selling. Check selling: if the worth of the noun is 0, say "That object has no worth." instead; if the player is not carrying the noun, say "You are not carrying that object." instead. Carry out selling: say "You sell the [noun] for [worth of the noun] coins."; now coins is coins plus the worth of the noun; now the noun is off-stage. Instead of taking something while the player is carrying 5 things: say "Your inventory is full." When play begins: say "You are a poor peasant named Bob working for the Queen of Iregland. Nothing about your life is unusual. Little did you know, your entire life is about to change....." The Castle Grounds is a room. "[if the Castle Grounds is unvisited]You are currently on the grounds of Iregland Palace to deliver crops. North is a drawbridge.[end if][if the Castle Grounds is visited]You are on the grounds of Iregland Palace. North is a drawbrige.[end if]" The Drawbridge is north of the Castle Grounds. "This is a wooden drawbridge crossing the moat of Iregland Palace. North is the castle entrance." The silver chain is a thing in the Drawbridge. The description is "A sterling silver chain. Maybe this is worth a few coins." The silver chain has worth 20. The Castle Entrance is north of the Drawbridge. "[if the Castle Entrance is unvisited]The queen opens the castle doors.[paragraph break]'Oh, Bob!' yelled Queen Margaret.[line break]'We need you urgently. Follow me.'[paragraph break]The queen goes north.[end if][if the Castle Entrance is visited]These are the doors to Iregland Palace. They seem to be locked." The Study is north of the Castle Entrance.