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William Peng
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when play begins: say "Your friend asked you to look after his dog for the weekend. Having to leave early, he left the dog in the living room and the key to the front door under the doormat." [_____________________________________________] [Driveway] Driveway is a room. "[if not visited]You are currently on his driveway.[otherwise]You are currently on your friend's driveway.[end if] The driveway was recently renovated, as indicated by the newly-paved asphalt. [if Locke Smith is in driveway] On the driveway, you see Locke Smith the locksmith standing next to his locksmith company van.[end if][if dead body is in driveway][line break][Line break]You see a dead body on the ground.[end if][if tools in body] You see lockpicking tools on the body[end if] Northwest, you can see a wooden garage door painted over in bright white, while a stained wooden porch sits to the north. To the west, you see the entrance to an alleyway. To the northeast, you see a path around to the backyard." North is Front Porch. West is Entrance to Alleyway. Northeast is Side of House. Northwest is garage_door. [_____________________________________________] [Front Porch] Front Porch is a room. "You are currently on the front porch. The stained wood making up the porch is finely sanded, making the porch smooth and splinter-free. [if doormat is in front porch]The porch looks a lot nicer with the doormat back in place.[otherwise]Despite looking relatively new, the porch seems to have been around for at least a couple months, as the outline created by the missing doormat is clearly visible.[end if] [if not visited]Neither the doormat nor the key are anywhere in sight. [end if]" North of front porch is front door. North of front door is Entrance Hall. Front Door is a closed, locked door. Front Door is unlocked by the key. "[if in Front Porch]To the north, you see the front door. South is the driveway." Description of front door is "It's a nice fibreglass door with a frosted glass panel"; [_____________________________________________] [Entrance Hall] Entrance Hall is a room. "You are currently in the entrance hall. The entrance hall has bright wooden flooring and beige walls. The entrance hall seems to be the connecting point between all the areas in the house.[if telephone is ringing] You hear a ringing noise coming from the living room.[end if] To the north is the kitchen. To the east is the living room. To the south is the front door. [if garage is not visited]You see a hallway to the west.[otherwise]To the west, you see a hallway leading to the garage.[end if][if Bedroom is visited] You can also see stairs leading up to the bedroom.[otherwise] You can also see stairs leading up to the second floor.[end if]" North is Kitchen. East is Living Room. Up is Bedroom. West is Garage. Understand "go up stairs" and "ascend" as up. Understand "go down stairs" and "descend" as down. Stairs is an unopenable open door. below stairs is entrance hall. above stairs is bedroom. before entering entrance hall: Now front door is unlocked. [_____________________________________________] [Bedroom] Bedroom is a room. "You are currently in the bedroom [if visited bedroom]on the second floor[end if]. [if telephone is ringing][line break][line break]You hear a ringing noise coming from downstairs.[end if][line break][line break][if not visited]It seems to be the only room on the second floor. [end if]The bedroom looks fairly big, though it might just be the lack of clutter making the room seem bigger than it is. [line break][line break]The room is rather empty, with the only pieces of furniture being a bed and a bedside table. On the bedside table, you see a telephone and a drawer.[line break][line break]You can stairs leading down to the entrance hall.[if axe is notfell] To the north, you see a closed window overlooking the backyard.[otherwise] To the north, you see branches belonging to a collapsed tree protruding through a shattered window. If you wanted to, you could go north, down the tree and into the backyard." In the bedroom is the bed. The bed is fixed in place. In the bedroom is the bedside table. The bedside table is fixed in place. "You see a bedside table with a drawer." A telephone is on the bedside table. The telephone is fixed in place. Description of telephone is "It's an old rotary phone with cables connecting it to the wall." The telephone can be hasnum or nothas. The telephone is nothas. In secret room is a man called Locke Smith. front door can be arrived or qwert. Understand the command "call" as something new. Using is an action applying to one thing. Understand "use [something]" as using. Calling is an action applying to one thing. Understand "call" as calling. Understand "call [something]" as calling. Understand "call [someone]" as calling. Instead of using telephone: say "Instead of using the phone, try calling (someone). [if telephone is hasnum]You have two options, your (friend), or the locksmith (company).[otherwise if telephone is nothas]The only person you can call right now is your (friend)." Telephone can be ringing or silent. Instead of calling friend: if player is in bedroom: if player is not holding cell phone: say "After making the call, you hear a ringing noise coming from downstairs."; now telephone is ringing; otherwise if player is holding cell phone: say "Your friend doesn't have their phone."; otherwise if player is not in bedroom: if player is holding cell phone: say "Your friend doesn't have their phone."; otherwise if player is not holding cell phone: say "You don't have a phone."; Instead of calling locksmith company: if telephone is hasnum: if player is in bedroom: say "You call the locksmith company, asking for their services. Withing a minute of making the call, you hear someone pulling up on the driveway."; now Locke Smith is in driveway.; now front door is arrived.; otherwise if player is not in bedroom: if player is holding cell phone: say "You call the locksmith company, asking for their services. Withing a minute of making the call, you hear someone pull up on the driveway."; now Locke Smith is in driveway.; now front door is arrived.; otherwise if player is not holding cell phone: say "You don't have a phone."; otherwise if telephone is nothas: say "You don't have their number."; A closed openable container called a drawer is part of the table. In the drawer is socks. The socks are wearable. Description of socks is "You see a pair of black socks." In the drawer is cash. Description of cash is "You see three twenty dollar bills belonging to your friend." Instead of wearing socks: say "You stretch the socks over socks you are already wearing."; continue the action. North of bedroom is a bedroom window. Bedroom window is a closed unopenable door. Description of bedroom window is "[If player is in backyard]You see a window on the second floor of the house.[otherwise]To the north, you see a window looking out to the backyard.[end if]" Rule for printing the locale description of the Bedroom: say "". Rule for printing the locale description of the Entrance hall: say "". [_____________________________________________] [Garage] Garage is a room. "[if not visited]You follow the hallway and end up in the garage. [otherwise]You are currently in the garage.[end if] Inside the garage, the floor is concrete, while the walls are made of reddish-brown brick. There isn’t too much in the garage aside from the car and some empty cardboard boxes. [if we have not examined the car]You hear a faint scratching noise coming from the car. [otherwise]You see a car, in which is your friend's dog.[end if] On the wall, you see the button controlling the garage door. To the south is the [if garage_door is open]driveway[otherwise]garage door. To east is the entrance hall." In the garage is a car. The car is a locked, closed container. Car is unlocked by lockpicking tools. In car is a dog. The dog is a man. Description of dog is "You don't know all that much about dog breeds. From what you can see, the dog is black, and of medium to small size." Description of car is "[if we have not examined the car]As you draw near the black sedan, you come to realize that your friend's dog is inside. You try opening the doors, only to find that they are all locked. The explanation that you come up with is that the dog, within the short period of time between your friend's departure and your arrival, somehow managed to break the latch on its kennel and wander into garage, where it the entered the car, locked itself in and is now unable to get out.[otherwise]It's a black sedan containing the dog you're supposed to look after." Car Window is part of car. Car window can be broke or notbroke. Car window is notbroke. Dog can be pissed or calm. Dog is calm. Understand the command "press" as something new. Understand the command "push" as something new. Understand "press [something]" as using. Understand "push [something]" as using. Understand "mat" as doormat. Instead of giving treats to dog: say "You toss some treats at the dog. This seems to calm it down."; Now dog is calm.; After deciding the scope of the player: place the dog in scope; Here is garage button. Instead of using button: Now garage_door is open.; say "After pressing the button, the garage door opens up." South of garage is garage_door. Garage_Door is a closed, unopenable door. Instead of attacking car window: If player is holding axe: say "You swing your axe at one of the windows, shattering it. This seems to startle the dog. As you reach in for the dog, the dog, feeling threatened, snaps at you."; Now car window is broke.; Now dog is pissed; Now car is open; Otherwise if player is holding brick: say "You shatter one of the car windows with a brick. This seems to startle the dog. As you reach in for the dog, the dog, feeling threatened, snaps at you."; Now car window is broke.; Now Dog is pissed; Now car is open; Otherwise: say "You don't have anything to break the window with."; Rule for printing the locale description of the driveway: say "". Rule for printing the locale description of the garage: say "". [_____________________________________________] [Entrance to Alleyway] Entrance to Alleyway is a room. "You are currently standing on a sidewalk in front of an alleyway. You see litter strewn along the sidewalk, with the colour of the improperly disposed of candy wrappers and take-out containers contrasting the dull, grey concrete. To the north, you see dark alleyway set between two brick buildings. To the east is your friend's driveway." here is litter. Description of litter is "Merriam-Webster's definition of litter - 'trash, wastepaper, or garbage lying scattered about.' That's what this is." Before taking litter: say "You grab several handfuls of litter and shove them into your pockets. This does reduce the mess somewhat." Rule for printing the locale description of the Entrance to Alleyway: say "". Rule for printing the locale description of the Side of House: say "". North is Dark Alleyway. [_____________________________________________] [Alleyway] Dark Alleyway is a room. "You are currently in a dark alleyway. The alleyway is unusually dark, damp and cold. The darkness makes it more difficult for you to see the objects around you. [if dead raccoon is in alleyway]You see a dead raccoon lying in the corner, a pool of blood growing around it.[otherwise if raccoon is in secret room]You see a pool of blood in the corner.[otherwise if raccoon is asleep]You see a raccoon sleeping in the corner. [otherwise]The raccoon is sitting in the corner [end if][if sack is in alleyway] You see a large sack next to the raccoon.[end if][if flyer is in alleyway] You see a flyer lying face down on the ground. [end if][if brick is in alleyway] You see a brick. To the south is the alleyway's entrance." Instead of giving [something] to raccoon: say "Try asking the raccoon for what you want." Understand "talk to [someone]" as a mistake ("Try to ASK [the noun] ABOUT something or TELL [the noun] ABOUT something."). Rule for printing the locale description of the Alleyway: say " " Here is a flyer. Description of flyer is "[if player is in dark alleyway]It's too dark to make out what's on the flyer.[otherwise]It seems to be an advertisement for a locksmith company. It reads [italic type]'Locked out? We unlock doors, cars and more!' [roman type]On the bottom of the flyer is a phone number." Here is a brick. Description of brick is "It's just a regular old brick." Here is a sack. The sack is a closed openable container. Description of sack is "It's a large brown sack made of some sort of rough fabric." Before examining flyer: Now the telephone is hasnum. Raccoon is holding doormat. Raccoon is holding key. Asking someone about something is speech. Telling someone about something is speech. Asking someone for something is speech. Instead of opening the sack: If raccoon is in secret room: continue the action; Otherwise: say "[if raccoon is asleep] You open the sack and catch a glimpse of a doormat before you hear a voice behind you say, 'Don't touch that.' You turn around and realize it was the raccoon talking.[end if][if raccoon is awake] You open the sack and get a glimpse of a doormat before the raccoon tells you to step back. Feeling intimidated, you do as you're told.[end if]"; Now Raccoon is awake. Instead of taking the sack: If raccoon is in secret room: continue the action; Otherwise: say "[if raccoon is asleep] You open the sack and catch a glimpse of a doormat before you hear a voice behind you say, 'Don't touch that.' You turn around and realize it was the raccoon talking.[end if][if raccoon is awake] You open the sack and get a glimpse of a doormat before the raccoon tells you to step back. Feeling intimidated, you do as you're told.[end if]"; Now Raccoon is awake. A person can be asleep or awake. A person can be hungry or kinda or nothungry. Here is a man called Raccoon. Raccoon is asleep. Raccoon is hungry. Description of Raccoon is "[if raccoon is awake]It looks like a regular raccoon, but seems to be able to talk. [otherwise]It looks to be a regular raccoon. It's currently sleeping." Instead of asking Raccoon for key: if raccoon is awake: if player is holding apple: now apple is in sack; say "'Thanks for the apple,' the raccoon says, taking the apple. After handing over the key, the raccoon says, [if raccoon is hungry]'If you want the doormat, you're gonna have to bring me more food.'[otherwise if raccoon is kinda]'I think our business here is done. I don't need anything more from you.[end if]"; now raccoon is nothungry.; now player is holding key; otherwise if player is holding banana: now banana is in sack; say "'Thanks for the banana,' the raccoon says, taking the apple. After handing over the key, the raccoon says, [if raccoon is hungry]'If you want the doormat, you're gonna have to bring me more food.'[otherwise if raccoon is kinda]'I think our business here is done. I don't need anything more from you.'[end if]"; now raccoon is nothungry.; now player is holding key; otherwise: say "The raccoon responds saying, 'I'll let you have it if you do me [if raccoon is hungry]a favour. If you get me some food, I'll let you have the key.[otherwise if raccoon is kinda]another favour. I could still use some more food. If you get me some more, I'll let you have the key." Instead of asking Raccoon for doormat: if raccoon is awake: if player is holding apple: now apple is in sack; say "'Thanks for the apple,' the raccoon says, taking the apple. After handing over one of his doormats, the raccoon says, [if raccoon is hungry]'If you want the key, you're gonna have to bring me more food.'[otherwise if raccoon is kinda]'I think our business here is done. I don't need anything more from you.'[end if]"; now raccoon is nothungry.; now player is holding doormat.; otherwise if player is holding banana: now banana is in sack; say "'Thanks for the banana,' the raccoon says, taking the apple. After handing over one of his doormats, the raccoon says, [if raccoon is hungry]'If you want the key, you're gonna have to bring me more food.'[otherwise if raccoon is kinda]'I think our business here is done. I don't need anything more from you.'[end if]"; now raccoon is nothungry.; now player is holding doormat.; otherwise: say "The raccoon responds, saying, 'I'll let you have it if you do me [if raccoon is hungry]a favour. I'd be willing to give you one of my doormats if you get me some food.'[otherwise if raccoon is kinda]another favour. I could still use some more food. I'd be willing to give you one of my doormats if you get me some.'" Instead of waking raccoon: If raccoon is asleep: Now raccoon is awake.; say "The raccoon wakes up and says, 'Hello.' This is unexpected, as raccoons generally don't talk." Instead of telling raccoon about "doormat": If raccoon is asleep: Now raccoon is awake.; say "The raccoon wakes up and says, 'Hello.' This is unexpected, as raccoons generally don't talk."; If raccoon is awake: say "'I collect doormats to pass the time. This neighborhood has had me occupied for a while now, there are a ton of nice doormats around,' the raccoon replies." Instead of telling raccoon about "key": If raccoon is asleep: Now raccoon is awake.; say "The raccoon wakes up and says, 'Hello.' This is unexpected, as raccoons generally don't talk."; If raccoon is awake: say "'I found a key under a doormat from a house nearby,' the raccoon says. 'I'll let you have it if you do me [if raccoon is hungry]a favour. If you get me some food, I'll let you have the key.[otherwise if raccoon is kinda]another favour. I could still use some more food. If you get me some more, I'll give you the key."; Instead of asking raccoon about "doormat": If raccoon is asleep: Now raccoon is awake.; say "The raccoon wakes up and says, 'Hello.' This is unexpected, as raccoons generally don't talk."; If raccoon is awake: say "'I collect doormats to pass the time. This neighborhood has had me occupied for a while now, there are a ton of nice doormats around,' the raccoon replies." Instead of asking raccoon about "key": If raccoon is asleep: Now raccoon is awake.; say "The raccoon wakes up and says, 'Hello.' This is unexpected, as raccoons generally don't talk."; If raccoon is awake: say "'I found a key under a doormat from a house nearby,' the raccoon says. 'I'll let you have it if you do me [if raccoon is hungry]a favour. If you get me some food, I'll let you have the key.[otherwise if raccoon is kinda]another favour. I could still use some more food. If you get me some more, I'll give you the key."; Instead of attacking raccoon: If raccoon is asleep: say "[if brick is in dark alleyway]You grab a brick [otherwise if player is holding brick]You take your brick[end if] and hit the sleeping raccoon several times over the head with it."; now player is holding brick; now the key is in sack; now doormat is in sack; now dead raccoon is in dark alleyway; now raccoon is in secret room; If raccoon is awake: say "As you lunge forward, the raccoon quickly pulls out a pair of Crayola™ brand safety scissors and stabs you in the throat. Before you know it, you're lying on the ground, bleeding out and regretting your decisions."; end the game in death; [_____________________________________________] [Side of House] Side of House is a room. "You are currently on a pathway on the east side of the house. The narrow stone walkway leads from the driveway to the backyard. You can see grass growing out of some of the cracks in the walkway. [if living room window is open]You see shards of broken glass scattered around the walkway.[end if] To the east, you see a nice brick wall. [if living room window is closed]To the west, you see a large window leading into the house's living room.[otherwise]To the west, you see a broken window large enough for you to climb through.[end if] To the north, you see the backyard. To the south, you see the driveway." North of side of house is Backyard. South of side of house is driveway. West is living room window. Living room window is a closed unopenable door. West of Living room window is Living Room. Understand "break" as attacking. Understand "smash" as attacking. Instead of attacking living room window: if player is holding axe: say "You smash the window with your axe, causing broken glass to fly everywhere."; now living room window is open; now glass shard is in living room; otherwise if player is holding brick: say "You smash the window with your brick, causing broken glass to fly everywhere."; now living room window is open; now glass shard is in living room; otherwise: say "You need something heavy to break the window." [_____________________________________________] [Backyard] Backyard is a room. "You are currently in the backyard, behind the house. [line break][line break][if axe is notfell]The backyard is fairly empty, with the only thing of interest being the apple tree slightly taller than the house. [end if][if apple is on tree]On the tree, you see a low hanging apple that you can reach.[end if][if apple is in backyard]You see an apple lying on the ground.[end if][if axe is treefell]You see a collapsed tree creating a path from the ground to the second floor of the house.[end if] [if axe is in backyard]You can see an axe lying on the ground.[end if] You can see a window on the second floor of the house.[line break][line break]To the south, you see the pathway connecting the driveway and the backyard." Understand "pick [something]" as taking. Here is a tree. The tree is fixed in place. Description of tree is "You see an apple tree with one apple hanging low enough for you to reach." On the tree is an apple. Here is an axe. An axe can be treefell or notfell. Description of axe is "An axe about a metre long with a varnished wood handle and a recently sharpened steel axehead." Understand the command "climb" as something new. Understand "climb up" as up. Understand "climb down" as down. Understand the command "cut" as something new. Understand "cut [something]" as attacking. Understand "hack [something]" as attacking. Instead of attacking tree: If axe is in backyard: Now player is holding axe; Now axe is treefell.; Move apple to backyard.; Now bedroom window is open; say "You grab the axe and start cutting down the tree. After a couple of hacks, the tree collapses, falling towards the house. A couple of the tree's branches go through the second storey window, shattering it. This results in the collapsed tree acting as a pathway from the backyard, into the house, through the second storey window. You can now climb up into the house." Rule for printing the locale description of the Backyard: say "". Above backyard is bedroom window. [_____________________________________________] [Living Room] Living room is a room. "You are currently in the living room. The living room has beige coloured walls just like the rest of the house. Unlike the rest of the house, however, is the light brown carpeting stretching across the entirety of the room. [if kennel is in living room]You see an open dog kennel on the floor. Its latch seems to be broken. [end if][if we have not examined the car]On the carpeting, you see prints leading[end if][if kennel is in living room] out of the kennel and[end if][if we have not examined the car] to the west. Unfortunately, the prints are unable to lead you farther than the edge of the living room, where the carpeting ends.[end if] You can see a flatscreen television mounted to the wall, [if kennel in living room]a dog kennel on the floor, [end if][if remote is on coffee table]a remote control sitting on [end if]a coffee table, and a couch here. [if living room window is open]Near the broken window, you see a particularly large shard of glass. [end if][if telephone is ringing]You hear a ringing noise coming from under the couch.[end if] To the west, you see the entrance hall. [if living room window is closed]To the east, you see a large window providing an amazing view of a brick wall.[otherwise if living room window is open]To the east, you see a large broken window leading you the pathway on the side of the house.[end if]" Rule for printing the locale description of the Living Room: say "" Understand "tv" and "flatscreen" as television. Description of television is "A 65-inch flatscreen TV with a curved display and an impressive 720p resolution." Description of kennel is "An old dog kennel with a broken latch." Description of coffee table is "It has a metal frame and a glass surface." Understand the command "watch" as something new. Understand "watch [something]" as using. Here is a kennel. The kennel is a container. Here is a television. The television is fixed in place. Here is a coffee table. The coffee table is fixed in place. On the coffee table is a remote control. Here is a couch. The couch is fixed in place. Understand "look under [something]" as searching. Understand "search under [something]" as searching. Instead of searching couch: now player is holding cell phone.; say "You find your friend's cell phone under the couch. He must have left it here by accident."; now telephone is silent; Instead of looking under couch: now player is holding cell phone.; say "You find your friend's cell phone under the couch. He must have left it here by accident."; now telephone is silent; Understand "cell" and "cellphone" as cell phone. Description of cell phone is "A plastic grey flip phone with a small rectangular display and a stubby antenna. It belongs to your friend." Instead of using cell phone: say "Instead of using the phone, try calling (someone). [if telephone is hasnum]You have two options, your (friend), or the locksmith (company).[otherwise if telephone is nothas]The only person you can call right now is your (friend)." Understand "use [something]" as using. Instead of using remote: If telephone is hasnum: say "This probably isn't the best time for you to be watching television."; Otherwise if telephone is nothas: say "You turn the television on, and watch through a commercial for a locksmith company before turning it off, realizing that it probably isn't the best time for this. You keep the company's phone number in mind though, in case you need it later."; Now telephone is hasnum. Instead of using the television: If telephone is hasnum: say "This probably isn't the best time for you to be watching television."; Otherwise if telephone is nothas: say "You turn the television on, and watch through a commercial for a locksmith company before turning it off, realizing that it probably isn't the best time for this. You keep the company's phone number in mind though, in case you need it later."; Now telephone is hasnum. [_____________________________________________] [Kitchen] Kitchen is a room. "You are currently standing in the kitchen. The kitchen isn't anything special. It shares the same beige-coloured walls as the rest of the house, though it's flooring does differ, being tile as opposed to wood. With its lack of windows, some may even consider it dull. Looking around the kitchen, you see a[if banana is in kitchen] banana on the counter top, a[end if][if cutlery drawer is open]n open[end if] cutlery drawer, a[if mini fridge is open]n open[end if] mini-fridge, a microwave, and a[if cupboard is open]n open[end if] cupboard underneath the sink." Understand "treat" as a dog treats. Understand "dog treat" as a dog treats. Here is a thing called a banana. Here is a microwave. Microwave is scenery. Here is a closed openable container called a cupboard. The cupboard is fixed in place. The mini fridge is fixed in place. The cutlery drawer is fixed in place. Here is a closed openable container called a mini fridge. In the mini fridge is empty pop cans. In the cupboard is dog treats. Here is a closed openable container called cutlery drawer. In the cutlery drawer is kitchen knife. Description of microwave is "It's a pretty average looking microwave. Nothing special about it." Description of mini fridge is "It's like a regular sized fridge, but smaller." Description of dog treats is "It's a bag of generic brand dog treats. It's half empty. Or half full. Guess it depends on how you want to look at it." Description of kitchen knife is "It's an 8 inch long stainless steel kitchen knife. You could definitely hurt someone with this, but that would probably be a bad idea." Description of empty pop cans is "Empty aluminium cans that once contained carbonated beverages." Rule for printing the locale description of the Kitchen: say "" [_____________________________________________] [Secret Room] Secret Room is a room. Here is a cell phone. A cell phone is a thing. Here is a backdrop called locksmith company. Understand "locksmith" as locksmith company. Locksmith company is everywhere. Here is a backdrop called friend. friend is everywhere. Description of the key is "The key is brass-coloured. It has a round head with a single round hole meant for use with a key chain." Here is a dead raccoon. Here is glass shard. Here is a container called dead body. Here is lockpicking tools. Understand "locksmith tools" as lockpicking tools; Understand "tools" as lockpicking tools; Understand "lockpick" as lockpicking tools; [_____________________________________________] [Endings] Every turn: If front door is arrived: now player is in driveway; say "As you walk towards the driveway, you see a man step out of a van belonging to the company you called. As you get closer, you see that he's wearing blue overalls and a name tag reading [italic type]'Locke Smith.'[roman type] 'Hello,' he says. 'You were the one who called about being locked out of your car, right?' You nod your head in agreement. 'Alright then,' he says. 'Our company policy is to take payment upfront, so all I need before I get started is the money. Sixty dollars should be enough.'"; now front door is qwert; Locke can be notlive or live. Locke is live; Instead of giving cash to Locke: If car window is broke: say "'It seems you've already gotten the issue sorted out,' says Locke. 'Guess you don't need my services after all.' He gets into his van and rides off into the sunset."; Now Locke is in Secret Room.; Otherwise if car window is notbroke: say "Locke proceeds to do some stuff with the car, and manages to unlock the car within a couple of minutes. He thanks you for your business and rides off."; Now car is open; Instead of attacking Locke: If player is holding glass shard: say "You catch the locksmith off guard and manage to stab him in the face. He slumps to the ground and blood begins to pool around his head, as you're left on your own to wonder how you're supposed to bear with this guilt for the rest of your life."; now locke smith is in secret room; now dead body is in driveway; now lockpicking tools is in driveway; Otherwise if player is holding kitchen knife: say "You catch the locksmith off guard and manage to stab him in the face. He slumps to the ground and blood begins to pool around his head, as you're left on your own to wonder how you're supposed to bear with this guilt for the rest of your life."; now locke smith is in secret room; now dead body is in driveway; now lockpicking tools is in driveway; Otherwise if player is holding axe: say "You swing your axe at him, but end up missing and losing your balance. He takes this opportunity to pull out a pair of Crayola™ brand safety scissors and stab you in the face."; Otherwise if player is holding brick: end the game in death; say "You swing your brick at him, but end up missing and losing your balance. He takes this opportunity to pull out a pair of Crayola™ brand safety scissors and stab you in the face."; end the game in death; Otherwise if player is holding kitchen knife: say "You swing a punch at him, but end up missing and losing your balance. He takes this opportunity to pull out a pair of Crayola™ brand safety scissors and stab you in the face."; end the game in death; Instead of taking dog: If dog is pissed: say "The dog is agitated. It won't let you get any closer."; Otherwise if dog is calm: say "The dog willingly exits the car and you bring it back to your place, where you take care of it for the rest of the weekend."; say " [line break] Is the locksmith still alive - [bold type][if dead body is in secret room]Yes[otherwise]No[end if][roman type][line break] Is Raccoon still alive - [bold type][if raccoon is not in secret room]Yes[otherwise]No[end if][roman type][line break] Is the apple tree still standing - [bold type][if axe is not treefell]Yes[otherwise]No[end if][roman type][line break] Is the car window still intact - [bold type][if car window is not broke]Yes[otherwise]No[end if][roman type][line break] Is the living room window still intact - [bold type][if living room window is closed]Yes[otherwise]No[end if][roman type][line break] Has the doormat been returned - [bold type][If doormat is in front porch]Yes[otherwise]No[end if][roman type][line break] Is the cash still in the sock drawer - [bold type][if cash is in drawer]Yes[otherwise]No[end if][roman type]"; end the story saying "You have succeeded.";