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My New Game
Jaimz Connell
Played 1,368 times
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"Kattack Attack!" When play begins: say "[Italic type] You are walking down the road to your home town. The crunch of the gravel beneath your boots breaks the silence of the night. You turn your head as a loud bang comes from a sewer...[Roman type]" The Forest is a room. "You immediately draw your small iron dagger from its leather bound sheath on your bandolier." The Forest contains a small key. There is a note here. "There is a crumbled scrap of parchment on the ground near the hatch that leads to the sewer. It appears to be a note." The description of the note is "The numbers 666 are sloppily scribbled in red writing on the scrap of parchment. " The small key is portable. The small key unlocks the iron hatch. The description of the small key is "Perhaps this small key will unlock the hatch." Understand "note" as the note; Understand "paper" as the note; The iron hatch is a closed, locked door. Below the iron hatch is the sewer. Above the iron hatch is the Forest. The small key unlocks the iron hatch. It is scenery. The description of the iron hatch is "An iron hatch with a heavy lock. It is currently locked and inaccessible. [Italic type]Perhaps a key is near by, try examining the ground..." The ground is here. It is scenery. The description is "A light layer of leaves flow over the grass and the gravel of the path. The light of your torch causes a reflection from something small and shiny on the ground. It is a small key." Understand "key" as the small key; Understand "small key" as the small key;