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The Things I've Felt
Dylan DeVries
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"The Things I've Felt" by Dylan DeVries Part 1 - Mechanics A Memory is a kind of thing. Swearing Obscenely is another action requiring light. Understand "Shit" as Swearing Obscenely. Understand "Damn" as Swearing Obscenely. Understand "Ass" as Swearing Obscenely. Understand "Fuck" as Swearing Obscenely. Instead of Swearing Obscenely: say "Hey! Let's keep this to at least a PG-13 rating kay?" Swearing Mildly is another action requiring light. Understand "Curse" as Swearing Mildly. Understand "Swear" as Swearing Mildly. Instead of Swearing Mildly: say "For the love of Fried Chicken!" Touching is another action requiring a person. Understand "Touch [someone]" as Touching. Instead of Touching: say "You already tried that once and it didn't work out. Stop trying to touch people you freaking pervert!" Failing to Open is an action requiring light. Understand "Go Southwest" as Failing to Open. Understand "SW" as Failing to Open. Understand "Southwest" as Failing to Open. Instead of Failing to Open: say "You can no longer go this way." Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" or “converse with [someone]†as talking to. Attacking it with is an action applying to two things and requiring light. Understand "attack [something] with [something]" and "hit [something] with [something]" and "kill [something] with [something]" as attacking it with. Part 2 - Setting Chapter 1 - Beginning Unknown is a room. "You stand in a large white room, the room is so large you cannot see the walls or the ceiling, but you can see a perfect reflection of yourself on the ground. Looking up you see a woman in a silky white dress toward your north facing away from you." Unknown North is north from Unknown. Beginnings is a scene. Beginnings begins when the player is in Unknown North. "You walk toward the girl and reach out your arm to touch her. However once you touch her she dissolves into nothing and the room violently becomes many different colors. Harsh reds and soft blues, violet purples and weak yellows, some colors you have never seen before. As the eruption of colors proceeds harsh winds smack against your face as well as a soft breeze which gently tugs at your sleeves. It is as though you feel everything you have ever felt, see everything you have ever seen, taste everything you’ve ever tasted, hear everything you’ve ever heard, and smell all you’ve ever smelt in a single moment. You can see the smile that you love, and the name you long for: Amelia. A ring bounces at your feet. You wonder if the ring has something to do with the Barrier to your northeast." Ring is a memory. Ring is in Unknown North. Passageways is a room. A Barrier is a door. It is closed. It is locked. It is openable. Ring unlocks the Barrier. Barrier is northeast from Unknown North and southwest from Passageways. Doors can be unlocked. Ring unlocks Barrier. Ring is undescribed. Barrier is closed in Passageways. Ring is wearable. Passageways is a room. "You walk into a white room and see four passages to take, one to the north, one to the west, another to the south, and one to the east. Above the north passage reads: Pueritia. Above the west passage reads: Adulescens. Above the south reads: Virilitas. Above the East reads: Senex. You can see the First Barrier to your southeast." Girl is a person. Girl is in Unknown. Girl is undescribed. Understand "Woman" as Girl. Instead of talking to Girl: say "You open your mouth to speak but no words come out." Chapter 2 - Pueritia Young Boy is a person. Young Boy is in Ryan's Room. Instead of talking to Young Boy: say "Listen pal, I'm too lazy to come up with another conversation explaining how Ryan can't see or touch you so just keep your thoughts to yourself for the time being, okay?" Pueritia is a region. Ryan's Room, Hallway, End of Hallway, Living Room, Dinning Room, Kitchen, Father's Study, Parent's Room, and Outdoors are in Pueritia. Ryan's Room is north from Passageways. "You find yourself in a small room. Before you is a bed with a 6-year old boy writing in a journal sitting on it. There is a door to the east." Hallway is east from Ryan's Room. A Weird Encounter is a scene. A Weird Encounter begins when the player is in Hallway. "You leave the bedroom to find yourself in a hallway. There is a door to your north, the hallway continues east, and you see a large opening further east. ‘Ryan, breakfast is ready!’ You hear from the east. The boy opens the door and runs directly through you to the opening." End of Hallway is east from Hallway. "You walk to the end of the Hallway where there is a door to your north, and a large opening to your east." Father's Study is north from Hallway. "You open the door to your north and find a tiny room that is a mess. A bottle is placed on the desk." There is a Desk in Father's Study. The Desk is an object. The Desk is undescribed. The Desk is fixed in place. The Bottle is a object. The bottle is in Father's Study. Bottle is undescribed. Instead of taking the Bottle: say "You pick up the bottle and at once you smell the scent of beer, liquor, and whiskey flood your nose. You see a man sitting at the desk as he gulps down from a bottle violently. At least half of the alcohol escapes his mouth and crash onto the floor or spills on shirt. He then removes the bottle from his lips and smashes it against the wall as he begins to laugh hysterically. 'Ryan!' He screeches as he laughs. 'Where are you Ryan? Ryan?!' You drop the bottle back onto the desk. The image before you vanishes." Parent's Room is a room. Living Room is east from End of Hallway. "You are in an open room with a door to the south, a kitchen to the east, the hallway to your west, and a table to the north." Dinning Room is north from Living Room. Son is a scene. Son begins when player is in Dinning Room. "You see Ryan sitting at a table with a woman across from him. He gets up to leave but the woman stops him. ‘You shouldn’t just eat your meal and then leave Ryan, c’mon, talk to your mother.’ she says. He sits back down and sighs as he turns toward his mother. ‘Thanks for making breakfast mom. It was a really nice. Can I go please?’ His mother looks at him and smiles. It is then that you notice a scar on the woman’s right cheek. ‘Get out of here.’ She happily responds. As he gets up and begins to leave she stops him again however. ‘Ryan, always make sure you’re a nice person. Okay?’ he looks confused, but nods as he leaves." Mother is a person. Mother is in Dinning Room. Mother is undescribed. Understand "Mom" as Mother. Instead of talking to Mother: say "'I thought you didn't want to talk.' She says." Kitchen is east from living room. "Why’d you go into the kitchen? You already ate and mom will get mad at you if you ask for more. Before you leave you notice a key." Parent's Room is a room. The Cold Truth is a scene. The Cold Truth begins when the player is in Parent's Room. "You unlock the door and walk inside. There is a queen size bed in front of you. You notice someone stirring in the bed. 'Dad!' The boy enters the room and runs toward the bed. He shakes the man lying down. 'Look at the picture I drew Dad!' The man in the bed slowly sits up. 'What?' The boy questions. 'You’re not my Dad.' His mother quickly enters the room. 'Ryan, get out of here now!' She yells. 'But I wanted to show Dad my picture.' 'Ryan!' The boy turns to leave when he notices his Dad in the doorway. 'What is this?' His father asks. 'Shouldn’t you be at work?' His mom answers. 'I skipped work!' Before Ryan’s mom answered his father punches her in the face. Hard. Ryan turns and runs out quickly. Even though he left the room he can still hear the beating. Later the man in your parent’s bed would leave in the chaos of the fight without a word. Without a scratch." There is a Key in the Kitchen. It is undescribed. Old Door is a door. It is north from End of Hallway. It is south from Parent's Room. Old Door is openable. Old Door is locked. Key unlocks Old Door. Outdoors is a room. Outdoors is south from Living Room. First Encounter is a scene. First Encounter begins when the player is in Outdoors. "You walk outside to your front lawn. Your sister, Nyla is standing there with her group of neighborhood friends in the middle of the little lawn. Nyla turns to you and smiles. 'Ryan.' She says and walks up to you. 'I have something for you!' 'Why?' You ask. 'Because I’m looking out for you! Alright so here it is, a girl just moved to our neighborhood and she’s your age.' 'You’re giving me a person?' 'Hmm. I guess that sounds wrong. Anyway, just promise me you’ll play with her okay. You need friends Ryan, you can’t be alone all the time. It’s bad for you!' 'Whatever.' 'Umm.' A small girl with nervous blue eyes walks up to Nyla and looks at you. 'Hi. I was wondering if you wanted to play with me. M-My name’s Amelia.' " A Metal Ring is a memory. Metal Ring is in Outdoors. Metal Ring is wearable. Chapter 3 - Adulescens Adulescens is a region. Class B, School Hallway, Class A, Center of Hallway, Teacher's Desk, Another Center Hallway, Class C, Class D, End of School Hallway, Nyla's Desk, and School Staircase are in Adulescens. Tim is a person. Tiffany is a person. Tim is undescribed. Tiffany is undescribed. Tim is in Class C. Tiffany is in Class C. Mr Ross is a person. Mr Ross is in Class D. Mr Ross is undescribed. Miss Tompson is a person. Miss Tompson is in Class D. Miss Tompson is undescribed. Teenage Amelia is a person. Teenage Amelia is in School Staircase. Teenage Amelia is undescribed. Instead of talking to Teenage Amelia: say "'I don't know what to say.' You think to yourself." Instead of talking to Mr Ross: say "'Excuse me, Mr Ross?' You chime in. Mr. Ross turns toward you a little annoyed. 'Yes?' He asks. 'I just thought you should know that Miss Tompson's eyes are in her head, not her chest.' 'Get out of here right now Ryan!'" Instead of talking to Miss Tompson: say "'Miss Tompson, Mrs Albert once told me that there isn't much there.' You say in a loud whisper as you gesture toward Mr. Ross. They both ignore you." Instead of talking to Teacher: say "'There is no need for excuses as long as you turn in your paper Ryan. I'll let the grade book to the judging.' The Teacher responds." Instead of talking to Tim: say "You are unable to get a word in." Instead of talking to Tiffany: say "You are unable to get a word in." Class B is a room. It is west from Passageways. Teacher's Desk is north from Class B. School Hallway is west from Class B. "To your west is Class A, to your east is Class B, and the Hallway continues north." Class A is west from School Hallway. "You enter Class A and see something you recognize to the north." Nyla's Desk is north from Class A. Center of Hallway is north from School Hallway. Another Center Hallway is north from Center of Hallway. "To your west is Class C. To your east is Class D. The Hallway continues north." Class C is west from Another Center Hallway. Class D is east from Another Center Hallway. "As you walk into Class D you see Mr. Ross in front of the class talking with the new female history teacher, Miss Tompson. As you watch you see the Mr. Ross giggle at everything she says, you conclude that single teachers are desperate." End of School Hallway is north from Another Center Hallway. "There is a door to your west and the Hallway continues south." School Staircase is west from End of School Hallway. Teacher is a person. Teacher is in Teacher's Desk. School Report is a thing. School Report is in Class B. Nyla's School Desk is a thing. It is fixed in place. It is in Nyla's Desk. A Rose is a thing. It is on Nyla's School Desk. Instead of taking Rose: say "You pick up the rose and examine it. How long has it been? Four months and three days. You've been counting the days since it happened. You look up and see a picture of your sister, Nyla, on the wall. It shouldn't have happened. It shouldn't have been her. It should have been Dad, or Mom. They both deserved to rot in hell. Dad drinks too much and is abusive, and Mom openly cheats on Dad and stopped caring for our family a long time ago. You would have been happy if it were one of them. So why did your parent's stupidity have to cost Nyla? You put the rose back onto her desk." Scrap of Paper is a thing. Scrap of Paper is in Class C. Instead of taking Scrap of Paper: say "You pick up the scrap of paper and examine it. On it is written: 'Do you like me?' and two boxes with 'Yes :)' and 'No :(' with the 'Yes :)' box checked off. You look up and realize that you hear a weird noise to your left. Looking in that direction you see Tim and Tiffany sucking each other's faces off. You stare for a few seconds and then sigh. 'What a high-class school establishment I go to.' You mutter to yourself as you throw the piece of paper back onto the ground." Stupid Teen is a scene. Stupid Teen begins when the player is in Class B. "You walk into what appears to be a classroom with multiple tables and a Teacher at his desk in the front. In the middle of the room is a teenage boy. Before you can move your vision blurs. As it clears you look around to see that you are now sitting at the very desk the boy was sitting in. You stand up from the desk quickly searching for the boy. 'Ryan have you finished your report yet?' the Teacher says to you. You are now playing as Ryan." Instead of giving the School Report to Teacher: say "The Teacher takes the report. 'Thank you Ryan for another late report.' the Teacher sighs." ; remove School Report from play. Silver Ring is a memory. Silver Ring is in School Staircase. Silver Ring is wearable. Silver Ring is undescribed. No Going Back is a scene. No Going Back begins when player is in School Staircase. No Going Back ends when the player carries Silver Ring. "You open the doors and take a few steps forward until you see Amelia standing in front of the staircase with her back turned to you. Amelia sighs as she turns toward you and moves a lock of her brown hair behind her ear. You don't know why but your heart begins to race, and as you look into her eyes the scenery shifts from a staircase, to the white room. You keep your gaze on Amelia as she smiles at you. You can only frown back at her. 'You had something you wanted to tell me the other day.' She says. 'You weren't able to finish, what was it you wanted to say?'" Instead of going south during No Going Back: say "You turn away and take a step away from her, but you feel something grab your hand and you stop. Looking back you see Amelia holding your hand with her head facing toward the ground. 'Your such a wimp Ryan.' She laughs and then looks up into your eyes. 'You really can't say it? Because if you can't... then I guess I'll have to. I'm... I've... Ryan, I'm falling in love with you.' Before you can say something or react she wraps her arms around your neck and kisses you. The white room erupts with colors as you kiss and your heart becomes calm, or relieved maybe? You kiss her back as your eyes wander to the ground and you can see your perfect reflection staring back at you with all the changing colors in the background. But you notice something red drip onto the floor. What was it? Where was it coming from? Another drop of red falls to the ground. Was it coming from her back? You can see a Silver Ring here." Instead of going east during No Going Back: say "You turn away and take a step away from her, but you feel something grab your hand and you stop. Looking back you see Amelia holding your hand with her head facing toward the ground. 'Your such a wimp Ryan.' She laughs and then looks up into your eyes. 'You really can't say it? Because if you can't... then I guess I'll have to. I'm... I've... Ryan, I'm falling in love with you.' Before you can say something or react she wraps her arms around your neck and kisses you. The white room erupts with colors as you kiss and your heart becomes calm, or relieved maybe? You kiss her back as your eyes wander to the ground and you can see your perfect reflection staring back at you with all the changing colors in the background. But you notice something red drip onto the floor. What was it? Where was it coming from? Another drop of red falls to the ground. Was it coming from her back? You can see a Silver Ring here." Instead of going north during No Going Back: say "You turn away and take a step away from her, but you feel something grab your hand and you stop. Looking back you see Amelia holding your hand with her head facing toward the ground. 'Your such a wimp Ryan.' She laughs and then looks up into your eyes. 'You really can't say it? Because if you can't... then I guess I'll have to. I'm... I've... Ryan, I'm falling in love with you.' Before you can say something or react she wraps her arms around your neck and kisses you. The white room erupts with colors as you kiss and your heart becomes calm, or relieved maybe? You kiss her back as your eyes wander to the ground and you can see your perfect reflection staring back at you with all the changing colors in the background. But you notice something red drip onto the floor. What was it? Where was it coming from? Another drop of red falls to the ground. Was it coming from her back? You can see a Silver Ring here." Instead of going west during No Going Back: say "You drop your head to the ground and see your reflection looking back at you. What are you doing? Is this what you want? Maybe it is. 'Ryan,' Amelia says as you take a step toward her. 'If you can't say it then-' You walk over to her and cut her off by grabbing her waist and pulling her in for a kiss. The white room erupts with colors as you kiss and your heart becomes relieved. She wraps her arms around your neck and you open your eyes to look into hers. She closes her eyes as yours wander to the ground to see your reflection kissing hers with the changing colors in the background. But you notice something red drip onto the floor. What was it? Where was it coming from. Another drop of red falls to the ground. Was it coming from her back? You can see a Silver Ring here." Chapter 4 - Virilitas Virilitas is a region. Apartment and Apartment Kitchen are in Virilitas. Apartment is south from Passageways. Apartment Kitchen is south from Apartment. Alcohol Bottle is a thing. It is in Apartment Kitchen. It is undescribed. Knife is a thing. It is in Apartment Kitchen. It is undescribed. Apartment Kitchen is a room. "Your head is spinning as you walk into the kitchen. You look at the counter and you see an alcohol bottle and a dirty knife in the sink." Instead of taking the Alcohol Bottle: say "You grab the bottle and take a swig to help numb the pain." The Fight is a scene. The Fight begins when player is in Apartment. The Fight ends when player carries Knife. "As you walk into an old run-down apartment your vision immediately blurs. When it clears you are staring at a middle age woman who is glaring at you. 'Why Ryan? Why can't you do that?!' She screams at you. 'Because my life is crap! Okay Amelia? I work for ten hours a day and it is tiring! I want to be able to come home and rest! I want my days off to be relaxing! I don't want to spend them with your family in some expensive hotel!' You hear yourself yell those words back. Your head begins to get clouded and you develop a headache quickly. 'Where were you Ryan? If your so tired why don't you come home right after work! You were in a bar weren't you? I can smell it!' 'Shut up.' 'You're turning out to be an alcoholic just like your father! You're exactly like your parents!' 'I SAID SHUT UP!!!'" Instead of going east during The Fight: say "Amelia rolls her eyes. 'You can barley walk straight Ryan!'" Instead of going west during The Fight: say "'That's a wall Ryan.' Amelia sighs. 'A spitting image of your father.'" Instead of going north during The Fight: say "You walk up to Amelia and grab her by the arm. 'Where's the Amelia who married me huh?' You mutter. 'The one who loved me?' 'How could I love you when you're like this Ryan?' 'You don't love me? Fine!'" Cold Blood is a scene. Cold Blood begins when the player is in Apartment and the player carries Knife. Cold Blood ends when the player carries Stained Ring. "You walk toward Amelia with the dirty knife clutched in your hand. 'I'm just like my father you say?!' You hear yourself scream. 'Ryan stop!' Amelia yells in horror, but it is too late. You're not thinking straight and show no signs of stopping. You grab Amelia by her hair and stab her in the shoulder. 'I remember telling you,' You mutter as Amelia screams in pain. 'That my father killed my sister in that car accident!' You remove the knife from her shoulder. 'Therefore I should have to kill someone to be just like my father, correct?' You stab Amelia in her stomach and she screams again, louder than the first. You jerk the knife out of her stomach and let go of her hair causing her to fall to the ground. 'Ryan...' She cries. 'For the last time I told you to SHUT UP!!!!!' You scream as you drive the knife into her chest. Amelia jolts, and the light immediately leaves her eyes. You look down at her and examine her body. Her skin is pale. You notice the Stained Ring on her wedding finger." Stained Ring is a memory. It is in Apartment. It is undescribed. It is wearable. Instead of going during Cold Blood: say "'I want my ring back.' You say to yourself." Chapter 5 - Senex Senex is a region. Roman's Street, Main Street, and New Apartment are in Senex. Roman's Street is east from Passageways. Main Street is east from Roman's Street. New Apartment is south from Main Street. Roman's Street is a room. A New Start is a scene. A New Start begins when the player is in Roman's Street for the first time. A New Start ends when the player is in Main Street. "You find yourself on the corner of two streets as a bus pulls up in front of you. As the door opens a man in his late fifties walks out carrying luggage and stops right in front of you. 'Hey Ryan.' You hear come from the bus. As Ryan turns you see another man in his late thirties walk onto the steps of the bus. 'I guess this is goodbye for now.' The man says. Ryan smiles at the man. 'Been fifteen years since we became friends.' Ryan says as he reaches out his hand. 'I'm counting on another fifteen years.' The man returns the smile. 'If your still even alive in fifteen years!' He laughs as he shakes your hand. 'Welcome to the free world Ryan. Let's have a good new beginning here.' He lets go of Ryan's hand as he backs up back into the bus. Ryan waves as the bus leaves. Your vision blurs and when it clears you are standing where Ryan was and holding luggage. You are now playing as Ryan. Your new apartment is to the east." Instead of going west during A New Start: say "You should finish the memory before you leave." Deathly Encounter is a scene. Deathly Encounter begins when player is in Main Street. Deathly Encounter ends when the player is in Roman's Street. "You don't walk far down Main Street before you can see the entrance to your apartment south from where you are. As you walk toward your apartment you feel something kick against your shin and you fall to the ground and your luggage slides away from you. As you look up you see a knife fly toward your neck and quickly move out of the way. You stand up to see a man holding a knife in front of you. 'I can't believe they let someone like you out.' The man mutters. You look around to find something to defend yourself with as the people around you panic. Some people take out their cell phones and begin to dial. You see a magazine and your luggage." Magazine is a thing. It is undescribed. It is in Main Street. Luggage is a thing. It is undescribed. It is in Main Street. Instead of attacking with Magazine during Deathly Encounter: say "You know you can't defend yourself properly with a rolled up magazine so you take the offensive. You manage to wack the man in the head and he loses his balance, but quickly regains his composure and comes at you with his knife. Sadly, he destroys your magazine. You should just be glad you survived this long by bringing a magazine to a knife fight." ; remove Magazine from play. Instead of attacking with Luggage during Deathly Encounter: say "You swing your luggage right into the man's stomach. He bends over and you punch him in the face. The man backs up with a bloody nose. You have to get out of here!" Instead of attacking with Knife during Deathly Encounter: say "Knife is not apart of this scene." Instead of going south during Deathly Encounter: say "You run toward your apartment, but the man jumps in front of you and swings his knife. You dodge it, but he cuts your arm." Instead of going north during Deathly Encounter: say "The road is to busy to cross!" Instead of going east during Deathly Encounter: say "The crowd is that way, you don't want for them to be in danger. 'Although it would be helpful if one of them helped.' You think to yourself." End of Encounter is a scene. End of Encounter begins when the player is in Roman's Street for the second time. "You run back to Roman's Street with the man following close behind. However, with the man's back turned toward the watching crowd, some of the crowd charges at him and take him down tossing the knife away from him. You are tired and have a few cuts and bruises from the knife and your fall. You should go back to your apartment during the chaos." Guy is a person. He is undescribed. He is in Main Street. Understand "Man" as Guy. Dumps is a scene. Dumps begins when the player is in New Apartment. "You stammer into your apartment and fall to the ground. Someone just tried to take your life. After what you did you can completely understand why. What are you supposed to do now? 25 years of prison coming to an end so abruptly like this? How did this happen? You see Amelia's smile in your head. Her beautiful smile. Maybe it would be better if you were to leave this world. That would be the only way for true justice to be done, right?" Gold Ring is a memory. Gold Ring is in New Apartment. Gold Ring is wearable. Chapter 6 - Ending Bridge Bridge is a region. White Room, Purple Room, Red Room, and Black Room are in Bridge. White Room is a room. "Something is to the southeast." Purple Room is a room. "Something is to the southeast." Red Room is a room. "Something is to the southeast." Black Room is a room. "There is an open door to the south." First Barrier is a door. First Barrier is openable. First Barrier is closed. First Barrier is locked. First Barrier is unlocked by Metal Ring. It is southeast from Passageways and northwest from White Room. Second Barrier is a door. It is openable. It is closed. It is locked. It is unlocked by Silver Ring. It is southeast from White Room and northwest from Purple Room. Third Barrier is a door. It is openable. It is closed. It is locked. It is unlocked by Stained Ring. It is southeast from Purple Room and northwest from Red Room. Fourth Barrier is a door. It is openable. It is closed. It is locked. It is unlocked by Gold Ring. It is southeast from Red Room and northwest from Black Room. The massive stone door is a door. The massive stone door is scenery. The massive stone door is north of the Reflection Room and south of the Black Room. The massive stone door is open, lockable, and locked. Instead of closing the massive stone door: if the massive stone door is open: say "Will you continue?"; otherwise: say "It seems already to have closed itself without your lifting a finger." After going south from the Black Room: now the massive stone door is closed; say "There is no returning."; continue the action. Reflection Room is a room. Cold Room is east from Reflection Room. Final Encounter is a scene. Final Encounter begins when player is in Reflection Room. Final Encounter ends when the player is in the Cold Room. "You enter a room that looks the exact same one as you began your journey in. You turn around to notice that the door is gone and it is as if there is no wall or ceiling. You turn in circles looking at the massive space until you hear a soft voice call out, 'Ryan.' You look forward and see Amelia standing there. Her pale skin shines. Her blue eyes sparkle. Her brown hair is radiant. Her soft smile is blinding. You are so in love. You are so sad. You are so happy." Instead of going south during Final Encounter: say "You take a step toward her, but Amelia immediately falls to the ground and blood flows onto the ground. You run to help her but with each step you take she gets further away until you can no longer see her. You lean over and pant, but are interrupted when there is a shadow over you. You look up and see yourself. You see Ryan holding a knife over you. You jump back and search for a weapon. You notice you still have a knife!" Instead of going north during Final Encounter: say "You turn away from Amelia. You don't want her to see you, and you don't want to see her, but as you look away you see a man walking toward you. As the man gets closer you see that he is holding a knife. The man smiles as he walks toward you. The man is Ryan. The man is yourself! Ryan raises his knife over his head as he gets closer. You need something to fight back with, you still have your knife!" Instead of attacking with Knife during Final Encounter: say "Ryan smiles as he holds the knife over his head walking slowly toward you. You grip your own knife tightly as you charge Ryan and easily stab him in the stomach. He falls to the ground as you lean over him and stab him multiple times while screaming. You stop and pant as you look at the dead body. The body is no longer Ryan, but Amelia lying dead on the floor. You scramble backward and stare at the body. You notice something moving, it's the bodies reflection! You see Ryan as a reflection standing over Amelia with a bloody knife in his hand. He is smiling as he looks up to you and points his knife to your west. You turn that way to see a giant wave of blood charging at you. You need to run away! You notice a door appear to your east." Instead of talking to Ryan: say "Heck no! You ain't talking to that creepy dude!" Ryan is a person. Ryan is undescribed. Ryan is in Reflection Room. Forgiveness is a Room. Every turn when the player is in Forgiveness: say "As the door closes behind you, you enter a small white room with Amelia standing in front of you. You get down on your knees and bow your head down toward the ground. 'I'm sorry.' You cry. 'I'm sorry for everything! I've regretted killing you ever since that day! I was drunk, I wasn’t thinking straight and I... I...' you trail off and begin to sob loudly. 'Forgive me!' Amelia remains silent for a few moments after your apology. 'Ryan, do you take me as an angel, or a demon.' She asks. You look up at her confused. 'If I were an angel I would have to forgive you, but if I were a demon I would easily condemn you. However I am neither, I am a dead human so I can do neither of these things easily.' You look down back at the ground somewhat relieved and begin to cry again. 'I am forced to use your own words.' She states. 'I remember you telling me once that you could never forgive your father for killing your sister. Therefore I cannot forgive you for killing me.' You look up shocked and see Amelia's face close to you. 'Goodbye Ryan.' She whispers. You feel something pierce into your chest and look down to see a knife stuck into your chest. You fall to the ground as you feel the flames of six-feet-under devour you." ; end the story. Punishment is a room. Conversation of Lovers is a scene. Conversation of Lovers begins when the player is in Cold Room. Conversation of Lovers ends when the player is in Punishment. "You run into a dark cold room and instantly feel a chill run down your spine. 'It's time to choose Ryan' You hear from behind you as someone grabs your shoulders. Amelia puts her head by yours as she holds you close. 'To the east,' she whispers in your ear, 'is the path asking for forgiveness.' An open door appears to the east. 'And to the north is the path asking for punishment. You must choose one as redemption for your sins.' An open door appears to your north as Amelia dissolves into water and splits into two puddles, one going east, the other going north." Instead of going west during Conversation of Lovers: say "'I have to choose Forgiveness (east) or Punishment (north).'" Instead of going south during Conversation of Lovers: say "'I have to choose Forgiveness (east) or Punishment (north).'" The massive wood door is a door. The massive wood door is scenery. The massive wood door is east of the Cold Room and west of the Forgiveness. The massive wood door is open, lockable, and locked. Instead of closing the massive wood door: if the massive wood door is open: say "Will you continue?"; otherwise: say "It seems already to have closed itself without your lifting a finger." After going east from the Cold Room: now the massive stone door is closed; say "You have chosen Forgiveness."; continue the action. The massive bronze door is a door. The massive bronze door is scenery. The massive bronze door is north of the Cold Room and south of the Punishment. The massive bronze door is open, lockable, and locked. Instead of closing the massive bronze door: if the massive bronze door is open: say "Will you continue?"; otherwise: say "It seems already to have closed itself without your lifting a finger." After going north from the Cold Room: now the massive bronze door is closed; say "You have chosen Punishment."; continue the action. Chapter 7 - The Good Ending Ending is a region. Reflection Room, Cold Room, Forgiveness, Punishment, South Fields, East Fields, West Fields, North Fields, Amelia's Room, Gathering, and Ryan's Bed are in Ending. Punishment is a room. "You enter a small white room where Amelia stands before you. 'You chose punishment.' She tilts her head to the side confused. 'Why?' 'I don't expect for you to forgive me for what I've done.' You answer. 'I took your life away from you. I couldn't even forgive my father for taking Nyla away. I rather be punished for what I did, than ask you for forgiveness.' 'Alright then.' She frowns. 'Then come north... for your punishment.'" South Fields is a room. South Fields is north from Punishment. Air Dive is a scene. Air Dive begins when player is in South Fields. Air Dive ends when the player is in North Fields. "You step through the door to your north with your eyes closed as you await what your punishment will be. As soon as you walk through the door a hard wind smacks across your entire body and you open your eyes to see the earth far below you. 'What the-' you are cut off when an airplane flies directly below you missing you by only a few feet. Your body spins out of control as you plummet toward the earth. 'Having fun?' Amelia shouts as she flies up next to you. 'Aren't you scared?!' You shout back as you try to regain control of your body. 'Nope, I'm dead remember? You on the other hand...' You begin to scream as the earth zooms closer until you finally smash into a wheat field. You abruptly sit up in the field and look around. 'I'm still alive.' You pant checking to make sure everything is still attached. You stand up and observe your surroundings." Instead of going south during Air Dive: say "'Nothing important is back there, and I don't think I can defy gravity.' You mumble to yourself." East Fields is east from South Fields. "You walk east in the fields. They look like they go on forever. You step on something strange and look down to see a doll. 'What's a doll doing here?'" Doll is a thing. It is undescribed. It is in East Fields. West Fields is west from South Fields. "Just more wheat." North Fields is north from South Fields. Happy Days is a scene. Happy Days begins when the player is in North Fields. Happy Days ends when the player is in Amelia's Room. "Amelia is once again standing in front of you. 'Look.' She says pointing north. You look to see yourself, Ryan, in his mid-sixties now playing with two girls and a dog in the field. 'Who-' 'They're your daughters. Twins in fact. Don't worry they're not your blood, but one of your inmate's, the one who said goodbye to you on the bus. He earned custody of them from his sister. He said he couldn't take care of them, however, because he was moving out of the country, so you adopted them.' You stare in awe at the two girls. 'The one in your arms is Lily, and the one playing with the dog is Rachel. Cute huh?' 'Yeah.' You say as more memories begin to pour into you. 'Lily became a teacher for middle schoolers, and Rachel, unsurprisingly, became a veterinarian.' You laugh. 'They made me so proud.' 'Alright!' Amelia says after a few seconds. 'Which way should we go next? Oh I know! Let's go... east!' Amelia turns and begins to skip east." Amelia's Room is east from North Fields. Suicide Attempt is a scene. Suicide Attempt begins when the player is in Amelia's Room. Suicide Attempt ends when the player is in A Gathering. "You enter a bright pink bedroom, which you recognize. 'Hey, this is your room Amelia.' You say as you look around. 'Yup.' She answers. 'I hated this room. I rather have it be painted-' 'Navy blue, I know.' You cut her off. Amelia blushes at this. You see Teenage Amelia sitting by a desk looking into her mirror, she has obviously been crying. 'What are you doing?' You ask. 'I hated my family. They were so strict, and, and it just never felt like they loved me.' Amelia stammers. 'So...' She points as Teenage Amelia opens a shelf and takes out a knife. You widen your eyes and more memories enter your mind. 'That's right.' You say. 'You called me to say goodbye, but I wasn't home I was out for a walk nearby and-' Teenage Ryan busts into the room and quickly smacks the knife away as he hugs Amelia. 'You saved me.' Amelia smiles." Instead of going west during Suicide Attempt: say "You turn around to see the path you came from blocked of by a pink wall." Instead of going south during Suicide Attempt: say "You look at the wall to the south and smile as you see all the different pictures taped to it. Pictures of Amelia and her family, all smiling, all looking happy. You see pictures of all the people you once knew from school. You see Amelia and yourself in a lot of the pictures. Amelia is smiling in all of them, and you look like the happiest boy alive. You smile as you look at the pictures." Instead of going east during Suicide Attempt: say "You walk up to yourself as a teen hugging the teen Amelia. They are frozen in place as if they are one of the pictures on the wall. On closer examination you see that they are somewhat faded, and transparent. 'I guess happiness is always fading away in this world.' You say as you reach your hand forward. The image of Teen Ryan and Teen Amelia disappears." A Gathering is a room. It is north from Amelia's Room. Final Goodbye is a scene. Final Goodbye begins when the player is in A Gathering. "You leave Amelia's Room and find yourself in a cramped room full of people. Amelia walks beside you as she looks north. 'Where are we now?' You ask. 'The present.' She answered. 'This is all happening as we speak. Look, there's Lily and Rachel in the front of the room. And that's your inmate friend, his name is Justin. He came all the way from Europe to see you in your final moments.' 'Final moments?' 'Your dying. See?' As you look to the north you see a bed with a very old man lying in it breathing heavily. 'Your punishment Ryan,' Amelia hugs you, 'is to spend eternity with me.' She buries her head into your chest. 'I don't know if I can forgive you, but I do know that I still love you.' She breaks away and you can see tears in her eyes. Amelia begins to fade from the room as she says, 'Come join me whenever you are ready.'" Instead of going south during Final Goodbye: say "Only a wall is behind you." Instead of going west during Final Goodbye: say "The crowd blocks your way." Instead of going east during Final Goodbye: say "The crowd blocks your way." Lily is a person. Lily is undescribed. Lily is in A Gathering. Rachel is a person. Rachel is undescribed. Rachel is in A Gathering. Justin is a person. Justin is undescribed. Justin is in A Gathering. The Crowd is a person. The Crowd is undescribed. The Crowd is in A Gathering. Instead of talking to Lily: say "'Why do you have to go Daddy?' Lily cries." Instead of talking to Rachel: say "'Thank you for everything Dad.' Rachel whimpers." Instead of talking to Justin: say "'Goodbye Old Man.'" Instead of talking to The Crowd: say "The crowd is mostly silent as they stare at the bed. Some are looking down, some have tears in their, while others are hugging loved ones." Ryan's Bed is north from A Gathering. Every turn when the player is in Ryan's Bed: say "You walk toward north and you see your elderly self lying in the bed. 'Mind if I join you?' You ask as you lay down on the bed. You immediately begin to feel weak as your skin develops wrinkles and your hair becomes white. All of your memories you have forgotten return to you as you smile. During your life you have laughed and you have cried, you've been happy and sad, angry and frustrated, you've killed... and saved. Now it is all coming to an end. You can let go of all the pain you've felt and caused. After all, the pain in this world, all the things you've felt, were worth it for an eternity of happiness. 'Do you love me?' You hear Amelia whisper. 'I have loved you since I met you.' You answer. You feel Amelia's lips press against yours as you give up your last breath." ; end the story.