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Princess Text Fighter Turbo
Wiley Wiggins
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"Princess Textfighter Turbo" by Wiley Wiggins The release number is 1. The story headline is "A Text gambling action adventure, made for the adventure time game jam". The story genre is "humor". Release along with an interpreter. Include Smarter Parser by Aaron Reed and Patrollers by Michael Callaghan. The blank line replacement is "wait". Rule for supplying a missing second noun: if a thing (called S) is carried: now the second noun is S. After printing the banner text: say "[line break]It's a beautiful day under the glistening crystal Princess Dome, an all-weather sporting shelter constructed specially for this year's Princess Battles. [one of]You and Jake squeeze onto your seats on the bleachers, looking for a view of the upcoming Princess battles. [or]If you bet wisely on the outcome of these Princess battles, you and Jake will be swimming in burritos for a year![or]Prepare for action![purely at random]". A room can be full or unfilled. A room is usually unfilled. This is the fullness rule: If the number of princesses in the princess dome is greater than one: now the princess dome is full; now ready is true; If the number of princesses in the princess dome is less than two: now the princess dome is unfilled; now ready is false. After waiting for four to six turns during bidding, say "This is getting mighty dull. don't you want to place a bet? [list of princesses in the princess dome] are your choices." Instead of touching a princess (called Y): say "You're too far away to reach [Y]. Besides, in this mood she's probably dangerous!" when bidding begins: if the player is square: say "how much would you like to bet? [line break](type [quotation mark]bet [bold type]number[roman type] on [bold type]full name[roman type][quotation mark])[line break]"; say "you have [score] coins.". betting is an action applying to one number and one thing. Understand "bet [number] on [someone]" as betting. The wager is a number variable. The racehorse is a person that varies. a check betting rule: let N be the number understood; if N is greater than the score: say "You don't have that much."; stop the action. report betting: let N be the number understood; silently try switching score notification off; say "You bet [N] gold coins on [the second noun]."; now the wager is N; now the racehorse is the second noun; now the player is a gambler. Section 1 - The Breath of Life A person has a number called max health. A person has a number called present health. The max health of a person is usually 100. Definition: a person is dead if his present health is less than 1. section 2 - princesses A Princess is a kind of person. A Princess is always female. The carrying capacity of a princess is 2. Meat Tenderizer Princess is a Princess. The description is "She's got fists like spikey mallets!" Bog Princess is a Princess. The description is "She smells like compost." Hawk Princess is a Princess. The description is "Feathery and majestic!" Princess Silly Putty is a Princess. The description is "Rubbery and covered in faded sunday funnies." Baboon Princess is a Princess. The description is "She's furry with a bright red butt." Microchip Princess is a Princess. The description is "Possibly from the future." Gas Princess is a Princess. The description is "How can anyone even hit her?" Fungus Princess is a Princess. The description is "A big 'ol mushroom." Breakfast Princess is a Princess. The description is "Delicious!" Princess Motorcycle is a Princess. The description is "She's pretty dreamy." Lunchmeat Princess is a Princess. The description is "Olive loaf." Pteradactyl Princess is a Princess. The description is "Leathery wings and a shrieky voice." Bumpy Princess is a Princess. The description is "Huh, she looks familiar but something is off." Lumpy Space Princess is a Princess. The description is "LSP!" Lightbulb Princess is a Princess. The description is "She is the princess with the lightbulb head." Princess Faceplant is a Princess. The description is "Ow." Cumquat Princess is a Princess. The description is "I can't remember if I like Cumquats or not." Sasquatch Princess is a Princess. The description is "Solid. Furry." Susan Strong is a Princess. The description is "Strong as an Ox. Likes candy." Bubblegum Princess is a princess. The description is "She makes you feel funny inside." Potato Chip Princess is a princess. The description is "Delicious and greasy." Algae Princess is a Princess. The description is "She is slimy but possibly very nutritious." Skeleton Princess is a Princess. The description is "She's pretty spooky." Fire Princess is a Princess. The description is "Dangerously warm." Bandaid Princess is a Princess. The description is "sticky and beige." Disease Princess is a Princess. Tiny Princess is a Princess. Enormous Princess is a Princess. Princess Duckface is a Princess. Investment Banker Princess is a Princess. Rodent Princess is a Princess. Vegetable Princess is a Princess. Jello Princess is a Princess. Corn Princess is a Princess. Mango Princess is a Princess. Princess Screwdriver is a Princess. Princessitron is a Princess. Electric Princess is a princess. Warthog Princess is a princess. Fart Princess is a princess. Pants-Pants Princess is a princess. Smelly Princess is a princess. Candy Person is a kind of animal. The Max Health of a Candy Person is usually 20. Flavor is a kind of value. The flavors are Strawberry, Tangerine, Banana, Grapefruit, Elderly, Watermelon, Cinnamon, Vanilla, Pineapple, Chocolate, Applesauce, Lemon, Fish, Licorice, Caramel, Maple, Pastry, Grape, Peppermint, Crabapple, Sugar, and Peanut Butter. A Candy Person has a flavor. The flavor of a Candy Person is usually strawberry. Consumption is a kind of value. The consumptions are whole and gnawed-on. A Candy Person has a consumption. The consumption of a Candy Person is usually whole. The description of a Candy Person is "The colorful [flavor] Candy Person smiles up at you. It is [consumption]." Understand the flavor property as describing a Candy Person. The printed name of a Candy Person is "[flavor] Candy Person". The printed plural name of a Candy Person is "[flavor] Candy People". There are two candy persons in the princess dome. There are three candy persons in the bathroom. Biting is an action applying to one touchable thing. Understand "bite [something edible]" as eating. Understand "bite [something]" as attacking. Instead of attacking a candy person(called A): try eating A. licking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "lick [something]" as licking. Check licking: if the noun is a candy person, say "[one of]Delicious![or]Very tasty![or]Yum, [flavor of noun]![purely at random]" instead; if the noun is a person, say "You lick [noun] affectionately, but they interpret your advances incorrectly and push you away in disgust." instead. carry out licking: say "you leave a nice sized helping of drool on the [noun].". Procedural rule while eating a Candy Person: ignore the carrying requirements rule. Instead of eating a Candy Person: say "You rip a delicious mouthful of [flavor of noun] stuff from the Candy Person, who in turn giggles in pain."; now the consumption of the noun is gnawed-on. section 3 - the schedule ready is a truth state that varies. ready is false. Entrance is a recurring scene. Entrance begins when the princess dome is unfilled. Fight is a recurring scene. Fight begins when bidding ends. Fight ends when the number of princesses in the princess dome is less than 2. Entrance Ends when the princess dome is full. A person can be a gambler or square. A person is usually square. Bidding is a recurring scene. Bidding Begins when Entrance ends. Bidding ends when the player is a gambler. Fight is a recurring scene. Fight begins when Bidding ends. when play begins: now the score is 100; repeat with counter running from 1 to 200: let R be a random weapon in the greenroom; if the substance of R is "wooden": Let V be a random number from 1 to the number of entries in so_substances; Change the substance of R to entry V of so_substances; if the attribute of R is "damp": Let N be a random number from 1 to the number of entries in so_attributes; Change the attribute of R to entry N of so_attributes; let O be a random princess in the greenroom; if O is not carrying a weapon: move R to O; repeat with item running through Candy persons: change the flavor of the item to a random flavor. After someone ringing the bell: say "the bell rings!"; now rung is true; Every turn: consider the fullness rule; If score is less than 0: Say "You and Jake leave the Princess Dome, peniless and bummed. On your way out of the Princess Dome you can see the Ice King tossing fistfuls of glittering coins in the air gleefully."; end the story; If score is greater than 300: say "Jake leans over to you and says, 'Dude! 300 GOLD COINS is enough to buy infinite everything burritos. Let's quit while we're ahead and throw some kind of wicked burrito party!"; move the player to the greenroom; move jake to the greenroom; say "[bold type]PRINCESS BURRITO PARTY![roman type]"; If a random chance of 1 in 20 succeeds and Jake can be touched by the player: say "'Man, why is that snail hanging out in the bathroom?' Jake wonders aloud.". every turn during entrance: repeat with counter running from 1 to 2: if the number of princesses in the princess dome is less than 2: Let F be a random princess in the greenroom; move F to the Princess Dome; now the present health of F is 100; say "[F] materializes in the arena and [one of]checks her surroundings.[or]dusts herself off.[or]says 'hello'.[or]farts.[or]brandishes her [list of things held by F] wildly.[or]says 'Chim, chim, chiree!'[or]says 'I'm ready to fight!'[or]crouches dramatically.[or]howls furiously.[or]bows politely.[or]snarls fiercely.[purely at random]"; repeat with counter running from 1 to the number of princesses in the Swamp of Embarassment: let T be a random princess in the Swamp of Embarassment; move T to the greenroom; if the princess dome is full: say "[bold type]The combatants have both entered the arena! get ready to place your bets![roman type] [list of princesses in the princess dome]". when bidding ends: say "Mr. Cupcake rings the bell [one of]enthusiastically[or]gleefully[purely at random]!"; now rung is true; when fight ends: say "(you bet on [racehorse].) [line break]" After telling Jake about anything: say "'[one of]Hey man[or]Word up[or]OK[purely at random]', says Jake.". Jaketime is a scene. Jaketime begins when jake is the racehorse. When Jaketime begins: say "'Heck yeah!' says jake, 'I always wanted to be a Princess!'". section 4 - the fight Every turn during fight: Let X be a random princess in the princess dome; if a random chance of 2 in 3 succeeds: let B be a random princess who can be touched by X; if B is not X: if X is carrying a weapon: let C be a random weapon carried by X; decrease the present health of B by 10; say "[X] [one of]slams[or]smacks[or]pummels[or]bashes[or]slices[purely at random] [C] into [B][if B is not dead], who [one of]screams[or]yells[or]cries[or]whimpers[purely at random] out in [one of]pain[or]distress[or]rage[purely at random]. [end if]([B][apostrophe]s health: [present health of B])[line break]"; if a random chance of 2 in 3 succeeds: if the princess dome is full: let B be a random princess in the Princess Dome; let E be a random weapon in the greenroom; if the substance of E is not "wooden": move E to B; say "[B] summons [E][line break]"; If two princesses who are not dead are in the Princess Dome: Let X be a random princess in the Princess Dome; let B be a random princess in the Princess Dome who is not X; If a random chance of 2 in 3 succeeds and B is not X: decrease the present health of X by 5; say "[B] [one of]flails wildly[or]karate chops[or]judo pinches[or]head-butts[purely at random] at [X]! ([X][apostrophe]s health: [present health of X])[line break]"; otherwise: if X is carrying a fire arm: let C be a random weapon carried by X; try x shooting b with c; if X is not carrying a fire arm and x is not b: say "[X] deflects [B]'s attack!". Every turn: repeat with combatant running through princesses in the princess dome: let Y be a random princess in the princess dome; let X be a random princess in the princess dome who is not Y; if present health of Y is less than 1: say "[Y] is beaten! [if X is not dead][X] wins![end if]"; say "[Y] is is banished to the Nightosphere."; if racehorse is X: increase score by wager * 2; say "[bold type]you won [wager * 2]![roman type]"; if racehorse is Y and Y is dead: decrease the score by wager; say "[bold type]you didn't win your bet.[roman type]"; move Y to the Swamp of Embarassment; now Y is privately-named; now the player is a square; stop the action. section 5 - the locations equipment and staff The Candy Kingdom is a region. The Princess Dome is a room in the Candy Kingdom. The printed name of The Princess Dome is "The Princess Dome". The description is "Below you is a white, rocky arena with a clearing blasted smooth by assorted explosions of magic and science. You can see a snack bar to the east." There is a bell in the princess dome. Bleachers are enterable supporters in the princess Dome. The description is "Stacks of bleachers rise high over the arena, giving a good view of the royal carnage".The printed name of the bleachers is "the bleachers". The Snack Bar is east of the Princess Dome. The description is "Tree trunks snoozes lightly behind the counter of a snack bar." Tree Trunks is a person in the Snack Bar. A table is scenery in the snack bar. A Rainbow hotdog is on the table. Rainbow hotdog is edible. After eating the rainbow hotdog: say "it tastes like a meaty rainbow.". The Bathroom is north of the snack bar. The description is "This is a fancy pants bathroom, with an attendant and everything." Blue sky is a backdrop in The Candy Kingdom. Understand "Sky" as blue sky while player is in The Candy Kingdom. The printed name of Blue sky is "the sky". The description is "The air in the Candy Kingdom is crisp and as blue as electric oyster pants." The Snail is a person in the bathroom. every turn while player is in the bathroom: if a random chance of 1 in 5 succeeds: say "the snail blinks at you". Jake is a patroller on the bleachers. The Turn Frequency of Jake is 1. Jake is Following. Mr Cupcake is a person in the Princess Dome. The Nightosphere is a region. The Greenroom is a room in The Nightosphere. The description is "You're in the princess greenroom in the Nightosphere! Party!". Burritos are a kind of thing. Burritos are edible. There are 100 burritos in the greenroom. All Princesses are in the greenroom. Four turns after the player is in th The Swamp of Embarassment is a room. Mr cupcake is a person in the Princess Dome. there is a bell in the princess dome. rung is a truth state that varies. rung is false. ringing is an action applying to one touchable thing. understand "ring [something]" as ringing. Section 6 - Weapons A weapon is a kind of thing. Definition: a person is armed if he carries a weapon. A projectile is a kind of weapon. A blade is a kind of weapon. A fire arm is a kind of projectile. A sword is a kind of blade. A weapon has an indexed text called the substance. A weapon has an indexed text called the attribute. The substance of a weapon is usually "wooden". The attribute of a weapon is usually "damp". A weapon is not proper-named. A weapon has a number called maximum damage. The maximum damage of a projectile is usually 50. The maximum damage of a blade is usually 25. Before anyone trying doing anything (this is the dead men tell no tales rule): if the actor is dead, the rule fails. Shooting it with is an action applying to two visible things. Understand "shoot [something] with [something]" as shooting it with. The shooting it with action has a number called the damage taken. Setting action variables for an actor shooting something (called target) with something (called the boomstick): if the target is a person begin; if the boomstick is a projectile begin; change the damage taken to a random number between 20 and the maximum damage of the second noun; end if; end if. Check shooting something (called the target) with something (called the boomstick) (this is the you must have a projectile to shoot rule): if the player does not carry a projectile begin; say "You need a projectile weapon to shoot anything."; stop the action; end if; Check shooting something (called the target) with something (called the boomstick) (this is the you can only shoot with a projectile rule): if the second noun is not a projectile begin; say "I don't think that will work. Perhaps you should try some kind of projectile weapon?"; stop the action; end if. Check shooting something (called the target) with something (called the boomstick) (this is the suicide rule): if the target is the player, end the game saying "You have commited suicide!". Carry out an actor shooting something (called the target) with something (this is the standard carry out shooting rule): if the target is a person begin; decrease the present health of the target by the damage taken; end if. Report shooting something (called the target) with something(called the boomstick) (this is the report shooting people rule): if the target is a person begin; if the target is dead begin; say "With one final shot from your [boomstick], [the target] drops to the ground, dead." instead; end if; say "You shoot [the target] with your [boomstick]. [The target] jerks back from the impact. ([The target][apostrophe]s health: [present health of the target])[line break]"; end if. Report shooting something (called the target) with something(called the boomstick) (this is the report shooting non-people rule): if the target is not a person, say "You shoot [the target] with your [boomstick]. Well, I hope that made you feel better. Hopefully shooting [the target] won[apostrophe]t attract any unwanted attention.". Check someone shooting something (called the target) with something (called the boomstick) (this is the others must have a projectile to shoot rule): if the person asked does not carry a projectile begin; say "[The person asked] says 'With what? I don't have a projectile weapon.'"; stop the action; end if. Check someone shooting something (called the target) with something (called the boomstick) (this is the others can only shoot with a projectile rule): if the second noun is not a projectile begin; say "[The person asked] says '[The second noun] would need to be some kind of projectile weapon for that to work.'"; stop the action; end if. Check someone shooting something (called the target) with something (called the boomstick) (this is the others can't shoot something with itself rule): if the target is the boomstick begin; say "[The person asked] says 'I can hardly shoot [the boomstick] with itself!'"; stop the action; end if. Check someone shooting something (called the target) with something (called the boomstick) (this is the other people suicide rule): if the target is the person asked, say "[The person asked] says 'I refuse to commit suicide!'" instead. Report someone shooting something (called the target) with something(called the boomstick) (this is the report another shooting a person rule): if the target is a person begin; if the target is dead begin; say "[The person asked] shoots [the target], who drops to the ground, dead." instead; end if; if the target is not the player begin; say "[The person asked] shoots, and [the target] jerks back from the impact. ([The target][apostrophe]s health: [present health of the target])[line break]"; end if; if the target is the player begin; say "[The person asked] shoots you! (Health: [present health of the player])[line break]"; end if; end if. Report someone shooting something (called the target) with something(called the boomstick) (this is the report another shooting a non-person rule): if the target is not a person, say "In a seemingly random act of violence, [the person asked] shoots [the target].". After someone shooting something (called the target) with something (called the boomstick) (this is the shot to death rule): if the target is the player begin; if the player is dead begin; say "[The person asked] shoots you with [the boomstick], and you drop to the ground, dead."; end the game in death; end if; end if; continue the action. Every turn (this is the fighting back rule): repeat with madman running through princesses in the princess dome begin; if madman can see a random princess (called S) begin; if madman does not carry a weapon begin; if madman can see a weapon (called tool) which is not carried by anyone begin; say "[Madman] grabs [the tool]!"; now tool is carried by madman; end if; if madman carries a projectile (called boomstick), try madman shooting S with the boomstick; end if; end if; end repeat. X is a blade. The printed name of X is "a [substance of X] sword". X is in the greenroom. Y is a blade. The printed name of Y is "a [substance of Y] sword". y is in the greenroom. Z is a blade. The printed name of Z is "a [attribute of Z] [substance of Z] spear". z is in the greenroom. Z1 is a blade. The printed name of Z1 is "a [substance of Z1] sword". z1 is in the greenroom. Z2 is a blade. The printed name of Z2 is "a [substance of Z2] knife". z2 is in the greenroom. Z3 is a blade. The printed name of Z3 is "a [substance of Z3] knife". z3 is in the greenroom. Z4 is a blade. The printed name of Z4 is "a [substance of Z3] fork". z4 is in the greenroom. Z5 is a fire arm. The printed name of Z5 is "a [substance of Z5] wand". z5 is in the greenroom. Z6 is a fire arm. The printed name of Z6 is "a [substance of Z6] wand". z6 is in the greenroom. Z7 is a fire arm. The printed name of Z7 is "a [substance of Z7] wand". z7 is in the greenroom. Z8 is a fire arm. The printed name of Z8 is "a [substance of Z8] wand". z8 is in the greenroom. Z9 is a fire arm. The printed name of Z9 is "a [substance of Z9] wand". z9 is in the greenroom. Z10 is a fire arm. The printed name of Z10 is "a [substance of Z10] wand". z10 is in the greenroom. Z11 is a fire arm. The printed name of Z11 is "a [substance of Z11] wand". z11 is in the greenroom. Z12 is a fire arm. The printed name of Z12 is "a [substance of Z12] wand". z12 is in the greenroom. Z13 is a fire arm. The printed name of Z13 is "a [substance of Z13] wand". z13 is in the greenroom. Z14 is a fire arm. The printed name of Z14 is "a [substance of Z14] wand". z14 is in the greenroom. Z15 is a fire arm. The printed name of Z15 is "a [substance of Z15] wand". z15 is in the greenroom. Z16 is a fire arm. The printed name of Z16 is "a [substance of Z16] wand". z16 is in the greenroom. Z17 is a fire arm. The printed name of Z17 is "a [substance of Z17] wand". z17 is in the greenroom. Z18 is a fire arm. The printed name of Z18 is "a [substance of Z18] wand". z18 is in the greenroom. Z19 is a fire arm. The printed name of Z19 is "a [substance of Z19] wand". z19 is in the greenroom. Z20 is a fire arm. The printed name of Z20 is "a [substance of Z20] wand". z20 is in the greenroom. Z21 is a fire arm. The printed name of Z21 is "a [substance of Z21] wand". z21 is in the greenroom. X1 is a blade. The printed name of X1 is "a [substance of X1] sword". x1 is in the greenroom. X2 is a blade. The printed name of X2 is "a [substance of X2] sword". x2 is in the greenroom. X3 is a blade. The printed name of X3 is "a [substance of X3] sword". x3 is in the greenroom. X4 is a blade. The printed name of X4 is "a [substance of X4] sword". x4 is in the greenroom. X5 is a blade. The printed name of X5 is "a [substance of X5] sword". x5 is in the greenroom. X6 is a blade. The printed name of X6 is "a [substance of X6] sword". x6 is in the greenroom. X7 is a blade. The printed name of X7 is "a [substance of X7] sword". x7 is in the greenroom. X8 is a blade. The printed name of X8 is "a [substance of X8] sword". x8 is in the greenroom. X9 is a blade. The printed name of X9 is "a [substance of X9] sword". x9 is in the greenroom. X10 is a blade. The printed name of X10 is "a [substance of X10] sword". x10 is in the greenroom. Y1 is a blade. The printed name of Y1 is "a [substance of Y1] sword". y1 is in the greenroom. Y2 is a blade. The printed name of Y2 is "a [substance of Y2] sword". y2 is in the greenroom. Y3 is a blade. The printed name of Y3 is "a [substance of Y3] sword". y3 is in the greenroom. Y4 is a blade. The printed name of Y4 is "a [substance of Y4] sword". y4 is in the greenroom. Y5 is a blade. The printed name of Y5 is "a [substance of Y5] sword". y5 is in the greenroom. Y6 is a blade. The printed name of Y6 is "a [substance of Y6] sword". y6 is in the greenroom. Y7 is a blade. The printed name of Y7 is "a [substance of Y7] sword". y7 is in the greenroom. Y8 is a blade. The printed name of Y8 is "a [substance of Y8] sword". y8 is in the greenroom. Y9 is a blade. The printed name of Y9 is "a [substance of Y9] sword". y9 is in the greenroom. Y10 is a blade. The printed name of Y10 is "a [substance of Y10] sword". y10 is in the greenroom. The Doominator Wand is a fire arm. The Doominator Wand is in the greenroom. The maximum damage of the doominator wand is 100. Section 7 - Brainfood so_attributes is a list of text that varies. so_attributes is {"heat-sensitive", "conductive", "insulated", "painted", "copper-plated", "nickel-plated", "chrome-plated", "gold leafed", "spray-painted", "enameled", "scratched", "soiled", "polished", "bandaged", "chocolate-coated", "muddy", "rusty", "antiqued", "artificially aged", "glazed", "found", "second-hand", "transparent", "translucent", "graphite-coated", "plastered", "tiled", "laminated", "varnished", "stained", "burned", "singed", "dirty", "ground", "frozen", "freeze-dried", "dried out", "wet", "moist", "hot", "cold", "damp", "oiled", "lubricated", "faded", "burnished", "corroded", "pierced", "battered", "magnetic", "radioactive", "shiny", "waxed", "fossilized", "hairy", "rough", "molded", "melted", "chopped-up", "broken", "shattered", "cracked", "flattened", "realistic", "unconvincing", "deformed", "crude", "malformed", "dusty", "grimy", "greasy", "speckled", "vibrating", "noisy", "humming", "moving", "electrified", "furry", "electronic", "old", "fresh", "new", "carbonized", "greased"}. so_substances is a list of text that varies. so_substances is {"balsa wood","acid","alabaster","aluminum","bacon","bakelite","bone","brass","bread","breeze-block","broken glass","butter","cement","ceramic","cheese","clay","cling-film","concrete","copper","corned beef","corrugated cardboard","dried blood","dried grass","dust","fat","felt","fiberglass","fimo","flannel","foam rubber","foam-board","formica","ghee","glass","gold","gold leaf","grain","granite","honey","iodine","iron","lam","lelly","lard","Grapefruit","lead","leather","limestone","mahogany","marble","margarine","mashed potato","meat","mercury","milk","mud","mylar","opaque glass","paper","papier-mâché","peat","pewter","pine","plaster of paris","plasterboard","plastic","plasticine","plutonium","polystyrene","red mercury","resin","rice","sand","sandstone","sculpy","silicone","silly putty","slime","soapstone","solid gold","spam","sponge","steel","stone","sugar","fake fur","silk","woven hair","chocolate","soft cheese","humus","tar","superglue","tarmac","tin","toothpaste","tortoiseshell","turpentine","vegetable oil","wax","zinc","iron filings","barbed wire","crocodile skin","fake leather","toffee","golden syrup","lego"}.