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Prison Escape
MatthewLarryAlan Shared
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The master number is a number that varies; The master number is 0; WinCondition is a number that varies; WinCondition is 0; [Introduction] When play begins: say "You wake up in your cell with a painful headache. Light filters through the iron bars, casting the sun from outside directly into your eyes. With a great amount of effort, you force your heavy head up. You observe your surroundings from your stiff bed and are greeted with a peculiar sight.[Paragraph Break] You appear to be in a prison cell. Your cellmate is soundlessly sleeping above you. His back is facing away from the wall. You glance over and see a desk next to your bed." The carrying capacity of the player is 8. Your Cell is a room. "Your dusty cell radiates a depressing feeling. Your cell door is to the north."; your desk is an open openable scenery container in Your Cell; a note is an object in your desk. The note can be set to read or set to unread. The note is set to unread. The description is "[if the note is set to unread]It reads 'Escape by tonight or you will be executed. We are the new world order.' It appears to be hastily scribbled in pen. Your thoughts are disrupted by a passing guard, banging his baton against the bars to wake the inmates up. Your cellmate slowly turns away from the wall and sits up. The cells start stirring. The inmates all stand outside their cell doors. The prison guard unlocks your cell door to the north of you, and your cellmate joins those standing outside.[Otherwise]It reads 'Escape by tonight or you will be executed. We are the new world order.' It appears to be hastily scribbled in pen."; a toothpick is an object in your desk. The description is "Wooden and splintery, but it gets the job done."; Your cell door is a lockable locked door. It is north of your cell. The description is "Cold iron bars in a vertical fashion, with barely enough space to fit a hand between them." [In your cell, the kettlebell should be on your bed if you want to leave your cell at night.] The bed is a scenery supporter in your cell. The description of the bed is “Your typical prison bed. Cold, squeaky, and hard as a rock.” [Cellmate] A pair of shoes is a kind of thing. A pair of shoes is wearable. Prison shoes are a kind of a pair of shoes.. Prison guard safety shoes are a kind of a pair of shoes. The description of the prison shoes is "Old, rotting leather. At least your boots are a bit newer." The description of prison guard safety shoes is "Steel toed, grey safety shoes." A person can be awake or asleep or inCaf. Your cellmate is a man in your cell. Your cellmate is asleep. "[if asleep]Your cellmate has begun snoring loudly and annoyingly.[Otherwise if awake]Your cellmate has just woken and is sleepily rubbing his eyes.[Otherwise if inCaf]Your cellmate is [one of]picking at the disgusting cafeteria food[or]wolfing down the disgusting cafeteria food[as decreasingly likely outcomes]." Your cellmate wears Cellmate’s prison jumpsuit. The description of Cellmate’s prison jumpsuit is "Exactly the same as all the other ones, except for the fact that your cellmate is wearing it." Your cellmate wears prison shoes. Instead of examining someone: say "[The noun] is wearing [the list of things worn by the noun]." Understand "wake [person]" as waking; Understand "scare [person]" as waking; Instead of waking cellmate: say "[if cellmate is asleep]He jumps, hits his head on the ceiling, and looks around before laying back down on his bed.[Otherwise]Your cellmate is already awake, you probably don't want to annoy him."; After waking your cellmate: now your cellmate is awake; [Southeast Wing] The Southeast Wing is a room. "Poorly lit room with tall, depressing metal walls that are rusting. To the north is The Northeast Wing, to the south is the Your Cell, to the east is the East Hallway, and to the west is the Southwest Wing." Your cell door is south of the Southeast Wing. Instead of opening your cell door: If the note is set to unread: say "The guards haven't unlocked your cell door yet. In the meantime, you should take a look at that note in your desk."; Otherwise: now the player is in the Southeast Wing; Every turn: If the player is in the Southeast Wing: If the master number is 0: Now master number is 1; Say "The guards do a roll call, and afterwards, you are directed to the cafeteria to the east."; [East Hallway] The East Hallway is a room. "To your right are some barely translucent windows with thick metal beams running across them, obstructing what little view you have of the outside world. Security cameras and motion sensors riddle the ceiling and the floor. The kitchen is to the north, the cafeteria is to the east, and the southeast Wing is to the west." The east hallway door is a door. The east hallway door is west of the east hallway. The east hallway door is east of the southeast Wing. [Cafeteria] The Cafeteria is a room. "The smell of beef and coleslaw permeates through the room. How the chefs make the food smell so bad is beyond your comprehension. Trays of food line the side of the cafeteria, with hot bowls of prison food on top of them. Stains are spread across the floor, the tables, and the ceiling. The quiet hum of early morning conversation slowly grows as people start to wake up. You should probably start with taking one of the Food Trays."; Storage is a room. Joe is a man in storage. Joe is wearing Joe's torn jumpsuit. The description of joe's torn jumpsuit is "A prison jumpsuit that is torn in multiple places." Joe is wearing Joe's shoes. The description of joe's shoes is "Disgusting, rotten shoes with multiple tears each." The One-day steroids are in storage. The description is “Extremely strong steroids that Joe gave you. Maybe this is the key to escaping in time.” The one-day steroids are edible. The Guard Pants are in storage. The guard pants are wearable. The description is “Guard pants identical to the ones the other guards have. Maybe this is the key to escaping in time.” The ladder is in storage. The description is “A folding step ladder that reaches surprisingly high. Maybe this is the key to escaping in time.” The newspaper is an object in storage. The description is “When the guards aren’t looking, you sneakily snatch the newspaper away, and slip away before the guards notice. Phew! If you were ever relieved, it was here and now. You decide to celebrate your newfound success by reading your newspaper. You decide the best place to start is on the front page. AMERICAN JOURNALIST ARRESTED FOR DEFAMATION OF YUBRIKSTAN By Vasily Karpov, 15 May 2052[Paragraph Break] (Kolingrad, Yubrikstan) Two days ago at three in the afternoon, Yubrikian Air security agents arrested journalist Alistair Reid at the Yubrikstan International Airport after they discovered a hidden USB in his pocket.[Paragraph Break] In it, they discovered a defaming news story criticising our glorious country, describing the Yubrikian government as ‘an oppressive authoritarian power extorting their people for personal gain.’[Paragraph Break] ‘We were appalled by the false and scandalous image that the man painted our nation,’ said Nikita Bronstein, a YTSA (Yubrikstan Transportation Security Administration) agent that assisted in searching Alistair, ‘it’s quite shocking to me to see what a man will do to get money and fame.’[Paragraph Break] Alistair Reid is an American Journalist writing articles for the New York Times, particularly ones on his trips to investigate international governments and quality of life. The New York Times is notorious for writing defamatory opinion pieces on the Yubrikstan government, often criticising them for their ‘dictatorial practices’. [Paragraph Break] ‘The New York Times organization as a whole is not responsible for the opinions and thoughts expressed by their writers,’ wrote editor in chief Dean Baquet in response to the detaining of Alistair Reid, ‘though we do not necessarily stand by any of the statements on Reid’s USB, we do believe that he should be released in order to right any wrongs made towards the Yubrikstan government.’[Paragraph Break] Meanwhile, in the streets of Yubrikstan, public opinion is asking for action. Many citizens hate to see the reputation of their country reduced to nothing by meddling journalists. Over the past few months, the amount of foreign journalists visiting the country has increased by tenfold, after the government has introduced the ‘Protect Our Borders’ initiative. The YTSA has taken measures to screen foreigners coming into and out of the country.[Paragraph Break] ‘We are doing everything we can to help the people of Yubrikstan,’ said Yuri Fandos, Administrator of the YTSA, ‘we ensure that we will do anything we can to ensure the security of this nation.’[Paragraph Break] Alistair is scheduled to be sentenced to death in one day.”[Paragraph Break] The cafDoor is a number which varies; The cafDoor is 2; After going to the cafeteria for the first time: produce a room description with going spacing conventions; now cafDoor is 0; Every turn: If the player is in the cafeteria: If the master number is 1: Now master number is 2; Otherwise if master number is 6: Now master number is 7; The bench is a scenery supporter in the cafeteria. The description of the bench is “A plain wooden bench, worn down from supporting tired guards in the early mornings.” After examining the newspaper for the first time: Now cafDoor is 3; Now Joe is in the cafeteria; say “ Everything suddenly hits you like a truck. You suddenly remember your trip here, the story you wrote, the hotel you stayed at, the shabby restaurants you ate at, and all the citizens you interviewed. You remember the places you’ve been, the sights you’ve seen, the experiences you’ve had. You remember everything, spanning from your first grade concert, to your acceptance into Berkeley, to your job interview with Bean Baquet, to your wedding on the shores of Florida. But, you also remember the security checkpoint, the USB you forgot to take out of your pocket, the aggressive demeanour of the security guards when they threw you to the ground and cuffed your hands. The last thing you remember is having a cloth bag thrown over your eyes, and going unconscious when you tried to struggle.[Paragraph Break] You suddenly yearn for freedom. The thing you want most right now is to escape and seek refuge in the safe walls of your Manhattan apartment, where you can safely spend your days with your spouse without ever having to step foot into another authoritarian country. [Paragraph Break] Your thoughts are interrupted by a guard screaming 'Breakfast ends in 10 minutes! You will each get 50 turns of free time. You must be back here within 50 turns for lunch.'[Paragraph Break] (Note: The counter at the top right hand corner shows you how many turns you have already used. Every action you take will increase the counter by 1. Be sure to return to the cafeteria for lunch within 50 turns!)[Paragraph Break] From across the room, you hear a friendly man laughing with his fellow inmates.[Paragraph Break] ‘Hey Joe, you should come and work out with me today!’[Paragraph Break] ‘Sorry man, I’m already playing chess with Steven at break.’[Paragraph Break] ‘Hey Joe, what chores are you doing today?’[Paragraph Break] ‘I think I’m assigned to the laundry room.’[Paragraph Break] ‘Hey Joe, look at the new guy over there!’[Paragraph Break] The man referred to as Joe takes a glance at you, along with his friends. His friends snicker at you, but Joe motions for you to come over. You should probably talk to him, it doesn’t seem like you have anything to lose at this point. (try using ‘talk to’)” Talking is an action applying to one thing. Understand “talk to [something]” as talking [something]. Understand "him" as Joe. Check talking: if the noun is a person: say "They pretend they can't hear you. Either that, or they actually can't hear you."; otherwise: say "You present a long, emotional monologue to an inanimate object. Nothing happens."; joeToothpick is a number that varies. joeToothpick is 0; Instead of talking Joe: If joeToothpick is 0: say “Joe greets you with a smile. ‘Hey, you’re the new guy, aren’t you?’ You take the seat beside him that he motions you towards. ‘Hey there chief, my name’s Joe. What’s yours?’ You notice the other inmates slowly losing interest and slipping away. ‘Alistair,’ you respond. ‘I saw in the newspaper that you’re getting executed tomorrow.’ The sudden realization of the gravity of the situation hits you like a truck. You start panicking, but Joe calms you down. ‘Easy there, chief! I’m sure that I can find a way to get you out by tonight. If we have a look through my contraband stash, I’m sure something there can help you.’ ‘Contraband stash?’ Joe piques your interest. ‘What contraband can you possibly get in this prison?’ ‘You’ll see.’ Joe grins. ‘But, I’m not gonna give you my goods all willy nilly, y’know? I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine.’ You nod in understanding. ‘So what i’m asking from ya, chief, is for a toothpick. I’ve got some food stuck in my teeth. Could you help me out? I mean if ya don't have one, be sure to come back to me if ya do.'"; otherwise: say "You got a toothpick, chief?"; Every Turn: If Joe has the toothpick: now joeToothpick is 1; Instead of giving the toothpick to Joe: Say “‘Thanks, chief.’ Your conversation is interrupted by a guard calling everyone to attention. ‘Everyone clear the cafeteria.’[Paragraph Break]Joe says 'well, come by my cell sometime, it's south of the southwest hallway.'"; Now joe carries the toothpick; The cafeteria table is a scenery supporter in the cafeteria. The description of the cafeteria table is "A gross table with smears of god knows what on it. It smells like rotting mustard"; A dish is a kind of container. A dish is always open and transparent. Food Tray is a dish on the cafeteria table. Prison food is an edible object in the Food Tray. The description of the prison food is "A tray of ‘slop’, coleslaw, and water with a green tinge. It smells (and probably tastes) disgusting." The description of the food bowl is “An empty, plain, white bowl.”; After eating the prison food for the first time: now cafDoor is 1; now newspaper is in the cafeteria; say "As you observe the other inmates, you notice that they feel rather unfamiliar to you. You try to think back about your time in prison - only to realize you don't remember anything about it. In fact, you don’t remember anything. You start to panic, but you calm yourself with a deep breath. The first thing you should do is have some breakfast. You try a spoonful of the viscous slop and your stomach is immediately overcome with a yearning to vomit. However, you manage to force the spoonful down, as well as the rest of the prison food. You decide that it is better to endure the nasty taste and texture than to go hungry in a place like this. You decide that now is a better time than ever to try and find out about your predicament. You look around you, trying to gather some information. You first observe the uniforms of the guards. Their nondescript blue uniforms are all identical, with one column of buttons running down the center. The leather boots and belt don’t give you much either, as none of them have markings. In fact, the only text you can see is written on the hat in medium-sized letters: Yubrikstan. This name is oddly familiar to you. You ponder it for a minute, before noticing that a newspaper has been left on one of the benches by the guards. The nearest guard is sleeping, and none of the other guards don’t seem like they want to use it. You might not get another chance like this to learn something about where you are." The Cafeteria Door are a lockable open door. The Cafeteria Door is east of the East hallway. The Cafeteria Door is west of the Cafeteria. Instead of going to the east hallway: if cafDoor is 0: say “You haven’t eaten yet.”; otherwise if cafDoor is 1: say "You should check out that newspaper."; Otherwise if cafDoor is 2: Continue the action; Otherwise if cafDoor is 3: Now cafDoor is 4; say "You leave the cafeteria with some food in your stomach, if you could call what you just ate food. Anyways, you have 50 turns to do whatever you want, so explore the prison a bit."; Continue the action; Otherwise if cafDoor is 4: Continue the action; Otherwise if cafDoor is 5: Continue the action; Otherwise if cafDoor is 6: Continue the action; Otherwise if cafDoor is 7: Continue the action; [Kitchen] The Kitchen is a room. “It smells like the cafeteria, except it’s ten times worse. You would believe it if someone told you the food was designed to be as disgusting as possible. [Paragraph Break]Looking around, you see an oven, a fridge, a sink, and a stone counter.” A stone counter is a scenery supporter in the kitchen. The description is "A cold, grey stone counter made of a single slab of stone. It takes up half the room." A knife holder is a container on the stone counter. The description is "A stone brick with slits in it for the knife blades. It holds knives." Instead of taking the knife holder: say "You try to heave the heavy stone holder off the counter, but it simply doesn't budge. You'll have to settle with taking the knives." A kitchen knife is in the knife holder. The description is "A well sharpened vegetable knife; probably what chops the carrots in your food." The oven is a closed openable scenery container in the kitchen. The description is “For baking or roasting. It’s unusually clean. Or maybe the rest of the kitchen is simply unusually filthy.” Instead of closing the oven: say "The oven door jams. You'll have to use it opened." A sink is a scenery device in the kitchen. The description is "A rusting metal sink. You suppose this is where the cooks get the water for you." After switching on the sink: say "The green tinged water you drink every day starts trickling out at first, before spontaneously rushing out of the sink." After switching off the sink: say "With tremendous effort, you shove the sink handle and the water flow is abruptly cut off." Cooking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "cook [something]", "bake [something]", "warm [something]", "roast [something]" and "grill [something]" as cooking [something]. Check cooking: If the player is in the kitchen: say "There's no need to cook [the noun]."; Otherwise: say “You can't do that without something to cook it with.”; The fridge is an openable closed scenery container in the kitchen. The description is "A fridge stained yellow by grease and who knows what other grime." The jam sandwich is an object in the fridge. The jam sandwich is edible. A thing can be sliced or notSliced. A huge slab of beef is a thing in the fridge. A huge slab of beef is notSliced. The description is "A slab of beef so large it would feed all the prisoners for a week.[if sliced][Paragraph Break]You just shaved a slice off of it, and it looks exactly the same." Instead of taking a huge slab of beef: say "It's too big and heavy for you to take. You'll need to cut a slice off of it."; The first piece of beef is a thing in storage. The description is "The piece of beef you just shaved off of the slab of meat in the fridge."; A second piece of beef is a thing in storage. The description is "The piece of beef you just shaved off of the slab of meat in the fridge."; A third piece of beef is a thing in storage. The description is "The piece of beef you just shaved off of the slab of meat in the fridge."; A first cooked piece of beef is a thing in storage. A cooked piece of beef is edible. The description is "The piece of beef is now cooked and ready for eating."; A second cooked piece of beef is a thing in storage. A second cooked piece of beef is edible. The description is "The piece of beef is now cooked and ready for eating."; A third cooked piece of beef is a thing in storage. A third cooked piece of beef is edible. The description is "The piece of beef is now cooked and ready for eating."; Understand the command "slice" as something new. Understand the command "cut" as something new. Slicing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "slice [something]", "shave a piece off of [something]", "cut [something]", and "cut a piece off of [something]" as slicing [something]. Check slicing: If the player carries the kitchen knife: say "There's no need to slice [the noun]."; Otherwise: say "You would need a knife for that."; Instead of slicing a huge slab of beef for the first time: now the player carries the first piece of beef; now a huge slab of beef is sliced; say "You cut a piece off of the huge slab of beef. The first piece of beef is now in your inventory."; Instead of slicing a huge slab of beef for the second time: now the player carries the second piece of beef; say "For the second time, you cut a piece off of the huge slab of beef. The second piece of beef is now in your inventory."; Instead of slicing a huge slab of beef for the third time: now the player carries the third piece of beef; say "For the third time, you cut a piece off of the huge slab of beef. The third piece of beef is now in your inventory."; Instead of cooking the first piece of beef: if the player is in the kitchen: if the first piece of beef is in the oven: let H be the holder of the first piece of beef; move a first cooked piece of beef to H; remove the first piece of beef from play; say "You put the cold piece of beef in the oven for a couple of minutes and it cooks rather nicely. Now it is a cooked piece of beef."; otherwise: say "You would need to put the beef into the oven first."; Otherwise: say "You would need an oven to do that." Instead of cooking the second piece of beef: if the player is in the kitchen: if the second piece of beef is in the oven: let H be the holder of the second piece of beef; move the second cooked piece of beef to H; remove the second piece of beef from play; say "You put the cold piece of beef in the oven for a couple of minutes and it cooks rather nicely. Now it is a cooked piece of beef"; otherwise: say "You would need to put the beef into the oven first."; Otherwise: say "You would need an oven to do that." Instead of cooking the third piece of beef: if the player is in the kitchen: if the third piece of beef is in the oven: let H be the holder of the third piece of beef; move the third cooked piece of beef to H; remove the third piece of beef from play; say "You put the cold piece of beef in the oven for a couple of minutes and it cooks rather nicely. "; otherwise: say "You would need to put the beef into the oven first."; Otherwise: say "You would need an oven to do that." Instead of eating the first piece of beef: say "It's uncooked - who knows what diseases you might get. Much safer to cook it first." Instead of eating the second piece of beef: say "It's uncooked - who knows what diseases you might get. Much safer to cook it first." Instead of eating the third piece of beef: say "It's uncooked - who knows what diseases you might get. Much safer to cook it first." After eating a cooked piece of beef: Now jackedNum is 2; Say “You eat the beef, and suddenly, all of your energy is restored. You feel as if you could lift weights non-stop for another hour. In fact, you should probably do that.” After eating a second cooked piece of beef: If jackedNum is 3: Now jackedNum is 2; Say “You eat the second slice of beef, and suddenly, all of your energy is restored. You feel as if you could lift weights non-stop for another hour. In fact, you should probably do that.”; Otherwise: Say “you should save this for when you get hungry.” After eating a third cooked piece of beef: If jackedNum is 3: Now jackedNum is 2; Say “You eat the third slice of beef, and suddenly, all of your energy is restored. You feel as if you could lift weights non-stop for another hour. In fact, you should probably do that.”; Otherwise: Say “you should save this for when you get hungry.” The Kitchen Door is a lockable open door. The Kitchen door is north of the East hallway. The kitchen door is south of the kitchen. [Southwest Wing] The Southwest Wing is a room. "A slightly better lit room with more tall, depressing, rusting metal walls. To the north is The Northwest Wing, to the south is the Joe's Cell, to the east is the Southeast Wing, and to the west is the Southeast Hallway." West of the Southeast Wing is the Southwest Wing. [Southwest Hallway] The Southwest Hallway is a room. "To your left are some barely translucent windows with thick metal beams running across them, obstructing what little view you have of the outside world. Security cameras and motion sensors riddle the ceiling and the floor. The Southwest Wing is east of here, the Guard Lounge is west of here, and the back court is to the south." West of the Southwest Wing is the Southwest Hallway. [Guard Lounge] The Guard Lounge is a room. “Whereas the rest of the prison is filthy and falling apart, the guard lounge looks spotless. The paint seems to have been done only a week ago, the light bulbs all work perfectly, and there are no nasty smells to speak of. The other guard inside doesn’t look up from his book, and doesn’t seem to care about your presence. You can see a couch to relax on, a vase with a flower in it (on a little drawer), a mini fridge, and finally, an inconspicuous little bin in the corner labeled ‘Confiscated Contraband’.” The couch is an open enterable scenery container in the guard lounge. The description is "A plush, leather couch. Perfect for relaxing in." Getting out of is an action applying to one thing. Understand "get out of [something]" as getting out of. Carry out getting out of something: try exiting instead. A drawer is an openable closed scenery container in the guard lounge. The description is "A vase stand seemingly having no other purpose other than scenery. It contains a drawer." A stand is a scenery supporter. A stand is part of a drawer. The description is "A vase stand with a vase on it." The steamy romance novel is in the drawer. The description is “You observe the romantic novel has an image of Tom Brady on it. Tom’s elegant face alone intrigues you enough for you to keep reading. ‘The Chronicles of Tom and Jack Brady: The Tough Love of Sacrifice. Tom's deltoids shimmer in the yellow fluorescent light of the massage room. His trapeziums bulge as the masseur slowly works the massage oils over them. Tom is calm, but alas, his muscles are not. They tense and retract, countless muscles begging for attention from the masseur. But, with quick yet calm and calculated movements, the masseur puts them at ease. The massage room displays the elegant exchange between a masseur and an athlete, a delicate balance that neither Tom nor his masseur dare disrupt. But like a pin to a balloon, the bonding ritual is disrupted by Jack. His presence causes Tom's muscles to seize in excitement. Tom salivates as Jack approaches the table. Much like how humans view apes, so does Tom and the masseur view mortals like Jack. Tom's benevolent yet analyzing blue eyes bore into the soul of Jack, who feels compelled to submit to his godly power. ‘Father!’ The lack of courage in Jack's voice is detected by both Tom and the masseur. 'I have come to make a request. If God have any mercy on my poor soul, then allow me to evaluate my fantasy football team, which itches to be checked upon!' Tom grins, for he knows where the conversation will lead them. 'As a punishment for disturbing my sacred ritual, and breaking the physical and spiritual bond developing between me and my masseur,' Tom's booming voice feels like a cry from the ancient and cavernous depths of the Mediterranean, shaking the room and enforcing the great inferiority that Jack already feels, 'you must enforce the authority that I hold over you, by demonstrating your domestic love for me with a kiss.' Jack's face goes pale, as he knows the offering he is about to make. He slowly approaches his father, his lips preparing themselves for the stress they are about to undergo. Jack’s face approaches Tom’s as…’ You shut the book quickly. You probably are not ready for what comes next.” A china vase is a container on a stand. The description is "A yellow china vase that seems extremely fragile." Instead of taking the vase: say "It would look odd walking out of the guard room with a vase. Besides, you would probably break it. You could take the flower instead, though."; A flower is in the china vase. The description is "A happy little flower in a happy little vase on a happy little vase stand. It's yellow." A mini fridge is an openable closed scenery container in the guard lounge. The description is "A blue stainless steel mini fridge. It looks at least 20 years newer than the fridge in the kitchen." A guard's lunch box is in the mini fridge. The description is "A plastic container labelled 'Jerry'. The food inside looks loads better than the cafeteria food." Instead of taking a guard's lunch box: say "The guard who owns this would probably find out, and it would foil your escape." The Guard Lounge door is a lockable locked door. The Guard Lounge door is east of the Guard Lounge. The Guard Lounge door is west of the Southwest Hallway. Instead of opening the Guard Lounge Door: If the player wears guard pants: If the player wears a guard uniform: If the player wears a guard hat: Say “The guard on patrol opens the door to let you in. ‘Enjoy your break’, he says. You proceed on into the guard lounge.”; Now the player is in the Guard Lounge; Otherwise: Say “The guard sneers at you. ‘Nice try, buddy, but you’re gonna have to do better than that.’ He slams the door on you. You probably need the full attire to do that, including the guard hat.”; Otherwise: Say “The guard sneers at you. ‘Nice try, buddy, but you’re gonna have to do better than that.’ He slams the door on you. You probably need the full attire to do that, including the guard uniform.”; Otherwise: Say “The guard sneers at you. ‘Nice try, buddy, but you’re gonna have to do better than that.’ He slams the door on you. You probably will need a guard uniform on if you want to get in.”; [Northeast Wing] The Northeast Wing is a room. "A slightly better lit room with more tall, depressing, less rusty metal walls. To the north is The Visitor Call room, to the south is the Southeast Wing, and to the west is the Northwest Wing." North of the Southeast Wing is the Northeast Wing. Northeast of the Southwest Wing is the Northeast Wing. [Call room] The Call room is a room. "Description" [Northwest Wing] The Northwest Wing is a room. "A poorly lit room with more tall, depressing, less rusty metal walls. To the north is The Visitor Call room, to the south is the Southwest Wing, to the east is the Northeast wing, and to the west is the Northwest Hallway." North of the Southwest Wing is the Northwest Wing. West of the Northeast Wing is the Northwest Wing. Northwest of the Southeast Wing is the Northwest Wing. [Northwest Hallway] The Northwest Hallway is a room. "To your right are some barely translucent windows with thick metal beams running across them, obstructing what little view you have of the outside world. Security cameras and motion sensors riddle the ceiling and the floor. The laundry room is to the north, the showers are to the south, The northwest wing is to the east, and the Workout room is to the west." The Northwest hallway door is a door. The Northwest hallway door is west of the Northwest wing. The Northwest Hallway is west of the Northwest hallway door. [Laundry Room] The Laundry Room is a room. “Without a doubt the most cramped room in the prison. Directly in front of you is a washing machine and a drying machine. [Paragraph Break]To your left is the dirty clothes basket. Inside is Joe’s dirty prison jumpsuit, Felipe’s dirty prison jumpsuit, and a dirty guard's uniform. To your right, you can see the clean clothes basket (Note: You will not need to move in any direction to interact with anything in this room). [Paragraph Break]Above you is a flickering lamp. The room is damp, with the grey paint peeling off the walls and spiders scuttering across the walls. From here, you can hear the humming of the washing machines and the bustling prisoners attending to their chores.” After going to the laundry room for the first time: Now master number is 4; say “[Bold Type]Laundry Room[Roman Type] Without a doubt the most cramped room in the prison. Directly in front of you is a washing machine and a drying machine. [Paragraph Break]To your left is the dirty clothes basket. To your right, you can see the clean clothes basket (Note: You will not need to move in any direction to interact with anything in this room). [Paragraph Break]Above you is a flickering lamp. The room is damp, with the grey paint peeling off the walls and spiders scuttering across the walls. From here, you can hear the humming of the washing machines and the bustling prisoners attending to their chores.” The Laundry Room door is a lockable unlocked door. The Laundry Room door is north of the Northwest Hallway. The Laundry Room is north of the Laundry Room Door. The description of Joe’s prison jumpsuit is "Exactly the same as all the other ones - black and white stripes all over." The description of Felipe’s prison jumpsuit is "Exactly the same as all the other ones - black and white stripes all over." The description of Joe’s dirty prison jumpsuit is "Like a prison jumpsuit, but with food stains (and other stains) all over." The description of Felipe’s dirty prison jumpsuit is "Like a prison jumpsuit, but with food stains (and other stains) all over." The dirty clothes basket is an open scenery container in the laundry room. There is Joe's dirty prison jumpsuit, Felipe's dirty prison jumpsuit, and a Dirty guard's uniform in the dirty clothes basket. Instead of taking the dirty clothes basket, say “You’d probably get in trouble for taking that. Besides, what are you going to do with that anyways?” Storage is a room. There is Joe’s prison jumpsuit, Felipe’s prison jumpsuit, and clean guard uniform's in storage. The washing machine is an open unopenable scenery container inside the laundry room. Washing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "wash [something]", "clean [something]", and “scrub [something]” as washing [something]. Check washing: If the noun is player: If the player is in the laundry room: say “You would do that in the showers, not in a washing machine.”; Otherwise if the player is in the showers: Say “I can’t come up with a description please help”; Otherwise: say "There's no need to wash [the noun]." Instead of washing Joe’s dirty prison jumpsuit: if the player is in the laundry room: if Joe's dirty prison jumpsuit is in the washing machine: Now the player has Joe's prison jumpsuit; Remove Joe’s dirty prison jumpsuit from play; say “You turn on the washing machine. After a few minutes, the drone of the washing machine comes to a stop. The dirty prison jumpsuit is now cleaned and in your inventory. ”; otherwise: say "You would need to put the jumpsuit into the washing machine first."; otherwise: say "You can't do that without a washing machine."; Instead of washing Felipe's dirty prison jumpsuit: if the player is in the laundry room: if Felipe's dirty prison jumpsuit is in the washing machine: Now the player has Felipe's dirty prison jumpsuit; Remove Felipe's dirty prison jumpsuit from play; say “You turn on the washing machine. After a few minutes, the drone of the washing machine comes to a stop. The dirty prison jumpsuit is now cleaned and in your inventory. ”; otherwise: say "You would need to put the jumpsuit into the washing machine first."; otherwise: say "You can't do that without a washing machine."; Instead of washing the dirty guard's uniform: if the player is in the laundry room: if the dirty guard's uniform is in the washing machine: Now the player has clean guard's uniform; Remove the dirty guard's uniform from play; say “You turn on the washing machine. After a few minutes, the drone of the washing machine comes to a stop. The dirty guard's uniform is now cleaned and in your inventory.”; otherwise: say "You would need to put the uniform into the washing machine first."; otherwise: say "You can't do that without a washing machine."; The clean clothes basket is an open scenery container in the laundry room. Instead of taking the clean clothes basket, say “You’d probably get in trouble for taking that. Besides, what are you going to do with that anyways?” [Workout room] The Workout Room is a room. “A close contender with the laundry room for the most cramped room, you can touch the ceiling without jumping. Weights are scattered all over the floor with seemingly nowhere to store them, and they are as far as equipment goes in the Workout Room.” The Workout room door is a lockable open door. The Workout room door is west of the Northwest Hallway. The workout room is west of the workout room door. After going to the workout room: say “[Bold Type]Workout Room[Roman Type] A close contender with the laundry room for the most cramped room, you can touch the ceiling without jumping. Weights are scattered all over the floor with seemingly nowhere to store them, and they are as far as equipment goes in the Workout Room.”; If master number is 4: Now master number is 5; say “[Bold Type]Workout Room[Roman Type] A close contender with the laundry room for the most cramped room, you can touch the ceiling without jumping. Weights are scattered all over the floor with seemingly nowhere to store them, and they are as far as equipment goes in the Workout Room.” A weight is a kind of thing. The 2 eight pound dumbbells is a weight. The 2 five pound dumbbells is a weight. The kettlebell is a weight. The 2 eight pound dumbbells is in the Workout Room. The description is “A pair of black metal dumbbells weighing what feels like 12 pounds each, but it could just be that you're a journalist, not a weightlifter. The grip feels oily and the edges are probably sharp enough to get cut on, but they get the job done.” Instead of taking the dumbbells: say "You try to carry the dumbbells out of the room but see a fatal flaw - you can't open the gym door with both hands full. You'll have to settle with taking the kettlebell."; The a pair of five pound dumbbells is in the Workout Room. The description is “A pair of grey metal dumbbells weighing what feels like 8 pounds each, but it could just be that you're a journalist, not a weightlifter. The rough grip feels like sandpaper and there is an odd coloured stain on the left hand weight, but they get the job done.” Instead of taking the pair: say "You see the same problem as when you try to take the eight pound dumbbells. Your hands will be full. "; The kettlebell is in the Workout Room. The description is "An unpainted metal kettlebell that has started rusting. There is no indication of how much it weighs, though you could probably take it if you wanted to. Minus the handle, it could be mistaken for a head in the dark." Lifting is an action applying to one thing. Understand "lift [something]" and "suplex [something]" as lifting. Working is an action applying to nothing. Understand "work out" as working. Carry out working: try lifting the kettlebell instead. Check lifting: say "What good would that do you?" JackedNum is a number that varies. JackedNum is 0; liftedNum is a number that varies. liftedNum is 0; After eating the one-day steroids: Now jackedNum is 2; Instead of lifting a weight: If JackedNum is 0: say "You do reps until your arms start to hurt. Any more exercise would be harmful. You should probably stop."; Now jackedNum is 1; Otherwise if JackedNum is 1: Say “What good would that do you?”; Otherwise if JackedNum is 2: Say “The steroids you took make the weights feel weightless. You feel hungry, however. Like, [bold type]really[roman type] hungry. You can’t lift any more weights without eating something.”; Now jackedNum is 3; now liftedNum is liftedNum + 1; Otherwise if jackedNum is 3: Say “you are too hungry to lift any more weights. Eat something.” The huge muscles is an object in storage. The description is “You worked out so hard that now your muscles take up a slot in your inventory.” Every turn: If liftedNum is 3: Say “After spending hours upon hours alone in the gym, you are overcome with a sensation like an electric shock. Normally, you would now go to the kitchen for some food, but you find that you are actually not hungry.”; Now the player carries the huge muscles; [Showers] The Showers is a room. “As soon as you open the door, a pungent odour strikes your nose. The cafeteria food only seems half as bad to you just after a whiff of the shower room. You step into the room, and you can’t believe what you see. The floor was made of minute white tiles, of which around one third were missing, showing the bare concrete floor beneath it. The walls… you can barely even tell what they were supposed to look like since they’re almost completely covered by a layer of rust. The showerheads don't look much better." After going to the showers: say “[Bold Type]Showers[Roman Type] As soon as you open the door, a pungent odour strikes your nose. The cafeteria food only seems half as bad to you just after a whiff of the shower room. You step into the room, and you can’t believe what you see. The floor was made of minute white tiles, of which around one third were missing, showing the bare concrete floor beneath it. The walls… you can barely even tell what they were supposed to look like since they’re almost completely covered by a layer of rust. The showerheads don't look much better."; If master number is 5: Now master number is 6 The shower door is a lockable open door. The shower door is south of the Northwest Hallway. The showers is south of the shower door. Showering is an action applying to nothing. Understand “shower”, “take a shower”, “bathe” and “take a bath” as showering. Check showering: If the player is in the showers: say “After stripping naked, you run the cold, green tinged prison water over your body and scrub yourself vigorously with the soap. You don’t feel much better afterwards. ”; Otherwise: say "You would need to be in the showers to do that." The soap holder is a scenery supporter in the showers. The description is "A little plastic wedge glued to the wall. It holds soap." A bar of soap is on the soap holder. The description is "Your stereotypical pink bar of soap. Better not drop it, now." The showerhead is scenery in the showers. The description is "A rusty metal shower head. You have to crank the water yourself - far from the automatic hotel showers you are used to." Instead of showering for the first time: say " While taking your shower, you take in all the wonderful scenery the showers have to offer. That is to say, a couple of rusty walls and slimy floor tiles. One thing however, does catch your attention. Above the showerheads is a window stretching across the entire room, about the height. You walk across the room to look outside the window, almost slipping a few times because of how slimy the ground is. Standing on your toes, you peek out the window to find a barren wasteland. Far from what you expected - Then you remember something. And another thing. And another thing. A string of memories come flooding back to you. You had been writing an article about human rights violations in Yubrikstan. One of the examples you used was the terrible quality and sanitation of the prisons - and you used a camera you snuck in to photograph this prison specifically. That must have been what had been uncovered on the USB the airport security had found. Ironic for you to end up in the prison you had written was 'terribly inhumane'. You finish your shower feeling much worse about your situation.” [Guard] The prison guard is a man in the Southeast Wing. The prison guard wears a guard uniform. The prison guard wears prison guard safety shoes. Every turn: If the location of the prison guard is not the location of the player: If the player is in Your Cell: Move the prison guard to storage; If the player is in the showers: Move the prison guard to storage; If the player is in the workout room: Move the prison guard to storage; If the player is in kitchen: Move the prison guard to storage; If the player is in the laundry room: Move the prison guard to storage; If the player is in Joe's cell: Move the prison guard to storage; Otherwise: Let nroom be the location of the player; move the prison guard to nroom; If the player is in the guard lounge: say “The backyard bustles with activity. Many inmates are absorbed in their own activities, either playing basketball or playing chess, or simply talking. The air is filled with the commotion of dribbling basketballs and people talking. A guard is sound asleep in his chair. You could probably take his hat without him noticing. A ring of keys is suspended from his belt. Joe is playing chess with another inmate, surrounded by a group of people observing. The guard has turned another page in his book. He either does not know you are there or simply does not care. ”; If the player is in the backyard: say “The guard on duty has fallen asleep. You could probably steal his keys if you wanted.”; Otherwise If the player is in the laundry room: say "You notice that there are no guards in this room."; Otherwise If the player is in Joe's Cell: say "The guard is loitering around the corner. He doesn't see you."; Otherwise If the player is in Showers: say "The guard is waiting outside the showers. Which would be creepy if you didn't half expect to follow him in with you."; Otherwise If the player is in the kitchen: say "You notice that there are no guards in this room."; Otherwise If the player is in the workout room: say "You notice that there are no guards in this room."; Otherwise If the player is in your cell: say "One of the guards is waiting outside you cell for you."; Otherwise: Say "A guard [one of]has begun eyeing you suspiciously[or]gives you a glare before turning his head to survey the other prisoners[or]has begun fiddling with his baton[as decreasingly likely outcomes]."; [Main Entrance] The main entrance is a room. The main doors is a door. The main doors is north of the northeast wing. The main entrance is north of the main doors. The description of the main entrance is “Whereas many of the rooms in the prison have their ceiling level barely above your head, you can hardly see where the ceiling ends. All things considered, it sort of reminds you of your apartment in Manhattan. Taking away the fact that the walls are stripped of paint and wallpaper, it feels like 10 degrees celsius, and there are two armed personnel in front of you.”; Instead of opening the main doors: If the player is in the northeast wing: say “[Bold Type]Main Entrance [Roman Type] Whereas many of the rooms in the prison have their ceiling level barely above your head, you can hardly see where the ceiling ends. All things considered, it sort of reminds you of your apartment in Manhattan. Taking away the fact that the walls are stripped of paint and wallpaper, it feels like 10 degrees celsius, and there are two armed personnel in front of you.”; Say “You begin to walk towards the main doors of this prison. You can see one guard on either side of the main doors, the one on the left has a beer belly, a double chin, and you can’t even tell if his eyes are open. The guard on the right is tall and bony, anxiously looking around and on alert. ‘He must be a new guard’, you think to yourself. The duo eyes you closely while guard on the right tightens the grip on his baton and puts an uncomfortable look onto his face. When you get 5 metres away from the door, the guard on the left barks ‘AWAY FROM THE ENTRANCE!’ without any warning. You almost lose your footing but manage to scurry away.” [Game Progression] After examining note for the first time: now a note is set to read; now your cell door is unlocked; now your cellmate is awake; move your cellmate to the Southeast Wing; After opening east hallway door for the first time: move your cellmate to the cafeteria; now your cellmate is inCaf; After going in your cell: If the master number is 7: If the player carries the huge muscles: Say “You pry open the iron bars to your cell with little to no effort. As you step out, the guard in the southeast wing does a double take. ‘H-h-h-h-how d-did you d-d-do that?’ His breaths are staggered and short, and multiple beads of sweat roll down his forehead. His hands are violently shaking as he pulls the gun on you. His knees look as if they are about to buckle in sheer fear. ‘D-d-d-don’t move a muscle!’ Unfortunately, Your trapezius flexes in protest. The guard fires a shot directed straight at your chest. You brace yourself for the blood and the pain that is about to happen, but the bullet bounces off of your chest like a rubber ball thrown against a wall. The bullet ricochets towards the guard’s hat, and makes a clean hole. After letting out one final shriek, the guard passes out in his own pool of sweat, with his eyes wide open. As you take a look behind you into the southwest wing, Joe flashes you one last smile. The warden’s eyes widen as you kick down his door, along with the doorframe and a large section of the southern wall of the east hallway. The warden’s deep seated inferiority is accentuated by your massive thighs and calf muscles that create booming shockwaves with each step you take. Your eyes wander for a method of escape, and they focus on the Hino-branded keys on his desk. The Warden, in an act of self preservation, flings himself out of the window and runs for his life. The entire prison shakes as you enter the loading dock. At first you decide to use the truck, but judging on your size, it is probably easier to walk. You take a stroll in the cool european night. This feeling of freedom is one that you have been craving all day, and at last, you finally have it. You leap into the air and kick your heels together, but the shockwaves completely decimate your leather shoes and pulverize them into a fine dust. Maybe it’s better to leave the celebrations for a more suitable state of body. Suddenly, you spot a fleet of tanks coming over the horizon, blinding you with huge lights. ‘This is the Yubrikstan Military, surrender or be destroyed,’ booms a voice from over a megaphone. At first you put your hands up in defeat, but one of the soldiers fire a tank round into you when they interpret your biceps rippling as an act of aggression. Like a tennis ball, you swiftly catch the shell in your hands. The soldiers scream in pure terror. Some run, but some are frozen in pure fear, unable to control their bodies. One soldier weeps in surrender. You deftly lift the tanks and put them on the side of the road, and continue walking. Apprehensions with the military increase in frequency, but each encounter bores you even more. It is not until three hours have passed that you start to spot the skyline of Yubrikstan."; say "In the city, women stare blank faced at you in awe. Men stare at you in admiration. You can barely fit through the gates of the house of commons, but you are able to break through the glass doors with ease. Your unplanned meeting with the Yubrikstan president catches him off guard. His reign of terror will now stop for your reign of terror. After an hour of one-sided negotiations, you make a deal with the Yubrikstan president. Your twist his arm into signing your new agreement, both physically and metaphorically, and he signs the document. You have finally did it! You have restored democracy in the Yubrikstan nation. A first-class chinook carries you back home. Your story inspires the younger generation, and develops adventurous journalists for generations to come. Though not as muscular, they bring about social change around the world, just as you have in the night of your stay in Yubrikstan.”; End the game in victory; [Player description] Your shirt and your boots are worn. The description of your shirt is "You are still wearing the same shirt as last night. Evidently, there hasn't been enough time to change you into a prison jumpsuit." The description of your boots is "Old, leather boots that have thoroughly been broken into. Loads better than the nasty prison shoes." Instead of examining the player: say "You can barely recognize yourself - you look like a pale skeleton. [if the player wears something]You are wearing [a list of things worn by the player]." [Game Rules] Understand "use [a door]" as opening. Understand "use [an open door]" as entering. Understand "go through [an open door]" as entering. Understand "eat [an edible thing]" as eating. Understand "wear [a wearable thing]" as wearing. Understand "open [something closed]" as opening. Understand "close [something open]" as closing. Understand "enter [something enterable]" as entering. Understand "enter [a door]" as entering. [Backyard] The backyard is a room. “The backyard bustles with activity. Many inmates are absorbed in their own activities, either playing basketball or playing chess, or simply talking. The air is filled with the commotion of dribbling basketballs and people talking. A guard is sound asleep in his chair. You could probably take his hat without him noticing. A ring of keys is suspended from his belt. Joe is playing chess with another inmate, surrounded by a group of people observing.” The backyard is south of the southwest hallway.; an object can be taken or notTaken. The tulip is an object in the backyard. The description is “One lone tulip that [if taken]stood[otherwise] among some weeds in the corner of the yard.” The tulip is notTaken. After taking the tulip: now the tulip is taken; The ring of keys is an object in the backyard. The description is “A ring of keys is suspended from the belt of a guard, and shimmers in the sun.” The ring of keys unlocks your cell door. The guard hat is an object in the backyard. The description is “A hat sits loosely on top of the head of the sleeping guard.”; After going to the backyard for the first time: produce a room description with going spacing conventions; Every Turn: If master number is 8: Now the description of the backyard is “The backyard is dark and silent, contrasting the bustling activity during the day."; After going to the backyard: If the player carries the ladder: If master number is 8: say “You set up the ladder and slip over the fence to the outside world. You see a masked figure that greets you.[Paragraph Break]‘Hello. I am a member of the new world order,’ he says, ‘we have brought a van that will help you escape.’ You follow him into a van full of revolutionists. For now you have escaped, but the real challenge of restoring democracy in Yubrikstan will have to come later. For now, you bask in your victory.”; End the game in victory; Every Turn: If master number is 8: If the tulip is in the southeast wing: Now the description of the southeast wing is “The guard doesn’t notice you, and is observing the tulip in curiosity. You should probably leave.”; Otherwise: If the player is in the southeast wing: Say “The guard apprehends you. ‘You’re not going anywhere.’ You are quickly thrown back into your own cell. The next morning, you are shot to death by a row of guards carrying muskets. Next time, try to create a distraction for the guard in the southeast wing.”; End the game in death; [Loading Dock] The loading dock is a room. “An outdoor garage that is connected to the kitchen. You can see a truck parked in the driveway.” The loading dock door is a door. It is east of the kitchen. The loading dock is east of the loading dock door. Instead of opening the loading dock door: If the player is wearing a clean guard's uniform: Now the player is in the loading dock; Say “Your heart pounds as you see this opportunity. You hop onto the truck and drive as fast as you can out of this hellhole that is Yubrikstan Prison.”; End the game in victory; Otherwise: Say “The loading dock is not accessible for prisoners.”; [Joe's Cell] Joe’s cell is a room. “Joe’s cell is the polar opposite of Joe’s appearance: all of the walls are squeaky clean, and all of the contraband is cleverly hidden. His bed looks slightly bigger than yours, and is soft and white instead of tough and grey.” Joe's cell door is a door. Joe's cell door is south of the southwest wing. Joe's cell is south of joe's cell door Instead of opening joe's cell door: If JoeToothpick is 0: say "He won't let you into his cell, you'll need to befriend him first"; Otherwise if JoeToothpick is 1: continue the action; Joe's bed is an enterable scenery container in Joe's cell. The description is "Joe’s bed seems relatively new, which is a great surprise for this prison." The chosenContra is a number which varies; The chosenContra is 0; After going in Joe's cell: if chosenContra is 0: say "Joe welcomes you into his cell, and shows you his stash of contraband, hidden under his bed. You are confused by what you see - a pair of pants, a folded step ladder, and finally, a syringe and 2 pills. Joe is visibly grinning ear to ear. 'You said you want to escape? I'll help you escape. Pick one; A pair of guard uniform pants, stolen from the laundry; a ladder that stretches 10 feet high, stolen from the kitchen back when the little old lady that cooked the food was still around; and my special steroids - they'll make you grow so much muscle you could bend your cell bars if you wanted to, in just one day. So, what will it be?' After considering, you make your decision. You tell Joe you want the:" Steroiding is an action applying to nothing. Understand "steroids", "pills" and "syringe" as steroiding. Instead of steroiding: if chosenContra is 0: if the player is in Joe's cell: say "You tell Joe that you choose the steroids. Joe smiles a knowing smile at you before handing to you the (probably illegal) drugs. 'Now good luck with escaping.' As soon as you store them safely in your pocket, Joe ushers you out of his cell, saying ‘the guards can’t have seen you in here.’ You decide to listen to him."; now the player carries the one-day steroids.; now chosenContra is 1; move the player to the southwest wing; Otherwise: say "You already chose. Joe was clear - only 1 contraband item."; Otherwise: say "That's not a verb I recognise."; guardUniforming is an action applying to nothing. Understand "pants", "guard" and "uniform" as guardUniforming. Instead of guardUniforming: if chosenContra is 0: if the player is in Joe's cell: say "You tell Joe that you choose the guard pants. Joe smiles a knowing smile at you before handing to you the filthy blue pants. 'Now good luck with escaping.' As soon as take the clothing, Joe ushers you out of his cell, saying ‘the guards can’t have seen you in here.’ You decide to listen to him."; now the player carries the one-day steroids.; now chosenContra is 1; move the player to the southwest wing; Otherwise: say "You already chose. Joe was clear - only 1 contraband item."; Otherwise: say "That's not a verb I recognise."; laddering is an action applying to nothing. Understand "ladder" and "10 feet high" as laddering. Instead of laddering: if chosenContra is 0: if the player is in Joe's cell: say "You tell Joe that you choose the ladder. Joe smiles a knowing smile at you before handing to you the prison folding ladder. 'Now good luck with escaping.' As soon as you take the ladder, Joe ushers you out of his cell, saying ‘the guards can’t have seen you in here.’ You decide to listen to him."; now the player carries the one-day steroids.; now chosenContra is 1; move the player to the southwest wing; Otherwise: say "You already chose. Joe was clear - only 1 contraband item."; After going to joe's cell: produce a room description with going spacing conventions; [Timer] Every turn: Let currentRoom be the location of the player; If master number is 1: If currentRoom is the Southeast Wing: say "A guard is directing you to the cafeteria to the east."; Otherwise If currentRoom is the East Hallway: say "A guard is directing you to the cafeteria to the east."; Otherwise If currentRoom is the cafeteria: continue the action; Otherwise: say "A guard grabs you and directs you towards the cafeteria. He says, 'Let that be a warning. The next time you wander away, it won't be pretty.'"; Now the player is in the east hallway; [Free Time] isFreeTime is a number that varies; isFreeTime is 0; timeCounter is a number that varies; timeCounter is 0; When play begins: Now the right hand status line is "[timeCounter]". Every Turn: If master number is 2: Now timeCounter is timeCounter + 1; Now isFreeTime is 1; The ham sandwich is an object in storage. “The ham sandwich looks identical to a jam sandwich.” The ham sandwich is edible. A clean guard's uniform is an object in storage. “One that looks just like all the others.” The sleepy guard is a person in storage. “You could probably switch his sandwich for something else.” Every Turn: If cafDoor is 4: If timeCounter is 50: If the player is not in the Cafeteria: say "As you find your way around the prison, you hear a guard behind your back, 'Mr. Ried! What do you think you're doing?' 'Me? I was uh...just headed back to the cafeteria.' 'Ohhh of course you were,' the guard sneered, 'but free time's over now, and you will be too once I'm finished with you.'"; end the game in death; Otherwise: Now timeCounter is 0; Now master number is 3; Now isFreeTime is 0; Move ham sandwich to the cafeteria; Move the sleepy guard to the cafeteria; say "You arrive at the cafeteria just in time before the doors close. You've almost forgotten the wretched smell that the cafeteria radiates, but once you smell it again, you're certain that smell is gonna stick with you for the rest of your life. Thinking about your life, you are reminded of your execution tomorrow. Today's your only chance to escape. All of a sudden, you feel someone shoving your back.[Paragraph Break] 'How long are you planning on standing there for, jerk?'[Paragraph Break] Not wanting to get into any more trouble, you scurry straight to the table where food is being served. You find a seat in a far corner and sit down.[Paragraph Break] After trying a spoonful of the viscous slop and your stomach is immediately overcome with a yearning to vomit. However, you manage to force the spoonful down, as well as the rest of the prison food. You decide that you'll need the energy if you want to have any chance of escaping today.[Paragraph Break] A sleepy guard has his ham sandwich out in the open."; Now cafDoor is 5; Otherwise: If the player is in the Cafeteria: Now timeCounter is 0; Now master number is 3; Now isFreeTime is 0; say "You arrive at the cafeteria just in time before the doors close. You've almost forgotten the wretched smell that the cafeteria radiates, but once you smell it again, you're certain that smell is gonna stick with you for the rest of your life. Thinking about your life, you are reminded of your execution tomorrow. Today's your only chance to escape. All of a sudden, you feel someone shoving your back.[Paragraph Break] 'How long are you planning on standing there for, jerk?'[Paragraph Break] Not wanting to get into any more trouble, you scurry straight to the table where food is being served. You find a seat in a far corner and sit down.[Paragraph Break] After trying a spoonful of the viscous slop and your stomach is immediately overcome with a yearning to vomit. However, you manage to force the spoonful down, as well as the rest of the prison food. You decide that you'll need the energy if you want to have any chance of escaping today.[Paragraph Break] A sleepy guard has his ham sandwich out in the open."; Now cafDoor is 5; Hamnumber is a number that varies. Hamnumber is 0; After taking the ham sandwich: Now Hamnumber is 1; Say “The guard doesn’t notice you taking the ham sandwich.”; Every Turn: If the sleepy guard has the jam sandwich: If Hamnumber is 0: Say “The sleepy guard wakes up and takes a fat bite out of the sandwich. Jam spills out of the other side, and soils his uniform. The guard hurries out of the room to put it in the laundry room.”; Now the sleepy guard is in storage; Now the ham sandwich is in storage; Now the guard uniform is in the laundry room; Otherwise: Instead of giving the jam sandwich to the sleepy guard: say “That won’t fool him at all.” [Lunch to Laundry] Every turn: Let currentRoom be the location of the player; If master number is 3: If currentRoom is the Southeast Wing: say "A guard is directing you to the laundry room to the northwest."; Otherwise If currentRoom is the East Hallway: say "A guard is directing you to the laundry room to the west."; Otherwise If currentRoom is the cafeteria: continue the action; Otherwise if currentRoom is the northwest wing: say "A guard is directing you to the laundry room to the west"; Otherwise if currentRoom is the northwest hallway: say "A guard is directing you to the laundry room to the north.[Paragraph Break] 'Hurry up, I'll be watching you', the guard barks at you."; Otherwise If currentRoom is the laundry room: continue the action; Otherwise: say "A guard grabs you and directs you to the laundry room.[Paragraph Break] He says, 'Let that be a warning. The next time you wander away, it won't be pretty.'"; Now the player is in the laundry room; Every turn: Let currentRoom be the location of the player; If master number is 4: If currentRoom is the laundry room: continue the action; Otherwise If currentRoom is the northwest hallway: say "After finishing the laundry, you leave the room to find a guard directing you to the workout room to the west."; Otherwise If currentRoom is the workout room: Continue the action; Otherwise: say "A guard grabs you and directs you to the workout room.[Paragraph Break] He says, 'Let that be a warning. The next time you wander away, it won't be pretty.'"; Now the player is in the northwest hallway; Every turn: Let currentRoom be the location of the player; If master number is 5: If currentRoom is the workout room: continue the action; Otherwise If currentRoom is the northwest hallway: say "After a grueling workout, you see the other cellmates making their way to the south, presumably to the shower room. You should follow them."; Otherwise If currentRoom is the showers: Continue the action; Otherwise: say "A guard grabs you and directs you to the showers.[Paragraph Break] He says, 'Let that be a warning. The next time you wander away, it won't be pretty.'"; Now the player is in the showers; Every turn: Let currentRoom be the location of the player; If master number is 6: If currentRoom is the showers: continue the action; Otherwise If currentRoom is the northwest hallway: say "Feeling slightly better out of the shower, a guard orders all of you to the cafeteria to the east immediately."; Otherwise If currentRoom is the northwest wing: say "A guard is directing you to the cafeteria to the southeast"; Otherwise If currentRoom is the southeast wing: say "A guard is directing you to the cafeteria to the east"; Otherwise If currentRoom is the east hallway: say "A guard is directing you to the cafeteria to the east"; Otherwise If currentRoom is the cafeteria: say "The stench of the cafeteria is much less overwhelming than before. You eat your dinner in peace, with the only thing on your mind being escape. This is the last time you will eat before you will escape or die trying. The guard tells everyone to clean up and go to sleep. Little does he know this is the night that you will attempt to escape. The guards tell everyone to go back to their cells.”; Otherwise: say "A guard grabs you and directs you to the cafeteria.[Paragraph Break] He says, 'Let that be a warning. The next time you wander away, it won't be pretty.'"; Now the player is in the east hallway; Every turn: If master number is 7: Now timeCounter is timeCounter + 1; Now isFreeTime is 1; Every turn: If master number is 7: If timeCounter is 45: Say “Reminder - you will be executed if you are not back in your cell in 5 turns.” Every turn: If master number is 7: If timeCounter is 50: If the player is not in your cell: say "As you find your way around the prison, you hear a guard behind your back, 'Mr. Reid! What do you think you're doing?' 'Me? I was uh...just headed back to my cell.' 'Ohhh of course you were,' the guard sneered 'but free time's over now, and you will be too once I'm finished with you.'"; end the game in death; Otherwise: Now timeCounter is 0; Now master number is 8; Now isFreeTime is 0; say "The guard peers into your cell. On the surface you look calm and sleepy, but little does he know, tonight is the night you (hopefully) escape."; Every Turn: If master number is 8: If the huge muscles are in storage: If the ring of keys are in the backyard: Say “Without any way to get out of your cell, you condemn yourself to an execution. You are executed in your sleep, and do not live to see the light of day again.”; End the game in death.;