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Good Gone Girl
Jonathan Moormann
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"Good Gone Girl" by Jonathan Moormann Part - Rules Release along with an interpreter. Include Conversation Framework by Eric Eve. Include Conversational Defaults by Eric Eve. Include Conversation Responses by Eric Eve. Use no scoring. The carrying capacity of the player is 1. Section - Actions Understand "kitchen", "living room" as dog gate. Understand "bedroom", "living room" as white door. Understand "closet", "bedroom", "exit" as brown door. Owner is a familiar woman. Understand "She", "Her", "Woman", "Person", "Master", "Mistress" as Owner. understand "climb [something]", "jump [something]", "climb on [something]", "go to [something]" and "jump on [something]" as entering. Chewing is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "chew [something]", "bite [something]" as chewing. Instead of eating: try chewing the noun. Carry out chewing: say "You give [the noun] a little chew, just to see how it tastes. Not bad." Howling is an action applying to nothing. Understand "howl" and "howl at" as howling. Carry out howling: if the player is in the kitchen: say "You howl at the top of your lungs. Muffled yells and pounding comes from the other side of the wall."; otherwise: say "You howl at the top of your lungs, but no one answers." Barking is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "bark at [something]" and "bark [something]" as barking. Understand "bark" as a mistake ("There must be something around for you to bark at..."). Carry out barking: say "You bark menacingly at [the noun]. It's probably super scared now." Rolling is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "roll in [something]", "roll on [something]", "roll on top of [something]", "roll around on [something]", "roll around in [something]" and "roll [something]" as rolling. Understand "roll","roll in floor", "roll on floor", "roll on top of floor", "roll around on floor", "roll around in floor" and "roll floor" as a mistake ("You do a quick roll, but it's unsatisfying. Rolling in things is so much better."). Carry out rolling: say "You roll around on [the noun]. It smells better now, but it could always use another roll." Knocking over is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "knock over [something]", "hit [something]", "knock [something]", "jump over [something]", "leap over [something]" as knocking over. Instead of attacking: try knocking over the noun. Carry out knocking over: say "You crash headlong into [the noun], which hurts. You whimper softly." Internal position is a kind of value. The internal positions are the middle of the floor, next to the White door, next to the brown door, next to the window, and next to the drawers. Understand "push [hamper]" as a mistake ("You push the hamper, but it doesn't know where to go. Got any ideas?"). Understand "push [something] to [something]" and "push [something] towards [something]" as pushing it over to. Pushing it over to is an action applying to two things. The pushing it over to action has an internal position called the old position. The pushing it over to action has an internal position called the new position. Setting action variables for pushing something over to something: now the old position is the current hamper position; now the new position is the middle of the floor; if the second noun is the brown door, now the new position is next to the brown door; if the second noun is the white door, now the new position is next to the white door ; if the second noun is the window, now the new position is next to the window; if the second noun is the set of drawers, now the new position is next to the drawers. Check pushing it over to: if the noun is not the hamper, say "You push and push at [the noun], but it doesn't move. Stupid disagreeable objects." instead; if the noun is F, say "You push and push, but the hamper is too heavy to move!" instead; if the player is on the bed, say "You'd probably need to get off the bed first. But it's so comfy..." instead; if the player is on the noun, say "You push [the noun] while standing on it, but the ground gets in the way." instead; if the new position is the middle of the floor, say "Maybe you should push [the noun] towards something tall." instead; if the new position is the old position, say "You push [the noun] [new position], but it was already there. Whoa. Deep." instead. Carry out pushing it over to: now the current hamper position is the new position. Report pushing it over to: say "You use your nose to nudge [the noun] from [old position] to [new position]. Much better!" Sniffing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "sniff", "sniff at", "sniff the", "smell", "smell at", "smell the" as sniffing. Instead of smelling: try sniffing. Carry out sniffing: if the player is carrying the catnip ball: say "The herby scent of the catnip overwhelms your senses, turning your stomach."; otherwise if the catnip ball is found: say "The air is still rank with the smell of the ball as Cat bats it about the living room, filling the air with dried 'nip."; otherwise if the player is not carrying the catnip ball: if the player is in the bedroom: say "Her smell is strong. It's like she's here, holding you in her arms. Only the catnip drifting from the closet reminds you that she's gone."; otherwise if the player is in the living room: say "You search through the familiar smells - her perfume, kibbles, the litter box. And, faintly wafting in from the bedroom, just a hint of catnip..."; otherwise if the player is in the kitchen: say "The air is still rank with the smell of the ball as Cat bats it about the living room, filling the air with dried 'nip."; if the player is in the closet: if the shoes are smelly: say "The heady smell of her feet wafts off her favorite pair of running shoes, masking the catnip odor."; now the shoes are in the closet; otherwise if the dog bed is smelly: say "The clean, sterile scent of a brand new dog bed fills the closet. She bought it when you were a puppy, but it's never been used."; now the dog bed is in the closet; otherwise: say "The smell of the catnip ball dominates the room. Cat would probably be interested in this."; now the catnip ball is in the closet. Part - Story The Apartment is a region. The Bedroom, The Kitchen, The Living Room, and The Closet are rooms in The Apartment. Chapter 1 - The Bedroom The Bedroom is a room. "[if unvisited]The sun peeps in through the window. You roll over to press your wet nose against her cheek, but she isn't there. She isn't anywhere. [end if][if visited]Just the sight of the spot where she slept makes your heart race. She's gone. Gone![end if]" A Bed, a Hamper, a Set of Drawers, a Nightstand, and the Window are things in the Bedroom. The dirty clothes are a thing. The description of the clothes is "You roll around in the warm, reassuring smell of her clothes. Wonderful." Instead of taking the clothes: say "Only Bad Dogs put clothes in their mouths, no matter how delicious they might be." instead. The Set of Drawers is an openable closed container. The description of the Drawers is "She keeps her clothes in there. The squishy ones with the straps and stuff. You can almost reach it." The Bra is in the set of drawers. The description of the Bra is "The delicious forbidden fruit of the drawers. Maybe just one bite..." Instead of taking the Bra: say "No! She made the rules for a reason, and Good Dogs follow the rules! Look what you've become without her..." instead. Understand "stuff", "brightly", "straps", and "colored" as Bra. Instead of opening the drawers: if the current hamper position is next to the drawers: if the player is on the hamper: say "You tug open the drawers, revealing her stash of brightly colored soft stuff. Taking them would be Bad, but being up here is Bad too..."; now the set of drawers is open; otherwise: say "You try to reach the top drawer, but it's just out of reach!" instead; otherwise: say "You try to reach the top drawer, but it's just out of reach!" instead. The hamper is an enterable supporter. The description of the Hamper is "It smells like her. Could she be hiding in there? It seems like a good place to hide." The hamper can be E or F. The hamper is F. The current hamper position is an internal position that varies. The current hamper position is the middle of the floor. Instead of taking the hamper, say "It's too heavy to move! You could probably push it, though." Instead of opening the hamper, say "The hamper's too tall to get inside! Curse your tiny legs!" Instead of knocking over the Hamper when the Hamper is F: say "You crash headling into the hamper, sending her things across the floor. She's not in the hamper, though. Better keep looking."; now the dirty clothes are in the Bedroom; now the hamper is E. The bed is an enterable supporter.The description of the Bed is "The sheets lie in disarray. Where could she be? And why isn't it here?" Instead of entering the bed: say "You hop on the bed and root around in the covers. She doesn't appear to be hiding under there, but it never hurts to check." The nightstand is an enterable supporter. The description of the nightstand is "The place by the bed where she keeps her things. The jingly ones are missing, and so is the one she's always poking at." Instead of entering the nightstand: say "You scamper up onto the nightstand, toes clicking against the cold lacquer. If she were around, you'd surely be punished. If she were around." Instead of examining the window: if the current hamper position is next to the window: if the player is on the hamper: say "You press your nose against the glass. Nothing. You wonder if the man in blue who pokes at the boxes is coming. He's up to something."; otherwise: say "You try to look out the window, but you're not quite tall enough!" instead; otherwise: say "You try to look out the window, but you're not quite tall enough!" instead. The Brown Door is east of the Bedroom and west of the Closet. The Brown Door is a door. The brown door is scenery. The Brown Door is closed. The description of the Brown Door is "A human door between the Bedroom and Closet. Too tall for you to open on your own." Before opening the Brown door: if the Brown door is closed: if the current hamper position is next to the brown door: if the player is on the hamper: say "By climbing on the hamper, you can just barely nudge the handle open. Success![paragraph break]"; otherwise: say "You try to reach the door handle, but you're not quite tall enough!" instead; otherwise: say "You try to reach the door handle, but you're not quite tall enough!" instead; otherwise: say "You poke your nose through the Brown Door. [paragraph break]". Before going through the brown door: if the brown door is closed: if the current hamper position is next to the brown door: if the player is on the hamper: say "By climbing on the hamper, you can just barely nudge the handle open. Success![paragraph break]"; now the brown door is open; otherwise: say "You try to reach the door handle, but you're not quite tall enough!" instead; otherwise: say "You try to reach the door handle, but you're not quite tall enough!" instead; otherwise: say "You poke your nose through the Brown Door. [paragraph break]". The White Door is south of the Bedroom and north of the Living Room. The White Door is a door. The white door is scenery. The white door is closed. The description of the White Door is "A human door between the Bedroom and Living Room. Too tall for you to open on your own." Before opening the white door: if the white door is closed: if the current hamper position is next to the white door: if the player is on the hamper: say "By climbing on the hamper, you can just barely nudge the handle open. Success![paragraph break]"; otherwise: say "You try to reach the door handle, but you're not quite tall enough!" instead; otherwise: say "You try to reach the door handle, but you're not quite tall enough!" instead; otherwise: say "You poke your nose through the White Door. [paragraph break]". Before going through the white door: if the white door is closed: if the current hamper position is next to the white door: if the player is on the hamper: say "By climbing on the hamper, you can just barely nudge the handle open. Success![paragraph break]"; now the white door is open; otherwise: say "You try to reach the door handle, but you're not quite tall enough!" instead; otherwise: say "You try to reach the door handle, but you're not quite tall enough!" instead; otherwise: say "You poke your nose through the White Door. [paragraph break]". Chapter 2 - The Closet The Closet is east of the Brown Door. The closet is a dark room. The description of the closet is "This is a closet." The light is a thing in the closet. Every turn: if the player is in the closet: now the light is lit; otherwise: now the light is not lit. Instead of looking: If the player is in the closet: say "It's too dark to see. Time to rely on your other senses."; otherwise: continue the action. After looking: if the player is in the bedroom: if the white door is closed: say "The White Door still blocks your path to the Living Room."; if the Brown door is closed: say "The Brown Door still blocks your path to the Closet."; if the player is in the living room: if the dog gate is closed: say "The Dog Gate still blocks your path to the Kitchen.". The shoes, the catnip ball, and the dog bed are things. The shoes can be smelly or not smelly. The shoes are smelly. The description of Shoes is "Assorted footwear, all grey. The ones with the pointy bits are gone. Weird, you don't remember eating those..." Instead of dropping the shoes: if the player is in the closet: continue the action; otherwise: now the shoes are not smelly; now the dog bed is smelly; continue the action. The catnip ball can be smelly or not smelly. The catnip ball is not smelly. The catnip ball is either lost or found. The catnip ball is lost. The description of the catnip ball is "The Cat's addiction. You don't see why he's so enamored with this lump of smelly weed, but you try not to judge." The Dog Bed can be smelly or not Smelly. The dog bed is not smelly. The description of the Dog Bed is "She bought the dog bed when you were a puppy, but it's almost unused. The real bed is so much warmer." Instead of dropping the dog bed: if the player is in the closet: continue the action; otherwise: now the dog bed is not smelly; now the catnip ball is smelly; continue the action. Instead of entering the Dog Bed: say "You climb into the Dog Bed. It's cold, unfamiliar, and lonely." Chapter 3 - The Living Room The Living Room is south of The White Door. The description of the living room is "The living room is quiet. It's usually her favorite room in the whole house. No one is here but Cat." The Couch, the TV, the Plant, and the Picture are things in the Living Room. The Dog Gate is east of the Living Room and west of the Kitchen. The Dog Gate is a Door. The Dog Gate is closed. The description of the Dog Gate is "A dog gate, impenetrable to your kind. No amount of canine ingenuity could overcome this barrier. It blocks the way to the kitchen." Before opening the dog gate: if the dog gate is closed: say "You push and push against the dog gate, but it doesn't budge. If only someone could help!" instead; otherwise: say "You climb over the toppled dog gate. Your nemesis has finally fallen. [paragraph break]". Before going through the dog gate: if the dog gate is closed: say "You push and push against the dog gate, but it doesn't budge. If only someone could help!" instead; otherwise: say "You climb over the toppled dog gate. Your nemesis has finally fallen. [paragraph break]". The Couch is an enterable supporter. The description of the Couch is "A comfortable seat, only suitable for the most important person in the house. Currently covered in cat hair." The description of the TV is "[one of]A woman in a suit says, 'Today, talks in the Gaza region have reportedly stalled...'[or]'Thanks, Donna!' yells a man wearing sunglasses and a funny hat. 'It's a doozy out here today! Bring your big coat!'[or]'The 405 is backed up to Ashcroft due to a 10 car pile up. Authorities are investigating...' drones a man in a grey suit.[in random order]." The description of the Plant is "A sensible ficus. It smells earthy, like long walks after the rain. You miss her already..." The description of the Picture is "A picture of her holding you and Cat. You're kissing her face as she smiles. Cat is trying to escape the photo." Sleepcat is a man on the Couch. Understand "Cat" and "Sleep" as Sleepcat. The printed name of Sleepcat is "Cat". The description is "Cat is asleep in a furry little ball on the couch, dreaming terrible, evil dreams." Default response for Sleepcat: say "Cat seems unperturbed by your noise. You'll need another way to wake him." Instead of barking Sleepcat: say "Cat seems unperturbed by your noise. You'll need another way to wake him." Instead of knocking over Sleepcat: say "You crash headlong into Cat, sending him leaping into the air with a terrible hiss. 'How did you get out, imbecile?' he snarls."; remove Sleepcat from play; now Cat is on the Couch. Instead of chewing Sleepcat: say "You nip Cat's tail, sending him leaping into the air with a terrible hiss. 'How did you get out, imbecile?' he snarls."; remove Sleepcat from play; now Cat is on the Couch. Cat is a man. "Cat is sitting on the couch, glaring at you." The description is "Cat's a furry, adorable, and hateful ball of seething rage. He is probably not to be trusted." Instead of chewing Cat: say "You lunge at Cat, but he claws your nose away. Yeowch!" Instead of knocking over Cat: say "You lunge at Cat, but he claws your nose away. Yeowch!" response of Cat when asked about Owner: say "'I know things. Lots of things,' he purrs, grinning. 'I might even tell you them - if you found my toy.'" Understand "toy", "catnip", "weed", "want" and "lump" as ball. response of Cat when asked about ball: say "I lost it somewhere, and I'm far too busy to look for it. If you find it for me, I'll tell you what happened to her." Find is an undescribed thing in the Living Room. Understand "find", "lost", "found", "hint", and "it" as find. response of cat when asked about find: say "I was playing with it in the dark before it got trapped. It smells like delicious, delicious catnip. You'll know the scent anywhere." response of Cat when asked about Cat: say "'I'm the only one around here with any sense, that's for sure. Don't you have better things to be doing?' he hisses." After saying hello to Cat: say "'Stuff it. You ruined my nap. If you want something, spit it out,' Cat hisses."; say "[paragraph break] Cat probably knows about your Owner, himself, and things in the apartment." After saying hello to Happycat: say "Cat rolls around on the floor, completely enamored with his ball. Better ask something specific if you want his attention."; say "[paragraph break] Cat probably knows about your Owner, himself, and things in the apartment." After saying hello to Sleepcat: say "Cat seems unperturbed by your noise. You'll need another way to wake him." default ask response for Cat: say "[one of]'I honestly could not care less,' he yawns[or]'I'm sure that's tremendously important,' he replies[or]Cat ignores you and licks his nether regions instead[in random order]."; say "[paragraph break] Cat probably knows about your Owner, himself, and things in the apartment." default tell response for Cat: say "[one of]'Ah. I'm sure that matters,' he purrs[or]'Oh pleeeease, tell me more,' he says, rolling his eyes[or]Cat ignores you and goes back to napping[in random order]."; say "[paragraph break] Cat probably knows about your Owner, himself, and things in the apartment." default give-show response for Cat: say "'Ugh, disgusting. Why on earth would I want that?' Cat sneers, then returns to chewing on his claws." response of cat when given the catnip ball: say "'YES! YES! YES! GIVE IT!' Cat snatches the ball from your grasp and begins chasing it about the living room."; remove Cat from play; remove the catnip ball from play; now Happycat is in the Living Room. Happycat is a man. "Cat is bounding around the Living Room, chasing his catnip ball." The printed name of Happycat is "Cat". The description is "Cat seems to have found his passion. Good for Cat." Understand "Cat" and "Playing" as Happycat. default ask-tell response for Happycat: say "[one of]'This is the best toy everrrrrrr!' he purrs, chasing the ball[or]Cat knocks the ball against the wall, then charges after the ricochet [or]Cat clutches the ball to his belly and gnaws at it vigorously[or]Cat moans, 'Niiiiiiip....' and rolls against the ball[in random order]."; say "[paragraph break] Cat probably knows about your Owner, himself, and things in the apartment." default give-show response for Happycat: say "[one of]'This is the best toy everrrrrrr!' he purrs, chasing the ball[or]Cat knocks the ball against the wall, then charges after the ricochet [or]Cat clutches the ball to his belly and gnaws at it vigorously[or]Cat moans, 'Niiiiiiip....' and rolls against the ball[in random order]."; say "[paragraph break] Cat probably knows about your Owner, himself, and things in the apartment." response of happycat when asked about ball: say "'I missed you so much! Never leave me again, I can't bear to be without you!' Cat says to the ball, completely oblivious to your presence." response of happycat when asked about owner: say "'She's gone! Gone forever! You can't get her back. Only another human can do that!' Cat yelps gleefully." human is a thing. response of happycat when asked about human: say "Humans have special ways of communicating. It's part of their mystery. If you want her back, you'll have to find another Human,' Cat meows." response of happycat when asked about find: say "'There's that human next door who complains about the noise. She's on the other side of the kitchen, though!' Cat bats the ball again." response of happycat when asked about kitchen: if the Dog Gate is closed: say "'It's on the other side of the gate.' Cat looks at you expectantly. 'Fine, I'll get it.' Cat easily hops the gate and knocks it over."; now the Dog Gate is unlocked; now the Dog Gate is open; otherwise: say "'I already knocked the gate over! Don't waste my time, I'm very busy!' Cat says, gnawing on the ball." response of happycat when asked about gate: if the Dog Gate is closed: say "'It's on the other side of the gate.' Cat looks at you expectantly. 'Fine, I'll get it.' Cat easily hops the gate and knocks it over."; now the Dog Gate is unlocked; now the Dog Gate is open; otherwise: say "'I already knocked the gate over! Don't waste my time, I'm very busy!' Cat says, gnawing on the ball." Instead of taking the ball: if Happycat is in the Living Room: say "Cat hisses at you, a wild look in his eyes. Perhaps you should consider another course of action."; otherwise: continue the action. Chapter 4 - The Kitchen The description of the Kitchen is "The kitchen - where the magic happens. You begin salivating at the thought of the place." The Trash Can, The Lamp, The Fire Alarm, The Cupboards, The Fridge are things in the kitchen. The Trash Can is an enterable supporter. The description of the Trash Can is "A delicious food receptacle. She leaves all kinds of treats in there for safe keeping. Only a Bad Dog would take them." The Trash Can can be E or F. The trash Can is F. Instead of opening the Trash Can, say "The trash can's too tall to get inside! Curse your tiny legs!" Understand "trashcan", "waste basket", "wastebasket" as trash can. The garbage is a thing. the description of the garbage is "A heavenly smelling pile of refuse. It's too good to go to waste." Understand "trash", "waste" as garbage. The foil is a thing. The description of the foil is "A shiny ball you just threw up. Smells amazing. Maybe you could eat it?" Understand "trash", "waste", "garbage", "tin", "aluminum" as foil. The description of the lamp is "A cheap floor lamp, plugged into the wall. Has a nice, long cord with a wonderful mouthfeel." Understand "cord", "wire","light" as lamp. instead of chewing the lamp: say "You chew on the lamp cord, revelling in its soft texture. ZAP! You drop the cord as sparks fly from the frayed edges."; remove the lamp from play; now the broken lamp is in the kitchen. The Broken Lamp is a supporter. Understand "cord", "wire", "light", "frayed", "sparks", "lamp", "chewed", "broken", "exposed" as broken lamp. The description of the broken lamp is "The broken remnants of the lamp and the cord you chewed. You'll definitely hear about this when she gets home. Sparks fly off the exposed wire." Instead of putting anything on the broken lamp: if the noun is the foil: say "[paragraph break]The foil hits a spark and begins to pop. Smoke fills the room and the fire alarm springs to life. The noise hurts your ears.[paragraph break]"; say "You try to hide from the noise, but you cannot escape it. You bump into the cat underneath the couch, and he scratches your nose.[paragraph break]"; say "You finally make it back to the bed, burying yourself deep in the sheets. The sound won't go away, but it smells like her. It's not a bad way to go.[paragraph break]"; say "You've finally resigned yourself to your fate. This is it. This is all you will ever hear, for the rest of your life. And then, it stops.[paragraph break]"; say "You bound out into the kitchen, and there she is, stamping out the last bits of flaming foil. Her nice suit is wrinkled and stamping is difficult in heels.[paragraph break]"; say "She looks mad. You don't care. You bound into her arms, licking her face until her protestations turn to laughter.[paragraph break]"; say "She strokes your back as you lie on her lap on the kitchen floor. In the other room, Cat bats his ball around the room. All is right in the world.[paragraph break]"; end the story; otherwise: say "The exposed wire pops a bit, but nothing special happens.". Instead of chewing the garbage: say "You devour the garbage - with her gone, you'll need to fend for yourself. It's delicious. You cough up a crumpled silver ball of Foil. "; remove the garbage from play; now the foil is in the kitchen. Instead of knocking over the Trash Can when the trash Can is F: say "You crash headling into the Trash Can, sending Garbage across the floor. You have rarely smelled such a heavenly scent."; now the garbage is in the kitchen; now the trash can is E. The description of the cupboards is "Where your kibbles come from. They must be in here somewhere..." Instead of opening the cupboards: say "No matter how much you pull, the cupboards remain locked. She knows you far too well." the description of the Fridge is "Where her food comes from. The wonders contained within are almost too numerous to imagine." Instead of opening the fridge: say "You leap at the handle, but no amount of effort can make the door budge. Perhaps there are things we're simply not meant to achieve." the description of the fire alarm is "The grey light on the alarm blinks steadily. You've seen it get angry when she cooks sometimes. It's awful."