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Arlo & the Compendium: Chapter 1
Matthew Fitzpatrick
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"Arlo & the Compendium: Chapter 1 - Hunger Pains" Use no scoring The Cabin is a room. "[if the Cabin is unvisited] Arlo is awakened by his growling stomach. Groggily, he opens his eyes and winces from the bright light streaming through his cabin window. Arlo stumbles out of bed and stubs his toe on his desk. Holding back a howl of pain, he leans against his closet door until the pain recedes. Then he staggers forward (north) towards the cabin door. He can see the bed, the desk, the closet, and the window.[end if][if the Cabin is visited]Arlo is in the cabin. He can see the bed, the desk, the closet, the window, and Navi. The red door is to the north.[end if]" The description of the player is "Arlo Quinn is the captain of the airship Archimedes. He is 13 cycles old. His height is 5'. He wears black pants, a stained white shirt, and his leather jacket. His bright orange hair stands straight up in the air in the attempt to give him a few more inches." Understand "Arlo" and "Arlo Quinn" as yourself. Navi is a person in the Cabin. Every turn: if the player is in a room (called the current space): move Navi to the current space. Instead of examining Navi: say "Navi is the nickname for the airship's navigational mainframe. It usually is pretty aware of what happens on the airship. While the mainframe is located on the Bridge, it monitors and communicates using cameras and speakers located in every room of the airship. Arlo will frequently ask Navi to remind him where things are." Instead of asking Navi about "goggles": say "Feeling a bit forgetful this morning, Captain? I believe you left them in the drawer in your desk" Instead of asking Navi about "mountains": say "Our world Kalos is made up of many moving landscapes making air travel the most convenient." Instead of asking Navi about "Kalos": say "Kalos is a spherical planet made up of many broken and moving landscapes. The landscapes all rotate around the planet's core, the Chaos Core." Instead of asking Navi about "Chaos Core": say "The Chaos Core is the center of Kalos. The visible layer consists of dark swirling clouds charged with electricity. What is beneath the cloud layer is unknown." The closet is a closed, fixed in place, openable container in the Cabin. It is scenery. The description of the closet is "Maybe I actually hung my goggles up for once." After opening the closet: say "Nope, I knew that was too good to be true." The desk is a fixed in place in the Cabin. It is scenery. The description of the desk is "A small, worn desk with a single drawer." The drawer is part of the desk. It is a closed openable container. The description of the drawer is "'They're probably in here,' grumbled Arlo." The window is a fixed in place in the Cabin. It is scenery. The description of the window is "Clear blue skies with some moving mountains floating in the distance." The red door is a closed door. It is scenery. The red door is south of the Deck and north of the Cabin. The description of the red door is "The door between the Cabin and the Deck." Instead of opening the red door when the player is not carrying the goggles: say "'Scanning...Scan failed. Locks engaged. I cannot allow you onto the deck without your goggles, Captain,' said Navi." After opening the red door when the player is carrying the goggles: say "'There, you happy now?' asked Arlo. 'Scanning...Scan complete. Locks disengaged. Sorry, Captain, rules are rules,' said Navi not sounding sorry at all." The bed is a fixed in place in the Cabin. It is scenery. The description of the bed is "It looks warm and inviting. Maybe my goggles fell under the bed?" Under is part of the bed. Understand "underneath" as under. The description of under is "Arlo sneezes. There is nothing but dust and some dirty clothes under there." Understand "under the bed" as under. Inside the drawer is the wind goggles. The description of the wind goggles is "The wind goggles protect the wearer from harsh winds." Understand "goggles" as wind goggles. After opening the drawer: say "Arlo finds his wind goggles inside." After taking the wind goggles: say "Arlo puts the goggles on and walks back to the door." Instead of asking Navi about "food": say "There should be food in the Galley." Instead of asking Navi about "Galley": say "The Galley is located beneath the Deck." Instead of asking Navi about "Bridge": say "The Bridge is located north of the Deck." Instead of asking Navi about "Deck": say "The Deck is located north of the Cabin, south of the Bridge, and above the Galley." Instead of asking Navi about "airship": say "The airship known as the Archimedes is the current property of Captain Arlo Quinn who was given the vessel by the previous captain, Tobias Payne. The airship has two shock thrusters for forward movement, and three steam balloons that increasing and decreasing altitude." Instead of asking Navi about "Archimedes": say "The Archimedes is the airship of Captain Arlo Quinn who was given the vessel by the previous captain, Tobias Payne. The airship has two shock thrusters for forward movement, and three steam balloons that increasing and decreasing altitude." Instead of asking Navi about "Tobias Payne": say "Captain Tobias Payne was the previous owner of the airship Archimedes. He was lost to the Great Beyond in his 14th cycle. The Archimedes was then passed onto Captain Arlo during his 10th cycle." Instead of asking Navi about "Great Beyond":say "People go the Great Beyond when...insufficient data." The Deck is a room. "[if the Deck is unvisited] A stiff wind strikes Arlo as he walks onto the deck. Hunger hits Arlo's stomach with a sucker punch. Doubled over, he begins to make his way to the stairs leading down to the galley. He can see the stairs below, the reinforced door to the north, and the red door to the south.[end if][if the Deck is visited] Arlo is on the Deck of his airship. He can see the red door to the south, the reinforced door to the north, and the stairs below.[end if]" The reinforced door is a closed door. It is scenery. The reinforced door is north of the Deck and south of the Bridge. The description of the reinforced door is "The door to the Bridge." Instead of opening the reinforced door when the player is not carrying the goggles: say "'Scanning...Scan failed. Locks engaged. I cannot allow you to proceed without your goggles, Captain,' said Navi." After opening the reinforced door when the player is carrying the goggles: say "'Scanning...Scan complete. Locks disengaged. Captain on the Bridge,' announced Navi." A staircase is a kind of door. A staircase is usually open. A staircase is seldom openable. The stairs is a staircase. It is above the Galley and below the Deck. It is scenery. The description of the staircase is "Stairs between the Deck and the Galley." The Galley is a room. "[if the Galley is unvisited] 'I should probably warn you,' said Navi as Arlo entered the Galley. 'Food supplies are low.' 'How low?' asked Arlo. Navi paused compiling its data. 'Insufficient data.' 'Great,' said Arlo as he marched towards the icebox. He can see the icebox, a sign, the black door to the west, the green door to the east, and the stairs to the Deck.[end if][if the Galley is visited] Arlo is in the Galley. Above him is the Deck. The black door is to the west. The green door is to the east. He can see the icebox and the sign.[end if]" The sign is a fixed in place in the Galley. It is scenery. The description of the sign is "Please close the icebox after each use - Milo." The black door is a closed door. It is scenery. The black door is west of the Galley and east of Engineering. The description of the black door is "To Engineering." The green door is a closed, locked door. It is scenery. The green door is east of the Galley and west of the Science Lab. The description of the green door is "To Science Lab." The icebox is a closed, fixed in place, openable container in the Galley. It is scenery. The description of the icebox is "A large metallic container that keeps food fresh if kept closed." After opening the icebox: say "A cold blast of air hits Arlo in the face causing his goggles to fog up. Arlo wipes his goggles clean and sees that the icebox is empty. 'Noooooo!' screamed Arlo." After closing the icebox: say "Arlo slammed the icebox closed. 'Toomi! Where is she?'." Instead of asking Navi about "Toomi": say "She appears to be in Engineering." Instead of telling Navi about "Toomi": say "No need to get pushy, Captain. She is most likely in the Engineering room." Instead of asking Navi about "Engineering": say "Engineering is behind the black door to the west of the Galley." Instead of asking Navi about "Science Lab": say "The Science Lab is behind the green door to the east of the Galley. Remember, Captain, that you need a key card to access the Science Lab." Instead of asking Navi about "key card": say "I believe Toomi has it." Engineering is a room. "[If Engineering is unvisited] Arlo storms into the Engineering room. Steam is pouring from the pipes within. Pistons are clanging. Gears are whirring, and dials are spinning. Working enthusiastically over a cluttered work bench is Toomi Sparks, Arlo's first mate and engineer.[end if][if Engineering is visited] Arlo is in Engineering. Arlo can see Toomi Sparks, a work bench, and the black door to the east.[end if]" Toomi Sparks is a person in Engineering. Understand "Toomi" as Toomi Sparks. The description of Toomi Sparks is "She is a 12 cycles old making her 1 cycle younger than Arlo. Her favorite attire is baggy cargo pants, a green tank top, and a black bandana that she wears to keep her unruly blonde hair in check. She is also 5'4 making her 4 inches taller than Arlo much to his chagrin." The carrying capacity of Toomi is 4. She is carrying a wrench. The block giving rule is not listed in the check giving it to rules. A persuasion rule for asking people to try giving: persuasion succeeds. Instead of asking Toomi about "damages": say "Because somebody around here, that somebody being you, doesn't know the meaning of restraint the engine ended up overheating. I have fixed the structural damage to the engine, but I'm going to need some coolant before we're going anywhere." Instead of asking Toomi about "repairs": say "Because somebody around here, that somebody being you, doesn't know the meaning of restraint the engine ended up overheating. I have fixed the structural damage to the engine, but I'm going to need some coolant before we're going anywhere." Instead of asking Toomi about "Archimedes": say "What, the airship? Yeah, I just fixed it." Instead of asking Toomi about "coolant": say "It's in the Science Lab. Could you be a good boy and fetch it for me?" Instead of asking Navi about "coolant": say "There is coolant in the Science Lab." Instead of asking Toomi about "Great Beyond": say "Really, Cap, you think now is a good time to talk about that?" Instead of asking Toomi about "Milo Cantor": say "I miss him too, Cap." Instead of asking Toomi about "Milo": say "I miss him too, Cap." Instead of asking Navi about "Milo Cantor": say "Milo Cantor was the Science Officer aboard the Archimedes. He was lost to the Great Beyond 1 cycle ago." Instead of asking Navi about "Milo": say "Milo Cantor was the Science Officer aboard the Archimedes. He was lost to the Great Beyond 1 cycle ago." Instead of asking Toomi about "shock fruit": say "I'm sorry, Cap. I know they're your favorite, but a girl's gotta eat. Besides I'm sure Navi could scan the surrounding landscapes for nearby shock fruit groves. But we are not going anywhere until a little someone gets me the coolant for this engine." Instead of asking Navi about "shock fruit": say "'Scanning surrounding landscapes...Detected...A grove of shock fruit 30 leagues N from the airship's current location. But, Captain, you should know it is surrounded by high flux landscapes,' said Navi. Arlo's stomach growled louder. 'I don't care where it is,' yelled Arlo. A dangerous glint shone in Arlo's eyes. 'We are going to get me some food.'" Instead of asking Navi about "shock fruit groves": say "'Scanning surrounding landscapes...Detected...A grove of shock fruit 30 leagues N from the airship's current location. But, Captain, you should know it is surrounded by high flux landscapes,' said Navi. Arlo's stomach growled louder. 'I don't care where it is,' yelled Arlo. A dangerous glint shone in Arlo's eyes. 'We are going to get me some food.'" The work bench is a fixed in place in Engineering. The description of the work bench is "A cluttered mess of blueprints, tools, and oil stains." The key card is on the work bench. The key card unlocks the green door. The description of the key card is "The old Science Officer's picture and name, Milo Cantor, can still be seen on the worn key card. It opens the green door to the Science Lab." Instead of asking Toomi about "food": say "Hmm? Oh yeah, I probably did eat the last of the shock fruit. Sorry, Cap, I was up all night repairing the damages to the Archimedes that you seem so keen on making." Instead of asking Toomi about "more food": say "Well I'm sure Navi can scan the area for more food. But this ship isn't going anywhere until I get the coolant from the Science Lab." Instead of telling Toomi about "more food": say "'Geez, Cap, it's not like you are going to starve to death. Besides the Archimedes isn't going anywhere until I get the coolant from the Science Lab,' said Toomi. A loud growl came from Arlo's stomach. 'Fine,' Toomi threw her oil stained hands up in the air. 'I guess you can ask Navi to scan the area for more food.'" Instead of asking Navi about "more food": say "'Scanning surrounding landscapes...Detected...A grove of shock fruit 30 leagues N from the airship's current location. But, Captain, you should know it is in a high flux landscape,' said Navi. Arlo's stomach growled louder. 'I don't care where it is,' yelled Arlo. A dangerous glint shone in Arlo's eyes. 'We are going to get me some food.'" Instead of telling Navi about "more food": say "'Scanning surrounding landscapes...Detected...A grove of shock fruit 30 leagues N from the Archimedes' current location. But, Captain, you should know it is in a high flux landscape,' said Navi. Arlo's stomach growled louder. 'I don't care where it is,' yelled Arlo. A dangerous glint shone in Arlo's eyes. 'We are going to get me some food.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "key card": say "'It's on the workbench,' Toomi answered distractedly while she continued to work on the engine of the Archimedes." Instead of telling Toomi about "key card": say "'Aye, aye, Cap. It's on the work bench, Cap,' Toomi gave a mock salute and cross eyed stare before laughing and returning to her work." After giving the coolant to Toomi: say "Thanks, Cap. You can head up to the Bridge, and I'll have this ship ready to go by the time you get there." The Science Lab is a room. "[if Science Lab is unvisited] The green door to the Science Lab hissed open. The sight of tables overflowing with bizarre experiments greeted Arlo. Most of the experiments had been long abandoned. Only a few looked recently disturbed most likely by Toomi. Arlo had avoided the Science Lab ever since they had lost Science Officer Milo Cantor to the Great Beyond. Arlo finally spots the coolant sitting on one of the tables.[end if][if Science Lab is visited] Arlo is in the Science Lab. Arlo can see the table, a picture, and the green door to the east.[end if]" The table is a fixed in place in the Science Lab. It is scenery. The description of the table is "Overflowing with long abandoned experiments." The picture is a fixed in place in the Science Lab. It is scenery. The description of the picture is "A photo of Arlo and Milo standing on the deck of the Archimedes making ridiculous muscle poses." The coolant is on the table. The description of the coolant is "Engine coolant for the Archimedes." The Bridge is a room. "[If the Bridge is unvisited] Arlo strode onto the Bridge. The hum of Navi's mainframe filled the room. Hunger raged in his belly as he walked towards the helm. The viewport showed clear skies. He grabbed the wheel and eyed the lever that will launch the Archimedes towards his next meal. He can see the mainframe, the helm, the viewport, and a lever.[end if][if the Bridge is visited] Arlo is in the Bridge. He can see the helm, the viewport, the lever, and the mainframe. The reinforced door is to the south.[end if]" The helm is a fixed in place in the Bridge. It is scenery. The description of the helm is "A polished wooden wheel suspended in the center of the bridge." The viewport is a fixed in place in the Bridge. It is scenery. The description of the viewport is "Clear blue skies and green hovering hills in the distance. Looks like a good day for sailing." The mainframe is a fixed in place in the Bridge. It is scenery. The description of the mainframe is "A complicated piece of machinery that houses Navi's brain. It seems to be missing some parts. Probably why Navi's knowledge of things seems to be incomplete." The lever is a fixed in place in the Bridge. The description of the lever is "Pull to launch the Archimedes." Instead of pulling the lever when Toomi is not carrying the coolant: say "Engine failure. Proceed to Engineering." Every turn while in the Bridge: If pulling the lever when Toomi is carrying the coolant begin; say "The Archimedes hurls through the air. Arlo screams in triumph, 'I will eat tonight!'"; end the game in victory; end if