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Arlo & the Compendium: Chapter 2
Matthew Fitzpatrick
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"Arlo & the Compendium: Chapter 2 - The Search for Shock Fruit" The Open Skies is south of the Hovering Hills, southwest of the Swirling Shoals, and southeast of Calm Cloud Clearing."[if Open Skies is unvisited]The Archimedes hurled through the open skies. Arlo screamed in triumph, 'I will eat tonight!' 'Navi, what is the quickest route to the grove?' asked Arlo. 'Insufficient data. The shock grove is in a high flux landscape. I cannot determine the route other than it is north of our current location,' answered Navi. The door to the bridge hissed open and Toomi Sparks clomped in from the deck. 'Hiya Cap, I figured it would be easier to keep you from doing anything too reckless if I was up here with you.' Arlo snorted in reply. From the viewport Arlo could see the Hovering Hills to the north, the Calm Cloud Clearing to the northwest, and the Swirling Shoals to the northeast.[end if][if Open Skies is visited] The Archimedes is in the Open Skies. It can see the Hovering Hills to the north, the Calm Cloud Clearing to the northwest, and the Swirling Shoals to the northeast.[end if]" In the Open Skies is a vehicle called the Archimedes. The description of the Archimedes is "Arlo's magnificent airship. It is kept in the air by three large steam balloons. The Archimedes is propelled by two shock thrusters." A vehicle has a number called maximum hit points. A vehicle has a number called current hit points. The maximum hit points of the Archimedes is 35. The current hit points of the Archimedes is 35. When play begins: now the left hand status line is "Archimedes: [current hit points of Archimedes]"; The player is in the Archimedes. The description of the player is "Arlo Quinn is the captain of the airship Archimedes. He is 13 cycles old. His height is 5'. He wears black pants, a stained white shirt, and his leather jacket. His bright orange hair stands straight up in the air in the attempt to give him a few more inches." Understand "Arlo" and "Arlo Quinn" as yourself. Instead of exiting when the player is in the Archimedes: say "Arlo did not feel like skydiving without a paraglider." Navi is a person in the Archimedes. Instead of examining Navi: say "Navi is the nickname for Archimedes' navigational mainframe. The mainframe seems to be missing some parts. Probably why Navi's knowledge of things is sometimes incomplete." Instead of asking Toomi about "shock fruit grove", say "'Hey, Cap,' said Toomi. She furrowed her eyebrows looking thoughtful. 'Maybe you'll reconsider chasing this shock fruit grove with it being in high flux terrain? I mean there are plenty of other things to eat, like sheeguls, lightning eels, flying fish...' 'Nope,' interrupted Arlo. 'No way, you should have thought of that before you ate the last shock fruit. You know they are my favorite, and if we can get enough, you know that Bast will pay out the nose for a crate of those things.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "shock fruit", say "'I don't see what all the fuss is about,' said Toomi shrugging her shoulders." Instead of asking Toomi about "Bast", say "'That guy gives me the creeps,' said Toomi as she shivered in disgust. 'I don't know why you insist on dealing with him, Cap.'" Instead of asking Navi about "Bast", say "'Terran Bast is a merchant in the Strafing Plains.'" Instead of asking Navi about "exiting": say "'That would be unadvisable without a paraglider, Captain,' said Navi." Instead of asking Navi about "paraglider": say "'Scanning...scanning,' announced Navi. 'No paraglider on board.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "exiting": say "'Be my guest, Cap,' said Toomi with a wry grin. 'Whatever will prolong you from damaging the Arc.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "paraglider", say "'I don't know. You probably damaged it doing some crazy stunt like you do with everything around here.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "High flux landscape", say "'Yeah they're dangerous. Not worth risking traveling for some shock fruit even if Bast will pay handsomely for a crate.'" Instead of asking Navi about "High flux landscape", say "'High flux landscapes are areas of Kalos that experience drastic and random change. Best avoided if possible.'" Instead of asking Navi about "Kalos", say "'Kalos is our planet. It is made up of clouds and floating landmasses that all rotate around the center of the planet known as the Chaos Core.'" Instead of asking Navi about "Chaos Core", say "'The Chaos Core is the center of the planet. It is surrounded by a dense layer of clouds that are always charged with electric energy. Most believe the Chaos Core is the source of the High flux landscapes.'" Understand "high flux landscapes" or "high flux" or "high flux terrain" or "high flux terrains" as a mistake ("high flux landscape"). Toomi Sparks is a person in the Archimedes. The description of Toomi Sparks is "She is a 12 cycles old making her 1 cycle younger than Arlo. Her favorite attire is baggy cargo pants, a green tank top, and a black bandana that she wears to keep her unruly blonde hair in check. She is also 5'4 making her 4 inches taller than Arlo much to his chagrin." Understand "Toomi" as Toomi Sparks. The Hovering Hills is north of the Open Skies, south of the Moving Mountains, west of Swirling Shoals, and east of Calm Cloud Clearing. "[if the Hovering Hills is unvisited]Arlo steered the ship among the Hovering Hills. They flew past rolling landscapes covered with green grass and the occasional oak tree. Wandering among the hills were flocks of fluffy white sheeguls, and herds of lazy, fat goaters. Arlo knew there were lyongriffs hiding among hills waiting to pounce on an wayward sheegul. Through the viewport, the Moving Mountains are visible to the north, the Swirling Shoals to the east, and a Calm Cloud Clearing is visible to the west. The Open Skies are to the south.[end if][if the Hovering Hills is visited]The Archimedes is in the Hovering Hills. The Moving Mountains are visible to the north, the Swirling Shoals to the east, and a Calm Cloud Clearing is visible to the west. The Open skies are to the south.[end if]" Understand "sheeguls" as sheegul. Understand "goaters" as goater. A sheegul is an animal in the Hovering Hills. The description of a sheegul is "They look like balls of white fluff with white leathery wings, black noses and eyes." A goater is an animal in the Hovering Hills. The description of a goater is "Fat, appendage-less grey blobs. Their bodies are covered in short, coarse hair. They float among the hills in lazy groups eating whatever greenery is closest to their mouths." Instead of asking Toomi about "sheeguls", say "'I think they are adorbs!' said Toomi with an uncharacteristic squeal of delight. 'They also make a great roast. We could snatch one of those instead, Cap, and forget this whole ridiculous deal of finding a shock fruit grove.' Arlo's stomach growled. 'No,' he said between clenched teeth. 'I am not eating until I get my hands on another shock fruit.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "goaters", say "'Eh, they're weird looking,' Toomi said with a shrug. 'And their meat is kinda chewy.'" Instead of asking Navi about "sheeguls", say "'Sheeguls are a peaceful creatures with low intelligence. They gather in large numbers to avoid being easy prey.'" Instead of asking Navi about "goaters", say "Goaters float around in groups known as aggregations. The eat any green plants near their mouths." The Swirling Shoals is northeast of Open Skies, east of the Hovering Hills, south of Sky Whale Territory."[if Swirling Shoals is unvisited]The Archimedes sailed above the silver clouds. Schools of flying fish and the occasional lightning eel flitted through the clouds. The Hovering Hills were visible to the west and the Sky Whale Territory to the north. The Open Skies are to the southwest.[end if][if Swirling Shoals is visited]The Archimedes is in the Swirling Shoals. The Hovering Hills is to the west, Sky Whale Territory is to the north, and the Open Skies is to the southwest.[end if]" The silver clouds is a thing in the Swirling Shoals. The silver clouds is scenery. The description of the silver clouds is "The clouds roiled with activity beneath its silvery surface." Flying Fish is an animal in Swirling Shoals. The description of the flying fish is "Schools of colorful fish swarmed around the cloudscape." Every turn while in Swirling Shoals: reset passerby; choose a random row in the Table of Atmospheric Events; say "[event entry][paragraph break]" Table of Atmospheric Events event "Slowly [a passerby] swam by, turning to look at the airship as it passed." "Some [passerby] nearly bumped into the Archimedes." "Arlo steered the airship to avoid [a passerby]." "The Archimedes weaved around [a passerby]." "There's a commotion off the starboard side as a lightning eel nearly collided with [a passerby]." "[Passerby] swam along side the airship." "Off the port bow, [a passerby] surfaced above the clouds and swim in the wake of the Archimedes." Color is a kind of value. An animal has color. the colors are purple, neon-blue, orange. Length is a kind of value. An animal has length. The lengths are long, medium, small. Sheen is a kind of value. An animal has sheen. The sheens are bright, shiny, dull. To reset passerby: now the color of the passerby is a random color; now the length of the passerby is a random length; now the sheen of the passerby is a random sheen. The passerby is an animal in Swirling Shoals. The passerby is scenery in Swirling Shoals. Understand "fish" or "flying fish" as the passerby. The printed name of the passerby is "[one of]fish[or]flying fish[purely at random]". Before printing the name of the passerby: if a random chance of 1 in 4 succeeds, say "[length] "; if a random chance of 1 in 4 succeeds, say "[sheen] "; if a random chance of 1 in 4 succeeds, say "[color] ". Understand the color property as describing the passerby. Understand the length property as describing the passerby. Understand the sheen property as describing the passerby. Calm Cloud Clearing is northwest of Open Skies, west of the Hovering Hills, south of Cloud Canyons. "[if Calm Cloud Clearing is unvisited]The Archimedes floated over puffy white clouds. A fluffle of crabbits flew from cloud to cloud. To the north the clouds become more dense forming the Cloud Canyons. To the east was the green Hovering Hills.[end if][If Calm Cloud Clearing is visited]The Archimedes is in the Calm Cloud Clearing. The Cloud Canyons are to the north, and the Hovering Hills are to the east.[end if]" A crabbit is an animal in Calm Cloud Clearing. The description of the crabbit is "Twitchy little creatures with overly large ears and tiny wings." Understand "crabbits" as crabbit. Instead of asking Toomi about "crabbit", say "'If we caught a lot of them, we could have a barbecue...' 'Let it go, Toomi,' Arlo ordered. 'I am getting my shock fruit.'" Instead of asking Navi about "crabbit", say "'Crabbits are tiny vermin that fly in groups called fluffles.'" The Moving Mountains is north of the Hovering Hills, west of Sky Whale Territory, east of Cloud Canyons, south of Turtle Mountain, above Under Turtle Mountain, and below Over Turtle Mountain. "[if the Moving Mountains is unvisited]The gentle Hovering Hills turned into the harsher Moving Mountains. Vackals circled the peaks hungrily watching for prey. Some of the mountains were large enough to have storm clouds hovering over them. 'Warning...warning...enormous landscape ahead,' announced Navi. To the north was the largest mountain Arlo had ever seen in his 13 cycles of life. Toomi gasped. 'Cap, I would advise we sail around this one.' 'Navi,' said Arlo. 'Calculate possible routes around the mountain.' 'Calculating,' announced Navi. 'If the Archimedes continues on its current course to the north, it will most likely crash into the mountain side. The Archimedes could fly over the mountain. This is most likely the safest option, but would cost us valuable time. We could fly beneath the mountain. It could be our quickest option, but would be unadvisable due to falling rocks. Our other options are heading west to the Cloud Canyons or east to Sky Whale Territory.' Arlo contemplated his decision. He can fly north into Turtle Mountain. Up over Turtle mountain. Down under Turtle Mountain. Or should he go to Cloud Canyons to the west or Sky Whale territory to the east." The Anomaly is an animal in the Moving Mountains. Every turn: if the anomaly is in a room (called the current space): let next space be a random room which is adjacent to the current space; if the anomaly is visible, say "There is a rippling of light in [the current space]."; move the anomaly to next space The vackal is an animal in the Moving Mountains. The description of the vackal is "Scrawny creatures with big wings, elongated necks, and razor sharp teeth. They can get nasty if someone gets between them and their food. Arlo respected that." Understand "vackals" as vackal. Instead of asking Toomi about "vackals", say "'They look about as hungry as you, Cap,' remarked Toomi." Instead of asking Navi about "vackals", say "'Vackals are scavengers. They fly in groups called Volts. Judging the gauntness of surrounding volts, it would suggest there is not much food in these mountains.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "where to go", say "'I don't care what you do,' said Toomi. She moved closer to Arlo, so she could loom over him. 'As long as you don't fly the Archimedes straight into the side of Turtle Mountain. And for the sake of all that is good and reasonable, do not try flying under Turtle Mountain. Even if by some miracle we make it out alive, the ship might be damaged beyond repair from the rock fall.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "Turtle Mountain", say "'Fly around it or over it. I would love to not have to repair the Archimedes after this crazy little jaunt.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "Cloud Canyons", say "'Well, visibility will most likely be poor, but I'd rather try flying through clouds than a mountain.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "Sky Whale Territory", say "'You know flying around creatures that are larger than the Archimedes make me uneasy. But they are pretty good about not mistaking airships for food.'" Instead of asking Navi about "where to go", say "'Compiling data,' announced Navi. 'Continuing north towards Turtle Mountain will yield 1% chance of survival. Flying under the mountain yields 10% chance of survival. Flying over the mountain...99% chance of survival. West into Cloud Canyons...insufficient data. East into Sky Whale Territory...insufficient data.'" Instead of asking Navi about "Turtle Mountain", say "'The Archimedes is currently on a crash course for Turtle Mountain,' announced Navi. 'I suggest, Captain, that you change course.'" Instead of asking Navi about "under Turtle Mountain", say "'Chance of surviving flying under Turtle Mountain is 10%. Under Turtle Mountain, there is constant rock fall. While the rocks are small in comparison to the mountain, they are quite large compared to the Archimedes. The airship would take significant damage if any of the rocks struck it.'" Instead of asking Navi about "over Turtle Mountain", say "'The Archimedes could fly over Turtle Mountain unharmed,' announced Navi. 'But doing so would take a long time. Going around the mountain to the west or east would be faster.'" Instead of asking Navi about "Cloud Canyons", say "'A region with dense cloud formations.'" Instead of asking Navi about "Sky Whale Territory", say "'An area where the great sky whales are known to congregate.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "rippling of light", say "'I don't know what that was. But things get weird around a high flux landscape.'" Instead of asking Navi about "rippling of light", say "'Most likely a disturbance of space and time. Strange anomalies do occur near high flux landscapes.'" Sky Whale Territory is north of the Swirling Shoals, south of Feeding Zone, and east of the Moving Mountains. "[if Sky Whale Territory is unvisited]The airship sailed above murky grey clouds. Every now and then the clouds beneath them would roil as a giant dark form passed by under the clouds. 'Whales are our friends. Whales are our friends,' said Toomi quietly to herself while she tapped her wrench on the palm of her hand. To the north looked like more sky whale territory. To the west, Arlo could see the Moving Mountains, and the Swirling Shoals were behind them to the south.[end if][if Sky Whale Territory is visited]The Archimedes is in Sky Whale Territory. To the north looks like more sky whale territory. The Moving Mountains are to the west, and the Swirling Shoals are to the south.[end if]" Instead of asking Toomi about "sky whales", say "'What? I'm not nervous,' said Toomi tapping her wrench faster. 'How about you just keep focused on the viewport.'" Instead of asking Navi about "sky whales", say "'Sky whales are the gentle giants of the skies. They travel in groups known as pods feeding on much smaller flying fish. I have never received a report of a sky whale damaging an airship.'" sky whales is an animal in the Sky Whale Territory. The description of the sky whales is "Mostly they were dark shadows beneath the clouds. But every now and then, one would surface showing it's enormous grey or dark blue back and then dive under the surface once again." Cloud Canyons is north of Calm Cloud Clearing, south of Crystal Cloud Quarter, and west of the Moving Mountains. "[if Cloud Canyons is unvisited]The Archimedes was encompassed by thick clouds that rose and fell like puffy white mountains and misty grey valleys. The normal hum of the airship was softened as if it was surrounded by giant balls of sheegul cotton. 'Warning,' announced Navi. 'Visibility drastically reduced. Proceed with caution, Captain.' To the north, all there appeared to be was more clouds. But somewhere passed all those clouds was the Shock Fruit Gove.[end if][if Cloud Canyons is visited]The Archimedes is in Cloud Canyons. It is eerily silent. There is nothing to see except clouds.[end if]" Instead of asking Navi about "silence", say "'Clouds this dense absorb sound. It is easy to become lost and disoriented in these clouds without a reliable compass.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "silence", say "'What's the matter Cap,?' Toomi winked and elbowed Arlo. 'Is the quiet too much for you?'" Turtle Mountain is north of the Moving Mountains, west of the Feeding Zone, and east of the Crystal Cloud Quarter. Every turn while in Turtle Mountain: say "The Archimedes hurled towards Turtle Mountain. Arlo screamed, 'Shock fruit or death!' The Archimedes exploded into a ball of fire as it crashed into the mountain's side."; end the game in death. Crystal Cloud Quarter is north of Cloud Canyons, south of the Cloud Tunnel, and west of Turtle Mountain. "[if Crystal Cloud Quarter is unvisited]The Archimedes sailed through the cloud canyons into more clouds. Arlo sighed...and a puff of mist was expelled from his mouth. 'Warning...warning,' announced Navi. 'The temperature in this area is dropping rapidly most likely due to its proximity to the high flux landscape. It appears the surrounding clouds have frozen solid.' Arlo scanned the surrounding area looking for a way through the frozen skies, but could see no clear route. All he could see was crystalized clouds.[end if][if the Crystal Cloud Quarter is visited]The Archimedes is in the Crystal Cloud Quarter. It is freezing. The only thing visible is crystalized clouds.[end if]" Every turn while in Crystal Cloud Quarter: let the damage be a random number between 1 and 7; say "[one of] A chunk of floating ice strikes the starboard side of the Archimedes, causing [damage] points of damage [or] 'Temperature still dropping,' announced Navi. 'The Archimedes cannot fly in this cold for much longer.' The airship took [damage] points of damage. [or] The airship shudders violently. 'The thrusters are icing over, Cap,' said Toomi her voice strained with anxiety. 'We need to get out of here.' The thrusters took [damage] points of damage. [or] Small pieces of ice strike the Bridge's Viewport. Tiny cracks in the glass begin to appear, causing [damage] points of damage. [or] The Archimedes rocks from the impact of an ice cloud colliding on the port side, taking [damage] points of damage. [or] Shards of ice rain down on the deck of the airship. 'Cap, get us out of here, before the Archimedes takes any more damage!' raged Toomi. The deck took [damage] points of damages. [or] 'Steam balloon are icing over,' announced Navi. 'They will not withstand the cold much longer.' The steam balloons took [damage] points of ice damage. [then at random]"; decrease the current hit points of the Archimedes by the damage; if the current hit points of the Archimedes is less than 0: say "[line break]A giant piece of ice spears the steam balloons of the Archimedes. The airship plummets through the ice clouds breaking into bits."; end the game in death. Crystalized Clouds is a thing. The description of Crystalized Clouds is "Some look dull and dense. Others look sharp and cruel. Either way, they could still do incredible damage to the Archimedes. There had to be a way to break through them." Crystalized Clouds is in the Crystal Cloud Quarter. Understand "ice clouds" as Crystalized Clouds. Understand "ice" as Crystalized clouds. Understand "clouds" as Crystalized clouds. overloading is an action applying to nothing. Understand "overload" as overloading. Understand "overload engine" as overloading. Understand "overload the engine" as overloading. [code for removing Crystalized Clouds] after overloading in Crystal Cloud Quarter: move the Crystalized Clouds to Turtle Mountain; continue the action. after overloading in Crystal Cloud Quarter: say "A loud hum reverberates through the hull of the Archimedes rattling Arlo's teeth. Electric blue lines zigzag from the airship crashing into the crystalized clouds. With a horrendous shriek, the frozen clouds burst into tiny shards of ice. The ice clears revealing light wispy clouds to the north."; move the Archimedes to the Cloud Tunnel;. [code to prohibit movement until Crystalized Clouds is removed] before overloading in Crystal Cloud Quarter: instead of going south in Crystal Cloud Quarter: say "'There is no turning back now,' said Arlo. 'We have to figure out a way to move through these crystalized clouds.'"; instead of going north in Crystal Cloud Quarter: say "'Danger. Danger,' announced Navi. 'Rapid drop in temperature has caused the clouds to freeze. The Archimedes cannot progress through these clouds any farther without incurring serious damages.'"; instead of going east in Crystal Cloud Quarter: say "Crystalized clouds have surrounded the airship keeping it from moving any farther."; Instead of asking Navi about "Crystalized Clouds", say "'The only way to get through the crystalized clouds is to shatter them.'" Instead of asking Navi about "ice", say "'The only way to get through the crystalized clouds is to shatter them.'" Instead of asking Navi about "shattering the Crystalized Clouds", say "'Other than ramming them, which would destroy the airship, a large amount of static energy should shatter the crystalized clouds.'" Instead of asking Navi about "shattering Crystalized Clouds", say "'Other than ramming them, which would destroy the airship, a large amount of static energy should shatter the crystalized clouds.'" Instead of asking Navi about "shattering Clouds", say "'Other than ramming them, which would destroy the airship, a large amount of static energy should shatter the crystalized clouds.'" Instead of asking Navi about "static energy", say "'We need to generate a large amount of static energy to break through the clouds. You should ask Toomi Sparks about generating static energy.'" Instead of asking Navi about "static", say "'We need to generate a large amount of static energy to break through the clouds. You should ask Toomi Sparks about generating static energy.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "Crystalized Clouds", say "'We need to get out of here, Cap,' said Toomi looking pale and cold. 'We need to find someway to shatter the crystalized clouds before the Archimedes takes any more damage.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "ice", say "'We need to get out of here, Cap,' said Toomi looking pale and cold. 'We need to find someway to shatter the crystalized clouds before the Archimedes takes any more damage.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "shattering the Crystalized Clouds", say "'Well if you let me install those flamethrowers to the hull, I would have a quick and easy answer for you, but I've got nothing. Maybe you should ask Navi about shattering the Crystalized Clouds.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "shattering Crystalized Clouds", say "'Well if you let me install those flamethrowers to the hull, I would have a quick and easy answer for you, but I've got nothing. Maybe you should ask Navi about shattering the Crystalized Clouds.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "generating static energy", say "'OH! Brilliant idea, Cap!' said Toomi while jumping up and down in excitement. 'Our engine uses static energy. If you overload the engine, it'll produce a large static field that should shatter the surrounding ice. Overload the engine, Cap!'" Instead of asking Toomi about "static energy", say "'OH! Brilliant idea, Cap!' said Toomi while jumping up and down in excitement. 'Our engine uses static energy. If you overload the engine, it'll produce a large static field that should shatter the surrounding ice. Overload the engine, Cap!'" Instead of asking Toomi about "generating static", say "'OH! Brilliant idea, Cap!' said Toomi while jumping up and down in excitement. 'Our engine uses static energy. If you overload the engine, it'll produce a large static field that should shatter the surrounding ice. Overload the engine, Cap!'" Feeding Zone is south of Choppy Currents, north of the Sky Whale Territory, and east of Turtle Mountain. "[if Feeding Zone is unvisited]The Archimedes continued to fly through sky whale territory. The dark clouds began to roil violently all around the airship. Flying fish and static eels shot out of the clouds and swarmed around the area. 'Warning...warning,' announced Navi. 'Multiple frenzied sky whales are surfacing.' Whales erupted from the clouds. The Archimedes rocked from the shock waves. Arlo and Toomi were knocked off their feet. Once the regained their footing, they looked out the viewport and gasped. Frenzied Sky Whales circled the entire area.[end if][if Feeding Zone is visited]The Archimedes is in the Feeding Zone. All there is to see is Frenzied Sky Whales.[end if]" Instead of asking Toomi about "Frenzied Sky Whales", say "'I HATE WHALES!' screamed Toomi. 'Something has them worked up. Ask Navi about what is making the whales crazy'" Instead of asking Toomi about "what is making the whales crazy", say "'How should I know?' Toomi said waving her wrench around franticly. 'Ask Navi that question.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "what is making the whales frenzied", say "'How should I know?' Toomi said waving her wrench around franticly. 'Ask Navi that question.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "what is distressing the whales", say "'How should I know?' Toomi said waving her wrench around franticly. 'Ask Navi that question.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "something distressing the whales", say "'How should I know?' Toomi said waving her wrench around franticly. 'Ask Navi that question.'" Instead of asking Navi about "what is making the whales frenzied", say "'Scanning...scanning,' announced Navi. 'There is an unnatural frequency being broadcasted. Ask Toomi Sparks about the frequency. Maybe she will have an idea of what to do.'" Instead of asking Navi about "what is making the whales crazy", say "'Scanning...scanning,' announced Navi. 'There is an unnatural frequency being broadcasted. Ask Toomi Sparks about the frequency. Maybe she will have an idea of what to do.'" Instead of asking Navi about "what is distressing the whales", say "'Scanning...scanning,' announced Navi. 'There is an unnatural frequency being broadcasted. Ask Toomi Sparks about the frequency. Maybe she will have an idea of what to do.'" Instead of asking Navi about "something distressing the whales", say "'Scanning...scanning,' announced Navi. 'There is an unnatural frequency being broadcasted. Ask Toomi Sparks about the frequency. Maybe she will have an idea of what to do.'" Instead of asking Navi about "the frequency", say "'This frequency should not occur in nature. It is most likely originating from the high flux landscape.'" Instead of asking Navi about "frequency", say "'This frequency should not occur in nature. It is most likely originating from the high flux landscape.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "frequency", say "Toomi stumbled over to Navi's mainframe to look at the frequency readout. 'I have never seen anything like this before, Cap,' said Toomi leaning in close to the mainframe. 'But if we can broadcast an opposing frequency, we can probably cancel it out long enough for us to vacate the area.' Toomi fiddled with some dials on the mainframe. 'Ok, we're good to go, Cap. Broadcast the frequency!'" Instead of asking Toomi about "the frequency", say "Toomi stumbled over to Navi's mainframe to look at the frequency readout. 'I have never seen anything like this before, Cap,' said Toomi leaning in close to the mainframe. 'But if we can broadcast an opposing frequency, we can probably cancel it out long enough for us to vacate the area.' Toomi fiddled with some dials on the mainframe. 'Ok, we're good to go, Cap. Broadcast the frequency!'" Instead of asking Navi about "Frenzied Sky Whales", say "'This is not normal behavior for sky whales. There must be something distressing the whales for them to be acting this way.'" Every turn while in Feeding Zone: let the damage be a random number between 1 and 7; say "[one of] A school of frenzied flying fish struck the starboard side of the Archimedes, causing [damage] points of damage [or] 'Sky whale surfacing beneath us,' announced Navi. 'Take evasive action.' The airship took [damage] points of damage while swerving around the whale. [or] The airship shuddered violently as a sky whale flew past it and captured a school of fish in it massive jaws. The steam balloons took [damage] points of damage. [or] Flying fish slammed into the Bridge's Viewport. Tiny cracks in the glass begin to appear, causing [damage] points of damage. [or] The Archimedes rocks from the shock wave of a circling sky whale and took [damage] points of damage. [or] The airship was launched upward by the breath of a whale. 'Cap, get us out of here, before we become lunch!' raged Toomi. The Archimedes took [damage] points of damages. [or] 'Multiple whales inbound,' announced Navi. 'They are tightening their circle, Captain.' The Archimedes took [damage] points of damage from all sides. [then at random]"; decrease the current hit points of the Archimedes by the damage; if the current hit points of the Archimedes is less than 0: say "[line break]There was a momentary reprieve. Then the entire airship began to shudder. The clouds directly beneath the Archimedes darkened and began to roil violently. A mammoth sky whale surfaced with mouth opened wide. The airship was engulfed in an instant. And then the whale snapped its jaws shut."; end the game in death. Frenzied Sky Whales is an animal in the Feeding Zone. The description of Frenzied Sky Whales is "Giant creatures, the smallest of which is three times the size of the Archimedes. Something must be making the Frenzied Sky Whales crazy." broadcasting is an action applying to nothing. understand "broadcast" as broadcasting. understand "broadcast the frequency" as broadcasting. understand "broadcast frequency" as broadcasting. [code for removing Frenzied Sky Whales] after broadcasting in Feeding Zone: move the Frenzied Sky Whales to Turtle Mountain; continue the action. after broadcasting in Feeding Zone: say "Arlo pressed the button. He and Toomi held their breath and watched the frenzied whales through the viewport. At first nothing seemed to happen, and then slowly the sky whales swam away from the Archimedes. With a sigh of relief and a growl of his stomach, Arlo slowly flew the airship north out of the Feeding Zone."; move the Archimedes to the Choppy Currents;. [code to prohibit movement until Frenzied Sky Whales is removed] before broadcasting in Feeding Zone: instead of going south in Feeding Zone: say "'We need to turn back,' said Toomi. 'Before these whales eat us!' 'We are not going back,' said Arlo with a hungry look in his eye. 'Not until I get something to eat.'"; instead of going north in Feeding Zone: say "Frenzied sky whales swarmed around the Archimedes preventing it from going any farther."; instead of going west in Feeding Zone: say "Sky Whales surrounded the airship keeping it from moving any farther."; Under Turtle Mountain is below Moving Mountains. Every turn while in Under Turtle Mountain: say "Arlo dove the Archimedes underneath Turtle Mountain. Loose rocks from the mountain rained down on the deck of the airship. A giant boulder crashed into the steam balloons. They burst with a screeching hiss. The Archimedes plummeted to the Chaos Core."; end the game in death. Over Turtle Mountain is above Moving Mountains. Every turn while in Over Turtle Mountain: say "Arlo steered the Archimedes safely above the ponderous Turtle Mountain. The crew of the Archimedes flew through clear skies. 'Shock Grove no longer detected,' announced Navi. 'Scanning...scanning...the Shock Grove has been erased.' 'Noo!' screamed Arlo. 'What do you mean erased?' 'Shock Grove has been erased,' announced Navi' 'Erased by who?' asked Arlo. 'Insufficient data,' announced Navi. Arlo slumped to the floor of the bridge in hungry defeat."; end the story. The Cloud Tunnel is north of Crystal Cloud Quarter and south of Wispy Wind Way. Instead of going south in Cloud Tunnel: say "Arlo shivered at the memory of their almost icy doom, and then his stomach growled. He had to continue north to reach the Grove." Wispy Wind Way is north of the Cloud Tunnel and southwest of the Shock Grove. "[if Wispy Wind Way is unvisited]The sun shines welcomely on the Archimedes. Thin clouds slide by the airship's slightly battered hull. Arlo whoops loudly, 'We're through!' Toomi slugs him on his shoulder. 'You almost wrecked the ship back there! I outta...' 'Shock grove detected to the Northeast,' interrupted Navi. Arlo ignored Toomi's protests and fixed his hungry eyes to the northeast.[end if][if Wispy Wind Way is visited]The Archimedes is in Wispy Wind Way. The Shock Grove is to the northeast and the Cloud Tunnel to the south.[end if]" Choppy Currents is north of the Feeding Zone, and south of Calmer Currents. Calmer Currents is north of Choppy Currents and southeast of the Shock Grove."[if Calmer Currents is unvisited]After navigating through the choppy currents caused by the sky whales, Arlo piloted the Archimedes into calmer skies. Toomi slumped to the floor of the Bridge. 'I thought we were off to the Great Beyond for sure, Cap.' 'Shock grove detected to the Northwest,' announced Navi. 'Time to get some food,' said Arlo as he turned the Archimedes to the northwest.[end if][if Calmer Currents is visited]The Archimedes is in Calmer Currents. It can see the Shock Grove to the Northwest and Choppy Currents to the south.[end if]" The Shock Grove is northwest of the Choppy Currents and northeast of the Wispy Wind Way. "[if the Shock Grove is unvisited]'Shock Grove dead ahead,' announced Navi. 'I don't see a grove, Navi,' said Toomi her face pressed against the viewport. Arlo scanned the area too hungry to believe they had flew all this way for nothing. 'There,' he said unable to the keep the excitement from his voice. Ahead of the airship a small landscape holding four shock fruit trees flickered into view. It hung there in front of them for a moment and then vanished. 'What?' cried Arlo. The landscape flickered back into view again, but this time with only three trees. 'The grove is the high flux landscape, Captain,' announced Navi. 'It appears that the grove is being erased from existence. If we don't collect the shock fruit soon, there will be nothing left of this grove.' Arlo steered the Archimedes over the vanishing grove.[end if][if the Shock Grove is visited] The Archimedes is in the Shock Grove.[end if]" Shock Fruit Tree is a thing in the Shock Grove. The description of the Shock Fruit Tree is "A small tree with silvery bark, yellow leaves, and electric blue fruit." Instead of asking Toomi about "how to get shock fruit", say "'We made it, Cap. Now how about you hurry up and power the magnets so we can collect some of the fruit before it all disappears.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "collecting shock fruit", say "'We made it, Cap. Now how about you hurry up and power the magnets so we can collect some of the fruit before it all disappears.'" Instead of asking Toomi about "getting shock fruit", say "'We made it, Cap. Now how about you hurry up and power the magnets so we can collect some of the fruit before it all disappears.'" Instead of asking Navi about "how to get shock fruit", say "'The shock fruit is rapidly disappearing, Captain. I would advise that you power the magnets so we can collect as many as possible.'" Instead of asking Navi about "getting shock fruit", say "'The shock fruit is rapidly disappearing, Captain. I would advise that you power the magnets so we can collect as many as possible.'" Instead of asking Navi about "collecting shock fruit", say "'The shock fruit is rapidly disappearing, Captain. I would advise that you power the magnets so we can collect as many as possible.'" powering is an action applying to nothing. understand "power" as powering. understand "powers" as powering. understand "power the magnets" as powering. understand "power magnets" as powering. after powering in the Shock Grove: say "Arlo powered the Archimedes' magnets. The airship jolted once the magnets were fully charged. The branches of remaining shock fruit tree strained towards the Archimedes. Arlo jumped up and down with hungry excitement. 'S.T.O.R.R.K. detected,' announced Navi. 'S.T.O.R.R.K. inbound.' A bright white orb shimmered past the viewport. As it passed, there was a loud clunk. 'Magnet failure,' announced Navi. 'S.T.O.R.R.K.'s presence disrupted the magnetic field.' 'No, no, no, no, noooooo!' Arlo watched in horror as the last tree of the Shock Grove vanished from sight and did not return 'Navi track the S.T.O.R.R.K.!' Arlo commanded. 'No one comes in between me and my food.'"; end the game in victory