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Sheep and Shamen
Ellen Clegg
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"Sheep and Shamans" by Ellen Clegg Include Plurality by Emily Short Include Exit Descriptions by Matthew Fletcher Part 1 - Characters Chapter 1 - Normal Animals A kangaroo rat is an animal. Part 2 - Setting Chapter 1 - Base Camp Base Camp is a region. Campsite, Dirt Track, and Parking Area are in Base Camp. Campsite is a room. A fire ring and a wooden pallet are in Campsite. The fire ring is fixed in place and undescribed. The description of Campsite is "A clearing in the desert that is more hard-packed than the loose sand around it. Your campfire from last night has burned down and is now only some glowing coals--probably enough fire for making coffee. [A wooden pallet] rests near by. In the crisp, early morning light, you can see Kelso Dunes Peak to the north. Rising 700 feet above the desert floor, this is the tallest of the sand dunes. The campground fits the description of the place you were told to be. Your red [jeep] is visible in the parking lot to the north. Morning in the desert--the best time and place in the world! You can smell the creosote on the crisp, dry air. You started out yesterday to find some basalt cliffs that are reputed to have some good petroglyphs--the incised rock art of the local natives mostly made about 1,000 to 2,000 years ago, but some of it dating to 8,000 BC. Before getting to your campsite, however, you met a gnarled old man at the long-abandoned train depot in Kelso. He said he could lead you to the rock art. He talked of sheep and shaman depictions in the basalt cliffs of East Mojave--and asked you to call him Mojave Mike. Didn't look like the most reliable guide. But if he'll give you the closely guarded secret of where the cliffs are, you're prepared to go along with anything. Mojave Mike said he'd meet you here as the sun rose this morning. Sun's been up at least an hour. Where is he?" The description of the wooden pallet is "Did someone bring it here for firewood? Is there anything under it?" There is a kangaroo rat. Instead of taking the pallet when the rat is off-stage: say "Moving the [pallet], you see a [kangaroo rat]."; move the rat to Campsite. The description of kangaroo rat is "[if rat is in Campsite]You see the tufted tail of a small grey-brown desert rodent. Maybe it would like [some cheese]. You have some in your [jeep].[otherwise]Your rat buddy seems to be heading north. Best to follow.[end if]" Instead of giving cheese to the rat: say "The rat stands on its hind legs and twitches its nose at you. Taking the [cheese], it quickly nibbles the whole morsel and then turns around and scampers off a short distance. It looks back at you as though asking you to follow it. This behavior is repeated 2-3 times, until you, you stupid human, get the idea and start to follow the rat who is moving north to the parking area."; now rat is in Parking Area. Parking Area is a room. Parking Area is north of Campsite. The description of Parking Area is "Packed sand with enough space for only 4 cars. Your old [jeep] is the only one here at the moment. You've got some idea of the surroundings. It looks pretty much like desert everywhere--except for the track heading north out of the parking area. Better take your camera and tripod in case you find some petroglyphs to document." The jeep is an openable closed container in Parking Area. In it are a camera, a tripod, and a cooler. A cooler is a closed openable container in jeep. Some cheese is a portable thing in cooler. Dirt Track is north of Parking Area. The description of Dirt Track is "Some ruts go between the creosote in a northerly direction. This is the so-called road you took off the main Kelso Dunes Road in order to get to the campsite. You know that it will take you back to the road and that the highest dune is on the other side of the road." Chapter 2 - The Road The Road is a region. Kelso Dunes Road, Dunes Road East, and Kelbaker Road are in The Road. Some power lines are a backdrop in The Road. Kelso Dunes Road is north of Dirt Track. The description of Dunes Road is "A washboard gravel road that looks like it gets traffic 2-3 times a week. You see a super-large metal pylon with lots of [power lines] running east-west. Very disconcerting to see these symbols of modern industrialization out here in the purity of the desert." A wooden park sign is a supporter in Kelso Dunes Road. On the sign is a piece of paper. The piece of paper is undescribed. The description of the sign is "The [wooden sign] says CAMPSITES in white lettering with a white arrow pointing south. A sign on the opposite side of the road points north to Kelso Dunes Peak--you know this is the highest point around and may be a good vantage place. A [piece of paper] is stuck between the [wooden sign] and its post." A piece of paper is a thing on the wooden park sign. The description of the piece of paper is "[if player is holding paper]Unfolding it, you see what looks like a hand-drawn map. It looks as though it had been left here on purpose. Is your supposed guide trying to play tricks with you? Maybe he's turning this into a scavenger hunt. On closer examination, it seems to be a map of the surrounding area. Some spots are marked in red ink. To the west, places called Cottonwood Wash and Black Ridge are clearly marked. Better go check them out. The map also shows the [power lines] running to the East and a red X to the East labeled Rex Mine.[otherwise]What's this piece of paper?[end if]" Dunes Road East is east of Kelso Dunes Road. The description of Dunes Road East is "The washboard road heading east is sharply outlined by the mounds of dirt the county road service has pushed to create a car-friendly track. The desert plants are trying to invade the road area. You can see the [power lines] still going off to the East." Kelbaker Road is east of Dunes Road East. The description of Kelbaker Road is "A paved road that maybe gets traffic 2-3 times a day. It even has a [street sign]. Here the [power lines] cross the road and continue to the East." The street sign is a fixed in place thing in Kelbaker Road. The description of the street sign is "In pretty bad shape. At one point black lettering on a white ground, but the black has faded to grey and the white has dirtied to grey. You can barely make out the name Kelbaker Road. You recognize it as the road you took south from Kelso Depot. An arrow at the bottom points north with the legend Rex Mine." Chapter 3 - Sand Dunes Sand Dunes is a region. Old Corral, Flat Sand, Slope of Dunes, and Dune Peak are in Sand Dunes. Flat Sand is north of Dunes Road. The description of Flat Sand is "North of the road, the ground gets sandier and harder to walk on. You can see some old fencing to the east." Old Corral is east of Flat Sand. The description of Old Corral is "One lone skeletal tree. Could it have been a juniper in a previous life? A few yards of fence posts, [barbed wire], and desiccated cow pies show that this must once have been a corral. A remnant of yellowing cloth is stuck on one of the barbs of the fence." Barbed wire is a supporter in Old Corral. A remnant of yellowing cloth is a thing on barbed wire. The description of yellowing cloth is "A [remnant of yellowing cloth] with some words written in black Sharpie. It says that you need to seek water to the west. Is this possible a message from Mojave Mike? It certainly isn't signed." Slope of Dunes is north of Flat Sand. The description of Slope of Dunes is "The loose sand rises more steeply from the desert floor--and is much harder to walk in. You fall back one step for every two forward. It's slow going, but the peak looks close. Maybe if you can get there, you can see some of the surrounding area." Dune Peak is north of Slope of Dunes. The description of Dune Peak is "A good view for many miles in all directions. You can see some old mines in the purplish hills a few miles off to the east. One of those is probably what you should be looking for based on the previous info from your guide. Looks like a long walk. Best get started." Chapter 4 - Western Area Western Area is a region. Cottonwood Wash and Black Ridge are in Western Area. Cottonwood Wash is west of Dunes Road. The description of Cottonwood Wash is "A few cottonwoods with yellowing leaves moving in the wind surround a small naturally occuring water tank. There is a partially [ruined adobe] nearby. You hear the buzz of bees around the water. There is a cement foundation near the adobe." The ruined adobe is an open enterable container in Cottonwood Wash. The adobe is undescribed. The description of the ruined adobe is "All that remain are three walls varying in height from your knees to your shoulders. But in one corrner you see an [old wooden table] missing a leg. It has been propped against the wall. There is a small guidebook on it." An old wooden table missing one leg is a supporter in Cottonwood Wash. The wooden table is undescribed. A guidebook is an undescribed thing on the table. The description of the guidebook is "It looks like a small volume on local rock art. One of the pages is dog-eared and shows the image of a medicine bag with fringe. One of the rock art images you most want to find. A note at the bottom of the page says that this image can be found on the other side of the mine and the mountains. What mine? What mountains?" A cholla cactus is a supporter in Cottonwood Wash. The cholla cactus is undescribed. A yellowing strip of fabric is on the cholla. The yellowing strip of fabric is undescribed. The description of a yellowing strip of fabric is "A [yellowing strip of fabric] is stuck on the needles of the cholla. You gingerly remove it to find that someone has written on it, in black sharpie, that you need to go west for power." A cement foundation is a supporter in Cottonwood Wash. The cement foundation is undescribed. The description of the foundation is "A small house must have stood here at one time. Looks like it was only a 10x10 shack. You see some [chalk marks] in the center of the [foundation]." Some chalk marks are on the foundation. The chalk marks are undescribed. The description of the chalk marks is "Using the thick blue grade school chalk, someone has drawn a picture of the sort of sheep most seen in petroglyps with an arrow pointing to the west." Black Ridge is west of Cottonwood Wash. A petroglyph image is a thing in Black Ridge. The description of petroglyph image is "A rock art image of a shaman surrounded by sheep is on a small section of basalt cliff here. Though clearly very recent, it uses the older symbol of the sheep. The medicine man with wavy power lines going from his hand to a spiral is a totally modern creation. The spiral is in a way reminiscent of the power glyphs used in some MMORPGs. Almost runic. Is this a joke? Do power lines mean the power of the spirit like ley lines or do they mean the real power lines? There are certainly super power lines out here running from Hoover Dam to Victorville. The closest part of the line is to the east. Maybe you should follow those. Your so-called guide has certainly left you lots of information--it just needs to be put together coherently to find the petrogyphs! Maybe start with checking the map for power lines." Chapter 5 - Mining District Mining District is a region. Rex Mine Site and Rex Mine Road are in Mining District. Mine Road is north of Kelbaker Road and west of Rex Mine Site. The description of Rex Mine Road is "Pretty much like all the other roads around here. Dirt and washboard with lots of cholla, very dangerous needles, along the side. To one side of the road is a decrepit shack that, judging by the faded notices stuck on it's front wall, must have been the mine office." A decrepit shack is a supporter in Rex Mine Road. The description of the shack is "Bare wood smoothed to dark by many years of the abusive desert winds. On the front of the [shack] is a [notice] that looks pretty recent." A notice is a thing on the shack. The notice is undescribed. The description of the notice is "Hey, this was put here pretty recently. It hasn't faded yet. Maybe another message from Mojave Mike?" Instead of taking the notice: say "Definitely Mojave Mike's writing. Tells me I still have to keep walking to the rising sun to find the petroglyphs I seek. East, huh? Let's see what's in that direction." Rex Mine Site is north of Foshay Pass and east of Mine Road. The description of Rex Mine Site is "A two-person wide opening cut into the side of the mountain. It is flanked by some rotting [wooden beams]. There is a carving in one of the beams." Some wooden beams are a supporter in Rex Mine Site. The description of wooden beams is "Darkened with age, but a something new has been carved into one side." A carving is a thing in Rex Mine Site. The description of the carving is "Another new style shaman. Clearly Mojave Mike's work. Again with the [power lines] rising from his head. There are real [power lines] running just south of here. Is that what he means? Or are these metaphorical, spiritual power lines?" Chapter 6 - Mountain Pass Mountain Pass is a region. Foshay Pass, Blind Spring, Black Canyon Road, Hole in the Wall, and Basalt Cliffs are in Mountain Pass. Some power lines are a backdrop in Mountain Pass. [need to descripe power lines in each of these locations] Foshay Pass is east of Kelbaker Road, south of Rex Mine and west of Blind Spring. The description of Foshay Pass is "A steep rutted east-west road. This must be the road marked on the map as Foshay Pass. Definitely for 4-wheel drive. Good thing I'm walking. Looks like it goes to a valley on the east. The [power lines] are still humming above you and still leading off to the East." Blind Spring is east of Foshay Pass, south of Black Canyon Road, and west of Hole in the Wall. The description of Blind Spring is "After the steep walk up Foshay Pass, it's good to see the greenery at Blind Spring below you. Mixed among the reeds at the spring is a [metal park sign]. The tranquility is only shattered by the [power lines].. " A metal park sign is a thing in Blind Spring. The description of park sign is "Old and faded, but the arrows and letters are still clearly visible. One arrow points north and says Black Canyon Road. The other arrow points east and says Hole in the Wall. But which is the way to the petroglyphs?" Basalt Cliffs are east of Black Canyon Road and north of Hole in the Wall. Black Canyon Road is north of Blind Spring and west of Basalt Cliffs. The description of Black Canyon Road is "Another narrow dirt road. It seems to be going east. A twisty little road that leads among the hills of Mid-Hills." Hole in the Wall is east of Blind Spring and south of Basalt Cliffs. The description of Hole in the Wall is "A park campsite. Water and toilets. What lux! You had to climb up a narrow shaft fitted with rings for hikers to go back and forth from the valley of Blind Spring to the campground. Doesn't seem to be anything here for you. Guess you'll have to do some exploring to find those elusive petroglyphs." The description of Basalt Cliffs is "Eureka! You've found the petroglyphs! You haven't seen Mojave Mike again, but he did get you to the right place.[if player is holding camera]Excellent. The light is perfect. You can get some good, crisp shots of the petroglyphs. You have succeeded.[otherwise]Unfortunately, you can't document your find because your [camera] is back in the jeep at the campsite[end if]"