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The Quest for the Terrible Crazed Murderous Dragon Lord of North Tennessee (v1.9 stable!)
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"The Quest for the Terrible Crazed Murderous Dragon Lord of North Tennessee (v1.9 stable!)" by John Zhang, Arya Malek Mohammadi Zardou, Kyle Zhang Understand the commands "ask" and "tell" and "say" and "answer" and "take" as something new. Understand "ask [text]" or "tell [text]" or "answer [text]" or "say [text]" as a mistake ("[talk to instead]"). Instead of asking someone to try doing something: say "[talk to instead][paragraph break]". Instead of answering someone that something: say "[talk to instead][paragraph break]". To say talk to instead: say "(To communicate in [story title], TALK TO a character.) " Understand "talk to [someone]" as talking to. Understand "talk to [something]" as talking to. Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. The Desert is a room. The description of The Desert is "The year is 20xx. Humans have been destroyed in a global battle. All but a few isolated settlements remain, filled with strife and villainy. Among the barren wasteland, a lone traveller marches through the grass. No one knows from whither he came from. You stand deftly in the desert, wind and sun gnawing at your toes and face. An empty rucksack is strapped to your bag, and a look of incredible determination shows on your face. How did you get here? Who are you?" East of desert is cactus 1. cactus 1 is a room. "The empty desert stretches far into the distance. Nothing can be seen for miles, except a shear drop face to the north. A lonely cactus is seen off toi the east." East of cactus 1 is cactus 2. cactus 2 is a room. "you walk up to the cactus, mouth parched and dry. If only you could get some juice right now. The cactus is only a few steps away." East of cactus 2 is cactus 3. cactus 3 is a room. After going to the cactus 3: say "You got too close to the cactus, and got pricked to death. You died."; end the story finally.; West of desert is rock 1. rock 1 is a room. "In the distance, you see a bunch of thunderclouds swirling around a stone. Could there be something there?" West of rock 1 is rock 2. rock 2 is a room. West of rock 2 is rock 3. rock 3 is a room. west of rock 3 is rock 4. rock 4 is a room. west of rock 4 is rock 5. rock 5 is a room. "you finally reach the weird stone. Embedded in the stone is a button. Would you like to take it?" South of desert is burrows. Burrows is a room. After going to the Burrows: say "No matter. Forget the map, let's go in the opposite direction the creators of the game INTENDED for you to go! Walking on, you notice some odd holes in the ground, made by some strange comet impact or large creature. You realize the extent of your mistake and turn around to flee, when the ground shudders and the sand melts beneath your feet. A massive looming creature, half marmot Half lizard, teeth gnashing and growling, instantly catches onto your puny rug sack and throws your feeble body into it's evil den. Looks like someone is becoming braised beef tonight...."; end the story finally. North of desert is Cliff. Cliff is a room. "The cliff ahead drops down some half a kilometer into dark depths below. Maybe going forward is a bad idea. There is good chance fall damage exists in this game. I mean, world. This isn't a game we are in right now, it's real life! Wake up sillyhead!" North of Cliff is Village. Village is a room. "You fall a great distance into the village, surprisingly not hurt. Good thing you had your feather falling boots on."; North of Village is Village Attack. Village Attack is a room. Guards are in Village Attack. Villagers are in Village Attack. "Intruder! Get out of our village!"; Villagers is an object in Village Attack. Instead of attacking Guards: say "Are you sure you want to attack the guards?"; if the player consents: say "You attack the guards with your bare hands and easily defeat them. You are a formidable foe."; say "The villagers gasp in horror as you had just defeated a mob of guards with your bare fists"; now the guards-attacked is true.; otherwise: say "You hesitate to fight back, and in an instant your head is chopped off by one of the guards."; end the story finally.; The guards-attacked is a truth state that varies.; The guards-attacked is false.; The villagers-talked is a truth state that varies.; The villagers-talked is false.; Instead of talking to Villagers: say "'Please don't hurt me! I'll tell you everything I know! What are you after Gold? The Legendary Sword? The Dragon King? Food?'"; now the villagers-talked is true.; Instead of attacking Villagers: say "You decide to attack the villagers, but before you're able to land any attacks on them, they throw a barrage of rock at you, killing you"; end the story finally.; After reading a command when the player's command includes "gold": Instead say "Haha. Alright, I guess you are another of those bumbling fools. The treasure is found in the dark tunnel that lies in the west of the town. it's a hoax, though obviously, by that Old Sam that founded the town. It's a tourist trap, but it hasn't been maintained in a while, and we haven't heard from the last few Americans who went in there 'for the vine.' Do as you will with that, I suppose."; After reading a command when the player's command includes "sword": Instead say "Oh, now this Excalibur weapon is quite the trinket. Formerly produced by the US military as a ‘hand-held targeted thermonuclear device,’ whatever that means, now everyone around here just calls it: The Excalibur, forged by the gods themselves. It was sealed up in one of the northern test bunkers back a while ago, but has now been neglected for a while. I would advise against going for it: that place is filled with scummy orcs and creatures, getting lost up north never ends well, considering my 30 children have all perished in that area. Maybe some tea instead?"; after reading a command when the player's command includes "tea": Instead say “slurp. Now that tastes pretty good.”; After reading a command when the player's command includes "food": Instead say "Well then, we do have a little extra food stored for later in the Storage Shack - creative name, I know. Just go a little east and you'll be right there. Oh, and don't take too much from there, ok?" East of Village Attack is Village Path. Village Path is a room. East of Village Path is Storage Shack. Storage Shack is a room. "Your at the Storage Shack but all you see are two chests which are labeled one two, and three" Chest 1 is in Storage Shack."in the first chest, there is a potato" Chest 2 is in Storage Shack."in the second chest, there is an apple" Chest 3 is in Storage Shack. "in the third chest, there is a carrot" the potato is edible. After eating the potato, say "eh, its alright" the apple is edible. after eating the apple, say "defiantly had better, but its always nice to get some nutrition, or whatever apples have in them." The carrot is edible. after eating the carrot, say "I've always wanted to know if these really give you better vision..." apple is an object apple is in chest 2 carrot is an object carrot is in chest 3 potato is an object potato is in chest 1 After reading a command when the player's command includes "Dragon King": Instead say "The Villager looks visibly shaken at the mention of King Dragon. He tells you that The Dragon King is a powerful and evil being far north. No one knows who he is, or what he looks like, but warns you to stay far away from him if you value your life."; West of Village Attack is Tunnel. Tunnel is a room. "Entering the dark damp cave, you are completely swallowed by darkness. You can make out some promo ads all over the walls. You aren't sure if going on is a good idea." West of Tunnel is Tunnel 1. Tunnel 1 is a room. "You continue into the darkness. It always seems like there is a glimmer in the distance, that disappears as you turn a corner." West of Tunnel 1 is Tunnel 2. Tunnel 2 is a room. "You continue to seek out the large stash of gold." West of Tunnel 2 is Tunnel 3. Tunnel 3 is a room. "You continue to seek out the large stash of gold." West of Tunnel 3 is Tunnel 4. Tunnel 4 is a room. "You continue to seek out the large stash of gold." West of Tunnel 4 is Tunnel 5. Tunnel 5 is a room. After going to the Tunnel 5: say "You continue to seek out the large stash of gold, but suddenly fall down into a deep hole, oopsy daisys. Looks like the toilet hasn't been maintained properly,and the Taco Bell feces has carved a massive sinkhole in the earth. Better luck next time buddy."; end the story finally.; Before going north from Village Attack: if the guards-attacked is false: say "You are being charged by guards! Attack them!"; stop the action. Before going north from Village Attack: if the villagers-talked is false: say "You are lost, talk to villagers"; stop the action. Mountains is a room. Mountains is north of Village Attack. "You ignore the villager's warning and seek out The Great Excalibur... Before you, a set of terrifying mountains can be seen. This is the fabled land of Etheador, where few who have ventured have returned alive. It is well known at this time that most of the original beast that live here are long gone, but ever since the great war, accounts have been told of fell creatures roaming the steppes. A snow peak rises majestically in the distance, it’s top showered by the magical glow of the sunset. Directly in front of you, the well pave road suddenly drops down into a deep chasm. A small narrow footpath carves along the cliff edge off to the west." West of Mountains is Mountains 1. Mountains 1 is a room. "As you trot along the path, you take in the scenery and how wonderful the sunset is today. The fading light cast a glitter on the rain-covered trees, and despite the dampness of the dead and mutated logs, there is some hope in the distance. A slope falls in front of you, and the path continues winding away to the west." west of Mountains 1 is Mountains death. Mountains death is a room. After going to Mountains death: say "Continuing on the lonely path, a fell smell is in the air. You turn around, but fruitlessly: there is nothing to be seen. the crooked steps appear steeper and more menacing now, and you falter as you ascend the barren hilltop. When you notice the orc above you, it is already far too late."; end the story finally.; North of Mountains 1 is Mountains attack. Mountains attack is a room. "You recall that you’ve always enjoyed rolling down hills in your youth, and the tantalizing delight is too much to resist. Rolling down the thorn-stitched ground, everything seems great. Suddenly, a growl disrupts your thoughts. A goblin, all menacing in its troll war paint towers over you. Only seconds flash by when suddenly a piece of rusted metal slams onto the ground just beside you, barely dodged in time. Shimmying around and avoiding it’s terrifying blows, you continue along, clearly shaken by this encounter." Mountains shoot is north of Mountains attack. Mountains shoot is a room. "BANG!!! You see a bullet landed to your left coming from northeast." West of Mountains shoot is Mountains W. Mountains W is a room. After going to the Mountains W: say "A flying whizz goes by your ear, akin to that of some bee or a wasp. Turning your head, you look in horror as a giant arrow comes straight for your head."; end the story finally.; East of Mountains shoot is Mountains E. Mountains E is a room. "Bang!!! Another bullet landed on your right, coming from North." East of Mountains E2 is Mountains E3. Mountains E3 is a room. After going to the Mountains E3: say "A devastating blow hits your square in the chest, striking your armour and deflecting off in some other direction. 'HA! puny 9mm has no stopping power!' You exclaim as you pass out due to internal hemorrhaging."; end the story finally.; North of Mountains NE is Mountains N2E. Mountains N2E is a room. After going to the Mountains N2E: say "Walking along daintily, you notice a beautiful flower on the side of the road. Admiring it's beauty, you completely forget the shots fired at you earlier. Evidentally the sniper has as well, since nothing happens until you lose your footing and tumble into the chasm below."; end the story finally.; West of Mountains N is Mountains NW. Mountains NW is a room. After going to the Mountains NW: say "OW! AHJGHAH! (dead)"; end the story finally.; North of Mountains N is Mountains N2. Mountains N2 is a room. After going to the Mountains N2: say "Creeping up along the sniper you pull your fists out of your hands and challenge the sniper in one on one combat, only to get met with a shot in the face. The gun is mightier than the hand."; end the story finally.; North of Mountains is Mountains N. Mountains N is a room. "Bang!!! Another bullet landed right behind you, coming from East" East of Mountains E is Mountains E2. Mountains E2 is a room. After going to the Mountains E2: say "GABJKBnjsln. uhhhh..... (better bring some band-aids next time..."; end the story finally.; East of Mountains N is Mountains NE. North of Mountains E is Mountains NE. Mountains NE is a room. "Bang!!! Bullet landed on your left coming from East." Mountain Peak is a room. North of Mountains E2 is Mountain Peak. East of Mountains NE is Mountain Peak. The The Great Excalibur is an object in Mountain Peak. Sniper is a person in Mountain Peak. After going to the Mountain Peak: say "You found the sniper behind all the shootings, he puts his hands up in defeat." The sniper-talked is a truth state that varies.; The sniper-talked is false.; Instead of talking to Sniper: say "Do you want to attack the sniper?"; if the player consents: say "You decide to attack the sniper, but before your attack landed, your menacing aura was enough to kill him"; say "You sit at peak of the highest mountain, without direction you freeze to death. GG."; end the story finally.; otherwise: say "The sniper tells you he was hired by the demon king to guard The Great Excalibur. He shows you where the sword is hidden. You see it lying in the distance, sticking plainly out of the ground. A conspicuous 'this side up' label is pointed down and half obscured in the grey-coloured snow, and the safety is set to off: clearly whoever was handling this wasn't extremely careful. Disgusting green goo oozes from the sides of the thing. "; Instead of attacking Sniper: say "You decide to attack the sniper, but before your attack landed, your menacing aura was enough to kill him"; say "You sit at peak of the highest mountain, without direction you freeze to death. GG."; end the story finally.; Instead of taking the The Great Excalibur: say "The sniper hands you the sword."; now the The Great Excalibur is carried by the player; say "You pick up the sword and admire its greatness. The Sniper tells you the demon king's lair is right up north, below the mountain."; now the sniper-talked is true.; Before going north from Mountain Peak: if the sniper-talked is false: say "You still have much to ask the sniper, talk to the sniper"; stop the action. Before going north from Mountain Peak: if the The Great Excalibur is not carried by the player: say "This is a dangerous battle, take the The Great Excalibur with you before going north."; stop the action. North of Mountain Peak is King Dragon's Lair. King Dragon's Lair is a room. King Dragon is a person in King Dragon's Lair. "Yo I'm king dragon, I'm the king of the lair. And now that your in here, You aren't going anywhere But down on the ground, Cuz I'm gonna kick your ass. I'm sorry I said ass, I don't mean to be crass. When I'm not busy killing Like a villain I write raps- Your ears are in physical pain at the sound of King Dragon’s terrible rap." Instead of attacking King Dragon: say "You quiver as you look upon the enemy you have been searching for months. Fire glows in your eyes. Yet you hesitate. This creature of old is a deadly foe. Facing it in combat is sure to result in death. Are you sure you want to attack at this time?"; if the player consents: say "The sheath of the sword glows brightly. You ponder. Is this the time to destroy this foul thing? Surely it cannot be so easy... maybe pound the creature with your bare fists first? Perhaps that will give your hands a nice massage too. Do you want to use The Great Excalibur now?"; if the player consents: say "You take out The Great Excalibur, and surprise attack King Dragon as he is rapping. To your surprise, you had only broken his layer of armour. You feel the energy in your body is instantly used up, and as you lay helpless on the floor, you kill yourself, ending your suffering from King Dragon's rapping."; end the story finally.; otherwise: say "You surprise attack King Dragon as he is rapping, taking off his layer of armour. 'My Armour!' Would you like to use The Great Excalibur?"; if the player consents: say "You fool. Are you really certain you will be able to destroy me? YOU must think I'm a JOKE. Those villagers, I spared them and let them live out their feeble existence. Yet YOU, still live. No longer. Goodbye. He raises his massive puppy paws, readdy to reduce you to mere scraps. The hit comes down so strong all the breath is sucked out of your lungs. You pick up the last shards of the sword and slash at the monstrous creature. Foiled again, darn liberals! He says as he falls down the cliff to his death.”; end the game in victory.; otherwise: say "You hesitate to use The Great Excaliber, and he continues rapping, dealing immense damage to your eardrums. You cannot bare the pain, and kill yourself, ending your suffering from King Dragon's rapping."; end the story finally.; otherwise: say "You hesitate to attack King Dragon, and he continues rapping, dealing immense damage to your eardrums. You cannot bare the pain, and kill yourself, ending your suffering from King Dragon's rapping. 'Hey you are finally awake,' you hear, as you wake up to find yourself in a cart headed for the distance."; end the story finally.;