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Supernatural: Pie
Charlie Reinhardt
Played 2,036 times
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The Motel is a room. "You are in a ratty old motel with outdated decorations. If you need help, simply type 'help'." Here is a couple of beds, a couch, a table, and a box. Cas is a man in the Motel. Sam is a man in the motel. Understand "help" as helping. Helping is an action applying to nothing. Understand "help me" as helping. Carry out helping: say "To look at something or gain information on it, type 'examine (thing)'.[paragraph break]You can interact with Cas and Sam. Ask them questions, have a spontaneous make-out session (no, seriously), or just say hi.[paragraph break]To pass time, type 'wait', but don't do this unless you actually need to.[paragraph break]Remember: your goal here is pie." The description of Cas is "Cas is wearing both his trench coat and his customary poker face." The description of Sam is "The domesticated Sammoose, a majestic specimen of its kind." The description of couple of beds is "There are only two beds in the room. You still need to draw lots for who sleeps on the couch." Understand "bed" and "beds" as couple of beds. The description of the couch is "A creaky old sofa that kind of smells like beer. And, unfortunately, pee. You'd rather sleep on the floor." Understand "kiss [someone]" as romantic kissing. Romantic kissing is an action applying to one thing. Instead of kissing Cas, say "Cas gives you his befuddled puppy look. '...I do not understand why you are being so affectionate.'" Instead of kissing Sam, say "Sam turns bright red and refuses to look at you." The description of the table is "Your standard wooden table with some kind of plastic-y finish. It has a box on it." The box is a closed openable container. In the box is a pie. The description of box is "A white box with a shiny green logo saying BENJY'S BAKERY on it." The pie is edible. The description of pie is "This pie looks like it was baked by the gods of cooking and awesomeness. A warm aura of epic deliciousness wafts from it. But are you allowed to eat it? Perhaps Sam or Cas will know." After eating pie: say "Screw the consequences, that was literally the best pie you have ever eaten in your life."; award 1 points. After asking Cas about "pie", say "'I don't think it's a wise idea to eat it. That's Dean's pie.' Upon seeing your disappointment, he adds 'Perhaps he will share it with you when he returns?'" After telling Cas about "pie", say "'I don't think it's a wise idea to eat it. That's Dean's pie.' Upon seeing your disappointment, he adds 'Perhaps he with share it with you when he returns?" After asking Sam about "pie", say "'It's Dean's. Basically, he'll kill you if you eat it. But he might share it with us if we wait for him to get back.'" After telling Sam about "pie", say "'It's Dean's. Basically, he'll kill you if you eat it. But he might share it with us if we wait for him to get back.'" Every turn while in the motel: if score is 1 begin; say "Suddenly, the door opens and Dean walks into the motel. His cheerful grin quickly turns to a look of dismay as he notices the empty box on the table. 'Who ate all my pie?!' he cries. You point at Sam, who makes an offended moose-ish noise and points back at you. Unfortunately, the crumbs all over your face give you away. Dean fries you with his Annoyed Glare of Doom."; end the game in death; end if. Every turn while in the motel: if score is 42 begin; say "Congratulations! You have obtained pie (and it was freaking delicious)!"; end the game in victory; end if. Understand "wait" as passing. Passing is an action applying to nothing. Understand "wait for Dean" as passing. Carry out waiting: say "After what feels like an hour, the door opens and Dean walks into the motel. Both you and Sam immediately bombard him with questions of pie. Dean shakes his head. 'Dude. No. It's MY pie!' In response, Sam simply hits Dean with his kicked puppy look while you whine the word 'please' over and over. Finally... 'AUGH. FINE. You can each have one piece. ONE.' You fist bump Sam and devour your new treasure."; award 42 points.