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Guilherme S. Töws
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"SCP-173" Things can be distracting. A Thing is usually distracting. The Containment Chamber is a room. "You are inside a bare room with walls and ceiling of industrially-cut metal. The floor is sticky with a reddish, strongly smelling fluid of indeterminate origin. A door is behind you." SCP-173 is in the Containment Chamber. Understand "statue" or "sculpture" as SCP-173. "A concrete sculpture stands at one of the far corners of the chamber." It is not distracting. The description is "A humanoid concrete sculpture with very sparse details, except for the crudely painted eyes and mouth. It is posed in such a way that it has both hands against one of the walls, yet has its face turned towards you." Instead of touching SCP-173, say "It feels like rough concrete." Instead of smelling SCP-173, say "The smell of the room is strong enough that you cannot ascribe any specific smell to it." Instead of tasting SCP-173, say "You cannot bring yourself to lick it." The security door is south of Containment Chamber. It is a door. It is scenery. It is lockable and locked. The description is "A door of thick metal. It has been locked once you came through it." The fluid is in the Containment Chamber. It is scenery. The description is "It is reddish-brown, and covers the floor to about a half-inch. It smells like mixed blood and feces." The walls are in the Containment Chamber. They are scenery. The description is "They're somewhat aged, and filthy." Instead of smelling the fluid, say "It smells incredibly bad." The player is in the Containment Chamber. The description is "You are wearing an orange jumpsuit with a logo you've never seen before sewn to the back. A barcode is clipped to the front, along with the designation D-18890." After doing something to anything distracting: say "You look away from the sculpture for a moment and there is a sudden weight upon you. It is holding your throat with its fingerless hands, choking you to death."; End the story. Blinking is an action applying to nothing. Understand "blink" as blinking. The time of day is 1:00 PM. When play begins: say "You have been instructed to not look away. Or blink." At 1:10 PM: say "Your eyes are starting to itch." At 1:15 PM: say "Your eyes are hurting quite a lot." At 1:20 PM: try the player blinking. Instead of blinking: say "You close your eyes for a split second, and your last sensation is of your head being twisted to an unnatural degree."; End the story.