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The Night Before Dusk
Alan Yu
Played 279 times
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A DuskTimer is a number that varies. DuskTimer is 50. ChainOn is a number that varies. ChainOn is 0. PotionNumber is a number that varies. PotionNumber is 0. Fire is a number that varies. Fire is 0. BedVisit is a number that varies. Bedvisit is 0. DoorwayBlocked is a number that varies. DoorwayBlocked is 0. WindowBlocked is a number that varies. WindowBlocked is 0. DoorLocked is a number that varies. DoorLocked is 0. WindowLocked is a number that varies. WindowLocked is 0. MeatHook is a number that varies. MeatHook is 0. Instead of sleeping: now DuskTimer is 0; say "You drag yourself to the main room and colapse on the floor. Perhaps being asleap when the werewolf emerges will make it drousy and easier to contain."; increase score by 20. Every turn when DuskTimer >= 0: now DuskTimer is DuskTimer - 1; Every turn when DuskTimer > 40 and DuskTimer < 100: say "The sun will soon set, and a full moon will rise. You must get going."; say DuskTimer ; say " Turns before the wolf within you takes over. It seems like a long way off. Best not sit idly and wait." Every turn when DuskTimer < 41 and DuskTimer > 30: say "You still really can't believe this is happening. Feels like a bad dream. But it is all to real."; say DuskTimer ; say " Turns before the wolf within you takes over. You still have a while, but everything can pass within the blink of an eye." Every turn when DuskTimer < 31 and DuskTimer > 20: say "The Sunset glows orange. Night will soon be apon us."; say DuskTimer ; say " Turns before the wolf within you takes over. About halfway there already." Every turn when DuskTimer < 21 and DuskTimer > 10: say "The skye continues to darken. You are running out of time."; say DuskTimer ; say " Turns before the wolf within you takes over" Every turn when DuskTimer < 11 and DuskTimer > 0: say "The skye is fully dark now. You have very little time before the wolf breaks loose. Best hurry."; say DuskTimer ; say " Turns before the wolf within you takes over. You can feel it stirring within you." Every turn when DuskTimer < 0: say "It is too late. You are out of time. The Wolf Within you Emerges, ready to rampage everything."; say "Your life flashes before your eyes. Suddenly, the wolf is in control. A howl pierces the night."; if ChainOn is 1: say "First, the wolf struggles against the chains. But simple chains could never keep a werewolf in place. With much effort, it snaps out of them."; Increase score by 40; if ChainOn is 0: say "The beast walks unencumbered, not held back by any chains that may bind it."; if MeatHook > 0: say "The wolf smells the scent of meat, and follows it to the hook."; if MeatHook is 1: say "The wolf gobbles down the raw meat. It is a tasty meal, but it does not contain them for very long. They eat with such a savage ferocity only found in beasts of insatiable hunger."; if MeatHook is 2: say "The wolf looks at the meat- It is cooked. The wolf stares at it for many minutes, hungering, but ultimately decides that a fresh kill would have been better and does not eat it."; if MeatHook is 3: say "The wolf quickly gobbles up the meat, in such a way only a beast consumed with an insatiable hunger and a savage ferocity could. They do not notice the potion taking effect until they stumble backwards."; Increase score by 60; if Score >= 100: say "The wolf falls backwards, stumbling. Then, like a large tree that has just been felled, it collapses onto the ground, asleep. You have contained the wolf. For now."; end the game in victory; else: say "The wolf shakes off the drowsiness, but you can see they are heavily affected."; if MeatHook is 4: say "The wolf looks at the meat- It is cooked. The wolf stares at it for many minutes, hungering, but ultimately decides that a fresh kill would have been better and does not eat it."; if MeatHook is 0: say "The wolf looks around briefly for food, but does not notice anything- Not even the hunter sitting in their cellar, either very quietly, or having succumbed to their injuries."; say "The wolf looks for its first escape passage: The window."; if WindowBlocked is 2: say "The wolf rushes to the window, then begins to tear down the boards."; Increase score by 30; if score > 100: say "The werewolf attempts to scratch at the boarded up windows, but ultimately fails, tiring too quickly, and being contained within this hut."; end the game in victory; If WindowBlocked < 2: say "The werewolf rushes up to the window, and nothing stands in their way. They attempt to break through it."; If WindowLocked is 1: say "The werewolf fiddles with the latch for many minutes, before realizing it is a hopeless endevor. Though these precious minutes bought you time, as the werewolf turns through the door."; Increase score by 20; if Score >= 100: say "The werewolf turns to the front door, but their energy has already been exerted trying to crack through the windows. They don't have time to try again, before they fall, and never get back up. The wolf has no more energy. It is contained... for now."; end the game in victory; If WindowLocked is 0: say "The werewolf breaks through the glass window easily. The window itself wasn't even latched. The werewolf escapes into the forest, to freedom. They will rampage there, terrorizing towns, until finally a hunter puts them down."; end the game in death; If DoorwayBlocked is 1: say "The werewolf rushes up to the door, blocked by the bookshelf. A heavy bookshelf, positioned on its side in such a way that it is both against the wall and blocking half of the doorway. The werewolf pushes it for a few minutes, before giving up and tearing it to shreads."; Increase score by 30; if Score >= 100: say "The werewolf pants. Tearing appart the barrier was hard work. But the front door is right there. If only... There was a little more energy..."; say "The werewolf colapses on the floor, it's energy drained. It will not terrorize anyone tonight. It is contained... for now."; End the game in victory; if DoorwayBlocked is 0: say "The front door is unblocked. The werewolf can see the final destination. Lets pray that door holds."; If DoorLocked is 1: say "The werewolf, tasting freedom, attempts to ram against the door. It dosen't budge. Again and again it barrels at it, but again and again the door holds firm."; Increase score by 20; say "The werewolf tries, again and again, but the door will not break. It's tiring. it takes much effort. One of them has to break first."; If Score >= 100: say "The werewolf will break first. Drained, Tired, Out of energy, they colapse in the front foyer. Contained, but barely. Contained, for now."; End the game in victory; else: say "A lock is only as strong as what it's attached to. And the werewolf is stronger. Eventually, the entire door caves outwards. And it breaks."; say "The werewolf takes a mad dash towardsg freedom. They rush into the forest. Free at last. The werewolf will spend many years, terrorizing the countryside, eating man and animal alike. It takes fifty years, before someone finds you in your human form, and puts you down to stop the werewolf."; End the game in death; If DoorLocked is 0: Say "The werewolf, tasting freedom, slams their whole body against the door, breaking it wide open. They rush into the forest. Free at last. The werewolf will spend many years, terrorizing the countryside, eating man and animal alike. It takes fifty years, before someone finds you in your human form, and puts you down to stop the werewolf."; End the game in death. The Main Room is a room. "[If The Main Room is unvisited]You wake up, cold. Where are you? Some kind of room. You feel a chill run down your spine. It's dark. You are cold. And Conflicted. As if there's something inside. Your coat is ragged, and your hands are bloody. You've never been inside this hut before. Then, you remember. You're a werewolf. You have to keep yourself in here, so you don't go kill the townsfolk. There are 50 turns till dusk. [end if] The room around you is dark, though light seems to come from both the north and the west rooms, with hallways connecting to the east and south as well. There is also a stairway that leads down to some kind of cellar." The table is an object in the main room. It is scenery. The description of the table is "An old rustic victorian looking table. It is sturdy, and looks like it could be chopped into planks if you could break it." Understand "break [something]" as attacking. Instead of attacking the table: if the player carries the axe: say "You chop the table into pieces with your axe, snapping off the legs, and giving you wooden planks. Perhaps you could board something up with these."; Now player carries planks; else: say "The table is too sturdy to break with your own too hands. Try again when you have some kind of tool."; The Front Lawn is a room. "[if unvisited] A cool breeze chills the evening air, swinging the door open with a creak. As you step inside, the grass feels like it pricks at you through your skin. You musn't venture too far out into the forest surrounding this hut, lest you get lost in the wilds when the full moon rises at midnight. A log stump sits, with an axe on it, and chopped wood. You look backwards at the house. Something glistens under the roof, catching a glint in the evening light, and a single mushroom grows in the shadows. The forest surrounds the hut in all directions, other than this little clearing. Any direction other than south would walk right into it- but you know you musn't do such a thing. You know that if you dared venture out there, you would get lost in the woods and surely wake, lying on a pile of dead bodies.[end if] [if visited]The air is turning more and more frigid as you get out here. You hope that you only walk out here in human form. The woodchopping station still lies there, and the thatched roof hut still stands tall behind you. The forest humms eerily through the wind, as if calling you to get lost beyond it.[end if]" Axe is an object in the front lawn. It is undescribed. The description of Axe is "A sturdy wooden axe, used to chop logs. A curved sturdy and smooth handle, as well as a wicked sharp blade, clearly taken care of well. Perhaps you could use it to chop something else as well." Logs is an object in the front lawn. It is undescribed. The description of Logs is "A collection of chopped logs. It would make for good firewood." The Hut is an object in The Front Lawn. It is scenery. The description of The Hut is "The hut sits, as if standing defiantly against the cold frigid air. It stands defiantly as if staring out into the woods, one last bulwark against the approaching legions of trees. And soon, this hut will house inimaginable horrors. And right there- is that a chain? A metal chain swings in the wind, hanging just above the doorframe. You could take it easily." The chain is a wearable object in The Front lawn. It is undescribed. The description of the chain is "A gleaming cold metal chain. It is wet, and a little bit slippery, and also seems to radiate cold energy. You could probably wrap it around yourself, to hopefully constrain yourself when you are a wolf. Hopefully." Every turn when player is wearing chain: say "You wrap the chain around yourself losely. It dosen't constrict movement right now, but perhaps while you are a werewolf it will. Hopefully. You can probably just leave it there- no reason to remove it now. The metal clanging gives you some comfort, as you continue to wander around. It makes you feel as if you are not totally alone."; now ChainOn is 1; remove the chain from play. Mushroom is an object in The Front Lawn. It is undescribed. The description of Mushroom is "A white capped mushroom with blue spots. Perhaps it could be of some use for some kind of potion brewing experiment or something." Instead of eating mushroom: say "That mushroom is probably poisonous. It would not be a risk worth taking." The Front Door is a closed, unlocked, openable door. It is scenery. It is south of The Front Lawn and north of The Foyer. The description of The Front Door is "A sturdy wooden door. Probably designed to keep beasts out. Today, we may have to test how well it can keep beasts in. Let's hope it stays on it's hinges." The Foyer is a room. "An old closet sits next to the front door, leading out into the world. The closet itself is caked with dust, and looks heavy, but not exactly immobile. The front door stands tall and firm in front of you, and the main room is behind you to the south." The closet is an object in The Foyer. It is scenery. The description of The Closet is "A old wooden closet. A place for the door and window keys hang by the keyring on a hook in the closet. The closet itself is heavy enough to block the door, but not so heavy as to be impossible to push. Maybe you could try that." The Keys is an object in The Foyer. It is undescribed. The description of Keys is "An old keychain with two iron keys, probably the front door lock and the window lock respectively." Understand the command "lock" as something new. Understand "lock [something]" as locking. Locking is an action applying to one thing. Instead of Locking Front Door: if player carries keys: say "You fit the key into the keyhole, and you leave it there. For now, it may be best to leave this doorway open, but right before nightfall you will lock it before you go to bed."; now DoorLocked is 1; else: say "You don't have the front door key"; Instead of Locking Window: if player carries keys: say "You close the window and latch it in place. It is in an inconvinient position so this latch should force the wolf to go through the front door."; Now WindowLocked is 1; else: say "You don't have the window keys" Instead of pushing the closet: say "You shove the closet, so that it is leaning over in front of the door. It will fall by itself before nightfall, but for now the door remains accessable. And from behind the closet- you notice something. Some kind of herb, that must have fallen there by mistake. You pocket it, it might be useful later."; now the player carries Herb; Now DoorwayBlocked is 1. The Foyer is north of The Main Room. A staircase is a kind of door. A staircase is usually open. A staircase is seldom openable. The stairs is a staircase. It is above The Cellar and below the Main Room. It is scenery. The description of The Staircase is "An old crickety staircase, that leads down to the cellar." The Cellar is a room. "Wounded hunter here" The Hunter is a man in The Cellar. "[if The Cellar is unvisited]There is a hunter, lying on the ground in a pool of blood, clutching a wound they had. Something had scratched them. They look up at you 'You... You're awake. And you're a wolf, in case you didn't get the memo. I tried to do something about it. Lotta good that did for me. Your turn now.' The Hunter turns their head. 'Man I sure could use a smoke right about now. Or a gun, in case you fail. But right now, you've gotta keep yourself in here. If ya need anything, or have any questions about my house, ask me.' [end if] [if The Cellar is visited]The Hunter continues to lie there, holding a hand over their wounds, and breathing heavily. It doesn't look like they will make it through the night.[end if]" Instead of giving rifle to the hunter: say "Hey thanks kiddo. Maybe you aren't as useless as I thought. I hope you dont mind, if I have to shoot you later. *The hunter sighs* Lotta nasty buisness. I never thought this is how I'd go out, but I do it with honor. I always loved the thrill of the hunt. Now I see what it is to be the prey. On that note though, here, I've got a chunk of raw meat. Might be useful later, I dunno, werewolves love raw meat."; now the player carries the Slab of Meat; remove the rifle from play. Instead of giving Smoking pipe to the hunter: say "Thanks kiddo. One last smoke, for old times sake. And to think I just went out to get a whole new tin of tobacco... well I surely wont need it. Here, take some, join me for a smoke. One final smoke..."; now the player carries tobacco; remove the Smoking pipe from play. The Workshop is a room. "[if unvisited]The workshop is caked with sawdust, littering the old floor. An medium sized wooden chest lies undisturbed in the corner, it's contents hidden behind a lock. A book lies on what seems to be a metal box or workbench, stained ominously with dried blood. A root of some kind lies behind it, along with a Smoking Pipe. Hallways lead back north, northeast, and northwest, connecting to other parts of the house. [end if] [if visited]The workshop still smells of sawdust, and dried blood, but you will get used to it soon. You hope. The chest is still there, along with the metal workbench, and everything else seems undisturbed since when you left.[end if]" The Workshop is south of the main room. The Chest is a closed, fixed in place, locked, openable container in The Workshop. It is scenery. The description of The Chest is "It's a dark, decrepit old box, with a small golden lock. The wood seems like some sort of dark mahogany, engraved with depictions of various animals lying dead on the ground, and a man and a wolf standing tall over them all. Something a hunter would own, but the irony is not lost on you." The Book is an object in The Workshop. It is scenery. The description of The Book is "It seems to be a book quite literally attached to the workbench. It seems wrong, but it is. And it's a medicine book. Opened to a page, detailing the recipe for a sleeping draught. Would be rather useful. 'Add three ingredients- A thing that grows from the ground yet is neither a plant nor is it green, a plant that is grown in droves but never consumed, and a plant is consumed not to satiate hunger but to cure diseases in traditioal medicine. Be careful, for this draught does not last for very long.' Would be useful, if you could somehow get the werewolf to ingest it." Root is an object in The Workshop. It is undescribed. "The root seems to be some kind of root of a large green plant, but you can't tell which. Definetely an agricultural crop though." Instead of eating Root: say "That is a large root, it's not meant to be comsumed, and it might even be poisonous, don't try." The Hammer/Nails is in the locked chest. The description of The Hammer/Nails is "A set of hammer and nails. Could be useful in boarding up a window, if you had planks." The hook is a fixed in place object in The Workshop. It is scenery. The description of The hook is "It is a sharp metal hook, nailed the side of the wall. It is thick, and caked with dried blood, probably used by the hunter to hang animal carcasses. " Instead of putting slab of meat on hook: say "You hook the raw meat onto the hook. The edge of the hook means that that will stay there for quite a while, until the wolf eats it atleast. Which they most definetely will. Though that won't distract them unless you somehow add something to it."; Remove Slab of meat from play; Now MeatHook is 1. Instead of putting Potion on slab of meat: If MeatHook is 1: Say "You pour the potion onto the raw meat. That should ensure the werewolf eats it."; Remove Potion from play; Now MeatHook is 3; If MeatHook is 2: Say "You pour the potion onto the cooked meat. Do werewolves even like cooked meat? Who knows. You hope they will eat it."; Remove Potion from play; Now MeatHook is 4; else: Say "There's nothing to pour the potion onto. You need to hook something there first." Instead of putting Cooked Meat on Hook: say "You hook the cooked meat onto the hook."; Remove Cooked meat from play; Now MeatHook is 2. Instead of putting Cooked Potion Meat on Hook: say "You hook the cooked potion meat onto the hook."; Remove Cooked Potion meat from play; Now MeatHook is 4. Instead of putting Potion Meat on Hook: say "You hook the Potion meat onto the hook. This way the werewolf will eat it and hopefully fall asleap."; Remove Potion meat from play; Now MeatHook is 3. Smoking Pipe is an object in The Workshop. It is undescribed. The description of Smoking Pipe is "A pipe, with tobacco inside it. It feels warm, as if it was just used. You can smell a wiff of smoke, but not of burning tobacco, but rather of burning fleash." The Sleeping Quarters is west of The Main Room. "[If unvisited] The Sleeping Quarters emits a faint light from outside, through the glass window, on the side of the wall, looking into the dark forest. Something lingers in the air. A bed is there, as well, for which the room gets its name. Probably where the hunter sleeps.[end if] [if visited]The thick dust still seems to hang in the air. Only in this room though. Or perhaps you only notice it in this room. The bed is there, ever inviting, though you know if you sleep you will only wake up as a wolf. Though maybe when you finish everything, sleeping might help, if the wolf must shake of it's drowsiness before attacking.[end if]" The bed is a fixed in place object in the Sleeping Quarters. It is scenery. The description of the bed is "An old rickety bed. It is dusty, yet sturdy. The bottom is dark, and you pray there isn't some eldrich horror underneith it. You don't beleive in monsters under the bed, but then again before today you didn't beleive in werewolves. An onimous voice seems to be emiting from underneith the bed, perhaps you should check that out." Window is an object in The Sleeping Quarters. It is scenery. The description is "An old glass window with wooden drapes. This will probably be the first place the wolf attempts to escape through, unless you can lock it or board it up somehow. Or both." Instead of putting planks on the window: say "You put the planks of the table on the window. They don't stick though. You need something to board them up. For now, you just leave them lying around. You would need hammers and nails to finish the job."; now WindowBlocked is 1; remove Planks from play; Instead of putting hammer/nails on the window: if WindowBlocked >= 1: say "You hammer in the planks, boarding up the window fully."; now WindowBlocked is 2; remove Hammer/Nails from play; else: say "There's nothing to board up. You need Planks to place on the window before you can hammer them in."; Instead of looking under The Bed: if BedVisit <= 0: say "You reach under the bed, praying there isn't some kind of eldrich cosmic horror lurking there. A cold grasp of some kind of creature seems to place something in your hand, and curls it back up. You quickly withdraw your hand, and open it to reveal a small golden key."; now the player carries The Small Gold Key; Now BedVisit is 1; else: say "You do not dare to try it again. The first encounter with the creature was enough, you do not wish to risk a second."; The small gold key unlocks The Chest. The description of The Small Gold Key is "It is a small golden key, and it feels cold to the touch, as if tainted by some eldrich horror. The frost seems to creep in your fingertips as you hold it to the light. It is bruised, and feels spiritually hollow, as if a long lost object abandoned in a place no mortal would dare venture too." The Lodge is east of The Main Room. "[If unvisited] The fireplace is empty, devoid of light and logs of any sort. A rifle hangs up above the mantle, and something is spilt on the floor- matches perhaps? A box of matches? Looks that way. Ash cakes the floors, spreading out, and attaching to your shoes. The room itself seems unwelcoming. A small kettle filled with water does hang above the fireplace though, a good place to boil water to make potions. [end if] [If visited] An erie humming seems to come from the fireplace. This room seems unnatural, as if something is haunting this are. Perhaps the spirit of the animals that this hunter has taken. How ironic that a wolf has found it's way into the lodge. [end if]" The rifle is a portable object in The Lodge. It is undescribed. The description of The Rifle is "An old hunting rifle. It is out of ammunition, but it is well worn, and certainly well cared for over the years. It feels heavy and cold in your hands, as if it recognizes you aren't it's proper owner." The box of matches is an object in The Lodge. It is undescribed. "A small box of matches, perhaps to be used in the fireplace." Fireplace is an object in The Lodge. It is Scenery. The description of the fireplace is "The old fireplace seems devoid of life, and an erie hum emits from it, as if the long lost melody of some spirit, or the final enchainting screams of an animal's soul as it was toasted, conveyed in a way that only souls could manage. You shudder to imagine what it would have been like, to be a spirit trapped within a limp carcas, watching helplessly as someone else drags you along. You pray you will be unconcious when the wolf takes over, so you do not have to experience that feeling." Instead of putting logs on fireplace: say "You throw the chopped logs into the fireplace. Ash is thrown all over the place, but nobody seems to mind. Not that there's anyone else here to see it anyways. Now if only you could light the fire..."; now Fire is 1; remove Logs from play; Instead of putting Box of matches on fireplace: if Fire >= 1: say "You strike a match, and throw it into the fireplace. As if by magic, a large bondfire erupts from the fireplace. You can now cook things."; now Fire is 2; remove Box of matches from play; else: say "There's nothing in the fireplace. You need to have some logs there first, so you can have something to burn before you waste your matches."; Instead of putting planks on Fireplace: say "That is a waste of perfectly good planks that are better used elsewhere." Instead of putting slab of meat on fireplace: if Fire < 2: say "There is not a fire yet, you can not cook anything without fire."; if Fire is 2: say "You cook the meat over the fire. It is roasted now, if not slightly burnt."; Remove Slab of meat from play; Now player carries Cooked meat. Instead of putting Potion meat on fireplace: if Fire < 2: say "There is not a fire yet, you can not cook anything without fire."; if Fire is 2: say "Cooking the meat might reduce the affects of the potion. Perhaps not." Instead of putting Potion on slab of meat: say "You pour the potion onto the meat."; Remove Slab of meat from play; Remove Potion from play; Now player carries Potion meat. Instead of putting Potion on cooked meat: say "You pour the potion onto the cooked meat."; Remove cooked meat from play; Remove Potion from play; Now player carries Cooked Potion meat. Instead of putting Root on fireplace: if Fire < 2: say "There is not a fire yet, you can not brew a potion without fire."; else: say "You throw the root into the kettle, watching it simmer over."; remove Root from play; if PotionNumber is 0: say "The root turns the potion a shade of purple-ish pink. The first ingredient. The kettle begins to boil."; now PotionNumber is 2; if PotionNumber is 1: say "You add the Root to the mushroom chunks boiling in the water. The kettle begins to hiss. Your potion only needs 1 more ingredient."; now PotionNumber is 5; if PotionNumber is 3: say "You add the root to the Tobacco in the boiling water. The kettle begins to hiss. Your potion only needs 1 more ingredient."; now PotionNumber is 8; if PotionNumber is 4: say "You add the root to the herbs boiling in the water. The kettle begins to hiss. Your potion only needs 1 more ingredient."; now PotionNumber is 10; if PotionNumber is 6: say "You add the Root to the mushroom chunks and the Tobacco floating around in the steaming water. The kettle begins to crackle. That's not good. And then, the top BURSTS open, spilling potion everywhere. There is still a bit left in the kettle though, and you quickly grab a glass vial nearby, careful not to spill anymore."; Now player carries potion; now PotionNumber is 11; if PotionNumber is 7: say "You add the root to the Mushrooms and Herbs floating around in the steaming kettle. The kettle begins to crackle. That's not good. And then, the top BURSTS open, spilling potion everywhere. There is still a bit left in the kettle though, and you quickly grab a glass vial nearby, careful not to spill anymore."; now PotionNumber is 13; Now player carries potion; if PotionNumber is 9: say "You add the root to the herbs and the Tobacco steaming in the water. The kettle begins to crackle. That's not good. And then, the top BURSTS open, spilling potion everywhere. There is still a bit left in the kettle though, and you quickly grab a glass vial nearby, careful not to spill anymore."; now PotionNumber is 14; Now player carries potion; Instead of putting Mushroom on fireplace: if Fire < 2: say "There is not a fire yet, you can not brew a potion without fire."; else: say "You rip the mushroom into chunks, then throw the Mushroom into the kettle, watching it simmer over."; remove Mushroom from play; if PotionNumber is 0: say "The mushroom chunks float in the water. The first ingredient. The kettle begins to boil."; now PotionNumber is 1; if PotionNumber is 2: say "You add the mushroom chunks to the root boiling in the water. The kettle begins to hiss. Your potion only needs 1 more ingredient."; now PotionNumber is 5; if PotionNumber is 3: say "You add the mushroom chunks to the Tobacco in the boiling water. The kettle begins to hiss. Your potion only needs 1 more ingredient."; now PotionNumber is 6; if PotionNumber is 4: say "You add the mushroom chunks to the herbs boiling in the water. The kettle begins to hiss. Your potion only needs 1 more ingredient."; now PotionNumber is 7; if PotionNumber is 8: say "You add the mushroom chunks to the Root and the Tobacco floating around in the steaming water. The kettle begins to crackle. That's not good. And then, the top BURSTS open, spilling potion everywhere. There is still a bit left in the kettle though, and you quickly grab a glass vial nearby, careful not to spill anymore."; Now player carries potion; now PotionNumber is 11; if PotionNumber is 9: say "You add the mushroom chunks to the Tobacco and Herbs floating around in the steaming kettle. The kettle begins to crackle. That's not good. And then, the top BURSTS open, spilling potion everywhere. There is still a bit left in the kettle though, and you quickly grab a glass vial nearby, careful not to spill anymore."; now PotionNumber is 13; Now player carries potion; if PotionNumber is 12: say "You add the mushroom chunks to the herbs and the roots steaming in the water. The kettle begins to crackle. That's not good. And then, the top BURSTS open, spilling potion everywhere. There is still a bit left in the kettle though, and you quickly grab a glass vial nearby, careful not to spill anymore."; now PotionNumber is 13; Now player carries potion; Instead of putting Tobacco on fireplace: if Fire < 2: say "There is not a fire yet, you can not brew a potion without fire."; else: say "You throw the Tobacco into the kettle, watching it simmer over."; remove Tobacco from play; if PotionNumber is 0: say "The Tobacco float in the water. The first ingredient. The kettle begins to boil."; now PotionNumber is 3; if PotionNumber is 2: say "You add the Tobacco to the root boiling in the water. The kettle begins to hiss. Your potion only needs 1 more ingredient."; now PotionNumber is 8; if PotionNumber is 1: say "You add the Tobacco to the Mushroom Chunks in the boiling water. The kettle begins to hiss. Your potion only needs 1 more ingredient."; now PotionNumber is 6; if PotionNumber is 4: say "You add the Tobacco to the herbs boiling in the water. The kettle begins to hiss. Your potion only needs 1 more ingredient."; now PotionNumber is 9; if PotionNumber is 5: say "You add the Tobacco to the Root and the mushroom chunks floating around in the steaming water. The kettle begins to crackle. That's not good. And then, the top BURSTS open, spilling potion everywhere. There is still a bit left in the kettle though, and you quickly grab a glass vial nearby, careful not to spill anymore."; Now player carries potion; now PotionNumber is 11; if PotionNumber is 9: say "You add the Tobacco to the mushroom chunks and Herbs floating around in the steaming kettle. The kettle begins to crackle. That's not good. And then, the top BURSTS open, spilling potion everywhere. There is still a bit left in the kettle though, and you quickly grab a glass vial nearby, careful not to spill anymore."; now PotionNumber is 13; Now player carries potion; if PotionNumber is 12: say "You add the Tobacco to the herbs and the roots steaming in the water. The kettle begins to crackle. That's not good. And then, the top BURSTS open, spilling potion everywhere. There is still a bit left in the kettle though, and you quickly grab a glass vial nearby, careful not to spill anymore."; now PotionNumber is 14; Now player carries potion; Instead of putting Herb on fireplace: if Fire < 2: say "There is not a fire yet, you can not brew a potion without fire."; else: say "You throw the Herb into the kettle, watching it simmer over."; remove Herb from play; if PotionNumber is 0: say "The Herb float in the water. The first ingredient. The kettle begins to boil."; now PotionNumber is 4; if PotionNumber is 2: say "You add the Herb to the root boiling in the water. The kettle begins to hiss. Your potion only needs 1 more ingredient."; now PotionNumber is 10; if PotionNumber is 1: say "You add the Herb to the Mushroom Chunks in the boiling water. The kettle begins to hiss. Your potion only needs 1 more ingredient."; now PotionNumber is 7; if PotionNumber is 3: say "You add the Herb to the Tobacco boiling in the water. The kettle begins to hiss. Your potion only needs 1 more ingredient."; now PotionNumber is 9; if PotionNumber is 5: say "You add the Herb to the Root and the mushroom chunks floating around in the steaming water. The kettle begins to crackle. That's not good. And then, the top BURSTS open, spilling potion everywhere. There is still a bit left in the kettle though, and you quickly grab a glass vial nearby, careful not to spill anymore."; Now player carries potion; now PotionNumber is 12; if PotionNumber is 9: say "You add the Herbs to the mushroom chunks and Tobacco floating around in the steaming kettle. The kettle begins to crackle. That's not good. And then, the top BURSTS open, spilling potion everywhere. There is still a bit left in the kettle though, and you quickly grab a glass vial nearby, careful not to spill anymore."; now PotionNumber is 13; Now player carries potion; if PotionNumber is 12: say "You add the Herbs to the Tobacco and the roots steaming in the water. The kettle begins to crackle. That's not good. And then, the top BURSTS open, spilling potion everywhere. There is still a bit left in the kettle though, and you quickly grab a glass vial nearby, careful not to spill anymore."; now PotionNumber is 14; Now player carries potion; The Foyer is northeast of The Sleeping Quarters. The Foyer is northwest of The Lodge. The Workshop is southeast of The Sleeping Quarters. The Workshop is southwest of The Lodge. The Forest is a room. Every turn: if the player is in The Forest: say "Just as you feared. You wandered into the frigid woods, never to return. You never saw the light of the hut again, and the trees started to morph into one and the same. You did not heed the warnings, and you ventured into the woods, and you were still there, when a grandfather clock in the town nearby struck midnight. You were lost as a human. But a wolf's sense of smell always guides them to their prey. The Town Crier was asleep. Everybody was. They had no reason to suspect a werewolf attack. None of the townsfolk woke up, the following morning. Nobody ever knew what happened to the towns of this village. They blamed it on an ancient curse, or a demon of some sort. In a way, they were right. You never got out of the woods. Only as a wolf could you find your way. The wolf started to take over slowly, for while you starved, lost in the forest, the wolf within you feasted. Soon... only the wolf remained."; end the game in death. The Forest is north of The Front Lawn. The Forest is east of The Front Lawn. The Forest is west of The Front Lawn. The Forest is northeast of The Front Lawn. The Forest is northwest of The Front Lawn. The Forest is southeast of The Front Lawn. The Forest is southwest of The Front Lawn. Storage is a room Slab of Meat is an object in Storage. It is scenery. The description of it is "An raw slab of meat, dripping with blood. The werewolf would love this thing." tobacco is an object in Storage. It is scenery. The description of it is "Tobacco. Smells fresh. Too bad you don't have a pipe." Herb is an object in Storage. It is scenery. The description of it is "A herb you found behind a cabinet. Why was it there? Well perhaps it may be of some importance". Planks is an object in Storage. It is Scenery. The description of it is "Sturdy wooden planks. Commonly used on abandoned houses. You always wondered who put them up. If the red eyes within the shadows peering through their cracks were really there. Well tonight, you hope those eyes stay beyond those cracks.". Potion is an object in Storage. It is Scenery. The description of it is "Your attempt at brewing the sleeping draught. Hopefully, it works as intended.". Cooked meat is an object in Storage. It is Scenery. The description of it is "You cooked the meat. Do werewolves even like cooked meat? Well hopefully they do.". Potion Meat is an object in Storage. It is Scenery. Cooked Potion Meat is an object in Storage. It is scenery. Instead of Drinking Potion: say "The book said the potion wouldn't last very long, and beside putting yourself to sleep now would mean you would surely wake as a wolf. While it may be a good thing for the wolf to have to break out of sleep, you could fall asleap naturally anyways, so drinking this now would definetely be a waste. You would need the wolf to consume it somehow." Praying is an action applying to nothing. Understand "pray" as praying. Instead of Praying: say "At this point, in this dammed house, cursed and bewitched by some entity which you either do not remember, or one so horrid that your brain has refused to acknowledge it, let alone utter it's name, you feel no compulsion to be on your knees praying to the god which hath damm'd thee to be in this place, with this curse, at this point in time."