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Siddy Diddy
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The funnel is a room. "You wake up, inside a glass chamber, floating in a liquid of some kind. You take a look around and see that the glass can be broken. If you break the glass you will be in the testing room." Understand the command "Break" as something new. Breaking is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "break [The glass]", "breaking [The glass]" as breaking. The glass is an object. The glass is in the funnel. The Blocked is a closed locked door. Blocked is south of the funnel. The Testing Room is a room. "You are now in a testing room of some kind, with glass all over the floor. The ceiling is very high, and you seem to be the main test subject of the room, as your chamber was the only one in this room." The testing room is south of the Blocked. Instead of going nowhere in the Funnel: say "There is glass blocking the way."; Instead of going south in the Funnel: say "There is glass blocking the way."; After breaking the glass: move player to Testing room; say "You are now in the testing room."; now The Blocked is unlocked; change north exit of Testing room to nothing. Ventilation is a room. "You are now in what seems like vents of some sorts, who knows what lays beyond. South of you is the medicine room, east is the office door, and back down the ladder takes you back to the testing room." The ladder is a door. The ladder is in the testing room. The ladder is below ventilation. The ladder is above the testing room. The towel is an object. The towel is contained in the clear box. "There is a towel here that can dry me off. I should use it before touching anything in the room." Understand the command "Dry" as something new. Drying is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "dry with [the towel]", "dry [the towel]" as drying. After drying the towel: say "You are now dry, you can now look around the room."; The clear box is an openable container. The clear box is in the testing room. "The clear box with the towel should be my first priority, I don't want to wander this laboratory wet and all." The book is an object. The book is in the testing room. The description of the book is "I should probably dry with the towel before inspecting this book." Definition: The book is wet if the player does not have the towel. Understand the command "Reading", and "read" as something new. Reading is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "read with [the book]", "read [the book]" as reading. Check reading: If the book is wet: say "This book is way too wet, I can't pick it up. I might need to take the towel for this one"; Otherwise: say "This book was definitely written by a doctor, I cannot figure out what it says, but there is a name, Daniel Yang written on the back of it, and a number, 2598."; The syringe is an object. The description of the syringe is "This syringe has the initials J.S.A written on them. I wonder what that could mean. It is also halfway filled with blood." The syringe is in the testing room. Understand the command "Stab" as something new. Stabbing is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "stab me with [something]", "stab [something]" as stabbing. Instead of drinking the syringe: say "Oh hell naw, bro why are you trying to actively end yourself?" Instead of taking the syringe: say "This syringe is so sharp. Trying to take it and accidentally cutting myself is not worth it." Instead of stabbing the syringe: say "This already has half your blood, why do you want to give it more?" The wooden key unlocks the wooden door. The wooden door is a door. The wooden door is closed and locked. The wooden door is south of the testing room. The matching key of the wooden door is the wooden key. The wooden table is a container. The wooden table is in the testing room. The description of the wooden table is "This table seems to have something glistening in it but I can't really make it out." The wooden key is contained by the wooden table. The description of the wooden key is "So this is what was glistening in the wooden table." Waiting room is a room. Waiting room is northwest of the hallway. "You are now in a waiting room of some kind. A table has a newspaper and an empty cup of coffee. The rest of the room is covered in flowering wallpaper, and there are a few chairs around here and there. Southeast of you is the hallway." The wooden door is north of the waiting room. The newspaper is an object. The newspaper is in the waiting room. The description of the newspaper is "Maybe I should read this, I also see something on the backside maybe I should read that instead." Instead of reading the newspaper: say "From the screen to the ring to the pen to the king, wait you might be reading the wrong side of the newspaper." Instead of flipping the newspaper: say "You manage to flip it around and read that the laboratory you are currently in has been involved with various controversies involving testing unsuspecting people and essentially torturing and killing people with chemical overdose." Understand the command "flip" as something new. Flipping is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "flip with [something]", "flip [something]" as flipping. The impatient door is a door. The impatient door is east of the waiting room. The impatient door is closed and locked. The impatient door is west of the laboratory. The freezer is a room. "You are now in a cold freezer. The chills go down inside your spine as the temperature quickly drops. You see various people hanging from the ceiling and you condemn their fates, hoping you manage to get out of here before the same fate awaits you. South of you is a freezing door." The freezer is north of the freezing door. Understand the command "melt" as something new. Melting is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "melt with [something]", "melt [something]" as melting. The ice cube is a closed locked container. The ice cube is in the freezer. The description of the ice cube is "You see a key floating in the ice cube, so you might need to melt the ice cube with your hands." Instead of melting the ice cube: now the player has the freezing key; say "It took a while, but you feel a really freezing key in your hand."; remove the ice cube from play; The matching key of the freezing door is the freezing key. The freezing key is in the ice cube. The freezing key unlocks the freezing door. The coffee is an object. The coffee is in the freezer. Instead of drinking the coffee: say "You give out a hawk tuah and spit out that thang, this coffee tastes strange as if chemicals were put into it. Were the lab workers trying to poison someone?" The hallway is southeast of the waiting room. The hallway is a room. "You are now in what seems like a hallway. You see a giant cargo door at the very east, and you see a room with bones hanging from the top northeast. Finally, to the northwest is the waiting room, and north is the laboratory." Haresh is a man in the hallway. "You see a man in the hallway, he seems to be wearing a lab coat, and he stares sideways at you with a panic as if you're not supposed to be there. He has a name tag on, I think his name is haresh." The description is "He has a name tag on, I think his name is Haresh." Haresh is wearing a lab coat. The red apple is an object. The red apple is in the hallway. The banana is an object. The banana is in the hallway. Instead of eating the red apple: say "Nom Nom Nom. You feel strength inside of you."; remove the banana from play; Instead of eating the banana: say "You don't feel so good...."; remove the red apple from play; Definition: Haresh is weak if the player has the red apple. Definition: Haresh is strong if the player has the banana. Instead of attacking haresh: if haresh is weak: say "He attempts to dominate you, but it backfires and you dominate him, the apple ended up giving you hidden strength. You knock him out."; remove Haresh from play; otherwise: say "You try to attack Haresh, but unfortunately Haresh is an esteemed boxer and overpowers you. Unfortunately this is the end for you."; end the story; The red key is an object. The description of the red key is "Hmm I wonder which door this unlocks?" The red key is in the box of keycards. The matching key of the black door is the red key. The blue key is an object. The description of the blue key is "Hmm I wonder which door this unlocks?" The blue key is in the box of keycards. The matching key of the storage door is the blue key. The green key is an object. The description of the green key is "Hmm I wonder which door this unlocks?" The green key is in the box of keycards. The matching key of the lab door is the green key. The yellow key is an object. The description of the yellow key is "Hmm I wonder which door this unlocks?" The yellow key is in the box of keycards. The matching key of the impatient door is the yellow key. The box of keycards is a container. The box of keycards is in the hallway. The description of the box of keycards is "This box seems to contain most of the keys for the entire place, but which key matches with which door?" The laboratory is a room. "You seem to be in the place where most of the research gets done, the laboratory. You take a look around, admiring the portraits on the walls, and the many microscopes and flasks lying around on white, simplistic looking tables." The rug is an locked closed container. The rug is in the laboratory. The description of the rug is "This is a huge rug. It seems very heavy to lift though." The trapdoor is a door. The trapdoor is locked. The trapdoor is below the laboratory. The trapped key is an object. The matching key of the trapdoor is the trapped key. The tunnel is a room."Unfortunately you fell into a huge tunnel with a bunch of deformed humans laying about. There seems to be no way out in sight on either end, and you feel exhausted, almost like you want to pass out.........." The tunnel is below the trapdoor. The trapdoor is above the tunnel. The darkness is a scene. The darkness begins when the player is in the tunnel for the first turn. When the darkness begins: say "The darkness in the tunnel consumes you."; end the story; The medicine cabinet is a container. The medicine cabinet is in the laboratory. The astatine bottle is an object. The astatine is in the medicine cabinet. The description of the astatine bottle is "This is just an astatine bottle, nothing to see here." The dubnium bottle is an object. The dubnium bottle is in the medicine cabinet. The description of the dubnium bottle is "Ok I have absolutely no idea what this bottle is for, but it's pretty cool I guess." The Jacoumaric Acid bottle is an object. The Jacoumaric Acid bottle is in the medicine cabinet. The description of the Jacoumaric Acid bottle is "Bro, what is this?" The Sulfuric acid bottle is an object. The sulfuric acid bottle is in the medicine cabinet. The description of the Sulfuric acid bottle is "This is the only thing here I actually know about, all the other chemicals sound so complicated." The Jasmine bottle is an object. The jasmine bottle is in the medicine cabinet. Instead of taking the jasmine bottle: now the rug is unlocked; say "Wait a second, maybe this is what the initials J.A.S stood for. But wait, what could this mean? Wait, there's a message that's written between the three bottles. Check the rug again. huh." Understand the command "Lift" as something new. Lifting is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "Lift [something]" as Lifting. Instead of lifting the rug: say "You see a trapped key underneath the rug, how interesting."; now the player has the trapped key; The lab door is a door. The laboratory is east of the impatient door. The lab door is locked. The lab door is north of the hallway. The lab door is south of the laboratory. The freezing door is a locked closed door. The freezing door is south of the freezer. The freezing door is north of the laboratory. The medicine room is a room. "You enter into a room full of colorful bottles stacked on every shelf in sight. The room is quite pretty in contrast to all the other rooms you've been in so far." The bottle of botulinum toxins is an object. The bottle of botulinum toxins is in the medicine room. The description of the bottle of botulinum toxins is "The letters J.A.S are on this one too, just like with the syringe, meaning someone with those initials is probably one of the main people behind this laboratory. These toxins are very dangerous though, except for neuro-pathways. I wonder what the scientists are using this for." The medicine room is north of the freezer. The medicine room is south of ventilation. Ventilation is north of the medicine room. The morgue is a room. "You enter into a room filled with bones lying all over the floor, and bodies lying on racks covered in thin blue fabric. You see a patient lying in the center of the room on a hospital-style bed with his mouth open. Something seems to be shining in his mouth." The dead patient is a locked container. The dead patient is in the morgue. The mouth key is an object. The orange key is in the dead patient. The matching key of the office door is the orange key. The tweezers are an object. The tweezers are in the morgue. The description of the tweezers is "These seem to be able to take things precisely out of patients mouths, that's quite interesting." Understand the command "Dissect" as something new. Dissecting is an action applying to two visible things. Understand "Dissect [something] with [The tweezers]" as Dissecting. Instead of dissecting the dead patient: say "You feel a key in your hand. It looks rusted and its orange. I wonder what door this key is to."; now the player has the orange key; The morgue is northeast of the hallway. The hallway is southeast of the morgue. The morgue is north of the black door. Storage is a room."You are in a dusty room, with light coming in through narrow slits covered by blinds. You see many wooden crates on shelves, and a large filing cabinet lays before you." The storage door is a door. The storage door is east of the hallway. The storage door is locked. The storage door is west of storage. The box of files is an object. The box of files is in storage. The description of the box of files is "Are these files all of people who went missing? They all have red x's over their names. I should hold onto this box. who knows, I might need this in the future." The cupcake is an object. The cupcake is in storage. Instead of eating the cupcake: say "That was just a regular cupcake. I guess someone just left it here."; remove the cupcake from play; The black door is locked. The black door is south of the morgue. The black door is north of storage. The black door is a door. The office door is a door. The office door is locked. The office door is east of ventilation. The office door is west of the filing room. The filing room is a room. "The atmosphere is significantly different here compared to the rest of the lab. You see a shiny, blue textured carpet covering the floor, with fancy desks cluttered around the small space. There are various reading lamps and filing cabinets. Ahead of you is a huge metal door of some sort. Something tells you freedom may lay just beyond this metal door." The television is an object. The television is in the filing room. The description of the television is "This television may be able to play a video, but you need to insert a CD first." The filing cabinet is a container. The filing cabinet is in the filing room. The description of the filing cabinet is "Oh my, there's so many CD's in here, I wonder which one the Television can play." The CD 2598 is an object. The CD 2598 is in the filing cabinet. The CD 3598 is an object. The CD 3598 is in the filing cabinet. The CD 3849 is an object. The CD 3849 is in the filing cabinet. The CD 2714 is an object. The CD 2714 is in the filing cabinet. The CD 6996 is an object. The CD 6996 is in the filing cabinet. The CD 1001 is an object. The CD 1001 is in the filing cabinet. The CD 5 is an object. The CD 5 is in the filing cabinet. The CD 20020202 is an object. The CD 20020202 is in the filing cabinet. The CD 39383 is an object. The CD 39383 is in the filing cabinet. Understand the command "Insert" as something new. Inserting is an action applying to two visible things. Understand "Insert [something] in [The television]" as inserting. Instead of inserting the CD 2598: say "Suddenly, the CD 2598 pops open and a key pops out. This key looks metallic. It has the name Daniel Yang written on the back of it."; now the player has the metal key; Instead of inserting the CD 20020202: say "The lights turn off. Suddenly it's pitch black outside. The TV starts flashing red and white. Suddenly everything goes dark. You feel a hand on your shoulder."; end the story; [! For this section, the command only works if you say Insert an object, without the television part at the end. ] The metal door is a door. The metal door is south of the filing room. The metal door is locked. The matching key of the metal door is the metal key. Security is a room. "You are in a room with surveillance cameras which display the whole laboratory from where you can see it. There is a balcony to your east with the sea looming below. You can already taste the breeze, and feel it in your fingertips. Before you leave, you take some of the tapes from the camera footage." The metal door is north of security. The balcony is a room. "You see freedom below." The balcony is east of Security. Security is west of the balcony. Jumping in the sea is a scene. Jumping in the sea begins when the player is in the balcony for the first turn. When Jumping in the sea begins: say "You have officially escaped the laboratory, and you plunge into the cold waters below the treacherous cliff you were on for the last few hours. You feel great knowing that you will definitely come back and exposed the scientists who imprisoned you in this prison of sorts."; end the story;