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The Zoo Break
Alexander Chang
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"The Zoo Break" by Alexander Chang, Jonathan Huang, and Nivya Gnanachandran Use no scoring. [map] Cage is a room. "[if unvisited]You are an animal trapped in a zoo. You seem to be in some kind of cage with a zookeeper peering in. Try talking to him (Type help at any time to get a list of possible actions). [otherwise]Why would you come back here? [end if]It feels as if the bars are tightening and constricting your body the longer you stay in here. The exit is to the north." Cage Door is a door. Cage Door is north of Cage and south of Terrarium. It is lockable and locked. Terrarium is a room. Terrarium is north of Cage Door. "The floor is covered with a thick layer of slime, giving off a stench so strong that it is visible in the air. There is moist plant debris everywhere, and weeds are sprouting from every corner. [if Slug is not dead]A slug sits in the middle. The slug has no brain, only mindlessly attacking, bearing little result. [end if][line break]South of here is the cage, west is a forest, and north is a hot spring.[if unvisited][paragraph break]'Look at the poor little slug, filled with hate, wanting to attack everything. You better watch out, it's staring you down. You have to attack it in order to save yourself,' explains the zookeeper. [paragraph break]Attacking deals damage to enemies. Your attacks have a 75% chance of hitting, and will deal 50% to 100% of your attack stat. [line break]You can also examine an enemy to see its stats.[end if]" Forest is a room. Forest is west of Forest Gate. “You enter a dense, wooded region where the trees stretch longingly towards the sun. The large, leafy branches sway in the wind, filtering the golden rays as if they were water bending light. Below you are fallen sticks and various species of small plants poking through the ground, collecting the remnants of light not absorbed by the giants surrounding them. The air here smells noticeably fresher and crisper.[line break]To the east is the Terrarium, to the west is the Treehouse, and to the north is the Burrow.” Forest Gate is a door. Forest Gate is west of Terrarium and east of Forest. It is lockable and locked. Hot Spring is a room. Hot Spring is north of Hot Spring Gate S. “A hot and steamy place filled with sand and rocks. Warm water sits in a pool at the center of the room, radiating a calm, healing aura. Even just inhaling the steam puts you at ease.[line break]To the south is the Terrarium, to the west is the Burrow, to the north is Poison Pit, and to the east is the Icebergs.” Hot Spring Gate S is a door. Hot Spring Gate S is north of Terrarium and south of Hot Spring. It is lockable and locked. Hot Spring Gate W is a door. Hot Spring Gate W is east of Burrow and west of Hot Spring. It is lockable and locked. Hot Spring Gate N is a door. Hot Spring Gate N is south of Poison Pit and north of Hot Spring. It is lockable and locked. Hot Spring Gate E is a door. Hot Spring Gate E is west of Icebergs and east of Hot Spring. It is lockable and locked. Treehouse is a room. Treehouse is west of Forest. “The Treehouse is filled with tall trees and the most vibrant, colourful leaves. The room is filled with Macaws of every species such as Hyacinth Macaw, Lear’s Macaw, and many more beyond your imagination. The Macaws are peaceful creatures and have no intent of aggression or battle. Heading east goes back to the forest.” Burrow is a room. Burrow is north of Burrow Gate and west of Hot Spring Gate W. “You arrive at the opening of a dark tunnel which appears to have been dug hastily with little care. The dirty walls are filled with writhing worms, creating a horrible vertigo effect. [if unvisited]All of it feels uncomfortable and suspicious, yet something about the mystery of the darkness beckons you to explore it. As you descend further and further, you discover a winding maze of underground passageways, but it soon becomes too dark as the light from outside fades. You decide to turn back, however just as you reach the entrance, a ferocious mutated rabbit jumps out from behind you, bloodthirsty and ready to punish you for intruding. [otherwise]You know not to go down there ever again. [end if][line break]South leads to the Forest, east goes to the Hot Spring, and north will lead to a Cave.” Burrow Gate is a door. Burrow Gate is north of Forest and south of Burrow. It is lockable and unlocked. Cave Gate is a door. Cave Gate is south of Cave Entrance and north of Burrow. It is lockable and locked. Cave Entrance is a room. Cave Entrance is north of Cave Gate. “In front of you is the ominous, gaping mouth of a cave called Shadowy Cavern, which extends northwest towards some bats. To go to Poison Pit, head east.” Shadowy Cavern is a room. Shadowy Cavern is northwest of Cave Entrance. “The natural daylight is obstructed by the stalagmites erupting from the ground, casting tall shadows everywhere. Stalactites are precariously suspended from the ceiling, each one equally likely to crumble and plummet downward at any moment. [if unvisited]As expected, this place is loaded with bats, lining the cave walls and rocky spikes. They are sound asleep, but not for long. You step away from the bats and the cave immediately fills with echoes of gravel crunching beneath your foot. All of a sudden, the feral bats swarm towards you and are ready to attack. [end if]Going southeast will take you back outside to the entrance.” Poison Pit is a room. The Poison Pit is east of Cave Entrance and north of Hot Spring Gate N. “[if unvisited]You begin to hear a foreign hissing sound as you approach the area. You keep going to figure out what the sound is, only as you continue, you discover that the foreign noise belongs to a snake. That is when you realize you have led yourself into an enormous pit housing a deadly viper, swiftly slithering closer. It hisses again at you, revealing its sharp, venomous jaws, dripping with a lethal poison. It’s too late to run away and the only thing you can do is battle it to survive. [otherwise]The huge pit which is home to one of the deadliest vipers in the world. [end if]Head south to the healing hot spring, west to return to the cave entrance, north to visit the Hideout, and east to visit the Lake.” Lake is a room. Lake is east of Lake Gate and southeast of Hideout. “A relaxing lake spot with a forest nearby. The forest is different from the one you’ve seen already; this one is riddled with evergreens and pinecones everywhere. The water is so still and reflective that you almost think it could be a solid mirror instead of liquid. [if unvisited]You’re feeling really tired from the fighting, so you decide to sit down for a bit to catch your breath. Suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, you see a three meter tall moose charging towards you. [end if]Head west to go to Poison Pit, north to Stony Den, northwest to Hideout, and southeast to the Icebergs.” Lake Gate is a door. Lake Gate is east of Poison Pit and west of Lake. It is lockable and locked. Hideout is a room. Hideout is north of Hideout Gate and northwest of Lake. “Immediately as you enter the area, you are hit with a pungent odor. It is obvious from the smell that this place is overflowing with skunks. You see them scurrying around, squealing and hiding behind tall grass blades and boulders. There are some classic skunks, but others are significantly deformed skunks who are more aggressive than playful. [if unvisited]One growls sternly at you, moving in front to block your path. You must fight it in order to get through while enduring the smell. [end if]South is Poison Pit, southeast is the Lake, and east is Stony Den.” Hideout Gate is a door. Hideout Gate is north of Poison Pit and south of Hideout. It is lockable and locked. Stony Den is a room. Stony Den is east of Stony Den Gate W and north of Stony Den Gate S. “After a long exhausting walk you seem to have found yourself walking into a rock cave. The air seems to be a bit cold but that doesn’t bother you. [if unvisited]What does bother you is the ominous howling. You keep walking further into the cave ignoring the noise, until you see some orange-yellow eyes flash open in the dark. You barely have time to process that you have walked into a wolf den, and in that hesitant moment, a huge mutant wolf with razor-sharp claws pounces on you, ready to attack. [end if]West is the Hideout, south is the Lake, and east is the Grasslands.” Stony Den Gate W is a door. Stony Den Gate W is east of Hideout and west of Stony Den. It is lockable and locked. Stony Den Gate S is a door. Stony Den Gate S is north of Lake and south of Stony Den. It is lockable and locked. Icebergs is a room. Icebergs is southeast of Icebergs Gate and east of Hot Spring Gate E. “You feel an immediate chill as you approach the area. Here, there is a massive glacier surrounded by a moat of sparkling turquoise water that is so crystal clear you almost mistake it for ice. Atop the snowy mass is a thriving waddle of chattering penguins. They don’t seem to be mutated in any way. Northwest is the Lake and northeast is the Aquarium.“ Icebergs Gate is a door. Icebergs Gate is southeast of Lake and northwest of Icebergs. It is lockable and locked. Grassland is a room. Grassland is east of Grassland Gate. “You find yourself walking among tall, tall grass, and it seems like you’ve been walking forever. The beaming yellow light from the sky feels especially strong here, hitting your eyes and blinding your sight. The heat is almost unbearable, and you start to wish you were cold-blooded. The zoo exit must be past here. [if unvisited]Out of nowhere a humongous lion pounces on you with its entire weight, pinning you to the ground. You don’t have much time to take a look at the lion since it was about to kill you, but after the shock dissipates, you take a quick glance and soon realize that it is a test subject like the other animals. [end if]West will lead back to Stony Den, north leads to the Swamp, and south goes to the Bug Display.” Grassland Gate is a door. Grassland Gate is east of Stony Den and west of Grassland. It is lockable and locked. Bug Display is a room. Bug Display is south of Bug Display Gate. “You walk into a beautiful garden, filled with apple trees, a vegetable garden, and loads of lush grass. You make a decision to take a bit of a break, so you end up sitting in the grass beside the vegetable garden. [if unvisited]Looking closer at the garden, you notice a colony of beetles living in it. [end if]North is the Grassland and east is the Aquarium.” Bug Display Gate is a door. Bug Display Gate is south of Grassland and north of Bug Display. It is lockable and locked. Aquarium is a room. Aquarium is northeast of Icebergs and east of Bug Display. “Unlike the other regions you have previously visited, this place is surrounded by thick glass, practically encasing a whole ocean. You peer over the edge in wonder. It’s a beautiful sight to behold, thousands of fish of different colors and species all living peacefully in one tank. These fish don’t seem to be hostile at all, which is such a relief to you. West of here is the Bug Display and southwest is the Icebergs.” Swamp is a room. Swamp is north of Swamp Gate. “As you enter this environment, you immediately feel the dirty water beneath your feet. The land around you is submerged in muddy water which is overlooked by vine-filled mangrove trees. [if unvisited]As you move further into the swamp, you hear a honking and hissing noise, which is most definitely an odd combination of noises. You turn towards the noises and a ginormous hippopotamus and crocodile appear out of the water! Normally a crocodile and hippopotamus would be the worst of enemies, but due to the mutant chemicals coursing through their blood, they seem to be companions forming an alliance to destroy you. [end if]Go south to return to the Grassland, west to visit the Corn Dog Stand, and northwest to access the Zoo Exit.” Swamp Gate is a door. Swamp Gate is north of Grassland and south of Swamp. It is lockable and locked. Corn Dog Stand is a room. Corn Dog Stand is west of Corn Dog Stand Gate E. “[if unvisited]After travelling quite a distance, there seems to be this rectangular cart with wheels out in the wild. You go closer for a better look and discover that it’s a corn dog stand. Conveniently corn dogs happen to be your favorite food. [otherwise] The corn dog stand that was probably meant for human visitors. [end if]Eating a corn dog will make you feel content and replenished. East is the swamp and north is the Zoo Exit.” Corn Dog Stand Gate E is a door. Corn Dog Stand Gate E is west of Swamp and east of Corn Dog Stand. It is lockable and locked. Corn Dog Stand Gate N is a door. Corn Dog Stand Gate N is south of Zoo Exit and north of Corn Dog Stand. It is lockable and unlocked. Zoo Exit is a room. Zoo Exit is northwest of Zoo Exit Gate and north of Corn Dog Stand Gate N. “[if unvisited]You see the gate to leave the zoo, but it somehow gets shrouded in a thick, black fog. You keep going forward with the determination to escape, only interrupted by a loud obnoxious chuckle. ‘MWAHAHAHA.’ The laugh comes from none other than the despicable zookeeper. ’I see you have made it this far, but don't think you can escape from me. I am the Zoo Lord!’ He gets up and charges towards you with an enormous cage that would be used to trap you. He also takes out the syringe from earlier. You think he will try to inject you, but instead he surprises you by injecting himself. This is what all your hard work has come to. It’s time to fight the zookeeper and escape! [otherwise]The epic final battleground at the end of your zoo escape. South is the Corn Dog Stand, southeast is the Swamp, and west is the great outdoors.” Zoo Exit Gate is a door. Zoo Exit Gate is northwest of Swamp and southeast of Zoo Exit. It is lockable and locked. Outdoors is a room. Outdoors is west of Outdoors Gate. “Hooray! You have successfully made it out of the zoo alive. You wonder why the zookeeper even let you out of the cage in the first place… maybe he planned all of this as an experiment. Nevertheless, all your hardwork has paid off and now you're finally free. CONGRATULATIONS!” Outdoors Gate is a door. Outdoors Gate is west of Zoo Exit and east of Outdoors. It is lockable and locked. The worldview is a privately-named backdrop. It is everywhere. The spirit-world is a privately-named transparent closed unopenable container. It is part of the worldview. [objects, puzzles, and friendlies] [friendlies] A friend is a kind of animal. The plural of friend is friends. Instead of attacking a friend: if the noun is Macaw: say “*SQUUUUUUAAAAAAAAAWK*[line break]”; say “You prepare to strike [the noun], but it feels morally wrong. You shouldn’t attack something that won’t attack back.“. Macaw is in Treehouse. Macaw is a friend. The description of Macaw is “The macaw is a bright colorful friendly bird. It has a big beak and long tail feathers. Despite its large size, it's quite a friendly animal. [paragraph break]The macaw seems to be holding a silver key. [line break]'*I love berries *squawk*. Feed me berries *squawk*.'”. Penguin is in Icebergs. Penguin is a friend. The description of Penguin is “A bird that cannot fly, isn’t that funny. It is black and white and waddles to move. This one is tap dancing happily. The penguins are cute and cuddly creatures who luckily have not been injected with the harmful solution.”. Beetles is in Bug Display. Beetles is a friend. The description of Beetles is “Beetles are like every other insect who have a head and six tiny legs. They are harmless and die really easily. The beetles that you are examining right now are very friendly and have not been injected with the mutant chemicals.”. [objects] Pool is an object. It is fixed in place. Pool is in Hot Spring. The description of Pool is "Warm and refreshing water that restores all missing defence of anyone who takes a dip in it." Understand “dip in [something]” as dipping in. dipping in is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand the command “sit” as something new. Understand “sit in [something]” as dipping in. Instead of dipping in something: if the noun is Pool: say "You settle in the pool of water, feeling every muscle relax as your wounds melt away. All of your defence is restored."; now pcurdef is pmaxdef; otherwise: say “You cannot take a dip in that.”. Chest is in Forest. Chest is fixed in place. Chest is a closed locked openable container. The silver key unlocks the chest. The description of Chest is "A mysterious chest with a shiny silver lock on it. Maybe some sort of key could open it...". An undroppable is a kind of thing. Instead of dropping an undroppable: say “You need that to fight!”. Sword is an undroppable. Sword is in Chest. The description of Sword is "A rusty sword. Maybe taking it will make your attacks stronger.". Shield is an undroppable. Shield is in Chest. The description of Shield is "A worn down shield. Maybe taking it will help you protect yourself.". Boots is an undroppable. Boots is in Chest. The description of Boots is "A pair of smelly boots. Maybe taking them will help you run faster.". Carry out taking Sword: say "Your attack has been increased by 5."; increase patk by 5. Carry out taking Shield: say "Your max defence has been increased by 5."; increase pcurdef by 5; increase pmaxdef by 5. Carry out taking Boots: say "Your speed has been increased by 5."; increase pspd by 5. Berries is an object. Berries is in Forest. Berries is edible. Understand "berry" as Berries. The description of Berries is "A patch of purple berries. Poisonous to you, but to some animals it would be a tasty snack.". Carry out eating berries: say "You poisoned yourself."; end the game in death. Silver Key is an object. Silver Key is in Treehouse. The description of Silver Key is "A shining silver key. Maybe it can be used to open something.". keytake is a number that varies. keytake is 1. Instead of taking Silver Key: if keytake is 1: say "'MY SHINY TOY *SQUAWK*'"; if keytake is 2: say "Taken."; now the player is carrying Silver Key. Understand "feed [someone] [something]" as feeding. Feeding is an action applying to one carried thing and one visible thing. Instead of giving berries to macaw: say "'Yummy berries! *squawk*[line break]Here, you can have this shiny toy in return *squawk*.'"; remove berries from play; now keytake is 2. Understand "spell [something]" as spelling. Spelling is an action applying to one visible thing. Insect is in Bug Display. Insect is an animal. mosquito is in Bug Display. mosquito is an animal. grasshopper is in Bug Display. grasshopper is an animal. For printing a locale paragraph about the insect: set the locale priority of the insect to 0; continue the activity. For printing a locale paragraph about the mosquito: set the locale priority of the mosquito to 0; continue the activity. For printing a locale paragraph about the grasshopper: set the locale priority of the grasshopper to 0; continue the activity. beetleturn is a number that varies. beetleturn is 1. Instead of spelling something: if the noun is insect and beetleturn is 1: say "The beetles suddenly glow green and scatter around. Now they are spelling 'qusooimt'."; now beetleturn is 2; otherwise if the noun is mosquito and beetleturn is 2: say "The beetles suddenly glow green and scatter off. Now they are spelling 'aepsgrpsorh'."; now beetleturn is 3; otherwise if the noun is grasshopper and beetleturn is 3: say "The beetles suddenly glow green and scatter off. A swarm of beetles run out of the darkness, carrying prizes for you to take: Beetle armor, a beetle horn, and a pair of beetle elytra."; now beetleturn is 4; move Beetle Armor to Bug Display; move Beetle Horn to Bug Display; move Beetle Elytra to Bug Display; otherwise: say “There was no use in spelling that.”. Instead of examining beetles: if beetleturn is 1: say "The beetles seem to have weird patterns on their backs resembling letters. Maybe spelling words from the letters will do something. A row of beetles is currently spelling out 'ncseti'."; if beetleturn is 2: say "A new row of beetles is currently spelling out 'qusooimt'."; if beetleturn is 3: say "A final row of beetles is currently spelling out 'aepsgrpsorh'."; if beetleturn is 4: say "Beetles are like every other insect who have a head and six tiny legs. They are harmless and die really easily. The beetles that you are examining right now are very friendly and have not been injected with the mutant chemicals.". Definition: An undroppable is invisible if it is in the spirit-world. Before doing anything to an invisible undroppable: say “You haven’t earned that yet.” instead. Beetle Armor is an undroppable. Beetle Armor is in spirit-world. The description of Beetle Armor is "Shining purple armor made from the exoskeleton of a giant beetle.". Beetle Horn is an undroppable. Beetle Horn is in spirit-world. The description of Beetle Horn is "The massive, sharp horn of a beetle.". Beetle Elytra is an undroppable. Beetle Elytra is in spirit-world. The description of Beetle Elytra is "Delicate, transparent wings from a giant beetle.". Carry out taking beetle armor: say "You equip the beetle armor and gain 10 defence."; increase pmaxdef by 10; increase pcurdef by 10; Carry out taking beetle horn: say "You equip the beetle horn and gain 10 attack."; increase patk by 10. Carry out taking beetle elytra: say "You equip the beetle elytra and gain 10 speed."; increase pspd by 10. Bat Wings is a thing. Bat Wings is in spirit-world. The description of Bat Wings is “A pair of jet-black wings that is too small to fit you, but might help a different animal to fly.”. Happy Feet is an undroppable. Happy Feet is in spirit-world. The description of Happy Feet is “Penguin feet skin.”. Instead of giving Bat Wings to Penguin: say “The penguin chirps joyously and flies around in circles, testing its new wings. In return, it sheds layer of its feet and gives them to you, then flies off again.”; remove Bat Wings from play; remove Penguin from play; now the player is carrying Happy Feet; increase pspd by 1. Fishing Rod is an object. Fishing Rod is in Aquarium. Understand "rod" as Fishing Rod. The description of Fishing Rod is “description”. Understand "cast [something]" as casting. Casting is an action applying to one carried object. Understand "reel [something]" as reeling. Reeling is an action applying to one carried object. Understand “reel in [something]” and “reel back [something]” as reeling. fishturn is a number that varies. fishturn is 0. Instead of casting fishing rod: if fishturn is 2: say "You have already casted your rod, try reeling it instead."; if fishturn is less than 2: say ". . . . ![line break]"; if fishturn is 0: say "Now reel back your rod to catch the fish."; now fishturn is 2; Instead of reeling Fishing Rod: let fishchance be a random number between 1 and 1001; if fishturn is less than 2: say "You have to cast your rod before reeling it."; if fishturn is 2 and fishchance is 1: say "You fish up a shark and it eats you alive."; end the game in death; if fishturn is 2 and fishchance is greater than 1 and fishchance is less than 202: say "You catch a fish and eat it. The fish is poisonous and you lose 1 defence.[line break]Maybe fishing again will yield a different result."; decrease pmaxdef by 1; decrease pcurdef by 1; if fishturn is 2 and fishchance is greater than 201 and fishchance is less than 402: say "You catch a fish and eat it. The fish is poisonous and you lose 1 attack.[line break]Maybe fishing again will yield a different result."; decrease patk by 1; if fishturn is 2 and fishchance is greater than 401 and fishchance is less than 602: say "You catch a fish and eat it. The fish is poisonous and you lose 1 speed.[line break]Maybe fishing again will yield a different result."; decrease pspd by 1; if fishturn is 2 and fishchance is greater than 601 and fishchance is less than 735: say "You catch a fish and eat it. The fish is tasty and you gain 1 defence.[line break]Maybe fishing again will yield a different result."; increase pmaxdef by 1; increase pcurdef by 1; if fishturn is 2 and fishchance is greater than 734 and fishchance is less than 868: say "You catch a fish and eat it. The fish is tasty and you gain 1 attack.[line break]Maybe fishing again will yield a different result."; increase patk by 1; if fishturn is 2 and fishchance is greater than 867 and fishchance is less than 1001: say "You catch a fish and eat it. The fish is tasty and you gain 1 speed.[line break]Maybe fishing again will yield a different result."; increase pspd by 1; if fishturn is 2 and fishchance is 1001: say "You catch and eat a glowing, gold fish. It tastes so heavenly that you feel your spirit leave your body and ascend upwards. Your life is complete."; end the game in victory; if fishturn is 2: now fishturn is 1. Corndog is an object. Corndog is edible. Corndog is in Corn Dog Stand. The description of Corndog is “A delicious looking sausage on a stick in a thick coating of golden deep fried batter.”. Instead of eating corndog: say "The snack warms your belly, and you regain motivation. All your defence has been restored."; now pcurdef is pmaxdef; now corndog is in Corn Dog Stand. [tutorial] Understand “help” as helping. Helping is an action applying to nothing. Carry out helping: say “Actions that are possible include: choose/pick (your animal); attack/dodge/block (an enemy); stats/st; examine/x (something); take (something); give (something) to (someone); unlock (something); open (something); eat (something); sit/dip in (something); spell (something); cast/reel fishing rod; and of course the normal directional inputs. [line break]A couple of these actions will only apply to one thing in the game, so use your own reasonable judgement to figure out what seems appropriate.”. Understand “talk to [someone]” as talking to. Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Zookeeper is a person. Zookeeper is in Cage. The description of Zookeeper is “The zookeeper is a caucasian man in his mid-forties with ginger hair, a large beard, crooked teeth.”. Instead of talking to zookeeper: If zookeeper is in Cage: say "'Hey there little fella, what species might you be?'[line break][line break]Choose between 3 animals:[line break]Porcupine[line break]Kangaroo[line break]Ostrich[line break]You may examine each animal to see its stats."; If zookeeper is in Terrarium: say "'Look at the poor little slug, filled with hate, wanting to attack everything. You better watch out, its staring you down. You have to attack it in order to save yourself.'[line break][line break] Attacking deals damage to enemies. Your attacks have a 75% chance of hitting, and will deal 50% to 100% of your attack stat. [paragraph break]You can also examine it to see its stats."; Understand "choose [something]" as choosing. Choosing is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand “pick [something]” as choosing. A selectable is a kind of animal. Porcupine is a selectable. It is fixed in place. Porcupine is in Cage. The description of the Porcupine is "An animal with a back covered in quills, making it a good defender.[line break]Defence: 25[line break]Attack: 20[line break]Speed: 15" Kangaroo is a selectable. It is fixed in place. Kangaroo is in Cage. The description of the Kangaroo is "An aggressive animal that uses its hind legs to kick powerfully.[line break]Defence: 15[line break]Attack: 25[line break]Speed: 20" Ostrich is a selectable. It is fixed in place. Ostrich is in Cage. The description of the Ostrich is "A speedy flightless bird.[line break]Defence: 20[line break]Attack: 15[line break]Speed: 25" For printing a locale paragraph about the Porcupine: set the locale priority of the Porcupine to 0; continue the activity. For printing a locale paragraph about the Kangaroo: set the locale priority of the Kangaroo to 0; continue the activity. For printing a locale paragraph about the Ostrich: set the locale priority of the Ostrich to 0; continue the activity. Instead of choosing a selectable: if the noun is Porcupine: now pmaxdef is 25; now pcurdef is 25; now patk is 20; now pspd is 15; if the noun is Kangaroo: now pmaxdef is 15; now pcurdef is 15; now patk is 25; now pspd is 20; if the noun is Ostrich: now pmaxdef is 20; now pcurdef is 20; now patk is 15; now pspd is 25; remove Porcupine from play; remove Kangaroo from play; remove Ostrich from play; say “‘I see, so you're a [the noun]. Well off you go, open the cage door and go explore the rest of the zoo.'”; now Cage Door is unlocked; move zookeeper to Terrarium. Understand "stat" as stating. Stating is an action applying to nothing. Understand "stats" and "statistics" and "st" as stating. Carry out stating: say "STATS: [line break]Defence: [pcurdef]/[pmaxdef][line break]Attack: [patk][line break]Speed: [pspd]". Tutorial is a scene. Tutorial begins when the player is in Burrow for the first turn. Tutorial ends when turnnum is 4. When Tutorial begins: now turnnum is 1; say "'I see you've made it! Oh no, the rabbit looks like it's going to attack you,' the zookeeper warns. 'Try blocking it.'[paragraph break]Blocking will reduce the original damage that was going to be taken by 50%. You cannot miss a block.". Before going south during Tutorial: say "You cannot flee from this fight!" instead. Instead of talking to zookeeper during Tutorial: if turnnum is 1: say "'Oh no, the rabbit looks like it's going to attack you, try blocking it.'[paragraph break]Blocking will reduce the original damage that was going to be taken by 50%. You cannot miss a block."; if turnnum is 2: say "'Now try dodging.'[paragraph break]Dodging gives you a chance to avoid all damage. Double your speed stat is the percentage chance of you dodging."; if turnnum is 3: say "'Looks like the rabbit is resting and preparing an attack, now is your chance to strike.'"; Every turn during Tutorial: If turnnum is 2 for the first turn: say "'Well done! Now try dodging.'[paragraph break]Dodging gives you a chance to avoid all damage. Double your speed stat is the percentage chance of you dodging."; If turnnum is 3 for the first turn: say "'Perfect! Looks like the rabbit is resting and preparing an attack, now is your chance to strike.'". Instead of blocking rabbit during Tutorial: if turnnum is 1: decrease pcurdef by 1; say "[line break]You brace for impact as the Rabbit attacks you. The damage was reduced to 1 damage. Your current defence is now [pcurdef]/[pmaxdef]."; if the pcurdef is less than 0: say "[line break]You "; end the game in death; now turnnum is 2; otherwise: say "That won't work right now.". Instead of dodging rabbit during Tutorial: if turnnum is 2: say “You successfully dodge the Rabbit’s attack!”; now turnnum is 3; otherwise: say "That won't work right now.". Instead of attacking rabbit during Tutorial: if turnnum is 3: let the damage be a random number between patk / 2 and patk; decrease the curdef of the noun by the damage; say "You strike [the noun], inflicting [damage] damage! Its current defence is now [curdef]/[maxdef]."; if the curdef of the noun is less than 1: say "[line break]You have slain [the noun]!"; move the noun to the spirit-world; now turnnum is 4; otherwise: say "That won't work right now.". When Tutorial ends: say "'Well done! Now try to defeat the rabbit by yourself.'"; remove zookeeper from play. [combat & enemies] [the action] pmaxdef is a number that varies. pcurdef is a number that varies. patk is a number that varies. pspd is a number that varies. pmaxdef is 1. pcurdef is 1. patk is 1. pspd is 1. Every turn: if pcurdef is less than 1: say "You lost all your defence! You feel your life force escaping your body with your final breath while everything fades away."; end the game in death. An enemy is a kind of animal. The plural of enemy is enemies. An enemy has a number called maxdef. An enemy has a number called curdef. An enemy has a number called minatk. An enemy has a number called maxatk. An enemy has a number called atkchance. Definition: An enemy is dead if they are in the spirit-world. Before doing something to a dead enemy: say "You've already killed [the noun]. It is nowhere to be found." instead. Turnnum is a number that varies. Turnnum is 1. Every turn: If Tutorial is not happening: Increase Turnnum by 1; If Turnnum is 7: Now Turnnum is 1. An enemy can be rest, normal, or strong. Instead of attacking an enemy: let the phitchance be a random number between 1 and 4; if the phitchance is less than 4: let the damage be a random number between patk / 2 and patk; decrease the curdef of the noun by the damage; say "You strike [the noun], inflicting [damage] damage! Its current defence is now [curdef]/[maxdef]."; if the curdef of the noun is less than 1: say "[line break]You have slain [the noun]!"; move the noun to the spirit-world; stop the action; otherwise: say “Your attack misses, leaving [the noun] with [curdef]/[maxdef] defence.”; let the ctrchance be a random number between 1 and 100; if the noun is a rest enemy: now ctrchance is 0; say “[the noun] was resting and didn’t hit you.”; stop the action; if the ctrchance is greater than 0 and the ctrchance is less than atkchance + 1: let the ctratk be a random number between minatk and maxatk; if the noun is a strong enemy: now ctratk is ctratk * 2; decrease pcurdef by the ctratk; say "[line break][The noun] counterattacks you, dealing [ctratk] damage! Your current defence is now [pcurdef]/[pmaxdef]."; if the pcurdef is less than 0: say "[line break]You "; end the game in death; otherwise: say “The [the noun]’s counterattack misses, leaving you with [pcurdef]/[pmaxdef] defence.”. Understand "block [something]" as blocking. blocking is an action applying to one visible thing. Instead of blocking an enemy: let the hitchance be a random number between 1 and 100; if the noun is a rest enemy: now hitchance is 0; say “[the noun] was resting and didn’t hit you.”; stop the action; if the hitchance is greater than 0 and the hitchance is less than atkchance + 1: let the hitatk be a random number between minatk and maxatk; if the noun is a normal enemy: now hitatk is hitatk / 2; decrease pcurdef by the hitatk; say "[line break]You brace for impact as the [The noun] attacks you. The damage was reduced to [hitatk] damage. Your current defence is now [pcurdef]/[pmaxdef]."; if the pcurdef is less than 0: say "[line break]You "; end the game in death; otherwise: say “The [the noun]’s attack misses, leaving you with [pcurdef]/[pmaxdef] defence.”. Understand "dodge [something]" as dodging. dodging is an action applying to one visible thing. Instead of dodging an enemy: let the dodgechance be a random number between 1 and 100; if dodgechance is greater than 0 and the dodgechance is less than 2 * pspd + 1: say “You successfully dodge [the noun]’s attack!”; stop the action; let the hitchance be a random number between 1 and 100; if the noun is a rest enemy: now atkchance is 0; say “You move to dodge, but [the noun] was resting and didn’t hit you.”; stop the action; if the hitchance is greater than 0 and the hitchance is less than atkchance + 1: let the hitatk be a random number between minatk and maxatk; if the noun is a strong enemy: now hitatk is hitatk * 2; decrease pcurdef by the hitatk; say "[line break]You trip and fall onto your face, making it unable to dodge the [the noun]’s attack. You take [hitatk] damage. Your current defence is now [pcurdef]/[pmaxdef]."; if the pcurdef is less than 0: say "[line break]You "; end the game in death; otherwise: say “You trip and fall onto your face, making it unable to dodge the [the noun]’s attack, but the [the noun]’s attack misses anyway! You are left with [pcurdef]/[pmaxdef] defence.”. [enemy list] Slug is in Terrarium. Slug is an enemy. The description of Slug is "A slow moving creature that’s just a long, soft, slimy body. Usually a slug is brown, however this one is glowing fluorescent green. The slug has no brain, only mindlessly attacking, bearing little result.[paragraph break]Defence: [curdef]/[maxdef][line break]Attack: [minatk] to [maxatk][line break]Hit Chance: [atkchance]%". The maxdef of Slug is 15. The curdef of Slug is 15. The minatk of Slug is 1. The maxatk of Slug is 3. The atkchance of Slug is 50. Slug is normal. Rabbit is in Burrow. Rabbit is an enemy. The description of Rabbit is “A vicious creature with three long, chipped ears and strong hind legs as sources of attack. It also has two razor sharp front teeth that help bite into hard carrots or its enemies.[paragraph break]Defence: [curdef]/[maxdef][line break]Attack: [minatk] to [maxatk][line break]Hit Chance: [atkchance]%”. The maxdef of Rabbit is 25. The curdef of Rabbit is 25. The minatk of Rabbit is 2. The maxatk of Rabbit is 4. The atkchance of Rabbit is 75. Every turn: If Turnnum is 1: now Rabbit is normal; otherwise if Turnnum is 2: now Rabbit is normal; if Rabbit is visible and Rabbit is not dead: say “The rabbit is hesitating and its attack will pause soon.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 3: now Rabbit is rest; if Rabbit is visible and Rabbit is not dead: say “The Rabbit is preparing an attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 4: now Rabbit is normal; otherwise if Turnnum is 5: now Rabbit is normal; if Rabbit is visible and Rabbit is not dead: say “The rabbit is hesitating and its attack will pause soon.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 6: now Rabbit is rest; if Rabbit is visible and Rabbit is not dead: say “The Rabbit is preparing an attack.”. Bats is in Shadowy Cavern. Bats is an enemy. The description of Bats is "The bat looks similar to a rodent with large ears and a small snout, covered in fur. Due to their mutation, the bats are now three times their regular size and can use their echolocation as a weapon, using the sound waves to stun potential enemies.[paragraph break]Defence: [curdef]/[maxdef][line break]Attack: [minatk] to [maxatk][line break]Hit Chance: [atkchance]%". The maxdef of Bats is 30. The curdef of Bats is 30. The minatk of Bats is 3. The maxatk of Bats is 14. The atkchance of Bats is 75. Every turn: If Turnnum is 1: now Bats is normal; otherwise if Turnnum is 2: now Bats is normal; if Bats is visible and Bats is not dead: say “The Bats are regrouping.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 3: now The Bats is rest; if Bats is visible and Bats is not dead: say “The Bats are preparing an attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 4: now Bats is normal; otherwise if Turnnum is 5: now Bats is normal; if Bats is visible and Bats is not dead: say “The Bats are charging up a powerful attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 6: now Bats is strong. Snake is in Poison Pit. Snake is an enemy. The description of Snake is "A ten meter long, scaly reptile which has no limbs, no ears, and no voice. Despite lacking so much, it is still one of the most vicious predators in the zoo. Since this is a mutated snake, it has three eyes and its poison is highly corrosive.[paragraph break]Defence: [curdef]/[maxdef][line break]Attack: [minatk] to [maxatk][line break]Hit Chance: [atkchance]%". The maxdef of Snake is 30. The curdef of Snake is 30. The minatk of Snake is 3. The maxatk of Snake is 5. The atkchance of Snake is 80. Every turn: If Turnnum is 1: now Snake is normal; if Snake is visible and Snake is not dead: say “The Snake is hesitating and its attack will pause soon.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 2: now Snake is rest; if Snake is visible and Snake is not dead: say “The Snake is charging up a powerful attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 3: now Snake is strong; otherwise if Turnnum is 4: now Snake is normal; if Snake is visible and Snake is not dead: say “The Snake is hesitating and its attack will pause soon.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 5: now Snake is rest; if Snake is visible and Snake is not dead: say “The Snake is charging up a powerful attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 6: now Snake is strong. Skunk is in Hideout. Skunk is an enemy. The description of Skunk is "A black, squirrel-like animal that has two thick white stripes along its back. The mutant chemicals have caused the skunks spray to be quite poisonous and can cause delusions if sprayed with.[paragraph break]Defence: [curdef]/[maxdef]". The maxdef of Skunk is 25. The curdef of Skunk is 25. The minatk of Skunk is 5. The maxatk of Skunk is 7. The atkchance of Skunk is 95. Every turn: If Turnnum is 1: now Skunk is rest; if Skunk is visible and Skunk is not dead: say “The Skunk is charging up a powerful attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 2: now Skunk is strong; if Skunk is visible and Skunk is not dead: say “The Skunk is hesitating and its attack will pause soon.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 3: now Skunk is rest; if Skunk is visible and Skunk is not dead: say “The Skunk is charging up a powerful attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 4: now Skunk is strong; if Skunk is visible and Skunk is not dead: say “The Skunk is hesitating and its attack will pause soon.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 5: now Skunk is rest; if Skunk is visible and Skunk is not dead: say “The Skunk is charging up a powerful attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 6: now Skunk is strong; if Skunk is visible and Skunk is not dead: say “The Skunk is hesitating and its attack will pause soon.”. Moose is in Lake. Moose is an enemy. The description of Moose is "The large version of a deer. It stands thirteen feet tall, and has glowing red fur. On its head, there are an uncountable number of massive, sharpened antlers.[paragraph break]Defence: [curdef]/[maxdef][line break]Attack: [minatk] to [maxatk][line break]Hit Chance: [atkchance]%". The maxdef of Moose is 40. The curdef of Moose is 40. The minatk of Moose is 4. The maxatk of Moose is 7. The atkchance of Moose is 60. Every turn: If Turnnum is 1: now Moose is normal; if Moose is visible and Moose is not dead: say “The Moose is charging up a powerful attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 2: now Moose is strong; if Moose is visible and Moose is not dead: say “The Moose is hesitating and its attack will pause soon.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 3: now Moose is rest; if Moose is visible and Moose is not dead: say “The Moose is preparing an attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 4: now Moose is normal; if Moose is visible and Moose is not dead: say “The Moose is charging up a powerful attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 5: now Moose is strong; if Moose is visible and Moose is not dead: say “The Moose is hesitating and its attack will pause soon.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 6: now Moose is rest; if Moose is visible and Moose is not dead: say “The Moose is preparing an attack.”; Wolf is in Stony Den. Wolf is an enemy. The description of Wolf is "A large, howling dog with gray fur and pointy triangular ears. This wolf variant can attack by howling shock waves of sound in collaboration with using its claws to slash enemies.[paragraph break]Defence: [curdef]/[maxdef][line break]Attack: [minatk] to [maxatk][line break]Hit Chance: [atkchance]%". The maxdef of Wolf is 35. The curdef of Wolf is 35. The minatk of Wolf is 4. The maxatk of Wolf is 8. The atkchance of Wolf is 80. Every turn: If Turnnum is 1: now Wolf is normal; if Wolf is visible and Wolf is not dead: say “The Wolf is hesitating and its attack will pause soon.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 2: now Wolf is rest; if Wolf is visible and Wolf is not dead: say “The Wolf is charging up a powerful attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 3: now Wolf is strong; otherwise if Turnnum is 4: now Wolf is normal; if Wolf is visible and Wolf is not dead: say “The Wolf is hesitating and its attack will pause soon.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 5: now Wolf is rest; if Wolf is visible and Wolf is not dead: say “The Wolf is charging up a powerful attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 6: now Wolf is strong. Lion is in Grassland. Lion is an enemy. The description of Lion is "Lions are the top predator in natural grasslands, and this one is no exception. It might even be the top predator of all lions since it has double the limbs, which would make for double the power.[paragraph break]Defence: [curdef]/[maxdef][line break]Attack: [minatk] to [maxatk][line break]Hit Chance: [atkchance]%". The maxdef of Lion is 35. The curdef of Lion is 35. The minatk of Lion is 4. The maxatk of Lion is 8. The atkchance of Lion is 80. Every turn: If Turnnum is 1: now Lion is normal; otherwise if Turnnum is 2: now Lion is normal; if Lion is visible and Lion is not dead: say “The Lion is charging up a powerful attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 3: now Lion is strong; otherwise if Turnnum is 4: now Lion is normal; otherwise if Turnnum is 5: now Lion is normal; if Lion is visible and Lion is not dead: say “The Lion is hesitating and its attack will pause soon.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 6: now Lion is rest; if Lion is visible and Lion is not dead: say “The Lion is preparing an attack.”. Hippo is in Swamp. Hippo is an enemy. The description of Hippo is "A large aquatic mammal that has a barrel shaped body. As a consequence of its mutation caused by the zookeeper, it now has five heads with super big mouths to chomp the heads of their enemies.[paragraph break]Defence: [curdef]/[maxdef][line break]Attack: [minatk] to [maxatk][line break]Hit Chance: [atkchance]%". The maxdef of Hippo is 40. The curdef of Hippo is 40. The minatk of Hippo is 4. The maxatk of Hippo is 6. The atkchance of Hippo is 80. Every turn: If Turnnum is 1: now Hippo is normal; otherwise if Turnnum is 2: now Hippo is normal; if Hippo is visible and Hippo is not dead: say “The Hippo is hesitating and its attack will pause soon.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 3: now Hippo is rest; if Hippo is visible and Hippo is not dead: say “The Hippo is preparing an attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 4: now Hippo is normal; otherwise if Turnnum is 5: now Hippo is normal; if Hippo is visible and Hippo is not dead: say “The Hippo is hesitating and its attack will pause soon.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 6: now Hippo is rest; if Hippo is visible and Hippo is not dead: say “The Hippo is preparing an attack.”. Crocodile is in Swamp. Crocodile is an enemy. The description of Crocodile is "The crocodile has slimy scales and red blisters streaked across its body. Its webbed feet have claws that are long and unevenly cut. When it opens its mouth, you can see its yellowed teeth dripping with a mixture of saliva and blood.[paragraph break]Defence: [curdef]/[maxdef][line break]Attack: [minatk] to [maxatk][line break]Hit Chance: [atkchance]%". The maxdef of Crocodile is 25. The curdef of Crocodile is 25. The minatk of Crocodile is 8. The maxatk of Crocodile is 10. The atkchance of Crocodile is 80. Every turn: If Turnnum is 1: now Crocodile is normal; if Crocodile is visible and Crocodile is not dead: say “The Crocodile is hesitating and its attack will pause soon.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 2: now Crocodile is rest; if Crocodile is visible and Crocodile is not dead: say “The Crocodile is preparing an attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 3: now Crocodile is normal; if Crocodile is visible and Crocodile is not dead: say “The Crocodile is hesitating and its attack will pause soon.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 4: now Crocodile is rest; if Crocodile is visible and Crocodile is not dead: say “The Crocodile is charging up a powerful attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 5: now Crocodile is strong; if Crocodile is visible and Crocodile is not dead: say “The Crocodile is charging up a powerful attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 6: now Crocodile is strong. Zoo Lord is in Zoo Exit. Zoo Lord is an enemy. The description of Zoo Lord is "The Zoo Lord is a caucasian man in his mid-forties with ginger hair, a large beard, crooked teeth, and an evil glare. Since he purposely injected himself with the syringe, he now glows purple like the shade of the chemicals, has seven big heads, sixty arms, four legs, can shoot laser beams out of his eyes, and can breathe fire. Additionally, he can run super fast, can fly, and has super sharp fingernails. Basically, he’s an odd looking super powerful being.[paragraph break]Defence: [curdef]/[maxdef][line break]Attack: [minatk] to [maxatk][line break]Hit Chance: [atkchance]%". The maxdef of Zoo Lord is 45. The curdef of Zoo Lord is 45. The minatk of Zoo Lord is 9. The maxatk of Zoo Lord is 12. The atkchance of Zoo Lord is 99. Every turn: If Turnnum is 1: now Zoo Lord is normal; if Zoo Lord is visible and Zoo Lord is not dead: say “Zoo Lord is looking sleepy and about to take a break.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 2: now Zoo Lord is normal; if Zoo Lord is visible and Zoo Lord is not dead: say “‘HAHA! You think I would hesitate? How FOOLISH!’[line break]Zoo Lord is charging up a powerful attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 3: now Zoo Lord is strong; otherwise if Turnnum is 4: now Zoo Lord is normal; if Zoo Lord is visible and Zoo Lord is not dead: say “Zoo Lord is hesitating and its attack will pause soon.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 5: now Zoo Lord is rest; if Zoo Lord is visible and Zoo Lord is not dead: say “Zoo Lord is charging up a powerful attack.”; otherwise if Turnnum is 6: now Zoo Lord is strong. Every turn: If Slug is in spirit-world for the first turn: say "The zookeeper exclaims, 'Impressive! Keep on exploring, and I'll meet you at the Burrow."; say "Defeating the Slug unlocked Hot Spring Gate S and Forest Gate!"; now Hot Spring Gate S is unlocked; now Forest Gate is unlocked; move zookeeper to Burrow; If Rabbit is in spirit-world for the first turn: say "Defeating the Rabbit unlocked Hot Spring Gate W and Cave Gate!"; now Hot Spring Gate W is unlocked; now Cave Gate is unlocked; If Bats is in spirit-world for the first turn: say "One of the bats dropped its wings."; move Bat Wings to Shadowy Cavern; If Snake is in spirit-world for the first turn: say "Defeating the Snake unlocked Hot Spring Gate N, Hideout Gate, and Lake Gate!"; now Hot Spring Gate N is unlocked; now Hideout Gate is unlocked; now Lake Gate is unlocked; If Skunk is in spirit-world for the first turn: say "Defeating the Skunk unlocked Stony Den Gate W!"; now Stony Den Gate W is unlocked; If Moose is in spirit-world for the first turn: say "Defeating the Moose unlocked Stony Den Gate S and Icebergs Gate!"; now Stony Den Gate S is unlocked; now Icebergs Gate is unlocked; If Wolf is in spirit-world for the first turn: say "Defeating the Wolf unlocked Grassland Gate!"; now Grassland Gate is unlocked; If Lion is in spirit-world for the first turn: say "Defeating the Lion unlocked Swamp Gate and Bug Display Gate!"; now Swamp Gate is unlocked; now Bug Display Gate is unlocked; If Hippo is in spirit-world and Crocodile is in spirit-world for the first turn: say "Defeating the Hippo and Crocodile duo unlocked Corn Dog Stand Gate E and Zoo Exit Gate!"; now Corn Dog Stand Gate E is unlocked; now Zoo Exit Gate is unlocked; If Hippo is in spirit-world for the first turn and Crocodile is in spirit-world: say "Defeating the Hippo and Crocodile duo unlocked Corn Dog Stand Gate E and Zoo Exit Gate!"; now Corn Dog Stand Gate E is unlocked; now Zoo Exit Gate is unlocked; If Zoo Lord is in spirit-world for the first turn: say "Defeating the Zoo Lord unlocked the Outdoors Gate!"; now Outdoors Gate is unlocked; now Corn Dog Stand Gate E is unlocked; now Zoo Exit Gate is unlocked. [ending] Boss Battle is a scene. Boss Battle begins when the player is in Zoo Exit for the first turn. Boss Battle ends when Zoo Lord is dead. Instead of going south during Boss Battle: say "You can't leave the Zoo Lord unattended!"; Instead of going southeast during Boss Battle: say "You can't leave the Zoo Lord unattended!". Every turn: If the player is in Outdoors: end the game in victory.