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Alexander J Mann
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"Survival!" by Alexander Mann Use no scoring. Include Exit Lister by Eric Eve. The handgun is an object. The ammunition is an object. The ammunition is inedible. When entire game begins: say "I've got to get out of here, the barricade, I've got to get past it. There's no other way, the town's right next to the coast. The barricade, the camp, I've got to get there... The previous player managed it in about 20 minutes, how quickly can YOU escape? Find out now!"; The Nuclear Fallout Shelter is a room. The description of the Nuclear Fallout Shelter is "A nuclear fallout shelter I built to protect myself from the radiation." The carrying capacity of the player is 12. A blackboard is here. "A blackboard is on the wall with some writing on it." The description of the blackboard is "Note to self: collect more supplies from the town ASAP." The blackboard is fixed in place. Instead of taking the blackboard: say "Why do you want to take that?" A table is here. "There is a table in the corner of the room." Instead of the player taking the table: say "It's too heavy to carry." The description of the table is "A wooden table." The table is a supporter. A box of matches is here. "There is a box of matches on the table." The description of the box of matches is "Useful for making fire." A bed is here. "There is a bed near the door." Instead of the player taking the bed: say "You can't carry that." The description of the bed is "An old, moth-eaten bed. Not very comfortable." The general supply crate is a container. A general supply crate is here. "There is a general supply crate by your bed." Instead of the player taking the general supply crate: say "That's too big to carry." The description of the general supply crate is "A supply crate that holds your most important possessions." The carrying capacity of the general supply crate is 100. There are rations in the general supply crate. A handgun is in the general supply crate. Some ammunition is in the general supply crate. The description of the handgun is "A 9mm pistol, good for personal protection." The description of the ammunition is "9mm ammunition, fits most pistols and SMG's." The description of the rations is "Enough calories to keep someone alive for 5 days." The rations are edible. The Field is north of the Nuclear Fallout Shelter. The Field is a room. The description of the Field is "A large field with a thin layer of grass, glowing slightly blue. The charcoal remains of trees line the edge. Further away, figures stumble around the field, uncoordinated zombies, looking for their next victim. To the east you can see the remnants of the town, to the north, a large skyscraper and to the west a motorway leads away from the area." The Recreational Area is a region. The Nuclear Fallout Shelter and the Field are in the Recreational Area. The Town is east of the Field. The Town is a room. The description of the Town is "The crumbling remains of a once great city, it contains little apart dead bodies, falling down buildings, and if you're lucky, supplies." A crate of rations is here. The description of the crate of rations is "A crate of food rations" Instead of the player taking the crate of rations: say "Urgh, too much food, too heavy, but so tasty..." There is food in the crate of rations. The description of the food is "Freeze-dried and canned food, not particularly tasty, but it keeps for a LONG time!" The Barricaded road is east of the Town. The description of the Barricaded road is "The Barricade is made up of sandbags, bags of rubble, barbed wire, etc. You can't get past it. However, it can probably be blown up so you can get through..." The Barricaded road is a room. An Author's Note is here. "An author's note is here, ready to give you important information about the game." The description of the Author's Note is "When you have the correct item, unlock the Barricade with it to get through." The Author's Note is fixed in place. There is a locked closed door called a Barricade. The Barricade is east of the Barricaded road and west of Freedom. The C4 unlocks the Barricade. Freedom is east of the Barricade. Freedom is a room. The description of Freedom is "Finally, FREEDOM!!! You're free from that cursed town forever, the camp is not far, just east of here, I should go there now..." The Refugee Camp is east of Freedom. The Refugee Camp is a room. The description of the Refugee Camp is "IT'S A TRAP!!!." The Prison is a scene. Prison begins when the player is in the Refugee Camp for the first turn. When Prison begins: move the player to the Foreign Underground Prison Cell; say "You have dropped down a concealed trap door into a prison. Some foreign soldiers take you to a cell. You don't know what nationality they are, but the accent is like the of the President of the country that dropped nukes on you!! Thank You for playing 'Survival!'. I hope you have enjoyed this interactive fiction. Part 2 will be ready shortly." The description of the Foreign Underground Prison Cell is "An underground prison run by people from a foreign country." The MoD Building is north of the Field. The MoD Building is a room. The description of the MoD Building is "The Ministry of Defence building, built to defend the town from the impending nuclear war, but it too fell. You are standing just out side the front door." The Reception is north of the MoD Door. The Reception is a room. A frosted fridge is here. The description of the fridge is "A fridge with ice protruding around the seals - you'll never get this open." The frosted fridge is a locked opaque closed container. Instead of the player taking the frosted fridge: say "It's WAY to heavy for a normal person to carry. What are you, superman?" Instead of the player taking the melted fridge: say "It's WAY to heavy for a normal person to carry. What are you, superman?" The melted fridge is a closed openable container. The initial appearance is "It seems as if the ice has melted... it's collected in murky pools on the floor by the fridge." There is a stone key in the melted fridge. The description of the melted fridge is "It looks like you could open it easily now." Instead of opening the fridge when the fridge is locked: say "It seems as if it's currently frozen solid in the extreme power surge - perhaps if you go off and explore a little further, the ice will melt and you'll be able to open it again." After opening the melted fridge: say "Wow! What a great coincidence! Just as Ben's note said, the stone key is sitting on the middle shelf." The description of the Reception is "The beautifully decorated reception of the MoD Building has gradually deteriorated over time. There is a faint glow coming from the fridge. You can go up to get to the first floor." The MoD Door is a locked closed door. The MoD Door is north of the MoD Building and south of the Reception. The MoD Key unlocks the MoD Door. The Shopping Center is north of the Town. The Shopping Center is a room. The description of the Shopping Center is "The old shopping center still has supplies such as canned food, bottled water and other things such as medical supplies and washing equipment that can be used." A dead MoD officer is here. "The rotting remains of an MoD officer are found in in the corner of the building. You see something poking out of his pocket." The dead MoD officer is a supporter. There is a MoD Key on the dead MoD officer. The Skate Park is south of the Town. The Skate Park is a room. The description of the Skate Park is "The skate park was long since abandoned, no-one uses it as he is the only one left in the city..." A skateboard is here. The description of the skateboard is "A fun way to keep fit... Maybe you should try it sometime..." Above the Reception is the First Floor. The First Floor is a room. The description of the First Floor is "The first floor of the MoD Building. This is where all the new guys would have worked. There is a ladder leading up to the next floor, but a trap door is blocking the way. I need something to prop it up (Authors Note: find something to prop the trapdoor up and use the unlock command)." A ladder is here. The ladder is fixed in place. The ladder is scenery. The description of the ladder is "I can climb up this." The Trapdoor is a locked closed door. The trapdoor is above the First Floor and below the Second Floor. The Trapdoor can be unlocked. The umbrella unlocks the Trapdoor. The Second Floor is above the Trapdoor. The Second Floor is a room. The description of the Second Floor is "This is where the more advanced guys would have worked." The Computer room is east of the Second Floor. The Computer room is a room. The description of the computer room is "A room full of computers allowing the users to make notes quickly and E-Mail each other." A computer screen is in the computer room. "A computer screen has a message on it." The description of the computer screen is "Note to self: find Ben. He has the only key to the third floor." The Staircase is west of the Staircase Door. The Staircase is a room. The description of the Staircase is "A staircase that leads up to the Third Floor." There is a locked door called the Staircase Door. The Staircase Door is west of the Second Floor and east of the Staircase. The stone key unlocks the Staircase Door. The Corridor is above the Staircase. The Third Floor is east of the Corridor. The Corridor is a room. The description of the Corridor is "Which way, east or west?" The Death Room is west of the Corridor. The description of the death room is "You fell into one of the old traps. Now THAT was unfortunate :)" Failure is a scene. Failure begins when the player is in the Death Room for the first turn. When Failure begins: say "I did give you a hint..."; end the story. The Third Floor is a room. The description of the Third Floor is "The top floor of the MoD Building. This is where the weapons are kept." A metal box is here. The metal box is a container. There are some M4A1's and 5.56 ammunition in the metal box. The description of the metal box is "A military metal box, it contains some M4A1's and some ammo for them." A leather bag is here. "A leather bag is huddled, alone in the corner of the room." The leather bag is an open container. The leather bag is fixed in place. There is C4 in the leather bag. The Coast is west of the Field. The Coast is a room. The description of the Coast is "Once a bustling port, it is now deserted. The shops are now closed and ships no longer arrive." A wooden crate is here. The wooden crate is a closed container. The wooden crate is openable. There are several bottles of Port in the wooden crate. The bottles of Port are edible. The description of the bottles of Port is "You could get drunk on that... WHO CARES!!!?!" Instead of eating the Port: say "You get drunk and stumble over the cliff. You then drown in the churning waters of the sea. But you're so drunk you don't really care. :P"; end the story. The Docks are south of the Coast. The Docks are a room. The description of the Docks is "This is where the boats would have docked when the world was normal. They stored their cargo in the large warehouse to the south." A net is here. "A net is lying on the ground." An umbrella is here. "An umbrella rests nearby on the ground." The description of the umbrella is "A grey umbrella. It would have been useful before the incident, but now the acid rain would eat its way through. Anyway, it had deteriorated over time." The description of the net is "An old fishing net." The Warehouse is south of the Docks. The Warehouse is a room. The description of the Warehouse is "You enter the old warehouse, made of corrugated iron. Boxes are stacked to the roof in a non-organised fashion." Ben is a scene. Ben begins when the player is in the Warehouse for the first turn. A Zombie is a person. "A zombie walks out from the shadows and confronts you!" When Ben begins: say "A zombie is sheltering in the warehouse."; now the zombie is in the Warehouse; if the player is not carrying the handgun: end the story; say "You should have been carrying some form of personal defence."; otherwise: now the zombie is off-stage; move the grisly corpse to the Warehouse; say "You killed the zombie with the handgun!"; now the frosted fridge is off-stage; now the melted fridge is in the Reception. The grisly corpse is a supporter. "The putrefying remains of the zombie you killed." The torn note is on the grisly corpse. The description of the torn note is "I put the key to the third floor in the fridge. Ben". The description of the Barricade is "A barricade, the only thing between you and freedom!" The description of the MoD Key is "A Key to the MoD Building." The description of the MoD Door is "The front door to the MoD Building." The description of the Trapdoor is "A trapdoor at the top of the door is blocking your way to the second floor." The description of the wooden crate is "A wooden crate left here by a ship. It's probably about 30 years old." Instead of taking the computer screen: say "It's plugged into the wall." The metal box is fixed in place. The leather bag is fixed in place. The description of the C4 is "Some plastic explosive. Now I can blow up the barricade." A Helpful Hint is in the Corridor. The description of the Helpful Hint is "DO NOT go west (wink wink...)" The Helpful Hint is fixed in place. The rations are edible. The food is edible.