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Our Apartment
Allison Goz
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"Our Apartment" by Allison Goz The Bathroom is a room. "The florescent light above the toothpaste bespeckled mirror is flickering again. It casts a glow like jaundice around the room. Below the mirror, the sink faucet drips slowly. The floor of the bathtub has had its protective glaze eroded away, luring black grim to stain the porcelain. There is a tiny window above the toilet.The room smells of stale urine and cheap cologne." Toothbrush is in the bathroom. The description of the toothbrush is "Discolored, splayed bristles reveal that it is 'well loved.'" Before taking toothbrush: say "You forgot to hide it in the drawer. Now every time you brush your teeth this week the taste of cologne with linger in your mouth."; continue the action. The Kitchen is south of the Bathroom. "The room is dark. Only a few strands of afternoon sunlight peak through the blinds. Everything feels like it's coated in a thin film of dust." Refridgerator is in the kitchen. The description of the refridgerator is "It is a hand-me-down from the tenants before that looks as if it boderlines vintage. It is plastered with fading pictures, assorted free magnets, and a Marmaduke comic strip clipped from a newspaper." Before examining refridgerator: say "The handle feels sticky."; continue the action. Understand the command "unlock" as something new. Understand "unlock [something]" as unlocking. Unlocking is an action applying to one thing. Carry out unlocking refridgerator: say "The smell is musky. You have the suspicion that there are a lot of 'science projects' hiding in the back."; continue the action. The Bedroom is north of Bathroom. "The room is so small that it is dwarfed by the twin bed against the far wall. There is a small spot on the carpet where pudding was spilt and left so long that it stained the grey carpet burgundy. A hamster cage rests on the bedside table. An over-ladden bookshelf is by the door." Bookshelf is in the bedroom. The description of the bookshelf is "The shelves are concaving under the weight of the books. They are mostly young adult novels." Moby Dick is on the bookshelf. The description of Moby Dick is "There is one that stands out: a leatherbound copy of Moby Dick with gold inlays. It is the only book that has been dusted." Before taking Moby Dick: say "They might miss this one."; stop the action. The Brother's Bedroom is east of the Bathroom. "The room is locked. From behind the hollow door you can here the sounds of someone playing Mortal Kombat coming from the TV." The Den is west of the Bathroom. "It is the largest room in the apartment. Beside the front door is an aging Christmas Tree that no one has bothered to take down. The carpet is littered with brown pine needles.There is a sofa across from a flat screen television. " The sofa is in the den. The description of the sofa is "It is a horrid, grey monstrosity salvaged from the side of the road. Two of the couch cushions are indented with use." The laptop is on the sofa. The description of the laptop is "It rests on the middle cushion of the sofa. It might belong in a museum. Preferably the dinosaur exhibit." Before taking laptop: say "Why is this thing so heavy?"; continue the action. The front door is in the den. The description of the front door is "Is it the way out?" Carry out unlocking front door: say "The hinges creak."; continue the action. Understand the command "leave" as something new. Understand "leave [something]" as leaving. Leaving is an action applying to one thing. Carry out leaving: say "I can never truly leave."; continue the action.