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Prisoner of the Drunken Era
andrew y
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"Prisoner of the Drunken Era" by Max C and Andrew Y When play begins: say "You abruptly wake up from a strange nightmare only to smack your skull into a hard surface somewhere above you. Wincing painfully, you take a brief survey of the darkness, and attempt to recall any memories of where you are. Alarmingly, you cannot even remember [italic type]who[roman type] you are, although perhaps that is a result of bonking your head…(maybe you should examine your stat log to see if you’re doing alright)" Your Prison Cell is a room. "You are in a compressed, dusty prison cell which would be entirely enshrouded in the eerie darkness had it not been for the flickering glow from a lightbulb dangling ominously from the low ceiling. A thick stench of burnt rubber and rotting flesh clouds the room, bringing salty tears to your eyes. The uncomfortably tight walls reek of grime and filth. You barely manage to make out the crooked outlines of a bunk bed, a toilet, a sink, and a table. To the east is the cell door, which serves as an impenetrable divide between your cell and the hallway." The description of the player is “You might have once been a strong, beefy person full of rippling muscles under a shield of slick, impenetrable skin. But for now, you’re stuck as short and scrawny, with protrusions of bone jutting out under stretched, waxy flesh. Most of your body parts (armpits, mouth, and other areas too unpleasant for mere words to suggest) are emitting a strong smell of undergarments that have not been washed for at least a year.” The bunk bed is a supporter in Your Prison Cell. The description of the bed is "It is a wonder such a tiny room can contain a bunk bed, but this is indeed, a bunk bed. The cobwebbed underside of the top bunk hangs quite low, and unsurprisingly, there’s a faint dent in the metal as a result of all the unfortunate heads which have been subjected to a less-than-gentle awakening each morning. The thin layer of moth-eaten sheets and the rough, stone surfaces seem awfully uncomfortable, but since you have somehow managed to sleep here successfully, it works. A ladder is attached to a side, and a teddy bear sits in a corner." It is fixed in place. Understand “bunk”, “double bunk”, “double-bunk”, and “bed” as bunk bed. The ladder is part of the bed. The description of the ladder is "With only a few rungs, it’s not much of a ladder. The rustiness of the metal looks as though it could crumble at any moment.” The ladder is an enterable supporter. Instead of climbing The ladder: try entering The ladder. The Top Bunk is a supporter part of the bunk bed. The description of The Top Bunk is “[If the player is not on The ladder] You can’t see much of it from here. Shorty[end if][if the player is on The ladder] Not much different from the lower bunk, but with one exception: it has a corpse stuck on it[end if].” The corpse is a closed, openable container. The corpse is on the Top Bunk. It is fixed in place. Understand “body”, “dead person”, “dead body”, and “dead guy” as the corpse. The description of the corpse is “[if the player is on the ladder]You cringe in horror as a mangled, bloody corpse comes into view. From the crude, rotten smell of dried organic waste, this poor fellow must have died long before now. Chunks of the body are missing throughout, exposing the inner bones, juices, and organs. A drape of shredded skin covers the shattered rib cage, hinged like a crude opening of the corpse[end if][if the player is not on the ladder] Can’t see it[end if].” Instead of opening the corpse: if the player is on the ladder: say “[if the corpse is closed]Hesitantly, and unnecessarily slowly, you peel open that flap of flesh. Like a bandage being ripped unceremoniously off a fresh wound, the thing produces an unpleasant wet, unsticking sound. Finally, with a dry crack, the interior cavity of the corpse’s rib cage is exposed[end if][if the corpse is open] If you continue playing with that disgusting thing it’s going to break[end if].[if something is in the corpse]It contains [a list of things in the corpse].”; now the corpse is open; otherwise: say “Don’t see a corpse…phew.” Instead of closing the corpse: if the player is on the ladder: say “[if the corpse is open]The flap of skin flops back over the rib cage with a squelch[end if][if the corpse is closed] If you continue playing with that disgusting thing it’s going to break[end if].”; now the corpse is closed; otherwise: say “Don’t see a corpse…phew.” The knife is in the corpse. The description of the knife is “The metal blade is rusted, but the wickedly sharp bloodstained edges glare in the darkness. Other than that, it’s just an ordinary dagger.” Understand “dagger” and “blade” as the knife. The lightbulb is in Your Prison Cell. Understand “bulb” and “light” as the lightbulb. The description of the lightbulb is “[If the player is not on The ladder]From your viewpoint, the only thing you see is a small orb of light. Really puts your height into perspective, doesn’t it?[end if][if the player is on The ladder]Although absence of a wire indicates that this ‘lightbulb’ functions rather like a battery flashlight, the slight cracks in the grass implies that it is just as fragile as an ordinary lightbulb[end if].” The button is part of the lightbulb. The description of the button is “[if the player does not carry the lightbulb]Button? Where?[end if][If the player carries the lightbulb]The beautiful, emerald green button sparkles under the warm glow of the bulb. Its polished, round contours feel pleasantly smooth beneath your finger, which longs to bestow a gentle push upon it[end if].” Understand "press [something]" as pushing. Instead of pushing the button: If the player carries the lightbulb: say "The lightbulb goes out with a bright flash that blinds you. Immediately, you are surrounded by a veil of impenetrable darkness. Blindly, you lumber around non-sensibly, smacking your head into several indistinguishable hindrances until you bleed to death."; end the game in death; Otherwise: say "You can't see the button and you want to push it?" The desk is a supporter. The desk is in Your Prison Cell. It is fixed in place. The description of the desk is “This small desk is in the center of the room. The cheap oak surface is cracked and dusty, and the metallic legs are dented. You also notice that the desk is bolted to the ground, probably to prevent it from being weaponized. There is a drawer attached to it.” The drawer is a closed, openable container. The drawer is part of the desk. The description of the drawer is “You snort at the sight of the askew, wooden drawer that looks like it was slapped together by a drunk who had the wrong parts and followed the wrong building instructions. As if you could do better.” The rations is in the drawer. The rations is edible. The description of the rations is “A pack of rations. You are very lucky to have them, given that food is scarce in this dungeon. [bold type]Eat wisely.” After eating the rations: say “Tentatively, you nibble the rations. Tears of joy leak from your eyes as a normal, savourable taste of a granola bar blesses your tongue.”; now hunger count is 50. The teddy bear is on the bunk bed. Understand “teddy”, “bear”, “toy”, “stuffy”, “stuffed toy”, “stuffed bear”, “plushie”, and “ted” as the teddy bear. The description of the teddy bear is “With cotton spilling out of the severed limbs and dust accumulating in the shaggy fur, this mutated thing hardly resembles a bear. However, it is unmistakably a stuffed toy of some sort, and the remainder of its wooly guts have preserved the softness.” Instead of hugging the teddy bear: say “You give that mutated stuffy a great bear hug (literally, in a way). Somehow, it makes a squeaking sound, which could either indicate approval or pain.” After hugging the teddy for the first time: increase good count by 1. Instead of eating the teddy bear: say “You choke on the cotton and almost die. You monster.” The rope is part of the lightbulb. Understand “string”, “thread”, and “line” as the rope. The description of the rope is “[if the player is on the ladder]This ancient noodle of blackened thread is the literal lifeline of the lightbulb. Tugging on it will not break it, but a somewhat sharp object can definitely do the job[end if][if the player is not on the ladder]All you can do is squint at it[end if].” The rope can be cut or uncut. The rope is uncut. Instead of cutting the rope: if the player carries the knife: if the rope is cut: say “[if the player carries the lightbulb]The rope is going to disintegrate if you don’t stop bullying it[end if][if the player does not carry the lightbulb] You swing your arms wildly like an idiot, unable to reach anything[end if].”; if the rope is uncut: if the player is on the ladder: say “You brandish the knife with an unnecessary but rather impressive show of swishes and slices, and the rope is cut.”; now the rope is cut; if the teddy bear is on the desk: say “The lightbulb falls into the stuffed bear’s waiting arm (the other one is amputated) with a muffled thump and a spray of cotton fluff.”; now the lightbulb is on the desk; otherwise: say “The lightbulb slams into the desk, shattering into a hundred sharp fragments. Its final glow fades into the darkness. Blindly, you lumber around non-sensibly, smacking your head into several indistinguishable hindrances until you bleed to death.”; remove the lightbulb from play; end the game in death; otherwise: say “You swing your arms wildly like an idiot, unable to reach anything.”; otherwise: say “You have nothing to cut the rope with.” Instead of taking the lightbulb: if the rope is uncut: say “You can’t take it. Try cutting the rope.”; otherwise: say “You take the lightbulb.”; now player carries the lightbulb; The toilet is a closed, openable container in Your Prison Cell. It is fixed in place. The description of the toilet is “Standing unbearably close to the bed is a toilet. The metal bowl is green and rusted with specks of dried, slimy goo.[if the toilet is open]Fortunately, the lid is intact and currently shut. This is ‘fortunate’ because while it appears possible to open, hygiene experts would definitely recommend you to refrain from doing so, unless the need to unburden the excretory system is truly urgent[end if].” The toilet can be checked or unchecked. The toilet is unchecked. The mirror is scenery in Your Prison Cell. Instead of examining the mirror: If the player does not carry the knife: say “The mirror has a few scratches and rust marks, but can still reflect the limited amount of light in the room. The face in the mirror is hideous: black teeth, cracked lips, flea-infested hair, a crooked nose, chipped ears, and two sunken, bloodshot eyes which seriously need a good-night’s sleep. You contort your face in disgust as you see the reflection, which mimics your reaction, making it considerably more grotesque than it already is.”; if the player carries the knife: say “The mirror has a few scratches and rust marks, but can still reflect the limited amount of light in the room. Upon gazing into those dull eyes, the only thing you see is depression. They reflect what you’re currently thinking: ‘How easy would it be to just end this miserable life, end everything?’ You take out the knife, and sending an apology to the Heavens you desperately hope still exist, you drive the blade straight into your heart.”; end the game in death. Instead of opening the toilet: if the player is not on the ladder: say “[if the toilet is closed](Viewer discretion is advised). You hunch down on your hands and knees, carefully prying open the toilet bowl. A murky gust of nauseating, organic stenches billows forcefully around your wrinkled face, diffusing across the suffocating room as if it were not foul enough already. A trail of drool flows from your salivating mouth with a satisfying plop into the basin as you practically taste the pungent fragrance. With clammy moisture in your bloodshot eyes, you gaze into the piled layers of the repulsive contents. Mushed lumps of congealed waste varying in colour and texture seem to await almost longingly for your eyes to feast upon. As your head sinks further into the abyss, a collage of browns, greens, and oranges are brought into perspective, embodied with smooth, rough, and wet textures alike.[end if][if the toilet is open]Please be gentle with the lid, breaking it would be terrible[end if][if something is in the toilet][paragraph break]It contains [a list of things in the toilet].”; now the toilet is open; now the toilet is checked; otherwise: say “Can’t reach from here.” Instead of closing the toilet: if the player is not on the ladder: say “[if the toilet is open]The toilet lid falls back over the bowl with a thunk[end if][if the toilet is closed] Please be gentle with the lid, breaking it would be terrible[end if].”; now the toilet is closed; if the player is on the ladder: say “Can’t reach from here.” The lollipop is in the toilet. The lollipop is edible. Understand “sweet” and “candy” as the lollipop. The description of the lollipop is “You found this lollipop in the toilet. It’s uncertain whether the yellowness of the candy is from artificial flavouring or….well, you know. On the bright side, it has a sealed wrapper!” After eating the lollipop: say “Your fingers pinch the tiny square centimeter of the stick that is not coloured. Cautiously, you lick the lolliop (eww). Thankfully, there’s a bit of sweet lemon flavour to it, but also a tang of saltiness and bitterness. Not wanting to savour the taste for any longer, you crunch off the rest.”; now hunger count is 50. The sink is a supporter. The sink is in Your Prison Cell. The sink is fixed in place. The description of the sink is “In a corner of the cell is an ordinary prison sink built with rusted metal. Green globs surround the bowl and the drain. It probably doesn’t function very well.” The tap is a device part of the sink. The description of the tap is “The oxidized, askew tap appears old and fragile. There isn’t an option for ‘hot water’ on the tap. But for now, be thankful that water itself is an option, even if it may not be a lot.” The sink can be audible or inaudible. The sink is inaudible. Instead of switching on the sink: try switching on the tap. Instead of switching off the sink: try switching off the tap. Instead of switching on the tap: if the bowl is not on the sink: say “With a high-pitched squeal, you crank the tap on. Tiny droplets of water drip at a slow, consistent rate. Soundlessly, they pass straight through the drain in the sink.”; now the tap is switched on; if the bowl is on the sink: say “With a high-pitched squeal, you crank the tap on. Tiny droplets of water drip at a slow, consistent rate, making a consistent dripping sound on the bowl. Now you can time the guard: the guard walks by the hall about once every ten turns.”; now the tap is switched on; now the sink is audible. Instead of switching off the tap: say “With a jerky crank, you yank the tap into an off position.”; now the tap is switched off; now the sink is inaudible. The cell door is a closed, locked door. The cell door is east of your prison cell. The description of the cell door is “The tarnished iron bars are in a resolute sturdy state, and breaking them by force will have no effect whatsoever. You’re not scrawny enough to squeeze through the bars either. The only option is to crack the numerical code on the cell lock.” The cell lock is a supporter. It is part of the cell door. Understand “lock” as the cell lock. The description of the cell lock is “An extremely tough iron lock. You need a number sequence to open it.” Instead of putting the plastic on the cell lock: say “You spread the plastic wrap on the lock, and peel it off again. The imprinted fingerprint clearly indicates which numbers were entered. After a bit of trial-and-error, you finally manage to find the correct order of numbers. You can now open the cell door at will.”; now the cell door is unlocked. The Southern Hallway is a room. The Southern Hallway is east of Your Cell Door. “To the east is a hallway so dim, the cells of the other inmates can barely be perceived on the parallel faces of the two dreadfully long walls. The crumbling walls are ancient, without a single trace of an opening of light. The sound of the inmates remind you of ghosts, witches and dark spirits. To the south of the hallway there is a faint outer lining exhibiting a locked door and to the north of the hallway is a pitch black, endless darkness.” The Northern Hallway is a room. The Northern Hallway is north of the Southern Hallway. The description of the Northern Hallway is “If the Southern Hallway was weird, the Northern Hallway is downright haunted. The effluvia of decaying bodies drift aloft the floor, reminiscent of a foul cloak of dry ice. Collectively, the moans of the imprisoned insanities reverberate from the cells and through the corridor in a chain of ominous echoes. Amidst the above is a prolonged silence. In such silence, time has become indefinite, and sight has lost meaning. While you do see the shadowy silhouettes of the rec room door to the west and the abandoned cell to the east, nothing can ease the foreshadowing of a dreadful omen.” Every turn when in Your Prison Cell: If player does not carry the lightbulb: If the lightbulb is not in Your Prison Cell: say “Immediately, you are surrounded by a veil of impenetrable darkness. Blindly, you lumber around non-sensibly, smacking your head into several indistinguishable hindrances until you bleed to death.”; end the game in death. Every turn when in the abandoned cell: If player does not carry the lightbulb: If the lightbulb is not in the abandoned cell: say “Immediately, you are surrounded by a veil of impenetrable darkness. Blindly, you lumber around non-sensibly, smacking your head into several indistinguishable hindrances until you bleed to death.”; end the game in death. Every turn when in the pit: If player does not carry the lightbulb: If the lightbulb is not in the pit: say “Immediately, you are surrounded by a veil of impenetrable darkness. Blindly, you lumber around non-sensibly, smacking your head into several indistinguishable hindrances until you bleed to death.”; end the game in death. Every turn when in the Southern Hallway: If player does not carry the lightbulb: If the lightbulb is not in the Southern Hallway: say “Immediately, you are surrounded by a veil of impenetrable darkness. Blindly, you lumber around non-sensibly, smacking your head into several indistinguishable hindrances until you bleed to death.”; end the game in death. Every turn when in the Northern Hallway: If player does not carry the lightbulb: If the lightbulb is not in the Northern Hallway: say “Immediately, you are surrounded by a veil of impenetrable darkness. Blindly, you lumber around non-sensibly, smacking your head into several indistinguishable hindrances until you bleed to death.”; end the game in death. Every turn when in Your Prison Cell: If the sink is inaudible: If a random chance of 1 in 7 succeeds: say “The clomping of heavy-duty boots rings from the hallway.” Every turn when in the abandoned cell: If the sink is inaudible: If a random chance of 1 in 7 succeeds: say “The clomping of heavy-duty boots rings from the hallway.” Every turn when in the Southern Hallway: If the sink is inaudible: If a random chance of 1 in 4 succeeds: say “Out of the blue, you hear someone yell, ‘OI WHO’S THERE?’ In a state of panic, you whirl around only to be pelted with an endless string of bullets by a guard with an assault rifle. You drop to the ground, dead, in a puddle of your own blood. If only you could time the guard’s arrival.”; end the game in death. Every turn when in the Northern Hallway: If the sink is inaudible: If a random chance of 1 in 4 succeeds: say “Out of the blue, you hear someone yell, ‘OI WHO’S THERE?’ In a state of panic, you whirl around only to be pelted with an endless string of bullets by a guard with an assault rifle. You drop to the ground, dead, in a puddle of your own blood. If only you could time the guard’s arrival.”; end the game in death. Guard count is a number that varies. Guard count is 10. Every turn when in the Southern Hallway: If the sink is audible: say “[paragraph break][italic type]drip, drip, drip.”; Every turn when in the Northern Hallway: If the sink is audible: say “[paragraph break][italic type]drip, drip, drip.”; Every turn when in Your Prison Cell: If the sink is audible: say “[paragraph break][italic type]drip, drip, drip.”; Every turn: if the sink is audible: decrease guard count by 1 Every turn when in the Northern Hallway: if guard count is 0: say “Out of the blue, you hear someone yell, ‘OI WHO’S THERE?’ In a state of panic, you whirl around only to be pelted with an endless string of bullets by a guard with an assault rifle. You drop to the ground, dead, in a puddle of your own blood.”; now guard count is 10; end the game in death. Every turn when in the Southern Hallway: if guard count is 0: say “Out of the blue, you hear someone yell, ‘OI WHO’S THERE?’ In a state of panic, you whirl around only to be pelted with an endless string of bullets by a guard with an assault rifle. You drop to the ground, dead, in a puddle of your own blood.”; now guard count is 10; end the game in death. Every turn when in Your Prison Cell: if guard count is 0: say “The clomping of heavy-duty boots rings from the hallway.”; now guard count is 10; The caf door is a closed, locked door. The caf door is south of the Southern Hallway. The description of the caf door is “A small, metal plaque reads ‘Caf Door’. The wooden double doors to the cafeteria are riddled with scratches, burns, and other horrifying scars. Nevertheless, they are bolted shut and have defied the relentless efforts of several delinquents from barging in for more gruel. Perhaps they have also prevented victims from fleeing the hell within.” The Cafeteria is a room. The Cafeteria is south of the caf door. The description of the Cafeteria is “A blast of the world’s most befouling odours assaults your nose, which has shriveled up into a disturbing but quite accurate resemblance of a large, purple grape with all the juices squeezed out of it like a wrung cloth (or in other words, a raisin). After straying your crossed eyes from this monstrosity of a nose, you see a room roughly the size and height of a school cafeteria. The only difference is that most of the wooden tables are either overturned or splintered, shards of broken glass litter the floor, and streaks of rotten milk and dried blood stain the walls. Your fellow inmates dawdle on the floor, drinking their bowls of gruel in a chorus of unmannerly slurps, burps, and the occasional release of gas.” The table is a supporter. The table is in the cafeteria. The table is fixed in place. The description of the table is “The other tables are fully demolished and chopped up, and you wonder if the drunk cook came by and thought the table legs were celery stalks (assuming he hates celery too). However, [italic type]this[roman type] table remains standing with all four of its delicate, birch stick legs intact. The surface itself is actually in a decent condition as well, devoid of the ash and dirt that buries the other tables. Oddly enough, the other prisoners are clearly avoiding this table and choosing to sit on the chalked up floors. How peculiar. [if the moldy bread is on the table]Could the piece of bread on the table have anything to do with it?[end if]” The moldy bread is on the table. It is edible. Understand “bread” and “loaf” as the moldy bread. The description of the moldy bread is “This is a slice of plain, milk bread with a corner bitten off. Lying around in the cafeteria has made it as hard as a rock. Please resist your vile, primitive temptations: the brownish coat of dirt, mud, and mold is not Nutella. Although there is a smear of what looks suspiciously like blueberry jam, that should provide no incentive to eat the moldy bread.” After eating the moldy bread: say “Unhesitantly, you stuff that piece of moldy bread into your jaws. First, the vile taste of rotten junk is registered, and a few moments later, the poison gradually comes into effect. Taking its sweet time, the poison claws at your insides as you convulse in a blur of sickening pain. A slow and painful death indeed.”; end the game in death. Hugging is an action applying to one thing. Understand “hug [someone]” and “hug [something]” as hugging. Check hugging: say “That thing can’t be hugged.” Good count is a number that varies. Good count is 0. The guard is a man in the cafeteria. The description of the guard is “One glance at this beast of a man is enough to set you running off cowardly. Standing tall, bold as brass, and still as a statue, he is not a force to be reckoned with. His monstrous muscles ripple violently beneath his bulletproof vest and in his square jaws. His beady eyes burn menacingly across the room, peeled for suspicious activity. If he seeks an abnormality, he will immediately act upon it using his lethal assault rifle, which is fully stocked with ammunition.” Instead of talking to the guard: if lunch is happening: say “The guard glares at you and says, ‘Quit fooling around. There are [caf count] turns left until rec is over.’” Instead of asking the guard about something: if lunch is happening: say “The guard glares at you and says, ‘Quit fooling around. There are [caf count] turns left until rec is over.’” Instead of telling the guard about something: if lunch is happening: say “The guard glares at you and says, ‘Quit fooling around. There are [caf count] turns left until rec is over.’” Instead of talking to the guard: if recess is happening: say “The guard glares at you and says, ‘Quit fooling around. There are [rec count] turns left until rec is over.’” Instead of asking the guard about something: if recess is happening: say “The guard glares at you and says, ‘Quit fooling around. There are [rec count] turns left until rec is over.’” Instead of telling the guard about something: if recess is happening: say “The guard glares at you and says, ‘Quit fooling around. There are [rec count] turns left until rec is over.’” Instead of hugging the guard: say “You spread your arms open and lumber towards the guard. Mistaking your friendly gesture as an attack, the guard whips out his gun and opens fire.”; end the game in death. Joe is a man in the cafeteria. The description of Joe is “Stroking your hairy chin, you study this peculiar man named Joe. From the wrinkles on his face, creases on his brow, and his thinning, withering hair, he must be at least 80. He could possibly be much younger, but time is subjective in this horrid jail. On closer inspection, his chipped teeth are embedded with black stuff, and a dribble of glistening, green mucus slides readily from his crooked nose. He’s just sitting there, staring into space with those gray, clouded eyes, looking somewhat pathetic. Regardless, he’s the sanest person among the other inmates. You might be able to ask him about certain things.” Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" or “converse with [someone]” as talking to. Check talking to: say "[The noun] doesn't reply." Instead of talking to Joe: say "[one of]You approach Joe in a non-threatening manner, and say, ‘Hey Joe, how’s it going?’[paragraph break]Smiling faintly, he replies, ‘Yello there. Nothing much, just thinking about life.’[or]Interested, you ask, ‘Oh? What of it?’[paragraph break]A faraway look appears on his wrinkled face. He answers ‘Well, ya know, about my arrest, about the world. Me memory isn’t as sharp as it used to be, but if I remember correctly, I purposely got meself arrested by dealing with sleep drugs.’[or]Astounded, you ask, ‘Why on earth would you do that? Don’t you have a life to enjoy?’[paragraph break]With a dark chuckle, he says, ‘Man, yer memory ain’t that sharp either, innit? All I know is that the world has turned into something of a hell hole, and I wanted to forget it all.’[or]You leave Joe to his own thoughts.[stopping]" Instead of asking Joe about “corpse”: say “Joe is clearly disturbed with this question. He stammers, ‘Uhhhh that…he just died of hunger or something. Yeah that’s right. Nothing worse than that. Yepyep.’” Instead of asking Joe about “Joe”: say “Joe sighs, ‘Me memory’s so bad, I don’t even remember half a thing about my old days. But methinks it’s better that way.’” Instead of asking Joe about “moldy bread”: say “Joe says ‘Ahhh, the bread. That has been here for a mighty long time already. Probably poisonous or something, don’t eat it.’” Instead of asking Joe about “self”: say “Joe grunts ‘Oh dear me, I apologize for not remembering you. But now that you mention it, I might have seen you somewhere before we both wound up in this ditch.’” Instead of hugging Joe: say “You pull a surprised Joe into a warm hug, exchanging whiffs of smelly clothes. After you let go of him, Joe is obviously stunned. No one in a few decades has presented him with such a tender show of affection, and a single teardrop trickles down his face.” After hugging Joe for the first time: increase good count by 1. Intro is a scene. Intro begins when play begins. Intro ends when Start count is 0. Start count is a number that varies. Start count is 30. Every turn: if intro is happening: decrease Start count by 1; Lunch is a scene. Lunch begins when Intro ends. Lunch ends when Caf count is 0 Caf count is a number that varies. Caf count is 30 Every turn: if Lunch is happening: decrease Caf count by 1; Midgame is a scene. Midgame begins when Lunch ends. Midgame ends when Midcount is 0. Midcount is a number that varies. Midcount is 30. Every turn: if Midgame is happening: decrease Midcount by 1; Recess is a scene. Recess begins when Midgame ends. Recess ends when Rec count is 0 Rec count is a number that varies. Rec count is 30 Every turn: if lunch is happening: decrease Rec count by 1; Endgame is a scene. Endgame begins when Recess ends. When Lunch begins: say “You hear a loud, booming voice which says ‘ALRIGHT PEOPLE IT’S LUNCH TIME. TO THE CAF, CHOP CHOP.’ You and the other inmates are ushered to the cafeteria. Someone shoves a bowl of gruel into your arms, nearly spilling the contents. That’s nice.”; now player is in the cafeteria; now the player carries the bowl. When Midgame begins: say “The guard shouts ‘ALRIGHT PEOPLE LUNCH IS OVER. BACK TO YOUR CELLS NOW, CHOP CHOP.’ You and the other inmates are hurried back to the cells.”; now player is in Your Prison Cell. When Recess begins: say “You hear that loud voice again, which says ‘ALRIGHT PEOPLE IT’S REC TIME. HUP HUP MOVE THOSE LEGS, CHOP CHOP.’ You and the other inmates jog unenthusiastically to the rec room.”; now player is in the rec room; now the guard is in the rec room. When Endgame begins: say “The guard shouts ‘ALRIGHT PEOPLE REC IS OVER. BACK TO YOUR CELLS NOW, CHOP CHOP.’”; now player is in Your Prison Cell. The time killer is part of the player. The description of the time killer is “This imaginary button kills time. Time is a funny thing, isn’t it? Sometimes it flies by in the blink of an eye. Sometimes it drags along cruelly, prolonging pain and boredom. [if Endgame is happening] And sometimes, in an era of hopelessness and nothingness, it feels irrelevant, and utterly meaningless.[end if]” Instead of pushing the time killer: if Intro is happening: Now start count is 0; if Lunch is happening: Now caf count is 0; if midgame is happening: Now midcount is 0; if recess is happening: Now rec count is 0; if endgame is happening: say “Killing time? You don’t have the time to kill time.” The cell clock is in the drawer. It is fixed in place. Understand “clock” and “alarm” as the cell clock. The description of the cell clock is “This is a digital device attached to the inside of the drawer. The roughly cut mahogany frame supports a LED display, with cracks revealing the inner wiring and circuits. Although most of the LEDs are either faint or dead, you are still able to discern the words ‘[if intro is happening][Start count] minutes until lunch[end if][if Midgame is happening][Midcount] minutes until rec[end if][if endgame is happening]...[end if].’[bold type] To skip a scene, simply enter the command ‘press time killer’. Be careful.” Instead of eating the cell clock: say “You attempt to bite the clock, but your face smacks into the desk. What are you trying to do? Kill the time? Don’t you have a button for that?” The prison uniform is a thing. The description of the prison uniform is “Your cheap, one-piece prison uniform is a horrendous jumble of tattered cloth, appearing as though it was unprofessionally hand-crafted by a drunk who thought a splintered chopstick could replace a needle. The entirety is riddled with rips, gruel stains, and grime, clearly indicating that it hasn’t been washed a single time since the tragic day it was born. [if player is wearing prison uniform]Fortunately, the dirty bits cover up most of the holes, hiding your privates (thank goodness)[end if].” Instead of eating the prison uniform: say “The cloth is tougher than it looks and your teeth don’t leave a mark. You taste a hint of gruel, blood, and mucus.” The player is wearing the prison uniform. Every turn when in the cafeteria: If the player is not wearing the prison uniform: say “When the other inmates see your stark naked torso, they simply cannot resist the hunger that has been torturing them for the last few years. The pack of wild, primitive animals pounce on you and tear at every inch of visible, raw flesh.”; end the game in death. Every turn when in the rec room: If the player is not wearing the prison uniform: say “When the other inmates see your stark naked torso, they simply cannot resist the hunger that has been torturing them for the last few years. The pack of wild, primitive animals pounce on you and tear at every inch of visible, raw flesh.”; end the game in death. The bowl is an open container in the cafeteria. The description of the bowl is “A bent, dented copper bowl whipped into shape by a hammer. Knowing that the prisoners must eat slimy gruel out of these seldom washed scraps of metal is disappointing, but what can anyone do about it?” Instead of eating the bowl: say “You chomp down on the bowl and the only response is a cry of pain from your poor teeth.” Instead of closing the bowl: say “You can’t do that.” The glob of gruel is in the bowl. The glob of gruel is edible. Understand "gruel" as the glob of gruel. The description of the glob of gruel is “The gruel is a slimy white puddle engulfing chunky slobs of soggy goo. Smells like a glob of raw organs and gastric acid regurgitated by a drunk. And that’s only the smell.” Instead of doing something to the bowl: If the glob of gruel is in the bowl: say “That stuff might look bad, but you better eat it if you don’t want to starve to death.” Instead of taking the glob of gruel: say “Anyone ever taught you to not play with your food?” After eating the glob of gruel: say “Pinching your nose, you tilt the bowl and pour the gruel into your mouth. The cold stuff tastes like sawdust oatmeal in spoiled goat milk. As the last few bits trickle down your throat, you swallow almost painfully, grimacing in effort not to vomit it back out.”; now Hunger count is 50. Stat log is part of the player. Understand “log”, “stats”, and “statistics” as stat log. The description of the stat log is "[bold type]PLAYER STATS[roman type][paragraph break]Hunger countdown: [hunger count][paragraph break]PEE points: [pee][paragraph break]Affection score: [good count][if toilet is checked][paragraph break]stench resistance[end if][if the books is read][paragraph break]Gibberish knowledgeability[end if]" Hunger count is a number that varies. Hunger count is 50. Every turn: decrease hunger count by 1 Every turn: if Hunger count is 0: say “With a final growl from the hungering beast in your stomach, you die. Try to eat wisely next time.”; end the game in death. Pee is a number that varies. Pee is 1. Every turn: if pee is 0: say “With all the strength knocked out of you, you slump to the floor, dead.”; end the game in death. The walls is scenery. The walls is in the cafeteria. The description of the walls is “You might throw up if you stare at this filthy wall for any longer.” The walls can be searched or unsearched. The walls is unsearched. Instead of examining the walls for the first time: say “As you expected, globs of disgusting slush that hardly resemble food. Keep searching for goodies…" Instead of examining the walls for the second time: say "Among the crimson blood stains, you see a streak of a lighter shade of red. It might be ketchup, but you won’t take the risk. Moving on…" Instead of examining the walls for the third time: say "After digging through the sloppy walls for a disturbingly long time, you finally find something that may or may not have been worth the search: a piece of plastic wrap."; now the walls is searched. The plastic is part of the walls. The description of the plastic is “This is the plastic wrap you peeled off the wall. You touch it a few times and notice that the plastic displays your fingerprints pretty very distinctly. What could you possibly use a piece of plastic for?” Instead of taking the plastic: If the walls is searched: say “You take the piece of plastic wrap.”; now the player carries the plastic; Otherwise: say “You don’t see such a thing.” Instead of eating the plastic: say “You splutter, choke, gag, and almost die as you attempt to consume the plastic.” The rec door is a locked, closed door. The rec door is west of the Northern Hallway. The description of the rec door is “A bronze plaque reads ‘Rec door’. Sturdy steel was a good choice of material. Huge bumps and craters deform the door, which were made back then when dumbells and heavy weights were permitted. Obviously, that was a terrible idea, and you are unsurprised to see dark blood splattered across the door.” The rec room is a room. The rec room is west of the rec door. The description of the rec room is “The air is tinged with the smell of filthy clothes and perspiration, although the room is unblemished and organized. Other than a few loose floorboards, a discarded skipping rope, and an erected shelf, the room is relatively uncluttered. Apparently, there was a time when dumbells and balls were scattered throughout, but chances are, the prisoners abused these privileges. Literally, in a way. Anyhow, the current prisoners in the room are either slumped on the floor twiddling their thumbs, or engaged in unfriendly wrestling matches. You decide to ignore them.” The skipping rope is in the rec room. Understand “jump rope” as the skipping rope. The description of the skipping rope is “A cheap line of plastic with no handles. The black plastic looks like it has been gnawed on, particularly at the two ends. Try skipping with it (skip the skipping rope).” Instead of taking the skipping rope: say “Something (instinct, maybe?) tells you not to take the skipping rope. At one point, one of those lazy prisoners might want to use it. Besides, you would look dumb carrying this chewed rope around.” Instead of eating the skipping rope: say “Do you really feel the need to chew on this thing any more than it has been chewed on already?” Instead of eating the tranquilizer needle: say “You accidentally prick yourself in the mouth, numbing it.” Skipping is an action applying to one thing. Understand “jump [something]” as skipping. Check skipping: say “Skipping here is pointless.” Instead of skipping the skipping rope: say “[one of]The rope gets tangled in your feet and you faceplant. At least you got some exercise.[or]You manage to jump over the rope once, and in your excitement, you slip and fall. At least you got some exercise.[or]You swing the rope like a helicopter blade and whip yourself in the face (ow). At least you got some exercise.[at random]”; increase Pee by 1. The shelf is a supporter. The shelf is in the rec room. It is fixed in place. The description of the shelf is “Similar to that table in the cafeteria, this shelf is a clean, unscathed monument. The polished mahogany actually sparkles slightly in the dim light. You notice the inmates seem to be ignoring this piece of furniture as well, and you think of two possibilities. One, the books on the shelf provide no interest to the illiterate prisoners whatsoever. Alternatively, the shelf’s tranquilizer needle scares them.” The tranquilizer needle is on the shelf. Understand “tranq needle” and “needle” as the tranquilizer needle. The description of the tranquilizer needle is “A sinister needle with a large reservoir of greenish fluid. Why a weapon like this is randomly sitting around in the rec room remains a mystery. You question Joe’s involvement, but since he hardly visits the rec room, and instead, uses rec time to nap in his cell.” The books is part of the shelf. The description of the books is “The books no longer pique your interest.” The books can be read or unread. The books is unread. Instead of taking the books: say “You can’t be bothered to take the books, and would like to leave them to provide some decoration to the plain shelf.” Instead of eating the books: say “How could you? That would be scandalous!” Instead of examining the books for the first time: say “You read the title of a book: ‘Everything to cook with pork on a low budget’. Sounds boring.” Instead of examining the books for the second time: say "You skim through a book: ‘The World History Encyclopedia’. Very uninteresting.” Instead of examining the books for the third time: say "You flip through another book: ‘A Dummy’s Guide to Gibberish’. Hey, this could be useful!’”; now the books is read. The abandoned cell is a room. The abandoned cell is east of the Northern Hallway. The description of the abandoned cell is “This cell looks like it was the first and last cell that was inhabited by a prisoner. All the fixtures you would normally find in a cell, like a toilet, bed, and cell door, have all been blown to smithereens. The only things left in this dark musty room are the cobwebbed ceilings, dusty floors, a newspaper, and for some reason, a poster.” The newspaper is in the abandoned cell. The description of the newspaper is “This is a torn up newspaper in black and white print. Due to the rips and smudges, the only words you can identify are a headline: ‘Man arrested for spiking the nation with a deadly drug, killing millions.’” Instead of taking the newspaper: say “The newspaper is ripped up, what’s the point?” Instead of eating the newspaper: say “You don’t feel like having your mouth dyed black today.” The poster is in the abandoned cell. It is fixed in place. The description of the poster is “A very gruesome poster with images of gore, bloodlust, and trophies of war. You wonder what kind of horrible person would own something like this. A sharp object should be able to cut through it.” The poster can be cut or uncut. The poster is uncut. Instead of cutting the poster: if the player carries the knife: say “you cut through the poster with the knife, revealing a tunnel to the east. You won’t be able to return after entering the tunnel.”; now the poster is cut; if the player does not carry the knife: say “You have nothing to cut the poster with.” Instead of going east when the poster is uncut: say “You can’t go that way” The pit is a room. The pit is east of the abandoned cell. The description of the pit is “[if unvisited]After crawling through a tunnel, you arrive at an underground pit just before the tunnel caves in, sealing the exit. [end if]The only things in this dark, suffocating room are the grimy earth and several scattered bones. The stench here is worse than anything your unfortunate nose has ever smelled before. To the east, the tunnel continues. [if unvisited]Before you is a hunkered savage, currently eating away at a bloody, shredded human arm. You need to attack him, but try immobilizing him first.[end if]” Every turn when in the pit: if the toilet is unchecked: say “The stench is too powerful for your weak nose, and you pass out. You have become the savage’s next meal.”; end the game in death. After going east from the abandoned cell: Instead of going west: say “You can’t go that way.” Instead of going west from the pit: if the savage is in the pit: say “The savage blocks your path.”; If the savage is not in the pit: now player is in the outside. The savage is a man in the pit. “Agonized, you look at the most disgusting man you’ve ever seen. His filthy, tattered rags are soaked in blood. His hair is long, matted and moisturized with grease. His black incisors are artificially sharpened to the point of no return. His razor-sharp fingernails are caked with soot. The worst part is his eyes: bloodshot and bulging out, with a pulverizing glare of pure malice that shakes you to the core.” The savage can be mobile or immobile. The savage is mobile. Damage count is a number that varies. Damage count is 0. Every turn when the savage is mobile: if the player is in the pit: say “[one of]The savage chucks a severed bone at you, slicing your skin.[or]The savage scratches you with those sharp nails, drawing blood.[or]The savage smacks your head, causing it to throb painfully.[at random]”; decrease pee by 1. Attacking it with is an action applying to two things. Understand "attack [something] with [something]" and "hit [something] with [something]" and “kill [something] with [something]” as attacking it with. Check attacking it with: if the second noun is not carried by the player: say “You’re not holding [the second noun].” instead Report attacking it with: say “You aren’t in the mood to attack that.” Instead of attacking the savage with the tranquilizer needle: if the savage is mobile: if a random chance of 1 in 4 succeeds: say “You successfully thrust the needle into the savage, immobilizing him.”; now the savage is immobile; otherwise: say “You jab at the savage with the needle, but you miss.” Instead of attacking the savage with the knife: if the savage is mobile: say “The savage parries the dull knife easily. Try immobilizing him first.”; if the savage is immobile: say “In a rush, you stab the savage in the chest, but you miss the heart. He is hurt with damage.”; increase damage count by 1; remove the knife from play; now the savage is mobile. Instead of attacking the savage with the moldy bread: if the savage is mobile: say “The savage parries the flimsy bread easily. Try immobilizing him first.”; if the savage is immobile: say “You force feed the moldy bread into the savage’s gaping mouth. He is hurt by the poison.”; increase damage count by 1; remove the moldy bread from play; now the savage is mobile. Every turn when in the pit: if the damage count is 2: if the books is unread: say “Finally, the savage succumbs to his wounds. He mutters an intelligible stream of nonsense, and dies. His corpse fades into the jumble of other skeletal corpses.”; remove the savage from play; now the damage count is 0; if the books is read: say “Finally, the savage succumbs to his wounds. In a shuddering breath, he mutters his final words.[Paragraph break]’I hate you! All this madness…the Drunken era, the hunger purge, the rise of cannibalism…was all your damned fault! You and ol’ Joe with your child fantasies…that stupid, so-called hunger-relief drug…more like hunger drug…and I had to be the test subject, did I? You two have had it easy, intentionally coming here out of cowardice…but I had to suffer the side effect of your useless creation, and look at what I have become! When you walk out of here, I want you to see the damage you've inflicted to the world, and die in the darkness of it all…’”; remove the savage from play; now the damage count is 0. Unknown outdoors is a room. Unknown outdoors is east of the pit. The description of Unknown outdoors is “You are in a yellow plain under the night sky, with the full moon shining brightly. If there are any horrors out here, you have yet to see them. [if the books is unread][paragraph break]Regarding what happened to the world and society, you’re still in the dark, not having found the answer yet. Nevertheless, you are ready to face any challenges the world may throw at you. [end if][if the books is read][paragraph break]Indeed, you have learned of the Drunken Era. Although you’re not sure if the entirety of what the savage claimed was true, the general idea is clear. From the 21st century, the Earth’s moderate stability has reached a breaking point. The animals and plants humans used for food were all slaughtered, and most of the waters have been badly contaminated. In an attempt to relieve people of hunger, scientists invented a drug. Most unfortunately, this experiment backfired: people who ingested the drug initially believed it worked, and after a few days, the side-effects of the drug erupted violently. As a result, many people became cannibals, and all of humanity was in hysterics…until now. [end if][if good count is less than 2][paragraph break]You have just survived jail without becoming completely insane, and can help humanity redeem itself. The first step is to show some kindness in this decrepit world, which you haven’t done yet. Well, now is your chance. Show some affection, and hug the tree to end the game[end if][if good count is 2]You have just survived jail without becoming completely insane, and can help humanity redeem itself. The first step is to show some kindness in this decrepit world, which you have already done. No go ahead, show some more of that affection, and hug the tree to end the game.[end if]” The tree is in Unknown outdoors. It is fixed in place. The description of the tree is “A beautiful, mid-autumn maple tree with lush, red leaves. This is probably one of the last of its kind left in this dark world. It might symbolize passion. It might symbolize hope. It might symbolize truth. It might symbolize growth. It might symbolize nothing at all.” Instead of hugging the tree: end the game in victory.