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Doorknocking Simulator
Ahad Shahid
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"Doorknocking Simulator" The Manchester & Roosevelt is a room. "You're on the corner of Manchester Street and Roosevelt Boulevard. A fellow volunteer is handing out clipboards and GOTV pamphlets with all the Democrats to vote for in this town." The volunteer is a person in the Manchester & Roosevelt. The description of the volunteer is "You can grab a clipboard and pamphlets from the volunteer." There is a clipboard in the Manchester & Roosevelt. There are pamphlets in the Manchester & Roosevelt. The description of the clipboard is "Reminds you which houses to go to." The description of the pamphlets is "Reminders for citizens on who to vote for...if they're Democrats." Every turn: if the player has been in the Manchester & Roosevelt for 2 turns, say "The volunteer glares at you and says 'Go knock on doors already!' You can go north to start your doorknocking." The 1701 Manchester St is north of the Manchester & Roosevelt. "The first house to knock on! After this, 10 more to go." Tom is a person in the 1701 Manchester St. Instead of showing pamphlets to Tom: say "'Just what I was looking for! I'm voting Democrat!' You can go east now to get to the next houses." The 1703 Manchester St is east of the 1701 Manchester St. "The second house to knock on! After this, 9 more to go." Timothy is a person in the 1703 Manchester St. Instead of showing pamphlets to Timothy: say "'I'm not going to vote because voting is stupid. Please leave.' You can go east now to get to the next houses." The 1705 Manchester St is east of the 1703 Manchester St. "The third house to knock on! After this, 8 more to go." Judith is a person in the 1705 Manchester St. Instead of showing pamphlets to Judith: say "Judith frowns and slams the door in your face. You can go east now to get to the next houses." The 1707 Manchester St is east of the 1705 Manchester St. "The fourth house to knock on! After this, 7 more to go." Randy is a person in the 1707 Manchester St. Instead of showing pamphlets to Randy: say "'You ever hear of Stand Your Ground, you faggot?' You can go east now to get to the next houses." The 1709 Manchester St is east of the 1707 Manchester St. "The fifth house to knock on...after this, just 6 more to go." Beatrice is a person in the 1709 Manchester St. Instead of showing pamphlets to Beatrice: say "'I'll call the cops on you so fast if you don't get out of here.' Go east now to get to the next houses." The 1711 Manchester St is east of the 1709 Manchester St. "The sixth house to knock on...after this, just 5 more to go." Ysenia is a person in the 1711 Manchester St. Instead of showing pamphlets to Ysenia: say "It's nice to see a friendly face in the neighborhood. And yes, I'm voting democrat. You can go east now to get to the next houses." The 1713 Manchester St is east of the 1711 Manchester St. "The seventh house to knock on...after this, just 4 more to go." Craig is a person in the 1713 Manchester St. Instead of showing pamphlets to Craig: say "'Wassup! I'm voting Trump he's gonna make America great again! That Hillary is a liar buddy!' You can go east now to get to the next houses." The 1715 Manchester St is east of the 1713 Manchester St. "The eighth house to knock on...after this, just 3 more to go." Damia is a person in the 1715 Manchester St. Instead of showing pamphlets to Damia: say "'I'm gonna be writing in Bernie! Bernie or bust! Lock her up!' You can go east now to get to the next houses." The 1717 Manchester St is east of the 1715 Manchester St. "The ninth house to knock on...after this, just 2 more to go." Peter is a person in the 1717 Manchester St. Instead of showing pamphlets to Peter: say "'I'm sick and tired of these liberal snowflakes gaying up my neighborhood. Get off my property.' You can go east now to get to the next houses." The 1719 Manchester St is east of the 1717 Manchester St. "The tenth house to knock on...after this, just the last one....finally." Ursa is a person in the 1719 Manchester St. Instead of showing pamphlets to Ursa: say "'I can't vote I don't have government ID.' You can go east now to get to the next houses." The 1721 Manchester St is east of the 1719 Manchester St. "The last house to knock on...after this, you can go home." McKayla is a person in the 1721 Manchester St. Instead of showing pamphlets to McKayla: say "'Trump all the way! He says what he wants! He's not PC!' You can go south now to get to your car." The Manchester & Donatello is south of the 1721 Manchester St. "You get in your car after a long day and start to drive home." Every turn: if the player is in Manchester & Donatello: say "You drove home and saw the election results the next day. Was it your fault? Did you campaign enough? It was too much to bear."; end the game in death.