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The Twisted Wood
Alex Spangler
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"The Twisted Wood" by Alex Spangler use no scoring Include (- [ KeyPause i; i = VM_KeyChar(); rfalse; ]; [ SPACEPause i; while (i ~= 13 or 31 or 32) { i = VM_KeyChar(); } ]; [ GetKey i; i = VM_KeyChar(); return i; ]; -) To clear the/-- screen: (- VM_ClearScreen(0); -) To clear only the/-- main screen: (- VM_ClearScreen(2); -) To clear only the/-- status line: (- VM_ClearScreen(1); -). To wait for any key: (- KeyPause(); -) To wait for the/-- SPACE key: (- SPACEPause(); -) To decide what number is the chosen letter: (- GetKey() -) To pause the/-- game: say "[paragraph break]Please press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; clear the screen. The description of the player is "Who are you? What are you doing here?" When play begins: say "You awake from a painful sleep -- alone and cold. The dirt that you have been lying on has stained your clothes. Attempting to wipe it off only rubs the dirt farther into the fabric. As you get up, the wind howls around you, sending an unforgettable chill up your spine. The moments leading up to this one are a complete blur and you are entirely unaware of how you arrived here or where you are. You look around for some sort of familiarity, but your surroundings only confuse you more. Your head begins to pound from thinking too hard. Fear creeps through your veins, troubling you even more. You reach into your pockets, trying to find something to grasp onto to -- something to bring your memory back. Unfortunately, your pockets are empty. You are entirely alone. As the wind slips through the branches on the trees around you, the leaves rustle -- almost speaking to you. Good luck and welcome to The Twisted Wood." Twisted Wood is a room. "[if unvisited]It seems that the woods continue to the north, south, east, and west. Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to the east. A soft, warm wind pulls from the north. Strangely, it feels almost inviting... The wind also pushes from the south. The wind from the north invites you to head in that direction.[end if][if visited]The trees in view twist around each other. Are they forming some sort of...barricade? Where
you.....[end if]" North of Twisted Wood is North Woods. North Woods is a room. "[if North Woods is unvisited]There is a dark path to the North. To the West and East the woods continue, however the trees seem to be too twisted around each other for you to move in either of those directions. Your only option is north on the path or to turn around. Something doesn't feel right about this though...... What is this warmth and where is it coming from?[end if]" A piece of paper is an object. A piece of paper is in North Woods. Paper is a fixed in place object. Description of a piece of paper is "A crinkled piece of paper nailed to a tree. A chill climbs up your back and travels to your core. You shake it off as you glance at the letter. The edges of it are torn -- almost forcefully. Blood seams to be smeared near the top. It doesn't look or smell fresh. Someone has written something. Tears stain the letter, but it is readable:
William, You promised me that you would meet me here. I waited for you for over an hour and you haven't shown up yet... I'm not sure how much longer I can wait. Unfortunately, I dropped the key somewhere. I can't remember where though. Please don't be mad at me. As long as we have each other. Remember that, okay? If you see any food, just drop it. You can't trust anything around here. The cut on my hand is really starting to make me dizzy. I hope I haven't lost too much blood. These woods really scare me. Who knows what...or who is living in them... I hear noises in the path up ahead. It sounds like the faint whisper of someone's voice. I hope that you reach me in time. Please reach me in time.. I love you William... Jane
" North of North Woods is path. Path is a room. "There is something dark about this path." After going north while in Path: say "After travelling down the path for a while, the darkness consumes you. The deeper you go, the more haunting it becomes. The warm wind continues to pull you in, farther and farther... You hear the faint sound of someone's name being whispered...
The darkness takes over you, sucking the life out of you with every step no matter what direction you take. The last thing that you hear is a deep cackle coming from something...someone. Death creeps on you and engulfs your existence."; end the game in death. South of Twisted Wood is South Woods. South Woods is a room. "[if the South Woods is unvisited]There seems to be something...
about going this way.. This is the first sense of familiarity that you have come across so far.[end if][if visited] It seems like the South Woods are a bit safer than the North Woods, don't you agree?[end if]" A rusted key is here. Description of rusted key is "The key hangs from a keychain. Next to the key on the keychain, an extremely rusted, engraved piece of metal says '
W & J
'. W & J...."; After taking key: say "[line break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]
"; say "[paragraph break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]You turn around, staring at the woods where you believe the sound came from. You stare, unblinking, into the darkness. Your pupils refuse to focus on whatever lies beyond the tree-line. The silence pains your ears as you listen hard, trying to make sense of what just happened. The only sound comes from the rustling of the leaves from the wind."; say "[line break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]
"; say "[paragraph break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]The wind blows gently against your back. It climbs up the back of your shirt, sending a chill across your body. You continue to stare, fixated on the area where the sound came from. The trees that were once twisted and tangled around each other begin to unfurl themselves. Scared, you turn around and run. The wind slams itself against you with an unprecedented force, knocking you to the ground."; say "[line break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]
William, you cannot run...
"; say "[paragraph break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]As you get up to run, the roots from the trees unearth from the ground, wrap themselves around your feet and legs, pulling you down. You reach for something, anything to grab onto to -- anything to save you. The roots tighten around your thighs and waist, moving up your body -- constricting you."; say "[line break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]
William, it will all be over soon...
"; say "[paragraph break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]You scream as loud as you can, but only the wind responds. The roots coil themselves around your neck, pulling you into the woods -- into the darkness... "; say "[paragraph break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; end the game in death.; West of Twisted Wood is West Woods. West Woods is a room. "[if West Woods is unvisited]This way feels a bit safer than north and south. You enter an opening, surrounded in all directions by the twisted woods. Still confused, you try to make sense of everything that has happened.[end if]"; Parchment is an object. Parchment is in West Woods. Parchment is a fixed in place object. Description of parchment is "[line break]A letter. Based on the handwriting, it must be from Jane. It looks strangely familiar to the note in the north. [paragraph break]
William, You MUST get out of here! This place is far too dangerous for you. Run, as fast as you can to the north. It's the only way out of here! RUN!!!!
"; After examining parchment: say "[line break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]
William, can you hear me?? It's Jane!
The voice echoes around you."; say "[paragraph break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]You respond... 'Jane? Who are you? Where am I!!!! How do I get out of here!!!'"; say "[line break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]
Your name is William. You and I drove here one afternoon for a picnic. You said that you had a surprise for me. I think that you were going to ask me to marry you... We walked for a little while until we found a nice clearing that you said you had found. As soon as we settled our things, the trees just...twisted themselves around each other -- blocking us in. A limb fell down and hit you in the head and you passed out. I wandered around for a little while, trying to find help until....well... now I'm dead.
"; say "[paragraph break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]You shake your head, thinking that you must be imagining things. 'How?
None of this makes any sense at all!'"; say "[line break]
William, you need to trust me and RUN. Go north! Now! We can talk more later. It's not safe here. Just trust me.
"; Instead of going east while in West Woods: say "[line break]The voice in the woods bellows over you...
There is no turning back now, William. I'm sorry.
"; end the game in death.; North of West Woods is Clearing. Clearing is a room. "[if Clearing is unvisited]Tired from running so quickly, you put your hands on your knees to catch a breath. A rock sits in the center of the clearing. As you make your way towards it, the ground shakes violently. A few seconds later, it stops.[end if]"; Rock is an object. Rock is in Clearing. Rock is a fixed in place object. Description of Rock is "[line break]There seem to be a series of symbols etched into the rock. They look really old and sacred. I wonder what they could be"; After examining Rock: say "[line break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]
...William... I see that you have met Jane. She is my latest prize. I hope to add you to my collection by the end of the night. Are you having fun? I know that I am. I see that you have been examining this rock. I didn't think you would make it this far, but welcome to the burial ground.
"; say "[paragraph break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]'The what?' you reply. The voice in the woods cackles menacingly."; say "[line break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]
The burial grounds, William. This is where I bury all of my victims. Jane is actually buried right underneath the rock that stands before you. She put up quite the fight, but I managed to kill her anyway. You, poor William, are next. After all that you've seen, you can't possibly believe that I would let you go now
"; say "[paragraph break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]Frantically, you spin around, looking at the ground in different places. Some fresh, and some aged mounds of dirt lie in the clearing. There seem to be hundreds of them; bodies -- mounds of dead bodies..."; say "[line break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]'What could you possibly want with me? Why can't you let me go? How do I even know that you're telling the truth?'"; say "[line break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]
Oh William... See for yourself.....
"; say "[paragraph break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]The ground rumbles again, more violently this time. Slowly, steadily, hundreds of bodies begin to climb out of the mounds that they lived in for so long. The voice in the woods laughs again, shaking the trees around you. The rock closest to you starts to move as if someone is pushing it. Just as the others have done, a body rises out of the grave that the rock was covering."; say "[paragraph break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]'Jane...' As soon as the word leaves your mouth, hundreds of flashbacks begin to play in your mind. A timeline, if you will, of you and Jane -- together. You shake your head and stare at the hundreds of bodies that lie before your very own eyes. The west is your only escape from these...things."; Instead of going South while in Clearing: say "[line break]The voice in the woods bellows over you...
There is no turning back now, William. I'm sorry.
"; end the game in death.; West of Clearing is Abandoned Shack. Abandoned Shack is a room. "[if Abandoned Shack is unvisited]It seems that the...creatures...have stopped chasing you. You definitely don't want to spend too much time here though, just in case they are behind you. [end if]"; Cabin is an object. Cabin is in Abandoned Shack. Cabin is a fixed in place object. Description of Cabin is "[line break]Not much too this old piece of crap. There is no door, no windows, no sign of anyone living here in the past hundred years or so. A sign on the ground reads 'The Parkers'"; After examining Cabin: say "[line break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]
William! I'm so sorry that I couldn't help you back there. If he had known that I was helping you, he would have for sure killed you right then and there. I have to be as secret about this as possible. Do you know where you are?
"; say "[paragraph break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]'No, Jane. I have no idea what in the hell is going on. I just saw your mangled body back there, DEAD! How in the hell am I supposed to know what's going on right now?! By the way, thanks for the advice on going north earlier. It really helped out..'"; say "[line break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]
William, you have every right to be mad at me, but if you want to make it out of here alive, you HAVE to do everything that I say. You're still alive now, aren't you? You wouldn't be if it wasn't for me.
"; say "[paragraph break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]'Just get me out of here...okay?'"; say "[line break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; say "[line break]
I'm going to do the best that I can. When we are done talking, you need to go North. He is going to be there waiting for you. No matter what he says, DON'T listen to him. He's going to try to manipulate you into thinking that I'm some sort of bad person. I wouldn't have gotten you this far if I wanted to do anything to harm you. He obviously can't scare you with actions, so he is going to try to get in your mind. I'll be waiting on the other side... Good luck.
"; Instead of going east while in Abandoned Shack: say "[line break]The voice in the woods bellows over you...
There is no turning back now, William. I'm sorry.
"; end the game in death.; Before going North while in Abandoned Shack: say "A bright white light glows all around you, blinding you. You close your eyes, unable to focus on anything. Your body is all of a sudden transported..."; say "[line break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; North of Abandoned Shack is Field. Field is a room. "[if Field is unvisited]Sunlight shines on you from all directions. The twisted woods that were once dark and gloomy are replaced by apple trees and birds singing songs. You turn around to look at where you came from but there is no path. In all directions, only grass[end if]"; Apple Tree is an object. Apple Tree is in Field. Apple Tree is a fixed in place object. Description of Apple Tree is "[line break]Fresh apples hang from this tree. They look so delicious. You have been hungry for so long... Thinking back now, you don't remember the last time that you actually ate anything. While the apples hanging from the tree are pretty much out of reach, some lie conveniently on the ground."; Fresh Apple is an object. Fresh Apple is in field. Fresh Apple is edible. Description of Fresh Apple is "Something seems...different about this apple. Not sure what it is... Should you risk eating it? You are very hungry..."; Instead of eating Fresh Apple: say "You really shouldn't have eaten that apple. How could you not think that it was poisonous..?"; end the game in death; Instead of dropping Fresh Apple: say "You defeated the curse and escaped the Twisted Wood. Jane's soul and the rest of those that have been killed can now rest in peace. Congratulations, you won!"; say "[line break]press SPACE to continue."; wait for the SPACE key; end the game in victory;