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Escaped Prisoner
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When play begins: say "You're on a ship, the esteemed Voyager, warping through space, exploring the far reaches of the galaxy, making first contact with the new planets you discover, and keeping the planets within the Federation safe." At 9:02 AM: say "Red Alert! Report to the Captain on Level 1!" The Your Room is north of Command Wing. "This is where you sleep. The only thing in the room is your bed and a closet. Not a very exciting person are you? The Command Wing lies to the south." The bed is an enterable supporter and scenery in Your Room. The description is "Don't think about what you do here. Now is not the time." The closet is scenery in Your Room. The description is "All you have is gold clothes. Don't you have any other color?" Level 1 is a region. The Command Center is in Level 1. The Command Center is a room. "A small, open area at the top of the ship. A view screen takes up the front of the room, displaying the stars shooting past as the ship moves towards the prison planet." Captain is a man in the Command Center. "The Captain [one of]is standing next to his chair[or]is gazing out of the view screen[or]is over by the Pilot's console[or]is over by the Communications console[or]is by the Tactician's console[or]is sitting in his chair[cycling]." The description is "A remarkable man who has gotten the ship out of danger many times. If he flirts with you, ignore it." After asking Captain about "red alert", say "'The prisoner we were transporting,' he says, 'has escaped. Go find them and prevent them from escaping the ship. Go to Haru for the time frame you got and the Lila for the search.'" After asking Captain about "prisoner", say "'That person allowed for hundreds of people to die because they didn't have the traits they liked. They deserves their sentence.'" After asking Captain about "sentence", say "'Their serving a life sentence at the galaxy's most harsh prison.'" After asking Captain about "the prison", say "'It's an icy wasteland. No one can survive on the surface.'" Haru is a man in the Command Center. "Haru is at his console." The description is "This guy's hilarious." The Pilot's console is scenery in the Command Center. It is a supporter. The description is "This is where the magic happens." After asking Haru about "time frame", say "'We got like two hours,' he says. 'Have fun.'" Lila is a woman in the Command Center. "Lila is at her console." The description is "This woman has the voice of an angel and will smile as she kills her enemies." The Communications Officer's console is scenery in the Command Center. It is a supporter. The description is "This is where all the levels report to. Stay on Lila's good side." After asking Lila about "search", say "'No levels are reporting about them,' she says. 'You'll have to search the entire ship.'" The Captain's chair is an enterable supporter and scenery in the Command Center. The description is "The chair is remarkably ugly. Who designed this thing?" Level 2 is a region. The Hallway, Med Bay, Engineering, and Sciences are in Level 2. Hallway is a room. "The Med Bay is to the north, Engineering is through the metal door, and Sciences is through the black door." The Med Bay is north of Hallway. "A rather small area with only a white bed but a lot of examination equipment. They typically don't get a lot of patients at once but there are side rooms for patients to stay in. Don't go near them." The white bed is an enterable supporter and scenery in the Med Bay. The description is "It's a plain bed. You've seen them before." The equipment is scenery in the Med Bay. The description is "For the love of all that is holy, don't touch." The Chief Medical Officer's Office is a room. "Ronald does work here." The desk is a supporter in the Chief Medical Officer's Office. The description is "This desk is white too. Is everything white here? How do they keep it so clean?" The file is on top of the desk. The description is "Scrawled on the inside is a note in Ronald's handwriting. Crew Member: Moderate Health. Needs to have their monthly check up. They're overdue- hunt down and tranq them. Funny. You've been putting off your check up." Ronald is a man in the Med Bay. "Ronald [one of]is examining a patient[or]is reading a patient's file[or]is scowling at your presence[or]is examining the equipment[cycling]." The description is "He will throw southern colloquialisms at you as he roughly does your routine examination. Maybe you shouldn't put those off." After asking Ronald about "prisoner", say "'I been runnin' all over hell's half acre today,' he says. 'No one has been in here that I haven't recognized. Now get out- I'm busier than a moth in a mitten!'" The white door is a locked door. It is north of Med Bay and south of Chief Medical Officer's Office. Instead of opening the white door: say "You can't open a locked door. Try finding whoever has the key." Instead of unlocking the white door with the white key: move the player to the Chief Medical Officer's Office; say "The white door unlocks and you enter Ronald's office." The white key unlocks the white door. Technician carries the white key. Instead of asking Technician about "key": move the white key to the player; say "He hands it over. 'Please don't tell Ronald.'" The Engineering is a room. "A wide, open area with computer consoles lying in two rows, used for diagnosing the various problems the ship faces as it hurdles through space." Reginald is a man in Engineering. "Reginald [one of]is banging on a broken piece of equipment[or]is typing at a computer[or]is yelling at the computer in. . . Scottish?[or]is sitting on the floor with a laser in hand[cycling]." The description is "One too many screws have been broken in his head. Good guy though." The computer console is scenery in Engineering. The description is "One of the computers is sparking. Should that be happening?" After asking Reginald about "prisoner", say "'Sorry, lassie. . .laddie. . .person. Ah am a tad bit busy today. Ah see no one,' he says." The metal door is a locked door. It is west of Engineering and east of Hallway. Instead of opening the metal door: say "You can't open a locked door. Try finding whoever has the key." Instead of unlocking the metal door with the metal key: move the player to Engineering; say "The metal door unlocks and you enter Engineering." The metal key unlocks the metal door. Sara carries the metal key. Instead of asking Sara about "key": move the metal key to the player; say "She hands it over. 'Don't tell Reginald I gave this to you.'" The Sciences is a room. "A black table and a green table line different parts of the room, each one has half circles on it, enclosing some form of experimentation or examination of new life." Christa is a woman in the Sciences. "Christa is examining a plant." The description is "A sweet lady that has a thing for Lila." After asking Christa about "prisoner", say "'The prisoner is missing?' she says. 'How awful! I heard that they can shape shift. They could be anyone!'" The black table is scenery in Sciences. The description is "One of the half circles starts to scoot along the table. Should you tell Christa?" The green table is scenery in Sciences. The description is "Under one of the half circles you can see some type of flower. It's glowing. Awesome." The black door is a locked door. It is east of Sciences and west of Hallway. Instead of opening the black door: say "You can't open a locked door. Try finding whoever has the key." Instead of unlocking the black door with the black key: move the player to Sciences; say "The black door unlocks and you enter Sciences." The black key unlocks the black door. Lila carries the black key. Instead of asking Lila about "key": move the black key to the player; say "She hands it over. 'Say hi to Christa for me.'" Instead of asking Haru about "key": say "'If I had one of the keys, me and Viktor would be getting up to some stuff. Let me tell you.'" Instead of asking Haru about "stuff": say "'I don't think we need to be getting into that now.' He glances over at the Captain. 'Ask me later.'" Instead of asking Aaron about "key": say "'Do you think I'm interested in keys? They don't have a purpose in chess.'" Instead of asking Viktor about "key": say "'Oh the things me and Haru would do it we had one of them.'" Instead of asking Viktor about "things": say "'Oh like breaking in and messing shit up. Last time we did that to Ronald, he tranq'ed us and dressed us up like women. I kept getting hit on- it was fantastic.'" Instead of asking Captain about "key": say "'I don't needs keys to get in anywhere. I'm the captain.'" Instead of asking Ronald about "key": say "'Are you trying to break into my office? Because the last people got it and that's all I'm saying.'" Instead of asking Reginald about "key": say "'Wha key? I dinnae no key.'" Instead of asking Christa about "key": say "'Oh I'm sorry. I don't have a key for you.'" Level 3 is a region. The Command Wing, Sciences Wing, Operations Wing, and Crew Quarters are in Level 3. Crew Quarters is a room. "The Crew Quarters is broken into three wings: the Command Wing is to the north, the Sciences Wing is to the west, and the Operations Wing is to the east." The Command Wing is north of Crew Quarters. "Your Room lies to the north and the Crew Quarters is to the south." The Sciences Wing is west of Crew Quarters. The CMO's Room is a room. The blue door is a locked door. It is west of Sciences Wing and east of CMO's Room. Instead of opening the blue door: say "Your Room is in the Command Wing." The Operations Wing is east of Crew Quarters. The Chief Engineer's Room is a room. The red door is a locked door. It is east of Operations Wing and west of Chief Engineer's Room. Instead of opening the red door: say "Your Room is in the Command Wing." Level 4 is a region. The Second Hallway, Recreation Center, Fitness Center, and Mess Hall are in Level 4. Second Hallway is a room. "The Recreation Center is to the east, the Fitness Center is to the west, and the Mess Hall is to the north." The Recreation Center is east of Second Hallway. "An expansive area filled with various activities to pass the time and further relationships of all kinds." Aaron is a man in the Recreation Center. "Aaron is sitting at a table, playing chess." The description is "He's a great guy. Always sitting there. Playing chess." After asking Aaron about "prisoner", say "'You're the only one,' he says, 'that has disturbed my game.'" The chess set is scenery in the Recreation Center. It is a supporter. The description is "There's three levels and- is that a dragon?! What kind of chess is this?" The Fitness Center is west of Second Hallway. "A wide open area filled with equipment to make you stay in shape for all the new planets you discover and the natives you will flee from." Sara is a woman in the Fitness Center. "Sara is punching a boxing bag." The description is "She once punched the Captain for flirting with her." After asking Sara about "prisoner", say "'If I had seen them,' she says, 'I would have punched them.'" The boxing bag is scenery in the Fitness Center. It is a supporter. The description is "It's been punched one too many times. It's about to fall apart. Poor bag." The Mess Hall is north of Second Hallway. "An area filled with round tables made to help you socialize with your fellow crew members. The replicators line the north of the room, able to create whatever food you want." In the Mess Hall is a glass of water. A person can be asleep or awake. A person can be active or passive. Viktor is an asleep man in the Mess Hall. "Viktor is sleeping at a table." The description is "Shouldn't he be helping Haru?" Instead of waking an asleep person: say "Now how should you do that?" Instead of throwing water at an asleep person: now the second noun is awake; say "You pour out [the noun] on the [the second noun]. The [The second noun] wakes, shuddering. 'I had a terrible dream about drowning and then-- Wait a second!'" Understand "pour [something] on [something]" as throwing it at. Instead of attacking an asleep person: now the noun is awake; say "The [The noun] falls out of his chair. 'I wasn't sleeping!' he shouts." After asking Viktor about "prisoner", say "'How should I know?' he says. 'I was sleeping.'" Level 5 is a region. The Third Hallway, Cargo Bay, and Transporter Room are in Level 5. Third Hallway is a room. "The Cargo Bay is to the west and the Transporter Room is to the east." The Cargo Bay is west of Third Hallway. "An area that takes up half the level, it houses all the unused equipment and space shuttles not in use. One such shuttle is to the right." The space shuttle is scenery in the Cargo Bay. The description is "There's no one here. You should go for a joy ride." The Phaser is a thing carried by the player. Shooting it with is an action applying to two things. Check shooting something with something: if the player is not carrying the Phaser, say "You are pathetically unarmed!" instead; if the second noun is not the Phaser, say "The [The second noun] can't do that." instead; if the noun is the Phaser, say "I'd like to see you try!" instead; if the noun is the player, say "Do you have a death wish?" instead. Definition: a thing is ungunlike if it is not the Phaser. Understand "shoot [Phaser] at [something ungunlike]" as shooting it with (with nouns reversed). Understand "shoot [something ungunlike] with [Phaser]" as shooting it with. Understand "shoot [something] with [something]" as shooting it with. Understand "shoot [something] at [something]" as shooting it with (with nouns reversed). Understand "fire [Phaser] at [something ungunlike]" as shooting it with (with nouns reversed). Understand "fire at [something ungunlike] with [Phaser]" as shooting it with. Understand "fire at [something] with [something]" as shooting it with. Instead of shooting something with something: say "[the noun] falls over dead! You've prevented their escape but now they can't carry out their life sentence and you get transferred to another ship. Way to go. The Voyager is the best ship to be on."; end the story. Instead of attacking the prisoner: say "You do your special two hit combo and knock them out! You place them back in their cell and get promoted to First Officer. Hell yeah!"; end the game in victory. At 10:30 AM: say "You took too long and [the noun] was able to escape. The Captain is angry and throws you out the Cargo Bay into space. You get a nice view as you suffocate."; end the game in death. Instead of taking the space shuttle: say "You take the shuttle out for a quick ride. The stars zoom passed you and you feel alive. Only the ride wasn't so quick and by the time you get back, the ship has arrived at the prison and you haven't found the prisoner. Uh oh."; end the story. The Transporter Room is east of Third Hallway. "A small room that houses the Transporter, the device that beams you down to a planet for instant transport, and a small console where the technicians stand by for beaming up." Technician is a man in the Transporter Room. "The Technician is at his console." The description is "A man who you only know by his job description. It's not your fault you're bad with names." The Technician's console is scenery in the Transporter Room. It is a supporter. The description is "There's a lot of colorful buttons on this. You don't know what any of them do but that amount seems a bit excessive." After asking Technician about "prisoner", say "'All I do is stand here and push buttons,' he says. 'I don't know anything besides my buttons.'" Table of Floors level floor 1 Command Center 2 Hallway 3 Crew Quarters 4 Second Hallway 5 Third Hallway The elevator exterior is a backdrop. It is not scenery. The initial appearance of the elevator exterior is "You can go inside the Turbolift here." It is in Command Center, Hallway, Crew Quarters, Second Hallway, and Third Hallway. The Turbolift is a room. "The main system of transportation between all the Levels on the ship. The illuminated number above the door says [current level of Turbolift], though you can make it move by pressing a numbered button." Instead of going inside in the presence of the elevator exterior: let the present level be the level corresponding to a floor of the location in the Table of Floors; now the current level of the Turbolift is the present level; move the player to the Turbolift. The Turbolift has a number called current level. The current level of the Turbolift is 3. Instead of going up in the Turbolift: say "You have to pick a specific level. It can't read your mind. Your options range from 1 to 5." Instead of going down in the Turbolift: say "You have to pick a specific level. It can't read your mind. Your options range from 1 to 5.". Before going outside in the Turbolift: move the player to the floor corresponding to a level of current level of the Turbolift in the Table of Floors. Understand "push [number]" as pressing button. Understand "push [number] button" as pressing button. Understand "push button [number]" as pressing button. Pressing button is an action applying to one number. Check pressing button: if the player is not in the Turbolift, say "You need to be inside the Turbolift to do that." instead; if the number understood is the current level of the Turbolift, say "The Turbolift reopens its doors. You're already on Level [number understood]." instead; if the number understood is greater than 5, say "There are only 5 Levels." instead; if the number understood is less than 1, say "Are you trying to eject yourself into space?" instead. Carry out pressing button: now the current level of the Turbolift is the number understood; say "You press button [the number understood]. The Turbolift goes to that level." The prisoner is a person that varies. When play begins: now the prisoner is a random person who is not the player. Instead of examining the prisoner: say "[The noun] seems odd today." Instead of asking the prisoner about something: say "[the noun] begins to sweat and their form changes. It's the prisoner!"