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dog leashes
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"Sweet release" The park is a room. The printed name of the park is "Pepe park". The description of the park is "[Paragraph break]The park resides in the center of the city, down the street from the Hunter Association headquarters. It's known for its lush green grass and beautiful flora. Stone paths meander through the land, passing by a small pond with a statue in the center. Beans picked out the statue ages ago- a marble sculpted frog that actually functions as a fountain every hour. [Paragraph break] In the distance, you think you might see.. a clown? But whatever. ". When play begins: say "Your name is Pariston Hill, and you're on your 3:15PM dog walk with your three Pomeranians.[paragraph break]This is an inside joke with friends. If you stumble upon this somehow, I apologize.". Player is carrying dog leashes. The description of the dog leashes is "Your trusty bejeweled leashes. Each one is covered in small diamonds. Only the best for your sweeties!" The statue is scenery in the park. The description of the statue is "It's a beautifully sculpted marble statue of a frog. Beans had it commissioned by a world renowned sculptor from across the (documented) world. It stands a marvelous 10 feet tall, and shines brightly under the harsh afternoon sun. The frog almost looks slick. Beneath his stand is a gold plaque reading 'Pepe'.[paragraph break]Every hour on the hour, the statue functions as a fountain for the pond it resides in. Water comes out of the corners of its sculpted bloated eyes and pours into the pond beneath it. You think its man made tears are beautiful, and that they really speak to you. You really /feel/ for the guy.[paragraph break] The rest of the zodiac thinks it's utterly hideous.". Ging is a male person in the park. The description of Ging is "He's looking scruffier than usual. He's discarded his usual attire, and instead replaced it with a t shirt and shorts. You think he looks oddly domestic. It disgusts you.". Understand "Ging's shirt" as shirt. Ging is carrying a shirt. The description of the shirt is "The shirt says Down With Cis on it... You feel vaguely offended. Cisphobia is a very real issue these days. You think there might be a mustard stain on it. Did he really change out of his grimy clothes into more dirty garments?". After asking Ging about "the shirt": say "'What, my shirt? Oh, I've had this for years. Went on some bus tour of another country for the hell of it. Turns out, not a damn person on that bus was cis.' He laughs, 'So we all went out and got matching t shirts. Cool, right?' [paragraph break]You don't think so.". Ging is carrying a mustard stain. The description of the mustard stain is "Has anyone told him...?" After asking Ging about "mustard stain": say "'Oh uh... I think that might've been from the hot dog I ate some time ago.'[paragraph break] /Some time ago/ sounds rather ominous... You decide to ask when he ate that hot dog. [paragraph break] 'Probably a week ago? Give or take a few days. You act as if I keep track of my diet. I don't have time for that shit.' [paragraph break] You think you might fucking hurl.". Carry out talking to Ging: say "'Fuck off, Pariston. I'm trying to actually enjoy my day.'[paragraph break] Someone's touchy, jeez. You were just trying to say hello. How impolite.". Carry out talking to the dogs: say "DOGS CANT FUCKING TALK". Understand "talk to [something]" as talking to. Talking to is an action applying to one thing. Carry out talking to: do nothing. Report talking to: do nothing. The clown is scenery in the park. The description of the clown is "Oh my god. You recognize that clown. That's Hisoka. You smile in his direction and give a polite wave. [paragraph break]He's flexing. Why is he flexing. [paragraph break] Wait ... Is he wearing the same t shirt as Ging?". The dogs is scenery in the park. The description of the dogs is "Your beautiful, wonderful, gorgeous puppies. You love them more than life itself- just kidding! You love nothing more than yourself.[paragraph break]Their names are Clinton, Bush, and Hilary. You found the names in a book you were reading at the time and thought they matched up perfectly to your precious pups from above.". After dropping the leashes: say "They are loose. [paragraph break]Your trusty puppies have their target in sight, and by god they are on the MOVE. [paragraph break] Screams fill the air as Ging is ripped apart by the small dogs. [paragraph break] You're so happy. Proud tears form at the edge of your eyes, and in the distance- you hear a clock chime. [paragraph break] 4PM ---- Pepe cries with you. [paragraph break]fuck it im done writing this."; end the game in victory.