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Almost A Dream
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"Almost a Dream" by Raley when play begins: say "[italic type]It's all a blur, last night. You see faded shapes of men in white coats and white walls. There a words too but you can't make them out. The image swirls and ebbs before the colours disperse and leave behind a black smear..." Forest is a room. "You are in a forest. Surrounding you are thick dark trees that create a canopy above you. There is a strawberry patch, only one looks edible. You look at yourself and try to gauge the situation. You are wearing a straight blue dress, strange apparel for a man, and muddied white sneakers. You have a white band around your wrist which has scribbled black writing across the front. Squinting, you try to read it but can't focus your eyes enough. (There is nothing out of the ordinary with your outfit). You can make out a slightly worn path to the east and a muddy track leads to the north." East is Clearing. North is Swamp. Clearing is a room. "You are in a clearing. The small patch of treeless grass extends to about three feet in front of you and about two to each side. There is a tall tree ahead of you that has strange indentations in it's side. [if we have examined the tall tree]In the tree is a child's tree house[end if]. To the south there is a small winding pathway." Up is a Tree House. South is a Front Yard. A tall tree is here. It is scenery. The description is "[if we have not examined the tall tree]Upon closer inspection, you see the indentations seem to be spaced as far apart as legs and go inward enough for a foot. Above you, there is a large roof of wooden planks, a gap where the tree grows. It seems to be a sort of tree house. You can go up." Tree House is a room. "You are in an old tree house. It smells like dust and a child's perfume. There is a pile of various items in the corner. You hear a rustling from beneath you." A doll is here. The description is "[if we have not examined the doll]It's a fabric baby doll dressed in a faded blue dress. A line of stitches runs the length of it's back and dress." A pair of glasses is here. The description is "[if we have not examined the pair of glasses]They are a pair of wire framed, circular spectacles. When you put them on, your eyesight blurs and a headache forms. You take them off again and vow never to do it again." A tattered couch is here. The description is "[if we have not examined the couch]It is ratty and used, holes stretching long across the red fabric." Swamp is a room. "You are in a swamp. The air is thick and stinks of death, decay and rotting fruit. The ground beneath you dips and squelches as you walk, fear crawling up your spine at the fact you may fall through the earth beneath you at any moment. The path goes back south and fades into a marsh to the north. To the east and west are thick lines of impenetrable forest rising tall into the sky. From here you can see it is about midday." Front Yard is a room. "You are in the front yard of a small white cottage to the south. It has a nice garden out front and a cliché white picket fence. In front of you, there is a gate and a mailbox with the writing [italic type]Wilsons [roman type] in black paint. Another line of forest stretches out to the east and west" . South is White Cottage. A mailbox is here. "[if we have not examined the mailbox]It's an ordinary mailbox. You feel inclined to open it." It is scenery. It is a closed openable container. After opening the mailbox for the first time: increase the score by 1; say "You find a couple old newspapers and a letter addressed to Mal Wilson." A letter is in the mailbox. The description is "[if we have not examined the letter]You open the letter and read [italic type]For what it's worth, I think he's getting better. All things considered, his condition could be worse. Just make sure he takes his medication and that he doesn't lash out. Regards, Elsie.[roman type] A memory causes a burst of pain to appear and start throbbing at the base of your skull and behind your eyes. Your vision goes black for a second before a blur of blue and white appears and you focus on a man. He's severely balding and has a thin line of stubble across his jaw. He looks in his mid fifties and has a stethoscope around his neck. You deduce he's a doctor and in the back of your mind you know what he's doing, but in your muddled state you can't figure it out. He leans over you and his voice is fuzzy for a while before you realise he's telling you about medication. You don't quite understand but before you can do anything else, your vision returns and you find yourself leant against the mailbox. You straighten up and dust yourself off. That was weird." A newspaper is in the mailbox. It is scenery. The description is "There is a newspaper here with faded sepia colouring and slightly smudged images.[If we have examined Nayte] It says something about a house burning down in 1998. You feel a twitch in your stomach as you look back at the house and see it's walls just charred remains, everything inside not dusty, but covered in ash. *pretend the game just ended soz lmao*[end if]." Understand "sepia", "images", "paper" and "smudged" as the newspaper. White Cottage is a room. "[if we have examined Nayte]You stand in the charred remains of what was once a seemingly beautiful house. Your head throbs [end if][if we have not examined Nayte]You are standing outside of the white cottage. From this close, you can see the chipping paint and the rust lining the windows. All of the curtains are pulled shut and the torn fabric shows a dark room inside. To the south is the doorway and the path leads back to the north[end if]." South is Main Room. A hatchet is here. The description is "[if we have not examined the hatchet]It is old and rusty. You run you fingertip across the blade and it is blunt and probably wouldn't even cut your leg off. You don't bother trying." Main Room is a room. "You find yourself in a dimly lit room, the rare beam of sun filtering through eons of dust. You see a line of shoes, all of them tattered and worn and a small end table. Shuffling your hand you come across a light switch and the room is filled with a dim yellow light. To the east, south, and west there are doorways." South is Hallway. East is Living Room. West is Closet. A shoes is here. It is scenery. The description is "[if we have not examined the shoes]The are varying sizes and they are all faded and broken. They look like just sliding a foot into one would make it fall apart let alone walk in one." A end table is here. It is scenery. The description is "[if we have not examined the end table]It is a classic end table with a yellowed lace doily and a shattered lamp. The lamp doesn't have a bulb in it, but you suppose that even if it did, it wouldn't work. There is a small bottle here with writing on it. You can't tell what it says but it looks medical." A bottle is here. It is a locked openable container. The description is "[if we have not examined the bottle]It is about the length of your palm and half the width. When you try to open it, it clicks and doesn't go any further, but when you shake it, you realise it hasn't got anything in it anyway." After examining the bottle for the first time: increase score by 1. A doily is here. It is scenery. The description is "[if we have not examined the doily]It's just an ordinary doily that, if you were to tug it too hard, would tear." A lamp is here. It is scenery. The description is "[if we have not examined the lamp]There is nothing out of the ordinary about this lamp." Closet is a room. "You find yourself in a dark closet. You are likely to be eaten by a gru. Just kidding, the coats and shoes are harmless. One of the coats digs into you, it might just be a zipper." A coat is here. It is scenery. The description is "[if we have not examined the coat]You feel around in the pockets of the coat and aren't disappointed when you retract your hand. You find another small bottle, this time when you shake it, it rattles. You still cannot open it." After examining the coat for the first time: increase score by 1. Another bottle is here. It is scenery. The description is "It's white and has black scrawl written across it. It's small, though and you can't make out any of the words." Hallway is a room. "You're in a dimly lit hallway. There are doors to the north, south, east and west." South is Bathroom. East is Master Bedroom. West is Guest Bedroom. Living Room is a room. "You are in what looks to be a living room. There is a couch, a chair, a small coffee table and a bookshelf. The furniture is dusty but footprints are marked across the dark wooden floors. To the south is an arch way which looks like it leads to a kitchen and the doorway you came in leads back west." South is Kitchen. A sofa is here. It is scenery. The description is "[if we have not examined the sofa]There is nothing out of the ordinary about this sofa." A chair is here. It is scenery. The description is "[if we have not examined the couch]There is dust coating the chair, but it looks like it's been recently disturbed." A coffee table is here. It is scenery. It is a supporter. The description is "[if we have not examined the coffee table]It is a glass topped, wooden coffee table. It has a few scattered papers across it's top but nothing important." A bookshelf is here. It is scenery. It is a container. Instead of examining the bookshelf: say "It's a tall shelf with books scattered sparsely across it's shelves. You cannot see the top shelf, even while standing on the tips of your toes." A book is a kind of thing. The indefinite article of a book is "is". Understand "book" as a book. Understand "books" as the plural of book. The Bible is a book. Jane Eyre is a book. Medical Readings is a book. Bookshelf contains The Bible, Jane Eyre and Medical Readings. Master Bedroom is a room. "You are in what looks to be a master bedroom. There is a bed against the east wall and to the south there is a desk. Clothes are strewn across the floor. A doorway leads back to the west." A bed is here. It is scenery. The description is "[if we have not examined the bed]It is an ordinary bed." A desk is here. It is scenery. It is a supporter. Instead of examining the desk: say "It is an ordinary desk with papers scattered across it. It is cluttered and messy. There is a mysterious, small white sphere in the corner." After examining the desk for the first time: increase score by 1. A pill is here. It is scenery. A pill is a thing. Understand "circle", "sphere", "pile", and "pills" as a pill. It is edible. The description is "[if we have not examined the pill]It is small, circular and has a small P on the top." Guest Bedroom is a room. "You are in a room with peeling, cream wallpaper and grungy flooring. It looks unlived in so you suppose it's the guest bedroom. A man is sitting on the guest bedroom bed. He is wearing a plain blue shirt and dark jeans. His feet are bare. He stands as you enter and says [italic type]'You didn't knock.' [roman type]. You should examine him." Nayte is a man in the Guest Bedroom. The description is "He is a fairly good looking man with a shadow of stubble across his chin and large brown eyes." He is wearing jeans and a shirt. Understand "man" as Nayte. After examining Nayte for the first time: Increase score by 1. Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "talk to [someone]" or “converse with [someone]†as talking to. Check talking to: say "[The noun] doesn't reply." Instead of talking to Nayte: say "[one of]'Hello,' you say. 'Who are you?'[paragraph break]'My name is Nayte,' Nayte answers.[or] 'Hi there, Nayte,' you say confidently.[paragraph break]'What's happening? Why are you here?' he replies questioningly.[or] 'Sorry, I'm lost,' you comment. 'Do you know where we are?'[paragraph break]'We're at the outskirts of Lockwood forest,' Nayte replies, inspecting you. 'How did you get here?'[or] 'I don't now,' you say honestly. [paragraph break]Nayte nods in understanding. 'You may stay here for a while, what's your name?'[or] 'I'm not sure, my head is fuzzy and I can't read at the moment. I have a band on my wrist, though. Do you mind reading it?' You ask, offering your arm. 'Sure, come here,' he says, stepping towards you.[or] Nayte takes your arm and reads, his eyebrows furrowing. 'It says, [italic type]Heath Graysen. Paranoid Schizophrenic.' Your head swims and your brain tries to process this new information.[roman type][paragraph break]'Ok, thank you. Can you tell me anything else about the house?' You ask, the words paranoid schizophrenic ringing through your head.[paragraph break]'It's old. It was in the paper a couple years ago, front page.' You remember the paper in the mailbox. It might be a good idea to take another look at that. [or] You decide against talking any further with Nayte right now.[stopping]". Kitchen is a room. "You are in an old timey kitchen. It's walls are a mix between beige, brown and orange. There are counters lining the walls and an old oven and a fridge. Neither of these things look as if they work anymore. There is a stench in here that has spread across the whole house, but is intensified in the kitchen. You block your nose and look around more. There is also a table to the east but the only exit is north." Dining Table is a thing. It is a supporter. The description is "[if we have not examined the dining table]It is a dining table made of rotting wood. There is nothing on it." A fridge is here. It is scenery. It is a closed openable container. The description is "[if we have not examined the fridge]It is a plain white fridge although it isn't very white anymore. The handles are rusted and grey." After opening the fridge: say "You open the fridge and immediately a stench stronger than anything you've smelt before invades your senses. You step back and block your nose, gagging. You look in the fridge and see the shelves full of old and rotting food. No wonder. You think you should close the door to the fridge." Every turn when the fridge is open for more than two turns: say "The scent of the open fridge brings water to your eyes, even from here." Bathroom is a room. "You find yourself in a small cramped bathroom. It has all of the usual bathroom necessities, a toilet, a sink and shower. The cupboard beneath the sink is open and you can see that it is empty." A toilet is here. It is scenery. A sink is here. It is scenery. A shower is here. It is scenery. A cupboard is here. It is scenery. It is an open openable container. The description is "[if we have not examined the cupboard]You look closer but nothing is out of the ordinary about this cupboard." A fixture is a kind of thing. The toilet is a fixture. The sink is a fixture. The shower is a fixture. Instead of examining Fixtures: say "You do not need to waste your time with such petty things as bathroom fixtures."