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Emily Sawyer
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Instead of examining the player, say "Red." Instead of telling someone about something, try asking the noun about it. Instead of answering the noun that something, try asking the noun about it. Section 1 - Procedure The mouth-check rules are a rulebook. This is the mouth-check stage rule: abide by the mouth-check rules. The mouth-check stage rule is listed after the before stage rule in the action-processing rules. Section 2 - Scenario Mouth-check asking [something]: say "Hate to break it to you, but you have no mouth." instead. Test Mouth-check with "talk / talk to Clyde / speak / speak to Clyde / ask about [something]". Instead of asking about something, say "Hate to be the one to break it to you, but you have no mouth." The Chamber is a room. "It is pitch black. You are in a cold, damp chamber, watching with your three companions as the north-facing door slowly opens. You go first." Instead of going to the Chamber, say "You really don't need to go back in there." Outside the Chamber is north of the chamber. "[if unvisited]You step outside. It really isn't much lighter out here. Charging northwards, you run straight into a wall. [end if]Groping about, you see that the Tunnel goes to the east and to the west. He's usually lurking somewhere around the west side." Outside the Chamber is a room. NW Hallway is west of Outside the Chamber. NE Hallway is east of Outside the chamber. NE Hallway is a room. "[if unvisited]You stop at a four-way intersection, unsure of what to do. [end if]The southward tunnel looks as spooky as anything. Going west will take you back towards the chamber. To the north and to the east, you can see something yellow..." NE Corner is east of NE Hallway. NE Corner is north of NE Hallway. NE Corner is a room. "Making your way through the twists and turns of the tunnel, you finally come across a sort of yellow orb." The yellow orb is in the NE Corner. It is fixed in place. It is edible. "Yellow. He's got to be around here somewhere. From the glow of the orb, it looks like you can go south or west." The description of the yellow orb is "It's yellow. And kind of round. You would never eat that." Section 1 - Procedure The sanity-check rules are a rulebook. This is the sanity-check stage rule: abide by the sanity-check rules. The sanity-check stage rule is listed after the before stage rule in the action-processing rules. Section 2 - Scenario Sanity-check eating the yellow orb: say "Hate to break it to you, but you have no mouth." instead. Test Sanity-check with "eat orb / eat yellow orb ". Instead of touching the orb: say "No way. It's not there for you." Instead of taking the orb: say "This is not what you're after. It does resemble him, though." NW Hallway is a room. "[if unvisited]You stop at a four-way intersection, unsure of what to do. [end if]The southward tunnel looks as spooky as anything. East will take you back towards the chamber. To the north and to the west, you can see bits of something yellow..." NW Corner is west and north of NW Hallway. NW Corner is a room. "Making your way through the twists and turns of the tunnel, you finally come across a sort of yellow... round... thing." The yellow round thing is in the NW Corner. It is fixed in place. It is edible. "Yellow. He's got to be around here somewhere. From the light of the yellow thing, it looks like you can go south or east." The description of the yellow round thing is "It's yellow. And round. You wouldn't eat that." Section 1 - Procedure The mad-check rules are a rulebook. This is the mad-check stage rule: abide by the mad-check rules. The mad-check stage rule is listed after the before stage rule in the action-processing rules. Section 2 - Scenario Mad-check eating the yellow round thing: say "Hate to break it to you, but you have no mouth." instead. Test Mad-check with "eat thing / eat round thing / eat yellow round thing". Instead of touching the yellow round thing: say "No way. That thing is not there for you." Instead of taking the yellow round thing: say "This is not what you're after. It does resemble him, though." The West Gate is a room. The West Gate is south of the NW Hallway. "This tunnel leads north and south. To the east there is a wall, and in the west, a gate." Every turn when the player is in the West Gate, say "[one of]Come on out, you big yellow glutton.[or]He's got to be around here somewhere...[at random]" Every turn when the player is in the NE Hallway, say "[one of]Come on out, you big yellow glutton.[or]He's got to be around here somewhere...[at random]" The East Gate is a room. The East Gate is south of the NE Hallway. "This tunnel leads north and south. To the west there is a wall, and in the east, a gate." Clyde is a person. Clyde is in the East Gate. "[one of][or][or]You can see Clyde wandering around the gate. Other than his orange appearance, not the brightest guy, but he means well. You're all after the same thing. You acknowledge one another with friendly stares[at random]." Instead of examining the open gate, say "It's an eerie sort of blue, just like all of the walls in this maze." The Open Gate is an open door. It is west of the West Gate. It is east of the East Gate. "The gate is open, but you can't really see anything through it." The SE Hallway is a room. "Another intersection. North will take you to the gate. West is a narrow passage. In the south-going tunnel, you can see a bit of yellow." The SE Corner is a room. "Making your way through the twists and turns of the tunnel, you finally come a yellow globe." The yellow globe is in the SE Corner. It is fixed in place. It is edible. "Yellow... From here you can go north or west." The description of the yellow globe is "It's yellow. And round. You would never eat that." Section 1 - Procedure The crazy-check rules are a rulebook. This is the crazy-check stage rule: abide by the crazy-check rules. The crazy-check stage rule is listed after the before stage rule in the action-processing rules. Section 2 - Scenario Crazy-check eating the yellow globe: say "Hate to break it to you, but you have no mouth." instead. Test Crazy-check with "eat globe / eat yellow globe ". Instead of touching the globe: say "No way. That thing looks dangerous." Instead of taking the globe: say "This is not what you're after. It does resemble him, though." The SW Hallway is a room. "[if unvisited]What the. No. Oh no. Nonononono. You point those great big eyes of yours down at your body and see that your entire self has taken on a ghostly (and ghastly) shade of blue. What the heck. This cannot be good... [end if]North will take you back to the gate. East is a narrow passage. In the south-going tunnel, you see a hint of something yellow." The Yellow Man is a person. The Yellow Man is in the SW Corner. "There." The SW Hallway is south of the West Gate. The SE Hallway is south of the East Gate. The Passage is a room. It is west of the SE Hallway. It is east of the SW Hallway. "[one of]Was that a bunch of cherries? You could have sworn that was a bunch of cherries. It's gone now, anyhow.[or]Was that a strawberry? You could have sworn you saw a strawberry on the ground just now, but there's nothing here. Weird.[at random]". The SE Corner is a room. It is south of the SE Hallway. The SW Corner is a room. It is south of the SW Hallway. The South Hallway is a room. "[if unvisited]What the. No. Oh no. Nonononono. You point those great big eyes of yours down at your body and see that your entire self has taken on a ghostly (and ghastly) shade of blue. What the heck. This cannot be good... [end if]You can go east or west[If visited]I've got a bad feeling about this[end if]." The SW Corner is west of the South Hallway. The SE Corner is east of the South Hallway. Doom is a scene. Doom begins when the player is in the SW Corner. Every turn during Doom: repeat through Table of Doom Events: say "[event entry][paragraph break]"; blank out the whole row; rule succeeds. Table of Doom Events event "Your once-giant eyes shrink suddenly as you are confronted with the giant mouth and its wearer. He has been waiting. Now, drooling visibly, the Yellow Man does not hesitate, but lunges toward you. Thrown by an involuntary repulsion, you head like mad through the South Hallway. The only thing you know, the only thing you've ever known, is to run. Run as if you had a life to protect. As if you hadn't been through this terrible cycle a million times, and as if you could, just once, make it past that gate. As your body is engulfed in yellow, you catch one last glimpse of the gate, and wonder, once again, if that portal will ever lead somewhere else. Maybe, next time, you'll wake up outside of the chamber." Doom ends when the number of filled rows in the Table of Doom Events is 0. When Doom ends: end the game in death. Procedural rule: ignore the print final score rule.