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An infiltrator is present within our midst
Aiden Yao
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“The Infiltrator Present Within our Midst” Use no scoring. A thing can be 2-pronged. A thing can be Card-like. When play begins: now the player has the Crew ID Card. Crew ID Card is Card-like. the description of Crew ID Card is "A gray keycard with your photo, weight, height, and name on it". Understand "ID" as Crew ID Card. [Integers] Fusebroken is a number variable. Fusebroken is 1. EngineDoorAccess is a number variable. EngineDoorAccess is 1. ButtonPresses is a number variable. EventTrigger is a number variable. EventFinish is a number variable. [Integers] [EVENT] Eventcount is a number that varies. Eventcount is 15. Every turn: if EventTrigger is 1 and Eventcount > 0: decrease EventCount by 1; Every turn: if EventCount is 0: say "as you stumble your way around the ship you hear a dehearting explosion as the engine self destructs 'I just fixed that' you think to yourself as the ship falls apart. You can see an escape pod launch itself off of the ship."; end the game in death. Every turn: if eventtrigger is 1: Now North Hall East door is closed; Now North Admin Door is closed. Instead of pushing Reset button: if eventTrigger is: -- 1: Say “with a definitive slam you reset the engine”; Now Eventfinish is 1; Now EventTrigger is 0; -- 0: say "Tentatively pushing the alluring button causes the engine to short, and the room to heat rapidly. Before you can realise your mistake, you and the rear end of the ship are melted away. Should have listened to orders"; end the game in death. Every turn: If eventfinish is 1: move Medic Marley to Engine Room; move The Captain to Engine Room; say “The lights flicker violently, until gradually stabilising. Medic Marley and The Captain burst into the room. ‘Il est l' imposteur! Je sais tu sais!’ cries the Captain. ‘Dude, this guy’s pretty sus maaaaaaannnn, the engine totally went bust, like, when you two like, entered the upper deck maaaaaannn’ moans the medic. Accuse the correct infiltrator!”; Instead of accusing Medic Marley: Say “Outnumbered by you and the Captain, you are able to assault Marley to the hatch in the Lower Deck, which while typically used for boarding and loading, is being used to eject an infiltrator. During the journey to the Lower Deck, you were able to get a confession out of the Medic. 'Okay fine maaaannnnn, it was me maaannnnn. Someone would like, give me tonnes of money if I decommissioned this ship and its crew maaaannnnnn, and yes maaaann it was me who killed your hamster……mannnnnnnnnnnnn’ Marley cries to the Captain, in a sombre tone. ‘, and yes maaannn it was me who threw that stupid plush away maaaannnnn'. He screams a final cry, 'I'm sorry maaannnn'. He gasps as the airlock is opened and is blasted into the depths of space. 'Nous l'avons fait. Nous avons éliminé l'infiltré parmi nous. Maintenant, retour au port pour une pause bien méritée'. The Captain says to you shaking your hand."; End the game in victory. Instead of accusing The Captain: Say “‘Convinced the Captain stabbed you in the back, you and Marley drag him to the lower deck and into the airlock. ‘We did it, we snuffed out the infiltrator within our midst! you exclaim excitedly to Marley. ‘We? Maaannn don't get ahead of yourself maaaannn’ he retorts, before shoving you into the airlock after the Captain, sending you both spiralling to your deaths in the void of space'.”; End the game in death. Understand the command “accuse” as something new. Understand “accuse [someone]” as accusing. Accusing is an action applying to one visible thing. [EVENT] [Talking] Understand the commands “ask” and “tell” and “say” and “answer” as something new. Understand “ask [text]” or “tell [text]” or “answer [text]” or “say [text]” as a mistake ("[talk to instead]"). Instead of asking someone to try doing something: say “[talk to instead][paragraph break]”. Instead of answering someone that something: say “[talk to instead][paragraph break]”. To say talk to instead: say "(To communicate in [story title], TALK TO a character.) " Understand “talk to [someone]” as talking to. Understand “talk to [something]” as talking to. Talking to is an action applying to one visible thing. [Talking] [Swiping] Swiping is an action applying to two things. Understand “swipe [something] on [something]” as swiping. [Swiping] [Top Shooting] Shooting is an action applying to things. Understand “shoot [something]” as shooting. Instead of shooting when location is not South Hallway or East Security Door is unlocked: Say “The gun clicks feebly, it does not fire”. [Shooting Bottom] [Row 3 Top] [Admin Top] When play begins: say “You find yourself waking up on the floor of the Admin Centre. The carpet is soft, getting up and looking around you realise there is noone around. Some of the systems seem down, almost as if someone sabotaged the ship. No time to think about that now, you must start looking around for items to repair the ship and save anyone else left onboard…”. North Admin Door is an open lockable door. North Admin Door is north of Admin Centre. The Admin Centre is a room. “A dark coloured, carpeted room. In front of you stands a large administrative table radiating a green glow with diagnostic reports of the ship. On the north and south sides of this room are the Upper and Lower decks respectively.”; Admin Garbage Bin is in Admin Centre. “A small plastic garbage bin sits at the corner of the room”. It is fixed in place. Understand “Plastic Garbage bin” and “Garbage bin” as Admin Garbage bin Crewmate Plushie is in Admin Garbage bin. The description of the crewmate plushie is “A small, lime, plush of a simplified crewmate. Absolutely adorable. What cruel being would throw it out?”. The Admin Table is in The Admin Centre. “The Admin Table sits in the centre of this room. It is the size of a billiards table. It shows the status of the 11 rooms in La Scékald.” On The Admin Table is a green fuse. Understand "fuse" or "green" as a green fuse. Green Fuse is 2-pronged. The description of the Green Fuse is “A 2 pronged fuse that is green”. The Admin Centre is south of the Upper Deck. The Admin Centre is north of the Lower Deck. [Admin Bottom] [Upper Deck Top] The Upper Deck is a room. ”The floor is a pale beige, as cafeteria tables line the room. The northern wall is lined with windows peering into the abyss of space with a large metal airlock on the middle. To the south is the Admin Centre, to the east is the Weapons Room, and to the west is the Northern Hallway.". The Upper Deck is north of North Admin Door. The Upper Deck is east of North Hall East Door. The Upper Deck is west of the West Weapons Door. Food Machine is in the Upper Deck. “The food machine is a large vending machine style box that dispenses meals to the crew. Despite being free by swiping Crew ID someone has broken in… they seem to have broken the reader though.”. It is an open container. It is fixed in place. Meal is in Food Machine. Every turn when location is upper deck: if Food Machine Contains Meal: say "There is still 1 meal left in the Food Machine it seems". the Meal is a thing. Meal is edible. "A sad looking TV dinner-style meal.". Instead of eating Meal: say "You eat the contents of the meal, it's nothing special but it fills you up."; remove the Meal from play. The Centre Table is in the Upper Deck. "In the centre of the Upper Deck is a large octagonal metal table. It looks like it fits over 20 people, or, it used to." Mouldy pizza box is on the centre table. “From a fellow crewmate’s birthday party a few days ago. Why hasn’t anyone cleaned it yet?...”. the red fuse is a thing. "A 2 pronged fuse that is red". the Red Fuse can be lost or found. Red Fuse is 2-pronged. the Red Fuse is lost. Understand "fuse" or "red" as Red Fuse. Instead of examining The Centre Table when the Red Fuse is lost: now the Red Fuse is found; say "Taking a peak under the large table you find a working red fuse. You pick it up."; now the player has the red fuse. Every turn when the location is the Upper Deck: If eventtrigger is 1: Say “The lights go dark, as your vision bleeds away. A blaring siren defiles your ears, as you scramble to recover. The path to the Admin Room and the North Hallway suddenly lock. In the commotion, you can hear speakers announcing ‘THE SHIP IS IN SELF DESTRUCT MODE. PRESS THE RESET BUTTON IN THE ENGINE ROOM TO CANCEL’. You know what you must do”; now EventTrigger is 2. [Upper Deck Bottom] [Lower Deck Top] The Lower Deck is a room. “Steel platings wrap around the walls and floor. Barrels and boxes of materials occupy the left and rightmost corners. Waste bins rest beside the disposal hatch. To the north is the Admin Centre, to the east is the Communications Room, and to the west is the South Hallway". The Lower Deck is south of the Admin Centre. The Lower Deck is east of the South Hallway. The Lower Deck is west of the West Comms Door. The Trash Can is in the Lower Deck. "It is a trash can with a trash bag in it". The trash bag is part of the Trash Can. The trash bag is a closed openable container. In the trash bag is a blue fuse. Understand "fuse" or "blue" as a blue fuse. Understand “waste bin” as the trash can. The description of the blue Fuse is “A 2 pronged fuse that is blue”. Blue Fuse is 2-pronged. [Lower Deck Bottom] [Engine Room Top] Engine Room is a room. “A large room plated with metal sheets, and in the middle a control terminal with 5 buttons. Connected to the terminal is a large cylindrical engine with the name StellarDrive S-2065. To the north is the Reactor, to the south is Security.". Understand “Engine” as engine room. Reset Button is in Engine Room. “A big red button with the word 'RESET' printed on it; Only press in case of emergency”. It is fixed in place. Engine is north of North Security Door. Engine is south of South Rad Door. Up button is in Engine Room. ”A circular button with an arrow pointing up.”. It is fixed in place. Down button is in Engine Room. ”A circular button with an arrow pointing down.”. It is fixed in place. Left button is in Engine Room. ”A circular button with an arrow pointing left.”. It is fixed in place. Right button is in Engine Room. ”A circular button with an arrow pointing right.”. It is fixed in place. Understand “Up” as Up button. Understand “Down” as down button. Understand “Left” as left button. Understand "Right" as right button. Code Chart is in Engine Room. “To restore all systems: The code of Konami, without any BAs and startings”. Engine Report is a thing. "A cream coloured piece of paper showing a diagnostic report of the engine". Every turn when the location is Engine room: If ButtonPresses is 8: Now the player has Engine Report; say “[first time] The engine roars to life and a soft buzz around the room returns, the terminal spits out a positive report of the engine. You hear over the PA system ‘Trés Bien, Va aller à la ‘Bridge’ et monte moi le report’ [only]”. Instead of pushing Up button: If ButtonPresses is: -- 0: Increase ButtonPresses by 1; Say “the terminal flashes green. Good Job!”; Say "[ButtonPresses]/8 lights are on"; -- 1: Increase ButtonPresses by 1; Say “the terminal flashes green. Good Job!”; Say "[ButtonPresses]/8 lights are on"; -- otherwise: Say “the terminal pulses red and resets to the beginning. You’re losing valuable time.”; now ButtonPresses is 0; Instead of pushing Down Button: If ButtonPresses is: -- 2: Increase ButtonPresses by 1; Say “the terminal flashes green. Good Job!”; Say "[ButtonPresses]/8 lights are on"; -- 3: Increase ButtonPresses by 1; Say “the terminal flashes green. Good Job!”; Say "[ButtonPresses]/8 lights are on"; -- otherwise: now ButtonPresses is 0; Say “the terminal pulses red and resets to the beginning. You’re losing valuable time.”. Instead of pushing Left Button: If ButtonPresses is: -- 4: Increase ButtonPresses by 1; Say “the terminal flashes green. Good Job!”; Say "[ButtonPresses]/8 lights are on"; -- 6: Increase ButtonPresses by 1; Say “the terminal flashes green. Good Job!”; Say "[ButtonPresses]/8 lights are on"; -- otherwise: now ButtonPresses is 0; Say “the terminal pulses red and resets to the beginning. You’re losing valuable time.”. Instead of pushing Right Button: If ButtonPresses is: -- 5: Increase ButtonPresses by 1; Say “the terminal flashes green. Good Job!”; Say "[ButtonPresses]/8 lights are on"; -- 7: Increase ButtonPresses by 1; Say “the terminal flashes green. Good Job!”; Say "[ButtonPresses]/8 lights are on"; -- otherwise: now ButtonPresses is 0; Say “the terminal pulses red and resets to the beginning. You’re losing valuable time.”. [Engine Room Bottom] [Row 3 Bottom] [Row 1 Top] [Reactor Top] Reactor is a room. “A large cylindrical reactor core, shielded in ceramic to block some of the radiation, sits in the far west of the chamber. The console in front of it beeps. To the east is the North Hall, and to the south is the Engine Room”. Every turn when the location is Reactor: If EngineDoorAccess is 2: Now South Rad Door is open. South Rad Door is a locked closed door. Reactor is north of South Rad Door. Every turn when the location is Reactor: If the player is not wearing the Rad Suit: Say "You fall to the floor. You begin to vomit uncontrollably, and fall unconscious"; End the game in death. Generator Console is in Reactor. “The Generator Console is a metal table with a screen and keyboard built in.”. Black Keycard is on the Generator Console. Black Keycard is Card-like. The Description of the black Keycard is “Looks like it’s part of a pair”. Understand “Black” or “black key” as black keycard. Dual Card Reader is in the Reactor. It is an open container. “An open box titled 'Dual Card Reader'. It has 2 slits for Keycards; Requires two cards to open the door”. Understand “Card Reader” or “Dual Reader” or “box” as Dual Card Reader. Every Turn when the location is Reactor: If Dual Card Reader contains Black Keycard and Dual Card Reader contains White Keycard and EngineDoorAccess is 1: Now EngineDoorAccess is 2; Now South Rad Door is open; Say “After putting in both keycards the doors drop exposing the Engine Room”. Instead of inserting something which is not Card-like into Dual Card Reader: say "how would that fit in the reader?". [Reactor Bottom] [Security Top] Security Headquarters is a room. “Panels upon panels of holographic displays suffocate the farthest wall. Many of the security feeds from the various cameras seem to be offline, as if they were tampered with. To the north is the Engine Room, to the east is the South Hallway”. Understand “Security Room” or “Camera Room” as Security Headquarters. North Security Door is a locked closed door. North Security Door is north of Security Headquarters. East Security Door is a locked closed door. “The East Security door has a detailed keyhole. Above it there is a crudely etched engraving: ‘oPeN WitH gUn’”. Gun unlocks East Security Door. Instead of shooting East Security Door: If player has bullet and player has gun: say "After squeezing the trigger, the bullet is shot out at high speed and dings off of the lock, ricocheting firmly into your skull. Maybe violence isn’t the answer."; end the game in death; Note Board is in Security Headquarters. "A faux-cork board with some random notes plastered across it.". It is fixed in place. Instead of examining Note Board: say "[one of] A simple lunch order note 'None Pizza with Left Beef' [or] A note from a worker who has had a rough day 'Dear Coffee Machine, what the hell? What do you think dark roast means. Certainly not f$@!#ng bean juice. Get a grip. Signed, me' [or] A meeting reminder: 'As per last week we will be having another 5 hour meeting about things you don't care about, have fun. Signed, Mgmt' [cycling]". East Security Door is east of Security Headquarters. Captain’s Birthday Note is on the Note Board. The description of the Captain's Birthday Note is “A paper note reading 'The Captain's Birthday is October 2th, 2023 don't forget to get him a gift, you still need this job'”. Understand “note” or “paper” or “Birthday Note” as Captain’s Birthday Note. Every turn when location is Security Headquarters or location is Engine Room: If EngineDoorAccess is 2: Now North Security Door is open. [Security Bottom] [Row 1 Bottom] [Row 2 Top] [North Hallway Top] North Hallway is a room. "A standard hallway lined with clean steel plating. To the east is the Upper Deck, to the west is the Reactor, to the south is the med-bay". Mutated Plant is in North Hallway. “An odd shaped plant in a pot. Its leaves burn to the touch”. It is scenery. North Hallway is west of North Hall East Door. North Hallway is north of Med Bay Door. North Hallway is east of Reactor. North Hall East Door is a locked closed door. The North Hall Keycard unlocks the North Hall East Door [North Hallway Bottom] [Southern Hallway Top] South Hallway is a room. "A standard hallway lined with clean steel plating. To the east is the Lower Deck, to the west is the Security Room, to the north is the Electrical Room". South Hallway is west of Lower Deck. South Hallway is south of Electrical Room. South Hallway is east of East Security Door. Holographic Monitor is in South Hallway. “A display adjacent to the wall. Seems to display an old advertisement from the 2050s: ‘Buy a PS7 bundle, and get a free copy of Grand Theft Auto 5’. GTA 6 will never come out, will it...”. It is fixed in place. [Southern Hallway Bottom] [Electrical Room Top] Electrical Room is a room. "The room is completely dark, bar a single flickering light bulb in the centre of the ceiling. Tangles of wires are located to the back, just far enough to be free of the light’s touch and small crevices line the walls. To the south is the South Hallway North Door". Electrical Room is north of Southern Hall North Door. Dark Crevice is in Electrical Room. “A dark crevice”. It is scenery. It is fixed in place. Mutilated Hamster Head is in Dark Crevice. “Jesus Christ”. Fuse chart is in Electrical Room. “A scratched up chart showing the Amperage of every fuse colour type is posted on the wall. Red: 5A, Blue: -- A, Green: 1- A, Purple: -0A. REMINDER: DO NOT LICK FUSE BOX.”. Fuse Box is in Electrical Room. “A metallic fuse box that holds 2 fuses, the last pair are destroyed beyond recognition. The two slots in the box are labelled ‘5A’, and ‘10A’.”. It is a closed openable container. Replacement Instructions is in Electrical Room. “A simple paper poster instructing one how to replace the fuses. It says ‘1. Open Fuse Box 2. Replace Fuses 3. Close Fuse Box'.”. Every Turn while the location is Electrical Room: If the Fuse Box contains Red Fuse and the Fuse Box Contains Blue Fuse and the Fuse Box is closed: If fusebroken is 1: now fusebroken is 2; Say “You hear mechanical whirrs and clanks in the distance. That seemed to go well.”; If the Fuse Box contains Green Fuse and the Fuse Box Contains Blue Fuse and the Fuse Box is closed: Say “You hear a large surging hum from behind the box as the room goes dark and the ship explodes. Check the chart again.”; End the game in death. Every Turn while the location is Electrical Room: If the Fuse Box contains Green Fuse and the Fuse Box Contains Red Fuse and the Fuse Box is closed: Say “You see arcs of electricity jump out of the box as you start feel dizzy and fall to the floor. Check the chart again.”; End the game in death. Every turn when location is electrical room: If the Fuse Box contains Green Fuse and the Fuse Box Contains Red Fuse and the Fuse Box Contains Blue Fuse: Say "You try and shove a third fuse into the box, unknowingly you touch two of the contacts turn yourself into a glorifed fuse."; End the game in death. Instead of inserting something which is not 2-pronged into Fuse Box: say "That doesn't fit there silly, there are no prongs to plug in with.". [Electrical Room Bottom] [med-bay Top] Med-Bay is a room. "The sterile white walls are almost blinding. A state of the art vital analyzer is placed at the end of the room, next to the Medic’s locker. Medic Marley, the resident healthcare professional, is tinkering with the vital analyzer. To the north is the North Hallway". The Locker is in the med-bay. "An unassuming white metal locker". The locker is a closed openable container. In the locker is a Rad Suit. Understand "suit" as Rad Suit. The Rad Suit is wearable. The description of the Rad Suit is “a tough, white suit with a comical sphere helmet.”. Medic Marley is a person. "A short man with a ginger mullet in a white lab coat. A red plus planted on the left side, and a name tag that says 'Medic Marley' placed on the right side.". Medic Marley is in the Med-Bay. Understand “Medic” or “Marley” or “Person” as Medic Marley. Every turn when the location is Med-Bay: If talking to Medic Marley: Say “[one of]Hey MAAAaaaaaan, the Reactor’s like, Tooooootally radioactive, MAAAaaaaaan. Check the Lockerrrr, MAAAAaaaannn [or] Don't get sick mmmaaaannnn, I'm on break maaaannnn.[cycling]”. Med Bay Door is an open door. Med-Bay is south of Med Bay Door. [med-bay Bottom] [Row 2 Bottom] [Row 3 Top] [Weapons Top] Weapons Room is a room. “An armoury designed to be filled with state of the art weaponry. A seat is positioned at the edge of the room for manning the cannons. All the artillery racks seemed to be almost completely stripped of their weapons. To the west is the Upper Deck, to the south is the Bridge”. Understand “Centre” or "Weapons" as Weapons Room. The Gun is in the Weapons Room. “There is a standard gun. It has a detailed protruding muzzle”. The bullet is in the Weapons Room. “A brass cased, .45 acp bullet. Primed and ready to be shot…but where?”. The Number Pad is in the weapons room. It is scenery. "A standard 8 digit keypad". Weapons Room is east of West Weapons Door. Weapons Room is north of South Weapons Door. West Weapons Door is a locked door. Every turn when the location is Upper Deck or location is Weapons Room: If FuseBroken is 2: Now West Weapons Door is open. [Weapons Bottom] [Bridge Top] The Bridge is a room. "A command centre for the ship. Holographic displays and terminals surrounding a central Captain’s cockpit seat. A wide spanning glass window encases the room’s front, allowing for clear vision into the abyss of space. Hopefully it isn't the last thing you see. To the north is Weapons, To the south is the Comms Room". Hamster Cage is in the bridge. "There is a Hamster Cage. Seems to be able to house the Captain's pet. Oddly enough, small bones litter the cage…". It is fixed in place. The Bridge is north of North Comms Door. The Bridge is south of South Weapons Door. South Weapons Door is north of The Bridge. South Weapons Door is a locked closed door. The Captain’s Key unlocks South Weapons Door. Every turn when location is Communication Centre and North Comms Door is locked or location is Weapons Room and South Weapons Door is locked: Say “[first time]You hear a voice from behind the Door. ‘Les nombres du coffre-fort sont les mêmes que ceux de mon anniversaire!’[only]”. Understand “Bridge” as The Bridge. Captain's Desk is in The Bridge. "A large metallic semi-circle table with a drawer inside, and a holographic laptop placed in the middle". The drawer is part of the Captain's desk. The drawer is a closed openable container. In the drawer is a North Hall Keycard. Description of North Hall Keycardcard is “A white key card with a lime border that unlocks the North Hall”. North Hall Keycard is Card-like. The Captain is a person. The Captain is in The Bridge. Understand “Captain” as The Captain. Every turn while location is Bridge: If EventTrigger is not 1: Say “[first time] 'Revenez quand vous aurez tous les systèmes en ligne' the Captain says to you.[only]”; Instead of talking to The Captain: Say “[one of] ‘Je ne sais pas ce qui s'est passé. Une minute, j’ai piloté le vaisseau comme d'habitude, puis les lumières s'éteignent et tout le monde est parti.’ [or] ‘C'est tellement frustrant. Qui aurait pu faire ça.’ [or] ‘J'ai été enfermé ici, donc qui que ce soit, ou quoi que ce soit, ne m'a pas touché. On dirait que tu as eu de la chance aussi’ [or] ‘S'il y a quelqu'un d'autre à bord, ils sont honnêtement suspects.’[as decreasingly likely outcomes]”. Every Turn when the location is Bridge: if the player can see The Captain and the player has Engine Report: now EventTrigger is 1; Say “'Tu as très bien réussi! Vas a le 'Upper Deck' pour une célébration!' the Captain excited says to you”. [Bridge bottom] [Comms Top] Communication Centre is a room. "A room lined with generic green carpet. A couple laptops are mounted on desks along the room's border. A powerful, yet broken fan is tucked in the corner. To the west is the Lower Deck, to the north is the Bridge". The Communication Centre is east of West Comms Door. The Communication Centre is south of North Comms Door. North Comms Door is a locked closed door. The Captain’s Key unlocks North Comms Door. West Comms Door is a locked closed door. Understand “Comms” as Communication Centre. Comms Desk is in The Communication Centre. "A medium sized metal desk with an oak top and a single drawer. On it is a laptop that is running some communication application". The Comms Drawer is part of Comms Desk. The Comms Drawer is a closed openable container. White Keycard is in the Comms Drawer. White Keycard is Card-like. The Description of the White Keycard is "Looks like it's part of a pair". Understand “key” or “white” or “card” as White Keycard. Understand “drawer” as Comms Drawer. Laptop is on the Comms desk. It is fixed in place. Instead of taking laptop: say "It is locked in place by a cable, no taking this.". Instead of examining laptop: say "Further inspection shows that a copy of CraftMine has been installed, someone was slacking off...". Every turn when the location is Lower Deck or location is communication centre: If FuseBroken is 2: Now West Comms Door is open. [Safe] In the communication centre is a Safe. It is a closed locked openable container. "There is a small safe belonging to the Captain with a keypad attached. The keypad can be typed on. Like the rest of the ship, it seems to be French built". The safe has a number called the combo. When play begins, now the combo of the safe is 21023. Understand "keypad" as the safe. Typing on it is an action applying to one number and one thing. Understand "type [a number] on [something]" as typing on it. Check typing on it: if the second noun is not the safe: instead say "You don't know how to do that to [the second noun]."; if the second noun is unlocked: instead say "[The second noun] is already unlocked.". Carry out typing on it: if the number understood is the combo of the second noun: now the second noun is unlocked; Report typing on it: if the second noun is unlocked: say "The lock clicks unlocked. You can open it now."; otherwise: say "You type the number on the keypad; nothing happens. The ship is French-built. The dates might be different there.". The Captain’s Key is in the safe. [Safe] [Comms Bottom] [Row 3 Bottom]