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"Peanut Butter and Jelly" Include Postures by Emily Short. Use no scoring. [Basically, you want to put bread on the plate, spread peanut butter on it, spread jelly on it, close it up and eat it. closing it up should make it into a pb&j sandwitch. if you try to eat any of it up until then, you are not satisfied.] After printing the banner text when not requesting the story file version : say "Man, what you wouldn't do for a PBJ..." Section 1 - Living Room The Living Room is a room. "A cozy room for hanging out. The kitchen is to the north." A chair is a kind of supporter. A chair is always enterable. Every chair allows seated and standing. A chair is usually seated. The Living Room contains a Layzboy. The layzboy is a chair. The description of the layzboy is "The most comfortable chair in the world. The only thing better than relaxing in the layzboy is having a pb&j. " The player is on the layzboy. Section 2 - Kitchen The Kitchen is north of the Living Room. "Cute and homey, the kitchen isn't much to look at, but it does the job. On the counter there is a breadbox. There is a cupboard to the left and a refrigerator to the right. Oddly, there is only one drawer under the counter." The refrigerator, counter, breadbox, cupboard, drawer is scenery. A counter is a supporter in the kitchen. The counter is fixed in place. The breadbox is a closed container on the counter. The breadbox is fixed in place and openable. The bread is in the breadbox. Instead of eating the bread, say "wouldn't that be better as a pb&j?" The bread can be jellied or unjellied. The bread is unjellied. The bread can be buttered or unbuttered. The bread is unbuttered. The sandwich is a thing. The printed name of the sandwich is "peanut butter and jelly sandwich". Understand "pbj" or "peanut butter and jelly sandwich" or "pb&j" as sandwich. Instead of eating the sandwich: say "Finally! How great is this?"; end the story. A cupboard is a closed container in the kitchen. The cupboard is fixed in place and openable. A plate is in the cupboard. The plate is a supporter and not fixed in place. A refrigerator is an closed container in the kitchen. The refrigerator is fixed in place and openable. Understand "fridge" as a refrigerator. The jar of peanut butter is in the refrigerator. The jar of jelly is in the refrigerator. A drawer is an closed container in the kitchen. The drawer is fixed in place and openable. Instead of eating the jelly, say "Eat jelly by itself? What crazy talk is this?" Instead of eating peanut butter, say "Really? What, you are just going to eat out of the jar? Barbarian!" A knife is in the drawer. Section 3 - Spreading Spreading is an action applying to two things. Understand "spread [something] on [something]" as spreading. [Carry out spreading: say "You really want to do that?"] Check spreading: if the player does not have the knife: say "[one of]What, with like you hand or something? Wierdo.[or]Seriously, how do you think you are going to do that?[or]Really? You are really going to continue this weird utensil-less spreading campaign?[or]You really may need something to do that with…[stopping]"; stop the action; if the noun is jelly and the second noun is bread: if the plate is not on the counter or the bread is not on the plate: say "Like, in mid air?"; stop the action; say "Jelly looks great on bread!"; now the bread is jellied; if the bread is buttered: say "You now have a pb&j! Hooray!"; now the bread is off-stage; move sandwich to player; stop the action; otherwise if the noun is butter and the second noun is bread: if the plate is not on the counter or the bread is not on the plate: say "Like, in mid air?"; stop the action; say "The peanut butter spreads on smooth as… well, you know."; now the bread is buttered; if the bread is jellied: say "You now have a pb&j! Rock on!"; now the bread is off-stage; move sandwich to player; stop the action; otherwise if the noun is jelly and the second noun is counter: say "That is how you get ants."; stop the action; otherwise: say "Why would you want to spread the [noun] on the [second noun]?"; stop the action; Section 4 - Tests Test me with "n / open fridge / take butter / take jelly / spread butter on cupboard / open drawer / take knife / spread jelly on cupboard / spread jelly on counter / open breadbox / take bread / open cupboard / spread butter on bread / take plate / put plate on counter / eat bread / spread butter on bread / put bread on plate / eat jelly / eat butter / spread jelly on bread / spread butter on bread"