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Hannah Dela Rosa
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"Solitude" by carrotcake When play begins: say "[bold type][italic type]Author's Note: [roman type][italic type]This is NOT a finished story yet; I'm still experimenting and I just published this to show some of my friends. But feel free to try it out yourself too![line break][line break]A few tips:[line break]Type 'x' or 'examine' to check out objects.[line break]Type 'open' and 'close' to interact with containers.[line break]Type 'turn on' or 'switch on' to interact with devices.[line break]Type 'take' to bring objects with you.[line break][line break][roman type]" The bedroom is a room. "You have been sitting in your bedroom for the past fifteen hours." The laptop is a device in the bedroom. The laptop is switched off. "In front of you is your laptop." The clock is an object in the bedroom. The radio is a device in the bedroom. The study desk is a container in the bedroom. In the study desk are textbooks and paintbrushes and a sketchpad. The textbooks and the sketchpad and paintbrushes are scenery. The window is a closed openable container in the bedroom. In the window is the key. The backpack is in the bedroom. The backpack is an closed openable container. "Your backpack is sitting on the floor." In the backpack is a journal and a photo. The journal is a locked container. The matching key of the journal is the key. The description of the clock is "The clock reads 3:47 am. You've gotten used to staying up this late." Instead of taking the clock: say "It's too high up." Understand "blinds" as window. Understand "books" as textbooks. The description of the window is "The blinds are closed. You don't feel like staring out into the dark, anyway." Instead of taking the window: say "That's not exactly possible." After opening the window: say "The backyard looks eerie in the dark. The sky is void of stars.[line break]A key sits in an obscure corner." The description of the radio is "An old radio is sitting beside you." Instead of taking the radio: say "The radio is too heavy and bulky." Understand "turn on" as switching on. Understand "listen to" as switching on. Understand "turn off" as switching off. After switching on radio: increase the score by 1; say "A mellow tune starts playing from the speakers. [italic type][line break]Short steps, deep breath[line break]Everything is alright[line break]Chin up, I can't[line break]Step into the spotlight..." After switching off the radio: say "Oh well, you don't feel like listening to that song right now." The description of the study desk is "The study desk is made of sturdy wood. Scattered all over it are textbooks, a sketchpad and some paintbrushes." Instead of taking the study desk: say "Uh, that's not the brightest idea." The description of textbooks is "Your books from school are filled with highlighted pages." Instead of examining sketchpad: say "The sketchpad is on the middle of the desk. On the top page is a painting of a girl reaching for the planets in the sky. [italic type]January 17, 2017[roman type] is written on the bottom."; say "Turn the page?"; if the player consents: increase the score by 1; say "You turn the page. The next painting is much more recent. It's still of the same girl, but the planets are no longer in sight. She is standing on the edge of a cliff."; otherwise: say "Maybe you have other things to do." Understand "paintbrush" as paintbrushes. Understand "brushes" as paintbrushes. The description of paintbrushes is "The tips of the brushes have become sloppy over time." The description of the backpack is "You only ever brought this bag to school. It's a bit worn-out, but it was a gift from a dear friend way back in elementary." After opening backpack: increase the score by 1; say "Inside the backpack is a journal and a photo." The description of the journal is "You've gotten yourself a journal about a year ago. Lately you've found yourself spending more time writing on it than actually talking to people.[line break]A lock is fixed on its side." After unlocking journal with key: increase the score by 1; say "You unlock the journal. The first page reads[line break][line break][italic type]May 26, 2016[line break]Guess what? I've got a brand new journal today![roman type]"; say "[line break][line break]Turn the page?"; if the player consents: say "[line break]The rest of the pages are missing."; otherwise: say "Perhaps it's better not to dig up the past."