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The Wizard's Potion
Cathy Zhang
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[RULES] The maximum score is 5. [BEDROOM] The bedroom is a room. "You open your eyes. Every time you blink, it feels like sandpaper is rubbing against your eyes. Slowly, your eyes focus on the crack snaking through the ceiling. Every bone in your body screams out in protest, but you manage to push yourself up. You are in a bedroom which is clearly not yours. [Paragraph break]You do not remember what happened last night. You try to recall, but your head hurts too much to think. Your stomach is in a similar sorry state. You lean your head back, knocking against a wire bed frame.[Paragraph break]You are sitting on the dusty ground. There is a ripped rug on the floor beside you with suspicious stains on its surface. The walls are grey with peeling paint, revealing the structure of the house. A white door is to your north." The description of the player is "You don't have a mirror, but you doubt you look any better than you feel." The ground is a backdrop. "There is nothing on the floor other than you and the ripped rug." The ground is here. The ceiling is a backdrop. "The only noticeable feature is the long crack on the ceiling." The ceiling is here. The bedroom walls is a scenery supporter in the bedroom. "The paint is peeling off the walls." The ripped rug is here. The description is "It is a large and soft rug. There are rips at the edges of the rug." Instead of taking the ripped rug, say "Do you really have the strength to lug that around?" The stain is a scenery supporter on the ripped rug. The description is "It's a vague brown colour. You'd rather not know what it is." The bedframe is a scenery supporter in the bedroom. The description is "You don't even notice the wire bedframe until you bang your knee on it. It really hurts. Ouch." Understand "wire", "bed frame", "frame", "wire bedframe", and "wire bed frame" as bedframe. The closet is here. The closet is an closed openable container. The glue stick is in the closet. The description of the closet is "The closet is slightly ajar, revealing what seems like an empty interior." Instead of taking the closet, say "Ambitious, but not possible." The description of the glue stick is "A light, capped glue stick. Nothing fancy." Instead of eating the glue stick, say "You're desperate, but not that desperate." The white door is a closed door. The white door is north of the bedroom and south of the hallway. The description of the white door is "It's just a regular white door." [HALLWAY] The hallway is a room. The description is "You walk into a narrow hallway. It seems like all the walls in this house have peeling paint. The walls are covered with peeling faded yellow paint and the ground with wooden flooring. North is a black door. West is a wooden door. South is a white door. East is a grey door.[Paragraph break]You notice framed pictures of people along the walls, all perfectly aligned. You don’t recognize any of them. At the end of the hall, there is an empty frame[if the puddle of goo is not found][Paragraph break]Unfortunately, you don't see the puddle of goo and step right into it. Gross. Now your feet are sticky and wet[end if]." The black door is a closed locked door. The black door is north of the hallway and down from the foyer. The description of the black door is "An ominous black door. It seems like the last door you want to open." The wooden door is a closed door. The wooden door is west of the hallway and east of the bathroom. The description is "A worn wooden door. You might want to be careful opening it, in case you get splinters." The grey door is a door. The grey door is east of the hallway and west of the office. The description of the grey door is "A faded grey door." The framed pictures is a scenery supporter in the hallway. The description of the framed pictures is "All the framed pictures are identical in size and perfectly aligned. You wonder what will happen if you nudge one, but you are too scared to touch them. They are all candid shots of different people, seemingly unrelated to each other. Some of them are smiling, but it still unnerves you." The empty frame is here. The description is "The frame appears to be waiting for someone new." The empty frame is fixed in place. [OFFICE] The office is a room. "The room greets you with chaos. The large cherry wood desk in the middle of the room looks like an island in a sea of random office supplies. It's impossible to evade stepping on the paper or pens lying around. West is a grey door." The office walls is a backdrop. The office walls is here. The description is "The walls are covered with, that's right, peeling paint. This time, they're a light shade of blue. Usually, blue calms you down but it only chills you now." The pen is on the cherry wood desk. The description of the pen is "A blue ballpoint pen." Instead of eating the pen, say "You decide against putting arbitrary objects into your mouth." The cherry wood desk is here. The cherry wood desk is fixed in place. The description is "You can't even see the surface of the desk by how cluttered it is. Hanging precariously off the edge of the desk is a blue pen. Whoever works here appears disorganized." The cabinet set is here. The description is "You can't open the cabinet set. As it is grey and dull, you doubt trying to open the cabinet set is worth your time." Instead of taking the cabinet set, say "Don't waste your energy or time." The lamp is here. The description is "The lamp sits on top of the towering cabinet, out of your reach." Instead of taking the lamp, say "Unfortunately, you were never first pick for basketball. The lamp stays untouched." The trap door is a closed door. "Even in this room, you can't find any windows. The source of light comes from the lamp on top of the cabinet set." The trap door can be found. The trap door is not found. Instead of examining the trap door: if the trap door is not found: say "Are you hallucinating?"; otherwise: say "The trap door is big enough for one lucky person." Instead of pushing the cabinet set: if the trap door is found: say "Nothing new is revealed."; otherwise: now the trap door is found; say "The trap door has been underneath the cabinet this whole time."; now the trap door is open. Instead of opening the trap door: if the trap door is not found: say "How?"; otherwise: say "The trap door is open." The cellar is a room. The trap door is below the office and above the cellar. [CELLAR] The cellar is a room. "A rickety wooden ladder leads you down to the cellar. The walls and floor are stained cement. It smells damp and moldy. There is a wooden hand built shelf that holds jars of food as well as wine arranged by colour." The ladder is here. The description is "A wooden ladder. It wobbles occasionally, but you'll take your chances." Instead of taking the ladder, say "How else will you get back up?" The cement floor is a scenery supporter in the cellar. The description of the cement floor is "Hard, cold cement." The cement wall is a backdrop. The cement wall is here. The description is "Stained cement walls. It doesn't look particularly nice, but then again, nothing in this house does." The instant noodles is here. "One shelf is oddly dedicated to instant noodles. Is this what the owner of the house lives off of?" The instant noodles is edible. After examining the instant noodles, say "They're the typical cups of instant noodles with red packaging." Instead of eating the instant noodles: say "Your stomach tries to endorse your poor decision-making, but you already regret eating the noodles."; remove the instant noodles from play. The shelf is here. The description is "The shelf holds a wide variety of wine from different decades. One in particular stands out to you." The shelf is fixed in place. The wine bottle is on the shelf. The description is "Upon closer inspection, you realize that this bottle has been touched recently. The other bottles are dustier." The milk can is a thing. The milk can can be found. The milk can is not found. The milk can is edible. Instead of taking the wine bottle: if the milk is found: say "There's nothing else of interest."; otherwise: now the milk can is found; now the player carries the milk; say "At the back of the shelf is a can of something that's obviously not wine. You take the can and put back the wine bottle." The description of the milk is "A can of sweetened, condensed milk." Instead of eating the milk can: say "It tastes disgusting. The milk was probably expired. That was probably a bad idea."; remove the milk can from play. [BATHROOM] The bathroom is a room. "You squint when you enter the room. The lights are already on and are reflecting off the striking white tiles on the walls. For some odd reason, you don't see a light switch. The sink is broken and above it hangs a large, dirty mirror. There is a pink door to the north and a wooden door to the east." The tiles is a backdrop. "Zigzag cracks run through the white tiles." The tiles is here. The sink is a scenery supporter in the bathroom. The description is "The faucet doesn't appear to be working. Parts of the sink are chipped." The ceramic tub is here. The description is "For such a dirty house, this tub is surprisingly clean." The ceramic tub is fixed in place. The showerhead is here. The description is "The showerhead is spotless and appears to be in working condition. Underneath the showerhead is the shower tap. You should put it to good use." The showerhead is fixed in place. water is a thing. Instead of switching on the shower tap for first turn: now the shower tap is found; say "Water flows steadily through the shower head. You are rinsed clean and the bucket on the floor beside you gets a little of the action, as well."; now water is in the bucket. The mirror is here. The mirror can be found. The mirror is not found. The mirror is fixed in place. Instead of switching off the shower tap: say "To your horror, the shower tap wasn't the only thing that had been altered. On the mirror, words traced by someone's hand spell out what seems like a grocery list."; now the mirror is found. Instead of examining mirror: if the mirror is found: say "Near the top in a smaller size is a message: 'Read instructions carefully. Place items in bucket. When done, hit bucket for surprise.'[Paragraph Break]- Can of milk [Paragraph Break]- Cornstarch [Paragraph Break]- Pen [Paragraph Break]- Glue stick [Paragraph Break]- Instant noodles"[Paragraph break]; otherwise: say "Above the sink hangs the large, dirty mirror. The surface is so grimy you can barely see your reflection." The shower tap is a device. The shower tap is here. The shower tap can be found. The shower tap is not found. The description of the shower tap is "A regular tap that controls the flow of water from the showerhead." The shower tap is fixed in place. The bucket is here. The bucket is a container. The description is "A large, plain bucket." Instead of taking the bucket: if nothing is in the bucket: say "You don't know what you plan on doing with it."; otherwise: now the player carries the bucket.; say "Taken." Instead of pulling the bucket, say "Buckets are made for holding things! You can also drum on them, but you don't have time for that." Before inserting the milk can into the bucket: if the player does not carry the milk can: say "You don't have it, bud." Before inserting the box of cornstarch into the bucket: if the player does not carry the box of cornstarch: say "Guess you forgot something!" Before inserting the pen into the bucket: if the player does not carry the pen: say "Check your inventory. Hint: the pen's not in there." Before inserting the glue stick into the bucket: if the player does not carry the glue stick: say "Yikes, you're missing the glue stick." Before inserting the instant noodles into the bucket: if the player does not carry the instant noodles: say "Tough luck doing that, since you don't have the instant noodles on you." After inserting the milk can into the bucket: say "You pour the milk into the bucket."; now milk is in the bucket; if the cornstarch is not in the bucket and the pen is not in the bucket and the instant noodles is not in the bucket and the glue stick is not in the bucket: increase the score by 1. After inserting the box of cornstarch into the bucket: now the box of cornstarch is in the bucket; say "You dump the cornstarch into the bucket."; if the milk can is in the bucket and the pen is not in the bucket and the glue stick is not in the bucket and the instant noodles is not in the bucket: increase the score by 1. After inserting the pen into the bucket: now the pen is in the bucket; say "You drop the pen into the bucket."; if the milk can is in the bucket and cornstarch is in the bucket and the glue stick is not in the bucket and the instant noodles is not in the bucket: increase the score by 1. After inserting the glue stick into the bucket: now the glue stick is in the bucket; say "You put the glue stick into the bucket."; if the milk can is in the bucket and the cornstarch is in the bucket and the pen is in the bucket and the instant noodles is not in the bucket: increase the score by 1. After inserting the instant noodles into the bucket: now the instant noodles is in the bucket; say "You sprinkle the instant noodles into the bucket."; if the milk can is in the bucket and the cornstarch is in the bucket and the pen is in the bucket and the glue stick is in the bucket: increase the score by 1. Instead of attacking the bucket: say "The bucket shudders from impact, letting the contents inside swirl together. You doubt anything will result from you hitting the bucket besides releasing some stress, but to your surprise, a murky conception comes to life. Granted, it looks like brown slosh, but at least the recipe works."; move the Wizard to the hallway. The pink door is a door. The pink door is north of the bathroom and south of the laundry room. The description of the pink door is "A light pink door. The contrasting innocence of the colour in the face of your situation sends shivers down your spine." [LAUNDRY ROOM] The laundry room is a room. "You walk into a cramped room. You can barely take a step before bumping into something. You enter the laundry room. The first thing you notice is the flickering light coming from a single light bulb beyond your reach. It casts a haunting glow on the cement floor and showcases the grey splotches on the wall. South is a pink door." The light bulb is a scenery supporter in the laundry room. The description is "The light bulb is starting to give you a headache. This is why you shouldn't stare directly into the light for so long." The laundry room walls is a backdrop. The laundry room walls is here. The description is "The wall is dirty and dusty, like everything else in this place." The laundry room cement floor is a backdrop. The laundry room cement floor is here. The description is "You're not sure why you pay so much attention to the house's decor. Either way, it's just boring cement." The washing machine is in the laundry room. The description is "The mundane washing machine looks out of place in the creepy, tiny room." The washing machine is a closed openable container. Instead of taking the washing machine, say "Nice try, but we can't all be Hercules." The box of cornstarch is a thing. The box of cornstarch is in the washing machine. The description is "A yellow box of cornstarch. You're confused as to why this would be in the washing machine, but you've seen stranger things here." Instead of eating the box of cornstarch, say "You should know better than to put that in your mouth!" The drying machine is in the laundry room. The description is "The drying machine is currently in use. You suppose whoever owns this house is on top of their laundry." The drying machine is fixed in place. The pipes is a scenery supporter in the laundry room. The description is "The pipes are in good condition. You don't need them for anything, so it's best to just leave them alone." [FOYER] The foyer is a room. "You run up the stairs to a long hallway. To your east is a mahogany door, with windows that let warm sunlight shine in. You don't bother looking at the rest of your surroundings. You can almost smell the fresh air!" The foyer walls is a backdrop. "Unlike the rooms you've just escaped from, these walls are a lovely shade of lavender and clearly not peeling. You suppose it shows just how little you can assume from just observing the surface. Whatever. You don't have time to muse about morals right now. You should leave this house as fast as you can!" The foyer walls is here. The mahogany door is a door. The mahogany door is east of the foyer. The front lawn is east of the mahogany door. The foyer floor is a backdrop. "The floors are spotless. You can almost see your reflection in them. But you don't have time to engage in your narcissism. The door is right there!" The foyer floor is here. [FRONT LAWN] The front lawn is a room. "You are outside on the front lawn. The fresh air is almost shocking to your system after spending who knows how long in the musty basement." Every turn while in the front lawn: if the score is 5: say "You heave in deep breaths. You made it."; end the game in victory. [WIZARD] The Wizard is a person in the foyer. The puddle of goo is a scenery supporter in the hallway. The puddle of goo is fixed in place. The puddle of goo can be found. The puddle of goo is not found. The description is "A sickly green puddle of goo." After examining something in the hallway: now the puddle of goo is found. Every turn: if the player has been in the hallway: if the shower tap is not found: say "[one of]You can't think with your feet making awful squelching noises with every step[or]You should search for a room where you can wash off the slime at the bottom of your shoes[at random]." The description of the Wizard is "You see a scraggly old man with short grey hair and a large beard snaking down his neck. The man is wearing plain clothes that are fairly worn with holes in odd places and suspicious stains in others. Plastered across his shirt is a 'Hello, my name is' sticker with 'The Wizard' filled in the blank. At first glance, he appears normal without any magical powers, but as you've learned, appearances can be deceiving." Every turn when the player can see the Wizard for first turn: say "Standing in front of the empty frame is the Wizard. He appears to have been waiting for you for quite some time." Every turn when the player can see the Wizard: if the player has been in the hallway for 2 turns: say "[one of]The Wizard jerks his head like a chicken towards the bathroom[or]Out of the corner of your eye, you notice the Wizard staring at you creepily as you go about your tasks[or]You don't think the Wizard has blinked once since you stepped into the room. You risk a glance and only get an eye twitch from him[at random]." Instead of telling the Wizard about something: say "[one of]The Wizard makes an impatient grunting sound like a caveman[or]The Wizard cocks his head to the side, eyeing you. That doesn't sound like something he wants to hear[at random]." Instead of giving something to the Wizard: say "The Wizard coughs into your face. He doesn't seem interested." Instead of showing or giving the bucket to the Wizard: if the score is 5: say "The Wizard lights up. 'Finally! Someone listened to me, for once. I knew you were different from the rest. That's why I brought you here.'[Paragraph break]'The rest?' you ask hesitantly.[Paragraph break]The Wizard grins giddily, 'Don't worry about them! You won't have the pleasure of meeting them now that you completed your mission. You'll find the black door unlocked. As your prize, I will allow you to escape, as long as you keep this exchange between us.'[Paragraph break]You cross your arms, trying to hide your trembling. 'I promise.'"; now the black door is unlocked; now the black door is open; otherwise: say "It feels like the Wizard is staring right through you. The hallway must have dropped a few degrees, as your skin starts to pebble from the chill. The frames start to vibrate.[Paragraph break]The Wizard slowly walks towards the empty frame, grazing the edge of the golden frame with his bony fingers. He says, 'Was it so hard to follow instructions? Or were you just that dull?'[Paragraph break]Your whole world shakes, sending you toppling to your knees. You stare up in horror as he lifts the frame off the wall and approaches you, limbs rigid and eyes hard.[Paragraph break]You stammer out, 'No, no... I didn't mean to. Give me another chance!'[Paragraph break]His lips twist into a mean sneer. Bending towards you, he breathes out, 'You'll have another chance. Just not in this lifetime.'"; end the game in death. After attacking the Wizard: say "Maybe that wasn't a wise decision, since you've never learned anything beyond that one self-defense class you took in middle school. All you can see is pure regret before the Wizard snaps and lunges at you."; end the game in death. Instead of showing something to the Wizard: say "He continues to stare right through you. He doesn't care."