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Day Off
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When play begins: say "Welcome, Servant of Chaldea. Your name is Robin Hood, and you're of the Archer Class- but you already knew that, right? It's a bit of a lazy day around here, and you aren't needed for any sort of mission, so you're just hanging out in your room. What you do with your day is up to you. Be careful, though- there are a lot of weirdos around here. Hungry weirdos... This is a fangame for Fate/Grand Order. It contains fatal soft vore, cooking vore, micro/macro, foot stuff, other various fetishes, and a general NSFW element. If you are under 18, or not interested in these things, please do yourself a favor and do not continue! To make the most of this game, try stealing items and giving them characters. Try actions such a greet, poke, pet, bellyrub and flirt to get different reactions from characters! If characters don't do anything with your items, feel free to steal them back- you may get interesting results. Look at characters when first meeting them to see what they're holding. Make sure to type 'steal item from character' and 'give item to character' to get the intended outcomes!" Your Room is a room. "Your room is pretty standard for this place. Small, everything bleached white, with a bed that pulls out of the wall, and some small shelves and drawers. You've done your best to liven it up a bit with a quilt and some pine cones and stuff you found in the woods, but it's still uncomfortably sterile. The door is to the north." The Main Hall is north of Your Room. "The hallway is a lot like your room: pristine, white, unchanging. This whole place has a pretty dull decor. But maybe you just think that because you're used to the forests. The hallway curves off to the east and west, with the cafeteria being to the east, and the training rooms to the west." The Cafeteria is east of The Main Hall. "The cafeteria is large, with tons of dull white tables and identical. Not fully equipped to seat hundreds of Servants, but you all make do. [If The Cafeteria is unvisited] It's pretty quiet in here right now though. A bit too late for breakfast, a bit too early for lunch. [end if] The kitchen is to the north, and if you keep going east, you'll find the library. To the south is another set of hallways and rooms." Billy is a man in the cafeteria. Billy is holding a card game. Billy is holding a bowl of cereal. Cereal is edible. Billy is edible. The description of Billy is "Billy the Kid. As close to a partner in crime as you'll find here in Chaldea. He's a good buddy of yours, always available for a good card game or a smoke if you're both feeling bored. He can be a cheeky little shit though, so it's best to keep an eye on him. [if cereal is not carried by the player] He's got himself a bowl of cereal. [end if] [if card game is not carried by the player] Looks like he's got a deck of cards, too. [end if]" The can't take other people rule is not listed in any rulebook. The print standard inventory rule is not listed in any rulebook. Bellyrubbing is an Action applying to one visible thing. Understand "bellyrub [someone]" as bellyrubbing. Understand "rub [someone]'s belly" as bellyrubbing. Understand "rub [someone]" as bellyrubbing. Carry out taking inventory (this is the new print inventory rule): say "You are carrying: [line break]"; list the contents of the player, with newlines, indented, including contents, with extra indentation. Understand "check inventory" as taking inventory. After greeting Billy: say "You don't even have to greet Billy as you enter the cafeteria. He looks up from his bowl of cereal and gives you a cheerful wave, gesturing for you to sit with him. 'Isn't it a little late to be having breakfast?' You chuckle, as you sit beside him. 'Had a late night. Besides, breakfast is whenever you wake up, right?' He takes a bite of his cereal. 'You doing anything today?' 'Not sure yet, just wandering around.' You shrug. 'Well, let me know if you wanna play a game or something!'" After flirting Billy: say "'So Billy... Are all cowboys cute? Or is it just you?' You rest your chin on your hand, gazing at him playfully. You see his face redden slightly, and he gives you a look that's something like a scowl, as he averts your gaze. 'Don't call me 'cute', Robin.' He grumbles, embarrassed." After poking Billy: say "You poke Billy in the side of the head, and he gives you a kick in the leg. 'Jeez, what's gotten into you today? You gonna keep buzzing around like a fly, or what?'" After petting Billy: say "You ruffle Billy's hair affectionately. He blushes, looking embarrassed, but doesn't stop you. 'You're actin kinda weird today, Rob. You not get enough sleep last night or something?'" After bellyrubbing Billy: say "[if Cu is carried by Billy and bottle is carried by the player]Looking at Billy's small, soft belly, you hesitantly reach forward and begin to rub it. He looks surprised at first, but purrs slightly as you massage it. You think you can feel Cu squirming in there against your hand, but it's difficult to tell. You just know that Billy seems to be enjoying it.[end if][if Cu is not carried by Billy]Looking at Billy's small, soft belly, you hesitantly reach forward and begin to rub it. He looks surprised at first, and blushes slightly, seeming embarrassed- but after a moment, he starts to purr softly, enjoying the sensation. C-Cute...[end if]" After taking Billy: say "You scoop Billy up, hoisting him over your shoulder. 'H-Hey! What's the big idea?!' He cries, smacking as your back as hard as he can. You aren't quite sure why you decided to grab him, you just thought it would be fun." Every turn when Billy is carried: if a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: say "[one of]Billy kicks his legs up and down, nearly knocking off his boots.[or]Billy crosses his arms and huffs indignantly.[or]'Robiiiin, this is boriiiiing. Put me down!' Billy complains.'[or]Billy tugs at your hair, annoyed. [or]Billy sighs loudly, flopping over your shoulder dramatically.[at random]". After eating Billy: say "You haven't had anything to eat today, you realize, as you watch Billy eat his cereal. You're pretty hungry, but you're not exactly in the mood for sugary cereal... You could go for something a bit heavier, you realize. Luckily, Billy is a pretty convenient size. Slipping him from over your shoulder into your arms, you take advantage of his momentary surprise to lean toward him and open your mouth wide- then, you swallow his head. He squirms in surprise. You're a bit unused to this sort of thing- you aren't the type of Servant that usually goes around eating people! But for some reason you just couldn't help yourself this morning. Must be something in the air. Billy tastes pretty good, you realize, as you start to gulp him down. His lithe shoulders make it a fairly easy task. You hold his arms and ease the rest of him in, pulling off those clunky boots of his so you can swallow him more easily. You can hear some muffled sounds from within your stomach, as he slides down to fill it. You shudder contentedly, as his feet slide down your throat, collecting in your stomach. He's made a nice, squirming orb of it. As he continues wriggling, you pat your stomach, and lean against the table. That'll keep you full for the rest of the day... 'Sorry buddy~'" The description of the cereal is "A bowl of colorful cereal. Seriously, it's so colorful it almost hurts your eyes. How can Billy eat this stuff?" After taking cereal: say "'Hey!' Billy protests, trying to grab it back. 'What's the big idea?' He pouts. 'You're almost done anyway. Don't be so stingy, Billy!' You tease. He grumbles at you, but doesn't try to take it back." After stealing cereal from Billy: say "When Billy isn't looking, you swipe his cereal. You aren't really sure why. As he brings his spoon down to get another scoop, he looks down in confusion. 'Hey, what gives?' He looks at you irritably. 'What?' You ask, perfectly innocent. Billy gives you a sour look. 'Don't 'what' me! You stole my cereal, ya jerk.' He pouts. 'Well? You gonna hold it for ransom or something?'" After taking bowl: say "'Hey!' Billy protests, trying to grab it back. 'What's the big idea?' He pouts. 'You're almost done anyway. Don't be so stingy, Billy!' You tease. He grumbles at you, but doesn't try to take it back." After stealing bowl from Billy: say "When Billy isn't looking, you swipe his cereal. You aren't really sure why. As he brings his spoon down to get another scoop, he looks down in confusion. 'Hey, what gives?' He looks at you irritably. 'What?' You ask, perfectly innocent. Billy gives you a sour look. 'Don't 'what' me! You stole my cereal, ya jerk.' He pouts. 'Well? You gonna hold it for ransom or something?'" After giving cereal to Billy: say "You hand the bowl back to Billy. He gives you a sour look, and snatches it back. He doesn't bother to thank you, before continuing to eat." After giving bowl to Billy: say "You hand the bowl back to Billy. He gives you a sour look, and snatches it back. He doesn't bother to thank you, before continuing to eat." After eating cereal: say "You take a bite of cereal. It tastes like sugar, food coloring, and air. You really don't understand why Billy likes this stuff so much..." After stealing card game from Billy: say "You notice some cards sitting on the table next to Billy. Since he's so busy eating, you decide he won't miss them... Stealthily, you slip them into your own pocket." Understand "cards" as card game. Understand "deck of cards" as card game. Understand "cardgame" as card game. Understand "card" as card game. After giving card game to Billy: say "'Hey, you missing something?' You smirk, dangling the pile of cards in front of Billy. His eyes widen slightly, and he snatches it. 'My cards! Jeez, where'd you find these? Quit messin around, Rob! Did you wanna play a round?' 'Eh, maybe in a bit. You should keep a better eye on your stuff, though~'" After giving sandwich to Billy: say "You offer your sandwich to Billy. [if cereal is carried by the player] He takes it with a bit of apprehension, but doesn't question it. [end if] [if cereal is not carried by the player] He looks at you with a bit of confusion- probably because he's still eating cereal. Still, he takes it, placing it down on a napkin to the side. [end if]" After giving beer to Billy: say "You offer Billy a can of beer. He takes it with a bit of surprise. 'A lil early to be drinking, don't you think?' He chuckles, and pockets it for later." After giving book to Billy: say "Billy looks at the massive thing in awe, taking it in his hands to feel the weight. 'Woowee, this thing looks ancient... it's pretty, though. What's it say?' 'Dunno, stole it from Gorgon. Looked pretty fancy, couldn't help myself.' You shrug. 'Well, I dunno what to make of it, but it is pretty nice! You could probably sell it.' Billy says, then smirks slightly. 'Or I could sell it~' 'Hey! I stole it first!' 'Well, it's mine now! Should've kept a tighter grip on it~'" After showing book to Billy: say "Billy looks at the massive thing in awe, turning some of the pages. 'Wow... This thing looks ancient! Smells ancient too. Where'd ya get it?' 'Snagged it from Gorgon. It looked pretty, couldn't help myself.' You shrug. 'Well, it looks pretty nice! You should try and sell it, see what you can make off it.'" After giving cigarette to Billy: say "You offer Billy a cigarette. He takes it appreciatively. 'Thanks, Rob. We should probably smoke somewhere else though, I don't think anyone would appreciate us stinkin up the cafeteria.' He chuckles. You agree. Maybe later, then." After giving lighter to Billy: say "[if cigarette is carried by Billy] Billy looks at the lighter, then glances around. 'Well... No one's here right now... Guess a little wouldn't hurt anyone~' He lights his cigarette and takes a couple puffs. 'Aren't you gonna smoke too?' [end if] [if cigarette is not carried by Billy] 'Woah, cool!' Billy looks at the lighter. 'This is a nice one! Can I really have it?' 'You can borrow it if ya want, I don't need it right now.' You say, though that might not last long, depending on if Cu notices you pilfered it and comes sniffing around... 'Thanks!' Billy beams.[end if]" After giving bottle to Billy: say "You put the bottle you found on the table. Billy looks at it curiously, admiring the shimmering liquid. 'That's real pretty... What's it do?' 'No idea.' You shrug. Billy takes this as permission to open it. He sniffs it, curious... then, with a devious little smile, he splashes you with it. 'H-Hey!' You splutter- and then find yourself staring up at him, now only a few inches tall. Billy looks down at you in amazement. 'Woah! You look like a little action figure or something!' He laughs, plucking you up. You squirm, attempting to escape his grip, but you're pretty weak in this form. 'You could be like the prize in a cereal box.' He teases. Then, a lightbulb seems to go off in his head. With a smug look, [if cereal is carried by the player] he pours himself another bowl of cereal, and drops you in.[end if] he drops you into his cereal. 'Oi, what're you doing?!' You shout, before you're doused in milk. 'Hehe~ Looks like I'm not the littlest guy here any more~' Billy giggles, as he grabs a spoon. Your eyes widen. 'H-Hey now, you're not supposed to eat your prize!' You protest, as you're scooped up with a few pieces of cereal. 'My prize. I can do whatever I want with it~' Billy grins- and then, he swallows you. His throat is small and tight, and you're squeezed down along with chunks of mushy cereal. You try to squirm about, but there's not much room. By the time you slide out into his stomach, he's already taken a few more bites of cereal. 'Mmm... You taste pretty good Robin! Thanks for the extra bit of breakfast~' Billy gives you a pat, jostling you about as more cereal splatters on your head. It doesn't look like you'll be here for too long, if the half-digested mush is anything to go by..." ; end the game in death. After giving lyre to Billy: say "You hand David's lyre to Billy. His eyes widen slightly. 'Woooooah, this thing looks like it's worth a lot! Where'd ya get it?' He asks, then squints at you a bit. 'Wait a sec, ain't that David's? I'm pretty sure he's gonna notice you took that.' 'I'll give it back to him later.' You shrug. 'Thought you might like to mess around with it a bit first.' 'Hmm... Well, it does look cool.' Billy strums it experimentally. 'I'll try not to break it. No promises though~'" After giving headband to Billy: say "You put David's headband on Billy. He looks up in confusion, and you snicker. It looks pretty cute on him though, you can't lie. [if David is carried by the player]David blushes slightly, but doesn't protest. He seems to think it looks cute as well.[end if]" After stealing headband from Billy: say "You take the headband back. Billy gives you a weird look, and then ignores you. Guess he didn't like it as much as you did." After giving David to Billy: say "[if Billy is not carried by the player]You gently deposit David into the seat beside Billy. He blushes, smiling at you with shy embarrassment. Billy gives you a look. 'I brought you a breakfast buddy.' You chuckle, and sit down beside them.[end if] [if Billy is carried by the player]Billy's a bit preoccupied right now.[end if]" After stealing David from Billy: say "[if Billy is not carried by the player]'Well, that was fun. But I'll be taking the princess back now.' You say, scooping David up again. He squeaks in excitement. Billy snorts. 'Princess? Alright, whatever, weirdos. Don't have too much fun without me.'[end if][if Billy is carried by the player]It wasn't like he really had him to begin with, but hey, if it makes you feel better.'[end if]" After giving Cu to Billy: say "You drop Cu onto the table, breathing in exhaustion. Billy looks at you in surprise. 'I'm impressed, didn't think you'd be able to carry me that far.' Cu chuckles. 'Hey there kid, how's it going?' He looks to Billy, who pouts. 'I'm not a kid, jeez... What'd you bring this guy here for, Rob?' Billy asks, not looking too impressed. [if bottle is carried by the player] He notices something in your pocket though, and a devious smile crosses his face. 'Hey, Rob, mind if I borrow that~?' He asks, and then doesn't wait for your response. You watch as he splashes the bottle onto Cu. The silver liquid sparkles as it slides down his body suit, and in an instant, Cu is only a few inches tall. Y-You didn't know it could do that, what the hell?! It looks like Cu didn't know it could do that either. 'H-Hey, the hell?! What're you two tryna pull?' He snarls, looking between you two. Billy snickers, and plucks him up. 'I just wanted an extra helping of breakfast is all~' Billy muses, and then drops the tiny Lancer into his mouth. You watch as he chews lightly, and swallows the squirming lump. 'Mmm. Now that's how you deal with cocky jerks. Take notes, Rob!' Billy winks. Y-You'll keep that in mind...[end if]" After stealing Cu from Billy: say "[if bottle is not carried by the player] 'Well jeez, if you're not gonna appreciate my offer, I guess I'll take him elsewhere.' You tut, and once again, heave Cu up over your shoulder. 'O-Oi, come on now! This is getting old.' Cu sighs. 'Fine, whatever. Go ahead and prove your strength, I guess.'[end if] [if bottle is carried by the player] 'Alright Billy, spit'im out.' You cross your arms, looking down at him sternly. Billy pouts. 'Do I have to? He's kind of a jerk...' 'Yes, you have to. Master's gonna get pissed if she finds out. Now come on. Spit him up.' Billy sighs dramatically, and after a moment, he's got Lancer in his hand, tiny and soggy. The Lancer splutters, and gives you both a glare. At least he's tiny now? Except, apparently, since Billy didn't use the full potion, it doesn't seem like the affects are going to last very long. With a sudden poof, Cu is back to his normal size- but no less soggy. He gives Billy a glare. 'Alright, all's well that ends well- let's get out of here, okay?' You give Cu a pat on the shoulder, and steer him away from the boy.[end if]" The Hallway is south of The Cafeteria. "Another long hall, the same color as everything else here. It's mostly Servant rooms down here, but you don't know whose room is where. There's a room to the west, a room to the east, and to get to the other rooms you'd have to go further south down the hallway. Obviously, to get back to the cafeteria, you should go north." David's Room is west of The Hallway. "You enter a room almost identical to yours, save for some slightly different knick knacks decorating the shelves. [if David's Room is unvisited] Sitting on the bed is a green-haired shepherd, plucking thoughtfully at a lyre. When you enter, he looks up with a smile. 'Hello there, Robin. To what do I owe the pleasure?'[end if]" David is a man in David's room. He is edible. David is holding a lyre. David is wearing a headband. The description of David is "An attractive young man with long, curly green hair. He'd be cuter if he weren't such an annoying perv. You don't mind him so much, though. He seems to enjoy your company for some reason." After greeting David: say "[if Cu is not carried by the player and Billy is not carried by the player]You give David a little wave and smile. 'Hey there Dave. How's it going?' David smiles happily at you, strumming his lyre. 'Things are quite well, thank you! Is there anything I can help you with?'[end if][if Billy is carried by the player] You give David a little wave and a smile. 'Hey there Dave. How's it going?' David looks up at you, smiling, then looks at Billy in surprise. Billy looks at him sourly. 'Um...I'm doing just fine, thank you. I see you brought company?'[end if][if Cu is carried by the player]You give David a little wave and a smile. 'Hey there Dave. How's it going?' David looks up at you with a smile, then notices Cu and seems startled. Cu gives him a wave as well. 'Um, I'm just fine, thank you... I see you brought company with you. Is there anything I can do to help you two...?' [end if] [if David is carried by the player] 'Hey there.' You smirk, looking down at your new catch. David is blushing considerably. He laughs nervously, but doesn't seem displeased. 'H-Hello, Robin.'[end if]" After flirting David: say "'So... Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?' You ask, leaning against the wall. 'I'm sure all the other angels must miss your music.' David blinks at you in surprise, his face reddening slightly. He laughs, seeming embarrassed, but not displeased. 'O-Oh, you... Always the comedian.' He smiles, fiddling with his lyre strings as he tries to hide his shy smile." After poking David: say "You poke David's forehead. He lets out a cute squeak, and looks up at you. 'Yes? Did you need something?' He asks, poking your stomach." After petting David: say "You pet David's hair absentmindedly, admiring the color. It's a lot softer than you thought it would be... By the time you realize what you're doing, David's face is a dark red, looking up at you with flushed embarrassment. 'Did... You need anything from me, Robin? If there's anything you'd like to ask, I'm happy to hear you out.' He says, attempting to keep his voice from sounding too excited. You blush, and pull your hand back. 'N-Nothing. Sorry, just got lost in thought.' You stutter, embarrassed. J-Jeez, you need to stop being such a weirdo!" After giving book to David: say "You hand David the book you took from Gorgon. 'You know anything about ancient Greek?' You ask. David looks at the massive thing curiously. 'I can't say I do, I'm afraid. This is a lovely book, though. Would you mind if I kept it a bit? The cover is quite inspiring~ It may help me come up with a new song.' You shrug. 'Sure.' Not like you can't just swipe it back later." After giving card game to David: say "You pull out the cards you took from Billy. 'You up for a game of cards?' You ask. David looks surprised. 'Really? I thought you preferred to play those games with Billy, or Geronimo.' He says, surprisingly shy. 'Well, yeah, but that doesn't mean I can't play them with anyone else. You wanna play a few rounds?' You've already taken a seat on the floor in front of him. He's blushing a bit for some reason, as he takes a seat across from you, eager. 'A-Alright! If you don't mind, then certainly. I will play with you. But don't expect me to go easy on you~' He smiles mischievously. 'Ha! Like I'd need you to.' You laugh. The two of you wind up playing long into the evening, not even realizing how much time you're spending as you chat idly and laugh together. By the time dinner is ready, the two of you feel you've become a bit closer. Maybe David isn't such an oddball after all." ; end the game in victory. After giving cereal to David: say "You hand David the bowl of cereal you took. 'You have breakfast yet?' You ask, sitting beside him. 'Hm? Yes, but I'll still accept your gift~' He smiles, taking the bowl from you. 'I'd never say no to cute boy bringing me my meals~' He winks. You blush slightly, despite yourself. 'Wh-Whatever, gramps...'" After giving bottle to David: say "You aren't really sure what this bottle is for, but David seems to like collecting little things like this, and you don't have any better use for it. You hand it to David. 'Here. Found this earlier, thought you might like it.' You say nonchalantly. David's eyes widen as he takes it from you, looking at you with disbelief, before looking back at the bottle. 'Robin... Are you aware of what this is?' He asks. You shrug, shaking your head. He bites his lip, looking torn. Eventually, something mischievous flits across his eyes. 'Well, perhaps I should show you, then~' He smiles, popping it open. He splashes you with it. You splutter, trying to wipe yourself off. You're about to be cross with David, when you realize you're only two inches tall. 'H-Huh?' You stammer. David giggles overhead, plucking you up from the ground. 'It's a shrinking potion, silly~ I don't know how you got your hands on it... But I'm glad you did. This makes things much more interesting!' He beams. 'I've always been curious about what you taste like, Robin... well, here goes nothing~!' Cheerfully, he drops you into his mouth, and begins to suckle on you, his tongue exploring every nook and cranny it can get into. You squirm in protest, trying to beat his tongue back and make your way toward the exit- but you're pushed toward his throat, and he doesn't hesitate to swallow you. 'Mmmmm, Robin... You taste even better than I imagined.' David purrs, clearly enjoying yourself. W-Weirdo! The journey down his throat is long, and at the end you're met with his stomach- wet, hot, dark, and full of something that stings when you touch it. Oh boy. It doesn't look like you'll be getting out of here the way you came in... You hear David giggle as he rubs at his stomach. 'Thank you, Robin~'" ; end the game in death. After giving sandwich to David: say "You hand David the sandwich you got from the fridge. He looks at it, a bit disappointed. 'Ah, thank you Robin, but... I can't eat this.' 'Huh?' 'It's ham. Not exactly kosher.' He chuckles, looking a bit embarrassed. Oh. Right. You feel your own face heat up in embarrassment, guilty for your faux pas. 'Sorry, I thought it was turkey, my bad-' You lie, kicking yourself for being such an idiot. 'Well, I could always swap out the meat...' David says, a hint of playfulness in his voice. You look at him curiously. He smiles, and pulls a bottle from his pocket. [if kitchen has been visited]It looks a lot like the one you saw in the kitchen...[end if] Without further warning, he splashes it on you, and within an instant, you find yourself only a couple inches tall, already in David's hand. 'This isn't exactly kosher either... But I've been wanting to know what you taste like for a while now, Robin~' David smiles playfully, blushing all the while. 'W-Wait a minute, isn't this a bit excessive-?!' You cry, before you're sandwiched between the bread, lettuce, and cheese. Squirming frantically, you have no chance of escaping before David takes a bite, pulling you into his mouth. He chews gently, not wanting to crush you evidently, but plenty happy to mush you around and get a thorough taste. Once he's satisfied, he swallows, and you find yourself on a one-way trip down to his stomach. 'Mmm... Even better than I imagined~ Thank you so much for the lunch, Robin. You're the perfect lunch meat~' David purrs." ; end the game in death. After giving beer to David: say "You offer David the can of beer you took from the kitchen. He smiles awkwardly, and accepts it, placing it on the shelves near his bed. 'Thank you. I'm afraid I'm not a very big drinker, though. I appreciate the gesture though!' He smiles." After giving cigarette to David: say "You offer David a cigarette. He looks at it in surprise before taking it. 'Thank you, but I'm afraid I don't really smoke. I'll keep it if you don't want it, but feel free to take it back if you would rather keep it for yourself.'" After giving lighter to David: say "You hand David Cu's lighter. He looks at it curiously. 'It's quite a nice lighter! Are you sure it's alright for me to have it?'" After giving Billy to David: say "You toss Billy down onto the bed. He bounces for a second, then glares at you. 'Oh my, are you two rough housing?' David chuckles in amusement. 'Poor Billy, is he being mean to you? You can stay here if you'd like.' David gives Billy a pat on the head, and Billy sticks his tongue out at you. 'Thanks, David. Robin's a real stinker sometimes. I don't know why you like him so much.' Billy crosses his arms, and sits with his back to you. David blushes slightly, and goes back to fiddling with his lyre." After stealing Billy from David: say "'Well, if you're not gonna do anything with'im, I guess I'll just keep him for myself.' You tease, snatching Billy back up. He yelps in annoyance, and begins to smack your back again. 'Dammit Rob! Pumme dowwwwn!!' He whines. David chuckles in confused amusement. It doesn't seem he understands how your relationship works, but he doesn't look like he wants to get in the way of things." After stealing lyre from David: say "That lyre of David's has always fascinated you. It's a pretty thing, gold-colored, and with shimmering strings. 'Say, David, you don't have anything to drink in here, do ya?' You ask, sitting on the bed beside David. 'I might have something in the back- let me go and check!' He smiles, rising up eagerly. While he's busy, you stash the lyre away in your cloak. You'll give it back later. Probably." After giving lyre to David: say "Feeling guilty for taking it, you slip the lyre back in its original spot while David isn't paying attention. Hopefully he didn't notice it was gone." After stealing headband from David: say "'That's a cute little headband you got there, David.' You say, plucking it from his hair. 'A-Ah, thank you!' He laughs, blushing as you dangle it in front of him. 'It's just decorative, really. I just like the look of it. I, um, suppose you can borrow it, if you would like!' He smiles awkwardly, not sure how to deal with the situation. 'Wow, really? Thanks!' You grin, and put it on. David blushes. 'I-It looks quite nice on you...'" After giving headband to David: say "Alright, fun and games are over. You put the headband back on David's head, like placing a crown atop a princess. He blushes as you do. 'There we go. Right were it belongs.' You say, trying not to blush. 'Th-Thank you.' He smiles somewhat shyly." After taking David: say "[if Billy is not carried by the player]You scoop David up into your arms, carrying him like a princess. His eyes widen in shock, cheeks flushing red, as he gazes up at you. 'A-Ah, what's this for?' He asks, trying not to fidget or squirm too much. You aren't actually sure, you realize, trying not to blush yourself. 'Just felt like it.' You shrug.' [end if] [if Billy is carried by the player]You grab up David in your free arm, and sling him over your other shoulder. He lets out a surprised squeak, giggling nervously as you carry him. 'A-Ah! What's this about?' He asks. 'Jeez, Rob! What's the big idea?! You're gonna wind up dropping one of us. And it'd better not be me!!' Billy pipes up. You're not really sure why you're doing this. You've got two now, though, so that's something.[end if]" Every turn when David is carried: if a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: say "[one of]David giggles shyly.[or]David nestles down, trying to get more comfortable.[or]'So, where are we going?' David asks. It seems like he's enjoying himself.[or]David snuggles against you, content. [or]David blushes and looks away shyly.[at random]". After eating David: say "You look at David in your arms, enjoying himself cutely. He really is a beautiful guy... You usually try not to notice, but it's hard not to when you're both so close. He's a nice guy. A cute guy. Y-You wouldn't say you like him, that much, b-but... Well, he's not so bad to be around all the time, you guess! Not like you have a crush on him or anything like that... Your stomach growls, suddenly, and while ho, you're overcome with a strange urge. You feel hungry. Not like, actually hungry, but more like, emotionally hungry? But maybe actually hungry too. Either way, the next thing you know, David's head is in your mouth. Which is definitely NOT what you were planning on doing- but, he's squirming now, and you're panicking, and it's too late to turn back now-! With a frantic gulp, you pull his shoulders deeper into your maw, swallowing him down bit by bit. He squirms the whole way down, but the weird thing is, you don't hear him protest at all. By the time you get him down there, you think you hear him... giggling? 'A-Are you okay?' You ask, putting your hands on your stomach. 'I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me-' David laughs inside, squirming pleasantly. 'My, my, Robin... I had no idea you were into these sorts of things~ If you'd just asked, I'd have been happy to be your meal~' He teases. You blush furiously. W-Wait, he liked that?! W-Well... You guess that makes things easier, then. Looks like that's your meal for the day." After giving Cu Chulainn to David: say "You drop Cu on David's bed. He bounces a bit. David looks up from his lyre, startled. 'O-Oh, hello there... Um, did the two of you need help?' He asks, looking between the two of you in confusion. 'Just taking Cu here for a ride.' You smirk. Cu gives David a little wave. 'Thought he could rest here for a sec.'" After stealing Cu from David: say "Alright, naptime is over. You scoop Cu up again. Back to the road!" After taking Player: say "You decide to do something with yourself." After giving Player to David: say "You give yourself over to David. You're not sure why- something just compels you to. He seems a bit confused by the gesture at first, but is pleased nonetheless, accepting your humble offering. You belong to David now." Gilgamesh's Room is east of The Hallway. "A room that is impossibly large and ornately lavish. The floors are covered in plush red carpet, the walls covered in finery of all sorts. At the center of the room sits a golden throne, and upon it, the man who owns it all- Gilgamesh." Gilgamesh is a man in Gilgamesh's Room. The description of Gilgamesh is "An attractive young man with fluffy blond hair, and blood-red eyes. He'd be a lot more attractive if he weren't a raging asshole king. But hey, nobody's perfect. You might want to keep on his good side, though. He's known to be a bit of a maneater..." Understand "Gil" as Gilgamesh. Understand "Goldy" as Gilgamesh. After greeting Gilgamesh: say "You try not to seem nervous as you greet the king. It's not like you would be nervous around most kings you don't exactly have much respect for them, generally speaking. But this guy is known for being pretty fickle in when he decides to assert his (violent) authority. 'Hey there, Gilgamesh.' You wave. 'Sorry to barge in... Was just makin the rounds, thought I'd pop in and say hi.' The king regards you coolly. 'You are lucky I am in need of entertainment, otherwise you would be serving as a sheath for my weapons right now.' He chuckles darkly. 'Welcome, peasant. Make yourself useful and get me something to eat, would you?'" After taking Gilgamesh: say "You attempt to lift Gilgamesh up from his throne. Unlike other kings around here, he doesn't find anything charming about your stunt. With a flick of his wrists, a length of chains emerges from a glowing portal above him, wrapping around your body and dragging you into the air. You dangle there, looking at the king in embarrassment. 'Such a curious mongrel. You enter my chambers without invitation, and attempt to carry me off? Your insolence is astounding- but, I find it amusing. If you wish to live, I will allow you to remain- as my jester, perhaps.' He smirks, giving you a poke. You swing back and forth gently. 'But, you do look quite entertaining, hanging here... perhaps I will use you as decoration for the time being instead. Fuhuhu...' He chuckles darkly, hoisting you higher into the air. L-Looks like you might be here for awhile..." ; end the story. After poking Gilgamesh: say "You don't even get close enough to poke him before you find yourself full of weapons. Well. That didn't go as well as you'd planned." ; end the game in death. After petting Gilgamesh: say "You manage to get close enough to the king to pat his arm. He looks at you, unimpressed and unamused, but for some reason, he allows you to. 'If you are going to touch the king, at least be assertive about it!' He orders- and grabs your hand, moving it to his hair. It's very silky. You blush, holding it there. He looks up at you in irritation. 'Well? Continue!' He orders. You pet his head. He seems satisfied...?" After flirting Gilgamesh: say "'You know, I've stolen a lot of things from kings, but the one treasure I've never been able to steal is a heart... Wanna see if I can change that?' You ask, narrowing your eyes seductively. Gilgamesh stares at you with what may be the least impressed gaze you've ever seen. 'Is that a threat, mongrel?' He asks, and you can see your own shadow from the glow of portals opening behind you. 'I-It was supposed to be a pick up line!'" After giving card game to Gilgamesh: say "You offer Billy's card game to Gilgamesh. He looks at it curiously. 'What is this for?' He asks. 'Dunno. Wanna play a game?' You shrug. Gilgamesh chuckles. Then laughs aloud. 'Fool! You think a king would waste his time playing card games with wretches like yourself?' He cackles. 'I mean, if you're that afraid of losing, I understand...' 'F-Fool! You think I would lose to a peasant such as you? Don't be ridiculous. Come. I shall show you how kings play!' The next thing you know, you're both sitting on the floor, as he tries to show you some game from his kingdom. It's actually kind of fun... Before you know it though, you've spent the whole day playing cards. Somehow, you made it through a day with Gilgamesh without dying. Way to go!" ; end the game in victory. After giving cereal to Gilgamesh: say "You hand your (Billy's) bowl of cereal to Gilgamesh. He looks at it in offended confusion. 'You enter my dwelling to offer me soggy food? You are lucky I do not take your hands along with it.' He scoffs, taking the bowl from your nonetheless. 'Begone.'" After stealing cereal from Gilgamesh: say "'Hey, Gilgamesh, what's that over there?' You ask, pointing to some corner of the room. He looks over, confused. While he isn't looking, you swipe the cereal back. 'Ah, guess it was just my imagination... You got a lot of cool stuff in here, though! Real nice place.' 'Hmph. Well of course. You should expect nothing less from humanity's oldest king.' He puffs out his chest slightly. It looks like he's forgotten about the cereal already..." After giving book to Gilgamesh: say "You offer Gorgon's book to Gilgamesh. He looks at it with mild curiosity. You don't even have to ask him anything. 'A book of curses, hm? A rather recent collection, relatively speaking.' He muses, flipping through the pages idly. 'It seems to have a few things I haven't heard of, but nothing one could not easily deduce from the tablets produced in Uruk.' He sneers. 'I shall keep it for comparison, though. Now, shoo.'" After stealing book from Gilgamesh: say "You tuck the book back into your cloak while Gilgamesh is admiring his own reflection. You're lucky he didn't stash it in his gates right away. Hopefully he'll forget you even gave it to him..." After giving bottle to Gilgamesh: say "You still haven't decided what to do with this bottle of yours. It's pretty though, and Gilgamesh collects pretty things, so you figure you might as well try and earn some favor with the guy. You offer it up to him. As soon as he sees it, his eyes light up, a wicked expression crossing his face. 'My, my. You mongrels stumble across the most interesting things... I was wondering where that had gotten to.' He chuckles, taking it from you. 'It belongs to you?' You're surprised. Well, maybe he'll reward you for giving it back? 'Yes... I misplaced it mere days ago. It is good to see it hasn't been used... Come, mongrel. I shall reward you for returning it to me~' He smirks, beckoning you closer. Despite your better judgement, you approach. The king opens the bottle, and dumps it out on your head. You're still spluttering by the time the shimmering liquid has shrunk you. You look at your tiny hands, then up at the massive throne. Gilgamesh chuckles, before flattening you to the floor with his bare foot. The scent alone makes you gag, as he presses you into the carpet. 'Your reward, of course, is the privilege of touching your king's feet... Rejoice in the honor, worm~ If you do well, I may even let you go when you're done~ That is, if I'm not feeling peckish by then... fufufu...' He chuckles darkly, licking his lips. Pinned beneath his sweaty foot, you have little choice but to follow his orders.[if 1 person is carried by Gilgamesh] You sure hope his earlier meal has tided him over...[end if][if Cu is not carried by Gilgamesh and David is not carried by Gilgamesh and Billy is not carried by Gilgamesh]You sure hope whatever he's eaten today has tided him over...[end if]" ; end the story. After giving sandwich to Gilgamesh: say "You offer your sandwich to Gilgamesh. He looks at it in mild curiosity. 'Hmph. If you are bringing your king offerings of food, you ought to make it something more fitting for a king.' He scoffs, and tosses the sandwich aside. 'Jeez, if you didn't want it, you could've just said so. There's no need to waste food.' You say, practically scolding him. He seems surprised by your response. Something wicked forms in his eyes, and he smiles at you. Well, more like smirks. 'I see... If food waste concerns you so much mongrel, then I suppose I should make sure to eat the meal before me.' He takes your chin in his hand. Your mind goes blank. Wait, what? The next thing you know, your head is in Gilgamesh's mouth. He licks you hungrily, before swallowing you in further, hardly needing to touch you as his powerful jaw pulls you in. Wh-What is this guy, a snake?! You thrash about, but it only makes him chuckle, as you slide down his throat. It's hot, and tight, and slimy as hell, but the saliva just helps guide you down to his stomach. As your head slides into his gut, the rest of you follows shortly, and you soon find yourself curled into a tight ball inside the king's stomach. He purrs loudly, and it vibrates around you. 'There we go~ Not a crumb wasted.' Gilgamesh cackles. 'I hope you are pleased, mongrel~ I shall put you to good use. Right after my nap...' He yawns. You try to squirm in protest, but his stomach is too tight. All you can do is wriggle helplessly, as the king drifts off, forgetting you're even there... and by the time he wakes up, you probably won't be anymore." ; end the game in death. After giving beer to Gilgamesh: say "You offer Gilgamesh the beer you took from the fridge. He sneers at you. 'Please. If I wanted to drink slop, I would feed with that sea witch's pigs. If you want alcohol, there is no substitute for proper craftsmanship.' His portals glow, and he withdraws a bottle of wine, along with two golden goblets. Placing them between the two of you, he fills them halfway. 'Well?' He looks at you expectantly. 'Appreciate this gift, mongrel- it is one you shall never experience again!' He chuckles, taking a sip of his own. Not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth, you take a sip. It's pretty good, if you like wine. 'Fufufu... Is it not enjoyable? Far better than the water you peasants call alcohol these days.' He starts to rant about how the quality of alcohol had declined since his days, and you tune out a bit. Still, he seems happy to have someone to talk to... Looks like you did something right." ; end the game in victory. After giving cigarette to Gilgamesh: say "You hand Gilgamesh a cigarette. He regards it with amusement. [if Cu is carried by Gilgamesh and lighter is not carried by Gilgamesh]'So, you kept a few of the mongrel's toys... Bring me a lighter, won't you? It would be a pity for his leftovers to go to waste.'[end if][if Cu is carried by Gilgamesh and lighter is carried by Gilgamesh]'So, you kept a few of the mongrel's toys... Very well! I shall put them to use, I suppose.' He chuckles, and takes out Cu's lighter. You watch as he lights the cigarette, and breathes it in. His stomach squirms in protest, as if smelling the smoke. You wonder what Cu would think, of the golden bastard using up his last cigarettes... He might as well, since he's using up Cu. You blush at the thought, a little guilty. But probably not as much as you should be.[end if][if Cu is not carried by Gilgamesh]'What do you expect me to do with this? I have much more potent drugs than these flimsy little things. But, very well. I shall accept your gift.' He sighs, and tucks it away.[end if]" After stealing cigarette from Gilgamesh: say "Well, it looks like he's done with it for now. You take what's left of it when he isn't paying attention." After giving lighter to Gilgamesh: say "You hand Cu's lighter to Gilgamesh. He looks it over, amused as he admires the pattern on it. 'So, you took the mongrel's toy... [if Cu is carried by Gilgamesh and cigarette is not carried by Gilgamesh]Perhaps I should use it for something. It would be a shame if it were to go to waste~' He chuckles, patting his squirming stomach. 'Bring me something to light, would you?'[end if][if Cu is carried by Gilgamesh and cigarette is carried by Gilgamesh]'Well, it would be a shame for it to go to waste.' He chuckles, and lights the cigarette you gave him. You watch as he breathes in deep. Inside his stomach, Cu squirms in protest, as if smelling the smoke, and knowing what's going on. You feel a bit guilty... but probably not as much as you should.[end if][if Cu is not carried by Gilgamesh and cigarette is not carried by Gilgamesh]Hmph. I have little use for it, but I suppose I shall keep it. Perhaps he will come sniff it out later~' He muses.[end if]" After stealing lighter from Gilgamesh: say "[if Cu is carried by Gilgamesh and cigarette is carried by Gilgamesh]Well, he probably doesn't need it more than once, right? You take it back when he's not paying attention.[end if][if Cu is carried by Gilgamesh and cigarette is not carried by Gilgamesh]Well, if he's got nothing to light, he probably doesn't need it right now, right?[end if][if cigarette is carried by Gilgamesh and Cu is not carried by Gilgamesh]Doesn't seem like he really needs it, other than to lure Cu here... Weirdo. You swipe it back when he's distracted admiring himself.[end if]" After giving lyre to Gilgamesh: say "[if David is carried by Gilgamesh]Looking at the king's squirming stomach, you hand him David's lyre. He looks at it in amusement. 'Hmph. This belongs to that shepherd, no? I believe I have the original somewhere in my gates. This duplicate is nothing but a shoddy replica, based on his own memories.' He takes it from you, resting it upon his squirming stomach with a smirk. 'Perhaps he would like to hear it one last time?' He strums it, not breaking eye contact with you. You swallow. M-Maybe this was a bad idea...[end if][if David is not carried by Gilgamesh]You offer David's lyre to Gilgamesh. He takes it, amused. 'This belongs to King David, no? I have the original somewhere in my treasury, I believe. This is nothing more than a shoddy replica, based on his equally shoddy memories.' He smirks, and tosses it over his throne, where it clangs in a pile of other treasures. You wince at the sound. 'I have no use for copies, peasant.'[end if]" After stealing lyre from Gilgamesh: say "[if David is carried by Gilgamesh]You feel something burning in your stomach, as you take the lyre back, tearing it from the man's hands. He looks up at you in surprise. 'Oh? Did you not intend for me to keep it? Or were you expecting me to be sentimental?' He smirks, drumming his fingers on his squirming stomach. 'I care not for the lives of my meals, beyond how well their physique allows them to squirm~ If you wanted me to feel remorse, you've come to the wrong man. Perhaps next time you should think before offering up the object of your affection to a predator.' He sneers. 'Now, begone. Take your little replica and leave me to digest~'[end if][if David is not carried by Gilgamesh]Since that jerk obviously doesn't give a shit about it, you sneak behind his throne and take the lyre back. It isn't broken, thankfully. You should probably give it back to David.[end if]" After giving headband to Gilgamesh: say "[if David is carried by Gilgamesh]You gingerly hand David's headband to Gilgamesh. He looks at it in amusement, and puts it on his head. 'Is this what shepherds consider crowns these days? How quaint. Tell me, do you always keep a memento from the mongrels you feed to others? Or was this one special?' He smirks at you, eyes narrowed wickedly, and you glare at him. Bastard...[end if][if David is not carried by Gilgamesh]You hand David's headband to Gilgamesh. He looks at it, turning it over in his hand, before tossing it over throne. It tinks in the distance. 'I have no use for such pitiful headwear.'[end if]" After stealing headband from Gilgamesh: say "[if David is carried by Gilgamesh]You take the headband back. Gilgamesh laughs aloud. 'Such a touchy thing you are, mongrel! If you truly cared for that shepherd so much, then why did you feed him to me, hm?' 'I didn't feed him to you! You just decided that's what I was doing!' You snarl. Gilgamesh laughs aloud, and it booms through the room. 'Oh? Is that so? I don't recall you putting up much of a fight. In fact, I don't believe you lifted a finger! You merely watched, as I enjoyed myself. Do not pretend you did not enjoy it, mongrel. Watching him disappear into my stomach. Perhaps you even wished to take his place.' The king sneers at you. You shake with anger, holding the headband tight in your hand. 'Why don't I let you join him then? Will that put your mind at ease?' He chuckles darkly, and the next thing you know, your head is in his mouth. You thrash, aggressively, but he pays you little mind, gulping you down as effortlessly as he did David. He purrs all the while. As you reach the stomach, you hear David whimper in confusion. 'R-Robin? Is that you?' He asks. The stomach is impossibly tight with the two of you down here. You're crushed against him, unable to move. 'Y-Yep... The one and only.' You manage a laugh. 'Long time no see.' David wriggles a bit. You realize he's trying to snuggle against you. You try to return the gesture. 'I'm sorry you wound up like this. I didn't think he was going to eat you...' You murmur. 'I-It's alright. At least you're here with me.' David says, and you think you can hear him smiling. 'Ah... But I suppose that means you'll be digested too... I'm sorry, Robin.' 'Hey, it's not your fault, you don't need to apologize. I shouldn't have gotten so careless...' You sigh. The two of you sit in silence for awhile. There doesn't seem to be much to say. But, it's like David said... at least you're not alone.[end if][if David is not carried by Gilgamesh]You go to fish the headband from one of Gilgamesh's piles. It's clear he doesn't care what happens, so you might as well keep it.. Unfortunately, he hears you rummaging back there. 'Fool! You give me a gift and then reclaim it? To think you would disgrace your king so openly.' He snarls. The room fills with light, and you gulp. Welp. You had a good run..." ; end the game in death. After giving David to Gilgamesh: say "[if Cu is not carried by Gilgamesh and Billy is not carried by Gilgamesh]Gilgamesh looks at the Servant in your arms and smirks, amused. 'So, you have brought your king a tribute? Finally, a worthy offering. Very well! I shall accept it.' He booms. You have no time to react, before chains shoot out from his Gates, snatching David from your arms. 'W-Wait, hold on a minute-' You start, but David has already been dropped in the king's lap, a stunned look on his reddened face. Gilgamesh seems to be admiring him for a moment, before he begins his meal. You're too shocked to move. You can only watch as he devours David, swallowing him whole. He's like a snake. In only a matter of seconds, David has disappeared, and the only sign of him is the wriggling lump in Gilgamesh's rounded stomach. He leans back in his throne and sighs, content. 'I appreciate the meal, mongrel. Do not hesitate to bring me more~' He licks his lips. You swallow. That wasn't what you had planned...[end if][if exactly 2 people are carried by Gilgamesh]Gilgamesh's eyes narrow in predatory excitement as he sees David in your arms. 'Another snack, hm? Very well. I shall accept this offering as well!' You aren't given much time to react, as golden chains emerge from his treasury, tangling around David and pulling him from your grip. You watch, stunned, as the flailing shepherd is lowered into the king's mouth, the chains feeding him in leisurely. 'W-Wait, I didn't- he's not-!' You try to protest, but by the time you find your voice, David's head has already disappeared down Gilgamesh's throat. You watch the lump it makes slide away, joining Gilgamesh's previous meal. His stomach is much larger now. The squirming mass looks painful, but Gilgamesh's expression is that of bliss. 'Mmm... You have good taste in meals, mongrel. Perhaps I shall enlist you in the future. Once these meals have been finished, of course.' He chuckles. You swallow, feeling guilty. That wasn't what you'd planned at all.[end if]" After giving Billy to Gilgamesh: say "[if Cu is not carried by Gilgamesh and David is not carried by Gilgamesh]You still have Billy slung over your shoulder when you enter Gilgamesh's throne room. His interest seems piqued, as he sees the young man squirming. 'Fufufu... and what do we have here?' He asks. Suddenly, chains emerge from portals, floating around the throne. You watch, shocked, as Billy is snatched from your hold. He yelps in surprise. 'Well now, aren't you a convenient little morsel? I believe you'll make an appropriate lunch.' Gilgamesh licks his lips. Your mind blanks. Lunch? You're only able to watch, as the chains lift Billy above the king's mouth, and slowly lower him in, feet first. 'H-Hey! Put me down, y-you jerk!' Billy cries, flailing about. It doesn't do anything to slow his descent, and before long, he's up to his head. He looks at you for assistance- and then is gulped down, disappearing down Gilgamesh's throat. He lets out a content sigh. 'Small, but quite satisfying... The perfect size for a meal.' He appraises. 'I would not object to more, of course... But for now, you have done well, mongrel! Fufufu.' Gilgamesh praises you. You don't feel very proud of yourself, though...[end if][if at least 2 people are carried by Gilgamesh]Gilgamesh's eyes light up as he sees you enter the room with Billy. 'So, you've brought me dessert, have you? What a dutiful mongrel you are.' He chuckles, and once again, the chains emerge, this to snatch poor Billy. 'H-Hey! Put me down! What're you doing?!' Billy cries, as he's plopped into the king's lap. You try to get to him, but a convenient spray of swords keeps you standing in place. 'Do not interrupt the king's meal, peasant.' Gilgamesh clucks his tongue. He then fits Billy's head into his mouth, and begins to consume his dessert. You watch as Billy squirms, his voice muffled by Gilgamesh's throat. His tiny form is easily consumed, sliding down to his stomach to join the king's earlier meal. You want to do something, but by the time you get around the swords, Billy has found his way to the king's stomach. Gilgamesh lets out a satisfied noise, purring as he rubs his massive stomach. 'You have done well, mongrel... These Servants will make a suitable addition to your king. I shall call upon your services in the future. Look forward to it~'[end if]" After giving Cu to Gilgamesh: say "[If David is not carried by Gilgamesh and Billy is not carried by Gilgamesh]Gilgamesh looks at you curiously as you bring Cu in. Cu looks around. 'Oh, jeez... Did you really have to bring me here?' He mutters. 'Well, well... If it isn't that mangy hound. You really ought to keep mutts like that on a leash, outlaw.' Gilgamesh chuckles, as a length of chain shoots out from the gates, wrapping around Cu's waist and yanking him from you. 'Oi! Watch it, Goldy! I didn't come here to play with ya, so why don't you be a good boy and put me- HEY-!' Cu flails in protest, as Gilgamesh peels off his shoes, depositing them behind the throne. 'Apologies, outlaw. I'm going to be taking this dog off your hands.' He purrs- and then, swallows Cu's feet. Your face flushes as he begins to swallow his legs. Cu's face flushes as well. 'Hey, hey, hey! You stop that right now! For the last time, I am not your lunch, ya bastard-!' Cu howls and thrashes, but Gilgamesh pays him no mind, eating him as easily and leisurely as he might a sandwich. By the time it occurs to you that you should maybe do something, he's just swallowed Cu's head. You watch as he slurps down his ponytail. 'Aaah... Quite a filling mongrel. Run along, outlaw. The dog has some business with my stomach~' He purrs. You blush. Maybe you should leave them alone...[end if][if at least 2 people are carried by Gilgamesh]Gilgamesh looks up as you enter, and his eyes light up with excitement. 'Well now, mongrel! If I had known that dog meat was on the menu, I would not have eaten so much.' He chuckles, beckoning for you to bring the man over. You gulp. W-Well... You've already let him eat one of your friends. It's a little late to turn back now. You deposit Cu into his lap. 'H-Hey, Robin, what gives-?' Cu hisses at you. He's cut off quickly by Gilgamesh grabbing his face in his hand, and turning it to look at him. He licks his lips. 'Don't play dumb, dog. You know where you're going~' He teases. Without hesitation, he opens wide, and like before, he consumes his prey swiftly, and without remorse. You watch, cheeks red, as he swallows Cu whole, unbothered by his thrashing. By the time he finishes, his stomach is massive. 'Ahn... Such a filling mongrel. But I have a taste for dog. I do not mind making room.' Gilgamesh chuckles, leaning back in his throne. 'You have done well, peasant. I shall recruit you the next time I am in need of a meal. Now, be off. I have a few other mongrels to sleep off first.' He chuckles. You decide it's best to leave him be...[end if]" After bellyrubbing Gilgamesh: say "[if Cu is not carried by Gilgamesh and David is not carried by Gilgamesh and Billy is not carried by Gilgamesh]You rub the king's stomach. He stares at you quizzically, as if deciding whether to skewer you now, or wait until you're finished to do so. After a moment though, it seems like he enjoys it...?[end if][if Cu is carried by Gilgamesh and David is not carried by Gilgamesh and Billy is not carried by Gilgamesh]You watch as Cu squirms angrily inside Gilgamesh's stomach. Hesitantly, you reach out to rub it. Gilgamesh lets out a content purr. 'Fufufu... Eager to see that dog digested, are you? Patience, mongrel~ I will see to it he is rendered useless. Well, more useless.' He laughs at his own joke. You gulp. Sorry, Cu...[end if][if David is carried by Gilgamesh and Cu is not carried by Gilgamesh and Billy is not carried by Gilgamesh]You look at Gilgamesh's squirming stomach sadly. This whole Servant cannibalism thing is still kind of new to you. While you aren't exactly against it or anything, you didn't really want to just feed David to some random asshole... He was a decent guy! You kinda liked him... B-But only kinda. You touch Gilgamesh's stomach without thinking. He smirks at you. 'It feels pleasant, doesn't it? Now, go bring me another meal, won't you?'[end if][if Billy is carried by Gilgamesh and David is not carried by Gilgamesh and Cu is not carried by Gilgamesh]You look sadly at the small lump squirming in Gilgamesh's stomach. Billy could be a jerk and a brat sometimes, but he's your friend. You didn't want to just feed him to some asshole king! But it looks like it's a little late for that, now. Somberly, you pet the king's stomach, as if trying to comfort Billy in some small way. A-At least he's a three star, like you. Master can probably summon him back pretty easily, right? Gilgamesh chuckles at your efforts. 'He made a fine starter. Now why don't you find me a main course, hm?'[end if][if exactly 2 people are carried by Gilgamesh]You stare at the squirming orb of Gilgamesh's stomach, feeling somewhat guilty. Absentmindedly, you begin to rub it, feeling your friends writhing inside. H-Hopefully they're not too miserable in there... Gilgamesh purrs at your rubbing, seeming to enjoy it. At least one of you is having fun...[end if][if exactly 3 people are carried by Gilgamesh]You stare at the large, squirming mass that is Gilgamesh's stomach, knowing your friends are inside. Hot, cramped, and trapped... You blush, guilt mingling with something else. Hesitantly, you rub at his stomach, not entirely sure why. Gilgamesh purrs heavily, enjoying the sensation. 'Mm... Your services are much appreciated, mongrel. These worms will take awhile to properly settle.' He chuckles. 'You may continue. I will allow it~'[end if]" Further down the hall is south of The Hallway. "After walking deeper into the hallway, you come across two rooms. The one to the west looks like a regular bedroom for a regular Servant, while the one to the east looks like a computer room. The computer room might be a nice place to chill... But something tells you you shouldn't go in there unless you've got everything you need." Bart's Room is west of Further down the Hall. "You enter a room with a layout much like your own. However, this one has much more decoration. Wooden trunks and barrels take place of most of the furniture, old fishing nets and tattered remains of flags line the walls, and there are various fineries like gold and jewelry littered about the place. The bed is larger than yours, with a wooden frame, and much nicer blankets. The Servant here has taken much more care in making his space homey." Bart is a man in Bart's Room. The description of Bart is "Bartholomew Roberts. Better known as Bart. A newer addition to Chaldea, he's a pirate with some weird fetishes that you're keen to avoid. He's nowhere near as bad as some of the others, but unfortunately, you appeal to some of his specific tastes, and he's not shy about letting you know... Looks like he's not too busy right now." After greeting Bart: say "Bart looks up as you enter his room, a placid smile on his face- until he recognizes you, and his eyes light up. 'Ah! If it isn't Robin Hood! To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?' He beams at you, all too pleased to welcome you. Okay, maybe you're being a little harsh. Bart isn't that bad... You're just not used to people being so vocal about their attraction to you. 'Uh, hey there! Just wandering around, enjoying the day off. Don't mind me.' You nod to him in greeting. 'Well, feel free to look around! Let me know if there's anything I can help you with.' Bart smiles, relaxing on his bed. Geh... Is he just gonna lie there and watch you...?" After flirting Bart: say "'So, uh...' You start, already feeling embarrassed. Why are you doing this, exactly? 'That's the finest pirate's booty I've ever laid my eyes on.' You say, smiling awkwardly, as your face heats up. Th-That was really dumb. Maybe you should leave. Bart blinks at you, before laughing. 'Is that so? Would you like a better look at it~?' He smiles, invitingly. Your face heats up more. D-Did that actually work? Or is his little crush on you strong enough to forgive such an incredibly cheesy pick up line?" After petting Bart: say "You pet Bart's hair. It's soft, and silky. He's a very well-groomed man... You blush, realizing what you're doing. And you think he's the weirdo?! Bart looks at you, somewhere between surprised and pleased. 'Are you sure you didn't need something?' He chuckles, looking at you invitingly. You blush. Y-You're pretty sure!" After poking Bart: say "You prod Bart gently on the side of his arm. He's not as muscular as a lot of the Servants around here, but his arms are still pretty nice... I-If you care about that sort of thing, of course." After taking Bart: say "You attempt to hoist Bart into your arms. Maybe you were thinking you could impress him with a feat of strength. Maybe you were just feeling bored and thought it would be funny. Either way, you try to lift the pirate up- and find yourself falling over into his bed, now pinned beneath him. 'You are a curious one, Robin. And here I thought you didn't have any interest in me.' He chuckles, looking down at you with those pretty eyes of his. Wait, did you say pretty? You meant annoying. Definitely annoying! Some of your bands have fallen away from where they always cover your eye, and he brushes them back in place, looking down at you with admiration. 'You know, there's something I've been wanting to try...' 'Y-Yeah?' You say, feeling more flustered than you want to admit. 'There's this thing I've heard about Servants around here doing, and it's gotten me curious... I hope you don't mind me giving it a try~' He smiles at you flirtatiously, and you don't protest, curious and blushing under his gaze. Then, he opens his mouth wide, and you realize what he was talking about. Ah. Bart eats you with surprising expertise for someone who claims to have just recently heard of this practice, gulping you down with a laid back sort of determination that lets you feel how much he's enjoying it. You squirm in protest, mostly out of embarrassment, as you slide down his throat, guided down the tight, pulsing tunnel, and deposited in his stomach. There's not a lot of space in here, as you curl up tight, still squirming in the slimy confines. You hear Bart sigh, content, and feel him stretching out on his bed, hands resting atop his you-filled stomach. 'Aah... That was even better than I imagined~! Thank you for that, Robin. I was hoping you would get to be my first.' He muses, and despite the situation, you feel yourself blush. N-Now isn't the time to be saying embarrassing stuff like that! Unfortunately, you can feel it as the man starts to drift off the sleep. Looks like you'll be the first meal he digests, too..." ; end the game in death. After giving card game to Bart: say "You offer Bart the card game you took from Billy. He looks at it, surprised. 'Did you want to play a game?' He asks, looking somewhat hopeful. 'Yeah, why not?' You say, offering a smile. You've never actually sat down and spent any time with the guy. Maybe you should at least try to know him, before writing him off as a weirdo? After all, David can be a bit weird, but you don't mind him so much anymore... It takes a few minutes for you both to decide which game you want to play, but once that's settled, you spend the next few hours playing and chatting, and generally having a good time. Before you know it, it's already evening, and time to get dinner. 'You wanna head to the cafeteria? Red's cooking up something tonight, so it should be pretty good.' You offer, as you put the cards away. Bart's face lights up a bit at your invitation. 'That would be lovely.'" ; end the game in victory. After giving cereal to Bart: say "You hand the bowl of cereal to Bart. He isn't sure what to make of it at first as he takes it, looking it over. 'Why, thank you?' He says, politely, but you can tell he's confused by your gift. Oh well, not everyone appreciates a free breakfast. Especially if it's soggy." After stealing cereal from Bart: say "You take the cereal back while he's distracted by a loose thread on his blanket. You don't imagine he'll really care if he notices it's missing." After giving book to Bart: say "You give the book you took from Gorgon to Bart, wondering what he'll make of it. He looks it over, intrigued. 'This book is quite a piece of work! Is that real gold on the spine?' He asks, admiring the cover. You shrug, uncertain. You honestly can't tell. 'I'm just borrowing it from Gorgon. You have any idea what it says?' You ask. Bart looks it over a bit, before shaking his head. 'Sorry, I'm not familiar with ancient Greek. I could maybe translate a bit, but not much. You'd be better off with that blond captain, Jason or whatnot.' Bart shrugs, apologetic. 'Or any of the Grecian Servants, really.'" After stealing book from Bart: say "You take the book back, once he's finished admiring it, and tuck it back into your cloak." After giving bottle to Bart: say "You offer the bottle you found to Bart. It's sparkly, and pirates like treasures and stuff, right? Maybe he'll get some use out of it. 'Hm, it's quite nice! I appreciate the gesture, Robin!' He smiles, unscrewing the top and giving it a whiff. 'Hm... It smells like perfume.' He notes. Teasingly, he attempts to spritz you with some- but it splatters out onto your face, and you splutter. 'Ah, I apologize! That was not my intention- oh, my.' His apologies fall short, and you open your eyes to see that Bart is now very large. Actually, everything is very large. Likely because you are now very small. You look yourself over, and realize that you've been shrunk. So that's what was in that bottle... 'Robin... Were you trying to shrink me~?' Bart chuckles, plucking you up. 'I didn't realize you were the playful type! You should have told me~ But, I guess that would have ruined the surprise.' He smiles, amused, as he admires your tiny form. 'Th-This wasn't intentional.' You try to explain, but it doesn't seem he notices, too transfixed with how tiny you are. He licks you, running his tongue along your body, and you splutter, blushing at its warmth. 'Mmm... A very unique flavor. But somehow, just how I imagined it~' Bart muses, licking you again. You shudder, but you can't say it's a completely unenjoyable experience... He pushes you between his lips before you remember to protest, and his tongue tastes your body, enjoying it leisurely, before eventually, he swallows you. You squirm, trying to resist, but it's useless in the end. Next time, maybe don't give suspicious liquids to weirdos you hardly know..." ; end the game in death. After giving sandwich to Bart: say "You offer your sandwich to Bart. Not like you were planning on eating it, right? Bart smiles, pleased with the offering- though, he doesn't eat it. Maybe he's saving it for later?" After stealing sandwich from Bart: say "Well, if he isn't gonna eat it now, does he really need it? You swipe it back while he's tucking some treasure or something back under his bed." After giving beer to Bart: say "You offer the beer you took to Bart. He accepts it graciously, and takes a long drink, before offering you a sip. You aren't sure whether to accept or decline- it'd be weird to accept it, but you don't wanna make a big deal of it and reject it either, right? But now you're taking too long to decide, jeez! You take the can and take a swig, trying not to notice if you can taste his spit at all. Bart chuckles. 'What?' You grunt. 'Your expression is cute, that's all.'" After stealing beer from Bart: say "The beer made you feel a little weird. You only took a sip, but you feel a bit buzzed? You manage to take the can from Bart, looking it over. Not a brand you recognize. Is this some sort of magic, Servant beer? Food and drink made by Servants can be a lot more potent than human stuff... Fill ya up or get ya drunk waaay quicker... Dammit. You take another drink. 'Mmm, I thought you were giving that to me...' Bart whines a little, voice playful, but it's clear he's feeling the effects of it too. He tries to take the can back from you, but you decide to keep it for yourself, drinking as much as you can down. 'Well now you're just being selfish, Robin~ A stingy thief... You would make a good pirate.' He chuckles, grabbing you by the face. 'At least let me get a taste of it~' You blush as he kisses you, tongue sliding into your mouth, tasting whatever beer is left in there. He pulls back, licking his lips. Then he kisses you again. You start to kiss back, but find yourself getting pulled in deeper- and then you realize he's swallowing you. Suddenly sobered up, you attempt to pull yourself out, but Bart is eating you. He swallows you down steadily, tasting you with each gulp. You kick your legs, but he just grabs onto them, using them to feed you in. You feel him peel off your boots, as he prepares to swallow your feet. 'C-Come on Bart, snap out of it.' You grunt, wriggling with more determination. Your face is already squeezing into his stomach though, and before you know it, you're curled up nice and tight. You feel Bart flop down on the bed, letting out a tired but victorious sigh. 'Alright, you had your fun- now spit me out, okay?' You urge, squirming in defiance. Bart just rubs at you, and you feel him purring. 'Mmm... Maybe in a bit... I feel sleepy.' He yawns, and rolls over- squishing you beneath him. You squirm in protest, but all he does is snuggle down. L-Looks like you're in for the long haul..." ; end the game in death. After giving cigarette to Bart: say "You offer Bart a cigarette. He takes it graciously. [if lighter is not carried by Bart]'Do you have a light?'[end if][if lighter is carried by Bart]He uses Cu's lighter to, well, light it. You watch as he takes a drag of it, blowing out a stream of smoke. Then, he offers it to you. You blink, then take a puff of it yourself.[end if]" After stealing cigarette from Bart: say "[if lighter is not carried by Bart]You take the cigarette back, apologizing for the lack of lighter.[end if][if lighter is carried by Bart]Eventually, Bart offers you back the cigarette, apparently not feeling the need to finish it off. He must not be a huge smoker. You take it back, and flatten it on the bottom of your boot.[end if]" After giving Billy to Bart: say "You drop Billy onto the bed. He bounces a bit, trying to recollect himself, before fixing you with a glare. 'Oh? Who's this? A friend of yours?' Bart chuckles, looking at the cowboy. 'Well, he's welcome to stay. The more the merrier!'" After stealing Billy from Bart: say "You scoop Billy back up, tossing him over your shoulder. 'Aw, c'mon! I can walk on my own, y'know!' Billy huffs, crossing his arms. 'It was nice to meet you, Billy. Come again sometime!' Bart gives him a wave." After giving headband to Bart: say "You put David's headband on Bart. 'A gift? Why, thank you, Robin! I'll take good care of it.' He smiles, getting up to look at himself in the mirror. 'Hm, not too shabby! Silver is my color, I think.'" After stealing headband from Bart: say "When Bart isn't looking, you swipe the headband back. He doesn't seem to notice it..." After giving lyre to Bart: say "[if David is not carried by the player]You hand David's lyre to Bart. With all the gold stuff he has in here, he'll probably like it, right? He seems like he appreciates some nice shiny stuff. He takes the lyre, looking over it, impressed. 'This is some lovely work! Very old looking, but in wonderful shape. How did you get your hands on this?' Bart marvels. 'If you keep giving me gifts, you're going to give me the wrong idea, Mr. Robin Hood~'[end if][if David is carried by the player]You hand David's lyre to Bart. David's face screws up somewhat, unimpressed. 'My, my, what's this? This is some lovely work!' Bart, on the other hand, seems very impressed. 'It's mine.' David says, with a sniff. Bart looks at the two of you. 'Well, I guess it's mine now~' He smiles, mostly teasing, as he places it on his night stand. David doesn't look very happy with you...[end if]" After stealing lyre from Bart: say "[if David is not carried by the player]As lovely as Bart's response was to your gift, you don't think David will appreciate finding out you stole his lyre and gave it to some random guy. You should probably pilfer it back when he's not looking... And that you do, expertly stashing it back into your cloak. Phew.[end if][if David is carried by the player]'Okay, okay, let's not fuss over stuff... I was just showing off a bit.' You say, taking the lyre back and pushing it into David's hands. 'Robin Hood steals from the rich and gives to the poor, not steals from the rich and gives to the also rich.' You try to lighten the mood with a bit of a joke. Bart seems amused, but there's still a palpable tension in the air, however slight.[end if]" After giving David to Bart: say "Bart sees you carrying David. The two of them give each other a look that you can't quite decipher. In some ways, these two should get along pretty well- they've both got weird tastes, even if David's are a bit more varied. But David is a shepherd-turned-king-turned-shepherd-again, and Bart is a pirate, so you're not sure if that will affect how they'd mesh. 'Hello, David! Nice to see you again.' Bart smiles, but there's something a bit strange in his eyes. David smiles back, but you can feel that same slight tension. 'Hello, Bart. I didn't realize you and Robin had become close.' 'Oh, we're not- I mean, we haven't really talked that much. I'm just wandering around.' You say, suddenly feeling a bit embarrassed. 'Thought you'd like some extra company.' You shrug, setting David down on the bed and sitting down as well. You're between the two of them now. Why do you suddenly feel like a mouse sitting between two cats?" After stealing David from Bart: say "'Welp, time to get going.' You move to scoop David up, but you feel Bart drape his arms around your shoulders, leaning against your back. 'So soon? There's no reason to take off. We should all have a bit of fun while we're all here. Don't you think, David?' He rests his chin on your shoulder, looking at David. David blushes slightly, looking like he's considering something. 'I agree... I don't see any reason to leave so suddenly, Robin.' He says eventually, a small, playful smile forming on his face. You have a feeling that something is about to go south. Bart nibbles on your ear, and a shudder runs down your spine, surprised, but not entirely unpleasant. David, not wanting to be beat, pulls off your boots, taking your legs into his lap. 'You've heard of the pocky game, haven't you, Bart?' David asks, lifting your feet to his mouth. You're still flustered by the nibbles, too much so to ask where they're going with this. You hear Bart chuckle above your head. 'An interesting idea~ I like the way you think, David. What do we do when we reach the middle?' He asks. 'I suppose we'll have to see when we get there~' David chuckles- and then, he swallows your feet. You don't have much time to watch, because immediately after, Bart begins swallowing your head. You start to protest, but it's a strange sensation, being eaten from both ends at once. Two different mouths tasting you and consuming you in opposite directions. You do have to wonder what they're planning to do once they reach the middle, though..." ; end the story. After giving Cu to Bart: say "You drop Cu on Bart's bed. He bounces a bit, the sudden weight causing Bart to bounce a bit too. He looks up in surprise at the new guest. 'Hey there.' Cu gives Bart a wave in greeting. 'I'm impressed, Robin, that was a pretty decent distance.' He smirks at you. 'Yeah, well, that's enough for me for now. You've reached your destination, I guess?' You say, stretching your arms a bit. Carrying a 6 foot guy around for that long really tires you out, Servant or not!" After stealing Cu from Bart: say "Alright, you've rested up enough. Doesn't seem like Bart has any use for Cu, so you do your best to heave him back up. He looks at you in amusement. 'Taking me for another ride, huh? Haven't learned your lesson yet?' He chuckles. 'Alright then, don't blame me if you throw out your back or something.' He shrugs. Bart watches the two of you. He looks somewhat jealous... But that's probably just your imagination, right?" After bellyrubbing Bart: say "Bart is lying on the bed, his shirt riding up just enough that you can see a sliver of his stomach. It looks smooth. Hesitantly, not entirely sure what's coming over you, you reach out to rub it. Bart looks up at you in surprise. 'A belly rub? I'm afraid my stomach is empty right now.' He chuckles. 'Of course, if you'd like to help fill it, I wouldn't mind that~' He gives you a wink. You aren't sure if you're sure what he means by that. He's just talking about getting him food, right? Surely that's all he has in mind... 'What were you thinking of?' You say, curiosity getting the best of you. Bart sits up straight, smiling at you coyly- though there's a hint of childish excitement in his eyes. 'I was thinking... that felt nice, but it would feel nicer from the inside.' He pets cups your face, tilting it up slightly. You blush, embarrassed, as he leans in- and then, begins to swallow you whole. His mouth is warm, the slimy texture enveloping you immediately. His tongue washes over your face, as you're slowly pulled in deeper, being pushed down his throat without much time to get a grasp of your surroundings. Not that you can really see anything in the dark. His throat is tight, and you try to squirm as you begin squeezing down it, as you're pushed at from all sides. Bart eats you with determination though, gulping you down steadily, guiding your body to his stomach. It's a tight fit, but you slide down into his gut without much effort on your part. You squirm in protest, of course, but it makes little difference, as you're curled up tight, with no room to move beyond the slightest of wriggles. You hear Bart let out a very content sound, as he flops back on his bed. 'Mmm... Delicious~ Even better than anticipated. So this is how it feels to eat another Servant...' He sighs, rubbing at you. You squirm, irritated. 'There we go~ That feels perfect, Robin... Keep it up, would you?' You can hear the grin in his voice. Cheeky bastard! You try to squirm more, wanting to protest, but the more you do, the more he seems to enjoy it... After awhile of squirming with no response but Bart's pleased purring, you start to get the idea that you're probably not getting out of here... Once your body starts tingling and itching a bit, your suspicions are confirmed. It looks like Bart has decided he wants to make you a permanent resident... Or whatever's left of you, anyway." ; end the game in death. The Computer Room is east of Further down the hall. "You enter a large, dark room, with computer screens lining the walls. When you enter, you feel something ominous... You hear a click behind you. In the darkness, you notice a presence. A familiar presence. A terrifyingly familiar presence. There's a chuckle that crackles from the computers, as they start to come to life, filling the room with pink light. 'BB... Channel!' Oh god. No. Not this. Anything but this. 'Why hello there, Mr. Green Tea~ I didn't know if you were ever going to show up here!' The horribly familiar voice of your old Master/Boss/Whatever rings through your ears, as BB materializes before you. Why. Why?! 'Well, don't be shy! Make yourself at home. Not like you've got any place else to be~' She winks. You grimace. Of all the people to be stuck with..." BB is a woman in The Computer Room. The description of BB is "A short girl with long (and you mean long) purple hair. Her usual color scheme is black and white, save for her trademarked red hair ribbon. In another space and time, she was your Master, or something, but now she's just a digital pervert who likes to make your life difficult. You'd try not to get on her bad side, but even her good sides are unfortunate for you." After greeting BB: say "'So, you've taken to hanging out alone in the computer room, huh? What're you doing, just waiting and hoping someone will come in so you can harass them?' You scoff. 'It's working so far~' BB muses, prodding you on the nose. Geh. You guess she's not wrong..." After taking BB: say "You scoop BB into your arms. She blushes, startled, her face turning a bright shade of red. 'J-Just what do you think you're doing, Mr. Green Tea? That's not the sort of relationship we have, you know! I may be a princess, but you're not the one who's suppose to whisk me off my feet!' She cries, smacking you with her wand. You feel yourself poof into something else, as you fall to the ground, no longer in a humanoid form. You look around, and then down at yourself. Great. A pig. BB brushes herself off, recomposing herself, as she looks down at you. 'Hmmph. That form is much more appropriate for you.' She smirks, prodding you with her foot. You oink in indignation. Unfortunately, it looks like you're stuck this way now..." ; end the story. After flirting BB: say "You're not even gonna bother with that. She'd probably turn you into a pig just for trying." After poking BB: say "You prod BB's shoulder, irritated. She pokes you right back with her wand." After petting BB: say "You reach out to pet BB's hair. She seems surprised by the gesture. It's hard to tell in the weird lighting of the room, but it looks like she might even be blushing...? 'I don't remember you being quite so touchy-feely, Mr. Green Tea~ Are you trying to make the best of being locked up with a cute girl? Did you think you could try and get out my winning my affection? How cute~' She giggles wickedly, reaching up to pat your head right back. Oh, wait, no, she's just using some sort of spell on you. You fall to the ground, suddenly much smaller than before. With a confused oink, you look up BB. She laughs in amusement, before hoisting you up. You try to look down at yourself, and manage to see some orangeish fur, and hooves. Goddammit! You knew she was gonna turn you into a pig if you did something weird! 'Hehe~ Well, it looks like I should start calling you Bacon-kun~' She giggles, looking at you deviously. You really hope that's just a nickname, and not a plan for your future... Looks like only time will tell." ; end the story. After giving card game to BB: say "You offer BB the card game you stole from Billy. She looks at it, curious. 'What's this for?' She asks, trying to see if there's anything magical about them. 'Just a card game.' You shrug. 'You, uh. Wanna play a round?' BB blinks at you. 'You're challenging a computer to a card game? Doesn't that seem a bit pointless? There's no way you can win.' She chuckles. You shrug. 'I mean hey, if you're scared of losing...' 'That's cute that you think I'd fall for something like that~' She pockets the cards, in some sort of weird, pocket-dimension space. Looks like you aren't going to be getting those back." After stealing card game from BB: say "Despite literally watching her toss them into another dimension, you decide to try and get Billy's cards back. You don't think saying you gave them to a demonic computer who deleted them from existence is going to fly as a valid excuse. You look around where the pocket opened up, aware that BB is watching you. 'Looking for something?' She asks, amused. 'The cards. If you're not going to use them, I kind of need them back.' You explain. 'Aw, Robin, you want to take your gift back? You're such a rude man.' She feigns upset. 'But fine. If you really want them back, I suppose you can go get them.' A rip in spacetime opens up in front of you, into some sort of digital void. You peer in, seeing disorienting, pulsing lights, running up and down the... air? Of the void, like lines in a motherboard. You try to see where the cards are, when you feel a push from behind you. You scream in surprise as you suddenly plummet into the void, falling through the glowing nothingness. As you look back up, you see BB peeking her head through and waving to you. 'Have fun looking for them! Let me know if you find them~' She calls- and then, seals the hole up after you. You continue to fall, and it doesn't seem like there's going to be any ground for you to hit. Looks like you've just been added to BB's inventory. Maybe if you're lucky, she'll even remember to pull you out later. Maybe." ; end the story. After giving cereal to BB: say "You offer BB the cereal you took from Billy. She looks at the bowl curiously. 'Wow, Robin. Gifting me soggy cereal? You're so thoughtful~' She muses, as she takes the bowl. 'Most people would go for something like chocolates, or maybe a pastry, but cereal is alright too, I guess.' She looks into the bowl, thoughtful, before looking at you, a terrifying playfulness in her eyes. The next thing you know, you're sitting in that bowl. 'E... Eh?!' You shout, in startled protest. You attempt to move, but you find that you don't have any limbs. Glancing down at yourself, you see the mottled orange and green surface of a little rounded puff of cereal. Sh-She turned you into cereal! What the hell?! 'I thought you just turned people into pigs!' You cry, as she giggles deviously down at you. 'I can turn you into anything I want, Green Tea-san~ I wonder if you're matcha flavored?' She muses, licking her licks as she scoops you up on her spoon- along with several other pieces. You grimace, stomach plummeting, as you're inserted into her mouth. Her teeth crunch down on you, but thanks to your new form, you don't actually feel anything. Her tongue helps to turn you to mush though, until you're indistinguishable from the rest of the cereal she's so cruelly chomped on. 'Wow, Robin, I could hardly even taste you. What a waste~ You should try to stand out a bit more, otherwise no one will even know they're eating you~' She chides, as she swallows you down. 'Oh well. I knew~' She chuckles, and takes another bite of cereal. Looks like it's the end of the road for you..." ; end the game in death. After giving book to BB: say "You hand the book you stole from Gorgon to BB. She looks at it curiously. 'A book of curses? Robin-kun, you shouldn't have!' She giggles, eyes narrowing at you. W-Wait, curses? Is that what you just handed her-?! 'And here I thought you didn't really like me~ But you brought me a whole book of fun things to do together~ How incredibly thoughtful! I can't wait to get started~ What should we do first? Hmm... I could turn you into a statue, but we don't really have any place to put you. Animal curses, I can already do that... Let's seeeee...' With the door locked, you can only watch helplessly as BB peruses the book of curses, trying to pick the best one to try on you. Whatever she decides to do, it looks like you're screwed..." ; end the game in death. After giving bottle to BB: say "Despite your best judgement, you give the bottle you found to BB. She looks at it for a minute, then laughs. 'You're giving me a shrinking potion? Really? Well, I'm impressed with your forwardness Robin-kun, but I don't need some potion to shrink you.' She giggles. You feel yourself paling. A shrinking potion? Is that what you've been carrying around this whole time...? 'O-Oh. Well, in that case, I guess I'll just take it back then-' You laugh nervously, starting to retract the bottle- when a thin ribbon-like tendril wraps around your arm, holding it in place. You gulp. More of BB's strange tendrils rise up from the floor, encircling you and holding you in place. BB plucks the potion from your hand, and pats you on the head. 'Now, now, Robin. It would be very rude of me to reject a gift! What sort of kouhai would do something like that?' She pops the bottle open. 'I may not need it to shrink you, but that doesn't mean it won't still be fun~' You feel the liquid spill atop your head, warm and sparkling. It only takes a second for it to go into affect, and then BB only needs one tentacle to hold you up. She dangles you in front of her, grinning. 'Aww, look at you! You're so tiny, it's almost cute!' She giggles, taking you in her hand. 'But, it wouldn't be very safe to let you run around at this size, Robin... You could get mistaken for an ant, and get stepped on~ I'll have to put you somewhere nice and safe~' She smiles, almost sweetly- before opening her mouth. 'H-Hey! No! Put me down, right now!' You demand, flailing. 'Whatever you say, Robin~' BB giggles, and then drops you into her mouth. She takes her time suckling on you, turning you about in her mouth. It feels like hours of being pushed back and forth and chewed on, before she finally decides to swallow you. By then, you're just relieved for some sort of reprieve- but when you slide down into her stomach, you remember that this probably wasn't the ideal direction for you to escape in... B-But hey... at least your stay in here probably won't be as long?" ; end the game in death. After giving sandwich to BB: say "You hand BB the sandwich you got from the fridge. She looks at it, and you can tell she doesn't find it appetizing. 'If you're going to bring me lunch, couldn't you at least make it look cute?' She pouts. 'Sorry, I didn't make it.' You shrug. She gives you a sterner look. 'Well then why are you giving it to me? What sort of girl wants a sandwich you just found lying around, hm? Honestly, it's no surprise you're still single, Mr. Green Tea. Someone really ought to teach you some manners.' She chides you, as she lifts her wand up into the air. Oh no... With a wave of it, you feel a sort of sparkly sensation come over you- and then before you know it, you're only a few inches tall. You splutter in confusion, as BB uses her wand- or pointer, whatever it is- to scoop you up by the collar of your shirt. 'Everyone knows you need to make lunches look cute. Some rice with a cartoon character on it, or little hotdogs cut to look like octopi! Bunny rabbit apple slices! Not some dusty old ham sandwich.' She shakes her head, cleary disappointed in you. 'You're not exactly the cutest boy in the world... but I guess you'll help liven this lunch up a little bit.' She sighs, and then, opening the bread up, flicks you in. You land in with the lettuce and tomato and ham, squirming to try and crawl back out- but BB has you pinned in place immediately. 'Well, hopefully you'll taste better than you look. Itadakimasuuuuu~' She giggles, and takes a bite. You feel her mouth close around you, dark and warm, pulling you inside and trapping you there. Her tongue prods at you as she chews the sandwich bits, easing you toward the back of her throat. Then, she gulps. You're squeezed right in, slipping down like any other piece of food. You blush in embarrassment. 'Mm~ You do taste pretty good after all! Maybe I'll have you bring me lunch again sometime~' BB's voice reverberates around you as you slip down into her stomach. 'I can't wait...' You grumble." ; end the game in death. After giving beer to BB: say "You consider giving the beer to BB, before deciding it would probably be a lot better if you drank it yourself. Dealing with BB will probably be easier if you're drunk. Unfortunately, BB notices you cracking open the can (how could she not?), and apparently, she wants in. 'Hmm... You aren't even going to offer me a drink? That's pretty rude of you, Mr. Green Tea.' BB feigns a pout. 'Are you even old enough to drink?' You scoff. 'Are you?' She challenges. You grimace. 'In some places.' You reply. 'Well, I'm an ageless computer, so I think I can have a sip of beer if I want.' BB sniffs. Before you can deny her, ribbon-like tendrils whip out of nowhere, grabbing you and holding you in place. You squirm, as she takes the beer. She sniffs it, and her face scrunches up slightly. 'Hm... I think I prefer green tea to beer.' She gives you a devious look, and you swallow. The next thing you know, you find yourself shrunk. BB catches you before you fall to the floor, and drops you on top of the can of beer. You feel your rear slide into the opening, but you're too large to fully fall in. BB smirks down at you, looking gleeful, as she brings the mouth of the drink to her lips, and tips it upward. You feel the cool liquid rush up to meet you, pushing you into her mouth, and then down her throat, as she drinks you with ease. 'Aaaaaah. Wow, Mr. Green Tea. I don't know how you can stand that stuff!' She giggles, as you plummet to her stomach. Great... Now your beer has gone to waste, AND you've been eaten. This day just keeps getting worse!" ; end the game in death. After giving cigarette to BB: say "You offer BB a cigarette. She looks at it, and you see a strange expression on her face. Somewhere between offended and embarrassed. 'Not a smoker?' 'Of course not. I'm a nurse, remember?' She sniffs, looking at you moodily. 'I thought you were a super advanced moon AI.' You chuckle. 'I'm many things, Robin-kun. A super advanced moon AI shouldn't have to limit herself, don't you think? Anyway, those things aren't good for your lungs.' 'Do you even have lungs?' You ask. She blushes, looking embarrassed, and snatches the cigarette. She doesn't do anything with it though." After stealing cigarette from BB: say "Since she doesn't intend to use it, you take it back from her. She looks at you indignantly, but doesn't try to stop you." After giving lighter to BB: say "You offer Cu's lighter to BB. She looks at it curiously. 'What do you expect me to do with this, exactly?' She muses. '[if cigarette is carried by BB]I dunno, light up a smoke?' You suggest. She wrinkles her nose in poorly veiled disgust. You chuckle. 'Or not. I don't care.'[end if][if cigarette is not carried by BB]I dunno, keep it for later? I'm just kind of giving people things and seeing how they react.' You shrug. BB looks at you quizzically. 'That seems a bit spontaneous for you, Robin-kun.' She notes. She keeps the lighter, but doesn't do anything with it. That's probably a good thing?[end if]" After stealing lighter from BB: say "Since she doesn't seem to have any use for it, you might as well take it back. You might want to smoke later." After giving Billy to BB: say "BB looks at the cowboy slung over your shoulder, and giggles in amusement. 'Looks like you two are having fun.' Billy looks up at her warily. 'Uh, Robin, what are we doing here?' He asks in a whisper. 'Aw, don't be so shy, Mr. Cowboy! I was just going to play with Robin, but I can play with you too~' BB giggles deviously. Billy and you both gulp. She looks the two of you over, as if trying to decide what to do with you, before an idea twinkles in her eyes. 'I've been wanting some new phone charms, you know. It's important for an adorable kouhai like me to maintain a cute aura. And what could be cuter than a tiny little trinket~?' BB waves her wand in a circle, and you attempt to maneuver out of the way, but the magic launches fast- and the next thing you know, Billy is gone. You hear something small and plastic falling to the floor. Blinking, you look down. It's a tiny little plastic figure, only about half an inch tall. It looks a lot like Billy, if he were a simplified chibi. BB plucks it up, admiring it. 'Perfect~! He looks adorable. He'll make the perfect accessory for my phone~' She giggles, attaching the miniscule cowboy to her phone. To anyone unaware of who it is, there's no way of knowing the cute little charm was ever a Servant... You gulp. I-If you're not careful, she might to that to you..." After stealing Billy from BB: say "You don't want your buddy to be stuck as a phone charm forever! Or even just for a day, being BB's accessory isn't exactly fun- you know that from experience. While she's busy tapping away at her phone, you sneakily try to swipe Billy back- though you aren't sure how you intend to turn him back. Unfortunately, it's hard to steal something like that without getting noticed. 'Oh? Did you want to join him?' BB looks at you with an all-too eager smile, and you gulp. 'N... No, I was just admiring your handiwork, that's all-' You laugh nervously, as she raises her wand, smiling sweetly. 'There's no need to be shy Robin~ I'd be happy to reunite you two!' She says- and then boops you on the nose. Instantly, you feel the transformation, the sensation of your body becoming smaller, simpler, harder. You tink against the ground, unable to move your nonexistent limbs, or blink your stationary eyes. Not that you feel any need to, but it's still not cool! You try to wriggle in protest, but you have no more control over your body. BB plucks you up between her fingers, and rolls you back and forth. 'How adorable~ You always make such a cute little toy, Robin~ Maybe I should try mass producing you someday~' She giggles darkly, as she snaps you onto her phone next to Billy. Great... Looks like you'll be spending your days as BB's charm, until she decides to free you. If she decides to free you, that is..." ; end the story. After giving David to BB: say "BB looks at the Servant in your arms, amused. 'How cute... You finally decided to whisk Mr. Shepherd off his feet?' You blush, embarrassed by her teasing. 'What? Can't two guys take a walk together? While one carries the other?' You reply, realizing how strange this is. B-But hey, David is enjoying himself, right? 'Well, if that's all it is, then I suppose you won't mind if I borrow him~' BB says airily, as tentacles suddenly shoot out from beneath you, coiling around David and yoinking him from your hold. He lets out a surprised sound, wiggling in the air. 'H-Hey! Come on, BB, you can't just go around grabbing people!' You try to scold. 'Well, you did just grab me.' David points out. 'But, he is right, Miss BB- this is a bit inappropriate, don't you think?' He says, blushing as the tendrils wrap around his body more. 'Sorry, Mr. Shepherd~ But if Robin isn't going to take better care of his things, then someone needs to teach him a thing or two.' BB says, matter-of-factly. You watch as the tendrils spread over David, wrapping around him like a cocoon and entrapping him entirely. He wriggles, trying to resist, but is eventually overpowered. BB begins to retract the tendrils into herself, and David is absorbed along with them, disappearing into her body without a trace. She lets out a satisfied sigh. 'Mm~ He tasted good! I hope you weren't planning on eating him~' 'B-BB!' You cry, looking on in frustration. Dammit. This is why you can't ever hang around BB with anyone..." After stealing David from BB: say "You aren't really sure how you intend to do that, but you want David back. You didn't say BB could just eat him! Unfortunately you don't have any bright ideas on how to un-absorb him from her data. 'What's wrong, Robin? You look sad. Do you miss Mr. Shepherd already?' She says, mock sympathy in her voice. 'Poor thing. If you want, I'll let you see him again~' 'Let me guess. That involves eating me too, right?' You grimace. 'Yep~' She replies. You feel the ground beneath you go soft, and suddenly, you're sinking into her shadow, cast across the ground. 'H-hey! I didn't say I wanted you to-!' You shout, trying to pull yourself out. Her tendrils are sticky though, and the more you fight it, the deeper you sink into her. She giggles, amused and clearly enjoying herself. 'You didn't have to~ Don't worry Robin, I'll find a special place for you both in my coding~' She assures you, watching as your head sinks down into her shadow. You aren't given another chance to protest. Sinking into nothing, you feel your body breaking apart into simpler bits of data. It's strange to say you feel it though, since it doesn't actually physically feel like anything. It's more just a sense of it in your mind, your consciousness simplifying, being restructured into something that isn't quite you anymore. Damn that BB... You wonder if David's already been turned into code, or if she was just joking about that, and spit him out. Hopefully she did... You slip away into the endless stream of glowing numbers, forgetting yourself in a matter of moments. But here, at least some part of you is preserved, forever." ; end the story. After giving lyre to BB: say "[if David is not carried by the player and David is not carried by BB]You offer David's lyre to BB. She looks at it curiously. 'This belongs to David, doesn't it? And you're giving it to me? My, my, Robin, I didn't realize you felt that way~' She mocks, strumming it playfully. You blush. 'What are you talking about? I'm just giving it to you to pass the time!' You retort. W-Weirdo.[end if][if David is carried by the player]You hand David's lyre to BB. David looks at you, somewhat annoyed. BB chuckles. 'Wow, Robin. I know you're a thief, but isn't this a bit over the top for you?' She tuts, strumming the lyre regardless. 'Sorry, Mr. Shepherd, but I guess this is mine now~'[end if][if David is carried by BB]You offer David's lyre to BB. She smiles, amused. 'Hmm. I suppose I can send this to him~ Give him something to do in there.' She says, wrapping it in her tendrils. You watch as it's blipped out of existence. There it goes...[end if]" After stealing lyre from BB: say "[if David is not carried by the player and David is not carried by BB]'Alright, play time is over.' You say, swiping the lyre back. BB looks at you in surprise, and then pouts slightly. 'What? I'm just borrowing it. Didn't say you could keep it.'[end if][if David is carried by the player]You swipe the lyre back, handing it to David. 'H-hey! I wasn't done with that...' BB protests, blushing slightly in embarrassment. 'Sorry, sticky fingers. Can't help myself~' You smirk.[end if][if David is carried by BB]You look at where the lyre was moments ago sadly, regretting having given away the last thing you have of David's. Though, you suppose it's better for him to have it in there than for you to have it out here... BB looks at you for a good moment, then sighs. Suddenly, the lyre rematerializes in your hands. 'Here. I can just make a copy of it inside of me. It's a waste of space to keep the real deal in there too.' She huffs, glancing away.[end if]" After giving headband to BB: say "[if David is not carried by the player and David is not carried by BB]You put David's headband on BB's head. She blushes, surprised. 'Who said you could pick out accessories for me? I don't need some unfashionable guy like you dressing me.' She huffs, summoning up some sort of... digital mirror? To look at herself. After a moment, she deletes it, and ignores you. She doesn't take it off, though...[end if][if David is carried by the player]You take David's headband off, and put it on BB's head. She and David both look at you in confusion. 'Um... Silver looks quite nice on you!' David says, trying to break the awkwardness.[end if][if David is carried by BB]You place David's headband on BB. She looks at you in amusement. 'Wow, trying to dress me up like him? Isn't it a little soon to be taking such drastic steps, Robin? You really are a pathetic guy~' She giggles.[end if]" After stealing headband from BB: say "[if David is not carried by the player and David is not carried by BB] You swipe the headband back, and BB whines slightly. 'H-Hey, I didn't say I was done with that! Jeez. Don't go around playing with girls hearts like that! It isn't very nice to give someone a gift and then take it back, you know!'[end if][if David is carried by the player]You take the headband back, and put it back on David's head. He blushes. BB looks at you sourly. 'You really shouldn't go swapping people's head pieces around, you could give someone lice.' She sniffs. 'Can Servants get lice?' David wonders aloud. 'Can computers get lice?' You question. BB sticks her tongue out at you.[end if][if David is carried by BB]You take the headband back, unamused. BB gives you a smug look. 'Someone's a bit touchy~'[end if]" After giving Cu to BB: say "BB looks at the two of you in amusement. 'You're keeping yourself busy today, I see.' She chuckles. Cu looks at her with a bit of apprehension. You don't think the two of them have met before, but he seems to be able to tell that she's trouble. Guys like the two of you can usually tell when a Servant is a predator... 'What? No greeting, no introduction? You've certainly become a rude boy, Mr. Green Tea.' BB scolds, as ribbon-like tendrils fly out, curling around Cu and yanking him from over your shoulder. 'I don't let just anyone into my room, you know. You should at least tell me your name, Mr. Blue Tights.' She pouts, dangling Cu in front of her. 'I-It's Lancer, jeez! Cu Chulainn! What's your problem, huh?!' He cries, flailing about. He kind of reminds you of a piñata right now. 'Cu Chulainn... [if at least 2 people are carried by BB] Another 3 star to play with, hm, Robin?'[end if][if exactly 1 person is carried by BB]'A 3 star, hm?'[end if] BB looks to you. 'I guess that's all I can expect you to get your hands on. But that's fine~ I'll take him off your hands for you.' She purrs- and then, before you can say a word, the ribbons coil around Cu completely, and with a tug from each end, he vanishes from existence. You blink. Th-This girl really is no joke..." After stealing Cu from BB: say "You aren't sure what you're thinking. But you don't exactly feel good about letting BB snatch someone up just because you were carrying them around like a weirdo! 'Alright BB, cough'im up.' [if at least 2 people are carried by BB]'Who are you talking about?' BB smiles innocently. 'Well, all of them! But I'm talkin about Cu right now.' You give her a grimace.[end if] 'Mm, but I don't want to. He was really filling, you know? It's not very healthy to give up your food that fast, Robin.' She tuts, giving her stomach a pat. 'But if you want to see him so badly, I guess I can arrange something...~' Oh boy. You step back, ready to make a run for it- but the tendrils have already grabbed your limbs, wrapping around you. They're cold, but they feel like silk, coiling smoothly around your skin and mummifying you swiftly. You can't see anything beneath the black ribbons, but you can feel it as you're flattened, and popped back out into a different space. A tight, slimy space. You open your eyes to wet black walls, pulsing and pressing into you. 'I-Is this your stomach?!' You shout, trying to struggle, but finding little space to do so. You hadn't realized she actually had a stomach. She's an ai, you didn't think she'd have any need for an actual place for her food to go. 'Yep~ If you're patient, you'll get to see Cu soon~ But you might have to wait a bit. I had to speed up the process to make room for you, so he's already moved a bit further down~' BB chuckles darkly. You shudder slightly, hoping that 'process' doesn't mean what you think it does. Can computers digest people? She can probably do something similar to that... Convert you into data and implement you into her code, or something like that. You blush, embarrassed to be in such a situation. It takes awhile before you start to feel it, but eventually, you notice your body being unraveled slowly, mana turning into numbers, fading into the space around you. Becoming a part of a different flow, something other than yourself. You would fight it if you could, but there's not much you can do about it, and eventually, you have little choice but to succumb, as you're absorbed into BB's code..." ; end the game in death. After bellyrubbing BB: say "You place your hand on BB's stomach, rubbing it gently. At first, her eyes widen, a look of surprise crossing her face at the strange display of affection. You think you see her blushing, before you're distracted by the fact that your hand is sinking into her. You look to see that you're up to your elbow, but you can't see anything coming out the other side. Nervously, you try to pull it back- only to be sucked in further, up to your shoulder. You look up at BB, and she giggles wickedly. 'You really should ask before you touch people, Mr. Green Tea~ It's pretty rude to go and touch a young lady's stomach without permission.' She tuts, as you're pulled in deeper, half of your face absorbed. 'O-Okay, lesson learned! My bad! Can you uh, let go?!' You ask frantically, still trying to pull away. BB considers it for a moment. 'Hmm... Nope!' She beams- and then, you're pulled in completely, swallowed by some sort of dark muck, and stowed away. You squirm, but there's nothing to squirm against, toward or away from. You've been sucked into some sort of void, located within BB, as far as you can tell. Uhg. You really should have thought that through... You try to call out to BB, but your voice doesn't travel very far. You're left floating there in the emptiness, waiting for BB to decide to pull you out. If she does decide to, that is..." ; end the story. The Library is east of The Cafeteria. "The library is massive. Rich red rugs, tall wooden shelves, and books of every color. Looks like whoever designed this room didn't get the memo. You like it though, it feels cozy, without being claustrophobic. It's a good quiet place to chill." Gorgon is a woman in the library. The description of Gorgon is "A large Servant, several times taller than you. Her long purple hair tapers off into snake-like growths, which watch you hungrily when you catch their eyes. Her lower half is that of a snake as well, covered in black and golden scales. She's gorgeous, but dangerous. It looks like she's in the middle of reading a book." Gorgon is holding a book. The description of book is "[if book is not carried by the player]A thick, black book with an ornately patterned spine, painted gold. It looks old, and smells a bit musty. You can't make out the title under Gorgon's clawed hand, though.[end if] [if book is carried by the player] A thick, black book with an ornately patterned spine, painted gold. It's old looking, and has a musty smell. The title is written in gold as well, in some sort of ancient Greek that you can't read. The inside is the same. [end if]" Greeting is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "greet [something]" as greeting. Understand "say hello [something]" as greeting. After taking Gorgon: say "For some reason, you thought this was a good idea. You wrap your arms around the bulk of Gorgon's scaly tail, and attempt to lift her up- vastly overestimating your own physical strength. Unsurprisingly, you're unable to get her off the ground. Also unsurprisingly, she is not amused by your antics. With a flip of her tail, you find yourself tossed into the air- and then you find yourself lodged into her mouth. She wastes little time swallowing you down. [if exactly 1 person is carried by Gorgon]You can hear someone squirming in her main stomach beneath you, as you settle into her first stomach, where it's dark and cramped. You shift about in the sliminess, embarrassed by the massive failure. Looks like you'll be in here for awhile, until she finishes her first meal at least...[end if][if at least 2 people are carried by Gorgon]You can hear the squirms of her earlier meals down below you, in her main stomach. It's amazing how much someone this big can put away... Having two stomachs helps, you guess. You shift around in embarrassment, wondering how long you'll have to wait in her first stomach, before she decides it's time to digest you...[end if][if cu is not carried by Gorgon and Billy is not carried by Gorgon and David is not carried by Gorgon]You slide down into her first stomach, but she doesn't let you linger, before you're pushed down into her main stomach. It's a little narrower, but longer, the walls softer but pulsing with more vigor. You squirm uselessly, unable to do anything but aid the stomach in guiding you deeper. You wonder how long it will take for her to decide to digest you...[end if]" ; end the game in death. After bellyrubbing Gorgon: say "[if David is carried by Gorgon and Cu is not carried by Gorgon and Billy is not carried by Gorgon]You look at the squirming lump in Gorgon's stomach and blush, knowing who it is. You wonder if he's enjoying himself at all in there... Hesitantly, you rub at his squirming form. Gorgon purrs softly, allowing you to, as David's squirms intensify...[end if][if Billy is carried by Gorgon and David is not carried by Gorgon and Cu is not carried by Gorgon]You can hardly see Billy's squirms in Gorgon's stomach, he's so small compared to her. You wonder if it's spacious in there for him. Absentmindedly, you rub at her stomach, feeling Billy's protesting squirms. Gorgon purrs. It seems she liked that.[end if][if Cu is carried by Gorgon and David is not carried by Gorgon and Billy is not carried by Gorgon]You watch as Cu struggles inside Gorgon's stomach, kicking up a fuss. It's not hard to see his flailing limbs pressing outward. Blushing slightly, you rub at her stomach, trying to subdue him somewhat. Gorgon purrs deeply, letting out a small, pleased noise. It seems like she liked that.[end if][if exactly 2 people are carried by Gorgon]You look at the squirming lump of Servants in Gorgon's stomach and blush. You wonder if it's cramped in there with two of them. Hesitantly, you start to rub at them, to see how it feels. Their squirming feels strange beneath your hands. Gorgon purrs, pleased.[end if][if exactly 3 people are carried by Gorgon]Your friends have already stopped their squirming by now, and all that remains is a bit of pudge where they once were. Still, you rub at it, massaging Gorgon's stomach. She purrs in delight.[end if][if Cu is not carried by Gorgon and Billy is not carried by Gorgon and David is not carried by Gorgon]For some reason, you decide to rub Gorgon's belly. The scales there are smooth and soft. She swats you with her tail. 'If you want to make yourself useful, you should bring me a meal first.' She says coolly.[end if]" After taking book: say "For some reason, you decide to be a rude ass, and take the book from Gorgon's hands. You have to jump up a bit to grab it, but you succeed. Unfortunately, you don't get much time to get a closer look, before Gorgon snatches it back, looking at you angrily. 'What are you doing?' She asks, irritated and a little upset. 'If you wanted to know what I was reading, you could have just asked. If you're going to be an irritant, find someone else to bother.' She snaps. She moves a bit further down the room, away from you." After stealing book from Gorgon: say "Using your expert thieving skills, or something like that, you swipe the book from Gorgon. You do it so swiftly, tuck it beneath your cloak so adeptly, and manage to put distance between the two of you so quickly, by the time she realizes the book is gone from her hands, she can only blink, and look around in confusion. You pretend not to notice her looking around." After giving book to Gorgon: say "'This yours?' You hand the book to Gorgon, who looks down at you in confusion. 'I saw it sitting on the ground near your tail, it looked like it fell down there or something?' You offer it back to her. She looks a little confused still, and a little suspicious, but she takes the book nonetheless. '... Thank you. I lost track of it so suddenly, I wasn't sure what happened. Perhaps one of my snakes got curious, and took it...' She says, though she doesn't seem fully convinced. It doesn't seem like she realizes you were the one to take it though, so hey, that's good." After greeting Gorgon: say "'Hey there,' You greet Gorgon politely, giving a small wave. Her snakes turn to look at you curiously. She glances down from her book, seeming to size you up, before giving you a small nod in response. 'Hello.' She replies, and then returns to reading, clearly disinterested." Flirting is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "flirt with [someone]" as flirting. After flirting Gorgon: say "'So, you come here often?' You lean against the book shelf, giving the monstrous woman a smooth smile. You've always found her attractive, but it's rare you ever run into each other when you're both alone. She looks down at you, expression unchanging. 'Yes.' She says, and goes back to reading again." Poking is an action applying to one visible thing. Understand "poke [something]" as poking. After poking Gorgon: say "You poke Gorgon's tail. You aren't sure why you do it. Perhaps the glossy scales are simply too much for you to resist. Not a moment later, you find yourself constricted, entrapped in her lengthy coils. She looks down at you, unamused. 'If you enjoy my body that much, I'll let you have a closer look.' She chuckles darkly. You gulp. Her tail tightens around you, and she looms above you, before opening her mouth wide. Her teeth are surprisingly sharp. Luckily for you, she doesn't bite you- much- as she begins to devour you, swallowing you slowly. Her mouth is large enough to fit your head in easily, but her throat is hot and tight, not to mention slimy. You're pushed down slowly but surely, eased down her esophagus with each gulp. You squirm and try to fight it, but Gorgon is much more powerful than you, and there's nothing you can do but wait, as you slide down into her stomach. You are down there for awhile, squirming in the dark, but Gorgon merely ignores you as she continues to read... By the time she leaves the library, you've already digested, and she's forgotten she even ate you."; end the game in death. Annoying is an action applying to one thing. Understand "annoy [someone]" as annoying. After annoying Gorgon: say "You decide to pester Gorgon a bit. You're bored, and there's not much better to do. Nothing more thrilling than bugging a monster, right? Not really thinking, you tug on one of her hair snakes. It hisses loudly, and suddenly, its maw widens, splitting up along her hair and snapping down on you. Your legs flail as you're lifting up into the air by it, your upper half trapped in a cocoon of hair you can hardly see through. 'You really shouldn't touch someone's hair without asking.' Gorgon says, unimpressed, but slightly amused. 'Especially when it's hungry.' You feel something wet on your rump, and your eyes widen in embarrassed confusion. Then you feel teeth, and you realize you're being eaten. You flail, as you're pushed into her mouth by the serpent, crammed in all at once. Her mouth is incredibly cramped, her tongue unconcerned with molesting you, as you're swallowed down whole. It's a tight fit, dark and hot and slimy, but your protests go ignored, as you find yourself deposited into her stomach. Squirm as you might, once you're down there, you're forgotten. Perhaps when she throws up your boots later, she'll recall her midmorning snack. Or maybe not." ; end the game in death. Petting is an action applying to one thing. Understand "pet [something]" as petting. After petting Gorgon: say "You run your hand along Gorgon's scales, stroking them. They're surprisingly smooth, and even a little warm to the touch. Gorgon looks down at you in confusion. She's irritated, clearly, but her cheeks have a slight tint to them, perhaps a bit embarrassed? 'Can I help you?' She asks, before shifting away a bit. 'N-No, I guess not. Sorry, I dunno why I did that.' You mumble, embarrassed with yourself." After giving sandwich to Gorgon: say "'Hey, are you hungry?' Gorgon looks down at you in confusion. She sees you holding up a sandwich to her. She blinks, and one of her snakes hesitantly investigates it, sniffing it with a flick of its tongue. It takes it gingerly in its mouth, and brings it to her. She sniffs it as well, before taking a bite. '... Thank you. That tasted good.' She nods in appreciation. 'Why did you bring me a sandwich?' You shrug. 'I dunno, you seemed a bit lonely down here, I guess I just wanted an excuse to talk to you.' You admit. 'Plus I didn't see you getting breakfast this morning. Thought you might want a snack.' Gorgon blushes, ever so slightly. She glances away, seeming embarrassed. 'Well... The gesture is appreciated. Thank you, I suppose.' She finished the sandwich in only a couple of bites. 'Your name is Robin Hood, correct?' 'Yep. That's me.' You give a cheesy little wave in response. She almost cracks a smile. 'Tell me, do you enjoy reading?' ..." ; end the game in victory. After giving bottle to Gorgon: say "You're not really sure what this thing does, but it's pretty, and what sort of monster girl doesn't like pretty things? 'Hey there, Miss Gorgon?' You call out to get her attention, trying not to be too rude in your interruption of her reading. [if book is not carried by the player] She looks down at you over her book, not seeming particularly interested in whatever you have to say.[end if] [if book is carried by the player] She looked down at you over her crossed arms, seeming a bit irritated. [end if] 'What is it?' She asks with a sigh. 'Sorry to bug you, but I found this in the kitchen, and well... It just looked pretty, I thought you might like it.' You offer her the bottle. She takes it in her claws, looking at it curiously- before something like recognition dawns in her eyes, and they narrow, an amused smile crossing her face. 'How generous of you... Robin, was it? I suppose I should give you something in return... Here.' She smirks, and pops the top off the bottle, emptying the contents on your head. You splutter, and when you look up through the dripping silver, you see Gorgon -and the rest of the room- is much bigger than you remembered. One of her snakes extends down to pluck you up, tossing you in the air eagerly. You flail in confused terror, as it snaps you up, and gulps you- entrapping you somewhere dark and wet. You squirm, but to no avail. You hear Gorgon chuckle. 'Next time, try to be a bit more considerate. Most people come to the library to get away from others...' " ; end the game in death. After giving lyre to Gorgon: say "[if David is carried by Gorgon]Gingerly, you hand the lyre to Gorgon. She looks at it curiously. 'What is this?' She asks, studying it. 'It belonged to David. Your uh, sacrifice.' You say, trying not to mumble. She smirks slightly. 'I see. Well, I'm not the sentimental type when it comes to meals, but it is pretty. I suppose I'll keep it.' She hands it to her snakes, and they tuck it away somewhere safe, you assume.[end if] [If David is not carried by Gorgon]You offer the lyre to Gorgon. She looks at it curiously. 'What is this?' She asks. 'It's a lyre. It's pretty, thought you might like it.' You say with a shrug. She muses for a moment, before taking it. 'It is rather well made. I suppose I'll keep it. Thank you.' She hands it to her snakes, and they carry it off, tucking it somewhere safe, you assume.[end if]" After stealing lyre from Gorgon: say "[if David is carried by Gorgon]Alright, if she's not 'sentimental' about her meals, then you might as well keep it. David would probably prefer you had it, to some man-eater.[end if][if David is not carried by Gorgon]Alright, you should probably stop giving things away to others when they aren't yours to give.[end if]" After giving Billy to Gorgon: say "[if David is not carried by Gorgon and Cu is not carried by Gorgon]Gorgon notices the Servant squirming over your shoulder, and chuckles in amusement. 'So you've decided to bring an offering now, hm?' 'Huh?' You question- then startle, as her snakes suddenly coil around Billy. He squirms frantically in protest. 'He's a bit small... But I suppose it's better than nothing. Fine. I'll accept this sacrifice.' She seems more amused than anything. You start to protest, try to explain that's not the case- but she's already started to feed. 'H-Hey! I aint a sacrifice-!' Billy hollers, before he's cut off by his head being swallowed. She makes quick work of him, gulping him like a snake would. You can only watch as Billy disappears, sliding down her throat without a trace. 'Mm... That tasted rather good, actually. I'm impressed. If you get me another meal like that, it might change my opinion of you a bit, little Archer.' She muses. 'If not... Perhaps you could join him.' You gulp, looking at her squirming stomach. S-Sorry, Billy...[end if][if exactly 2 people are carried by Gorgon]Gorgon perks up a bit as she notices you. Licking her lips slightly in anticipation, she allows her snakes to dart forward, grabbing up Billy in their mouths before you can utter a word. 'H-Hey! What're you doing?!' Billy cries. 'Hm... This one is smaller than the last. But he'll do.' She sighs, and without waiting for any sort of response, lowers him into her mouth. 'H-Hey! Knock it off! I'm not your lunch, lady-!' Billy hollers, thrashing about as violently as he can- before being gulped down effortlessly. He hardly even makes a bulge in her throat, as he disappears to join the other. 'Mm... He tasted good as well. If you find any others, bring them to me. I might give you something in return.' She chuckles.[end if][if David is carried by Gorgon and Cu is carried by Gorgon]Gorgon's eyes light up as you enter the library one last time. Billy looks up at her from over your shoulder, and pales a little. 'Um, h-hi there, miss!' He attempts to greet her, but she plucks him up by his collar and looks him over. 'Hm. He's rather small. But he'll do.' She sighs, and opens her mouth. Billy's eyes go wide. 'W-Wait a minute! What're you doing?! Put me down, I ain't a snack-!' Billy cries, but his protests go unheard, as Gorgon slurps him down effortlessly. It doesn't take long for Gorgon to swallow him, and just like that, he's gone- joined Cu and David in her stomach. You can see them all squirming. She sighs in contentment, and flops down. 'Well? Go on now. Your reward will be helping settle them down from out here, instead of in there.' She chuckles darkly. Gulping, you do as you're told. It takes awhile before their squirming and wriggling settles down, but after a good hour or so of thorough kneading, nothing remains of Gorgon's meals but a nice mushy lump. She purrs, pleased with your work. L-Look at the bright side. At least is wasn't you?[end if]" After giving David to Gorgon: say "[if Billy is not carried by Gorgon and Cu is not carried by Gorgon]Gorgon notices the Servant you're holding, and chuckles slightly. 'So, you've taken to sacrifices, hm? Very well. I accept.' You hardly have time to look up, before she's plucked David up in her clawed hand. 'A-Ah, now hold on a moment, ma'am! I believe there's been a misunderstanding-!' David laughs anxiously in protest, as he's lowered into Gorgon's mouth. You watch, stunned, as David slips effortlessly down her throat, disappearing before you can get a word in. You stare, unsure whether to be terrified or aroused, as she licks her lips, eyeing you now. 'Mm... That tasted rather good, actually. I'm impressed. If you get me another meal like that, it might change my opinion of you a bit, little Archer.' She muses. 'If not... Perhaps you could join him.' You gulp. W-Well... Sorry, David. You'll be missed...' [end if] [if exactly 2 people are carried by Gorgon] There's no avoiding Gorgon's gaze as you enter. She sees David in your arms, and you hardly have a chance to blink before her snakes have descended, snatching him up and coiling around him. He lets out a frantic 'mmph!' sound, wriggling in confusion, before being stuffed unceremoniously into her mouth. 'Mmm...' She purrs, suckling on him for a moment, before gulping him down. For a moment, you're not sure who you're more jealous of- David, or Gorgon. 'I've forgotten how delicious Servants can be... That one was even better than the last. Perhaps you aren't so useless after all... If you find any other scraps, let me know.' She chuckles in amusement, and then returns to her reading. You gulp. That's two of your friends eaten by Gorgon... W-Well, you know what they say, third times the charm?[end if][if Cu is held by Gorgon and Billy is held by Gorgon]There's no avoid Gorgon's gaze as you enter the library again, David in hand. She doesn't even greet you as her snakes snatch David from you, tossing him into her mouth. He lets out a confused, frantic wail, and you watch helplessly as he's snapped up and gulped down effortlessly. Gorgon purrs heavily, flopping down like a content cat. 'Mm... I haven't eaten this well in awhile.' She sighs, looking at you in amusement. 'You're quite good at this... As your reward, I'll let you settle my stomach.' She chuckles, plucking you up and dropping you atop it. You can feel the others squirming underneath you. You swallow, and set to work, as she watches you knead your friends into submission. A-At least it wasn't you?[end if]" After giving Cu to Gorgon: say "Gorgon sees the large man resting over your shoulders, and doesn't seem to need an invitation to dig in. You jump back in surprise as she suddenly leans down, grabbing up Cu in her mouth, headfirst, and scarfing him down. You watch, somewhere between disgusted and aroused, as he's swallowed whole, sent down her throat with ease, and disappearing from sight just as fast. [if Billy is not carried by Gorgon and David is not carried by Gorgon]'Mm... Pardon my lack of manners. Men like that are hard to see as anything more than food.' She says, stifling what sounds almost like a burp. 'I appreciate the meal, though. If you have any other useless Servants to offer up, I wouldn't mind indulging.' She chuckles. You gulp, and find yourself nodding.[end if][if Billy is carried by Gorgon and david is not carried by gorgon] 'It appears you took my request to heart... I appreciate it.' She purrs, licking her lips as she stifles what almost sounds like a burp. 'He was much more filling. But I do have room for more, if you find anything else.' She chuckles, looking down at her stomach. You can see a bit of squirming beneath the scales, if you try hard enough. You laugh nervously.[end if][if David is carried by Gorgon and Billy is not carried by Gorgon] 'It appears you took my request to heart... I appreciate it.' She purrs, licking her lips as she stifles was almost sounds like a burp. 'I apologize for the abruptness- men like that are difficult to see as anything but food.' She lets out a long sigh. 'I feel much more full now... But I still have room for more, if you find any.' She chuckles, rubbing at her stomach. You can almost make out the squirming now... [end if][if David is carried by Gorgon and Billy is carried by Gorgon]Gorgon lets out a sigh that is nothing if not satisfied. Maybe even a little too satisfied. She purrs deeply, looking down at you with a pleased, amused expression. 'I will say, you've done well. Robin Hood, was it? I'm not used to being given so many meals...' She lowers herself a bit, resting her body along the floor. You can see your thee friends squirming in her stomach. You gulp. 'As for your reward... I'll let you rub my stomach from out here, instead of in there.' She chuckles, pushing you toward the squirming mass. You blush, your own stomach twisting slightly. You're kind of terrified, but also kind of turned on? I-Is this normal? You rub at her squirming stomach for what feels like forever, kneading at the bulge until eventually, the squirming stops, and Gorgon is satisfied. She yawns. 'Very good... I'll come to you next time I want a good meal.' She chuckles.[end if]" After giving cigarette to Gorgon: say "You offer a cigarette to Gorgon. She looks at it in confusion, but she doesn't seem to know how to properly respond. Gingerly, one of her snakes reaches down and takes it from your hands." After giving lighter to Gorgon: say "You offer the lighter to Gorgon. She looks at you in disgust. 'You shouldn't have this in a library, it isn't safe for the books.' She snatches it from you, tucking it somewhere you can't reach easily. Well, there goes that..." After giving beer to Gorgon: say "You offer the beer to Gorgon. She pulls back a bit in surprise. 'Really? Usually if someone wants to get me drunk, they're a bit more subtle.' She says dryly. One of her snakes grabs it in its mouth, and tosses it behind her. You hear it hit the carpet and roll away. 'Noted.'" After giving card game to Gorgon: say "'You a fan of card games?' You ask. Gorgon looks down at you. She looks annoyed still, but there's a bit of curiosity in her gaze. 'I don't typically play them... I don't know many of the more modern games.' She admits. 'You wanna play a game or two? I could show you how.' You offer, shuffling the deck in a way you hope might impress her. She is quiet for a moment. 'I suppose I could take a short break from reading...' She says, finally. 'Very well... Show me how to play.' She requests. 'Alright! It's pretty simple...' You sit down, laying the cards out. She has to crouch down a bit to see better, but the more you talk, the less she hides her curiosity. You wind up playing for a few hours, losing track of the time. By the end, she seems to be in a much better mood. It looks like you might have been able to win her over a bit! Way to go." ; end the game in victory. After giving cereal to Gorgon: say "You offer the bowl of cereal to Gorgon. She looks at you in confusion. 'You hungry?' You ask, holding it up to her. Her snakes approach it curiously, sniffing it. One even tries to eat some, and she tries to nudge it away, blushing slightly. Hesitantly, she takes the bowl, and the spoon in it. 'Um... Thank you.' She says. Unlike before, her tone is no longer severe- she almost sounds shy. 'I didn't get a chance to have breakfast this morning... it's a bit difficult for us larger Servants to get into the cafeteria.' She admits, her cheeks tinged with a bit of pink. It's... Pretty cute. 'I don't usually eat in the library, but... Thank you.' She smiles slightly. 'Don't mention it. I wasn't gonna eat it, I didn't want it to go to waste.' You shrug. 'So, uh... What're you reading?' You ask, leaning against the book shelf. 'Well... It's a book about curses.' She admits, seeming a bit embarrassed. 'I'm not a Caster, but I enjoy reading about these sorts of things now and then... To see what others might have gone through.' She tells you more about the book, and before long, the two of you are having a lengthy conversation about magic, curses, and all sorts of other things. Who knew the way to a monster girl's heart was through her stomach?" ; end the game in victory. The Kitchen is north of the Cafeteria. "The kitchen is usually pretty busy, with Servants helping to prepare the days meals. [if Kitchen is unvisited] You use it now and then, when you want to help out, or want a little taste from home. [end if]" The fridge is fixed in place in the kitchen. Things can be placed inside the fridge. The fridge can be opened. A sandwich is in the fridge. The sandwich is edible. Beer is in the fridge. Beer is edible. stealing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "steal [something]" as stealing. stealing it from is an action applying to two things. Understand "steal [something] from [something]" as stealing it from. check stealing something (this is the can't take your own goods rule): if the noun is carried by the player, say "You've already got [the noun]!" check stealing something from a second noun: if the second noun encloses nothing, say "[The second noun] hasn't got [the noun]." carry out stealing: say "You steal [the noun]."; now the noun is carried by the player. carry out stealing something from a second noun: say "You steal [the noun] from [the second noun]."; now the noun is carried by the player. After opening the fridge: say "Oh wow, this thing is pretty empty. The other usual cooks must be getting stuff to restock it before lunch. But hey, there's a sandwich in here! That's nice." After taking the sandwich: say "You take the sandwich. It looks like a ham sandwich. You're sure no one will miss it..." After smelling the sandwich: say "Smells like a sandwich." After tasting the sandwich: say "You probably shouldn't just lick it... Eat it like a normal person, jeez." After eating the sandwich: say "Tastes good. Just a normal sandwich, huh? That's a new one." The counter is fixed in place in the kitchen. A small glass bottle is on the counter. A bottle is a container. The bottle contains liquid. The description of the bottle is "A small, glass bottle. There seems to be a silvery, almost translucent liquid inside." After taking the bottle: say "It's pretty lightweight. Fits in the palm of your hand. Red doesn't even seem to notice you taking it. You aren't sure he even noticed it there. You shake it a bit, and the liquid sparkles." After smelling the bottle: say "You take the cap off and sniff it. It doesn't have any distinct scent to it." After smelling the liquid: say "You take the cap off and sniff it. It doesn't have any distinct scent to it." After tasting the bottle: say "You take the cap off and pour a little bit of the liquid onto your tongue. It tastes surprisingly sweet, but there's a sharp tang to it too. Your tongue feels tingly afterward..." After tasting the liquid: say "You take the cap off and pour a little bit of the liquid onto your tongue. It tastes surprisingly sweet, but there's a sharp tang to it too. Your tongue feels tingly afterward..." After eating the liquid: say "Probably shouldn't do that... you have no idea what this stuff is." Archer is a man in the kitchen. Understand "Red" as Archer. Understand "Emiya" as Archer. Archer is holding a pan. There is food in the pan. Understand "mushrooms" as food. Understand "mushroom" as food. The description of Archer is "A tall man who's almost always wearing red. He calls himself an Archer, but he rarely uses a bow, and he always tries to fight on the front lines- some Archer he is. Unfortunately he doesn't have any other name, so you usually just call him Red if you have to talk to him. The kitchen is his second home. It looks like he's busy cooking something right now." The description of the pan is "A heavy duty frying pan, made of black metal. Looks pretty sturdy." After touching the pan: say "You probably shouldn't do that, it looks pretty hot." After stealing the pan: say "You try to grab the pan from Red. You aren't entirely sure why. Maybe to swipe some food. Maybe just to be a pest? Either way, as you grab the handle of the pan to pull it away, Red decides he's having none of that. In one swift movement, he brings the pan down and knocks your legs out from under you, catching you as your rear lands in the pan. I-It's hot! Before you can react properly though, you're lifted up in the pan, and set right back on the burner. Red is glaring at you, unamused. 'It's bad enough that you came here without even offering to help, but now you're trying to get in my way? There are a lot of mouths to feed in Chaldea, and we can't expect the staff to feed a bunch of difficult Servants with endless appetites. If you aren't going to make yourself useful, then allow me to make you useful.' He snaps. You sit there, embarrassed, as your butt starts to cook. You watch as Archer pulls out a large pot, and fills it with water, before setting it on the stovetop beside you. You hardly even protest as you're flung in, and the lid is slammed down on top of you. 'Do me a favor and try to cook nicely, okay? I have a lot of dishes to prepare.' Red says coolly. You gulp, as the water starts to boil. Looks like you don't have a whole lot of a choice... That night, when dinner is served, the mystery stew is a big hit with everyone in the cafeteria. It looks like you might wind up enlisted as a secret ingredient the next time you're resummoned..." ; end the game in death. The description of the food is "It looks like some sort of mix of mushrooms, sizzling away in the pan. It smells delicious." After touching the food: say "You try to reach in and touch the food. It's hot, as expected. Red smacks your hand with his spoon, and gives you a dirty look. 'At least wait til it's done cooking.' He scolds." After smelling the food: say "It smells really, really good... Your mouth waters a bit. You didn't realize you were so hungry." After taking the food: say "You reach into the pan fast and snatch up a mushroom, taking it and popping it into your mouth. It's a bit hot, and it burns your tongue. Red elbows you in irritation, trying to push you away from his station. 'If you want to eat something, either wait until I'm done, or look in the fridge.'" After eating the food: say "It's too hot, it'll burn your mouth!" After greeting Archer: say "'sup.' You give Red a nod as you watch him cook. He glances over at you and nods in return, before returning his attention to his cooking. It looks like he's pretty busy, with whatever he's doing. Sauteing, it looks like? Smells pretty good." After taking Archer: say "You try to lift up Archer. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to appreciate the gesture. You find yourself elbowed swiftly in the gut, and then bapped on the head for good measure. 'You're set on making yourself a nuisance today, aren't you?' He sighs, looking at you with clear irritation. 'If you're going to act like a child, then you leave me no choice.' You weren't really expecting that much retaliation from Red, so you aren't prepared when he moves at you, suddenly engulfing your head in his mouth. W-Wait a minute! He's one of those sorts of guys too?! You try to push yourself away, but he manages to eat you with surprising swiftness, gulping you down with the methodicalness of a man who has more important things to be attending to right now. Once you're squeezed down into his stomach, curled up in a useless ball, you hear him let out a sigh. 'There. That should keep you out of the way for awhile. Next time, if you don't want to be put in timeout, stay out of the way.' He scolds you bluntly. You blush, embarrassed. W-Well, hopefully he doesn't plan on digesting you...?" ; end the story. After flirting Archer: say "You aren't really sure why you're doing this, but hey. You're bored, and you kind of want first dibs on that food. 'Have I ever told you what an inspiration you are in the kitchen, Red?' You say, leaning back on the counter and fluttering your eyelashes slightly. Red glances at you, suspicious and a little irritated. 'No, you haven't. Did you want something?' 'Why do you assume I want something? Can't I compliment the best chef in Chaldea without having an ulterior motive?' 'Whatever you're trying to get from me, I'm busy. Go bother someone else.'" After poking Archer: say "Now you're just trying to be annoying. You poke Red in the arm a couple times, just wanting to irritate him. It looks like it's working, judging by his expression, but he does his best to ignore you. 'If you're going to be a pest, could you at least do it when I'm done cooking?'" After petting Archer: say "You're incredibly bored. You must be, because you find yourself petting Archer's arm absentmindedly. Maybe it's cuz you've been pestering him a bit already. Maybe he's just tired of your mounting bullshit. Whatever it is, this seems to be enough to make him snap. Irritated, he snatches the bottle, and pops the top off of it, dousing you with the shimmering liquid. You splutter, and find yourself rapidly shrinking. Red snatches you from midair, holding you in his hand and looking at you with narrowed eyes. 'If you're that bored, then why don't I give you something to do?' He snaps- and then drops you into the pan. You let out a yelp at the heat, bouncing with the mushrooms as Red returns to shifting the pan and tossing its contents. He seems to forget you're there quickly; or perhaps he just doesn't care. By the time he's finished, you've been sauted up nicely, caramelized and blushing in embarrassment. 'Now to see how it tastes...' You look up just in time for Red to pluck you up, and toss you in his mouth. You don't even have time to protest, before you've been swallowed unceremoniously. That'll teach you to bother the cook..." ; end the game in death. The block giving rule is not listed in the check giving it to rules. After giving sandwich to Archer: say "Archer looks at you in confusion. He takes it, not sure what to do with it, before stuffing it in his mouth and returning to cooking. It hangs there as he works, eating it slowly as he cooks, while trying not to let it drop." After giving bottle to Archer: say "You offer the bottle to Archer, assuming it must be for cooking. He looks at it curiously, and puts it in his pocket. Looks like that was pointless. Maybe you should try and steal it back..." After giving book to Archer: say "'Hey, do you know how to read ancient Greek?' You ask, holding the book out to Red. His face screws up in slight confusion, and he glances at you in irritation. 'Yes, but I'm a bit busy right now.' He replies, annoyed. Jeez, this guy is such a buzzkill... Still, he takes the book, setting it down on the other side of the counter. Looks like you'll have to snatch it back and find someone else to give it to." After showing book to Archer: say "'Hey, do you know how to read ancient Greek?' You ask, holding the book out to Red. His face screws up in slight confusion, and he glances at you in irritation. 'Yes, but I'm a bit busy right now.' He replies, annoyed. Jeez, what a buzzkill..." After stealing the bottle from Archer: say "Well, it didn't seem like he was gonna use it... While he's distracted by cooking, he swipe it out of his pocket and put it back into yours. Finders keepers, and all." After stealing the sandwich from Archer: say "'Mmph?' He looks at you in annoyed confusion as you pull the sandwich back from his mouth. 'You're being a real pest. Can you please just leave?'" After giving Billy to Archer: say "'Need a cooking assistant?' You ask, putting Billy down beside Red. 'Hey, I didn't volunteer!' Billy complains. Red doesn't look amused. 'If it means you'll leave me be, then yes, sure. Do whatever you want.' You've offloaded Billy on Archer." After giving cigarette to Archer: say "You offer Red a cigarette. He looks like he could use one right now. He takes it, but he doesn't seem to have time to smoke it right now." After giving lighter to Archer: say "You offer your lighter- well, Cu's lighter- to Red. He looks at it in annoyance. 'Why do you keep handing me things? I really don't need that right now... Just leave it on the counter.' He sighs. You put it there, for now." After giving cereal to Archer: say "You place the bowl of cereal down next to Red. He glances at it, and nods in acknowledgement, but continues his cooking. Probably not really in the mood for a meal right now." After giving card game to Archer: say "You offer the card game to Archer. He glances at it, and gives you an annoyed look. 'Just... put it down somewhere. If you want to play or something, go bother Billy. [if Billy is not carried by the player]I think he's in the cafeteria.'[end if][if Billy is carried by the player] It looks like you're already bothering him anyway.'[end if]" After giving lyre to Archer: say "You place David's lyre by Red. Red sighs loudly. 'Please stop dumping everything you steal on me. Some of us actually have things to do around here.[if David is carried by the player] And at least have the decency not to give someone else's things away when they're right there.[end if]'" After stealing lyre from Archer: say "Well, you didn't intend to let him keep it... You take it back. He doesn't seem to care. [if David is carried by the player]David looks relieved, though. [end if]" After giving headband to Archer: say "You put David's headband on Red's head. He pretends not to notice, and continues working." After stealing headband from Archer: say "You take it off of Red's head. You're not sure if he actually notices or not." After giving David to Archer: say "You put David down beside Red. 'Brought you an assistant.' You say. 'Eh?' David looks surprised, and a bit disappointed. Red rolls his eyes. 'If you'd like to help, you can get me some spices from that cabinet. Otherwise, you're free to leave.' He says to David, already back to ignoring you." After stealing David from Archer: say "'Well, if you're not gonna appreciate the help I gave you...' With a tut, you scoop David back up, and whisk him away. He seems pleased. [if Billy is carried by the player] Billy does not.[end if]" After giving Cu to Archer: say "You drop Cu down by Red. The two of them give each other dirty looks. 'If you're going to bring me 'help', at least bring me someone useful.' Red scoffs. 'Like I'd wanna help you.' Cu snorts, looking away. Huh. Seems these two don't care for each other much." After stealing Cu from Archer: say "You hoist Cu back up, and are on your way. Archer doesn't seem too bothered by the loss." The Training Room is west of the Main Hall. "A place where Servants can train between missions and singularities. [if Training Room is unvisited] It has your typical gym training materials, as well as a small arena for sparring, and a room for running simulations of different terrain and enemies. [end if] The simulation room is to the west." Iskandar is a man in the Training Room. The description of Iskandar is "A massive man, both in height and build. He's a friendly fellow, but he's loud, and the sort you might wanna stay away from when drunk. Not like he's violent or anything, but he's a rambunctious guy- and he tends to get hungry once he's had some beer." Understand "Alex" as Iskandar. Understand "Iskander" as Iskandar. Understand "Alexander" as Iskandar. Understand "Rider" as Iskandar. After bellyrubbing Iskandar: say "[if David is carried by Iskandar and Cu is not carried by Iskandar and Billy is not carried by Iskandar]You watch as Iskandar continues his workout, the outline of David squirming cutely in his stomach. You blush, and press your hands to it, rubbing slightly. Iskandar looks down at you in amusement. 'Trying to help speed up the process, eh? Well, I won't stop you!' He laughs. You blush harder. S-Sorry, David...[end if][if Billy is carried by Iskandar and David is not carried by Iskandar and Cu is not carried by Iskandar]You can hardly see Billy in Iskandar's stomach, he makes practically no dent in it. In disbelief, you press your hand to it, trying to feel his squirms. You rub, and you think you feel something. Iskandar lets out something almost like a purr. 'That feels nice. Keep it up and I might let you join him.' He chuckles. You aren't sure if he's joking.[end if][if Cu is carried by Iskandar and David is not carried by Iskandar and Billy is not carried by Iskandar]You can see Iskandar's stomach bouncing a bit as he moves, Cu's squirms easy to make out. You really hadn't expected the guy to just eat him... Without really thinking, you reach out to rub his stomach, feeling Cu kick and writhe against your hand. Iskandar chuckles. 'A wriggling meal is always more enjoyable to work off, I find! Helps you work harder.' He grins. You blush, and pull your hand away.[end if][if exactly 2 people are carried by Iskandar]The bulge in Iskandar's stomach is more noticeable than before. With a blush, you reach out to rub it, feeling the Servants squirming inside. You hope they won't mind being protein snacks too much... Not that they really have a choice.[end if][if exactly 3 people are carried by Iskandar]You stare at the man's large stomach, blushing despite yourself. Unable to resist, you rub at it with both hands, feeling the squirming mass beneath your touch. You don't know how he manages it... You'd fall over if you ate even just Cu. Iskandar chuckles at your bewilderment. 'I could make some room for you, if you're interested!' He teases. At least, you hope he's teasing. You pull away anyway.[end if][if David is not carried by Iskandar and Cu is not carried by Iskandar and Billy is not carried by Iskandar]You poke at the man's stomach. He has a little bit of a beer gut, despite how toned and muscular he looks. Blushing, you rub at it. He chuckles in amusement, and gives you a pat on the head. Seems like he liked it.[end if]" After greeting Iskandar: say "'Hey there, Rider.' You greet the man with a nod. He looked up from his weight training and shoots you a grin. 'Robin Hood! No need to be so formal! How are you today? Here to put a bit of muscle on those arms? You may be an Archer, but it never hurts to bulk up a bit!' He laughs. 'Well, I'll leave you to it!'." After taking Iskandar: say "You attempt to lift Iskandar. You're not sure why- the guy is massive, and made of muscles! But nonetheless, you try to get him off the ground. You succeed only in falling over and getting crushed beneath the man. Flattened to the floor, you'd make little more than a rug or a towel at this point. Iskandar laughs raucously, amused, as he pulls you up and shakes you out. Yep. You're completely flat, now. Being a Servant sure seems to have weird rules in terms of what your body can do... 'You made a good effort boy! Looks like things didn't go in your favor though.' He chuckles, looking at your embarrassed and speechless new form. 'Don't worry, I'll make sure to find a good use for you!' He assures you, amused. And then, he rolls you up, much like a poster, or a yoga mat. Great. Looks like this is your life now. You're just hoping he doesn't use you to towel off later..." ; end the story. After poking Iskandar: say "You poke the man's muscles. They're incredibly firm- it almost hurts to poke them too hard. He looks down at you curiously, then flexes a bit, grinning smugly. 'Impressed, huh? You get yourself on a proper training regimen, and you might be able to get there too someday! Of course, looks are not everything. There are plenty of powerful Servants here that have hardly any muscle. I wonder how they do it?' He muses, distracting himself." After petting Iskandar: say "You stroke the man's shoulder absentmindedly. You've got to admit, the guy is pretty attractive, if you're into that kind of guy... n-not that you are. Or aren't. You've never really thought about it. Iskandar looks at you in confused amusement, and gives you a pat on the head." After flirting Iskandar: say "'So, tell me, Mr. Iskandar... How much can you lift, anyway?' You ask, feigning interest in his physical ability. He pauses what he's doing and looks thoughtful. 'I'm not sure! It's been awhile since I've checked.' He chuckles. 'Why do you ask?' 'I was just wondering if you could lift me.' You smirk, and wink- though it's hard to tell behind your bangs. Iskandar laughs. 'Well, there's only one way to find out, right?' He suddenly grabs you around the waist, and hoists you up into the air. You let out a surprised noise, flailing somewhat, before he positions you on both hands, and begins to lift you up and down. 'Hah! You hardly weigh a thing, boy! You really ought to eat more.' He places you down after a minute, but not before you've become a blushing mess." After showing book to Iskandar: say "'Hey, you know how to read ancient Greek, right? Since you're from there, and all.' You take the book you snatched from Gorgon from your cloak, and show it to Iskandar. He looks at it curiously. 'Looks like some sort of spell book! A book of curses, at that. Might want to keep that away from any Casters.' He chuckles. 'Or give it to them, if you think it could help our cause! I have no use for it.'" After giving book to Iskandar: say "You hand the book to Iskandar. He looks a bit puzzled, and looks it over. 'Where'd ya get this, boy? Looks like some sort of spell book. Book of curses, even! I'll keep this safe for you. Wouldn't want it getting into the wrong hands!' He chuckles slightly, and tucks it away somewhere safe." After giving sandwich to Iskandar: say "You offer your sandwich to Iskandar. 'You look like you could use a bit of protein for your workout.' You say. 'Ha! Good thinking, boy!' Iskandar doesn't have a free hand at the moment, and instead leans forward to eat the sandwich right from your hand. You blush a bit, as his mouth brushes your hand- and blush even more when he just swallows your hand completely. 'Mm, this is good- what sort of meat did you put in this?' He asks, unaware of what's happening until your arm is already halfway down his throat. 'Oops! Look like I've gotten a but ahead of myself. You taste pretty good, Robin.' The man laughs, and then swallows your arm, tugging you in up to your shoulder. It takes until he's swallowed up your head for you to realize he isn't planning on spitting you out. You try to use your free arm to push yourself back, but he easily swallows that as well, leaving your legs flailing in the air- until he gulps those down too, entrapping you. His throat is hot and tight, and you slide down slowly, before curling up in his stomach. You hear him burp, and then laugh as he pats you roughly. 'Now there's some good protein! I feel much more energized now! Let's see how many crunches it takes to burn through you, hm? Hahaha!' The man laughs raucously, too amused with himself to fully realize what he's done. He begins to workout, lifting himself up and lowering himself down, squishing you and splashing you with acids more and more each time. It takes him about 50 before you're nothing but some pudge to work off..." ; end the game in death. After giving bottle to Iskandar: say "You hand the bottle to Iskandar. He looks a bit confused by it, before popping off the top and giving it a whiff. 'Smells pretty good. You sure you don't want it, boy?' He offers it back to you- but winds up dropping it instead, splattering it across your shirt. 'Ah-! Apologies, Robin! It's a slippery little thing.' He apologizes, seeming concerned. His concern becomes confusion, as he watches you shrink before his very eyes. 'Well, would you look at that... Trying to slip me a shrinking potion, were you?' He laughs aloud, amused by your predicament. You try to tell him that you had no idea what the bottle was, but thankfully, the man doesn't seem mad. That doesn't mean you're safe, though. 'If those are the sorts of games you like to play, then you're gonna have to learn what happens to you when you lose, Robin.' Iskandar chuckles, plucking you up by your cape. You aren't sure what he's doing at first- until you realize you're being dangled over his shoe. He plops you down, and before you can do anything, you're pinned beneath his foot. It's massive, firm, and sweaty, and it all but flattens you to the sole of his shoe. You try to squirm, but you're not given much wiggle room. 'You showed up just in time, Robin! I was planning on using the treadmill, and I could use a better insole!' Iskandar laughs aloud. By the time his run is over, you've been flattened so much, there's no chance of scraping you off. It seems your job as insole has become a permanent gig." ; end the story. After giving beer to Iskandar: say "You aren't sure why, but you hand Iskandar the beer you took. It's still cold. He looks at you in surprise, before taking it appreciatively. 'Thank you, Robin! I'd say we've earned a break!' He chuckles, and takes a sip. 'Ah... Now that hits the spot. Just need a little something to go with it. You don't happen to have anything to eat, do you?' [if sandwich is carried by the player] You reach into your cloak to grab the sandwich, and offer it to him. However, rather than grab the sandwich, he grabs your arm- pulling it into his mouth with the sandwich. Hungrily, he scarfs you down along with the sandwich.[end if] [if sandwich is not carried by the player] 'No, sorry.' You apologize. 'Ah, that's a shame... Well, it can't be helped!' Iskandar chuckled- and grabs you by the arm, pulling it into his mouth. [end if] You're surprised by how easily you fit down his throat, despite the tight squeeze. You're plopped down into his stomach. 'Sorry about that, Robin! But beer on an empty stomach just won't do.' He chuckles, patting you roughly, before taking another chug of beer. The cold liquid splashes down around you, and you squirm. 'Ah, one can is just never enough. I think it's time to hit the bar!' You can hear him grin, as he gives you a smack. It isn't long before you're drowning in beer, with hardly any room to squirm in the man's tight stomach. Luckily for you, it slows the acids a little. Looks like you technically survived your date with Iskandar! For now..." ; end the game in victory. After giving Billy to Iskandar: say "Iskandar looks curiously at the servant slung over your shoulder. Billy is still wriggling in annoyance. 'Looks like you've got a nice catch there!' Iskandar chuckles. 'You want him?' You joke. Unfortunately, the man doesn't seem to get it. 'Well, I could use a bit of protein to help with me workout!' The man chuckles- and before you can stop him, he plucks Billy up from off your shoulder. You start to protest, as does Billy, but Iskandar either doesn't notice or isn't bothered by it, as he lowers the petite cowboy into his mouth. 'H-Hey! Rob, do something!' Billy hollers, shooting you an alarmed look. There isn't much you can do though, as he slides down Iskandar's throat. You can only watch as more and more of him disappears, until all that's left is his head, peeking out of the man's large mouth- and then, with a poke from his large finger, Billy is swallowed, vanishing down the man's throat. You watch the bulge his makes as he slides down, until it's no longer visible. You can hardly see him down in Iskandar's stomach... if not for the faint wriggling, you wouldn't even know he was there. Even with it, you can hardly tell... 'Aah, that hit the spot! Thanks for that, Robin!' Iskandar licks his lips in approval, before letting out a loud belch. You blush. W-Well, there goes Billy... At least it wasn't you?" After giving David to Iskandar: say "[if Billy is carried by Iskandar]'Well, well! You brought me seconds, I see!' Iskandar laughs aloud, grabbing David from your arms before you can say a thing. Just like before, you're hardly given a moment to protest, before David is being shoved down Iskandar's throat, rump first.[end if][if Billy is not carried by Iskandar]'Well, well! What do we have here?' Iskandar looks at your companion in amusement. 'Brought me a protein snack, I see?' You laugh. Surely, he's joking. 'Yeah, totally.' You joke. Iskandar laughs raucously- and then, he snatches David from your arms, and pops him into his mouth, rear first. You balk. W-Wait! That was supposed to be a joke![end if] 'W-W-Wait a moment! C-Can we not talk this through?' David laughs nervously, as Iskandar prods at him with a large finger, pushing him down deeper into his mouth. David squeaks and wriggles, letting out a whimper as he's swallowed whole. You feel your face warming up as Iskandar's mouth closes around David's folded body, and swallows him in one gulp. The lump he makes in his throat is massive. Just like that, David disappears, locked down in Iskandar's stomach. [if Billy is carried by Iskandar] With two Servants down there, the wriggling lump is a little more noticeable than before. You blush slightly. A-At least David and Billy can keep each other company? You really need to stop carrying Servants around Iskandar... What's his problem?! 'Aah... I'm getting a bit full. But that's just a challenge to work through! If you have any more snacks to offer, feel free to bring them by!' Iskandar laughs, then burps, then laughs some more, before going off to continue his workout. So long David, so long Billy...[end if][if Billy is not carried by Iskandar]You can hardly even notice him down there, the lump is so indistinct. Gulping, you press a hand to it. Iskandar chuckles. 'He was delicious! Thank you for that, Robin! I won't let him go to waste~' Iskandar whistles- and with that, sets off to continue his exercises. W-Well, so long, David... At least he'll be put to good use...?[end if]" After giving Cu to Iskandar: say "[if at least 2 people are carried by Iskandar] After carrying Cu out of the Simulation room, you notice Iskandar is still working out. Uh oh. He sees you coming, and grins. 'Well! It looks like you found me another snack!' He chuckles, eagerly reaching for Cu. 'Snack? The hell're you going on about?' Cu starts to ask, but his question is answered quickly, as he's stuffed into the Rider's mouth headfirst. He flails frantically, and you can only watch in embarrassment as the man gulps Cu down steadily. Cu's rump bobs up and down for a moment as Iskandar tastes his stomach through his spandex, and then, he slurps the rest down like a noodle. You find yourself blushing slightly. 'Aaaah... Now that really hits the spot. There's too many tasty Servants around here, Robin.' Iskandar sighs, rubbing his stomach. You can definitely see the bulge now, squirming frantically. 'Well, it's back to work! It'll take awhile to burn through all these calories.' He chuckles- and off he goes, to digest his meals. [end if] [if Billy is not carried by Iskandar and David is not carried by Iskandar] After carrying Cu out of the simulation room, you notice Iskandar is still working out. 'You want a workout buddy?' You ask, jokingly, as you carry Cu over to him. Iskandar looks at the two of you and grins. 'Why thank you, boy! I was just about to get myself a snack.' He laughs. Wait, a snack? You watch as the man grabs Cu from your shoulder. He's already flailing in protest. 'H-Hey, come on, Iskandar! We've been over thiiis-!' Cu howls, before being shoved into Iskandar's mouth head first. You watch, blushing, as the man takes his time tasting him, before swallowing him whole. You can just about make out the bulge he makes in his stomach. The man burps loudly, and you see one of Cu's earrings go skittering across the floor. 'Now that hits the spot!' He chuckles, patting his stomach roughly. 'Thank you, Robin! He should keep me going for a few more rounds.' He laughs, and then off he goes, back to his workout routine. So long Cu...[end if]" After giving cigarette to Iskandar: say "You offer your cigarette to Iskandar. He looks at it curiously, and tucks it in his pocket. 'Maybe later. Thank you!'" After giving lighter to Iskandar: say "You offer Cu's lighter to Iskandar. He looks at it curiously, and tucks it into his pocket. 'Thank you! I'll find a good use for it.'" After giving lyre to Iskandar: say "You hand David's lyre to Iskandar. He looks at it, impressed. 'This is a mighty fine instrument you've got on your hands!' [if David is carried by Iskandar]'It belonged to the, uh, protein snack you just had... The green haired one.' You say, blushing slightly. Iskandar blinks, and looks as if he's trying to remember. 'Ah, yes! The one that tasted like lamb. A very good snack, he was! You have good taste, Robin!' He chuckles. 'Well, I suppose I ought to look after it for him, since he won't be needing it any more.' He takes the lyre without hesitation, and puts it aside- but not before giving it a strum.[end if] [if David is not carried by Iskandar]'You can keep it, if you'd like.' For now. Iskandar grins. 'Why thank you boy! I'll take good care of it!' He puts it aside for now, to keep it out of the way of his workout.[end if]" After stealing lyre from Iskandar: say "Well, technically, it isn't yours to give anyway... [if David is carried by Iskandar]Besides, you're pretty sure David would rather you have it than the oaf that just ate him.[end if]" After giving headband to Iskandar: say "[if David is carried by Iskandar]You hand Iskandar David's headband. He looks it over, curious. 'It was David's.' You say. Iskandar looks at you blankly. 'The, uh. Protein snack? Green hair?' 'Oh! Yes, of course! Well, I'll take care of it for him then!' Iskandar chuckles, and pockets it.[end if] [if David is not carried by Iskandar]You hand David's headband to Iskandar. He looks at it curiously. 'This is a lovely trinket! Thank you, Robin. I'll keep a good eye on it.' He chuckles. [end if]" After stealing headband from Iskandar: say "You pilfer the headband from his pocket while he's busy stretching. You don't think he really needs it.... [if David is carried by Iskandar]Besides, you think David would probably want you to have it more than the meathead that made meat of him.[end if]" The Simulation Room is west of Training Room. "A large room, capable of running life-like simulations of nearly any environment, and any enemies that you've encountered. While it isn't possible to simulate places you're yet to visit, the alternating environments help to keep Servants sharp, and let them prepare for anything. It's also a nice place to blow off steam, for the more battle-hungry Servants." Cu Chulainn is a man in the Simulation Room. Cu Chulainn is holding a cigarette and a lighter. Understand "Lancer" as Cu Chulainn. Understand "Cu" as Cu Chulainn. The description of Cu Chulainn is "A tall man with a shock of blue hair, tied back in a ponytail. He's a cocky bastard, but a good smoking buddy if nothing else. A pretty decent guy to hang out with. He is carrying a cigarette, and a lighter." After greeting Cu Chulainn: say "'Yo,' You call out to Cu as you enter the room. He looks up and grins at you. 'Hey, Rob. You here to get your ass kicked?' He spins his spear eagerly. 'Nah, just wandering around. Don't mind me.' 'Alright, well, just let me know. I'd be happy to show you a thing or two.' Cu smirks, and then returns to his training." After flirting Cu Chulainn: say "'Say, Cu, are you tired?' You ask, leaning on the doorframe of the room. He looks at you curiously. 'No, why?' 'You sure? Cuz you've been running through my mind all day.' Ha. Perfect pick up line. You even shoot him a finger gun so he knows it was definitely a cheesy joke and not the real thing. You're definitely not blushing from embarrassment right now. It seems to take him a second to process what you said, but he lets out a laugh and grins at you. 'Good one.' He says, and it seems like he means it. Guess that's good?" After poking Cu: say "You give Cu a poke in the shoulder. He looks at you in confusion. 'Did ya want something?'" After petting Cu: say "You pet Cu's hair. It's surprisingly soft. He looks utterly content for a moment, even tapping his foot a bit when you scratch behind his ear. He snaps out of it a moment later, face red as he smacks your hand away. 'H-Hey, knock it off, will ya?! I'm tryna train.'" After giving book to Cu: say "'Hey, Cu, you a big reader?' You take out the book you stole, and offer it to him. He takes it. 'Not really... This thing looks pretty creepy, though. Don't recognize the language.' 'Ancient Greek, I believe. Swiped it from Gorgon.' 'Jeez, do you have a death wish?' Cu whistles. 'Well, I can't make much out of it. You can take it back, if you want, I don't got any use for it.'" After stealing book from Cu: say "You take the book back and tuck it away." After giving sandwich to Cu: say "'You hungry?' You offer Cu your uneaten sandwich. He takes it eagerly. 'Thanks! I've been training for a bit now, I wouldn't mind a snack.' He grins." After stealing sandwich from Cu: say "You try to swipe Cu's sandwich, but just as you're reaching for it, he sticks it in his mouth. How unfortunate that your hand just follows it, right between his teeth. He winds up eating your hand along with it, and coughs, startled. 'Oi, what're you doing?' He looks at you in confusion, and mild annoyance. 'Uh... Trying to grab the sandwich.' You admit, not sure what else to say. 'Didn't ya give that to me to eat?' He frowns at you- your hand still trapped in his mouth. 'You gettin stingy, Robin? Yeesh... Didn't think you'd be the type to try and taunt a guy with food.' He shakes his head- and then, continues eating your arm. 'Uh... You mind spitting that out?' You ask, bewildered, as you watch your arm steadily disappear down the man's throat. Cu swallows, and you're up to your shoulder. 'Sorry, but I'm feeling a lil stingy now.' He smirks. 'If you want your sandwich back, you can go get it- sound good?' His voice is teasing, like this is some big game. You try to pull your arm back, but it doesn't do much good- and then Cu is swallowing your head. And then, the rest of you. You thrash and squirm, but before long, you've already slid down his throat, and are trapped in his stomach. It's a tight fit, and you can feel the sandwich mush beneath you. Blehg. Cu pats you roughly, amused with himself. 'Now that's a good snack.' He chuckles. 'Guess I'm gonna have to get back to training if I wanna work you off~' 'H-Hey, is that really necessary?!' You whine, squirming in protest. 'Sorry kid~ I ain't the type to give up a free meal that easily. Next time, try to be a bit stealthier about that sort of thing.' Cu chuckles. 'Now get ready. I've got a few simulations I wanna run. Let's see how long you can hold on~' Suffice to say, by the third fight, you're long gone..." ; end the game in death. After giving beer to Cu: say "You hand Cu the beer you got from the fridge. Gratefully, he cracks it open and takes a swig. 'Aah. Nothin like a bit of beer after some training. You wanna go a few rounds, Rob? I could use a bit of target practice.' He smirks, challengingly. You consider it. 'Sure, why not?' The two of you get into battle positions. Cu downs the rest of his beer in one go, then tosses the can aside, getting ready to pounce. And pounce he does. You're thrown off by how fast he is- you forget that Lancers are usually speedy, and Cu Chulainn is one of the swifter guys around here. In an instant, he's atop you, grinning down at you in buzzed amusement. I-It usually takes a lot more than one can to get this guy buzzed! Was that some sort of special Servant beer, or something? 'Yknow what? I changed my mind.' Cu licks his lips. 'I think I could go for a snack instead of a spar.' He grins. Before you can protest, he's licking your forehead, and then, your head is in his mouth. You're surprised by how fast he's able to consume you, despite there not being much of a size difference. It's a damn tight squeeze, but he manages to get you down, gulping with a hungry determination, until you're curled up tight in his stomach, unable to do more than squirm. 'Ahh... Man, class advantage is a real kicker, aint it?' He snickers to himself, giving you a pat. 'Thanks for the beer though! I'll have to treat ya later.' He laughs jovially, and then returns to his training as if nothing happened, leaving you to jostle about and digest." ; end the game in death. After giving bottle to Cu: say "You offer Cu the bottle you found in the kitchen. You aren't sure what to do with it, but maybe he can find a use for it. Curious, he opens the bottle and gives it a sniff. 'Smells pretty nice. You found it in the kitchen? Must be some ingredient or something.' With a shrug, he takes a sip of it. Suddenly, Lancer shrinks. You look on in surprise, as his body suddenly decreases in size, leaving him only a couple inches tall. 'O-Oi! What's the big idea?! You little shit- what are you playing at?!' The man barks, looking glaring up at you. 'I-I had no idea it would do that!' You insist, crouching down to look at him better. 'But man, that thing sure did a number on you... You look like a little toy now.' You chuckle, plucking him up. 'Hey, put me down! I may look like a toy, but I can still kill ya! Or... I can take your eye out, at least!' He swings his toothpick-spear at you threateningly. You manage to catch it between your fingers, and pull it from his grasp. 'You look kind of like a gummy or something.' You smirk, dangling him in front of your face. 'I wonder how you taste?' You don't wait for his response before popping him into your mouth. He squirms violently inside, but it only makes him easier to taste. He reminds you of a steak. You suckle on him for a few minutes, before swallowing him. You feel his tiny body squirm down your throat, before popping out in your stomach. Woah. Did you really just do that? 'Heh, sorry Cu. Don't know what came over me.' You give your stomach a rub. Well... It couldn't hurt to keep him in there for a bit, right~?" ; end the game in victory. After stealing cigarette from Cu: say "You notice that Cu has some cigarettes on him, and decide to bum one off him. Except, you know, you skip the asking part. He doesn't seem to notice." After giving cigarette to Cu: say "You offer Cu his cigarette. He grins at you, unaware that it's his. 'Ah, thanks man! I could always use an extra, I'm running low.'" After stealing lighter from Cu: say "You notice Cu has a lighter on him. It's nice looking... Blue and silver, much like his armor, with a wolf chiseled into it. Real fancy. You can't help yourself, and wind up pilfering it while he isn't paying attention. This thing is real nice... You'll have to give it back later." After giving lighter to Cu: say "You hand Cu his lighter. He takes it from you, looking at it curiously, then scowls at you. 'Hey, what gives? You pickpocketing me or something? Come on ya little punk, if you're gonna go stealing stuff at least take something I won't miss...' He pockets it grumpily, but his expression relaxes again after a minute. 'Ah, well. At least ya gave it back. Don't go snoopin around in my pockets again, alright?" After giving Billy to Cu: say "You place Billy down by Cu. He looks on in amusement. 'Here ya go. New sparring partner.' You chuckle. 'H-Hey! You don't get to go decide that!' Billy whines in protest. Cu just shakes his head, entertained by your antics." After stealing Billy from Cu: say "Well, that was fun. You scoop Billy back up, tossing him over your shoulder again. 'Aw, come on! Give it a rest, will ya?! I can walk by myself ya know?' He complains. Cu watches the two of you, snickering slightly." After giving cereal to Cu: say "You offer Cu Billy's cereal. He accepts the bowl, looking at it in a bit of confusion. 'Kinda late for breakfast, huh?' He chuckles, but keeps it nonetheless. 'Thanks!'" After stealing cereal from Cu: say "Since Cu doesn't seem that interested in the cereal, you just take it back after he puts it down and returns to his training. You doubt he'll notice it's gone." After giving card game to Cu: say "You hand Cu the deck of cards you took from Billy. 'Woah, nice! You wanna play a round?' He asks. 'I thought you were training?' You raise an eyebrow. He waves his hand and plops down on the ground. 'Eh, I'm always training. When I start and stop doesn't really matter. Come on, let's play a few rounds! I'll go easy on ya~' You play a few card games with Cu, until you both get bored." After stealing card game from Cu: say "Once the game is over, you take the cards back, simple as that. Not really stealing, but whatever." After giving David to Cu: say "You hold David out to Cu. Since he seems to like being carried by you so much, maybe he'll like getting carried around by another, taller guy too? Well, whatever your rationalization is, you hand him off to Lancer. Cu looks at you, confused, but chuckles and accepts him. 'Um, hello there!' David chuckles nervously. 'Hello yourself. Haven't seen you around here much before. You look like you'd make a pretty good snack.' Cu smirks, playful as he licks his lips. Wait a minute, what? You watch in shock as Cu gulps down David. He grips him firmly by his shoulders, feeding him in steadily. David's legs flail in surprise as Cu swallows him. Wh-What the hell?! You're too shocked to do anything, as Cu swallows the rest of David down. He doesn't rest until David is curled up tight in his stomach, making a nice, squirming lump inside. 'W-What the hell man?!' You cry. Cu looks at you, blushing slightly. He rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment. 'Heh, sorry about that! Don't know what came over me! Sometimes I just can't help myself, especially around Archers. That class advantage makes you guys a little too tempting not to eat.' He grins sheepishly. You look down at poor David, squirming away. 'Well, thanks for the snack, anyway! I'm gonna go try and work this guy off. See ya later!' You try to protest, but he's already taken off to continue his training. W-Well, so much for that..." ; end the story. After giving lyre to Cu: say "[if David is carried by Gorgon]You hand Cu the lyre you took from David. Cu whistles, taking it from your hands. 'Wow, this is pretty nice! I used to play something sort of like this. Tried to, anyway- dunno if I was any good.' He chuckled. 'You sure it's alright for me to have this?' 'Yeah.' You nod, feeling a bit gloomy. Not like David is going to need it anymore...[end if] [if David is carried by Iskandar]You hand Cu the lyre you took from David. Cu whistles, taking it from your hands. 'Wow, this is pretty nice! I used to play something sort of like this. Tried to, anyway- dunno if I was any good.' He chuckled. 'You sure it's alright for me to have this?' 'Yeah.' You nod, feeling a bit gloomy. Not like David is going to need it anymore...[end if] [if David is carried by the player] You hand David's lyre to Cu. David looks embarrassed and confused. 'Wow, this is pretty nice! This yours?' Cu whistles, looking at David. 'Yes, it is... I suppose you could borrow it, for now...' 'Heh, thanks! I'll keep a good eye on it.' Cu winks. David blushes slightly.[end if][if David is not carried by the player]You hand Cu the lyre you took from David. Cu whistles, taking it from your hands. 'Wow, this is pretty nice! I used to play something sort of like this. Tried to, anyway- dunno if I was any good.' He chuckled. 'You sure it's alright for me to have this?' You nod. 'Don't see why not.' Not like you can't take it back later, if you want it.[end if]" After stealing lyre from Cu: say "[if David is carried by the player]While Cu isn't looking, you swipe the lyre back. David looks relieved. Maaaybe you shouldn't just give people's stuff away right in front of them?[end if][if David is carried by Iskandar]Screw it, you might as well keep the thing. David would probably rather you have it, than some random guy he hardly knew, right?[end if][if David is carried by Gorgon]Screw it, you might as well keep the thing. David would probably rather you have it, than some random guy he hardly knew, right?[end if][if David is not carried by the player]While Cu isn't paying attention, you swipe the lyre back. David is probably gonna want it back soon anyway.[end if]" After giving headband to Cu: say "[if David is carried by the player]You place David's headband on Cu. David giggles slightly, but tries to cover his mouth, smiling in amusement. 'What? What is it?' Cu asks, apparently not noticing his new accessory. 'I got something on my face?'[end if][if David is not carried by the player]You put David's headband on Cu. It looks nice in his dark blue hair, and the silvery color matches his armor pretty well. 'What was that for?' Cu chuckles, looking at himself in one of the shinier panels on the wall. 'Hey, that doesn't look half bad!'[end if]" After stealing headband from Cu: say "Alright, dress up time is over. While Cu is busy stretching, you swipe the headband back. He doesn't seem to notice." After bellyrubbing Cu: say "You rub Cu's stomach. He's very toned, like a lot of the more warrior-type Servants around here. You're not sure why you're doing this. You blush, when you realize what you're doing, and that Cu is looking down at you in amusement. 'S-Sorry.' You pull back your hand, embarrassed." After taking Cu: say "You manage to heave Cu up over your shoulder. It is not an easy task. He's got a few inches on you, and he's definitely a bit more muscular. He also thrashes a whole bunch. 'Oi! What's gotten into you? Y'think you're a big guy now, huh?' He grunts, trying to get out of your grip. He nearly knocks you over. 'Heh. Let's see how long you can hold me before you fall over, arrow boy.' He smirks." Every turn when Cu Chulainn is carried: if a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds: say "[one of]Cu lets out a bored sigh, blowing at his bangs.[or]Cu drums on your shoulder in boredom.[or]'Getting tired yet?' Cu chuckles.[or]'You've gotta be getting bored of this by now, right?' Cu sighs. [or]Cu yawns.[at random]".