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Selkie Snacks
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When play begins: say "WARNING. THIS GAME IS NSFW. IT CONTAINS SOFT AND HARD VORE, DIGESTION, AND SCAT/DISPOSAL. IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 OR DISTURBED BY ANY OF THIS CONTENT, DO NOT CONTINUE. . Welcome! This is a short interactive game where you play as Robin, a seal-boy, and can play around with and eat, digest, and dispose of his human friend David. Try some different actions and see what you can get up to with your prey in various states! If you need suggestions for what sorts of actions you can do, feel free to check the source- I've listed all the actions at the start so you can view them without spoiling the reactions they prompt. Enjoy!" The Pier is a room. "It's a sunny day at the pier, and Robin is in a playful mood. The waters are calm and glistening, the sun is high, and the weather is warm." Talking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "talk to [something]" as talking. Churning is an action applying to one thing. Understand "churn [something]" as churning. Nuzzling is an action applying to one thing. Understand "nuzzle [something]" as nuzzling. Cuddling is an action applying to one thing. Understand "cuddle [something]" as cuddling. Nipping is an action applying to one thing. Understand "nip [something]" as nipping. Petting is an action applying to one thing. Understand "pet [something]" as petting. Licking is an action applying to one thing. Understand "lick [something]" as licking. Nibbling is an action applying to one thing. Understand "nibble [something]" as nibbling. Biting is an action applying to one thing. Understand "bite [something]" as biting. Devouring is an action applying to one thing. Understand "devour [something]" as devouring. Lying on is an action applying to one thing. Understand "lie on [something]" as lying on. Disposing of is an action applying to one thing. Understand "dispose of [something]" as disposing of. Digesting is an action applying to one thing. Understand "digest [something]" as digesting. A person can be digested or undigested. A person is usually undigested. Greeting is an action applying to one thing. Understand "greet [something]" as greeting. Gnawing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "gnaw [something]" as gnawing. Chewing is an action applying to one thing. Understand "chew [something]" as chewing. Throwing up is an action applying to one thing. Understand "throw up [something]" as throwing up. David is a man in The Pier. The description of David is “[if David is not in stomach]David. Your good old buddy~ A lithe young man with brown skin and curly green hair. He's a marine biologist by profession, but he likes diving in his free time. Currently he's wearing something that looks like a diving suit, but shows off his arms and legs. He looks relaxed.[end if][if David is in stomach and David is undigested]A squirming lump in your stomach. You can almost make out David's features in there- the round of his head, his little hands and feet pushing outward irritably as he tries to kick up a fuss~ It's hard to decide if he looks cuter outside of your stomach, or in it~[end if][if David is digested]Poor little David. Not much to look at anymore~ Just a nice bit of extra squish on your stomach~[end if]” The can't take other people rule is not listed in any rulebook. A stomach is a container. A stomach is carried by the player. The description of stomach is "[if David is not in stomach]Just a normal, fuzzy stomach. Tragically empty... You might want to do something about that soon.[end if][if David is in stomach and David is undigested]A full and squirming stomach~ Just as it ought to be.[end if][if David is digested]A soft, plump stomach- just how nature intended.[end if]" Bones are an object. After greeting David: say "[if David is not in stomach]Swimming up to the pier, you heave yourself up with ease, plopping down beside the smaller human sitting there. He looks up, startled at first, before realizing it's just you, and smiling happily. 'Hey there, David~' You grin toothily at him. 'Hello, Robin! What a pleasant surprise. I was just taking a break from swimming. Would you like to sit with me?' He pats the spot next to him, and you oblige. 'What have you been up to today?'[end if][if David is in stomach and David is undigested]'So, how's the weather down there?' You tease, rubbing at your stomach playfully. David squirms, and lets out a loud 'harumph!' of disapproval. 'Very funny, Robin. You are quite the comedian. Now, are you going to let me out any time soon?'[end if][if David is digested]'How's it going in there?' You smirk, giving your stomach a rub. You mush it about, but all you get for a response is a bit of burbling. 'That good, huh~?' You chuckle.[end if]" Instead of smelling David: say "[if David is not in stomach]You sniff at the top of David's hair, breathing in his scent. The smell of the ocean around you has left him with a saltiness, but his own unique scent is mixed in there too. He always smells a bit like lamb, or at least what you imagine lamb ought to smell like. It's strangely mouthwatering...[end if][if David is in stomach]You can't really smell him anymore, now that he's in your stomach. But that's a pretty fair trade off in your opinion~[end if]" Instead of smelling bones: say "[if bones are in stomach]You can't smell anything from out here.[end if][if bones are not in stomach]You sniff at the bones, pawing at them a bit with your flipper. They smell faintly of David. A nice little memory of him.[end if]" After talking David: if David is not in stomach: say "[one of]'It's lovely weather out today, isn't it?' David smiles, looking out at the sun glistening on the water. You nod in agreement. Perfect day for a picnic, really.[or]'You seem like you're in a good mood! Did you want to do something today?' David asks. You look over the water thoughtfully. 'Eh... Maybe later. Just wanna relax right now.' 'Relaxing is always good!' David nods in approval, before going back to admiring the ocean.[or]'It's rather hot out... I might go for a swim in a bit, to cool off.' David smiles serenely, dipping his feet into the water.[or]'I'm a bit hungry, to be honest... I wonder what we should do for lunch.' David sighs airily. Your stomach growls slightly. You could really go for some lunch right now.[or]'It would be nice to go to an amusement park sometime. They're always so expensive, though...' David says, almost to himself. A theme park would be fun, though.[at random]".; if David is in stomach and David is undigested: say "[one of]'Th-This isn't very funny you know, Robin!'[or]'Alright, you've had your fun. Now, let me out! ... Please?'[or]'Robiiiiiin... Let me oooout! It's far too hot to be stuck in here!' David whines, wriggling about in determination.[or]David doesn't respond, other than to give you a sharp 'hmmph!' of indignation. You can almost hear his pout.[or]'It's too cramped in here, Robin... Are you lying on your stomach?' David complains with a whine.[at random]".; if David is digested: say "[one of]All you hear are the gentle gurgles of your stomach, as David is churned away~[or]Your stomach burbles, otherwise silent, the remnants of David nothing more than goop.[or]'Helloooo, anyone home?' You ask with a chuckle, patting at your stomach. All you get in response is a few wet gurgles, then silence. So long, David~[or]'You alright in there David~?' You tease. All you receive for a reply is a satisfied groan from your stomach.[or]You pat at your stomach playfully, trying to see if David is still alive in there. You manage to coax a burp from yourself, a piece of David's diving suit fluttering from your jaws as you do so. Guess that answers that.[at random]".; After talking bones: say "Not a very talkative fellow, unfortunately." After churning David: say "[if David is not in stomach]Your stomach growls hungrily, but can't do anything while it's empty.[end if][if David is in stomach and David is undigested]Your stomach groans contentedly around its prisoner, seeming to tighten around him. You can hear him whining his complaints at you, but they're nearly drowned out by the noises of your stomach, eagerly awaiting the chance to digest.[end if][if David is digested]Your stomach gurgles a bit, and you rub at it, enjoying the softness now that David has been melted away. It eagerly works through whatever's left of him, dutifully churning his body to turn it into something more useful.[end if]" After churning bones: say "[if bones are not in stomach]Can't churn much if it's not in your stomach.[end if][if bones are in stomach]You rub at your stomach, feeling a hard, firm lump within, that refuses to turn to mush. Even as your stomach continues gurgling what's left of David, his bones won't be going anywhere any time soon~[end if]" After nuzzling David: say "[if David is not in stomach]You rub your head against David's shoulder, your fuzzy hood ruffling against his skin. He giggles, trying not to get knocked over by the force of something nearly twice his size rubbing against him like a kitten. 'What's gotten into you?' He laughs, and reached out to pet your head. You purr, comforted by the action.[end if][if David is in stomach and David is undigested]You attempt to rub your head against your stomach, but you can't quite reach it. Nonetheless, you do your best to nuzzle David, trying to show your affection to him while he sits inside your stomach. He doesn't seem too thrilled by your movements, only succeeding in become more squished around by them. 'R-Robin, are you planning on letting me out any time soon?' He asks, a pout audible in his voice.[end if][if David is digested]You do your best to nuzzle against your softened stomach, purring as it sloshes noisily against your touch. David's whines and complaints can no longer be heard, but he's still as noisy as ever~[end if]" After nuzzling bones: say "[if bones are in stomach]You rub at your stomach affectionately, feeling the firm lump within that refuses to digest.[end if][if bones are not in stomach]Feeling strangely affectionate, you scoop the bones close to you in your flipper, rubbing against them like a cat with its favorite toys. They're not exactly comfortable to nuzzle, but they're smooth, and the knowledge that they're a part of David makes you feel attached to them.[end if]" After cuddling David: say "[if David is not in stomach]You wrap your arms (flippers?) around David, and rest your chin on his shoulder, snuggling up against him comfortably. You can feel him tense ever so slightly, and you see his cheeks flush, but he relaxes after a moment, leaning his head against yours somewhat timidly.[end if][if David is in stomach and David is undigested]You wrap your arms (flippers?) around your rounded stomach, snuggling David affectionately. You feel him shift around inside, probably trying to get comfortable- a pretty impossible endeavor~ You enjoy the sensation though, and lie down on top of him, so he can get an even more thorough cuddle from you~[end if][if David is digested]You cuddle your softened stomach, enjoying the new layer of squishiness David has donated to you. He still looks cute and cuddle, even as an extra bit of fat~ As if to agree with you (or maybe to protest), whatever's left of him gurgles a bit.[end if]" After cuddling bones: say "[if bones are in stomach]You rub at your stomach affectionately, knowing David's leftovers are still in there.[end if][if bones are not in stomach]Scooping up David's bones in your flippers, you cuddle them like you might a plush toy. They're not the most cuddly things around, but the fact that it's David- or was David, you suppose- leaves you feeling affectionate toward the inanimate objects nonetheless.[end if]" After nipping David: say "[if David is not in stomach]You nip at David's shoulder teasingly, causing him to jump. 'R-Robin! Don't do that, you'll tear a hole in my swimsuit.' He huffs, looking over it to make sure there's no damage. You chuckle. 'Sorry about that~ Here, how about this?' You nip at the back of his neck instead, and he lets out a squeak, as he tries to squirm away~[end if][if David is in stomach]Can't reach him down there.[end if]" After nipping bones: say "[if bones are in stomach]You can't reach them down there.[end if][if bones are not in stomach]You nip at the top of David's skull playfully, before batting it about, listening to it rattle as you roll it from side to side. It'll make a fun toy~[end if]" After petting David: say "[if David is not in stomach]You flop your paw atop David's head, giving him a pat. You attempt to pet him, but your flippers aren't really great for the job. David seems a bit confused at first, but eventually realizes what you're doing, and chuckles. He reaches up to give your flipper a pat in return.[end if][if David is in stomach and David is undigested]You rub at your stomach, purring as you feel David squish about beneath your paw. He whines, squirming back in retaliation. 'Robiiiin... Let me ooouuut!' He whines. Heh. As if~[end if][if David is digested]You rub at your stomach, feeling it squish softly beneath your paw. David is nothing but mush now, soft and without resistance, free for you to play with to your hearts desire.[end if]" After petting bones: say "[if bones are in stomach]You pet your stomach, stroking along the firm bumps the bones make beneath your touch. It was pretty generous of David to leave you with more than just an extra bit of pudge~[end if][if bones are not in stomach]You give David's skull an affectionate pat. It's smooth, if still a bit slimy from your insides, but picked perfectly clean. Your stomach made efficient work of David. You're sure he'd be proud~[end if]" After licking David: say "[if David is not in stomach]You lick David, large tongue slopping over his face to get a taste. He pulls back, spluttering, confused and blushing. He tastes really good...[end if][if David is in stomach]You try to lean down and lick your stomach, but aren't quite able to reach it. Oh well...[end if]" After licking bones: say "[if bones are in stomach]Unfortunately, you can't do that while they're in there.[end if][if bones are not in stomach]You run your tongue along the outside of David's skull, before teasing it through the eye holes, and underneath the jaw. It's just bone, so it doesn't taste a whole lot like anything... But there's a faint, lingering bit of flavor on there, that tastes just a little bit like David, so you can't help but continue to lick it, wanting to get every last bit of flavor that you can.[end if]" After nibbling David: say "[if David is not in stomach]You nibble lightly on David's neck. He jerks back, startled. You lick your lips, and nibble him again, teasingly. David chuckles, seeming embarrassed. 'R-Robin? What are you doing?' He asks.[end if][if David is in stomach]You attempt to lean down and nibble on your stomach, but are unable to reach it. Oh well...[end if]" After nibbling bones: say "[if bones are in stomach]Can't nibble'em from here.[end if][if bones are not in stomach]You nibble on the end of a long bone that you think might have been part of one of David's legs, getting a tiny taste of it. It's not much to write home about, but... it still tastes a little like David.[end if]" Instead of tasting David: say "[if David is not in stomach]You lick David's back, running your tongue up to his neck, smacking your lips slightly. You feel him shudder in surprise at the feeling of something hot and wet sliding against his skin. He tastes salty, a combination of the sea water and sweat from the heat, but more importantly than that, he tastes like David. Meaty and delicious, just waiting to be eaten...[end if][if David is in stomach]You can't taste David again, but the aftertaste still lingers in your mouth. You lick your teeth, enjoying the flavor as much as your can while it still lasts...[end if]" Instead of tasting bones: say "[if bones are in stomach]You can't taste them in there.[end if][if bones are not in stomach]You lick David's bones, suckling on one of the smaller ones to try and eke out its flavor. They are smooth beneath your tongue, tasting of little, but the faint and lingering flavor of David... It makes your mouth water, and you continue to lick and taste them, savoring whatever is left.[end if]" After biting David: say "[if David is not in stomach]You bite down on David's shoulder, gnawing on him gently. Not hard enough to do any serious damage, but enough that he definitely notices what you're doing. He laughs nervously, and you can feel him subtly attempting to pull away- but he's unable to with your teeth latched around him. Said teeth accidentally break skin, ever so slightly, and you lick at the tiny wound, getting a taste of sweet and salty metallic flavor. Ah... You didn't realize how good a human could taste...[end if][if David is in stomach]That ship has sailed already.[end if]" After biting bones: say "[if bones are in stomach]Can't do that.[end if][if bones are not in stomach]You chomp down on the bones, but only succeed in hurting your teeth. Jeez, why did you think that would be a good idea?[end if]" After devouring David: say "Your stomach growls, hungrily. David is sitting before you, smelling so good, tasting even better. Your hunger overtakes you, as you decide you can't go any longer with David outside of you. Flopping atop him, you lick your lips, gazing down at your meal. David hardly has a moment to react, before you've sunk your teeth in. His taste fills your mouth, flooding your senses, and you eagerly tear into him, eating him quickly, not wanting to waste a single bit. The warmth of his body entering yours, sliding down your throat and filling your stomach, is enough to make you shudder with bliss. It takes a moment to realize you've polished him off. You lick your lips, and then your teeth, getting whatever bits you've missed as you see there's nothing left before you. Damn... Maybe you shouldn't have eaten him so quickly. Your stomach gurgles in contentment though, pleased to be filled. Lying down on the pier, you stretch out to sun yourself, and lounge in the pleasure of your meal." ; now David is in stomach; now David is digested; now bones are in stomach; After devouring bones: say "[if bones are in stomach]You already did that~[end if][if bones are not in stomach]Once again a ravenous predator, you descend upon the pile of bones, hungrily gulping them back to your stomach one by one. It's a little uncomfortable, but it still feels satisfying to have them sizzling in your gut once more.[end if]"; now bones are in stomach; Instead of eating David: say "[if David is not in stomach]Your stomach growls hungrily, and you realize you haven't eaten today. It's fortunate then, that you have such a convenient meal right in front of you~ Licking your lips, you push David to the boards of the dock gently, pinning him beneath your flippers as you look him over. The size discrepancy between the two of you really makes things easy~ 'R-Robin? What's gotten into you?' David chuckles, looking confused, and just a tiny bit concerned. You answer his question with a slurp, running your tongue up from his chest to his face. Aah... Delicious~ There's no way someone this tasty can go uneaten~ You see his eyes widen for a split second, before your mouth descends, gulping him in head-first. It only takes a matter of seconds to get his shoulders to your throat, tasting him thoroughly with each gulp. He squirms, and you can hear his muffled protests, but you're much too focused on getting him where he belongs- your stomach. It's a bit of a tight squeeze, but David slides down your throat with remarkable ease, settling in your stomach as if he were made for it. You let out a content sigh, tongue lolling from your mouth, as David starts squirming inside.[end if][if David is in stomach]That ship has already sailed~[end if]"; Now David is in stomach; Instead of eating bones: say "Picking up one of David's leg bones as best you can in your flipper, you turn it over a few times, before inserting it in your mouth, and gulping it down. It's not as pleasant a sensation as swallowing David, but knowing they're a part of David makes it enjoyable nonetheless. You swallow the other leg bone, and what you assume was part of his arm. One by one, the bones disappear back to your gut, until all that's left is the skull... You give it a playful smirk, licking up its 'face', before gulping it down as well. It's good to take care of your toys after playing with them, after all~"; now bones are in stomach; After lying on David: say "[if David is not in stomach]You flop down on top of David, all but flattening him beneath your weight. He yelps in surprise, crushed under you. 'R-Robin! What are you doing?' He huffs, attempting to pull himself out from beneath you. You nestle down though, resting atop him peacefully.[end if][if David is in stomach and David is undigested]You flop down onto your stomach, resting your full weight atop David. You can feel him wriggling inside, now even more trapped in place than before. His squirms feel good, and you pant slightly, enjoying the sensation...[end if][if David is in stomach and David is digested]You flop down onto your stomach. It squishes beneath you, soft and gently gurgling. It feels comfortable to rest atop it, soft and squishy... David made a good meal, but now he's made for a good pillow~[end if]" After lying on bones: say "[if bones are in stomach]You lie on your stomach, squishing your weight against everything inside. You can feel the firm edges of the bones in your stomach, undigested by the acids. They make it a bit uncomfortable to rest, honestly.[end if][if bones are not in stomach]Like some sort of dragon, you pull the mess of scattered bones beneath you, and nestle atop them, as if making it your nest, or your hoard of treasure~ It's not the most comfortable place to rest, but it still amuses you.[end if]" After gnawing David: say "[if David is not in stomach]Flopping over a bit, you rest against David's back, and begin to gnaw on his shoulder, as if gnawing on a chewtoy. Not hard enough to do much more than maybe leave a couple of bruises, but enough to enjoy the sensation and flavor of your favorite snack~ David doesn't seem too thrilled, though. 'R-Robin, do you mind? I need that arm for work...' He huffs, attempting to pull away from your jaws.[end if][if David is in stomach]Can't do much gnawing when he's in there.[end if]" After gnawing bones: say "[if bones are in stomach]Can't do much while they're in there.[end if][if bones are not in stomach]You gnaw on David's skull, enjoying the smoothness beneath your teeth. It's like gnawing on a hard piece of candy~ Except it's David flavored~ The best sort. You feel a bit like a dog, gnawing on bones, but it's satisfying, so you continue to enjoy yourself.[end if]" After chewing David: say "[if David is not in stomach]Bored, you snatch up David between your jaws, and begin to chew on him, as if he were a chewtoy. You gnaw on either side of his waist, while he starts to flail about, startled and confused. 'R-Robihinn-! That tickles! St-Stop, haha!' He bursts into a fit of giggles, as you continue to nibble and chew on him, enjoying his taste and the feeling of him between your jaws...[end if][if David is in stomach]Unfortunately, it seems like you're past that point now.[end if]" After chewing bones: say "[if bones are in stomach]Can't do much while they're in there.[end if][if bones are not in stomach]You begin to chew on one of David's bones, like a dog might. It's firm between your teeth, but it feels satisfying to mess around with it, gnawing on it like a chewtoy~[end if]" After digesting David: say "Your stomach begins to gurgle and whine, noisier than before. It's been patient, waited as long as it could, but there was only so long you could delay the inevitable~ If something's in there, then it's food, and there's only one fate for food- even if it's your best friend~ You can feel David starting to squirm more fervently. 'H-Haha, Robin, I think it's time for you to let me out now!' You hear him laugh nervously, as his wriggles strengthen. Your stomach is tight around him, and you roll onto your front, feeling him pinned between your weight and the pier below. His squirms are heightened by the pressure, and you shudder in delight, as they begin to increase, writhing inside of you, rubbing up against the walls of your flesh. It feels so good, you never want it to stop- you want this ecstasy to go on for as long as possible. Sadly, all good things must come to an end. It only lasts a short while, before David's wriggling begins to weaken, slowly petering off until it's faded completely, overtaken by the content burbling of your stomach. You pant softly, still quivering slightly from the delightful feeling. David's taste still lingers on your tongue..."; now David is digested; now bones are in stomach; After digesting bones: say "That's not gonna work out." After throwing up David: if David is digested: say "Yeah... You'd rather not do that. The mess would be pretty gnarly, and you're not sure you want your memories of David tarnished by that imagery. You'd much rather remember him as a cute bit of pudge~"; stop the action; otherwise: if David is undigested: say "Feeling merciful, or maybe just wanting to play a bit longer, you decide to heed David's pleas for freedom. Gagging slightly, you manage to hurk him back up your esophagus, opening your mouth wide to allow him to land back on the pier with a soft 'splat'. He looks dazed, and plenty slimy, but other than that, he looks fine. Some meals are so good you just want to enjoy them twice, after all~"; now David is in pier; continue the action; After throwing up bones: say "There's a strange tickle in the back of your throat, and you cough a bit, starting to gag. Oh, blech... Looks like your stomach wasn't able to finish off all of David. With a clatter, a nice shiny skull falls to the ground, followed by some other bones. Aw, how nice of David to leave you a souvenir~"; now bones are in pier; Instead of kissing [David]: say "[if David is not in stomach]You look at David, his cute face, his content smile, and you feel a strong wave of affection come over you. As fun as it is to bully him, you really are fond of him. He's a good friend, and you always appreciate his company... Without thinking much of it, you lean down and kiss him. David blinks, startled, before tenderly returning the action. A-Ah. Did you actually just do that?! J-Jeez. Now you're both blushing. It doesn't seem like he minded much, though...[end if][if David is in stomach]You try to lean down and give your stomach a kiss, but sadly, you can't reach it...[end if]" Instead of kissing [bones]: say "[if bones are not in stomach]That feels a bit weird... Embarrassed at the thought, you shake your head. But, you give his skull an affectionate little lick, at least.[end if][if bones are in stomach]Wh-Why would you even do that?! Besides, you can't kiss them if they're in your stomach, anyway.[end if]" After disposing of David: say "After awhile, you start to feel a tightness in your bowels. It looks like your stomach made pretty efficient work of David. He'd be pleased with that~ He always was a stickler for things being efficient. It's only fitting he got to go out that way~ Waddling to the edge of the pier, you hang your rear over it, hind flippers dipping into the water as you do. Taking a deep breath, you focus on pushing, easing David out. The slow, steady release of pressure as what's left of him slides out is almost as pleasant as the sensation of digesting him. You feel relieved, as you hear him start to plop into the water, sinking down to the sand below. You wonder if he'll get washed up on shore, or carried out deeper into the water~ Maybe some fish or something will come nibble on him. You're sure he'd appreciate being useful to the ocean life he was so fascinated by~ With a grunt and a final push, the rest of David is shunted out, relieving your bowels of any lingering discomfort. You feel refreshed, as you glance down at the mess you've made of David. Poor guy~ You give him an appreciative nod, before pulling yourself back up, and waddling to the end of the pier. Not much sense in lingering around, now that you've finished things up. You've gotten all you could out of David~ With one last appreciative nod in 'his' direction, you dive into the water, carrying on with your day as if nothing ever happened."; end the story