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the schack is a room. "You find yourself in a small dimly lit room. There is a torch on the west wall, and large cardboard box in the center of the room. Along the north wall is an old door" the old door is a locked closed door and scenery. it is north of the schack and south of the garden. The rusty key unlocks the old door a container called a box is here. the description is "The box is old and covered in dust. It is shoe box sized. The tape along the top is yellowed and shouldn't offer much resistance if you want to open it." the box is a closed openable container a container called a pistol is in the box. a thing called a note is in the box. the description is "The small yellowed piece of paper simply says 'Good luck, you're gonna need it' " the pistol is a closed openable container. the description is "It's dangerous to go alone. Take this." a thing called rusty key is in the box. the description is "this old skeleton key appears to be the key to open the door exiting this room." a things called bullets are in the box. the description is "There are 9 bullets for the pistol." a thing called torch is here. it is lit. the description is "this torch is hanging from a holder on the wall. You may want to take it with you, it's dark outside." the garden is a dark room. "you find your self in an old fenced off garden. To the south you can see the shack you started in and to the north is a large gothic looking mansion. There is a door accessible from the garden. All the plants in the garden are long since dead. In the center of the garden is a dried up fountain." a container called fountain is here. the fountain is an open container. it is scenery. the description is "this fountain is long dried now. In it are the remains of the fish that once swam there, and hanging off the small statue swan in the center of it is a silver medallion." a thing called silver medallion is in the fountain. a thing called dead fish is in the fountain. the description is "these fish are nothing but skeletons now. This fountain must have dried up long ago." Large door is a closed door and scenery. it is south of the kitchen and north of the garden. the kitchen is a dark room. " you find yourself standing in the old kitchen. It is long abandoned and there are pots and pans all over the place. In the corner you can make out the silhouette of a person." the zombie is a man in the kitchen. the description is "The zombie shambles towards you with it's arms raised. it calls out 'BRAAAAAAAINS' "