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A Cold Frosty Morning
Kevin Hansen
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"A Cold Frosty Morning" by Kevin and Samuel Hansen [hidden objects] Chapter 1 - Properties and attributes A thing can be hidden or revealed. A thing has an object called the original location. Chapter 2 - Floating objects - Unindexed Definition: a door is double-sided if the front side of it is not nothing and the back side of it is not nothing. Definition: a thing is multi-location: if it is a double-sided door, yes; if it is a backdrop, yes; no. A thing can be Inform library absent. A thing is usually not Inform library absent. The Inform library absent property translates into I6 as "absent". To surreptitiously remove (T - a thing) from play: (- remove {T}; -). Chapter 3 - Removing initially hidden objects from play When play begins: repeat with T running through hidden things: hide T. Chapter 4 - Hiding and revealing To reveal (T - a thing): now T is revealed; if T is multi-location: now T is not Inform library absent; now T is not undescribed; update backdrop positions; otherwise: move T to the original location of T. To hide (T - a thing): now T is hidden; if T is multi-location: now T is Inform library absent; now T is undescribed; surreptitiously remove T from play; otherwise: change the original location of T to the holder of T; remove T from play. The backyard is a room. "Your backyard is mostly grass with a small hill in the back angling upward toward the fence. Looking north, you can see the basketball court." The fence is in the backyard. "A wooden fence, crippled with age, wraps around your backyard." It has the description "In the yellow aged wood, you can see claw marks gouged across the planks." The court is north of the backyard. "A small basketball court, yes, but it has all the essentials.[if banana peel is in the court and player is unfallen]. Good thing you looked a little closer. You'll really want to put the banana peel in the garbage can before you dunk and trip on it [else if banana peel is in the court and player is fallen]. Good thing you looked a little closer. You'll really want to put the banana peel in the garbage can before you dunk and trip on it again.[end if]" The basketball is in the court. It is portable. "A basketball is lying here on the ground". It has the description "Looking closely, you see the ball is orange and has the letters NBA printed on the side. It is a little flat and has your phone number written on the side." After looking when the location is the court, reveal the banana peel. The banana peel is a hidden thing. It is in the court. It is portable. "A plain yellow banana peel". It has the description "A plain yellow banana peel, just starting to go brown. It's just lying there all slimy and slippery waiting to make someone fall [if player is fallen](as you have already found out the hard way)[end if]." The garbage can is in the court. It is a container. It is fixed in place. "A garbage can sits in the corner.". After inserting the banana peel into the garbage can, say "phew, not only do you feel like a good community citizen but you can now dunk the ball without worrying about slipping." Understand "ball" as the basketball. The basketball-hoop is here. It is fixed in place. It is scenery. It has the description "Looking closer, you see the net is made out of chain." A person is either fallen or unfallen. A person is usually unfallen. Instead of dropping the basketball when in the court: let shot be a random number between 1 and 3; say "random number: [shot] [paragraph break]"; if shot is 1: say "You take aim and shoot...and [one of] completely miss the rim 'Air Ball' [or] it flies over the hoop into your neighbor's backyard[then at random]."; else if shot is 2: say "Good, a two-pointer"; increase score by 2; else if shot is 3: say "Awesome! Three points for you."; increase score by 3; move basketball to court. Understand "shoot [basketball]" as dropping. Understand "dunk [basketball]" as dunking. Dunking is an action applying to one thing. Carry out dunking: try taking the noun. Report dunking: say "You back up to get a running start. Taking a deep breath you run toward the hoop and"; if the banana peel is not in the garbage can: now the player is fallen; say " slip on a banana peel and slam into the pole. [paragraph break] Ouch, that really hurts and you feel one of your game points leak away"; decrease score by 1; else: say ", jumping at precisely the right moment, slam the ball through the hoop just like Michael Jordan."; increase score by 2; move basketball to court.