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Advanced Astronomy and Grief Counseling: A Community Interactive Fan Fiction
Cooper McHatton
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"Advanced Astronomy and Grief Counseling" by "Cooper McHatton" [INTRODUCTION] Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. Use no scoring. When play begins: say "The world grows darker every second. Feelings of desperation fill the air.[line break]([italic type]Press any key to continue[roman type])"; wait for any key; say "[paragraph break]"; say "The internet has been crying out ever since the fate was learned - grasping and reaching for signs of hope."; wait for any key; say "[line break]"; say "As the world panics, our eyes turn to a group of individuals at a community college..."; wait for any key; clear screen. [STUDY ROOM F] Study Room F is a room. "[if Study Room F is unvisited]Our story is set at Greendale Community College, where a team devoted to saving it braces for destruction... [end if]You stand in front of Table Mark II. Around it stand Jeff Winger, Britta Perry, Annie Edison, Abed Nadir, and Shirley Bennett. All hold still rather solemnly. The room is furnished exactly how you last saw it. The white board hangs on the wall. The couch is in the corner and there are a number of bookshelves. There are doors to the north and south, though they are locked due to the current riots. There is also an air vent. You may explore the room and its occupants for as long as you like. The story begins when the script (sitting on Table Mark II) is read." In Study Room F is Table Mark II. It is undescribed and fixed in place. Understand "Table Mark 2" and "Desk" and "Study Table" as Table Mark II. The description of Table Mark II is "Currently in table mode." The script is on Table Mark II. The script can be read or unread. The script is unread. The description of the script is "As you begin to read the world spins into place..." After examining the script: wait for any key; clear screen; now the script is read. Jeff Winger is a man in Study Room F. He is undescribed. The description of Jeff Winger is "[one of]Liar, son of William the barely known[or]More handsome than Ryan Seacrest[or]Tinkle Town[or]King of Spades[or]Wingman[or]Cynical, elitist, rakishly good-looking[at random]." Britta Perry is a woman in Study Room F. She is undescribed. The description of Britta Perry is "[one of]Needlessly defiant[or]The worst[or]Anarchist cat owner[or]Heartless and godless[or]The AT&T of people[or]The pizza burn on the roof of the world's mouth[or]The opposite of Batman[or]Jim Belushi[or]A business casual potted plant, a human white sale, VH-1, Robocop 2 and Back To the Future 3[or]Queen of Spades[or]Buzz-Kill[or]Pro-anti[at random]." Abed Nadir is a man in Study Room F. He is undescribed. The description of Abed Nadir is "[one of]A magical elf-like man who makes us all more magical by being near him[or]Undiagnosable[or]Batman[or]Brown Jamie Lee Curtis[or]Jack of Clubs[or]Fourth Wall[or]Gifted in other ways[at random]." Annie Edison is a woman in Study Room F. She is undescribed. The description of Annie Edison is "[one of]Day planner[or]Recovering head case[or]Fragile and tightly wound[or]Ace of Hearts[or]Tight Ship[or]Comfortable with being uncomfortable[at random]." Shirley Bennett is a woman in Study Room F. She is undescribed. The description of Shirley Bennett is "[one of]Cloying[or]Big Cheddar[or]Ace of Clubs[or]Three Kids[or]Mother Hen[or]Guilt machine[at random]." The White Board is in Study Room F. It is undescribed and fixed in place. The description of the White Board is "Written in large text on the board is [italic type]#SixSeasonsAndAMovie[roman type]." The couch is in Study Room F. It is undescribed and fixed in place. The bookshelf is in Study Room F. It is undescribed and fixed in place. Understand "bookshelves" as bookshelf. The description of the bookshelf is "It appears Abed recently moved his entire collection of Kickpuncher comics here." On the bookshelf are Kickpuncher comics. The description of the Kickpuncher comics is "You start to read one, but feel the time isn't quite right." The air vent is a container in Study Room F. It is closed, openable, undescribed, and fixed in place. Understand "air vents" as air vent. The description of the air vent is "Many strange events have taken place involving these air vents. Looks like you could still open it." Annie's Boobs is an animal in the air vent. The description of Annie's Boobs is "A monkey named after Annie's boobs." Understand "Annies boobs" as Annie's boobs. Instead of taking Annie's Boobs: say "You reach for the small monkey, but she darts deep inside where you can't reach."; remove Annie's Boobs from play. The glass door is a locked door. The glass door is north of Study Room F and south of the hall. It is scenery. The double doors is a locked door. The double doors are south of Study Room F and north of the entry. It is scenery. [DENIAL] Denial is a scene. Denial begins when the script is read. When Denial begins: repeat through Table of Denial Events: say "[event entry][paragraph break]"; blank out the whole row; wait for any key. Table of Denial Events event "Fade in. All are sitting around the table in awkward silence." "[italic type]Jeff stands and clears his throat..." "[roman type]Jeff: 'Hey, I know things seem pretty dark right now, but sitting here feeling sorry about ourselves doesn't help anything. Besides, are we completely sure this is actually happening? Seems a bit too much like the plot of a bad sci-fi movie.'" "[italic type]The group turns toward Abed." "[roman type]Abed: 'Are you addressing me with this? Just because I was prepared for this scenario doesn't mean I'm contriving some sort of plot to give us closure. I had no idea this would turn out to be the darkest timeline.'" "Annie: 'Are you sure about that Abed? You mentioned something to me about an asteroid just after we saved Greendale.'" "Abed: 'I was simply stating that being wiped out by an asteroid was the only reason we wouldn't be back here together. I was caught up in the moment.'" "Shirley: 'So you aren't leading us through some twisted apocalyptic story where God is raining down his fury on all of you?'" "Britta: 'Seriously you guys? You are trying to pin this on Abed? You know he hates endings like this. It looks to me like we're working through some grief here!'" "Jeff: 'Don't be all therapist on us again Britta, none of us want to hear that right now.'" "Abed: 'Britta actually has a point here.'" "Annie: 'NO, but she's not making any sense! How could this be happening? How could we let this happen?'" Denial ends when the number of filled rows in the Table of Denial Events is 0. [ANGER] Anger is a scene. Anger begins when Denial ends. When Anger begins: repeat through Table of Anger Events: say "[event entry][paragraph break]"; blank out the whole row; wait for any key. Table of Anger Events event "Britta: ''WE' didn't let anything happen Annie! It is not our faults! We can not blame ourselves for this utter failure on the parts our 'superiors.' They could have stopped this. Their ineptitude condemned our existence!'" "Jeff: 'I actually do agree with Britta. How could this not have been prepared for? There should have been a plan to deal with a scenario like this. It just doesn't make any sense.'" "Shirley: 'I'll make their ass sense.'" "Annie: 'Whoa wait a second guys. Getting riled up like this without a plan of attack is useless. We've got to pull together and consider all of our options here. Remember that diorama when we...'" "Jeff: 'Stop. Don't you realize it yet Annie? We aren't going to get anywhere. It's hopeless.'" Anger ends when the number of filled rows in the Table of Anger Events is 0. [BARGAINING] Bargaining is a scene. Bargaining begins when Anger ends. When Bargaining begins: repeat through Table of Bargaining Events: say "[event entry][paragraph break]"; blank out the whole row; wait for any key. Table of Bargaining Events event "Shirley: 'Oh our Lord Jesus!'" "Abed: 'Isn't it possible we'll continue in a higher realm? Like how Netflix continued Arrested Development?'" "Jeff: 'Sure Abed, just like that. Let's all remain clawing at the belief that some magical savior is going allow us to continue our stories.'" "Annie: 'No need to be so sarcastic about it Jeff. You are telling me that you really don't see any chance of surviving this?'" "Jeff: 'Okay, maybe I am being a bit pessimistic. I just don't want to get hopes up only to have them crushed.'" "Shirley: 'Our Lord helped save Greendale once.'" "Jeff: 'Really Shirley? So all the work we all did was actually the work of the Lord?'" "Shirley: 'Well Jeff that IS how it works.'" "Jeff: 'Oh OK, Well, if the almighty has nothing better to do than to save Greendale, then working through us sounds about right.'" "[italic type]As Jeff speaks explosions are heard. Quickly the room quiets." Bargaining ends when the number of filled rows in the Table of Bargaining Events is 0. [DEPRESSION] Depression is a scene. Depression begins when Bargaining ends. When Depression begins: repeat through Table of Depression Events: say "[event entry][paragraph break]"; blank out the whole row; wait for any key. Table of Depression Events event "[roman type]Annie: 'Well then, unless we hear otherwise, I guess this really is the end.'" "Abed: 'And I really thought we were safe this year.'" "[italic type]The group sits in a sad silence. Annie starts to sob." Depression ends when the number of filled rows in the Table of Depression Events is 0. [ACCEPTANCE] Acceptance is a scene. Acceptance begins when Depression ends. When Acceptance begins: repeat through Table of Acceptance Events: say "[event entry][paragraph break]"; blank out the whole row; wait for any key. Table of Acceptance Events event "[roman type]Britta: 'GUYS. Don't you realize we've gone through the four stages of grief? We've hit depression.'" "Annie: 'Uh, Britta, there are five stages of grief.'" "Britta: 'Oh really Annie, so your a psych major now? If you're so smart what's the fifth one then?'" "Jeff: 'Acceptance.'" "[italic type]Silence falls upon the room for a moment." "[roman type]Britta: 'Oh. I guess I never got that far.'" "[italic type]Another silence captures the room for a moment." "[roman type]Jeff: 'But I think we have gotten that far.'" "Abed: 'Cue Winger speech to take us through.'" "Jeff: 'Time and time again we have moved through stages of grief, angry at the system, bargaining to get what we want, and somehow, through everything, we've always come out on top. We've been prepared for the curtains to close on us for years now. Yes, this may be the end, but it may not. The stories we've made together will always live on, whether we are saved and placed in a magical realm or are destroyed by things we can't control, we'll always have our time here at Greendale. We shouldn't spend any more of our existence here, contemplating our future. We just need to accept that whatever happens happens. And if my story is ending... well...'" "Jeff: 'At least it was here.'" Acceptance ends when the number of filled rows in the Table of Acceptance Events is 0. When Acceptance ends: end the game saying "The End?".