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Mythical Forest
Cooper McHatton
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"The Mythical Forest" by Cooper McHatton The big oak is a room. "You are in a dense forest. To the East you can see a clearing. To the West, North, and South the forest continues, however the forest is too dense in the West and South." The description of the player is "You are EPIC!!!." The block giving rule is not listed in the check giving it to rules. East of big oak is open plain. Open plain is a room. "You are in a small clearing where you have a better view of the forest." Here is a chest. Chest is a fixed in place closed openable locked container. The key unlocks the chest. Inside the chest is a sword. "There is a chest sitting in the center." After taking sword: say "You pick up the sword and hold it high above your head. You feel power rushing through you. Seconds later lightning strikes your sword and teleports you to somewhere the writer will decide later when he writes a sequel, but for now you have WON!"; end the game in victory. North of the big oak is the woods. The woods is a room. "You continue on into the forest and see it get rockier to the north with a clearer path to the Northeast." In the woods is a ceramic unicorn. It is an object. "Something shiny lays discarded on the ground in front of you." After taking ceramic unicorn: say "Taking the small, shiny object in your hands you realize that it is a ceramic unicorn! Lucky you!" Instead of examining ceramic unicorn: say "A ceramic unicorn you found in the forest." Northeast of the woods is the path. The path is a room. "This path seems to lead somewhere." Here is a sign. Sign is fixed in place."Looks like that sign might be helpful. Should you go as far as to examine it? I think you should." The description of the sign is " It reads: Go Northwest if you want to keep playing. -The Oddly Specific Sign Painter." Northwest of the path is forest shack. Forest shack is a room. A man called Vladimir is here. Vladimir can be calm, impatient, or forgetful. Vladimir is calm. "A big, burly, horned dude stands in front of you. I think his name is Vladimir. You should ask him about a key. Ya know, for fun!" The description of Vladimir is "He looks familiar, maybe he was in a movie." Instead of asking Vladimir about "key": say "You want the key to the treasure in the clearing huh? Well I'd tell you where it is, but I'm just to sad right now. Ya see I dropped one of my ceramic unicorns in the woods, and I can't find it. If you can find my unicorn, I'll tell ya where it is, deal? Good."; now Vladimir is impatient. Instead of asking an impatient Vladimir about "key": say "I already told you, find me my unicorn and I'll tell you where to find the key." Instead of asking an impatient Vladimir about "unicorn": say "FIND IT!!! I'M SAD!!!" Understand "unicorn" as ceramic unicorn. Understand "shiny" as ceramic unicorn. After giving ceramic unicorn to Vladimir: say "You found it! You found it! Thanks so much! What did you want to ask me again? Oh, right. Listen closely: the key is to be found West of the woods, South of the evergreens, and East of the pond. Once in the mangroves, open the blue chest, and ONLY the blue chest. Then retrace your steps carefully, one wrong step leads to doom. The path is not marked, only my directions can lead you there carefully. Good luck!" West of the Woods is the evergreens. Evergreens is a room. "Lots of huge evergreens surround you." Instead of going north while in evergreens: say "You stumble through the brush onto a zombie vampire encampment. You are accepted as part of their tribe and live the rest of your long, happy, undead life as a zombie vampire. You should have listened to Vladimir."; end the game in death. Instead of going west while in evergreens: say "You fall into a deep crevice that you can't get out of. Since you have nothing better to do, you decide to reenact 127 hours. Things don't turn out quite as planned... Next time listen to Vladimir."; end the game in death. South of the evergreens is the pond. Pond is a room. "There is a medium sized pond here." Instead of going west while in pond: say "You fall into a warp pipe where you are taken to kingdom made of fungus from the 1980's. A huge lizard/turtle grabs you and takes you to a castle. You are eventually rescued by a plumber and later forced to compete in athletic events. 20 years later, in a game of kart racing, you crash after slipping on a banana peel. Should have listed to Vladimir."; end the game in death. Instead of going south while in pond: say "You walk for miles for no apparent reason until you reach a mountain. You begin climb until you reach a field. There you see a precariously perched wood castle. Inside you run into a bunch of green pigs. They are squealing and running for cover. As you try to figure out why, you hear a loud squawk. You look up into the sky and see a explosion of feathers. Everything goes black. Next time pay more attention to Vladimir."; end the game in death. East of the pond is the mangroves. Mangroves is a room. In the mangroves is red chest, blue chest, and yellow chest. The red chest is a fixed in place closed openable container. The blue chest is a fixed in place closed openable container. The yellow chest is a fixed in place closed openable container. Inside the blue chest is key. Instead of opening red chest: say "You open the red chest, inside you find a throwing star. Overjoyed you hurl it in the air only to attract the attention of a nearby band of pirates. Instantly they fire all there cannons and guns at you. Caught quite unprepared, you stumble backwards into the chest, which the pirates close and lock you inside. You are eventually taken to the pirates ship where you are forced to walk the plank. Should have listed to Vladimir."; end the game in death. Instead of opening the yellow chest: say "You open the yellow chest and soy a magician's hat. As soon as you take it our it grows to enormous size. Cautiously you tippe toe/climb upon the brim to look and all at once the hat begins to shake and rocks as you fall. Falling, falling, into the hat you fell. Down, down. When you hit the bottom you are attacked by a group of bad hats and are brought to an evil magician...yep. You should have listend to Vladimir."; end the game in death. "Finally, you reach the mangroves. There are three chests sitting in the middle of the field. A red one, a blue one, and a yellow one." North of the woods is the mountain side. Mountain side is a room. "You come to the mouth of a cave nestled into the mountain side. You can continue going North to go inside, or you can turn around now and save yourself some trouble..." North of the mountain side is cave. Cave is a room. "You are inside the cave where a message is scrawled on the wall. You should check it out." Inside the cave is the wall. The description of the wall is "It reads: Ye mayd a wrong trn, try de north path ye foolish mortal. Just don pull de leevr on ye way out." The lever is in the cave. The lever is fixed in place. Instead of pulling lever: say "The walls begin to quake, the ground begins to shake, you realize your shoes are fake. The roof caves in and traps you inside where you live out the rest of your life as a cave dwelling hermit."; end the game in death.