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Pokemon Reign: Frankenstein Event
Gillian Fraser
Played 1,236 times
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"Deoxious Event 2015, Week 1" by Demoncirose The story creation year is 2015. Use no scoring. A chimera is a thing. A chimera is either clawed or unclawed. A chimera is unclawed. The printed name of the chimera is "The chimera you are looking for has [if clawed]claws[end if]." [INTRODUCTION] When play begins: say "THIS IS STILL UNDER CONSTRUCTION! You are standing just outside of town. You've decided to look into a local problem. A few villagers have been complaining about strange noises in the forest. A week ago a young woman said she saw a strange looking pokemon by the river. The real problem happened this morning when a trader made it to town. His wagon was half destroyed and his cargo gone. Now you must find out what happened.[paragraph break]"; [OUTSIDE TOWN] Outside Town is a room. "[if Outside Town is unvisited]No one is outside town right now. All the villager are hiding behind locked doors in town. Once you collect enough clues head back to town. A wall runs along the end of town. The Forest is to the north, the River is to the east, the Trade Road is to the west and the Town to the south.[end if][if Outside Town is visited]You are Outside Town. A wall runs along town. The Forest is to the north, the River is to the east, the Trade Road is to the west and the Town to the south.[end if]" The wall is a scenery supporter in outside town. The description is "The wall is only good enough to serve as a boundary around town, deep scratches mar the stone." Instead of taking the wall, say "You can't pick that up." The scratches are a scenery supporter on the wall. The description of the scratches are "The scratches are deep and long. No pokemon you've ever seen could make those." After examining the scratches: say "Do you make a note of the Scratches? "; if player consents, now the chimera is clawed; [FOREST] The Forest is a room. The Forest is north of Outside Town. "There isn't a lot of light in the forest. " [RIVER] The River is a room. The River is east of Outside Town. "" [TRADE ROAD] The Trade Road is a room. The Trade is west of Outside Town. "" [INSIDE TOWN] The Inside Town is a room. The Inside Town is south of Outside Town. "" Every turn: if the player is in Inside Town: say "You've headed back to town. [chimera]"; end the game in victory.