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Historical Williamsburg Living Narrative
Hap Aziz
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"Historical Williamsburg Living Narrative" by Hap Aziz The story genre is "Historical Fiction". The story headline is "The events around the Williamsburg Magazine powder theft in 1775". The story creation year is 2016. The story description is "description." Include the Standard Rules by Graham Nelson. Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short. When play begins: [This displays the introduction before the title.] say "The day's journey was a long one, as you had left your home not long after daybreak. The weather was fair, and there were no unwanted delays; still, fifty miles over land is difficult to cover even under the best of circumstances. All things considered, the trip from Richmond was as uneventful as could be expected, and you are pleased to be in capital city of the Virginia colony for the first time. Patrick Henry's visit to the St. John's Church in Richmond surely helped you decide to make the trek here. And how could you not, after hearing his impationed words over liberty and death. It is your hope to see him here in Williamsburg.[paragraph break]Your carriage comes into town from the west end of the Duke of Gloucester Street, and you see the Bruton Parish Church ahead on your left. Passing the church, you feel the horses pull left to travel north toward the Governor's Palace. You peer out of the opening in the front of the carriage, and you can see the Palace at the far end of the green. It takes only a few minutes to travel past the homes and businesses that line either side of the green, and the horses come to a halt at the circle outside of the Palace. You step out of the carriage and hop to the ground.[paragraph break]'Michaels, please go on and take my things to the tavern. I intend to walk from here.' Nodding his acknowledgment, Michaels directs the carriage back toward Duke of Gloucester street.[paragraph break]You turn back toward the Governor's Palace, marveling at the architectural beauty. With the intent to get a better look, you move toward the main gate and then step inside."; Now the time of day is 4:17 PM; pause the game; [clear only the main screen;] [Initial setup] The palacefrontdoorcounter is a number variable. The rockonthegroundcounter is a number variable. [What the player starts off carrying] The player carries a pocket watch. The description of the watch is "The pocket watch is an exquisite example of mechanical craftsmanship and precision from John Arnold of London. It was a gift to you from your wife, and inside the gold cover is engraved simply 'To my beloved husband' The watch marks the current time as [time of day].". The player carries a letter. The description of the letter is "The letter is folded once, crisply in the mittle in the middle. You open the piece of paper to read the neatly written message, addressed to you. [paragraph break]'My dear Mr. Parker,[line break] I am in receipt of your letter dated the twenty-fourth day of March. I am to understand that you will be arriving in Williamsburg of the twentieth April, and it is your intent to make your stay in my establishment through April for eleven nights in total, departing of the first of May. I have received your payment for lodging in the gentleman's room, and breakfast shall be included with your accommodations. Please accept this return letter as acknowledgement of your stay and acceptance of the terms as described herein.[line break] Upon your arrival, your lodgings will be ready. The kitchen will gladly prepare supper for dining in your room or on the porch. Otherwise, you may wish to take your evening meal at one of many places to dine along the Duke of Gloucester Street.[line break] I look forward to your arrival and your acquaintence,[line break]Your humble servant,[line break]Robert Anderson, prop.'". [This is the code for displaying images.] Understand "image" or "see" as see the picture. See the picture is an action applying to nothing. Check see the picture: if the player is in the Charlton's Coffee House, display the Figure of Charltons instead; if the player is in the Courthouse, display the Figure of Courthouse instead; if the player is in the Governor's Palace, display the Figure of Governors instead; if the player is in the Magazine, display the Figure of Magazine instead; if the player is in the Wythe House, display the Figure of Wythe instead; if the player is in the Randolph House, display the Figure of Randolph instead; if the player is in the Capitol Entrance, display the Figure of CapitolComicSmall instead; say "There are no images to see at this location."; [This is the code for getting to street locations from any building.] Understand "street" as go to street. Go to street is an action applying to nothing. Check go to street: if the player is in the Courthouse, move the player to the Street-in-front-of-the-Courthouse instead; if the player is in the Street-in-front-of-the-Courthouse, say "You are already standing in the street." instead; if the player is in the Magazine, move the player to the Street-in-front-of-the-Magazine instead; if the player is in the Street-in-front-of-the-Magazine, say "You are already standing in the street." instead; if the player is in Chowning's Tavern, move the player to the Street-in-front-of-Chowning's-Tavern instead; if the player is in the Street-in-front-of-Chowning's-Tavern, say "You are already standing in the street." instead; say "You can't get to the street from here.". Understand "Courthouse" as go to courthouse. Go to courthouse is an action applying to nothing. Check go to courthouse: if the player is in the Street-in-front-of-the-Courthouse, move the player to the Courthouse instead; if the player is in the Street-in-front-of-the-Magazine, move the player to the Courthouse instead; if the player is in the Street-in-front-of-Chowning's-Tavern, move the player to the Courthouse instead; if the player is in the Courthouse, say "Look around, you're already here." instead; say "You can't get to the Courthouse from here.". Understand "Magazine" as go to magazine. Go to magazine is an action applying to nothing. Check go to magazine: if the player is in the Street-in-front-of-the-Courthouse, move the player to the Magazine instead; if the player is in the Street-in-front-of-the-Magazine, move the player to the Magazine instead; if the player is in the Street-in-front-of-Chowning's-Tavern, move the player to the Magazine instead; if the player is in the Magazine, say "Look around, you're already here." instead; say "You can't get to the Magazine from here.". Understand "Chowning's Tavern" as go to chowning's tavern. Go to chowning's tavern is an action applying to nothing. Check go to chowning's tavern: if the player is in the Street-in-front-of-the-Courthouse, move the player to Chowning's Tavern instead; if the player is in the Street-in-front-of-the-Magazine, move the player to Chowning's Tavern instead; if the player is in the Street-in-front-of-Chowning's-Tavern, move the player to Chowning's Tavern instead; if the player is in the Magazine, say "Look around, you're already here." instead; say "You can't get to the Magazine from here.". [This is the code for getting help.] Understand "help" or "hint" as help. Help is an action applying to nothing. Check help: say "This is the Help System.[line break]To get additional information about your current location, type 'more'.[line break] For hints on what to do next based on where you are in the game, type 'stuck'.[line break] In many locations, pictures are available for viewing. To see them, type 'see'.[line break] To see which directions you're able to move from a particular location, type 'direction'." [This is the code for getting hints based on the player context.] Understand "stuck" as hints. Hints is an action applying to nothing. Check hints: If player is in the Governor's Palace, say "Have you tried knocking on the door?" instead; say "As my intelligence is being upgraded, I can't yet tell you much about this place.". [This is the code for knocking on locked location doors.] Understand "knock" or "knocking" or "knock on the door" as knock on door. Knock on door is an action applying to nothing. Check knock on door: If player is in the Governor's Palace begin; increase the palacefrontdoorcounter by 1; if the palacefrontdoorcounter is 1, say "You ball your hand into a fist, and bang the hardwood door several times (your knuckles telling you that you may have banged a little too enthusiastically). Your hear a heavy latch turn and the door swings opens, revealing the house servant on the other side.[paragraph break]'Please enter,' he says and steps back for you to pass. Once inside, he closes the door."; if the palacefrontdoorcounter is 2, say "Not wanting to scrape your knuckles on the rough finish of the door (as you did the last time you knocked), you slap it with the palm of your open hand. Again the house servant is there.[paragraph break]'Please enter,' he says and moves aside for you. He closes the door after you have stepped in."; if the palacefrontdoorcounter is 3, say "You find yourself knocking on the Palace Front Door yet another time, and again the house servant greets you."; if the palacefrontdoorcounter is greater than 3, say "The door opens, and once you're inside, the house servant closes the door behind you."; Now the Palace Front Door is unlocked; Move the player to the Palace Foyer; Now the Palace Front Door is closed; otherwise if player is in the Geddy House; say "No one answers the door."; otherwise if player is in the Wythe House; say "No one answers the door."; otherwise if player is in the Everard House; say "No one answers the door."; otherwise; say "There is nothing here for you to knock on."; end if. Every turn: if player is in the Palace Circle begin; Now the Palace Front Door is closed; Now the Palace Front Door is locked; end if. [This is the code for the extended location descriptions.] Understand "dir" or "directions" as viewing directions. Viewing directions is an action applying to nothing. Check viewing directions: if the player is in the Governor's Palace, say "You can go [bold type]south[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Palace Foyer, say "The door to the [bold type]south[roman type] is currently the only way out of this room, as at this time you are unable to go elsewhere inside the Governor's Palace." instead; if the player is in the Palace Carriage House, say "You can go [bold type]southwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Palace Kitchen, say "You can go [bold type]southeast[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Palace Circle, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]northeast[roman type], [bold type]southeast[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], [bold type]southwest[roman type], or [bold type]northwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Everard House, say "You can go [bold type]south[roman type] and [bold type]northwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Wythe House, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], or [bold type]south[roman type]. The door to the Wythe House is to the [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Palace Green, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]southeast[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], [bold type]southwest[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the St George Tucker House, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Bruton Parish Church, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]northeast[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], and[bold type]southeast[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the College of William & Mary, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type] or [bold type]southeast[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Public Hospital, say "You can go [bold type]northeast[roman type] or [bold type]northwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the End of the Palace Green, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]northeast[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]southeast[roman type], [bold type]west[roman type], or [bold type]northwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Shoemaker, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]northeast[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]southeast[roman type], or [bold type]northwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Magazine, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]southeast[roman type], or [bold type]northwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Geddy House, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], [bold type]southwest[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Gunsmith & Foundry, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Courthouse, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], [bold type]southwest[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Chowning's Tavern, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type] or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Francis Street & Queen Street, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type] or [bold type]west[roman type] on Francis Street, or to the [bold type]northwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Nicholson Street & North England Street, say "" instead; if the player is in the Randolph House, say "" instead; if the player is in the Nicholson Street & Queen Street, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], [bold type]west[roman type], or [bold type]northwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Brick Yard, say "You can go [bold type]southeast[roman type] or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Path to the Brick Yard, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Cooper, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Duke of Gloucester Street & Queen Street, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]northeast[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], [bold type]southwest[roman type], [bold type]west[roman type], or [bold type]northwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Duke of Gloucester Street & Colonial Street, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]northeast[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]southeast[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], [bold type]southwest[roman type], [bold type]west[roman type], or [bold type]northwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Prentis Store, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type] or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Francis Street & Colonial Street, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Printing Office & Bindery, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type] or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Nicholson Street & Colonial Street, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Cabinetmaker, say "You can go [bold type]south[roman type] or [bold type]northwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Post Office, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type] or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the M Dubois Grocer, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Armoury Path, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Public Armoury, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Military Encampment, say "You can go [bold type]southeast[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the William Pitt Store, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type] or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Nicholson Street & Botetourt Street, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], [bold type]west[roman type], or [bold type]northwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Duke of Gloucester Street & Botetourt Street, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]northeast[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]southeast[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], [bold type]southwest[roman type], [bold type]west[roman type], or [bold type]northwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Tarpley Thompson & Company, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type] or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Francis Street & Botetourt Street, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Milliner & Tailor, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]southeast[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Anderson's Tavern, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Silversmith, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type] or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Wigmaker, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]west[roman type], or [bold type]northwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Raleigh Tavern, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the King's Arms Tavern, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Apothecary, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Shield's Tavern, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]northeast[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Charlton's Coffeehouse, say "You can go [bold type]southeast[roman type], [bold type]southwest[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Duke of Gloucester Street & Blair Street, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], [bold type]southwest[roman type], [bold type]west[roman type], or [bold type]northwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Bakery, say "" instead; if the player is in the Secretary's Office, say "You can go [bold type]southeast[roman type] or [bold type]south[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Francis Street & Blair Street, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Public Gaol, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Capitol Rear Entrance, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type] or [bold type]northwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Capitol Courtyard, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type] or [bold type]south[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Capitol Entrance, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]southeast[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Presbyterian Meetinghouse, say "You can go [bold type]northeast[roman type] or [bold type]northwest[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Nicholson Street & Waller Street, say "You can go [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Powell House, say "You can go [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Christiana Campbell's Tavern, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type], [bold type]east[roman type], [bold type]south[roman type], [bold type]southwest[roman type], or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Tavern Porch, say "You can go [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; if the player is in the Francis Street & Waller Street, say "You can go [bold type]north[roman type] or [bold type]west[roman type]." instead; say "There's not more to see." instead. Understand "more" as viewing more. Viewing more is an action applying to nothing. Check viewing more: if the player is in the Governor's Palace, say "The residence was first called a Palace in 1714. Each of the three main floors was approximately 3380 square feet, for a total of about 10,000 square feet in living space. Above the front door is an iron balcony that looks out over the courtyard as well as over both the one-and-a-half story brick advance buildings that sit inside the front gates, one on either side of the courtyard. The Governor's Palace was much admired by Virginia planters, and many would desig n their own homes in a similar architectural fashion." instead; if the player is in the Palace Circle, say "This is no more description of the Palace Circle at this time." instead; if the player is in the Bruton Parish Church, say "Standing outside of the church at the corner where the Palace Green meets the street, you can look to the north to see the Governor's Palace. In the distance to the east, past many places of businesses and residences running the length of the Duke of Gloucester Street is the Capitol Building." instead; if the player is in the Duke of Gloucester Street & Blair Street, say "From here, you can go [bold type]east[roman type] to get to the entrance of the Capitol. Heading [bold type]south[roman type] will take you to Francis street, while [bold type]west[roman type] is Botetourt Street. Shield's Tavern is to the [bold type]southwest[roman type] and slightly up the street, while [bold type]northwest[roman type] is Charlton's Coffee House. If you go straight [bold type]north[roman type], you'll be at the Secretary's Office." instead; if the player is in the Armoury Path, say "The Duke of Gloucester Street is to the [bold type]north[roman type], while Botetourt Street is to the [bold type]east[roman type] and Colonial Street is to the [bold type]west[roman type]. The armoury itself is to the [bold type]south[roman type]." instead; say "There's not more to see." instead. [These are physical space locations.] The Governor's Palace is a room. "You are standing just inside the main front gates of the Governor's Palace, in an open courtyard area. There are steps to the north leading up to the white front door which is on the first of three full stories (not including basement space which, of course, you cannot see from here). Constructed in the Georgian architectural style, the brick structure's third floor has five front-facing bays with an observation tower on the roof. The front door is aligned under the center bay window, while the four large windows (two on either side of the door) are also lined up under the bays, as are the windows on the second floor. [if unvisited]The Palace has been the home of all the Royal Governors to Virginia. So far there have been seven men to serve at the pleasure of the King including the current resident, John Murray, the fourth Earl of Dunmore. While it cannot compare to the great palaces of Europe, this is certainly the grandest residence in the colonies; a fitting abode for the Crown's representative in Virginia.[paragraph break]Visitors to the Palace and guests of the Governor typically arrive by carriage to the [bold type]south[roman type], at the Palace Circle." Before going south from the Governor's Palace for the first time: say "You pass through the wrought-iron gates."; Before going south from the Governor's Palace for the second time: say "You've been through these gates before."; The Palace Foyer is a room. "The guns and sabres mounted on the Palace Foyer walls are mean to instill awe and respect of the British Empire, and they accomplish that task handily. [if unvisited]Admittedly, it is an impressive sight to see all of these weapons on display. The British Empire is the greatest military power on earth, and in this foyer you're not sure what you think regarding the talk of independence these days.[end if]" The Palace Front Door is a locked lockable door. The Palace Front Door is north of the Governor's Palace and south of the Palace Foyer. The rock is in the Governor's Palace. Before listing nondescript items: now the door to the Wythe House is not marked for listing; now the Palace Front Door is not marked for listing; now the door to the Everard House is not marked for listing; now the door to the Gunsmith & Foundry is not marked for listing; now the door to the St George Tucker House is not marked for listing; now the door to the Randolph House is not marked for listing; now the door to the Geddy House is not marked for listing; now the door to the Shoemaker is not marked for listing; now the door to the Wigmaker is not marked for listing; if the rock is marked for listing: say "There is a rock here that catches your eye."; now the rock is not marked for listing; The Palace Kitchen is a room. "All the meals for the Governor Dunmore are prepared here in the Palace Kitchen. Since the Governor frequently entertains guests and official events and receptions are held at the residence, the kitchen facilities are designed for extensive food preparation. Servants will take the prepared meals into the Palace through the door to the east of the kitchen, but that way is unavailable to you. [if unvisited][paragraph break]From here, you see the Palace Circle to the [bold type]southeast[roman type].[end if]" The Palace Carriage House is a room. "The carriages you see inside the Palace Carriage House are quite impressive, as one would expect for Virginia's royal Governor.[if unvisited] You don't suppose that you would have an opportunity to ride in one of the fine town coaches kept here; however, it is a pleasing image to conjur in your mind. You have heard it said that Elkanah Deane, a carriage builder in New York had been retained by Governor Dunmore to construct the elegant rides.[paragraph break]From the Palace Carriage House, the Palace Circle is only a few hundred feet or so to the [bold type]southwest[roman type].[end if]" The Basketmaker is a room. The Everard House is a room. "This symetrical story-and-a-half home has a small stepped-stoop leading to the dark brown front door, centered between two windows on either side. [if unvisited][paragraph break]The exterior walls are covered in split-wood slats painted white. The second floor is gabled and covered in gray shingles. The Everard House is a definite contrast to the nearby Governor's Palace. The Palace Circle is a stone's throw to the [bold type]northwest[roman type], while to the [bold type]south[roman type] along the Palace Green is what appears to be another home, again, modest compared to the Palace.[end if]" The Everard Entry Hall is a room. The door to the Everard House is a locked lockable door. The door to the Everard House is east of the Everard House and west of the Everard Entry Hall. The Wythe House is a room. "The Wythe House is considered to be one of the most attractive homes in Williamsburg, believed to have been designed by George Wythe's father-in-law. [if unvisited]The two-story brick home is an impressive structure, and you can appreciate the architectural details in its construction. The Flemish bond brickwork with the splayed brick arches are thoughtfully elegant touches. From your vantage point, you can guess that the two chimneys provide fireplace coverage for all of the main rooms in the house. The grounds appear to hold a number of outbuildings, but you can't tell from here how many there are.[paragraph break]The Palace Green is to the [bold type]east[roman type] of here. Going [bold type]north[roman type] will take you back to the Palace Circle, while the Bruton Parish Church (which you rode past on your way into Williamsburg) is to the [bold type]south[roman type]. The door to the Wythe House is to the [bold type]west[roman type].[end if]" The Wythe Entry Hall is a room. The door to the Wythe House is a locked lockable door. The door to the Wythe House is west of the Wythe House and east of the Wythe Entry Hall. The Bruton Parish Church is a room. "The Bruton Parish Church sits at the northwest corner of the End of the Palace Green at the Duke of Gloucester Street. [if unvisited]A roughly rectangular main building with wing extensions, the church was designed to be in the form of a crucifex. A tower with a brick base and slender wooden steeple rising to approximately 100 feet was built on the west side of the building.[paragraph break]The church sits on the southwest corner of the Palace Green. You can see that the Wythe House is to the [bold type]north[roman type], while heading [bold type]northeast[roman type] will take you back to the center of the Green. [bold type]East[roman type] of here across the Green is a smaller building, and taking a few steps to the [bold type]southeast[roman type] will have you standing in the Duke of Gloucester Street.[end if]" The Courthouse is a room. "The Courthouse is widely considered to be the center of Williamsburg community life (even though Virginia's Capitol building is just a short walk east at the end of Duke of Gloucester Street). [if unvisited]The geometric symmetry of the Courthouse is well-considered and pleasing; for example, the height from the ground to the weather vane perched on the octagonal cuppola on the roof is the same as the building's length. Even without any columns on the stone steps, the brick face and white portico of the building has an appropriately judicial appearance.[paragraph break]Across the street to the [bold type]south[roman type] (and set well back from the street itself) is the Magazine. You can see Chowning's Tavern to the [bold type]east[roman type], and a residence is [bold type]west[roman type] of the Courthouse. From here, you can see the Shoemaker across the Duke of Gloucester Street to the [bold type]southwest[roman type].[end if]" . Chowning's Tavern is a room. "Chowning's Tavern is well-located to serve people on the western side of Williamsburg, especially those that might have business at the Courthouse. [if unvisited][paragraph break]The tavern is located just nextdoor to the Courthouse which is to the [bold type]west[roman type]. If you walk to the [bold type]east[roman type], you will find yourself at the intersection of the Duke of Gloucester Street and Queen Street.[end if]" The Street in front of Chowning's Tavern is a room. The Gunsmith & Foundry is a room. "Sitting on the Geddy property behind the main house is the Gunsmith and Foundry. [if unvisited]Here a variety of metals such as brass, bronze, and silver are cast into a variety of useful as well as ornamental objects.[paragraph break]The main house is a few dozen yards to the [bold type]south[roman type]of here, and another house lies to the [bold type]north[roman type]. The Palace Green is to the [bold type]east[roman type].[end if]" The Gunshop is a room. The door to the Gunsmith & Foundry is an unlocked lockable door. The door to the Gunsmith & Foundry is east of the Gunsmith & Foundry and west of the Gunshop. The St George Tucker House is a room. "You're now standing in front of the St George Tucker House. [if unvisited]With its elongated floorplan and multi-plan façade, the St George Tucker House is one of the more picturesque homes to be found in Williamsburg. The main section of the building is two full stories tall, while the extensions on either side appear to be two stories as well--though the second floor is gabled. It would appear from the outside that there are some likely restrictions to the interior living space.[paragraph break]The house sits at the end of Nicholson Street which stretches to the [bold type]east[roman type] from here. You can follow along the edge of the Palace Green to the [bold type]north[roman type] or to the [bold type]south[roman type], and walking [bold type]west[roman type] will take you to the center of the Green.[end if]" The Tucker Entry Hall is a room. The door to the St George Tucker House is a locked lockable door. The door to the St George Tucker House is northeast of the St George Tucker House and south of the Tucker Entry Hall. The Randolph House is a room. "The Randolph House is immediately recognizable because of its deep red exterior color. The property sits between North England Street and Queen Street, on the north side of Nicholson Street.[if unvisited] The house is actually a combination of three distinct buildings: an east wing and a west wing both attached to a two-story center section. The southern face of the center section matches the appearance of the 29-foot-square clapboard house that is the west wing of the structure. The low-pitched roof of the west wing extends across the addition but ends abruptly when it reaches the high gable of the dormered roof on the east wing.[end if]" The Randolph Entry Hall is a room. The door to the Randolph House is a locked lockable door. The door to the Randolph House is north of the Randolph House and south of the Randolph Entry Hall. The Brick Yard is a room. "All the bricks for the buildings, streets, and public areas are handmade from clay excavated from the Brick Yard." The Cooper is a room. "The Cooper is located on the opposide side on Nicholson Street from the path to the brick yard." The Cabinetmaker is a room. "The Cabinetmaker lies in a more secluded wooded area, stradling a little creek and set off a little from Nicholson Street..[if unvisited] With less and less furniture being imported from England, there is strong business for fine wood craftsman in the colonies, as you know from the furniture you are able to purchase in Richmond.[end if]" The Military Encampment is a room. "There is a Military Encampment northeast of the point where Botetourt Street runs into Nicholson Street.[if unvisited] This tented compound appears to be a place for Virginia militia to bivouac.[end if]" The Public Gaol is a room. "Located in the northeastern part of Williamsburg, the Public Gaol holds men and women waiting for trial as well as convicts whose sentences have yet to be carried out." The Geddy House is a room. "The two-story Geddy House is a visually interesting L-shaped structure. [if unvisited]It's likely that that house's shape came from the constraints of the property dimensions. The roof is low-pitched, and the lack of dormers as well as the door and balcony above the front door are unusual features. The house sits with a nice view of the Bruton Parish Church right across the Palace Green, and you smile to yourself as you think how your Richmond home is certainly not within walking distance of your church.[paragraph break]You can see the Gunsmith & Foundry just few steps to the [bold type]north[roman type], and you also see the Shoemaker's shingle hanging outside of the building across the Duke of Gloucester Street to the [bold type]south[roman type]. The Bruton Parish Church is directly to the [bold type]west[roman type], while [bold type]east[roman type] is the Courthouse. The End of the Palace Green is to the [bold type]southwest[roman type].[end if]" The Geddy Entry Hall is a room. The door to the Geddy House is a locked lockable door. The door to the Geddy House is east of the Geddy House and west of the Geddy Entry Hall. The College of William & Mary is a room. "You are standing in the open quadrangle outside of the Wren Building at the College of William and Mary. [if unvisited]The building a a U-shaped structure of three stories, with a dormer-windowed roof that encloses the third floor, and it is topped by a well-proportioned cupola. It is apparent that there is contruction taking place with the intent to turn the winged building into a full rectangle, although from your simple visual inspection you are unable to estimate the progress so far toward completion. You imagine it will be an impressive institution of scholarly activity when it is completed.[paragraph break]A well-worn path leads off to the [bold type]southeast[roman type], and Duke of Gloucester Street heads [bold type]east[roman type] from here, back into Williamsburg proper.[end if]" The Public Hospital is a room. "The Public Hospital sits at the western end of Francis Street, and to the northeast is the College of William & Mary. [if unvisited]This is a two story brick facility that was constructed to house and care for 'Persons of Insane and Disordered Minds.' It is a first-of-its-kind hospital in the colonies.[paragraph break]There is a path from here that leads off to the [bold type]northwest[roman type]. Francis Street picks up from here and curves up to the [bold type]northeast[roman type].[end if]" The Weaver is a room. The Shoemaker is a room. "A smaller building, the Shoemaker's shop is a serviceable place of business for the purchase of custom made shoes or boots for men and women. [if unvisited]You think to yourself that you may wish to compare the quality of the shoes made here to that of the ready-made shoes from the factories in Englad or even of those made in Norfolk and Petersburg, Virginia. If you have time, it might be nice to pick up a pair or two before you return to Richmond.[paragraph break]The Shoemaker is sits on the south side of the Duke of Gloucester Street, and across the way to the [bold type]north[roman type] is a modest home. You can see the Courthouse to the [bold type]northeast[roman type], and going [bold type]east[roman type] from here will have you at the next street over that crosses the Duke of Gloucester Street. You can see the Magazine [bold type]southeast[roman type] of here, and the End of the Palace Green is just a few steps to the [bold type]northwest[roman type].[end if]" The Shoe Workshop is a room. The door to the Shoemaker is an unlocked lockable door. The door to the Shoemaker is south of the Shoemaker and north of the Shoe Workshop. The Printing Office & Bindery is a room. "Local publications such as the Williamsburg Gazette, Virginia's first newspaper, as well as pamphlets and flyers are printed at the Printing Office & Bindery.[if unvisited] The double-bay-windowed shop serves as a stationer's, an advertising agency, an office supply shop, a newsstand, and a bookbindery. Items sold include magazines and books, maps and almanacs, and writing instruments and sealing wax. The press prints all manner of pieces such as business forms, laws and proclamations, tracts, and blank books for all manner of record keeping.[end if]." The Post Office is a room. "The Post Office is located between the Printing Office & Bindery and the M Dubois Grocer on the Duke of Gloucester Street.[if unvisited] You remind yourself that you should write to Abigail to let her know that you arrived safely in Williamsburg.[end if]" The Public Armoury is a room. "The Public Armoury is largely hidden from view from the Duke of Gloucester Street." The William Pitt Store is a room. "The William Pitt Store sits on the northwest corner of the intersection of the Duke of Gloucester Street and Botetourt Street." The M Dubois Grocer is a room. "The M Dubois Grocer sits next to the Post Office on the Duke of Gloucester Street.[if unvisited] You make a mental note of this location in the event you wish to pick up any fresh fruits or other foodstuffs you can keep in your room during your stay in Williamsburg.[end if]" Tarpley Thompson & Company is a room. "Tarpley, Thompson, & Company is a general merchant, as you can see from all the goods displayed in the windows. It is conveniently situated next to Anderson's Tavern." Anderson's Tavern is a room. "Anderson's Tavern is eye-catching because of the dark reddish-brown color of its exterior paint. There is a front porch that runs across the front of the building, but it does not extend to either end of the tavern, instead falling several feet short both on the east side as well as the west side. The porch itself extends about eight feet out from the front, and it steps up to the two doors that face the street. You're standing closer to the door further right on the tavern's face." The Wigmaker is a room. "The Wigmaker sits between Anderson's and King's taverns on the Duke of Gloucester Street." The Wig Shop is a room. The door to the Wigmaker is an unlocked lockable door. The door to the Wigmaker is south of the Wigmaker and north of the Wig Shop. King's Arms Tavern is a room. "Standing on the front porch of King's Tavern gives you a good vantage point over the buildings on this block of the Duke of Gloucester Street." The Milliner & Tailor is a room. "You are standing in front of the Milliner and Tailor. It is located almost directly across the street from Anderson's Tavern." The Silversmith is a room. "You are standing in front of the Silversmith." Raleigh Tavern is a room. "Standing in front of Raleigh Tavern, you consider this as a possible location to dine." The Bakery is a room. "You are standing outside the Bakery." The Apothecary is a room. "The Apothecary is a place where you may pick up your toiletry supplies." Prentis Store is a room. "Prentis Store is located at the northwest corner where the Duke of Gloucester Street and Colonial Street cross.[if unvisited] You see from the sign hanging in front of the brick building that it serves as an apothecary.[end if]" Shield's Tavern is a room. "Shield's Tavern is a two-story building, with dormers extending from the gabled roof.[if unvisited] From the sign in front, it appears Shield's Tavern has been operating since 1745. As the easternmost tavern on the Duke of Gloucester Street, it is a popular location for burgesses that come to town for legislative business.[end if]" Charlton's Coffee House is a room. "Charlton's Coffeehouse is at the end of the Duke of Gloucester Street, just outside the Capitol building.[if unvisited] The Capitol Building is an imposing and inspiring sight here, and you are quietly moved as you stand just outside the seat of Virginia's House of Burgesses for the first time. Though you've lived your entire life in Richmond, it never occurred to you to visit Williamsburg until just recently when you saw Patrick Henry speak. As such, it is a good place to frequent for those seeking the latest legislative news before official reports.[end if]" The Secretary's Office is a room. "The Secretary's Office is a single-story, hip-roofed brick building built to store the colony's public records.[if unvisited] Constructed at 56 feet long at a depth of 23 feet, the building is raised in Flemish bond with glazed headers. The window lintels made from bright orange-rubbed brick are an interesting design element.[end if]" Figure of CapitolComicSmall is the file "CapitolComicSmall.jpg". Figure of Charltons is the file "Charltons.jpg". Figure of Courthouse is the file "Courthouse.jpg". Figure of Governors is the file "Governors.jpg". Figure of Magazine is the file "Magazine.jpg". Figure of Randolph is the file "Randolph.jpg". Figure of Wythe is the file "Wythe.jpg". The Capitol Entrance is a room. "Standing at the east end of the Duke of Gloucester Street, the Capitol Building is a brick structure two-and-a-half stories tall. The construction of the Capitol is essentially of two buildings connnected by an arcade or courtyard in the middle, and each of the two main buildings are approximately 75 feet by 25 feet in base dimensions.". The Capitol Rear Entrance is a room. "You are at the Capitol Rear Entrance. From here, you can enter the Capitol Courtyard." The Capitol Courtyard is a room. "You are standing the the Capital Courtyard. The two wings of the Capitol building are to the east and to the west.[if unvisited] The brick structure is both imposing and inspiring as you think of the conversations that have been held--sometimes most heatedly--within the chambers of the building.[end if]" The Joiner is a room. Bassett Hall is a room. The Presbyterian Meetinghouse is a room. "You are at the front of the Presbyterian Meetinghouse." Christiana Campbell's Tavern is a room. "You are in front of Christiana Campbell's Tavern, located on Waller Street on the far eastern side of Williamsburg." The Powell House is a room. "You are standing at the entrance of the Powell House." The Tavern Porch is a room. "Standing on the Tavern Porch, you can read the day's menu tacked to the wall next the the front door." [These are geographic locations.] The Palace Circle is a room. "The Palace Circle is the perfect distance from the Governor's Palace to afford the best view for travelers and guests arriving on horseback or by carriage. From this vantage point, you can see down the length of the Palace Green to the Duke of Gloucester Street on the other end. [if unvisited][paragraph break]You can go through the Palace gates to the [bold type]north[roman type] as well as to other buildings in the Palace compound to the [bold type]northeast[roman type] and the [bold type]northwest[roman type]. [bold type]South[roman type] from here leads you onto the Palace Green, and there are homes to the [bold type]southeast[roman type] and [bold type]southwest[roman type].[end if]" The Palace Green is a room. "From this center location in the Palace Green, you have an unobstructed view from the Governer's Palace to Duke of Gloucester Street.[if unvisited] You can see that the Palace Green would be a very active area when the weather is fair. In an open area such as this, often there will be animals such as oxen or sheep grazing as children play games with balls or hoops. On sunny days in spring or summer, younger couples might be seen strolling in each other's company.[paragraph break]The grassy field is in the shape of a rectangle that runs lengthwise from [bold type]north[roman type] (the direction of the Governer's Palace) to [bold type]south[roman type]. Houses are both to the [bold type]east[roman type] and [bold type]west[roman type], while the Bruton Parish Church is to the [bold type]southwest[roman type] and another smaller building is to the [bold type]southeast[roman type].[end if]" The End of the Palace Green is a room. "You are standing at the end of the long stretch of land known as the Palace Green. It is a long stretch of land that extends out from the Governor's Palace. There are a few oak trees growing here and there, but most of the land is grassy area used for a variety of things from children playing to animals gazing, to small groups of men discussing news of the day or women sharing their thoughts of the latest fashions from the Continent. [if not visited] This spot affords one of the best views of Williamsburg. To the [bold type]north[roman type], you see the Governor's Palace at the far end of the Palace Green. To the [bold type]northwest[roman type] is Bruton Parish Church, while to the [bold type]northeast[roman type] is the Geddy House. While you cannot see the College of William and Mary from this location, you know that it is within walking distance to the [bold type]west[roman type]. When you turn to the [bold type]east[roman type], you can make out the Capitol at the very far end of the building-lined Duke of Gloucester Street. You never tire of this view, with the hustle and bustle of the city all around.[otherwise]" The Path to the Brick Yard is a room. "The Path to the Brick Yard leads north from Nicholson Street." Nicholson Street & North England Street is a room. "North England Street comes in from the north and ends at the east-west running Nicholson Street. This intersection is known for the Randolph House in the northest corner." Nicholson Street & Queen Street is a room. "Nicholson Street and Queen Street form a T, with Queen Street leading to the south." Nicholson Street & Colonial Street is a room. "You are on Nicholson Street at Colonial Street's north end. The Cabinetmaker is on the north side of Nicholson Street." Nicholson Street & Botetourt Street is a room. "Botetourt Street comes to its northern end here at Nicholson Street." Nicholson Street & Waller Street is a room. "The intersection of Nicholson Street and Waller Street is at the northeast corner of Williamsburg." Duke of Gloucester Street & Queen Street is a room. "Standing at the intersection, you have a good view of the homes and places of business that line Duke of Gloucester Street. Heading [bold type]east[roman type] will take you to the intersection at Colonial Street, while going [bold type]west[roman type] will have you at the End of the Palace Green. Going [bold type]north[roman type] on Queen Street leads to Nicholson Street, and Francis Street is to the[bold type]south[roman type]. Chowning's Tavern is to the [bold type]northwest[roman type], and moving [bold type]northeast[roman type] will take you to Prentis Store. If you head to the [bold type]southwest[roman type] corner of the intersection and walk a little way, you will find the Shoemaker." Duke of Gloucester Street & Colonial Street is a room. "The Duke of Gloucester Street crosses the north-south running Colonial Street to form an intersection in a robust commercial area of Williamsburg.[if unvisited] Several shops and places of business line the north side of the Duke of Gloucester Street especially running east toward Botetourt Street, while it appears more private residences are on the south side, as well as running up and down Colonial Street.[end if]" Duke of Gloucester Street & Botetourt Street is a room. "Shops and homes run up and down both sides of the Duke of Gloucester Street from this intersection with Botetourt Street." Duke of Gloucester Street & Blair Street is a room. "This is the east end of the Duke of Gloucester Street, and it forms the corner of an L with Blair Street which leads south. [if unvisited] The Capitol Building is an imposing and inspiring sight here, and you are quietly moved as you stand just outside the seat of Virginia's House of Burgesses for the first time. Though you've lived your entire life in Richmond, it never occurred to you to visit Williamsburg until just recently when you saw Patrick Henry speak. [end if]" The Armoury Path is a room. "Running behind the buildings that are closer to the street, the Armoury Path is a short walk. [if unvisited] The path itself is lined by well-kept plants and flowers, now starting to bloom in the springtime. Not easily visible from the Duke of Gloucester Street to the [bold type]north[roman type], the armoury is to the [bold type]south[roman type]. Heading [bold type]east[roman type] from here will take you to the intersection at Botetourt Street, while Colonial Street is to the [bold type]west[roman type]. [end if]" Francis Street & Queen Street is a room. "On the south side of Williamsburg, Francis Street runs east-west. You are at the spot where Queen Street comes to its southern end." Francis Street & Colonial Street is a room. "Colonial Street comes from the north and ends where Francis Street crosses east to west." Francis Street & Botetourt Street is a room. "You're at the corner where Botetourt Street ends at Francis Street." Francis Street & Blair Street is a room. "At the intersection of Francis Street & Blair Street, you can see the Capitol building toward the north on the right side of Blair." Francis Street & Waller Street is a room. "Francis Street & Waller Street come together at Williamsburg's southeastern corner." The Magazine is a room. "The eight-sided brick building is the storehouse for Williamsburg's supply of gunpowder and a variety of weapons and supplies including shot, powder, flints, long and short flintlocks, melee weapons, and a variety of camping gear. [if unvisited]The equipment and supplied stored here for the community are needed for defense against the native population, slave unreset, local riots, and even pirate raids. There are at least two, but likely three levels for powder and weapons storage in the Magazine, but without going inside you cannot know for certain.[paragraph break]Directly to the [bold type]north[roman type] is the Courthouse, while you are also able to walk away from here by going [bold type]southeast[roman type] or [bold type]northwest[roman type].[end if]" The Street-in-front-of-the-Magazine is a room. [These are the building to street connections.] The Street-in-front-of-the-Courthouse is a room. South of the Courthouse is the Magazine. West of the Street-in-front-of-the-Courthouse is the End of the Palace Green. East of the Street-in-front-of-the-Courthouse is the Duke of Gloucester Street & Queen Street. East of the End of the Palace Green is the Duke of Gloucester Street & Queen Street. West of the Duke of Gloucester Street & Queen Street is the End of the Palace Green. West of the Street-in-front-of-the-Magazine is the End of the Palace Green. East of the Street-in-front-of-the-Magazine is the Duke of Gloucester Street & Queen Street. West of the Street-in-front-of-Chowning's-Tavern is the End of the Palace Green. East of the Street-in-front-of-Chowning's-Tavern is the Duke of Gloucester Street & Queen Street. [These are Navigation pathway connections.] The Governor's Palace is north of the Palace Circle. The Palace Circle is north of the Palace Green. The Palace Kitchen is northwest of the Palace Circle. The Palace Carriage House is northeast of the Palace Circle. The Palace Green is west of the St George Tucker House. The St George Tucker House is west of Nicholson Street & North England Street. Northwest of the St George Tucker House is the Everard House. The Everard House is southeast of the Palace Circle. South of the Everard House is the St George Tucker House. Southeast of the Everard House is nothing. West of the Gunsmith & Foundry is the Palace Green. The Gunsmith & Foundry is south of the St George Tucker House. The Gunsmith & Foundry is southeast of the Palace Green. Northeast of the Bruton Parish Church is the Palace Green. The Wythe House is southwest of the Palace Circle. The Wythe House is west of the Palace Green. North of the Wythe House is the Palace Circle. The End of the Palace Green is south of the Palace Green. The Bruton Parish Church is northwest of the End of the Palace Green. The Bruton Parish Church is west of the Geddy House. The End of the Palace Green is northwest of the Shoemaker. The Geddy House is north of the Shoemaker. Northeast of the Shoemaker is the Courthouse. East of the Shoemaker is Duke of Gloucester Street & Queen Street. The Geddy House is south of the Gunsmith & Foundry. The Geddy House is northeast of the End of the Palace Green. The Courthouse is southeast of the Geddy House. Nothing is northeast of the Courthouse. The Courthouse is north of the Magazine. The Shoemaker is northwest of the Magazine. The Magazine is southeast of the Shoemaker. The Courthouse is west of Chowning's Tavern. East of Chowning's Tavern is Duke of Gloucester Street & Queen Street. The Bruton Parish Church is south of the Wythe House. Nicholson Street & North England Street is west of Nicholson Street & Queen Street. Nicholson Street & Queen Street is west of the Path to the Brick Yard. Nicholson Street & Colonial Street is east of the Path to the Brick Yard. Nicholson Street & North England Street is southwest of the Randolph House. Nicholson Street & Queen Street is southeast of the Randolph House. The Cabinetmaker is north of Nicholson Street & Colonial Street. The Brick Yard is north of the Path to the Brick Yard. South of the Brick Yard is nothing. West of the Brick Yard is the Path to the Brick Yard. The Brick Yard is northwest of the Cabinetmaker. The Cooper is south of the Path to the Brick Yard. Nicholson Street & Colonial Street is west of Nicholson Street & Botetourt Street. The Military Encampment is northeast of Nicholson Street & Botetourt Street. Nicholson Street & Botetourt Street is west of the Public Gaol. Nicholson Street & Waller Street is east of the Public Gaol. Nicholson Street & Waller Street is west of the Powell House. Nicholson Street & Waller Street is north of Christiana Campbell's Tavern. Francis Street & Waller Street is south of Christiana Campbell's Tavern. The Presbyterian Meetinghouse is southwest of Christiana Campbell's Tavern. The Presbyterian Meetinghouse is southeast of the Capitol Entrance. The Capitol Entrance is west of Christiana Campbell's Tavern. The Tavern Porch is east of Christiana Campbell's Tavern. The Capitol Courtyard is north of the Capitol Entrance. The Capitol Entrance is east of Duke of Gloucester Street & Blair Street. The Capitol Rear Entrance is north of the Capitol Courtyard. The Public Gaol is north of the Capitol Rear Entrance. The Secretary's Office is northwest of the Capitol Rear Entrance. The Secretary's Office is north of the Duke of Gloucester Street & Blair Street. The End of the Palace Green is west of Duke of Gloucester Street & Queen Street. Chowning's Tavern is northwest of Duke of Gloucester Street & Queen Street. Duke of Gloucester Street & Queen Street is west of Duke of Gloucester Street & Colonial Street. Prentis Store is northwest of Duke of Gloucester Street & Colonial Street. Prentis Store is northeast of Duke of Gloucester Street & Queen Street. West of Prentis Store is Duke of Gloucester Street & Queen Street. East of Prentis Store is Duke of Gloucester Street & Colonial Street. The Armoury Path is north of the Public Armoury. West of the Armoury Path is Duke of Gloucester Street & Colonial Street. East of the Armoury Path is Duke of Gloucester Street & Botetourt Street. The Armoury Path is southeast of the Duke of Gloucester Street & Colonial Street. The Armoury Path is southwest of the Duke of Gloucester Street & Botetourt Street. Northwest of the Armoury Path is nothing. Northeast of the Armoury Path is nothing. The William Pitt Store is northwest of the Duke of Gloucester Street & Botetourt Street. East of the William Pitt Store is the Duke of Gloucester Street & Botetourt Street. The Grocer is west of the William Pitt Store. The Grocer is north of the Armoury Path. The Post Office is west of the Grocer. The Printing Office & Bindery is west of the Post Office. The Duke of Gloucester Street & Colonial Street is west of the Printing Office & Bindery. The Printing Office & Bindery is northeast of the Duke of Gloucester Street & Colonial Street. Duke of Gloucester Street & Colonial Street is west of Duke of Gloucester Street & Botetourt Street. Duke of Gloucester Street & Botetourt Street is west of Duke of Gloucester Street & Blair Street. Charlton's Coffee House is northwest of Duke of Gloucester Street & Blair Street. The Apothecary is west of Charlton's Coffee House. Raleigh Tavern is west of the Apothecary. The Silversmith is west of Raleigh Tavern. The Milliner & Tailor is west of the Silversmith. The Milliner & Tailor is northwest of the Wigmaker. West of the Milliner & Tailor is Duke of Gloucester Street & Botetourt Street. Northeast of Duke of Gloucester Street & Botetourt Street is the Milliner & Tailor. Tarpley Thompson & Company is southeast of Duke of Gloucester Street & Botetourt Street. Anderson's Tavern is east of Tarpley Thompson & Company. The Wigmaker is east of Anderson's Tavern. King's Arms Tavern is east of the Wigmaker. Shield's Tavern is east of King's Arms Tavern. Shield's Tavern is south of the Apothecary. Raleigh Tavern is north of King's Arms Tavern. Anderson's Tavern is south of the Milliner & Tailor. Duke of Gloucester Street & Botetourt Street is east of Shield's Tavern. Charlton's Coffeehouse is northeast of Shield's Tavern. The Magazine is northwest of Francis Street & Queen Street. Francis Street & Queen Street is west of Francis Street & Colonial Street. Francis Street & Colonial Street is west of Francis Street & Botetourt Street. Francis Street & Botetourt Street is west of Francis Street & Blair Street. Francis Street & Blair Street is west of Francis Street & Waller Street. Nicholson Street & Queen Street is north of Duke of Gloucester Street & Queen Street. The College of William & Mary is west of the End of the Palace Green. Duke of Gloucester Street & Queen Street is north of Francis Street & Queen Street. Nicholson Street & Colonial Street is north of Duke of Gloucester Street & Colonial Street. Duke of Gloucester Street & Colonial Street is north of Francis Street & Colonial Street. Nicholson Street & Botetourt Street is north of Duke of Gloucester Street & Botetourt Street. Duke of Gloucester Street & Botetourt Street is north of Francis Street & Botetourt Street. Duke of Gloucester Street & Botetourt Street is east of Duke of Gloucester Street & Colonial Street. Duke of Gloucester Street & Blair Street is north of Francis Street & Blair Street. The Public Hospital is west of Francis Street & Queen Street. Nothing is east of the Public Hospital. Francis Street & Queen Street is northeast of the Public Hospital. The College of William & Mary is northwest of the Public Hospital. [This is the character code] Patrick Henry is a man. Patrick Henry is in the Capitol Courtyard. The description of Patrick Henry is "A man of great presence of personality and a piercing gaze." After asking Patrick Henry about "Magazine" for the first time: say "Mr. Henry says, 'It is an outrage that Governor Dunmore should think we Virginians would stand for such a thing!'" After asking Patrick Henry about "Magazine" for the second time: say "Mr. Henry says, 'Ah, I see you would like a more nuanced opinion. No doubt this was an act of treachery meant to rob the colonists of any ability to resist unjust measures by the Crown.'" After asking Patrick Henry about "the Magazine": say "Mr. Henry says, 'It is an outrage that Governor Dunmore should think we Virginians would stand for such a thing!'" After asking Patrick Henry about "the Magazine" for the second time: say "Mr. Henry says, 'Ah, I see you would like a more nuanced opinion. No doubt this was an act of treachery meant to rob the colonists of any ability to resist unjust measures by the Crown.'" [This is the test code area.] Understand "xwilliam" as xwilliam. xwilliam is an action applying to nothing. Check xwilliam: move player to the College of William & Mary. Understand "xgovernor" as xgovernor. xgovernor is an action applying to nothing. Check xgovernor: move player to the Governor's Palace. Understand "xcapitol" as xcapitol. xcapitol is an action applying to nothing. Check xcapitol: move player to the Capitol Entrance. Understand "xanderson" as xanderson. xanderson is an action applying to nothing. Check xanderson: move player to Anderson's Tavern.